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HomeMy WebLinkAboutFinal Approved Tariffs 9-26-13.pdfRECEIVED 2013 September 26 PM 3:36 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Sept. 30, 2013 Oct. 1, 2013 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Sept. 30, 2013 Oct. 1, 2013 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Sept. 30, 2013 Oct. 1, 2013 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Sept. 30, 2013 Oct. 1, 2013 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Sept. 30, 2013 Oct. 1, 2013 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Sept. 30, 2013 Oct. 1, 2013 Jean D. Jewell Secretary BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION AVISTA UTILITIES AVU-E-12-08 & AVU-G-12-07 __________________________________________ Substitute Tariff Sheets - Strikethrough September 26, 2013 Eighth Revision Sheet 25P Canceling I.P.U.C. No.28 Seventh Revision Sheet 25P AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities Issued August 29, 2013 Effective October 1, 2013 Issued by Avista Utilities By Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & Federal Regulation SCHEDULE 25P EXTRA LARGE GENERAL SERVICE TO CLEARWATER PAPER’S FACILITY - IDAHO (Three phase, available voltage) AVAILABLE: To Clearwater Paper Corporation’s Lewiston, Idaho Facility. APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements with a demand of not less than 2,500 kVA but not greater than 110,000 kVA. The average of the Customer's demand for the most recent twelve-month period must fall within these demand limits for service under this schedule. Customer shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on its side of the point of delivery and enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge: 4.254¢ per kwh Demand Charge: $12,500.00 for the first 3,000 kVA of demand or less. 1st Demand Block: $4.50 per kVA for each additional kVA of demand up to 55,000 kVA. 2nd Demand Block: $2.00 per kVA for each additional kVA of demand above 55,000 kVA. Primary Voltage Discount: If Customer takes service at 11 kV (wye grounded) or higher, it will be allowed a primary voltage discount of 20¢ per kVA of demand per month. Minimum: The demand charge unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: $617,490 Any annual minimum deficiency will be determined during the April billing cycle for the previous 12-month period. The annual minimum is based on 916,667 kWh’s per month, plus twelve months multiplied by the monthly minimum demand charge for the first 3,000 kVa of demand. The annual minimum reflected above is based on base revenues only. Any other revenues paid in billed rates (such as the DSM Tariff Rider Schedule 91) do not factor into the annual minimum calculation. Ninth Revision Sheet 101 Canceling I.P.U.C. No.27 Eighth Revision Sheet 101 101 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities Issued August 29, 2013 Effective October 1, 2013 Issued by Avista Utilities By Kelly O. Norwood ,Vice-President, State & Federal Regulation SCHEDULE 101 GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has natural gas service available. APPLICABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose when all such service used on the premises is supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. MONTHLY RATE: Per Meter Per Month Basic charge $4.25 Charge Per Therm: Base Rate 45.372¢ OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 150 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment 43.612¢ Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adjustment (01.785¢) Schedule 197 - Refund of Deferred Gas Costs (01.489¢) Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment Check Municipal Fee Total Billing Rate * 85.710¢ Minimum Charge: $4.25 * The rates shown above as “Other Charges” may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. Tenth Revision Sheet 111 Canceling I.P.U.C. No.27 Ninth Revision Sheet 111 111 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities Issued August 29, 2013 Effective October 1, 2013 Issued by Avista Utilities By Kelly Norwood , Vice-President, State & Federal Regulation SCHEDULE 111 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has natural gas service available. APPLICABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose, subject to execution of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. DEFINITIONS: Schedule 150 – Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 155 – Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 197 – Refund of Deferred Gas Costs MONTHLY RATE: Base Schedule Schedule Schedule Billing Rate 150 155 197 Rate* First 200 47.500¢ 43.612¢ (01.785¢) (01.489¢) 87.838¢ Next 800 31.030¢ 43.612¢ (01.785¢) (01.489¢) 71.368¢ Next 9,000 23.095¢ 43.612¢ (01.785¢) (01.489¢) 63.433¢ All over 17.850¢ 43.612¢ (01.785¢) (01.489¢) 58.188¢ * The rates shown above as “Other Charges” may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. Minimum Charge: $ 95.00 The minimum charge calculation is based solely on the base rate per therm noted above and is not inclusive of the adder schedules. Eleventh Revision Sheet 112 Canceling I.P.U.C.. No. 27 Tenth Revision Sheet 112 112 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities Issued August 29, 2013 Effective October 1, 2013 Issued by Avista Utilities By Kelly O. Norwood , Vice President, State & Federal Regulation SCHEDULE 112 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has natural gas service available. Customers taking service under this Schedule beginning on or after March 1, 2002 must have been previously served under Schedule 146 – Transportation Service for Customer–Owned Gas. APPLICABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose, subject to execution of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. DEFINITIONS: Schedule 150 – Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 197 – Refund of Deferred Gas Costs MONTHLY RATE: Base Schedule Schedule Billing Rate 150 197 Rate* First 200 47.500¢ 43.612¢ (01.489¢) 89.623¢ Next 800 31.030¢ 43.612¢ (01.489¢) 73.153¢ Next 9,000 23.095¢ 43.612¢ (01.489¢) 65.218¢ All over 17.850¢ 43.612¢ (01.489¢) 59.973¢ * The rates shown above as “Other Charges” may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. Minimum Charge: $ 95.00 The minimum charge calculation is based solely on the base rate per therm noted above and is not inclusive of the adder schedules. Tenth Revision Sheet 131 Canceling I.P.U.C. No.27 Ninth Revision Sheet 131 131 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities Issued August 29, 2013 Effective October 1, 2013 Issued by Avista Utilities By Kelly O. Norwood, Vice President, State & Federal Regulation SCHEDULE 131 INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho whose requirements exceed 250,000 therms of gas per year and who comply with the Special Terms and Conditions set forth below, provided: (1) A volume of off-peak interruptible gas for the service requested is available to the Company and, (2) The Company's existing distribution system has capacity, in excess of its existing requirements for firm gas service, adequate for the service requested by Customer. APPLICABLE: To interruptible gas service for any purpose subject to provisions of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering. MONTHLY RATE: Per Meter Per Month Charge Per Therm: Base Rate 20.459¢ OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 150 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment 33.285¢ Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adjustment (01.663¢) Schedule 197 – Refund of Deferred Gas Costs (01.489¢) Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment Check Municipal Fee Total Billing Rate * 50.592¢ * The rates shown above as “Other Charges” may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. ANNUAL MINIMUM: Each Customer shall be subject to an Annual Minimum Deficiency Charge if their gas usage during the prior year did not equal or exceed 250,000 therms. Such annual Minimum Deficiency Charge shall be determined by subtracting the Customer’s actual usage for the twelve-month period ending each August from 250,000 therms multiplied by 20.459¢ per therm. Twelfth Revision Sheet 132 Canceling I.P.U.C. No. 27 Eleventh Revision Sheet 132 132 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities Issued August 29, 2013 Effective October 1, 2013 Issued by Avista Utilities By Kelly O. Norwood , Vice President, State & Federal Regulation SCHEDULE 132 INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho whose requirements exceed 250,000 therms of gas per year and who comply with the Special Terms and Conditions set forth below, provided: (1) A volume of off-peak interruptible gas for the service requested is available to the Company and, (2) The Company's existing distribution system has capacity, in excess of its existing requirements for firm gas service, adequate for the service requested by Customer. Customers taking service under this Schedule beginning on or after March 1, 2002 must have been previously served under Schedule 146 – Transportation Service for Customer-Owned Gas. APPLICABLE: To interruptible gas service for any purpose subject to provisions of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering. MONTHLY RATE: Per Meter Per Month Charge Per Therm: Base Rate 20.459¢ OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 150 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment 33.285¢ Schedule 197 – Refund of Deferred Gas Costs (01.489¢) Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment Check Municipal Fee Total Billing Rate * 52.255¢ * The rates shown above as “Other Charges” may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect ANNUAL MINIMUM: Each Customer shall be subject to an Annual Minimum Deficiency Charge if their gas usage during the prior year did not equal or exceed 250,000 therms. Such annual Minimum Deficiency Charge shall be determined by subtracting the Customer’s actual usage for the twelve-month period ending each August from 250,000 therms multiplied by 20.459¢ per therm. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION AVISTA UTILITIES AVU-E-12-08 & AVU-G-12-07 __________________________________________ Substitute Tariff Sheets - Underline September 26, 2013 Substitute Eighth Revision Sheet 25P Canceling I.P.U.C. No.28 Seventh Revision Sheet 25P AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities Issued September 26, 2013 Effective October 1, 2013 Issued by Avista Utilities By Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & Federal Regulation SCHEDULE 25P EXTRA LARGE GENERAL SERVICE TO CLEARWATER PAPER’S FACILITY - IDAHO (Three phase, available voltage) AVAILABLE: To Clearwater Paper Corporation’s Lewiston, Idaho Facility. APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements with a demand of not less than 2,500 kVA but not greater than 110,000 kVA. The average of the Customer's demand for the most recent twelve-month period must fall within these demand limits for service under this schedule. Customer shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on its side of the point of delivery and enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge: 4.254¢ per kwh Demand Charge: $12,500.00 for the first 3,000 kVA of demand or less. 1st Demand Block: $4.50 per kVA for each additional kVA of demand up to 55,000 kVA. 2nd Demand Block: $2.00 per kVA for each additional kVA of demand above 55,000 kVA. Primary Voltage Discount: If Customer takes service at 11 kV (wye grounded) or higher, it will be allowed a primary voltage discount of 20¢ per kVA of demand per month. Minimum: The demand charge unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: $617,940 Any annual minimum deficiency will be determined during the April billing cycle for the previous 12-month period. The annual minimum is based on 916,667 kWh’s per month, plus twelve months multiplied by the monthly minimum demand charge for the first 3,000 kVa of demand. The annual minimum reflected above is based on base revenues only. Any other revenues paid in billed rates (such as the DSM Tariff Rider Schedule 91) do not factor into the annual minimum calculation. Substitute Ninth Revision Sheet 101 Canceling I.P.U.C. No.27 Eighth Revision Sheet 101 101 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities Issued September 26, 2013 Effective October 1, 2013 Issued by Avista Utilities By Kelly O. Norwood ,Vice-President, State & Federal Regulation SCHEDULE 101 GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has natural gas service available. APPLICABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose when all such service used on the premises is supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. MONTHLY RATE: Per Meter Per Month Basic charge $4.25 Charge Per Therm: Base Rate 45.372¢ OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 150 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment 48.148¢ Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adjustment 00.015¢ Schedule 197 - Refund of Deferred Gas Costs (01.489¢) Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment Check Municipal Fee Total Billing Rate * 92.046¢ Minimum Charge: $4.25 * The rates shown above as “Other Charges” may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. Substitute Tenth Revision Sheet 111 Canceling I.P.U.C. No.27 Ninth Revision Sheet 111 111 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities Issued September 26, 2013 Effective October 1, 2013 Issued by Avista Utilities By Kelly Norwood , Vice-President, State & Federal Regulation SCHEDULE 111 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has natural gas service available. APPLICABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose, subject to execution of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. DEFINITIONS: Schedule 150 – Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 155 – Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 197 – Refund of Deferred Gas Costs MONTHLY RATE: Base Schedule Schedule Schedule Billing Rate 150 155 197 Rate* First 200 47.500¢ 48.148¢ 00.015¢ (01.489¢) 94.174¢ Next 800 31.030¢ 48.148¢ 00.015¢ (01.489¢) 77.704¢ Next 9,000 23.095¢ 48.148¢ 00.015¢ (01.489¢) 69.769¢ All over 17.850¢ 48.148¢ 00.015¢ (01.489¢) 64.524¢ * The rates shown above as “Other Charges” may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. Minimum Charge: $ 95.00 The minimum charge calculation is based solely on the base rate per therm noted above and is not inclusive of the adder schedules. Substitute Eleventh Revision Sheet 112 Canceling I.P.U.C.. No. 27 Tenth Revision Sheet 112 112 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities Issued September 26, 2013 Effective October 1, 2013 Issued by Avista Utilities By Kelly O. Norwood , Vice President, State & Federal Regulation SCHEDULE 112 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has natural gas service available. Customers taking service under this Schedule beginning on or after March 1, 2002 must have been previously served under Schedule 146 – Transportation Service for Customer–Owned Gas. APPLICABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose, subject to execution of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. DEFINITIONS: Schedule 150 – Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 197 – Refund of Deferred Gas Costs MONTHLY RATE: Base Schedule Schedule Billing Rate 150 197 Rate* First 200 47.500¢ 48.148¢ (01.489¢) 94.159¢ Next 800 31.030¢ 48.148¢ (01.489¢) 77.689¢ Next 9,000 23.095¢ 48.148¢ (01.489¢) 69.754¢ All over 17.850¢ 48.148¢ (01.489¢) 64.509¢ * The rates shown above as “Other Charges” may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. Minimum Charge: $ 95.00 The minimum charge calculation is based solely on the base rate per therm noted above and is not inclusive of the adder schedules. Substitute Tenth Revision Sheet 131 Canceling I.P.U.C. No.27 Ninth Revision Sheet 131 131 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities Issued September 26, 2013 Effective October 1, 2013 Issued by Avista Utilities By Kelly O. Norwood, Vice President, State & Federal Regulation SCHEDULE 131 INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho whose requirements exceed 250,000 therms of gas per year and who comply with the Special Terms and Conditions set forth below, provided: (1) A volume of off-peak interruptible gas for the service requested is available to the Company and, (2) The Company's existing distribution system has capacity, in excess of its existing requirements for firm gas service, adequate for the service requested by Customer. APPLICABLE: To interruptible gas service for any purpose subject to provisions of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering. MONTHLY RATE: Per Meter Per Month Charge Per Therm: Base Rate 20.459¢ OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 150 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment 37.350¢ Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adjustment (01.042¢) Schedule 197 – Refund of Deferred Gas Costs (01.489¢) Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment Check Municipal Fee Total Billing Rate * 55.278¢ * The rates shown above as “Other Charges” may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. ANNUAL MINIMUM: Each Customer shall be subject to an Annual Minimum Deficiency Charge if their gas usage during the prior year did not equal or exceed 250,000 therms. Such annual Minimum Deficiency Charge shall be determined by subtracting the Customer’s actual usage for the twelve-month period ending each August from 250,000 therms multiplied by 20.459¢ per therm. Substitute Twelfth Revision Sheet 132 Canceling I.P.U.C. No. 27 Eleventh Revision Sheet 132 132 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities Issued September 26, 2013 Effective October 1, 2013 Issued by Avista Utilities By Kelly O. Norwood , Vice President, State & Federal Regulation SCHEDULE 132 INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho whose requirements exceed 250,000 therms of gas per year and who comply with the Special Terms and Conditions set forth below, provided: (1) A volume of off-peak interruptible gas for the service requested is available to the Company and, (2) The Company's existing distribution system has capacity, in excess of its existing requirements for firm gas service, adequate for the service requested by Customer. Customers taking service under this Schedule beginning on or after March 1, 2002 must have been previously served under Schedule 146 – Transportation Service for Customer-Owned Gas. APPLICABLE: To interruptible gas service for any purpose subject to provisions of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering. MONTHLY RATE: Per Meter Per Month Charge Per Therm: Base Rate 20.459¢ OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 150 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment 37.350¢ Schedule 197 – Refund of Deferred Gas Costs (01.489¢) Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment Check Municipal Fee Total Billing Rate * 56.320¢ * The rates shown above as “Other Charges” may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect ANNUAL MINIMUM: Each Customer shall be subject to an Annual Minimum Deficiency Charge if their gas usage during the prior year did not equal or exceed 250,000 therms. Such annual Minimum Deficiency Charge shall be determined by subtracting the Customer’s actual usage for the twelve-month period ending each August from 250,000 therms multiplied by 20.459¢ per therm. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION AVISTA UTILITIES AVU-E-12-08 & AVU-G-12-07 __________________________________________ Attachment A September 26, 2013