HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120206Application.pdfA vista Corp. 1411 East Mission P.O. Box 3727 Spokane. VVashington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 RECEIVED 2012 FEB -6 AM 9= 17 ~~'V'STA' Corp. February 3, 2012 State of Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission P. O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Case No. AVU-E-12-02 Attention: Ms. Jean D. Jewell Enclosed for filing with the Commission is an original and seven copies of Avista's Application related to an agreement between Clearater Power Company and Avista. Please direct any questions regarding this filing to me at (509) 495-8620 or pat.ehrbar~avistacorp.com. Patrick Ehrbar Manager, Rates & Tariffs Enclosures cc: K. David Hagen, General Manager, Clearater Power Company P.O. Box 997 Lewiston, Idaho 83501 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 RECElVED 10'1 fEB -6 AM 9= '7 PATRICK EHRAR MAAGER, RATES & TARIFFS AVISTA CORPORATION P.O. BOX 3727 1411 EAST MISSION AVENU SPOKA, WASHINGTON 99220-3727 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-8620 FACSIMILE: (509) 777-5259 P AT.EHRAR~ VISTACORP.COM BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF A VISTA CORPORATION TO APPROVE AGREEMENT ALLOCATING TERRORY WIT CLEARVV ATER POVVER COMPAN ) ) ) ) CASE NO. A VU-E-12-02 APPLICATION OF A VISTA I. INTRODUCTION A vista Corporation doing business as A vista Utilities (hereinafter A vista or Company), at 1411 East Mission Avenue, Spokane, Washington, respectfully requests that the Commission approve the enclosed Electric Service Letter of Agreement (Attachment 1) with Clearater Power Company (hereinafter referred to as CPC), sometimes hereinafter referred to individually, as a "Pary", and collectively, as the "Paries". The Paries have entered into an agreement pursuant to the Idaho Electric Supplier Stabilization Act) "lESS", Idaho Code §§ 61-332, et seq., in order to allow Avista to supply electrc servce to CPC customer Steven A. Henderson (the "Customer"). Clearater currently provides single-phase electric service to a residential dwellng owned by the Customer.CPC is entitled to provide electric service to a shop being 33 constructed by Customer on the premises which requires three-phase electric services. CPC 34 does not have thee-phase power available at a cost-effective distance from the premises; 1 however, Avista has existing overhead distrbution lines approximately 650 feet from 2 Customer's new shop site. As such, Customer's cost for Avista extending thee-phase 3 electric service to the shop site would be substantially less than Customer's cost for CPC 4 extending such service. Furher, the Paries agree that it would be more convenient for the 5 Customer to receive one biling for electric service at this location. 6 The Company requests that this filing be processed under the Commission's Modified 7 Procedure rules. 8 Communications in reference to this Application should be addressed to: 910 Patrck Ehrbar11 Manager, Rates & Tariffs12 A vista Corporation13 1411 E. Mission Avenue 14 Spokane, Washington 9922015 Phone: (509) 495-862016 Fax: (509) 777-525917 Pat.ehrbar~avistacorp.com 18 1920 II. PROPOSED ASSIGNMENT 21 Though the proposed Agreement, CPC has released its electrc service rights of the 22 Customer, and has authorized Avista to serve the existing residence and proposed shop. 23 Therefore, per the attached Agreement (Attachment 1), the Parties have agreed that, among 24 other things: 25 1.CPC shall release Customer and allow A vista to provide electrc service to 26 Customer's premises, including Customer's current single-phase electrc 27 requirements and its new, three-phase electrc requirements. 28 2.A vista wil extend its existing electrcal facilties to provide electrc serice to 29 Customer's entire premises. Application of Avista Corporation 2 1 3.For purposes of determining electrc service rights to other customers under 2 the Stabilzation Act, the electrc service line being installed by A vista to sere 3 Customer's premises wil not be used as a measuring point to determine Avista's 4 electric servce rights to other customers in the vicinity of such Premises. 5 6 III. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL 7 Avista, therefore, respectfully requests approval of the "Electrc Service Letter of 8 Agreement" so that Avista can provide the necessar electric services for the Customer. 9 Avista believes that the Agreement is in the best of the Parties and the Customer, as attested 10 to in the Agreement. 11 Dated at Spokane, VVashington this 3rd day of Februar 2012. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Patrck Ehrbar Manager, Rates & Tarffs A vista Corporation Application of Avista Corporation 3 Januar 6, 2011 K. David Han Cleaat Power Compay 4230 Haai Road PO Box 997 Lewistn,ID 83501 RE: Electrc Seice Ler of Agreeent ("LOA") Avis Contr No M-t6220 Cleaat Power Compy e'CP~' CUtly prvides single-has electrc seice to a reidential dwelling own by Steven A. Hende ("Cuomet) lOO at 4956 Highway 8, in Dea, ID (th ''Pisw'). Puuat to th Idao Elec Supplier Stbilzaon Act ("ilizon Act), CPC is entitled to prvide electrc service to a shop beg cost by Customer on the Premises whch reuies tlhase electrc services. CPC doe not have tJphase powe availale at a cost-effecve distce from the Prmises; however Avista ha exig overhed distrbution lines appoximately 650 feet frm Custer's new shop site. As such, Custer's cost for Avis extnding theephas electr service to the shop site would be substtily less than Customer's cost for CP extending such seice. Because of th co diferentil, it is in the be intet of Cuser to have Avista provide elecc service to the shop~ and becus it would be more convenient for Custmer to reive eleWc servic an monthy bils from a sigle entity, CPC agr to releas Customer to Avista and allow Avist to ex its facilties to provide eltrc service to Cumer's Prmises subject to the conditions se fort below. Thereore~ CPC and Avist (collecvely, the "Pares!') agree to and agr as follows. 1. CPC shall relea Cutomer and allow Avista to prvide elec sece to Customets Prmises, including Custer's curt sigle-phas electrc reuirements and it new, threehas elecc requirements. 2. Avista wil ex its exstig eleccal facilti to provie elecc seric to Customer's enti Premise. 3. Avisa wil prepar and submit the aplication ror approval of CP~s asignent of Custmer to A vist befor the Idaho Public Utilities Commssion (('Commissionj, CPe shal join in or oterse coopeate in th applicaon, and bo Pares shall support the Cutomer asignen and assoiat electrc serice rights with their exig cusomers. 4. For purse of deterinng electrc seice righs to other cusomer unr the Stailizn Act 4.1 The electric service line being inled by Avis to serve Customer's Premise wil not be use as a measuring point to dein Avista's electric servic right. 4.2 The location of the poles being reoved by CP to acmmodat Cusomer's reue (lattude 46.198887 longtude -I 16.576669, CPC Pole No. UIRl P58 an lade 46.79985 longitude- 1 16.575039, cpe Pole No. UIRI P57) win be used as a meag point to dermin CPC electrc seice rihts to other cusmers in the vicin of the Prises. AVU-E-12-02 Attachment 1 Page 1 of 2 5. In the event th Commision doenói approve th Cumer assjgent and asociaed elecc service rights descn'b in th WA. then th LOA wil be void. and th Pares will reegot an ageeent th is ultately acble to the Comission. 6. If approved by the Commision, this Agrment wil be binding upon the Paries, thir succssrs and/or asign. This LOA nasbeeiisigned by each Pat's áuthord rêentre oIithe das.)se fort below. Avila Corpratioii :-c_y-l~-(SìgD) K. DavidllèJ (PteName) Gener Maager (Title)l J. -l _ f G,t L (Dat Signd) ==~..¿:..~~(sig)4'~n 4t~(Pr..~.) ~ .... ... ..... LYl/H?Vt (tit e)!-ß- /2. (Daie Signed AfUmgt of Stew. Â. J1d!l'ii I .cerfY that I bave reiewed the foreoing agrent beeen Avist and CPC to asign my elecc service rights to A vi, appre of it cont, and sign, voluntay, as of my own fr ac fully in din be by same. ~G.t1A.llc!tkf.san (P.!:ame)...wrir(Tite) 11.,¿ (DSigJ~ AVU-E-12-02 Attachment 1 Page 2of2