HomeMy WebLinkAbout20121011Kinney DI.pdfDAVID J. MEYER VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF COUNSEL FOR REGULATORY & GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS AVISTA CORPORATION P.O. BOX 3727 1411 EAST MISSION AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99220-3727 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4316 FACSIMILE: (509) 495-8851 DAVID.MEYER@AVISTACORP.COM BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) CASE NO. AVU-E-12-08 OF AVISTA CORPORATION FOR THE ) AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES ) AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC AND ) NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO ELECTRIC ) DIRECT TESTIMONY AND NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE ) OF STATE OF IDAHO ) SCOTT J. KINNEY ) FOR AVISTA CORPORATION (ELECTRIC ONLY) Kinney, Di 1 Avista Corporation I. INTRODUCTION 1 Q. Please state your name, employer and business 2 address. 3 A. My name is Scott J. Kinney. I am employed by 4 Avista Corporation as Director, Transmission Operations. 5 My business address is 1411 East Mission, Spokane, 6 Washington. 7 Q. Please briefly describe your educational 8 background and professional experience. 9 A. I graduated from Gonzaga University in 1991 with 10 a B.S. in Electrical Engineering. I am a licensed 11 Professional Engineer in the State of Washington. I joined 12 the Company in 1999 after spending eight years with the 13 Bonneville Power Administration. I have held several 14 different positions in the Transmission Department. I 15 started at Avista as a Senior Transmission Planning 16 Engineer. In 2002, I moved to the System Operations 17 Department as a supervisor and support engineer. In 2004, 18 I was appointed as the Chief Engineer, System Operations. 19 In June of 2008 I was selected to my current position as 20 Director, Transmission Operations. 21 Q. What is the scope of your testimony? 22 Kinney, Di 2 Avista Corporation A. My testimony describes Avista’s pro forma period 1 transmission revenues and expenses. I also discuss the 2 Transmission and Distribution expenditures that are part of 3 the capital additions testimony provided by Company witness 4 Mr. DeFelice, as well as projects associated with the 5 Company’s Asset Management Program. Company witness Ms. 6 Andrews incorporates the Idaho share of the net 7 transmission expenses and investment 8 Q. Are you sponsoring any Exhibits? 9 A. Yes. Exhibit 9, Schedule 1 provides the 10 transmission pro forma adjustments. 11 12 A table of contents for my testimony is as follows: 13 Section Page 14 I. Introduction 1 15 II. Pro Forma Transmission Expenses 2 16 III. Pro Forma Transmission Revenue 13 17 IV. Transmission and Distribution Capital Projects 24 18 V. Vegetation Management Program 55 19 20 II. PRO FORMA TRANSMISSION EXPENSES 21 Q. Please describe the pro forma transmission 22 expense revisions included in this filing. 23 Kinney, Di 3 Avista Corporation A. Adjustments were made in this filing to 1 incorporate updated information for any changes in 2 transmission expenses from the July 2011 to June 2012 test 3 year to the 2013 pro forma rate period. The changes in 4 expenses and a description of each is summarized in Table 1 5 and are system costs with the exception of Grid West, which 6 is a direct Idaho cost: 7 Table 1: Transmission Expense Adjustments *Pro Forma (System) Northwest Power Pool (NWPP) $ 3,000 Colstrip Transmission $ (43,000) ColumbiaGrid RTO $ 55,000 ColumbiaGrid Transmission Planning $ 17,000 ColumbiaGrid OASIS $ 4,000 Elect Sched & Acctg Srv (OATI) $ 8,000 NERC CIP $ 2,000 OASIS Expenses $ 9,000 BPA Power Factor Penalty $ (1,000) WECC Total Dues - WECC Sys Secur & Admin- Net Oper Comm Sys $ 67,000 WECC - Loop Flow $ (14,000) CNC Transmission Project $ 126,000 Transmission Line Ratings Confirmation Plan (NERC Alert) $ (189,000) Total System Expense $ 44,000 Grid West (ID Direct) $ (35,000) Total Expense $ 9,000 *Representing the change in expense above or below the 2011 test period level. 8 9 Northwest Power Pool (NWPP) ($3,000) – Avista pays its 10 share of the NWPP operating costs. The NWPP serves the 11 electric utilities in the Northwest by supporting regional 12 Kinney, Di 4 Avista Corporation transmission planning coordination, providing coordinated 1 transmission operations including contingency generation 2 reserve sharing, and Columbia River water coordination. 3 Actual test period transmission related NWPP expenses were 4 $51,000 and a $3,000 adjustment is being made to the pro 5 forma period to reflect an approved 6.2% increase in the 6 NWPP expenses allocated to the Company. 7 Colstrip Transmission (-$43,000) – Avista is required 8 to pay its portion of the O&M costs associated with its 9 share of the Colstrip transmission system pursuant to the 10 joint Colstrip contract. In accordance with NorthWestern 11 Energy’s (NWE) proposed Colstrip transmission plan provided 12 to the Company, NWE will bill Avista $387,000 for Avista’s 13 share of the Colstrip O&M expense during the pro forma 14 period. This is a decrease of $43,000 from the actual 15 expense of $430,000 incurred during the test year. 16 ColumbiaGrid ($55,000) – Avista became a member of the 17 ColumbiaGrid regional organization in 2006. ColumbiaGrid’s 18 purpose is to enhance transmission system reliability and 19 efficiency, provide cost-effective coordinated regional 20 transmission planning, develop and facilitate the 21 implementation of solutions relating to improved use and 22 expansion of the interconnected Northwest transmission 23 Kinney, Di 5 Avista Corporation system, reduce transmission system congestion, and support 1 effective market monitoring within the Northwest and the 2 entire Western interconnection. Avista supports 3 ColumbiaGrid’s general developmental and regional 4 coordination activities under a general funding agreement 5 and supports specific functional activities under the 6 Planning and Expansion Functional Agreement and the OASIS 7 Functional Agreement. The current general funding 8 agreement for ColumbiaGrid expires December 31, 2012, 9 however a follow-on contract will be developed to replace 10 the expiring contract. Avista’s ColumbiaGrid general 11 funding expenses for the test year were $132,000 while 2013 12 general funding expenses provided by ColumbiaGrid at a 13 Board meeting on August 14, 2012 are forecasted to be 14 $187,000, an increase of $55,000. 15 ColumbiaGrid Transmission Planning ($17,000) – The 16 ColumbiaGrid Planning and Expansion Functional Agreement 17 (PEFA) was accepted by the Federal Energy Regulatory 18 Commission (FERC) on April 3, 2007 and Avista entered into 19 the PEFA on April 4, 2007. Coordinated transmission 20 planning activities under the PEFA allow the Company to 21 meet the coordinated regional transmission planning 22 requirements set forth in FERC’s Order 890 issued in 23 Kinney, Di 6 Avista Corporation February, 2007, and outlined in the Company’s Open Access 1 Transmission Tariff, Attachment K. Funding under the PEFA 2 is on a two-year cycle with provisions to adjust for 3 inflation. Actual PEFA expenses for the test year were 4 $209,000. The Company’s PEFA pro forma expenses are at the 5 maximum total payment obligation of $226,000 as provided at 6 the Board meeting on August 14, 2012. This cost reflects 7 ColumbiaGrid’s staffing levels to support the PEFA and the 8 reallocation of a portion of ColumbiaGrid’s administrative 9 expenses (previously paid under the general funding 10 agreement) to this functional agreement. 11 ColumbiaGrid Open Access Same-Time Information System 12 (OASIS) ($4,000) – Avista entered into the ColumbiaGrid 13 OASIS Functional Agreement in February 2008. This 14 agreement provides for the development of a common OASIS 15 which gives transmission customers the ability to purchase 16 transmission capacity from multiple ColumbiaGrid members 17 via a single common OASIS site instead of having to submit 18 multiple transmission service requests to each member 19 individually on each member’s respective OASIS sites. 20 Avista’s test year expenses of $30,000 reflected initial 21 developmental activities under this functional agreement. 22 Avista’s ColumbiaGrid OASIS pro forma expenses are $34,000, 23 Kinney, Di 7 Avista Corporation reflecting operational capability of the ColumbiaGrid OASIS 1 and the reallocation of a portion of ColumbiaGrid’s 2 administrative expenses (previously paid under the general 3 funding agreement) to this functional agreement. 4 Electric Scheduling and Accounting Services ($8,000) – 5 The $8,000 increase in the pro forma period compared to 6 test year expense for electric scheduling and accounting 7 services is a result of annual increases and additional 8 services purchased from our third party vendor. These 9 services are required to assist in meeting the requirements 10 of North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) 11 mandatory reliability standards. The pro forma scheduling 12 and accounting costs are $179,000 compared to test year 13 costs of $171,000. 14 NERC Critical Infrastructure Protection ($2,000) – The 15 Company has purchased several software products to assist 16 in protecting critical transmission system data from 17 intrusion and to meet applicable NERC standards. The 18 Company’s pro forma expenses increase $2,000 from the 19 actual test year expense of $31,000 due to annual 20 application maintenance cost increases. 21 OASIS Expenses ($9,000) – These OASIS expenses are 22 associated with travel and training costs for transmission 23 Kinney, Di 8 Avista Corporation pre-scheduling and OASIS personnel. This travel is 1 required to monitor and adhere to NERC reliability 2 standards, regional criterion development, and FERC OASIS 3 requirements. The costs associated with OASIS expenses in 4 the pro forma period are $9,000 compared to $450 of actual 5 expenses in the test year. In the test year employees 6 associated with the OASIS function did not travel much nor 7 attend training due to increased workload associated with 8 several new projects and requirements. 9 Power Factor Penalty (-$1,000) – Power factor penalty 10 costs are associated with the Bonneville Power 11 Administration’s (Bonneville) General Transmission Rate 12 Schedule Provisions. Bonneville charges a power factor 13 penalty at all interconnections with Avista that exceed a 14 given threshold for reactive power flow during each month. 15 If the reactive flow from Bonneville’s transmission system 16 into Avista’s system or from Avista’s system to 17 Bonneville’s system exceeds a given threshold, then 18 Bonneville bills Avista according to its rate schedule. 19 The charge includes a 12-month rolling ratchet provision. 20 Avista currently pays Bonneville a power factor penalty at 21 several points of interconnection. Avista incurred 22 $203,000 of power factory penalty charges during the test 23 Kinney, Di 9 Avista Corporation year. The Company’s pro forma 2013 expenses are expected 1 to be $202,000 representing a continuation of the current 2 12 month ratchet set in June of 2012. 3 WECC – System Security Monitor and WECC Administration 4 & Net Operating Committee Fees ($67,000) – The WECC Board 5 of Directors approved a 12.5% increase in dues for 2013 at 6 their Board meeting in June of 2012. The increase is 7 primarily associated with labor and software additions to 8 support additional reliability and compliance requirements 9 for the WECC Reliability Coordinator function. WECC is 10 also responsible for monitoring and measuring Avista’s 11 compliance with the standards and, therefore, continues to 12 increase its staff and other resources to meet this FERC 13 requirement. The Company paid its 2012 WECC assessments in 14 January 2012: $205,000 for system security monitoring and 15 $328,000 for operating and support fees, for a total WECC 16 assessment of $533,000. The Company’s total pro forma 2013 17 expenses have been increased by 12.5% to $600,000 ($231,000 18 for system security and $369,000 for operating and support) 19 to reflect the WECC Board approved funding levels. 20 WECC - Loop Flow (-$14,000) – Loop Flow charges are 21 spread across all transmission owners in the West to 22 compensate utilities that make system adjustments to 23 Kinney, Di 10 Avista Corporation eliminate transmission system congestion throughout the 1 operating year. WECC Loop Flow charges can vary from year 2 to year since the costs incurred are dependent on 3 transmission system usage and congestion. Therefore a 4 five-year average is used to determine future Loop Flow 5 costs. Based upon the average WECC Loop Flow charges 6 incurred by the Company during the five-year period from 7 2008 through 2012, pro forma Loop Flow expenses are 8 $31,000. This is $14,000 less than actual test year 9 charges of $45,000, which included payments for the 2011 10 and 2012 operating years. 11 Canada to Northern California (CNC) Transmission 12 Project ($126,000) – The CNC transmission project was 13 initially proposed by Pacific Gas and Electric Company 14 (“PG&E”). As initially proposed, the CNC transmission 15 project was an Extra High Voltage (“EHV”) transmission 16 project that, if developed, would include a 500kV 17 transmission line that would run between British Columbia, 18 Canada and Northern California. With PG&E as the primary 19 sponsor, Avista, British Columbia Transmission Corporation, 20 PacifiCorp and Transmission Agency of Northern California 21 were also original sponsors of the CNC transmission 22 project. The cost accrued by Avista for its participation 23 Kinney, Di 11 Avista Corporation in the CNC regional transmission project was $758,000. Of 1 this amount, $537,000 is the amount Avista paid for its 2 share of the initial sponsorship of the CNC transmission 3 project pursuant to the Stage One Project Development 4 Agreement, and $221,000 consisted of the direct 5 transmission planning expenses incurred by Avista. Avista 6 is amortizing these expenses over a three-year period 7 beginning in 2012, resulting in an amortized expense of 8 $253,000 ($88,000 Idaho share) in the pro forma period. A 9 total of $127,000 (6 months) was amortized in the test 10 year1. 11 Transmission Line Ratings Confirmation Plan (NERC 12 Alert) ($-189,000) – The Transmission Line Ratings 13 Confirmation Plan was developed to address a “NERC Alert” 14 issued on October 7, 2010. The NERC issued a 15 “Recommendation to Industry addressing Consideration of 16 Actual Field Conditions in Determination of Facility 17 Ratings” based on a vegetation contact conductor-to-ground 18 fault by another Transmission Owner. The NERC Alert was 19 issued to provide the industry an opportunity to review 20 actual field conditions and compare them to design values 21 1 The amortization of the Canada to Northern California (CNC) Transmission Line was proposed in the Company’s last general rate case (AVU-E-11-01) that was resolved through a “black-box” settlement. The amortization period represents the method proposed in AVU-E-11-01. Kinney, Di 12 Avista Corporation to ensure system reliability. Avista initiated a three 1 year program beginning in 2011 to perform Light Detection 2 and Ranging (LIDAR) surveying of all Avista 230kV 3 transmission lines and five (5) 115kV transmission lines. 4 A total of 1400 miles of transmission lines were to be 5 evaluated at a projected total system cost of $2.945 6 million. The total project cost for this effort has been 7 reduced to $2.260 million based on a reduction of miles 8 required to evaluate. The remaining pro forma costs for 9 this project are $0.323 million. The test year expenses 10 associated with this project was $0.512 million. 11 Grid West (ID Direct) (-$35,000) - Avista signed an 12 initial funding agreement in 2000, as did all other Pacific 13 Northwest investor-owned electric utilities, to provide 14 funding for the start-up phase of Grid West (then named 15 "RTO West"). Grid West had planned to repay the loans to 16 Avista and other funding utilities through surcharges to 17 customers once it became operational. With the dissolution 18 of Grid West, this repayment did not occur. As a result, 19 Avista filed an application with the Commission to defer 20 these costs. The Commission approved, on October 24, 2006, 21 in Order No. 30151, the Company’s request for an order 22 authorizing deferred accounting treatment for loan amounts 23 Kinney, Di 13 Avista Corporation made to Grid West. In its Order the IPUC found these costs 1 to be "prudent and in the public interest" and required the 2 Company to begin amortization of the Idaho share of the 3 loan principal ($422,000) beginning January 2007, for five 4 years. With the completion of the amortization in December 5 2011 the Company will not incur costs associated with Grid 6 West in the pro forma period. Avista did amortize a total 7 of $35,000 in the test year. 8 9 III. PRO FORMA TRANSMISSION REVENUES 10 Q. Please describe the pro forma transmission 11 revenue revisions included in this filing. 12 A. Adjustments have been made in this filing to 13 incorporate updated information associated with known 14 changes in transmission revenue for the 2013 pro forma 15 period as compared to the 2011/12 test year. Each revenue 16 item described below is at a system level and is included 17 in Schedule 1 of Exhibit No. 9. Please see Table 2 and 18 descriptions below for further detail on the revenue pro 19 forma amounts. 20 Kinney, Di 14 Avista Corporation Table 2: Transmission Revenue Adjustments *Pro Forma (System) Borderline Wheeling Transmission & Low Voltage $ 40,000 Seattle/Tacoma Main Canal $ (7,000) Seattle/Tacoma Summer Falls $ 0 OASIS, non-firm, & short-term firm (Other Wheeling) $ (2,764,000) Pacificorp– Dry Gulch $ (4,000) Spokane Waste to Energy Plant $ (66,000) Grand Coulee Project $ 0 Palouse Wind $ 0 Palouse Wind O&M $ 70,000 Stimson Lumber $ 3,000 Hydro Tech Systems – Meyers Falls $ 3,000 BPA Parallel Operating Agreement Settlement $ 3,192,000 Morgan Stanley Transmission Service $ 600,000 Total Expense $ 1,067,000 *Representing the change in revenue above or below the 2011 test period level. 1 2 Borderline Wheeling Transmission and Low Voltage 3 ($40,000) 4 Total borderline wheeling revenues including 5 Transmission ($7,169,000) and Low Voltage ($1,071,000) for 6 the test year were $8,240,000. Total borderline wheeling 7 revenue in the pro forma period has been set at $8,280,000 8 (Transmission, $7,209,000 and Low Voltage, $1,071,000), 9 which reflects a slight increase over the test year. In 10 the past the pro forma borderline revenue has been 11 developed using a five-year rolling average of revenues 12 from borderline wheeling service provided to Bonneville and 13 other customers since a large portion of the revenue is 14 dependent upon usage. However, with billing adjustments 15 implemented in 2009 and the new transmission rates that 16 went into effect in 2010, use of the previous five-years of 17 actual revenues would not properly reflect the new level of 18 Kinney, Di 15 Avista Corporation revenues. Therefore, pro forma transmission revenue has 1 been set equal to the average of actual revenue from 2010, 2 2011 and 2012 through June, or set per the actual charges 3 in each specific contract. Each of the specific borderline 4 contracts is further described below. 5 Borderline Wheeling – Bonneville Power 6 Administration – ($37,000) Actual test year revenue 7 from borderline wheeling service provided to 8 Bonneville was $7,994,000. The Bonneville 9 borderline wheeling contracts are divided into 10 transmission and low voltage service. These were 11 accounted for separately beginning in October of 12 2010 as a result of the new transmission rates. The 13 new transmission rates apply to transmission 14 service, but not to low voltage service. The pro 15 forma Bonneville borderline wheeling revenue is 16 $8,031,000, which is the average of actual revenues 17 from 2010, 2011, and 2012 through June. 18 Borderline Wheeling – Grant County PUD – ($0) The 19 Company provides borderline wheeling service to two 20 Grant County PUD substations under a Power Transfer 21 Agreement executed in 1980. Charges under this 22 agreement are not impacted by the Company’s 23 transmission service rates under Avista’s Open 24 Access Transmission Tariff so a five-year average is 25 used to determine the pro forma revenue of $26,000, 26 which was the same as the test year. 27 Borderline Wheeling – East Greenacres Irrigation 28 District – ($0) The Company restructured its 29 contract to provide borderline wheeling service to 30 Kinney, Di 16 Avista Corporation the East Greenacres Irrigation District in April, 1 2009, resulting in monthly wheeling revenue of 2 $5,000. Revenue under this agreement for the test 3 year was $60,000. Revenue for the 2013 pro forma 4 period will remain the same at $60,000. 5 Borderline Wheeling – Spokane Tribe of Indians – 6 ($2,000) The Company provides borderline wheeling 7 service over both transmission and low-voltage 8 facilities to the Spokane Tribe of Indians. Total 9 transmission and low-voltage wheeling revenue under 10 this contract for the test year was $41,000. 11 Revenue associated with the transmission component 12 of this contract is adjusted annually per the 13 contract. Accordingly, 2013 pro forma period 14 revenue under this contract is set at $43,000. 15 Borderline Wheeling – Consolidated Irrigation 16 District – ($1,000) The Company provides borderline 17 wheeling service over both transmission and low-18 voltage facilities to the Consolidated Irrigation 19 District. Total transmission and low-voltage 20 wheeling revenue under this contract for the 2011 21 test year was $118,000. A new contract signed with 22 the Consolidated Irrigation District in October of 23 2011 resulted in a shift of charges between 24 transmission and low-voltage services. Per the new 25 contract, the total Consolidated Irrigation District 26 revenue for the pro forma period is $119,000. 27 28 Seattle and Tacoma Revenues Associated with the Main 29 Canal Project (-$7,000) – Effective March 1, 2008, the 30 Kinney, Di 17 Avista Corporation Company entered into long-term point-to-point transmission 1 service arrangements with the City of Seattle and the City 2 of Tacoma to transfer output from the Main Canal 3 hydroelectric project, net of local Grant County PUD load 4 service, to the Company’s transmission interconnections 5 with Grant County PUD. Service is provided during the 6 eight months of the year (March through October) in which 7 the Main Canal project operates and the agreements include 8 a three-year ratchet demand provision. Revenues under 9 these agreements totaled $288,000 during the test year. 10 Pro forma revenues are expected to be $281,000 based on a 11 reduction in the ratchet demand. 12 Seattle and Tacoma Revenues Associated with the Summer 13 Falls Project ($0) – Effective March 1, 2008, the Company 14 entered into long-term use-of-facilities arrangements with 15 the City of Seattle and the City of Tacoma to transfer 16 output from the Summer Falls hydroelectric project across 17 the Company’s Stratford Switching Station facilities to the 18 Company’s Stratford interconnection with Grant County PUD. 19 Charges under this use-of-facilities arrangement are based 20 upon the Company’s investment in its Stratford Switching 21 Station and are not impacted by the Company’s transmission 22 service rates under its Open Access Transmission Tariff. 23 Kinney, Di 18 Avista Corporation Revenues under these two contracts totaled $74,000 in the 1 test year and will remain the same for the 2013 pro forma 2 period. 3 OASIS Non-Firm and Short-Term Firm Transmission 4 Service (-$2,764,000) – OASIS is an acronym for Open Access 5 Same-time Information System. This is the system used by 6 electric transmission providers for selling and scheduling 7 available transmission capacity to eligible customers. The 8 terms and conditions under which the Company sells its 9 transmission capacity via its OASIS are pursuant to FERC 10 regulations and Avista’s FERC Open Access Transmission 11 Tariff. The Company is calculating its pro forma 12 adjustments using a three-year average of actual OASIS Non-13 Firm and Short-Term Firm revenue. OASIS transmission 14 revenue may vary significantly depending upon a number of 15 factors, including current wholesale power market 16 conditions, forced or planned generation resource outage 17 situations in the region, current load-resource balance 18 status of regional load-serving entities and the 19 availability of parallel transmission paths for prospective 20 transmission customers. The use of a three-year average is 21 intended to strike a balance in mitigating both long-term 22 and short-term impacts to OASIS revenue. A three-year 23 Kinney, Di 19 Avista Corporation period is intended to be long enough to mitigate the 1 impacts of non-substantial temporary operational conditions 2 (for generation and transmission) that may occur during a 3 given year and it is intended to be short-enough so as to 4 not dilute the impacts of long-term transmission and 5 generation topography changes (e.g. major transmission 6 projects which may impact the availability of the Company’s 7 transmission capacity or competing transmission paths, and 8 major generation projects which may impact the load-9 resource balance needs of prospective transmission 10 customers). However, if there are known events or factors 11 that occurred during the period that would cause the 12 average to not be representative of future expectations, 13 then adjustments may be made to the three-year average 14 methodology. In this filing, the Company is using the most 15 recent three-year average with an adjustment to 2011 16 revenues due to additional revenue received from Puget 17 Sound Energy (PSE) as a result of a planned construction 18 outage on BPA’s transmission system. The outage resulted 19 in additional one time revenue of $1.6 million. The 20 adjusted OASIS revenue for 2011 is $3.101 million. Using 21 this adjusted revenue results in pro forma revenue of 22 $2.946 million based on a three-year average from 2009 23 Kinney, Di 20 Avista Corporation through 2011. The test year OASIS revenue was $5.710 1 million and includes the $1.6 million one-time collection 2 from PSE resulting from the BPA construction outage. 3 PacifiCorp Dry Gulch (-$4,000) – Revenue under the Dry 4 Gulch use-of-facilities agreement has been adjusted to 5 $217,000 for the pro forma period, which is a $4,000 6 decrease from the test year actual revenue of $221,000. 7 The Company is calculating its pro forma adjustments using 8 a three-year average of actual revenue. Revenue under the 9 Dry Gulch Transmission and Interconnection Agreement with 10 PacifiCorp varies depending upon PacifiCorp’s loads served 11 via the Dry Gulch Interconnection and the operating 12 conditions of PacifiCorp’s transmission system in this 13 area. The use of a three-year average is intended to 14 mitigate the impacts of potential annual variability in the 15 revenues under the contract. A three-year average is also 16 consistent with the methodology used for the Company’s 17 OASIS revenue. The contract includes a twelve-month 18 rolling ratchet demand provision and charges under this 19 agreement are not impacted by the Company’s open access 20 transmission service tariff rates. The three-year average 21 of revenue was calculated using years 2009 through 2011. 22 Kinney, Di 21 Avista Corporation Spokane Waste-to-Energy Plant (-$66,000) – This 1 revenue has historically been associated with a long-term 2 transmission service agreement with the City of Spokane 3 that expired December 31, 2011. Upon the City of Spokane’s 4 decision to sell the output of the Spokane Waste to Energy 5 facility to Avista beginning January 1, 2012, the City of 6 Spokane no longer required transmission service to deliver 7 the output to a third-party purchaser. Under this new 8 arrangement, the City of Spokane compensates Avista for the 9 use of certain transmission facilities directly related to 10 the interconnection of the Spokane Waste to Energy project. 11 The pro forma revenue associated with this use of facility 12 charge is $28,000. The test year revenue, including six 13 month’s revenue from the expired transmission service 14 contract, was $94,000. 15 Grand Coulee Project Hydroelectric Authority ($0) – 16 The Company provides operations and maintenance services on 17 the Stratford – Summer Falls 115kV Transmission Line to the 18 Grand Coulee Project Hydroelectric authority under a 19 contract signed in March 2006. These services are provided 20 for a fixed annual fee. Annual charges under this contract 21 totaled $8,100 in the test year and will remain the same 22 for the 2013 pro forma period. 23 Kinney, Di 22 Avista Corporation Palouse Wind ($0) – Palouse Wind signed a transmission 1 service contract with the Company based on its initial 2 intent to sell the output from a wind facility to an entity 3 other than Avista, commencing January, 2012. Palouse Wind 4 subsequently executed a power sales contract with Avista, 5 rendering its signed transmission service contract 6 unnecessary at this point in time. Under the terms of 7 Avista’s Open Access Transmission Tariff, Palouse Wind 8 intends to delay use of its 100 MW of reserved transmission 9 service for up to five years unless they are able to re-10 market the capacity. Accordingly, to obtain this deferral 11 Palouse Wind must pay one month’s transmission service 12 reservation fee. Test year revenue associated with this 13 deferred transmission service was $200,000 and the revenue 14 for the 2013 pro forma period is expected to remain the 15 same. 16 Palouse Wind O&M ($70,000) – Separate from any 17 transmission service, Palouse Wind signed an 18 interconnection agreement with the Company to integrate its 19 wind project into the Avista system. Avista constructed a 20 new 230kV switching station (Thornton) to integrate the 21 output from the wind facility. A portion of the cost of the 22 station was directly assigned to Palouse Wind. The 23 Kinney, Di 23 Avista Corporation interconnection agreement includes annual maintenance 1 charges for equipment upkeep associated with those 2 facilities directly assigned to Palouse Wind. Operating 3 and Maintenance (O&M) charges under the interconnection 4 agreement have not been finalized but preliminary 5 calculations estimate the annual O&M charge to be about 6 3.5% of the overall asset costs. Based on this calculation 7 Palouse Wind will pay the Company approximately $70,000 per 8 year starting in 2013 for maintenance associated with 9 directly assigned facilities at Thornton. The Thornton 10 switching station was energized in August, 2012 so no O&M 11 revenue was collected in the test year. 12 Stimson Lumber Agreement ($3,000) – The Company has 13 identified a revenue stream associated with sole-use, or 14 directly assigned, low-voltage facilities related to the 15 integration of small generation resources. The Company 16 will receive annual use-of-facilities revenue of $9,000, or 17 approximately $790 per month, from Stimson Lumber for the 18 dedicated use of low-voltage facilities in the Company’s 19 Plummer Substation. The test year revenue was $6,000. 20 Hydro Tech Systems Agreement ($3,000) – Low-voltage 21 facilities in the Company’s Greenwood Substation are 22 dedicated for use by the Meyers Falls generation project 23 Kinney, Di 24 Avista Corporation resulting in annual use-of-facilities revenue of $6,000, or 1 $510 per month. The pro forma revenue from this agreement 2 is $6,000 while there was $3,000 in revenue collected 3 during the test year. 4 BPA Parallel Operation Agreement ($3,192,000) – The 5 Company is negotiating a Parallel Operation Agreement with 6 the Bonneville Power Administration regarding Bonneville’s 7 use of the Avista transmission system to support the 8 integration of wind in southeastern Washington. Avista and 9 Bonneville have reached tentative agreement on an ongoing 10 settlement approach where Avista may provide Bonneville 11 with up to 133 MW of parallel capacity support in return 12 for a revenue stream roughly commensurate with Bonneville’s 13 cost to upgrade its own system to provide such capacity. 14 The expected pro forma revenue associated with this 15 agreement is $3,192,000. No such revenue was collected 16 during the test year. 17 Morgan Stanley Transmission Service ($600,000) – 18 Morgan Stanley Capital Group signed a five-year 19 transmission service agreement with the Company for 25 MW 20 of long-term firm transmission capacity. The agreement 21 starts January 1, 2013, and will result in annual revenues 22 Kinney, Di 25 Avista Corporation of $600,000. No revenue was collected from this 1 transmission agreement during the test year. 2 3 IV. TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION CAPITAL PROJECTS 4 Q. Please describe the Company’s capital 5 transmission projects that will be completed in 2012? 6 A. Avista continuously needs to invest in its 7 transmission system to maintain reliable customer service 8 and meet mandatory reliability standards. The 2012 and 9 2013 capital transmission projects are being planned and 10 constructed to meet either compliance requirements, improve 11 system reliability, fix broken equipment, or replace aging 12 equipment that is anticipated to fail. 13 Included in the compliance requirements are the North 14 American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) standards, 15 which are national standards that utilities must meet to 16 ensure interconnected system reliability. Beginning June 17 2007, compliance with these standards was made mandatory 18 and failure to meet the requirements could result in 19 monetary penalties of up to $1 million per day per 20 infraction. The majority of the reliability standards 21 pertain to transmission planning, operation, and equipment 22 maintenance. The standards require utilities to plan and 23 Kinney, Di 26 Avista Corporation operate their transmission systems in such a way as to 1 avoid the loss of customers or impact to neighboring 2 utility systems due to the loss of transmission facilities. 3 The transmission system must be designed so that the loss 4 of up to two facilities simultaneously will not impact the 5 interconnected transmission system. These requirements 6 drive the need for Avista to continually invest in its 7 transmission system. Avista is required to perform system 8 planning studies in both the near term (1-5 years) and long 9 term (5-10 years). If a potential violation is observed in 10 the future years, then Avista must develop a project plan 11 to ensure that the violation is fixed prior to it becoming 12 a real-time operating issue. Avista develops future 13 project plans to ensure that the design and construction of 14 the required projects are completed prior to the time they 15 are actually needed. Avista will continue to have a need 16 to develop these compliance-related projects as system load 17 grows, new generation is interconnected, and the system 18 functionality and usage changes. 19 Avista capital transmission project requirements are 20 developed through system planning studies, engineering 21 analysis, or scheduled upgrades or replacements. The 22 larger specific projects that are developed through the 23 Kinney, Di 27 Avista Corporation system planning study process typically go through a 1 thorough internal review process that includes multiple 2 stakeholder review to ensure all system needs are 3 adequately addressed. For the smaller specific projects, 4 Avista doesn’t perform a traditional cost-benefit analysis. 5 Projects are selected to meet specific system needs or 6 equipment replacement. However, both project cost and 7 system benefits are considered in the selection of final 8 projects. 9 Q. Did the Company consider any efficiency gains or 10 offsets when evaluating the transmission projects to 11 include in the Company’s case? 12 A. Yes. The Company evaluated each project and 13 determined that some of the 2012 and 2013 capital 14 transmission projects will result in efficiency gains and 15 potential offsets or savings, and the Company has included 16 those where applicable. The primary offsets result in loss 17 savings from reconductoring heavily-loaded transmission or 18 distribution facilities. For these projects, an analysis 19 was performed to determine the savings. The assumed 20 avoided energy cost to determine the savings was $31.50 21 MWh, which is the average purchase and sale price 22 appropriate for the rate period calculation of offsets. 23 Kinney, Di 28 Avista Corporation However, not all projects will result in loss savings or 1 other offsets. Avista has maintenance schedules for 2 certain equipment. These maintenance cycles range from 5-3 15 years depending on the equipment. Unless the 4 replacement of equipment occurs in the same year as the 5 scheduled maintenance, there will not be any savings. 6 Although one might think that the replacement of 7 equipment may reduce the failure rate of equipment and 8 reduce after-hours labor costs, newly-installed equipment 9 can get out of alignment, or require other adjustments. 10 Significant system failures also occur during large 11 weather-related events caused by wind, lightning, and snow. 12 Furthermore, each year as we replace old equipment with 13 new, the remainder of our system gets another year older, 14 which continues to generate a similar level of failures on 15 our system. At the current funding levels, the Company’s 16 Asset Management program is designed to keep failure rates 17 at current levels. 18 Q. Please describe each of the transmission projects 19 planned for in 2012. 20 A. The major capital transmission costs (system) for 21 projects to be completed in 2012 are $28.160 million and 22 are shown in Table 3 and described below. 23 Kinney, Di 29 Avista Corporation Pro Forma (System) O&M Offsets (System) Reliability Compliance Spokane/CDA Relay Upgrade $900,000 SCADA Replacement $1,310,000 System Replace/Install Capacitor Bank $2,000,000 Bronx-Cabinet 115 kV Rebuild/Reconductor $2,500,000 $3,203 Power Transformers - Transmission $952,000 Total Reliability Compliance $7,662,000 $3,203 Contractual Requirements Thornton 230 kV Switching Station $4,350,000 Colstrip Transmission $410,000 Tribal Permits $325,000 Total Contractual Requirements $5,085,000 $0 Reliability Improvements Moscow City-N Lewiston 115 kV Reconductor $2,500,000 Burke-Thompson A&B 115 kV Reconductor $2,500,000 Millwood 115 kV Substation Rebuild $2,000,000 Noxon-Hot Springs 230 kV Line Re-Route $500,000 Total Reliability Improvements $7,500,000 $0 Reliability Replacement Transmission Minor Rebuilds $2,370,000 Power Circuit Breakers $1,200,000 Hatwai 230 kV Breaker Replacement $614,000 Asset Management Replacement $3,479,000 Other Small Projects $250,000 Total Reliability Replacement $7,913,000 $0 Total Transmission Projects $28,160,000 $3,203 Transmission 2012 Capital - Compliance, Contractual, and Replacement Projects TABLE 3 1 2 3 Reliability Compliance Projects ($7.662 million): 4 5 Spokane/Coeur d'Alene area relay upgrade ($0.900 6 million): This project involves the replacement of 7 older protective 115 kV system relays with new micro-8 processor relays to increase system reliability by 9 Kinney, Di 30 Avista Corporation reducing the amount of time it takes to sense a system 1 disturbance and isolate it from the system. This is a 2 five to seven year project and is required to maintain 3 compliance with mandatory reliability standards. This 4 project is required to meet Reliability Compliance 5 under NERC Standards: TOP-004-2 R1-R4, TPL-002-0a R1-6 R3, TPL-003-0a R1-R3. Positive offsets in reduced 7 maintenance costs associated with this replacement 8 effort are negatively offset by increased NERC testing 9 requirements per standard PRC-005-1. 10 11 SCADA Replacement ($1.310 million): The System Control 12 and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system is used by the 13 system operators to monitor and control the Avista 14 transmission system. An upgrade to the SCADA system 15 to a new version provided by our SCADA vendor was 16 completed in the first quarter of 2012. The previous 17 application version was no longer supported by the 18 vendor. The upgrade ensures Avista has adequate 19 control and monitoring of its Transmission facilities. 20 This portion of the project is required to meet 21 Reliability Compliance under NERC Standards: TOP-001-22 1, TOP-002-2a R5-R10, R16, TOP-005-2 R2, TOP-006-2 R1-23 R7. Several Remote Terminal Units (RTUs) located at 24 substations throughout Avista’s service territory will 25 also be replaced due to age. The RTUs are part of the 26 transmission control system. There are no offsets or 27 savings associated with this upgrade project because 28 the Company already pays the application vendor a set 29 annual maintenance fee for support. 30 31 System Replace/Install Capacitor Bank ($2.00 million): 32 This effort includes two projects. The first project 33 is the replacement of the 115 kV capacitor bank at the 34 Pine Creek 115 kV substations to support local area 35 voltages during system outages. The second project is 36 the addition of new shunt capacitors at Lind 115 kV 37 substation to support system voltages during summer 38 irrigation load conditions and system outages. These 39 projects are required to meet reliability compliance 40 with NERC Standards: TOP-004-2 R1-R4, TPL-002-0a R1-41 R3, TPL-003-0a R1-R3, and provide improved service to 42 customers. The Lind project is scheduled to be 43 completed in September of 2012 and the Pine Creek 44 project is scheduled to be completed in the late fall 45 of 2012. There are no loss savings or other offsets 46 Kinney, Di 31 Avista Corporation associated with these projects. The projects improve 1 voltage support but don’t reduce loss savings. 2 3 Bronx – Cabinet 115 kV rebuild/reconductor ($2.500 4 million): In 2010 Avista’s System Operations 5 identified a thermal constraint on the 32-mile Bronx-6 Cabinet 115kV Transmission Line. This constraint was 7 confirmed by the System Planning Group, and documented 8 in the Transmission Line Design (TLD) Design Scoping 9 Document (DSD) created on January 4, 2011, and 10 modified on January 7, 2011. The 11 reconductoring/rebuilding of this line with 795 kcmil 12 ACSS conductor will provide a present-day 143 MVA line 13 rating to match the Cabinet Switchyard Transformer, 14 and a future 200 MVA line rating to match the parallel 15 path Bonneville Power Authority (BPA) system. The 32 16 miles of line will be reconductored over a four year 17 period, which began in 2011. Phase 2 of the project 18 (addressed here) consists of the approximately 10-mile 19 stretch between Hope, ID and Clarkfork Sub. The line 20 upgrade will ensure compliance with requirements 21 associated with NERC Standards: TOP-004-2 R1-R4, TPL-22 002-0a R1-R3, TPL-003-0a R1-R3. Using 2010 actual 23 loads, since the line was operated open in over half 24 of 2011 for the first phase of the project, the new 25 conductor will reduce line losses by 1220 MWh on an 26 annual basis. This project will not be completed 27 until December so offset savings of $38,430 will be 28 observed in 2012 (based on a $31.50/MWh avoided energy 29 cost). 30 31 Power Transformers – Transmission ($0.952 million): 32 The Moscow 230kV substation is currently being 33 rebuilt. Construction started in 2011 and will 34 continue through 2013. The rebuild includes the 35 addition of a new 250 MVA 230/115 kV autotransformer. 36 This autotransformer arrived on-site in late 2011 and 37 was capitalized upon delivery per the company’s 38 accounting practices. The transformer was paid for in 39 several installments. This $952,000 was the final 40 installment (paid in 2012), which was paid after 41 receiving warranty approval from the manufacturer to 42 energize the autotransformer. This project is 43 required to meet Reliability Compliance under NERC 44 Planning and Operations Standards: TOP-004-2 R1-R4, 45 TPL-002-0a R1-R3, TPL-003-0a R1-R3. Offsets for this 46 Kinney, Di 32 Avista Corporation project will not occur until the Moscow 230 kV 1 Substation is complete in 2013, and therefore have 2 been included in the 2013 project described later in 3 my testimony. 4 5 Contractual Requirements ($5.085 million): 6 7 Thornton 230 kV switching Station ($4.350 million): 8 The Thornton 230kV Substation Project interconnects a 9 Third Party Wind Farm Generation Project owned and 10 operated by Palouse Wind to Avista’s Benewah - Shawnee 11 230kV Transmission Line. The project includes the 12 construction of the switching station and associated 13 line work to connect the new station to Avista’s 14 existing 230 kV line. Palouse Wind will construct and 15 pay for facilities to connect its Generation 16 Collection Station to Thornton. Thornton is required 17 to maintain Avista’s 230 kV transmission service with 18 or without the wind generation, so Avista’s customers 19 are not affected by any outages as a result of the 20 interconnection. One third of the substation costs 21 (not included here) will be paid for upfront by 22 Palouse Wind as direct assigned facilities according 23 to FERC Open Access Transmission Tariff requirements. 24 There are no offsets with the construction of the new 25 substation. 26 27 Colstrip Transmission ($0.410 million): As a joint 28 owner of the Colstrip Transmission projects, Avista 29 pays its ownership share of all capital improvements. 30 Northwestern Energy either performs or contracts out 31 the capital work associated with the joint owned 32 facilities. 33 34 Tribal Permits ($0.325 million): The Company has 35 approximately 300 right-of-way permits on tribal 36 reservations that need to be renewed. The costs 37 include labor, appraisals, field work, legal review, 38 GIS information, negotiations, survey (as needed), and 39 the actual fee for the permit. 40 41 Reliability Improvements ($7.500 million): 42 43 Moscow City-North Lewiston 115 kV Transmission Rebuild 44 ($2.500 million): This project includes the 45 Kinney, Di 33 Avista Corporation reconductor/rebuild of the 22-mile line between Moscow 1 City substation and North Lewiston due to the poor 2 condition of the existing line. The project will be 3 completed in three phases. The first phase in 2012 4 includes reconductoring the first seven miles out of 5 Moscow City towards Leon Junction. The Moscow City-6 North Lewiston 115 kV line is normally operated in a 7 radial configuration open at Moscow City to avoid the 8 line being overloaded for area outages. If the line 9 section between North Lewiston and Leon Junction is 10 lost (normal source), then the breaker is closed at 11 Moscow City to pick up load at Leon Junction. Since 12 the 7 mile line section being rebuilt is normally not 13 carrying load, there are no offsets associated with 14 this project. 15 16 Burke-Thompson A&B 115 kV Transmission Rebuild ($2.500 17 million): The Burke-Thompson falls 115 kV lines are 18 jointly owned by Avista and Northwestern Energy. 19 Avista owns and operates the 4-mile line section from 20 Burke to the Montana border on both the A&B lines. 21 These lines are part of the Montana to Northwest 22 transmission path that moves generation from Montana 23 to load centers in both Eastern and Western Washington 24 and also serves mining load and residential customers 25 in the Silver Valley area of Idaho. The current lines 26 are in poor condition and are a significant safety 27 concern. In the winter, the snow levels get high 28 enough to reduce conductor clearance so the lines have 29 to be removed from service to ensure safety. This 30 project will rebuild both the A&B lines to improve 31 reliability and eliminate the need to open the lines 32 during the winter. The projects will reuse the 33 existing conductor so there will be no loss savings or 34 offsets associated with the rebuild. 35 36 Millwood Sub Rebuild ($2.00 million): In 2012 the 37 Company will begin to rebuild the existing 115 kV 38 Millwood substation. Millwood serves local area 39 Avista customers and Inland Empire Paper Company one 40 of Avista’s largest industrial customers. The current 41 substation is old, approaching full capacity, and 42 contains a significant amount of PCBs that are an 43 environmental concern. Most of this project is 44 considered a distribution effort, but the 115 kV lines 45 that feed the substation need to be reconfigured to 46 Kinney, Di 34 Avista Corporation support the substation rebuild effort. The costs 1 included here are associated with the 115 kV line 2 reconfigurations. The existing conductor will be 3 reused so there are no offsets associated with this 4 project. 5 6 Noxon-Hot Springs #2 230 kV reroute ($0.500 million): 7 The Noxon-Hot Springs project is being driven by 8 environmental issues that are impacting the 9 reliability of the lines. Several h-frame structures 10 are being undercut due to the meandering of Beaver 11 Creek. The Company had hoped to reroute the line by 12 moving all impacted structures away from the creek. 13 However, the property owners didn’t support the new 14 line route, so instead existing structures are being 15 replaced with hybrid poles (concrete bottoms and steel 16 tops) to eliminate the creeks impact on the poles. 17 The new poles are being buried up to 25 feet to 18 accommodate scouring. The project will reuse existing 19 conductor so there are no offsets. 20 21 22 Reliability Replacements ($7.913 million) 23 24 Transmission Minor Rebuilds ($2.370 million): These 25 projects include minor transmission rebuilds as a 26 result of age or damage caused by storms, wind, fire, 27 and the public. These projects are required to operate 28 the transmission system safely and reliably. The 29 facilities will need to be replaced when damaged in 30 order to maintain customer load service. In 2011 the 31 Company spent $2.465 million on these minor rebuild 32 projects as a result of damage caused by weather or 33 the public through vandalism or accident. No offsets 34 are expected for these projects. Power Circuit 35 Breakers ($1.200 million): The Company transfers all 36 circuit breakers to plant upon receiving them. The 37 breakers purchased in 2012 are planned for 38 installation at Moscow 230 and Lind 115 kV 39 substations. 40 41 Hatwai Breaker and switch replacement ($0.614 42 million): Avista currently owns the breaker terminal 43 at BPA’s Hatwai substation associated with the Hatwai-44 North Lewiston 230 kV line. The Breaker and switches 45 Kinney, Di 35 Avista Corporation need to be replaced due to age. Avista has contracted 1 with BPA to replace the breaker and three air switches 2 in 2012 since BPA owns and operates the Hatwai 3 substation. 4 5 Asset Management Replacement Programs ($3.479 6 million): Avista has several different equipment 7 replacement programs to improve reliability by 8 replacing aged equipment that is beyond its useful 9 life. These programs include transmission air switch 10 upgrades, arrestor upgrades, restoration of substation 11 rock and fencing, recloser replacements, replacement 12 of obsolete circuit switchers, substation battery 13 replacement, interchange meter replacements, high 14 voltage fuse upgrades, and voltage regulator 15 replacements. All of these individual projects 16 improve system reliability and customer service. The 17 equipment is replaced when useful life has been 18 exceeded. The equipment under these replacement 19 programs are usually not maintained on a set schedule 20 so there aren’t any associated offsets. 21 22 23 Other Small Transmission Projects ($.250 million): 24 These maninly consist of reinforcement, rebuild, 25 reconductoring and re-insulating projects. 26 27 28 Q. Please describe each of the distribution projects 29 planned for in 2012. 30 A. The Company will spend approximately $65.123 31 million in Distribution projects at a system level, with 32 $16.364 million specific to Idaho in 2012. A summary of 33 the projects is shown in Table 4 and a brief description of 34 each project impacting Idaho are given below. 35 Kinney, Di 36 Avista Corporation Pro Forma (System) Pro Forma (Idaho) O&M Offsets Idaho Distribution Projects Wood Pole Management $13,025,000 $3,576,000 $5,600 PCB Related Distribution Rebuilds $3,812,000 $2,057,000 System Dist Reliability Improve Worst Feeders $1,950,000 $722,000 Power Transformers - Distribution $1,450,000 $492,000 Distribution - Pullman & Lewis Clark - ID $650,000 $650,000 Distribution - Cda East & North - ID $855,000 $855,000 10 & Stewart Dx Int - ID $250,000 $250,000 Total Distribution Projects $21,992,000 $8,602,000 $5,600 Distribution Replacement Projects Elect Distribution Minor Blanket $8,300,000 $3,235,000 Failed Electric Plant $2,200,000 $1,014,000 Distribution Line Relocation $1,900,000 $692,000 Electric Underground Replacement $1,792,000 $441,000 $25,000 Blue Creek 115 kV Rebuild - ID $1,905,000 $1,905,000 Other Small Projects $887,000 $475,000 Total Distribution Replacement Projects $16,984,000 $7,762,000 $25,000 Washington Distribution Projects (not included in case) System Efficiency Feeder Rebuilds $7,371,000 $0 Distribution Spokane North and West $1,910,000 $0 Millwood Sub Rebuild $1,000,000 $0 Pullman (Turner) Substation Rebuild $609,000 $0 Metro Feeder Upgrade $502,000 $0 Wood Substation Rebuild – Orin $300,000 $0 Spokane Electric Network Increase Capacity $1,650,000 $0 Spokane Smart Circuit $5,400,000 $0 Pullman Smart Grid Demonstration Project $6,300,000 $0 Smart Grid Workforce Program $1,105,000 $0 Total Washington Distribution Projects $26,147,000 $0 $0 Total Distribution Projects $65,123,000 $16,364,000 $30,600 Distribution 2012 Capital - Distribution Projects TABLE 4 1 2 System distribution projects (including 3 transformation) for 2012 total $21.992 million ($8.602 4 Kinney, Di 37 Avista Corporation million Idaho Share). These projects are necessary to meet 1 capacity needs of the system, improve reliability, and 2 rebuild aging distribution substations and feeders. The 3 following projects make up the $8.602 million. 4 Wood Pole Management ($13.025 million system / $3.576 5 million Idaho): The distribution wood pole management 6 program evaluates wood pole strength of a certain 7 percentage of the wood pole population each year such 8 that the entire system is inspected every 20 years. 9 Avista has over 240,000 distribution wood poles and 10 33,000 transmission wood poles in its electric system. 11 Depending on the test results for a given pole, the 12 pole is either considered satisfactory, needing to be 13 reinforced with a steel stub, or needing to be 14 replaced. As feeders are inspected as part of the 15 wood pole management program, issues are identified 16 unrelated to the condition of the pole. This project 17 also funds the work required to resolve those issues 18 (i.e. potentially leaking transformers, transformers 19 containing more than or equal to 1 ppm polychlorinated 20 biphenyls (PCBs), failed arrestors, missing grounds, 21 damaged cutouts, and dated high resistance conductor). 22 Transformers older than 1981 have the potential to 23 have oil that contains polychlorinated biphenyls 24 (PCBs). These older transformers present increased 25 risk because of the potential to leak oil that 26 contains PCBs. Poles installed prior to World War II 27 have reached the end of their useful life. Avista’s 28 Wood Pole Management program was put into place to 29 prevent the Pole-Rotten events and Crossarm – Rotten 30 events from increasing. The company expects to 31 achieve $5,600 in savings resulting from reduced call 32 outs to fix problems during 2012. The Company spent 33 $15.961 million (system) on these efforts in 2011. 34 35 36 PCB Related Distribution Rebuilds ($3.812 million 37 system / $2.057 million Idaho): In 2011, Avista 38 initiated a systematic replacement of distribution 39 line transformers because their oil contains PCBs. In 40 addition, replacement of the "pre-1981" transformers 41 has benefits of improving the energy efficiency and 42 Kinney, Di 38 Avista Corporation long-term reliability of the distribution system. 1 2012 represents year-two of a six year effort to 2 replace these distribution transformers. In 2012, the 3 program is expected to replace approximately 750 line 4 transformers in Idaho. The replacement work is 5 scheduled to be completed throughout the entire year. 6 Offsets associated with this project in have not been 7 included in this case2. 8 9 System Distribution Reliability Improve Worst Feeders 10 ($1.950 million system / $0.722 million Idaho): Based 11 on a combination of reliability statistics, including 12 CAIDI, SAIFI, and CEMI (Customers Experiencing 13 Multiple Interruptions), feeders have been selected 14 for reliability improvement work. This work is 15 expected to improve the reliability of these electric 16 primary feeders. This is an annually recurring program 17 initiated in 2008 to address underperforming feeders 18 on the electric distribution system. This work will 19 improve the reliability of these feeders and overall 20 service to customers in these areas. The projects 21 were selected based on poor reliability performance 22 not on cost savings. The treatment of feeder 23 projects varies from conversion of overhead to 24 underground facilities, installing additional mid-line 25 protective devices, to hardening of existing 26 facilities. 27 28 29 Power Transformer Distribution ($1.450 million system / 30 $0.492 million Idaho): Transformers are transferred to 31 plant upon receiving them. These transformers are being 32 purchased to replace existing spares that will be 33 installed in 2012 as either replacements or new 34 installations. The purchased transformers will either 35 remain as system spares or placed into service as part of 36 the proposed 2013 projects. Offsets associated with this 37 project have not been included in this case2. 38 39 Distribution – Pullman & Lewis Clark ($.650 million 40 Idaho): System analysis of the distribution grid 41 indicate a number of capacity constraints and 42 locations where “switch ties” are needed to allow for 43 2 Offsets for this project have been calculated and the Company will update these at a later date. Kinney, Di 39 Avista Corporation alternate service to customers in the case of planned 1 or forced outages. In many cases, main trunk feeder 2 conductor is replaced with higher capacity wire which 3 reduces overall system losses, supports uniform 4 voltage, and provides for capacity when reconfiguring 5 the system during planned or forced outages. 6 7 Distribution – CDA East & North ($.855 million Idaho): 8 System analysis of the distribution grid indicate a 9 number of capacity constraints and locations where 10 “switch ties” are needed to allow for alternate 11 service to customers in the case of planned or forced 12 outages. In many cases, main trunk feeder conductor 13 is replaced with higher capacity wire which reduces 14 overall system losses, supports uniform voltage, and 15 provides for capacity when reconfiguring the system 16 during planned or forced outages. 17 18 10th & Stewart Dx Int ($.250 million Idaho): This 19 project involves increasing 115/13 kV transformation 20 capacity at an existing substation in Lewiston, Idaho. 21 This substation serves the Lewiston “Orchards” region 22 including the newly developed commercial zone near 20th 23 Avenue. Load demand requires additional distribution 24 capacity. 25 26 The Company also will spend approximately $16.984 27 million (system) or $7.762 million (Idaho share) in 28 Distribution equipment replacements and minor rebuilds 29 associated with aging distribution equipment, underground 30 cable with poor reliability performance, replacements from 31 storm damage, or relocation of feeder sections resulting 32 from road moves. A brief description of the projects 33 included in these replacement efforts is given below. 34 35 Electric Distribution Minor Blanket Projects ($8.300 36 million system / $3.235 million Idaho): This effort 37 Kinney, Di 40 Avista Corporation includes the replacement of poles and cross-arms on 1 distribution lines in 2012 as required, due to storm 2 damage, wind, fires, or obsolescence. The Company 3 spent $8.270 million in 2011 for these projects. No 4 offsets are expected for these projects. 5 6 Failed Electric Plant ($2.200 million system / $1.014 7 million Idaho): Replacement of distribution 8 equipment throughout the year as required due to 9 equipment failure. The Company spent $1.384 million in 10 2011. The Company must replace the equipment to 11 maintain customer load service. No offsets are 12 expected from these projects. 13 14 Distribution Line Relocation ($1.900 million system / 15 $0.692 million Idaho): The relocation of 16 distribution lines as required due to road moves 17 requested by State, County or City governments. The 18 Company spent $2.061 million (system) in 2011 on line 19 relocations associated with road moves. No offsets or 20 savings are expected for these projects. 21 22 Electric Underground Replacement ($1.792 million 23 system / $0.441 million Idaho): This effort involves 24 replacing the first generation of Underground 25 Residential District (URD) cable. This project has 26 been ongoing for the past several years and will be 27 completed in 2012. This program focuses on replacing 28 a vintage and type of cable that has reached its end 29 of life and contributes significantly to URD cable 30 failures. The Company spent $3.887 million (system) 31 in 2011. The company anticipates that it will see 32 approximately $82,000 (system) or $25,000 (in Idaho) 33 in incremental savings as a result of reduced cable 34 failures. This is being included as an offset for the 35 Electric Underground Replacement project. 36 37 Blue Creek 115kV Rebuild ($1.905 million Idaho): The 38 Blue Creek 115-13 kV Substation, just east of Coeur 39 d’Alene, needs to be rebuilt adjacent to the existing 40 substation to accommodate new equipment, including a 41 new control house, 115 kV bus and switches, and 42 upgraded SCADA indication and control. The primary 43 driver for this project is the need to replace the 44 substation transformer, which would require excessive 45 Kinney, Di 41 Avista Corporation work in the existing station due to its design. An 1 additional feeder will also be added for distribution 2 system reliability and operational flexibility as well 3 as future load service capability. 4 5 Other Small Projects ($ 0.887 million system / $0.475 6 million Idaho): These mainly consist of capacity 7 increases and minor replacements of equipment. 8 9 Q. Please describe the Company’s capital 10 transmission projects that will be completed in 2013? 11 A. The major capital transmission costs (system) for 12 projects to be completed in 2013 are approximately $34.975 13 million and are shown in Table 5 and described below. 14 Kinney, Di 42 Avista Corporation Pro Forma (System) O&M Offsets (System) Reliability Compliance Spokane/CDA Relay Upgrade $1,450,000 SCADA Replacement $450,000 System Replace/Install Capacitor Bank $1,050,000 Moscow 230 kV Substation Rebuild $8,090,000 $3,780 Bronx-Cabinet 115 kV Rebuild/Reconductor $2,500,000 $1,980 Power Transformers - Transmission $2,065,000 Irvin 115kV Switching Station $1,150,000 Opportunity 115 kV Switching Station $1,550,000 Opportunity 12F2 $400,000 Total Reliability Compliance $18,705,000 $5,760 Contractual Requirements Lancaster 230 kV Interconnection $4,600,000 Colstrip Transmission $463,000 Tribal Permits $332,000 Total Contractual Requirements $5,395,000 $0 Reliability Improvements Moscow City-N Lewiston 115 kV Reconductor $2,450,000 Burke-Thompson A&B 115 kV Reconductor $2,500,000 $660 Total Reliability Improvements $4,950,000 $660 Reliability Replacement Transmission Minor Rebuilds $2,200,000 Power Circuit Breakers $1,200,000 Hatwai 230 kV Breaker Replacement $215,000 Asset Management Replacement $2,310,000 Total Reliability Replacement $5,925,000 $0 Total Transmission Projects $34,975,000 $6,420 Transmission 2013 Capital - Compliance, Contractual, and Replacement Projects TABLE 5 1 2 Reliability Compliance Projects ($18.705 million): 3 4 Spokane/Coeur d'Alene area relay upgrade ($1.450 5 million): This project involves the replacement of 6 older protective 115 kV system relays with new micro-7 processor relays to increase system reliability by 8 reducing the amount of time it takes to sense a system 9 Kinney, Di 43 Avista Corporation disturbance and isolate it from the system. This is a 1 five to seven year project and is required to maintain 2 compliance with mandatory reliability standards. This 3 project is required to meet Reliability Compliance 4 under NERC Standards: TOP-004-2 R1-R4, TPL-002-0a R1-5 R3, TPL-003-0a R1-R3. Positive offsets in reduced 6 maintenance costs associated with this replacement 7 effort are negatively offset by increased NERC testing 8 requirements per standard PRC-005-1. 9 10 SCADA Replacement ($0.450 million): The System Control 11 and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system is used by the 12 system operators to monitor and control the Avista 13 transmission system. The SCADA system requires annual 14 enhancements to improve performance, replace computer 15 systems and networks, and integrate vendor provided 16 improvements. This portion of the project is required 17 to meet Reliability Compliance under NERC Standards: 18 TOP-001-1, TOP-002-2a R5-R10, R16, TOP-005-2 R2, TOP-19 006-2 R1-R7. Several Remote Terminal Units (RTUs) 20 located at substations throughout Avista’s service 21 territory will also be replaced due to age. The RTUs 22 are part of the transmission control system. There 23 are no offsets or savings associated with this upgrade 24 project because the Company already pays the 25 application vendor a set annual maintenance fee for 26 support. 27 28 System Replace/Install Capacitor Bank ($1.050 29 million): This effort includes the replacement of the 30 115 kV capacitor bank at the Odessa 115 kV substations 31 to support local area voltages during system outages 32 and summer irrigation load conditions. This project is 33 required to meet reliability compliance with NERC 34 Standards: TOP-004-2 R1-R4, TPL-002-0a R1-R3, TPL-003-35 0a R1-R3, and provide improved service to customers. 36 The Odessa project is scheduled to be completed by 37 June 2013. There are no loss savings or other offsets 38 associated with these projects. The project improves 39 voltage support but doesn’t reduce loss savings. 40 41 Moscow 230 kV Sub - Rebuild 230 kV Yard ($8.090 42 million): This project involves the rebuild of the 43 existing Moscow 230 kV substation. The substation 44 rebuild includes the replacement of the existing 125 45 Kinney, Di 44 Avista Corporation MVA 230/115 kV autotransformer with a new 250 MVA 1 autotransformer to meet compliance with NERC standards 2 and ensure adequate load service. Currently the 3 existing 230/115 kV autotransformer overloads for an 4 outage of another autotransformer in the area during 5 peak load conditions. The 230 kV portion of the 6 substation will be constructed as a double breaker 7 double bus configuration to maximize reliability and 8 operational flexibility. The substation will be 9 constructed over a three-year period with energization 10 of the substation occurring in November of 2013. This 11 project is required to meet Reliability Compliance 12 under NERC Standards: TOP-004-2 R1-R4, TPL-002-0a R1-13 R3, TPL-003-0a R1-R3. Loss savings calculations 14 indicate that the new transformer installation will 15 result in an offset of $3,780 in the pro forma period 16 (based on a $31.50/MWh avoided energy cost and an 17 energization date of November, 2013). 18 19 Bronx – Cabinet 115 kV rebuild/reconductor ($2.500 20 million): In 2010 Avista’s System Operations 21 identified a thermal constraint on the 32-mile Bronx-22 Cabinet 115kV Transmission Line. This constraint was 23 confirmed by the System Planning Group, and documented 24 in the Transmission Line Design (TLD) Design Scoping 25 Document (DSD) created on January 4, 2011, and 26 modified on January 7,2011. The 27 reconductoring/rebuilding of this line with 795 kcmil 28 ACSS conductor will provide a present-day 143 MVA line 29 rating to match the Cabinet Switchyard Transformer, 30 and a future 200 MVA line rating to match the parallel 31 path Bonneville Power Authority (BPA) system. The 32 32 miles of line will be reconductored over a four year 33 period, which began in 2011. Phase 3 of the project 34 (addressed here) consists of reconductoring an 8-mile 35 section of the line. The line upgrade will ensure 36 compliance with requirements associated with NERC 37 Standards: TOP-004-2 R1-R4, TPL-002-0a R1-R3, TPL-003-38 0a R1-R3. Using 2010 actual loads, since the line was 39 operated open in over half of 2011 for construction of 40 the first phase of the project, the new conductor will 41 reduce line losses by 755 MWh on an annual basis. 42 This project will not be completed until December 2013 43 so the offset savings of $1,980 will be observed in 44 2013 (based on a $31.50/MWh avoided energy cost). 45 46 Kinney, Di 45 Avista Corporation Power Transformers – Transmission ($2.065 million): 1 The Company will be rebuilding several 230 kV 2 substations over the next 5 years. One of these 3 stations is Westside in western Spokane and involves 4 the replacement of two 230/115 kV autotransformers. 5 The autotransformer purchased in 2013 may be part of 6 the Westside project or included as a system spare. 7 The transformer will be capitalized upon delivery per 8 the Company’s accounting practices. The Westside 9 project is required to meet Reliability Compliance 10 under NERC Planning and Operations Standards: TOP-004-11 2 R1-R4, TPL-002-0a R1-R3, TPL-003-0a R1-R3. Offsets 12 for this project will not occur until the 13 autotransformer is actually placed into service. 14 15 Irvin 115 kV Switching Station ($1.150 million): A 16 new 115 kV Switching Station will be constructed in 17 the Spokane Valley to reinforce the transmission 18 system. The Irvin 115kV Switching Station is the 19 initial project in a series of projects intended to 20 improve reliability of the 115kV transmission system 21 and accompanying load service in the Spokane Valley. 22 In 2013, $1,150,000 is scheduled to be spent for the 23 construction of a new transmission line from the 24 future Irvin station site to the existing Millwood 25 Substation. Work will also be performed to relocate 26 existing structures in and around the Irvin site to 27 accommodate its integration. Since this is a new 28 transmission line, no offsets will be observed. 29 30 Opportunity 115 kV Switching Station ($1.550 million): 31 This project involves adding three 115 kV breakers to 32 the existing Opportunity substation. The project is 33 part of a group of projects to support the reliability 34 of the 115kV transmission system and accompanying load 35 service in the Spokane Valley. The completion of the 36 Opportunity switching station will allow for the 37 connection of a 115 kV line from the new Irvin 38 Substation as well as future construction of the 39 Greenacres substation in 2014. This upgrade will 40 ensure compliance with requirements associated with 41 NERC Standards: TOP-004-2 R1-R4, TPL-002-0a R1-R3, 42 TPL-003-0a R1-R3. 43 44 Kinney, Di 46 Avista Corporation Opportunity 12F2 ($0.400 million): In order to support 1 the reliability of the Spokane Valley, a 115 kV 2 transmission line needs to be added from the new 3 Opportunity switching station to the new Irvin 115 kV 4 switching substation. This project involves the 5 under-build of a feeder on a 115 kV transmission line. 6 The 115 kV line currently operates at Distribution 7 voltage but will be reenergized at 115 kV with the 8 completion of the feeder under-build. This will 9 require the addition of a 115 kV line to the existing 10 Opportunity 12F2 feeder poles. The transmission line 11 upgrade will ensure compliance with requirements 12 associated with NERC Standards: TOP-004-2 R1-R4, TPL-13 002-0a R1-R3, TPL-003-0a R1-R3. 14 15 Contractual Requirements ($5.395 million): 16 17 Lancaster 230 kV Interconnection ($4.600 million): 18 Avista plans to interconnect to BPA’s existing 230 kV 19 Lancaster substation by looping in its Boulder-20 Rathdrum 230 kV line. The interconnection improves 21 the load service and system reliability in the Coeur 22 d’Alene and Rathdrum Prairie areas of Avista’s service 23 territory. The interconnection also reduces the 24 loading on the heavily loaded Beacon-Bell transmission 25 lines that serve the Spokane area. The interconnection 26 will provide direct transmission access to output of 27 the Lancaster natural gas combined cycle plant. BPA 28 will perform the upgrade work, including the addition 29 of 2 new breakers, required at Lancaster substation 30 for a cost of $4.1 million and Avista will perform the 31 necessary transmission line work to loop in its 32 Boulder Rathdrum line for a cost of $0.500 million. 33 34 Colstrip Transmission ($0.463 million): As a joint 35 owner of the Colstrip Transmission projects, Avista 36 pays its ownership share of all capital improvements. 37 Northwestern Energy either performs or contracts out 38 the capital work associated with the jointly owned 39 facilities. 40 41 Tribal Permits ($0.332 million): The Company has 42 approximately 300 right-of-way permits on tribal 43 reservations that need to be renewed. The $322,000 44 listed above relates to permit costs in 2013. The 45 Kinney, Di 47 Avista Corporation costs include labor, appraisals, field work, legal 1 review, GIS information, negotiations, survey (as 2 needed), and the actual fee for the permit. 3 4 Reliability Improvements ($4.950 million): 5 6 Moscow City-North Lewiston 115 kV Transmission Rebuild 7 ($2.450 million): This project includes the 8 reconductor/rebuild of the 22-mile line between Moscow 9 City substation and North Lewiston due to the poor 10 condition of the existing line. The project will be 11 completed in three phases. The first phase will be 12 completed in 2012 and the second phase in 2013. The 13 2013 effort includes reconductoring/rebuilding seven 14 miles of line, completing the line section between 15 Moscow city and Leon Junction. Phase 3 in 2015 will 16 complete the 8-mile line section between Leon Junction 17 and North Lewiston. The Moscow City-North Lewiston 18 115 kV line is normally operated in a radial 19 configuration open at Moscow City to avoid the line 20 being overloaded for area outages. If the line 21 section between North Lewiston and Leon Junction is 22 lost then the breaker is closed at Moscow City to pick 23 up load at Leon Junction. Since the line section 24 being rebuilt is normally not carrying load, there are 25 no offsets associated with this project. 26 27 Burke-Thompson A&B 115 kV Transmission Rebuild ($2.500 28 million): This project is the second phase of the 29 Burke-Thompson A&B line rebuild effort that will begin 30 in 2012. The 5-6 miles stretch on Burke-Pine Creek #4 31 115kV Line between Wallace and Burke Substation will 32 be rebuilt. These lines are part of the Montana to 33 Northwest transmission path that moves generation from 34 Montana to load centers in both Eastern and Western 35 Washington and also serves mining load and residential 36 customers in the Silver Valley area of Idaho. The 37 current lines are in poor condition. The projects 38 will result in loss savings due to the replacement of 39 the existing conductor with a larger conductor. The 40 new conductor has less resistance resulting in savings 41 of 251 MWh for an entire year. The project is 42 scheduled to be energized in December 2013. Assuming 43 an avoided cost of $31.50/MWh total 2013 Idaho savings 44 is $660. 45 46 Kinney, Di 48 Avista Corporation Reliability Replacements ($5.925 million) 1 2 Transmission Minor Rebuilds ($2.200 million): These 3 projects include minor transmission rebuilds as a 4 result of age or damage caused by storms, wind, fire, 5 and the public. These smaller projects are required to 6 operate the transmission system safely and reliably. 7 The facilities will need to be replaced when damaged 8 in order to maintain customer load service. In 2011 9 the Company spent $2.465 million on these minor 10 rebuild projects as a result of damage caused by 11 weather or the public. 12 13 Power Circuit Breakers ($1.200 million): The Company 14 transfers all circuit breakers to plant upon receiving 15 them. The breakers purchased in 2013 are planned for 16 installation at Irvin and Odessa substations. 17 18 Hatwai Breaker and switch replacement ($0.215 19 million): Avista currently owns the relays at BPA’s 20 Hatwai substation associated with the breaker terminal 21 of Hatwai-North Lewiston 230 kV line. The relay and 22 protection system needs to be upgraded along with the 23 breaker and switches that are planned to be replaced 24 in 2012. Avista has contracted with BPA to replace 25 the relays and protection system since BPA owns and 26 operates the Hatwai substation. 27 28 Asset Management Replacement Programs ($2.310 29 million): Avista has several different equipment 30 replacement programs to improve reliability by 31 replacing aged equipment that is beyond its useful 32 life. These programs include transmission air switch 33 upgrades, arrestor upgrades, restoration of substation 34 rock and fencing, recloser replacements, replacement 35 of obsolete circuit switchers, substation battery 36 replacement, interchange meter replacements, high 37 voltage fuse upgrades, and voltage regulator 38 replacements. All of these individual projects 39 improve system reliability and customer service. The 40 equipment is replaced when useful life has been 41 exceeded. The equipment under these replacement 42 programs are usually not maintained on a set schedule 43 so there aren’t any associated offsets. 44 45 Kinney, Di 49 Avista Corporation Q. Please describe each of the distribution projects 1 planned for in 2013. 2 A. The Company will spend approximately $52.634 3 million in Distribution projects at a system level, with 4 $21.155 million specific to Idaho in 2013. A summary of 5 the projects is shown in Table 6 and a brief description of 6 each project impacting Idaho are given below. 7 Pro Forma (System) Pro Forma (Idaho) O&M Offsets Idaho Distribution Projects Wood Pole Management $12,016,000 $3,883,000 $5,600 System Efficiency Feeder Rebuilds $8,001,000 $3,163,000 $4,980 PCB Related Distribution Rebuilds $2,925,000 $899,000 $0 Power Transformers - Distribution $2,100,000 $1,750,000Distribution - Cda East & North - ID $500,000 $500,000Distribution - Pullman & Lewis Clark $500,000 $500,000 System Wood Substation Rebuild $3,705,000 $3,705,000 N. Moscow Increase Capacity - ID $1,680,000 $1,680,000 Total Distribution Projects $31,427,000 $16,080,000 $10,580 Distribution Replacement Projects Elect Distribution Minor Blanket $8,300,000 $3,235,000 Failed Electric Plant $2,250,000 $1,037,000 Distribution Line Relocation $2,200,000 $803,000Total Distribution Replacement Projects $12,750,000 $5,075,000 $0 Washington Distribution Projects (not included in case) Feeder Automation Upgrades $2,501,000 $0 Distribution Spokane North and West $500,000 $0 Millwood Sub Rebuild $3,000,000 $0 Metro Feeder Upgrade $498,000 $0 Spokane Electric Network Increase Capacity $1,763,000 $0Pullman Smart Grid Demonstration Project $195,000 $0 Smart Grid Workforce Program $0 $0Total Washington Distribution Projects $8,457,000 $0 $0 Total Distribution Projects $52,634,000 $21,155,000 $10,580 Distribution 2013 Capital - Distribution Projects TABLE 6 8 Kinney, Di 50 Avista Corporation Distribution projects related to Idaho (including 1 transformers) for 2013 total $21.155 million. These 2 projects are necessary to meet capacity needs of the 3 system, improve reliability, and rebuild aging distribution 4 substations and feeders. The following projects make up 5 the $21.155 million. 6 Wood Pole Management ($12.016 million system / $3.883 7 million Idaho): The distribution wood pole management 8 program evaluates wood pole strength of a certain 9 percentage of the wood pole population each year such 10 that the entire system is inspected every 20 years. 11 Avista has over 240,000 distribution wood poles and 12 33,000 transmission wood poles in its electric system. 13 Depending on the test results for a given pole, the 14 pole is either considered satisfactory, needing to be 15 reinforced with a steel stub, or needing to be 16 replaced. As feeders are inspected as part of the 17 wood pole management program, issues are identified 18 unrelated to the condition of the pole. This project 19 also funds the work required to resolve those issues 20 (i.e. potentially leaking transformers, transformers 21 older than 1981, failed arrestors, missing grounds, 22 damaged cutouts, and dated high resistance conductor). 23 Transformers older than 1981 have the potential to 24 have oil that contains polychlorinated biphenyls 25 (PCBs). These older transformers present increased 26 risk because of the potential to leak oil that 27 contains PCBs. Poles installed prior to World War II 28 have reached the end of their useful life. Avista’s 29 Wood Pole Management program was put into place to 30 prevent the Pole-Rotten events and Crossarm – Rotten 31 events from increasing. The Company expects to 32 achieve $5,600 in savings resulting from reduced call 33 outs to fix problems during 2013. The Company spent a 34 total $15.961 million (system) on these efforts in 35 2011. 36 37 System Efficiency Feeder Rebuild ($8.001 million 38 system / $3.163 Idaho): Beginning in 2012, Avista 39 began a program to rebuild distribution feeders to 40 Kinney, Di 51 Avista Corporation reduce energy losses, improve operation of the feeders 1 and increase long-term reliability. The program will 2 replace poles, transformers, conductor and other 3 equipment on a rural feeder and two urban feeders in 4 2012. The work associated with this effort will be 5 completed between June and December of 2013. The 6 energy savings from reduced losses calculated using an 7 average of three months of savings is 400 MWh. This 8 equates to an offset of $12,600 system and $4,410 in 9 Idaho using an avoided cost of $31.50/MWh. 10 11 PCB Related Distribution Rebuilds ($2.925 million 12 system / $0.899 million Idaho): In 2011, Avista 13 initiated a systematic replacement of distribution 14 line transformers because their oil contains PCBs. In 15 addition, replacement of the "pre-1981" transformers 16 has benefits of improving the energy efficiency and 17 long-term reliability of the distribution system. 18 2013 represents year-three of a six year effort to 19 replace these distribution transformers. In 2013, the 20 program is expected to replace approximately 610 line 21 transformers in Idaho. The replacement work is 22 scheduled to be completed throughout the entire year. 23 There are no energy savings from reduced losses in 24 included in this case3. 25 26 27 Power Transformer Distribution ($2.100 million system 28 / $1.750 million Idaho): Transformers are transferred 29 to plant upon receiving them. These transformers are 30 being purchased to replace existing spares that will 31 be installed in 2013 as either replacements or new 32 installations. The purchased transformers will either 33 remain as system spares or placed into service as part 34 of proposed 2014 projects. There are no offsets 35 associated with these transformers until they are 36 placed into service. 37 38 Distribution-CDA East & North ($ 0.500 million Idaho): 39 System analysis of the distribution grid indicate a 40 number of capacity constraints and locations where 41 “switch ties” are needed to allow for alternate 42 service to customers in the case of planned or forced 43 3 Offsets for this project have been calculated and the Company will update these at a later date. Kinney, Di 52 Avista Corporation outages. In many cases, main trunk feeder conductor 1 is replaced with higher capacity wire which reduces 2 overall system losses, supports uniform voltage, and 3 provides for capacity when reconfiguring the system 4 during planned or forced outages. 5 6 Distribution – Pullman & Lewis Clark ($0.500 million 7 Idaho): System analysis of the distribution grid 8 indicate a number of capacity constraints and 9 locations where “switch ties” are needed to allow for 10 alternate service to customers in the case of planned 11 or forced outages. In many cases, main trunk feeder 12 conductor is replaced with higher capacity wire which 13 reduces overall system losses, supports uniform 14 voltage, and provides for capacity when reconfiguring 15 the system during planned or forced outages. 16 17 System Wood Substation Rebuild ($ 3.705 million 18 Idaho): The Big Creek 115-13 kV Substation near 19 Kellogg, ID, will be rebuilt with steel structures and 20 new equipment. The station was originally constructed 21 in 1956 and needs to be rebuilt to today’s design and 22 construction standards. In addition, the new station 23 will have only one transformer rather than the two 24 transformers it has today. 25 26 The North Lewiston 115-13 kV Substation will be 27 constructed to today’s design and construction 28 standards inside the existing North Lewiston 230-115 29 kV Substation. The new station will be constructed 30 while the existing 115-13 kV wood sub remains in 31 service. The distribution feeders will be transferred 32 to the new sub and the old sub will then be retired 33 and salvaged. The primary driver for this project is 34 the need to replace the substation transformer and the 35 age of the wood substation, which was constructed in 36 1958. 37 38 N. Moscow Increase Capacity ($1.680 million Idaho): The 39 North Moscow 115 kV Substation will have a second 40 transformer and new feeder added to the existing 41 substation to meet increasing demand in the Moscow 42 area, including the University of Idaho. This will 43 require extension of the 115 kV bus, a new control 44 house, a new 13 kV distribution structure, a 13 kV bus 45 Kinney, Di 53 Avista Corporation tie, and upgraded SCADA indication and control. The 1 upgraded station will have greater operational 2 reliability and flexibility and will have 3 accommodations for future 13 kV distribution feeders. 4 5 6 The Company also will spend approximately $12.750 7 million (system) or $5.075 million (Idaho share) in 8 Distribution equipment replacements and minor rebuilds 9 associated with aging distribution equipment, underground 10 cable with poor reliability performance, replacements from 11 storm damage, or relocation of feeder sections resulting 12 from road moves. A brief description of the projects 13 included in these replacement efforts is given below. 14 15 Electric Distribution Minor Blanket Projects ($8.300 16 million system / $3.235 million Idaho): This effort 17 includes the replacement of poles and cross-arms on 18 distribution lines in 2013 as required, due to storm 19 damage, wind, fires, or obsolescence. The Company 20 spent $8.270 million in 2011 for these projects. No 21 offsets are expected. 22 23 Failed Electric Plant ($2.250 million system / $1.037 24 million Idaho): Replacement of distribution equipment 25 throughout the year as required due to equipment 26 failure. The Company spent $1.384 million in 2011. No 27 offsets or savings are expected for these projects. 28 The Company must replace the equipment to maintain 29 customer load service. 30 31 Distribution Line Relocation ($2.200 million system / 32 $ 0.803 million Idaho): The relocation of distribution 33 lines as required due to road moves requested by 34 State, County or City governments. The Company spent 35 $2.061 million (system) in 2011 on line relocations 36 Kinney, Di 54 Avista Corporation associated with road moves. No offsets or savings are 1 expected these projects. 2 3 V. Vegetation Management Program 4 5 Q. Please provide an update on the Company’s 6 vegetation management program? 7 A. “Avista’s Vegetation Management Program” is still 8 striving towards an average frequency of 4 years. Work 9 performed as part of Avista’s Performance Excellence 10 Initiative suggested changes to the Company’s contracting 11 practices to increase efficiencies, allowing more work to 12 be performed on an annual basis. For 2012, a new contract 13 with provisions to transition from “time and material 14 pricing” at the beginning of the year to a unit price 15 structure by the end of the year was established. Avista 16 will be measuring the results to quantify potential value 17 and opportunities that would allow us to approach a four-18 year cycle within our current annual spending level for 19 distribution feeders of $4.1 million. Accordingly, the 20 Company has not made an adjustment for Vegetation 21 Management. 22 While the number of “Tree Fell” events in our Outage 23 Management Tool (OMT) shows a small trend upwards 24 (Illustration 1), the number of “Tree Growth” events has 25 Kinney, Di 55 Avista Corporation declined over the past 4 years, except for a slight 1 increase in 2011. The real improvement from Vegetation 2 Management shows up in the number of outages (Illustration 3 2). The number of outages or partial outages due to “Tree 4 Fell” and “Tree Growth” events has generally decreased. 5 Illustration 1 – Number of OMT Events 6 7 Illustration 2 – Number of Outages 8 9 Kinney, Di 56 Avista Corporation Q. Does this complete your pre-filed direct 1 testimony? 2 A. Yes it does. 3