HomeMy WebLinkAbout20131120Second Amendment.pdfAvista Corp. 14ll EastMission P0 Box3727 Spokane,Washington 9922tr3727 Telephone 509-48$0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 AiT,vts Tlt Corp. !r1:i ii't,J ?l i..i ii:' l* Nove,mber 18,2013 Via Resular Mail Jean Jewell Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W . Washington Street Boise,ID 83702 Re:Joint Petition of Avista Corporation and Kootenai Electric Cooperative, Inc. for Approval of Second Amendment to Power Purchase Agreement IPUC Docket No. AVU-E-12-01 Dear Ms. Jewell: Please find enclosed for filing in the above-referenced docket an original and seven copies of the Joint Petition of Avista Corporation ("Avista") and Kootenai Electric Cooperative, Inc. ("KEC") for approval of the second amendment to the power purchase agreement between Avista and KEC ("PPA") further extending the term of the PPA through December 37,2014. The second amendment to the PPA is attached to the Joint Petition. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this filing. Michael G. Andrea Senior Counsel Enclosures cc: Service List Sincerely, For Avista Corporation Michael G. Andrea (ISB No. 8308) Senior Counsel Avista Corporation 1411 East Mission Ave., MSC-23 Spokane, WA99202 Phone: (509) 495-2564 Facsimile: (509) 495-5690 Email : michael.andrea@avistacorp.com For Kootenai Electric Cooperative, Inc. Greg Adams (ISB No. 7454) Richardson Adams PLLC 515 N. 27n St. Boise, lD 83702 Phone: (208) 938-2236 Facsimile: (208) 938-7904 Email : gre g@richardsonadams.com IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT PETITION OF AVISTA CORPORATION AND KOOTENAI ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, TNC. FOR APPROVAL OF POWER PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT _, l_ ta1!'' rr'-,1r a^(-: t. : i- _: CASE NO. AW.8.12.01 JOINT PETITION OF AVISTA CORPORATION AND KOOTENAI ELECTRTC COOPERATIVE, INC. ,: I li'. t. I'. ..' _! I BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Avista Corporation ("Avista") and Kootenai Electric Cooperative, Inc. ("KEC") (collectively, the "Parties") hereby jointly petition the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") for an order approving the Second Amendment ("Second Amendment") to Power Purchase Agreement ("Agreement") between KEC and Avista with a requested effective date of January 1, 2014. The Second Amendment is attached hereto as Attachment A. The Agreement is attached hereto as Attachment B. Page - 1 JOINT PETITION OF AVISTA CORPORATION AND KOOTENAI ELECTzuC COOPERATIVE, INC. l.Names and Addresses of Petitioners Avista Corporation 1411 East Mission Avenue Spokane, WA99202 Kootenai Electric Cooperative, Inc. 2451W. Dakota Avenue Hayden, Idaho 83835-0278 Nature of Businesses2. Avista is a corporation created and organized under the laws of the State of Washington with its principal office in Spokane, Washington. Avista is an investor- owned utility engaged in, among other things, the business of generating, transmitting, and distributing electric power to wholesale and retail customers in Idaho and Washington. Avista also provides natural gas service to customers in Idaho, Washington, and Oregon. As such, Avista's rates, charges, services and practices are regulated, in part, by this Commission. KEC is electric cooperative with its headquarters in Hayden, Idaho, that will own and operate a landfill gas electric power generating facility located at the Kootenai County Solid Waste Facility near Bellgrove, Idaho ("Facility"). The Facility is capable of generating up to approximately 3.2 megawatts of energy. The Facility is a Qualifuing Facility pursuant to the Public Utility Regulatory Policies of Act of 1978 ("PURPA";. Page - 2 JOINT PETITION OF AVISTA CORPORATION AND KOOTENAI ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. 3. Names of Representatives All communications, pleadings, and orders with respect to this proceeding should be directed to: For Avista Corporation: Steve Silkworth Michael G. Andrea Manager, Wholesale Marketing and Senior CounselContracts Avista Corporation Avista Corporation l41l E. Mission Ave., MSC-23 14ll E. MissionAve., MSC-7 Spokane, WA99202 Spokane, WA99202 Phone: 509-495-2564 Phone: 509-495-8093 Fax: (509) 777-5468 Fax: (509) 495-4272 E-mail: michael.andrea@avistacom.com E-mail : steve.silkworth@avistacom.com For Kootenai Electric Cooperative, Inc.: Doug Elliott Greg Adams General Manager Richardson Adams PLLC Kootenai Electric Cooperative, Inc. 515 N. 27th St. 2451W. Dakota Avenue Boise, lD 83702 Hayden, Id 83835-0278 Phone: (208)938-2236 Telephone: (208) 292-3227 Facsimile: (208) 935-7904 Fax: (208) 209-0427 Email:sreg@.richardsonadams.com Email: delliott@kec.com 4. Description of Agreement The Agreement is a power purchase agreement under which KEC generates and delivers the Net Output of its Facility to Avista's electric system on an as-available basis. The Agreement was original approved by the Commission in Order No. 32459 issued in Docket No. AVU-E-12-01on February 15,2012. The Term of the Agreement was originally due to expire on December 31, 2012. In an amendment dated November 19, 2012 ("First Amendment"), the parties agreed to extend the Term through December 31, Page - 3 JOINT PETITION OF AVISTA CORPORATION AND KOOTENAI ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. 2OB.r The Second Amendment further extends the Term of the Agreement through December 31,2014 and Exhibit D has also been updated to include the Avoided Cost Rates for 2014. For the Term of the Agreement, Avista will purchase the Net Output of the Facility that is delivered to the Point of Delivery. Avista will purchase such Net Output (up to a maximum of l0 aMW) pursuant to Schedule 62 of its Idaho tariff at the lesser of (i) 85 percent (85%) of the weighted average of the Powerdex Mid-Columbia Hourly Index for on and off peak hours (or its successor), or (ii) the applicable rate based upon the On-Peak or Off-Peak Avoided Cost Rates For Non-Fueled Projects Smaller Than Ten Average Megawatts - Non-Levelized in effect on the Effective Date ("Avoided Cost Rates"). Pursuant to the Amendment, the Term of the Agreement shall continue through December 31,2014, unless the Agreement is terminated earlier pursuant to its terms. KEC may terminate the Agreement at any time during the Term by providing Avista written notice 30 days before such termination. I Avista and KEC submitted a joint petition for a approval of the First Amendment, which was filed in the above-captioned docket on November 23 , 2010. The Commission approved the First Amendment as part of its consent agenda on December 3,2012. See ldaho Public Utilities Commission, Minutes of Decision Meeting, December 3, 2012. Page - 4 JOINT PETITION OF AVISTA CORPORATION AND KOOTENAI ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. 5. Joint Request for Approval Avista and KEC jointly request that the Commission issue an order (i) accepting the Agreement as amended by the Second Amendment, without change or condition, with an effective date of January 1,2074, and (ii) declaring that all payments made by Avista for purchases of energy under the Agreement be allowed as prudently incurred expenses for ratemaking purposes. 1J''ns Respecttully submitted this 6 Ury of Novemb er 2013. KOOTENAI ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. Greg Adams Attomey for Kootenai Cooperative, Inc. Page - 5 JOINT PETITION OF AVISTA CORPORATION AND KOOTENAI ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. AVISTA CORPORATION ichael G. Andrea AHvtsrt November 5,2013 Kootenai Electric Cooperativc Attn: Doug Elliot 2451 W. Dakota Ave P.O. Box 276 Hayden, ID 83835-0278 Re:Amendment No.2 to the Power Purchase Agreement bctween Kootenai Electric Cooperative and Avista Corporation Dear Mr. Elliot: Kootenai Electric Cooperative, Inc. ("Sellet'') and Avista Corporation ("Avista"), referred to herein individually as a'?arty''and collectively as the '?arties," entered into that certain Power Purchase Agreement dated January 5,2012, (*Power Purchasc Agreement") undcr which Avista purchases energy from a 3.2 MW nameplate capacity electric power generating facility ("Facility") at the Kootenai County Solid Waste Facility near Bellgrove, Idaho. The Porver Purchase Agreement was originally approved by the Idaho Public Utilities C<rmrnission ('C<rmmission") in Order No. 32459 issued in Docket No. AVU-E-12-01on February 15.2012. 'I'he original tenn of the Power Purchase Agreement expired by its terms on December 31,?-012. On November 19,2012, Seller and Avista agreed to amend the Power Purchase AgreenrentandextendthetermthroughDecember3l,20l3. OnNovember23,20l2,Avista and Seller submitted a joint petition to the Commission (Case No. AVU-E-12-01) seekiug approval to amend the existing Power Purchase Agreement to extend the term through December 31, 2013. Avista understands that Seller would now like to amend the Power Purchase Agreiment to extend the term for arr additional one-year term through December 31,2014. Thc Parties hereby agree to amend the Power Purchase Agreement as follows; l. Section 4.1 of the Powel Purchase Agreemerrt is amended to changc thc crpiration date of the'Ierm to December 3l-20l/,. Scction 1.24 is amended to change the energy pricing mechanism such that Section l.?4 states in its entirety as follows: L?{ -l'll4arket Erercv R$te': means fil ener,'J price that shali be 85 percenl (tl5%) or ihe weightcd average of the Porveriex Mid Columbia l{ourly Index for on and offpeak hours or ils surcessor, ol'as agrced by the Parties ifno sttecessor exists' 1411 Easr Misslon Avenuo PO Box 3727 MSC-7 Spokane, Warhington Sg22O-3727 509.48t .0500 800.727.9170 www.aYistauti lities.com 3. Exhibit D is amended and replaced in its entirety with the attached Amended Exhibit D to reflect the cunent "Avoided Cost Rates for Other Projects" issued by the Commission on June l, 2013. Except as expressly provided herein, all other terms and conditions of the Power Purchase Agreement remain in full force and effect, including Seller's right in Section 4.1 to terminate the Agreernent with 30 days prior written notice to Avista. The Parties agree that this Amendment No. 2 will be construed in aecorrlance with Section 210 of PURPA and other applicable laws and regulations. This Amendment No. 2 shall become finally effective upon the Commission's approval of all terms and provisions herein without change or condition and declaration that all payments to be made to Seller under the Power Purchase Agreement, as amended, shall be allowed as prudently incuned expenses for ratemaking purposes. This Amendment No. 2 to the Power Purchase Agreement shall, subject to such Commission approval, become effective on January 1,2074, or such othcr date set by Commission order. Upon the effective date of this Amendment, this Amendment shall be incorporated in the Power Purchase Agreement and all references to the Power Purchase Agreernent shall be deemed to be references to the Power Purchase Agreement as amended by this Amendment No. 2. If the terms set forth herein for the Amendment No. 2 to the Power Purchase Agreement are acceptable, please execute below and retum an original executed copy of this letter to me. Please call Steve Silkworth at 509 495-8093 if you have any questions. Sincerely, J,yY Jason Thackston Vice President, Energy Resources ACCEPTED AND AGREED TO: Date:Nowemtrpr 7-101? Kootenai Electric Cooperative Erhtbit I) Avoldod Cmt Ratcs Period Jan 2014 - Feb 2014 Mar 2014 - Jun 2014 Jul 2014 - Dec 2014 l.leavy LightLoad LoadHours Hours $/M\ Jh $/MVVh 033.21 $26.83 $33.21 $27.81 $21.63 $27.81 ATTACIIMENTB POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN KOOTENAI ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. AND AVISTA CORPORATION I. DEFIMTIONS 2. WARRANTIES 3. CONDMONS PRIOR TO MMMERCIAL OPEMTION 4. TERM OFAGREEMENT A}.ID MMMERCIAL OPERIffION DATE 5. NET OUTPUTAMOI]NTS 6. SCHEDIJLING 7. PI.JRCHASE PRICES ANID PA1TVIENT 8. INSTJRA}ICE 9. CURTPJI}M\M, INTERRI.JMON ORREDUCTION OF DEtI\IERY 10. OPERATION II. INTERCONNECTION AND TRANSMSSION 12. FORCE I\{AIE[]RE 13. II{DEMMTY 14. ASSIGNMENT 15. NO T]NSPECIMD TIIIRD PARTYBENEFICIARIES 15. DtrAULT ANID TERMINATION 17. DISPUTE RESOLUTION 18. RELEASEBYSBLLER 19, GOVERNMENTALAUTIIORITY 20. SEVERAL OBLIGATIONS -+- -7 - -8- -9- -9- -10- -10 - -11- -12 - -1 3- -14 - -t4 - -15 - - t6- -L6 - -16 - -77 - -L7 - - 18- - l8- -2- 21. IMPLEMENTATION 22, NON.WAIIIER 23. AI\{EI{DMEI{T 24. CX{OICE OF I,AWS AI{D \IENI]E 25. HEADINGS 26. SEVERABILITY 27. COUNTERPARTS 28. TAXES 29. NOTICES 30- SURVIVAL 3I. ENTIRE AGREEMENT EXHIBIT A EXHIBITB EXHIBITC EXHIBITD EXHIBITE EXHIBITF EXHIBITG -18 - -18 - -18 - -18 - -19 - - t9- -19- - 19- - 19- . - 19- -20- -3- POWER PIJRCHASE AGREEMENT This Agreement is made by and between Avista Corporation, a Washington corporation ("Avista"), and Kootenai Electric Cooperative, Inc. an Idaho corporation ("Seller"). Avista and Seller are somotimes referred to individually as a "Party" and collectively as the "Parties." RECITALS WHEREAS, Sellerwill design, construct, own, operate and maintain a 3.2 MW nameplate capacity ("Expectod Capacity") electric power generating facility ("Facility") at the Kootenai County Solid Waste Facility near Bellgrove, Idaho, as more fully described in Exhibit C; and WHEREAS, Seller will operate the Facility as a Qualifying Facility, as defined by the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act o f I 978 ('PURPA"); and WHEREAS, Seller will deliver and sell, and Avista will purchase, Net Output generated by the Faciiity on an non-firm as available basis subject to the terms ofthis Agreement; and WHEREAS, Sellerand Avista are parties to the Interconnection and Operating Agreement datedNovember IS, 2011 (Avista ContractNo. AV-TRll-0205-1) ("Interconnection and Operating Agreement"); and WHEREAS, Seller and Avista are parties to the Facilities for Integration and Operation ofFighting Creek Facility Letter Agreement dated December 5, 2011 (incorporated as Exhibit G) which sets forth the scope ofwork and responsibilities ofthe Parties regarding the construction and installation ofthe Parties' respective facilities for the integration and operation of Seller's Facility. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration ofthe mutual agreements setforth herein, the Parties agree as follows. 1. DEFINITIONS Except as otherwise defined in this Agreement, whenever used in this Agreement and exhibits hereto, the following terms shall have the following meanings: 1.1 "Agreemenjrr means this Power Purchase Agreement, including all exhibits, and any written amendments. 12 "Alternate Point of Delivery" shall have the meaning provided in Section 11.2 ofthis Agreement and is further clarified in Exhibit C ofthis Agreement. 1.3 "Ancillary Services" means those services that are necessary to support tho transmission ofcapacity and energy from resources to loads while maintaining reliable operation -4- ofthe electical systems in accordance with Prudent Utility Practices and any existing or future WECC requirements. 1.4 "Avoided Cost Rates" shall have the meaning provided in Section 7.3 ofthis Agreement. 1.5 "aMW" means average megawat(s). An average megawatt is calculated by dividing the total generation in MWh over a given period oftime (e.g., a calendar month) by the number ofhours in that period oftime. 1.6 "Balancing Authority Area" means an electrical system or systems bounded by intercounection metering and telernetry, capable ofcontrolling generation to maintain its interchange schedule with other Balancing Authority Areas and contributing to frequency regulation ofthe interconneotion, A Balancing Authority Area must be certified by ttre applicable reliability counoil (such as WECC or other reliability council). 1.7 "BGg Energy'l means all monthly Net Ouput except Net Output that is Excess 1.8 "Business Day" means every day other than a Saturday or Sunday or a national holiday. National holidays shall be those holidays observedNERC. 1.9 "Commission" means the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, or its successor. 1.10 "Effective Date" shall have the meaning provided in Section 4.1 ofthis Agreement. 1.11 "Excess Energy" shall have the meaning provided in Section 7.4 ofthis Agteement. l.l2 "Expected Capacity" shall have the meaning provided in the recitals ofthis Agreement. t.l3 "Facility" means the electric energy generating facilities, including all equipment and structures necessary to generate and zupply electric energy, more particularly described at Exhibit C. l.l4 "Facility Output" means the capability and electic energy generated by the Facility expressed in kilowatt-hours. I . l5 "Facility Service Power" means the olectric energy generated and used by the Facility during its operation to operate equipment that is auxiliary to primary generation equipment including, but not limitedto, pumping, generator excitation, cooling or other operations related to the production of electric energy by the Facility. -5- 1.16 irForce Majeure" shall have the meaningprovided in Section 12 ofthis Agreement. l.l7 frFERCrt means the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, or its successor. 1.18 rrlndependent Engineering Certificationrl means certifications detailed in Section 3,3 provided by aprofessional engineer registered in the state in which the Facility is located and who has no direct or indirect, legal, or equitable ownership interest in the Facility. 1.19 "Initial Capacity Determinationrt shall have the meauing provided in Section 3.4 ofthis Agreement. 1.20 rrlnterconnection and Operating Agreementl means, as applicable, the agreement between Seller and Avista or Seller and a Transmitting Entity that is providing interconnection service which governs how the Net Output is delivered to Avista's or the Transmitting Entity's elechical system at the point ofinterconnection during the Term ofthis Agreement and that is attached hereto as Exhibit F. l.2l "Losses" means the loss ofelectical energy expressed in kilowatt hours (kWh), including the Meter Location Adjustment Factor ('MLAF') as described in section 7.2, occurring as a result ofthe transformation and transmission ofenergy between the point of interconnection on Seller's system and the Point ofDelivery. 1.22 rrMlyrr means megawatt. One thousand kilowatts equals one megawatt. 1,23 rtMlVhrr moans megawatt-hour. One thousandkilowatt-hours equals one megawatt-hour. 1.24 "Market Energy Rate" means an energy price that shall be 85 percent (85%) of the weighted average ofthe daily on-peak and off-peak Dow Jones Mid-CoiumbiaNon-Firm Index (Dow Jones Mid-C Non-Firm Index), or its successor, or as agreed by the Parties ifno successor exists. 1,25 'fNameolate Capacity Ratingrr means the maximum generating capacity ofthe Facility, as determined by the manufacturer, and expressed in kilowatts (kW). 126 trNERC" means the North American Electric Reliability Corporation or its successor. 1,27 f'Net OuQlutrr means the capability and elechic energy generated by the Facility, less Facility Service Power and Losses, that is delivered to the Point ofDelivery, or at the Alternate Point ofDelivery ifapplicable under Section 11.2, expressed in kilowaff-hours. Net Output is further described in Section 7.2. 1.28 "Ofr-Peak* means all hours otherthan On-Peakhours. -6- 1.29 rron-Peak" means the hours ending 0700 through 2200 Pacific Prevailing time, Monday through Sunday, including national holidays. 1.30 "Point qfDeliveryfi means the location, as specified in Exhibit C ofthis Agreement, where the electric energy produced by the Facility is delivered to Avista's electrical system. 1.31 "Prudent Utility Practices'r means the practices, methods, and acts com.monly and ordinarily used in electrical engiueering and operations by a signifioant portion ofthe electric power generation and transmission industry, in the exercise ofreasonablejudgment in the light ofthe facts known orthat should have been known at the time a decision was made, that would have been expected to accomplish the desired result in a manner consistent with law, regulation, reliability, safety, environmental protection, economy, and expedition. 1.32 rrQualifyingf,'aqility'r or *Qg'means a generating facility whichmeets the requirements for "QF" status under PURPA and part 292 ofFERC's Regulations, 18 C.F.R. Part 292, and which has obtained certification ofits QF status. 1.33 "Term" shall have the meauing provided in Section 4.1 ofthis Agreement. 1.34 I'Transmitting Entity.li means auy entity or entities including Seller that provide transmission and/or interconnection service to deliver electric energy from the Facility to Avista's electrical system at the Poiut ofDelivery or at the Alternate Point ofDelivery if applicable under Section 11.2. Forpurposes ofthis Agreement, Seller is the Transmitting Entity. 1.35 rrlllEccrt means the Western Electricity Coordinating Councilor its successor. 2. WARRANTIES 2.1 No Warranty by Avista. Avista makes no warranties, expressed or implied, regarding any aspect ofSeller's design, specifications, equipment or facilities, including, but not limited to, safety, durability, reliability, strength, capacity, adequacy or economic feasibility, and any review, acceptance or failure to review Seller's design, specifications, equipment or Facility shall not be an endorsement or a confirmation by Avista Avista assumes no responsibility or obligation with regard to any NERC and./or WECC reliability standard associated with the Facility or the delivery ofelectric energy from the Facitity to the Point ofDelivery or at the Alternate Point ofDelivery ifapplicable under Section 11.2. 2.2 feller's lVarranty. Seller wa:rants and represents tha[ (a) Seller has investigated and determined that it is capable ofperforming and will perform the obligations hereunder and has not relied uponthe advice, experience or expertise ofAvista in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement; O) all professionals and experts including, but not limited to, engineers, attorneys or accountants, that Seller may have consulted or relied on in undertaking the transactions contemplated by this Agreement have been solely those of Seller; (c) Seller will comply with all applicable laws and regulations and shall obtain -7 - and comply with applicable licenses, pe:its and approvals in the desigu, constnrction, operation aud maintenance ofthe Facility; and (d) the Facility is, and during the Term ofthis Agreement will remain, a Qualiffing Facility as that te: is used in 18 C.F.RPafi292. Seller's failure to maintain Qualifuing Facility status will be a material breach ofthis Agreement. Avista reserves the right to review the Seller's Qualiffing Facility status and associated support and compliance documents at anytime during the Te: ofthis Agreement. 3. CONDITIONS PRIOR TO DE-IIVERY Otr NET OUTPTII 3.1 Licenses, Pelrnits snd Approvals. Prior to the delivery ofany Net Ouput to Avista, Seller shall submit to Avista written proofthat all licenses, pe:its or approvals necessary for Seller's operations have been obtained from applicable federal, state, hibal or local authorities, including, but not limited to, evidence ofcompliance with Subpart B, 18 C.F.R $ 292.207, tnbal, state and local business licenses, environmeutal pe:its, easements, leases and all required approvals by the Commission. Avista and Seller shall cooperate in petitioning the Commission for any required approvals 3.2 Opinion O[Counsel, Priorto the delivery ofanyNet Outputto Avista, Seller shall submit to Avista an opinion letter signed by an attorney admitted to practice and in good standing in the state where the Facility is located providing an opinion that Seller's licenses, pe:its and approvals as set forth in Section 3.1 above are legally and validly issued, are held in the name ofthe Sellor, and based on a reasonable independent review, counsel is ofthe opinion that Seller is in substantial compliance with saidpe:its as ofthe date ofsuch opinion letter. The opinion letterwill be in a fo: acceptable to Avista and will acknowledge that the afforney rendering the opinionunderstands that Avista is relying on said opinion. Avista's acceptance of the fo: shall not be unreasonably withheld. 33 Independent Euqineerine Cerff,cations. Prior to the delivery ofany Net Output to Avista, Seller shall submit to Avista applicable Independent Engineering Certifications for (a) Construction Adequacy for a Qualiffing Facility, and O) Operations and Maintenance Policy for a QualiSing Facility as described in Commission OrderNo. 21690. Each IndependentEngineering Certification shall be signed by a licensedprofessional engineer in good standing submitted in a fo: acceptable to Avista and will acknowledge that the licensed professional engineer rendering the opinionunderstands that Avista is relying on said opinion. Avista's acceptance ofsuch fo:s shall not be unreasonably withheld. 3.4 Initial Capacity Determination. Seller shall desigu and operate the Facility in a martrer such that under no:al design conditions the Net Output does not exceed 10 aMW in any calendar month. Prior to delivery of any Net Output, Seller shall submit to Avista the maximum hourly generation capabitity ofthe Facility ("lnitial Capacity Dete=ination"). Such Initial Capacity Dete=ination shall be dete:ined by use oftheNameplate Capacity Rating and shall be documented and submitted to Avista by Seller. Such documentation shall include the info:ation listed in Exhibit E. Upon receipt of Seller's Initial Capacity Dete=ination, Avista will review such determination within a reasonable time and, ifacceptable to Avistq Avista shall issue to Seller its written approval ofthe Initial Capacity Dete:ination. Ifthe Initial Capacity -8- Determination submitted by Seller is not acceptable to Avista, Avista will promptly notifu Seller that Avista will not accept its Initial Capacity Determination. In such event, Avista shall engage, at Selier's sole expense, an independent qualified consultant to determine the Initial Capacity Determination. During the Term ofthis Agreement, Seller shall not cause the capacity ofthe Facility to be greater than the Initial Capacity Determination by any means, including by addition, upgrade, or replacement of any turbines. 3.5 Ancillary Services. In the eventthat the Facility is located outside ofAvista's Balancing Authority Area, Seller shall be responsible at its sole expense for obtaining any and all necessary Ancillary Services. Seller shall demonstrate its compliance with this Section prior to the delivery ofanyNet Outputto Avista. 3.6 Insursnce. Priorto the delivery ofanyNet Output to Avista, Seller shall submitto Avista evidence ofcompliance with Section $ Insurance. 3.7 Network Resource Desiguation. At Avista's request Seller shall provide to Avista all data required by Avista to enable the Facility to be designated by Avista as a netlvork resource. 3.8 Written Acceptance. Prior to the delivery ofany Net Output to Avista, Seller shall reguest and obhin from Avista wriffen confinnation that all couditions to acceptance ofelectic energy have been fulfiIled. Avista shall use reasonable commercial efforts to promptly provide Seller written confirmation that all conditions to acceptance ofelectric energy have been fulfilled or provide notice that such conditions have not been fulfilled. 4. TER]VI OF'AGREEMENT AND COMMERCIAL OPERATION DATE 4.1 This Agreement shall be effective on the date last signed below or such other date setby Commission order (the "Effective Date") and shall continue until December3l,2012 ("Term")n unless terminated by Seller with 30 days prior written notice to Avista or otherwise terminated as provided herein. 4.2 The Parties agree thatthis Agreement will be construed in accordance with Section 210 ofPURPA and other applicable laws and regulations. This Agreement shall become fually effective upon the Commission's approval ofall terms andprovisions herein without change or condition and declaration that all payments to be made to Seller hereunder shall be allowed as prudently incurred expenses for ratemaking purposes. 5. <Reserued) -9- 6, SCHEDULING 6.1 SellerwiLlmakereasonable efforts to contactAvistaReal-Time Schedulerto update Avista Real-Time Schedulerregarding any schedule estimates for generation, outage timeframes/duration, and return to service estimates. 6.2 Email contact information with regard to scheduling and telephone contact information with regard to generation changes, intemrptions or outages are specified in Exhibit A, Communication and Reporting. 7, PURCHASE PRICES AND PAYMENT 7.1 Except when either Party's performance is excused as provided herein, for the Term ofthis Agreement, Seller shall deliver all Net Output from the Facility to Avista at the Point ofDelivery, or at the Altemate Point ofDelivery ifapplicable under Section 11.2. For all Net Output detvered to Avista at the Point ofDelivery, or at the Altemate Point ofDelivery if applicable under Section I1.2, Avista shall pay the applicable rate specified in Sections 7.3 and 7.4 ofthis Agreement. 7.2 NCI Output. Net Output shall be determined by measuring the Facility Output and reducing that amount by Facility Service Power and the Meter Locatiou Adjustment Factor ("MLApu1 which is the product ofall applicable loss factors for the distribution system, transformation and transmission system between the metering point and the Point ofDelivery. Net Output shall be calculated in accordance with the following fornula: Net Output: (Facility Ou@ut) - (Facility Service Power) x MLAFMLAF= I - [(Distribution Line Loss Factor of0.0203) + (Dower TransformerNo Load Loss of0.0030) * (Dower Transformer Load Loss of0.0010) + (Transmission Line Loss of0.0005)l MLAF: I - 0.0248MLAF= 0.9752 7.3 Base Energy. For all Base Energy delivered to Avista at the Point ofDelivery, or at the Alternate Point ofDelivery ifapplicable under Section 11.2, Avista shall pay Sellerthe lesser of(i) the current month's Market Energy Rate or (ii) the applicable rate based upon the On-Peak or Off-Peak Avoided CostRates ForNon-Fueled Projects Smaller Than Ten Average Megawatts - Non-Levelized in effect on the Effective Date ("Avoided Cost Rates") as specifred h ExhibitD. 7.4 Excess Energy. Excess Energy is Net Output expressed in MWh, which Seller delivers to Avista at the Point ofDelivery and/or at the Alternate Point ofDelivery ifapplicable under Section ll.2 that exceeds 10 aMW in a calendar Month. Avista, at its sole discretion, may accept Excess Energy, but Avista will not pay for any Excess Energy. Where Avista does not elect to accept Excess Energy, and Seller delivers such energy after notification by Avista in accordance with Exbibit A, Seller shall pay Avista liquidated damages equal to $100 per MWh ofExcess Energy delivered to Avista, The Parties agree that the damages that Avista would - 10- incur due to Seller's delivery ofExcess Energy when Avista does not elect to accept Excess Energy would be difficult or impossible to predict with certainty and the liquidated damages contemplated by this provision are a fair and reasonable calculation ofsuch damages and are not a penalty. 7.5 Payments to Seller. Avista shall prepare and submit to Seller monthly statements during the Term ofthe Agreement based upon Net Output delivered to Avista during the previous month. Payments owed by Avista shall be paid no laterthan the l5m day ofthe month following the end ofthe monthly billing period or five days after the receipt ofa monthly statement, whiohever is later. Ifthe due date falls on a non-Business Day, then the payment shall be due on the next Business Day. 7.6 Payments to Avista and Right sjf Set Off. If Seller is obligated to make any payment or refund to Avista, Seller agrees that Avista may set off sucb payment or refund amount against any current or future payments due Sellerunder this Agreement. IfAvista does not elect to set ofl or ifno current or future payment is owed by Avista, Avista shall submit an invoice to Seller for such payments. Seller shall pay Avista no later than the 156 day ofthe month following the end ofthe monthly billing period or five days after the receipt ofa monthly statement, whichover is later. Ifthe due date falls on a non-Business Day, then the payment shall be due on the next Business Day. 7.7 Interest. In addition to the remedies set forth in Section 16 ofthis Agreement, any amounts owing after the due date specified in Sections 7.5 and 7.6 will be subject to interest in the amouut ofone and one halfpercent (1.5o/o) per month, not to exceed the maximum rate allowed by the law, multiplied by tho unpaid balance. 7.8 Wire Transfer. All payments shall be made by ACH or wire transfer in accordance with further agreement ofthe Parties. 8. INSURANCE 8.1 Insurance, Prior to operating the Facility, SeIIer, at its own cost, shall obtain and maintain the following insurance in force over the tenn ofthis Agreement and shall provide certificates ofall insurance policies. All insurance policies required to fulfiIl the requirements of this Sectiou 8 shall include language requiring that any notice ofcancellation or notice ofchange in policy terms be sent to Avista by the insurance carrieres) at least sixty days prior to any change or termination ofthe policies. 8.1.1 General Liabilitv. Seller shall carry commercial general liability insurance for bodily injury and property damage with a minimum limit equal to $2,000,000 for each occurrenoe. The deductible shall not exceed the Seller's financial ability to cover claims and shall not be greater than prevaiiing practices for similar operations in the State ofldaho. 8.L.2 Property. Seller shall carryall-riskproperty insurance for repair or replacement ofthe Facility. The limit ofproperty insurance shall be sufficient to restore -11 - operations in the event ofreasonably foreseeable losses from nafural, operational, mechanical and human-caused perils. The deductible shall not exceed the Seller's financial ability to fund the cost of losses and shall not be greater than prevailing practices for similar operations in the State ofldaho. 8.1.3 Oualifying Insurance. The insurance coverage required by this Section 8 shall be obtained from an insurance company reasonably acceptable to Avista and shall include an endorsement naming Avista as an additional insured and loss payee as applicable. 8.1.4 Notice gfloss ggLapse oflnsurance by Seller. Ifthe insurance coverage required by this Section 8 is lost or lapses for any reason, Seller will immediately notiff Avista in writing ofsuch loss or lapse. Such notice shall advise Avista of(i) the reason for such loss or lapse and (ii) the steps Seller is taking to replace or reinstate ooverage. Notice provided by the insurer required by Section 8.1 shall not satisf the notice requirement ofthis Section and Seller's failure to provide the notice required by this Section and/or to promptly replace or reinstate coverage will constitute a material breach ofthis Agreement. 8.2 Ongoing Security fer Performance. For the Term ofthis Agreement, Seller will provide Avista with the following: 8.2.1 Insurance. Upon Avista's request, Seller shall provide Avista evidence of compliance with &e provisions of Section 8.1. If Seller fails to comply, such failure will be a material breach and may only be cured by Sellerpromptly supplying evidence that the required insurance coverage has beenreplaced orreinstated. 8.3 Licenses and Permits. During the Term ofthis Agreement, Seller shall maintain compliance with all permits and licenses described in Section 3.1 ofthis Agreement. In addition, Seller will obtain, and supply Avista with copies of, any new or additional permits or licenses that may be required for Seller's operations. Ifat any time Seller fails to maintain compliance with the permits and licenses described in Section 3.1 or this Section, or to provide documentation required by this Section, such failure will be a material breach ofthis Agreement that rnay only be cured by Seller submitting to Avista evidence ofcompliance. 9. CURTAILMENT, INTERRUPTION QR REDUCTION OI DELIVERY Avistamay require Sellerto curtail, intemrpt orreduce delivery ofNet Output i4 in accordance with Section 10.2, Avista determines that ctrtailment, intemrption or reduction is necessary because ofa Force Majeure event or to protect persons or property from injury or damage, or because ofemergencies, necessary system maintenance, system modification or special operating circumstances. Avista shall use commercially reasonable efforts to keep any period ofcurtailment, intemrption, or reduction to a minimum. In order not to interfere unreasonably with Seller operations, Avista shall, to the extent practical, give Seller reasonable prior notice ofany curtailment, iutemrption, or reduction, the reason for its occurrence and its probable duration. Seller understands and agrees that Avista may not be able to provide notice to -t2- Sellerprior to interruption, curtailment, or reduction ofelectrical energy deliveries to Avista in emergency circumstances, real-time operations ofthe electric system, and/or unplanned eventsg 10. OPERATION 10.1 Communications and Reporting. Avista and the Seller shall maintain appropriate operating communications throughthe Communicating and Reporting Guidelines specified in Exhibit A. 10.2 Excuse Eron A.ccepttnce qfDelivery of Enqrg]t f0,2.1 Avista may curtail, intemrpt, reduce or suspend delivery, receipt or acceptance ofNet Output ifAvista, in its sole discretion, reasonably determines that such curtaibnent, intemrption, reduction or suspension is necessary, consistent with Prudent Utility Practice, and that the failure to do so may: (a) endanger any person orproperty, or Avista's electric system, or any electric system with which Avista's system is interconnected; (b) cause, or contribute to, an imminent significant disruption ofelectric service to Avista's or another utility's customers; (c) interfere with any construction, installation, inspection, testing, repaiq replacement, improvement, alteration, modification, operation, use or maintenance of, or addition to, Avista's electric system or other property of Avista; or (d) cause, contribute to, or necessitate operation ofany ofAvista's hydro electric projects in violation of any license or other regulatory requirements. 10,2,2 Avista shall promptly notiff Seller ofthe reasons for any suoh curtailment, intemrption, reduction or suspensionprovided for in Section 10.2. Avista shall use reasonable efforts to limit the duration ofany such curtailment, intemrption, reduction or suspension. 10.3 Seller's Risk. Seller shall design, construct, own, operate and maintain the Facility at its own risk and expense in compliance with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, orders and other requirements, now or hereafter in effect, ofany govemrnental authority. 10.4 Avistats Right @ Inspect. Seller shall permit Avista to inspect and audit the Facility, any related production, delivery and scheduling documentation or the operation, use or maintenance ofthe Facility at any reasonable time and upon reasonable notice. -13- 10.5 Seller Obligations in Accordance with Prudent Utility Practices. Seller shall own, operate and maintain the Facility and any Seller-owned facilities in accordance withPrudent Utility Practices. I 1.0 TNTERCONIE_C_IrO_N Ar\D TRANS_MLSSION 11.1 Seller shall make all necessary arangements and pay all costs to interconnect its Facility with the electrical system ofthe Transmitting Entity. Attached as Exhibit F is the Interconnection and Operating Agreement. lI,2 ln the event that Seller or Avista is required to curtail, intemrpt or reduce delivery ofNet Output to the Point ofDelivery, Seller may use reasonable commercial efforts to arrange, at Seller's sole expense, for delivery ofNet Output at a secondary point ofdelivery ('Alternate Point ofDelivery"). Avista will use reasonable commercial efforts to acceptNet Output at such Altenrate Point ofDelivery; provided, however, that the Parties have enabled and established the use ofsuch Alternate Point ofDelivery pursuant to Section I1.3. 113 Seller shall be responsible for any and all costs and expenses related to the transmission ofNet Outputto the Point ofDelivery or anyAlternate Point ofDelivery underthis Agreement, including but not limited to Ancillary Services and any costs or expenses incurred by Avista resulting from enabling and establishing Avista's ability to acceptNet Output at the Point ofDelivery and any Alternate Point ofDelivery. Such costs and expenses shall include those for metering and other parallel operation facilities specified in Exhibit G. 12. FORCE MAJEURE l2,l Neither Party shall be liable to the other Party, or be considered to be in breach of or default under this Agreement, for delay in performauce due to a cause or condition beyond such Party's reasonable contol which despite the exercise ofreasonable due diligence, such Party is unable to prevent or overcome ("Force Majeure"), including but not limited to: (a) fue, flood, earthquake, volcanic activity; court order aod act ofcivil, military or governmental authority; shike, lockout and other labor dispute; riot insurrection, sabotage or war; unanticipated electrical disnrrbance origiuating in or transmitted through such Party's electric system or any electric system with which such Party's system is interconnected; or O) an action taken by such Party which is, in the solejudgment ofsuch Party, necessary or prudent to protect the operation, perforrrance, integrity, reliability or stability ofsuch Party's elechic system or any electric system with which such Party's electric system is interconnected, whether such actions occur automatically or manually. 12.2 In the event ofa Force Majeure event, the time for performance shall be extended by a period oftime reasonably necessary to overcome such delay. Avista shall not be required to pay for Net Output which, as a result ofany Force Majeure event, is not delivered. -t4- 12.3 Nothing containod in this Section shall require any Party to settle any strike, lockout or other labor dispute. 12.4 In the event ofa Force Majeure event, the delayed Parly shall provide the other Party notice by telephone or email as soon as reasonably practicable and written notice within fourteen days after the occurrence ofthe Force Majeue event. Such notice shall include the particulars ofthe occurrence. The suspension ofperformance shall be ofno greater scope and no longer duration than is required by the Force Majeure and the delayed Party shall use its best efforts to remedy its inability to perforrr. L2.5 Force Majeure shall include any unforeseen electrical disturbance that prevents any electric energy deliveries from occurring at the Point ofDelivery and at any Alternate Point ofDelivery. 13. INDEMNITY l3.l Each Party shall defend, indemniry and hold hannless, the other Party, its directors, officers, employees, and agents (as the "Indemnitee") from and against all claims, demands, causes ofaction,judgments, liabilities and associated costs and expenses (including reasonable attorney's fees) to the extent arising from or attributable to the perfonnance or non- performance ofthat Party's (as the "Indemnitor") obligations urder this Agreement including but not limited to, damage to tangible property and bodily injury or death suffered by any person (including employees of Seller or Avista or the public), provided that: (a) No Indemnitee shall be indernnified for any loss, liability, l4jury, or damage resulting from its sole negligence, gross negligence, fraud or willful misconduct; and (b) The Indemnitor shall be entifle4 at its option, to assume and control the defense and any settlement ofsuch suit. Each indemnity set forth in this Section is a continuing obligation, separate and independent of the other obligations of each Party and shall survive the expiration or termination ofthis Agreement. 13,2 SELLER AND AVISTA SPECIFICALLY WARRANT THAT THE TERMS ANID CONDITIONS OF THE FOREGOING INDEMNITY PROVISIONS ARE THE SUBJECT OF MUTUAL NEGOTIATION BY THE PARTIES, AND ARE SPECIFICALLY AND EXPRESSLY AGREED TO IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL BENEFITS DERIVED UNDER THE TERMS OF THE AGREEMENT. I3.3 EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY PROVIDED HEREIN, NEITHER PARTY SHALL BE LIABLE UNDERANY PROVISION OF THIS AGREEMENT FOR AT.IY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR PI'NITIVE DAMACE S, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF PROFIT, SAVINGS OR REVENUE, LOSS OF THE USE OF EQUIPMENT, COST OF CAPITAL, OR COST OF TEMPORARY EQUIPMENT OR SERVICES, WHETHERBASED IN WHOLE OR IN -15 PART IN CONTRACT,IN TORT, INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, OR AIIY OTHER TEEORY OT'LIABILITY. 14. ASSIGNMENT t4.l Seller shall not assign its rights or delegate its duties under this Agreement without the priorwritten consent ofAvista, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Subject to the foregoing restrictions on assignments, this Agrooment shall be fully binding upon, iuure to the benefit ofand be enforceable by the Parties and their respective successors, heirs and assigns. 14.2 Seller shall have the right, subject to the obligations in Section 8, without Avista's consent, but with a thirty days prior written notice to Avista, to make collateral assignments ofits rights under this Agreement to satisff the requirements ofany development, construction, or other reasonable long term financing. A collateral assignment shall not constitute a delegation of Seller's obligations under this Agreement, and this Agreement shall not bind the collateral assignee. Any collateral assiguee succecding to any portion ofthe ownership interest of Seller shall be considered Seller's successor in interest and shall thereafter be bound by this Agreement. ls. llg uNspEcrFrEp THrRp PARTY BENEFTCTARTES There are no third party beneficiaries ofthis Agreement. Nothing contained in this Agreement is intended to confer any right or interest on anyone other than the Parties, and their respective successors, heirs and assigus permitted under Section [4. 16. DEFAI'LT AI\D TERMINATION f6J In addition to any other breach or failure to perform uuder this Agreement that is not otherwise excused under this Agreement, each ofthe following events shall constitute a Default: (a) Seller abandons the Facility; (b) The Facility ceases to be a Qualifuing Facility; (c) A Party becomes insolvent (e.g., is uaable to meot its obligations as they become due or its liabilities exceed its assets); (d) Sellermakes a general assignment ofsubstantially all ofits assets forthe benefit ofits creditors, files a petition for bankruptcy or reorganization or seeks other reliefunder any applicable insolvency laws; (e) Seller has filed against it a petition for bankruptcy, reorganization or other reliefunder any applicable insolvency laws and such petition is not dismissed or stayed within sixty days after it is filed; - 16- (f) Seller is in default under any Agreement related to this Agreement; (g) Termination, cancellation or expiration ofany agreement required for Seller to deliver Net Output to Avista under this Agreement, including but not limited to the lnterconnection and Operating Agreement; 16.2 Notice and Opportunity to Cure. In the event ofa Default, the non-Defaulting Party shall give written notice to the Defaulting Party ofa Default in accordance with Section 29, Except where the applicable sectionprovides a cure period for the applicable default, ifthe Defaulting Party has not cured the breach within thirty days after receipt of such written notice, the non-Defaulting Party may, at its option, terminate this Agreement and/or pursue any remedy available to it in law or equity; provided tha\ ifa Default occurs under Sections 16.I(a), 16.1(d) and/or 16.1 (e), Avista may immediately terminate this Agreement without opportunity to cure, and such termination shall become effective upon written notice ofDefault, 16.3 Additional Rights and Remedies. Any right or remedy afforded to either Party under this Agreement on accouut ofa Default by the other Party is in addition to, and not in lieu ot, all other rights or remedies available to such Party under any other provisions ofthis Agleement, by law or otherwise on account ofthe Default. r7. Drs.!._trrEREsoLUTroN Each Party shall strive to resolve any and all differences during the term ofthe Agreement through meetings and discussions. Ifa dispute cannot be resolved within a reasonable time, not to exceed thirly days, each Party shall escalate the unresolved dispute to a senior ofEcer designated by each Party. Ifthe senior officers are not able to resolve the dispute within ten Business Days ofescalation then either Party may either agree to mediate or arbitrate the dispute or request a hearing before the Commission. I8.RELEASE EY SELLER Sellerreleases Avista from any and all6laims, losses, harm, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses to the extent resulting from any: 18.1 Electric disturbance or fluctuation that migrates, directly or indirectly, from Avista's elechic system to the Facility; 18.2 Intemrption, suspension or curtailment ofelectric senrice to the Facility or any other premises owned, possessed, controlled or served by Seller, which intemrption, suspension or curtailment is caused orcontributed to by the Facility or the interconnection ofthe Facility; 18.3 Disconnection, internrption, suspension or curtailment by Avistapursuant to terms ofthis Agreement orthe Interconnection and Operating Agreement. -17- 19, GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITY This Agreement is subject to the nrles, regulations, orders and other requirements, ofall governmental authorities havingjurisdiction over the Facility, this Agreement, the Parties or either ofthem, including Section 210 ofPURPA. AII laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, orders and other requirements ofgovenrmental authorities that are required to be incorporated in agreements ofthis character are by this reference incorporated in this Agreement. 20. SEVERAL OBLIGATIONq The duties, obligations and liabilities ofthe Parties under this Agreement are intended to be several notjoint or collective. This Agreement shall not be interpreted or construed to create an association, joint venture or partnershiF between the Parties. Each Party shall be individually and severally liable for its own obligations under this Agreement. Further, neither Party shall have any rights, power or authority to enter into any agreement or uudertaking for or on behalf of, to act as to be an agent or representative of, or to otherwise bind the other Party. 2I. IMPLEMENTATION Each Party shall promptly take such action (including, but not limited to, the execution, acknowledgement and delivery ofdocuments) as may be reasonably requested by the othor Party for the implementation or continuing performance ofthis Agreement. 22. NQN-WAIVER The failure ofeither Party to insistupon or enforce strict performance by the other Party ofany provision ofthis Agreement or to exercise any right undor this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver or relinquishment of such Party's right to assert or rely upon any such provision or right in that or any subsequent instance; rather, the same shall be and remain in full force and effect. 23. AMENDMENT No change, amendment or modification ofany provision ofthis Agreement shall be valid unless set forth in a written amendment to this Agreement signed by both Parties and subsequently approved by the Commission. 24. CHOICE QF LAWS AIID YEI\ITIE This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws ofthe State ofldaho without reference to its choice oflaw provisions. Venue for any litigation arising out ofor related to this Agreement shall lie in the District Court ofthe Fourth Judicial District of Idaho in and for the County ofAda. - 18- 25. HEADINGS The Section headings in this Agreement are for convenience only and shall not be considered part ofor used in the interpretation ofthis Agreement. 26. SEVERABILITY The invalidity or unenforceability ofany provision ofthis Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability ofany other provision ofthis Agreement, and this Agreement shall be construed in all respects as ifthe invalid or unenforceable provision were omitted. 27. COUNTERPARTS This Agreementmay be executed in two ormore counterparts, each ofwhich shall be deemed as an original, and together shaii constitute one and the same document. 28. TAXES Each Party shall pay before deliuquency all taxes and other governmental charges for which such Party is responsible and which, iffailed to be paid when due, could result in a lien upon the Facility. 29. NOTICES Unless otherwise specified, all written notices or other communications required by or provided under this Agreement shall be mailed or delivered to the following addresses, and shall be considered delivered when deposited in the US Mail, postage prepaid, by certified or registered mail or delivered in person: to Avista: Director, Power SuPPly Avista Corporation P.O. Box 3727 Spokane, WA 99220 to Seller: General Manager Kooteuai Electric Cooperative, lnc. 2451W. DakotaAvenue Hayden, Idaho 83835-0278 Either Party may change its desiguated representative to receive notico and/or ad&ess specified above by giving the other Party written notice ofsuch change. 30. SURVIVAL Rights and obligations which, by their nature, should survive termination or expiration of this Agreement, will remain in effect until satisfied, including without limitation, all outstanding -19- financial obligations, and the provisions ofSection 13 (Indemnity) and Section 17 (Dispute Resolution). 31. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement, including the following exhibits which are attaohed and incorporated by reference herein, constitutes the entire agreement ofthe Parties and supersedes a1l prior and contemporaneous oral or written agreements between the Parties with respect !o the subject matter hereof. Exhibit A Communications and Reporting Exhibit B lndependent Engiueering Certificatious for Construction Adequacy for a Qualiffing Facility and Operations and Maintenance Policy Exhibit C Project Description and Point ofDelivery Exhibit D Avoided Cost Rates ExhibitE Initial CapacityDeterrrinationDocumentation Exhibit F Interconnection and Operating Agreement Exhibit G Facilities for Integration and Operation ofFighting Creek Facility -20- IN WITNESS WHE.REOF, the Parties have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives as ofthe date set forth below. KOOTENAI ELECTRIC cooPERATM,INC AVISTA CORPORATION Title: Date: General Manager b**.,o"- ! 2ora By: H-.+A[** Printed Name: Ra\cssFS LSE {'} P*"*$B"-S.^ttg ! /s/aorr- Title: Date: By: -2L - Exhibit4 Communicetion aud Rcporting (1) Email communications between Seller and Avista shall be submitted to: Avista: kim.mattern@avistacorp.com; or robert.fo llini@avi stacorp. com Seller: delliott@kec.com Alternate: sdolan@kec.com (2) All oral communications relating to electric energy scheduling, generation level changes, intemrptions or outages between Seller and Avista will be communicated on a recorded line as follows: (a) Pre-Schedule (5:30 am to 12:00 noon on Business Days): Avista Pre-Scheduler: (509) 495-49 1 I Alternate Phone: (509) 4954073 Seller: Q08) 292-3276 (Shawn Dolan) Alternate Phone: (208) 292-3227 (DougElliott) 1b) Real-Trme Schedule (available 24 hours a day) Avista Real-Time Scheduler: (509) 495-8534 Seller: (208) 292-3276 (Shawn Dolan) Alternate Phone: (208) 292-3227 (DougElliott) (3) Either Party rnay chauge its contact information upon written notice to the other Party. -1- Exh-[DitB Independent Engi.neeritg eertification [qr Construction ^A,deouacv for a Oualifvins f,'acilitv l. I,am a licensed professional engineer registered to practice and in good standing in the State of . I have substantial experience in the design, construction and operation ofelectric powerplants ofthe same qpe as Fighting CreekLandfill Gas to Energy Facility sited atthe Kootenai County Solid Waste Facility, near Bellgrove, Idaho (the "Facility"). 2. I have reviewed and/or supervised the review ofthe constnrction in progress and ofthe completed Facility and it is my professional opinion that said Facility has been designed and built according to appropriate plans and specifications bearing the words "CERTIFIED FOR IDAHO P.U.C. SECURITY ACCEPTANCE" and with ttre stamp ofthe certiffing lice,nsed professional engineer ofthe design, and that ttre Facility was built to courmercially acceptable standards for this tfrpe offacility. 3. I have no economic relationship o the designer or owner ofsaid Facility and have made my analysis ofthe plans and specifications independently. 4, I hereby CERTIFY thatthe above statements are complete, fiue, and accurate to the best ofmy knowledge and I therefore set my hand and seal below. Signed and Sealed DATE: SIGNATT]RE: PRINTED NA]T,IE: 1- Indeoendent Engineering Certification for Operations aud Maintenance Policy for g Qualifying Facility 1. I, am a licensedprofessional engineer registered to practice and in good standing in the State of . I have substantial experience in the design, construction and operation ofelectric power plants ofthe same type as Fighting Creek Landfill Gas to Energy Facility sited at the Kootenai County Solid Waste Facility, near Bellgrove, Idaho (ttre "Facility"). 2. I have reviewed and/or supervised the review ofthe Policy for Operation and Maintenance ("O&M Policy") for the Facility aud it is my professional opinion that, provided said Facility has been designed and built to appropriate standards, adhereirce to said O&I\d Policy will result in the Facility's producing at or near the design electical output, effieiency, and capacity factor for trventy yea$, baning unforeseeable Force Maj eure. 3. I have no economic relationship o the designer or owner ofsaid Facility and have made my analysis ofthe plans and specifications independently. 4. I have supplied the owner ofthe Plant with at least one copy ofsaid O&M Policy bearing my Stamp andthe words 'CERTIFIED FOR IDAHO P.D.C. SECITRITY ACCEPTANCE" on each sheetthereof. 5. I hereby CERTIFY that the above statements are complete, tnre, and accurate to the best ofmy knowledge and I thereforo set my hand and seal below. Signed and Sealed DATE: SIGNATURE: PRINTED NAME: -t- Exhibit e Project Description gnd Point ofDelivery DescripLiqn o :[the FacilitJL Seller's Facility is described as the Fighting Creek Landfill Gas to Energy Facility and consists of: Two 1.6 MW generators each powered by a CaterpillarModel 3520, spark ignited, reciprocating internal combustion engines electrically interconnected to Seller's 24.9 kV distribution facilities terminated on the project busbar. The Project will use methane gas produced by decomposition ofwaste interned within landfill, The Project is located at Kootenai County Solid Waste Facility (Wl16.93 , N47.532), nearBellgrove, Idaho. Location: Seller's Facility is located at Kootenai County Solid Waste Facility (W116.93 , N47.532), near Bellgrove, Idaho. Point ofneliyery: + e-rE- J 'r-.--* -+ F......F l{ Jt'?LE.a Point of Delivery Location: The pointwhere Avista's Dower- Post Falls IISkV Tap Transmission Line and KEC's Dower - Post Falls IISkV Tap Transmission Line are connected. Alternate Point g.f Delivery; Alternate Point ofDelivery Location: The point where Avista's Dower - Post Falls IISkV Tap Transmission Line served via Avista's Post Falls - Ramsey IISkV Transmission Line and KEC's Dower - Post Falls IISkV Tap Transmission Line are connected. Point ofMetering: Mctering Location: In Seller's Facility, on the 24.9 kY side ofthe generator step-up transformer over which electric power and energy flows. ErhlbitD Avoided CostRates Jan2O12-Feb2012 Mar 2012 - Jun 2012 Jl;il2A12-Dec2012 Jan 2013 - Feb 2013 Mar 2013 - Jun 2013 Jul 2013 - Dec 2013 Heavy LightLoad LoadHours Hours $/MWh $/MWh $56.00 $43.56 $56.00 $59.5s $46.32 $,59.5s $54.15 $42.12 $54.15 $61.40 $47.76 $61.40 ExhibitE Initial Caoacity Determination Documentation Within fifteen (15) days after a Commission order specified in Section 4.2 approving this Agreement, the Seller shall provide to Avista; t. the manufacturer's serial number and specifications for each engine - gensrator installed at the Facility. 2. the Initial Capacity Determination ofthe Facility, expressed in kilowatts at the Point of Delivery, which is equal to the sum ofthe Facility's gross output values identified and provided in Exhibit Q less Facility Service Power and Losses. Avisi! Cont act No. Av.TRti-Eo+1 INTERCONNECTION AND OPERATING AGREEMENT between AVISTA CORPORATION and KOOTENAI ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. AMENDED AND RESTATED This AMENDED AND RESTATED INTERCONNECTION AND OPERATING AGREEMENT ('Agreement") b executed by and between AVISTA CORPORATION ("Avista) and KOOTENAI ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, lNC. ('KEC"), which hereinafter rnay be refened b individually as "Party" or collectively as "Partiesn, RECITALS WHEREAS, Avista and KEC curently operate interconnected electric systems; and WHEREAS. the terms ard conditions goveming the operation and maintenance of the interconnected electric systems of Avista and KEC have historically been pursuant trc a power sales agreement between KEC and the Bonneville Power Administration ('Bonneville") and a General Transfer Agreement batween Avista and Bonneville (Bonneville Contract No, DE- MS79-86BP91970) (collectively the 'Historical Power and Transfer Agreements"); and WHEREAS. KEC and Bonneville have executed new power sales and network transmission service agreements effective October 1, 2OO1 and October 1, fr11 (collectively the nPower and Transmission Agreements"); and Page 1 WHEREAS. upon the axpiration of the General Transfer Agreement between Avista and Bonneville al240O hours on December 31. 2005, the Historical Power and Transfer Agreements no longer provide for terms and conditions governing the operation and maintenance of the interconnected electric systems of Avisia and KEC; and WHEREAS. in order to facilitrate tha coniinued delivery of electric power frorn Bonneville to KEC, Avista and Bonneville have executed a sErvice agreement under Avisia's Open Access Transmission Tariff - FERC Electric Tariff Volume No. 8 fTaritf') pursuant to which Avista provides network integration transmission service b Bonneville for such deliveries to KEC; and WHEREAS. at some irture point in iime KEC may alect to executo a service agrEement under Avista's Tariff, replacing the aforementioned agreement between Avista and Bonneville, to facilitate lhe delivery of electric powor to lcEC; and WHEREAS, Avista and KEC desire to provide for the terms and conditions for he operation and maintenance of their interconnected electric systems; and WHEREAS. Avista and KEC are amending and restating the lnterconnection and Operating Agreement between the Parties (Avista Contract No. AV-TR05-0205), odginally dated November 29, 2005- trc incorporate, among other things, provisions regarding Generating Projec'ts. NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties agroe as follows; Sec'tion _1 : Deflnltlons Ancillarv S_ervices - Those services that are necessary to support the transmission of capacity and energy from resources to loads while maintaining reliable operation of Avista's transmission system ln accordance with lndustry Standards and Good Utility Practice. Commission - The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, or its regulatory successor. 1_1 1.2 Page 2 1.3 9irec! Assionment Facilities - Facilities or portions of facilities that are constructed by Avista for the sole use or benefit of KEC. 1.4 Generating Proiect - Any electric generating facility, except an electric generating facility that is net metered pursuantto applicable state law, that is electrically connected to KEC and operated in parallel with Avista's electric system through the Points of Delivery. 1.5 Good UtiliW Practice - The practices, methods and acts engaged in or approved by a significant portion of fte electric utility industry during the relevant time period, or he practices, methods and acts which, in the exercise of reasonable judgment in light of the facts known at the time the decision was made, could have been expected to accomplish the desired result at a reasonable cost consistent with good business practices, reliability, safety, and expedition. Good Utility Practice is not intended to be limited to the optimum practice, method or act b the exclusion of all others, but rather to be a range of acceptable practices, methods or acts. 1.6 lndustry Standards - The standards, criteria and requirements of NERC, WECC and the NWPP, as such standards, criteria and requirements may be revised from time to time. 1.7 Native Load Gustomers - The wholesale and retail power customers of either Party on whose behalf that Party, by statute, franchise, regulatory requirement, or contract. undertakes an obligation to construct and operate that Party's system to meet the reliable electric needs of such customers. 1.8 NERC - The NOl'lh American Electric Reliability Council, or its successor, 1.9 NWPP - The Northwest Power Pool, or its successor. 1.10 Point(s) of Delivery - Those points of interconnection as specified in Exhibit A of this Agreement. 1.11 Service Commencement Date - The date whereupon Avista first commences providing network integration transmission service to KEC or to Bonneville pursuant to a service Page 3 2.1 agreement under the Tariff for the delivery of eiectric power trc KEC, which is January 1. 2006. 1.12 Tariff- Avista's Open Access Transmission Tariff - FERC Electric Tariff Volume No. 8. as such may be amended or replaced. 1.13 Transmission Service - Network integration transmission service, including transfer service over substation facilities, distribution facilities, or Direct Assignment Facilities. provided pursuant to the Tariff or any other agreement between the Parties. 1.'14 WECC - The Western Electrici$ Coordinating Council, or its successor. Sectlon ! ; Term of Aqreement Effective Date - The effective date of this Agreemont shall be the later ot (a) the date this Agreement is executed by both Parties; or (b) the date this Agreement is accepted for filing by the Gommission, without any drange or condition by tha Commission which is unacceptable b eitherAvista or KEC, provided, however, that by executing this Agreement KEC does not conssnt tc any jurisdiction by the Commission that the Commission does not already have over KEC. Term - The term Df ttris Agreement shall commen@ on the effective date and shall continue for ten (10) years from the Service Commencement Date, except as provided in Section 2.3 below. Continuation of Term - The term of this Agreement shall continue beyond ten (10) years ftom the Service Commencement Date unless affirmatively terminated in writing upn tWD (2) years'written notice by either Party D the Dther Parly. 2.2 2.3 Page 4 Section 3: Exhibits The following ExhibiE are attached and incorporated by reference herein: Exhibit A - Points of Delivery Exhibit B - Meter Reading and MeterTest Procedures Exhibit C - Substation Construction and Ownership Guidelines Exhibit D- Generating Prolects Exhibit E - Generation lnterconnection Guidelines and Standards . Section 4. Services Provided !y Avista or Other Parties Tlansmission_ Service - KEC, or Bonneville on behalf of KEC, requires Transmission Service b he Poinb of Delivery in order b serve KEC's Native Load Customers. Transmission Service is not prOVided for under this Agreement, but shall be provided for pursuant to the Tariff or other agreement between the Parties or between Avista and Bonneville. Ancillary Services - KEC, or Bonneville on behalf of KEC, requires Ancillary Services in order to serve KEC's Native Load Customers via the Points of Delivery. Ancillary Services are not provided for under this Agreement, but shall be provided for pursuant to the Tariff or another agreement between the Parties or between Avista and Bonneville. Section 5: Points gl Delivery aod Facilities Additional Points of Delivery - During the term of this Agreement, KEC may, in accordance with Good Utitity Practice and, when applicable, upon Avista's approval, add new Points of Delivery such as b facilitate Transmission Service under the Tariff. Subject to the foregoing, he Parties shall add any such new Point of Delivery concurrent with tre commen@ment of Transmission Service under the Tariff to such new Point of Delivery. 4.1 4.2 5.1 Page 5 (b) Ownership of Facilities (a) Except as otherwise expressly provided, ownership of any and dl equipment and all salvable facilities installed or previously installed by either Party on the property of the other Party shall be and remain with the owning Party. Each Party shall identify all movable equipment and, to the extent agreed upon by fie Parties, all other salvable facilities that are installed by such Party m the property of the other, by permanently affixing ihereto suitable markers plainly identiffing tre owner of the equipment. Within a reasonable time subsequent to initial installation, and subsequent tc any modification of such installation. representatives of the Parties shall jointly prepare an itemized list of said movable equipment and salvable facilities so installed. (c) Each Party shall be responsible for the cost of compliance with the requirements of all applicable Federal, State, and local environmental laws for its own facilities, even when such facilities are located on the property of the other Party. (d) Construction and ownership of facilities inside an Avista substation shall be SUUect trc the Substation Construction and Ownership Guidelines outlined in Exhibit C. Addition of Facilities - Any incremental cosb of additions or modifications to Avista's equipment and facilities in order to provide Transmission Service or Ancillary Services at the Points of Delivery or for Generating Projecb shall be provided for pursuant to fte Tariff or another agroement between the Parties. Permits (a) tf any equipment or facilities associated wih any Point of Delivery and belonging b a Party are, or are planned to be, located on the propefi of the other Party, a permit to install, test, maintain, inspact. replace, repair, and operate during the term of this Agreement and tc remove such equipment and facilities at the 5.3 Page 6 expiration of the Term, together witr he right of entry to said property at all reasonable times, is hereby granted by the other Party, provided, however, that permils to perform ground excavation are exomptsd from this Section 5.4(a). (b) Each Par$ shall have the right at all reasonable times to enter the property of tre other Party for the purpose of reading any and all maters meniioned in tris Agreement that are installed on such proporty, provided, however, that such right shall be consistent with and SLJt[ect t any applicable national secudty requirements. (c) lf either Party is required or permitted to install, test, maintain, inspect, replaca, repair, remove, or operate equipment m the property of the other, the owner of such property shall fumish the other Party with accurate drawings and wiring diagrams of associated equipment and facilities, or, if such drawings or diagrams are not available, shall fumish accurate information regarding such equipment or facilities. The owner of sudr property shall notify the other Party of any subsequent modification that may affect the duties of the other Pafi in regard to such equipment, and furnish he other Party with accurate revised drawings, if possible. 5.5 lnspec'tion O[ Facilities - Either Party may inspect the other Party's electric installation for any reasonable purpose at any reasonable time upon reasonable notice to the other Party. Sucfr inspection, or failure to inspect, shall not render such Party, its officers, agents. or employees, liable or responsible for any injury, loss, damage, or accident resulting fiom defects in such electric installation, or for violation of this Agreement. The inspecting Party shall observe written instructions and rules posted in facilities and such other necessary insbuctions or standards for inspection as the Parties may agrce upon. Only Generating Projects and those electric installations used in complying wih the terms of this Agreement shall be subject to inspection. Pagel 6_1 Sec'tion Q - Metering Meters and Meter Reading - As of the Effective Date, meters at the Points of Delivery are provided for under the Power and Transmission Agreements. Unless provided by Bonneville pursuant to the Power and Transmission Agreements or any subsaquent agreement between Bonneville and KEG, Avista and/or KEG shall own and malntain all meters, including meters for Generating Projects, used to determine any billing associated with this Agreement, a service agreement under the Tariff providing for the delivery of electric powor to the Point(s) of Delivery, or any other agreement between the Parties. Meters at he Point{s) of Delivery and Generating Project(s) shall be read pursuant to the Meter Reading and MeterTest Procedures ouflined in Exhibit B. Tests of Metqrinq lnslallations - Each Party shall, at its expense, test its measuring instrallations associated with this Agreement, a service agreement under the Tariff providing for the delivery of electric power to the Point(s) of Detivery, or any other agreement between the Partias, ln accordance with the Meter Reading and Meter Test Procedures outlined in Exhibit B. The Parties may mutually agree b use a single set of meters. ln the eventthat a single setof meters are utilized, tests of suctr meters shall be conducted jointly by the Parties in accordance with Exhibit B and shall be witnessed and agreed to by representatives of each Party. Materinq and Communications Reguired for Ancillary Services - To the extent not provided by Bonneville pursuant b its agreements with KEC, KEC shall be responsible for all costs associated with the installation, operation, and maintenance of any metedng and communications equipment necessary for the provision of Ancillary Services either by Avista, KEG, or by a third parly. All such metering installations shall be installed. operated. and maintained pursuant to lndustry Standards and Good Utility Practice. 6.3 Page 8 6.4 Measurements and lnshliatiDn Df Avista Meters - NDtwithstanding any Dther provisiDn in this SectiDn 6. Avista may at any time install meters D metertng equipment D make any measurements Dr any PDint U Delivery Dr Generating PrDject required fi)r any cDmputatiDn Dr determinatiDn mentiDned in this Agreement. a service agreement under the Tariff prDviding Or the delivery Df electric pDwer to the Point(s) Df Delivery, or any other agreement betraeen he Parties, and if such meters or metering equipment are SD installed, such measurements shall be used thereafter in such cDmputratiDn D determination. Real-Time Data Acq uisition (a) PDintts) of Delivery - For the purpose of enabling Avista to mDnitor the loads on its transmission system, Avista may require the acquisition of real-time load data (MW and Mvar) at Points of Delivery at D above 69kV. The Parties shalt facilitate such data acquisitiDn pursuant b the SubstatiDn ConsbuctiDn and Ownership Guidelines outlined in Exhibit C. Gene.r_atinq Proiect(s) - Real-time data acqUisition. which shall include al a minimum real power and energy (MW, MWh) and reactive power (Mvar, Mvarh), is required for any Generating Project Df aggregate output equal to or exceeding 3 [A/A Avista may speciff real-time data acquisition needs Dr a case by case basis for Generating Projects that remain balow 3 MVA The Parties shall facilitate such data acquisitiDn pursuant b the GeneratiDn lnterconnection Guidelines and Standards outlined in Exhib'lt E Section 7: Operation and Maintenance OoeratiDn and Maintenance of lnterconnected Facilities - Avista and KEC shall maintain the facilities enabling the PDint(s) of Delivery described in Exhibit A in gDod working order and shall operate and maintain their respective interconnected facilities pursuant 6.5 (b) 7.1 Poge I 7.2 to lndustry Standards and Good Utility Practice. The Parties shall adhers b the Substation Construction and Ownership Guidelines ouUined in Exhibit C. Operation of KEC's Points gl Dellverv - AMsta shall have primary operating responsibility in all Avista substations. This responsibility specifically includes the distribution feeder protective device at each Point of Delivery in Avista substations, and all switching operations in such substations. Operation of apparatus owned by KEC in Avista's sUbstations shall be the responsibility of KEC, subject to Ewitching orders recsived from Avista system operations personnel. KEC personnel shal! adhere to the Avista requirement that anyone entering an Avista substation notiff Avista system operations of their presen@ and their operational intentions. Operation of KEC equipment at each Point of Detivery not located in an Avista substation shall be coordinated with Avista system operations personnel to the extent practicable pursuant b lndustry Standards and Good Utility Practice. Ooeralor's Qualifications - KEC's personnel who perform operations in Avista's substations or on line facilities at a Point of Delivery are required to moet the applicable operating requirements of KEC. Such personnel shall be familiar wih the operation of all substation or line facilities and equipment that concems his or her position and be fully aware of the hazards connected therewith, or have passed a journeyman's examination for lhe particular branch of the electlioal trades with which he orshe may be connected. Power Quality - The interconnection of Avista and KEC facilities requires mutual responslbillties with respect to quality of service to both Parties' customers. (a) Character of Service - Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, Avista will make electric power available to KEC in he form of three-phase alternating current at a nominalfrequency of sixty (60) herE. 7.3 7.4 Page 10 7.5 (b) Abnormal Voltage Magnitudes - Both Parties shall operate and maintain their facilities such that the other Party's steady-state voltage levels at the Points of Delivery at or above 100 kV are manageable to within * 5o/o of the steady-state operating voltage and at the Points of Delivery below 100kV are manageable to within t 10o/o of the steady-state operating voltage specified for each Point of Delivery. Boft Parties shall also design, construct. operate and maintain its electric facilities in accordance with lndustry Strandards and Good Utility Practice to reduce b acceptable levels any momentary voltage fluctuations that affec't the other Party's facilities. (c) Freguencv Control - Bott Parties shall operate and maintain their systems to enable the Avista control area to maintain its frequency contol obligations to applicable regional operating criteria. (d) Harmonic Control - Each Party shall design, construct. operate, maintain and use its electric facilities in accordance with ihe IEEE 519 standard and Good Utility Practice to reduce b acceptable levels he harmonic curents and voltages which pass into the other Party's facilities. Harmonic reductions shall be accomplished with equipment that is specifically designed and permanently operated and maintained as an integral part of he facilities of the Party hat owns the system on which harmonics are generated. Reactive Power - The Parties shall jointly plan and operate their interconnected electrical facilities pursuant to lndustry Standards and Good Utility Practice in order b minimize the reactive power requirements placed upon the other Party. Pursuant to such joint planning and operation, Avista may require KEC b install necessary oquipment or implement necessary operating practices on KEG's system to assure that deliveries at the Points of Delivery, pursuant to any transmission service agreement, are at a power factor no less than 0.95 leading or lagging. Page 1'l 7.7 7.8 Balancina Phase Demands - !f required by Avista at any time during the term of this Agreement and pursuant D lndustry Standards and GDod Utility Practice, KEC shalt make such changes as are necessary Eh its system tc balance the phase cunents at any Point Df Delivery such that the cunent Df any Dne phase not deviate by more han fwe (5) percent from the average of the cunents on all three phases, unless otherwise agreed upon by the Parties. Remedial ActiDns - Avista may require KEC 0 participate in or carry KEC's pro rah share Df any remedial actiDn scheme that may be required D support he reiiability of Avista's system Dr the regiDnal Dr sub-regional transmissiDn systems. ln such case, Avista and KEC shall joinily plan and coordinate the implementatiDn Df the required remedial action scheme pursuant D lndustry Standards and GDDcI Utility Practice. Automatiq Under-frequency Load Sheddinq Protection (a) Avista may require KEC b participate, up to its pro rata share, in the WECC CDordinated Off-NDminal Frequency Load Shedding and Restoration Plan D a successor program that is required to support the reliability of Avista's system or he regional or sub-regional transmission systems. Such pro-rata share shall be determined by the proportion of the total load of KEC's Native Load Customers to the sum of the total loads of Avista's Native Load Customers, KEC's Native Load Customers and he native lDad cus0mers of other parties served directly by Avista's Transmission System. Avista and KEC shall jDinily plan and cDordinate the implementation Ef such protec'tiDn pursuant to lndustry Standards and Good Utility Practice, provided, however, ihat KEC shall have the righttD specify wtrich U its loads are O apply b meet its pro rata obligation Dr autDmaiic under-frequency lM shedding. lf such loads are served vh a PDint of Delivery where KEC owns the distribution feeder probctiDn device, KEC shall provide, instiall, operate and maintain the necessary relay (b) Paga 12 equipment on KEG'S distribution system. at KEC's cost, pursuant to lndustry Strandards. (c) Generating Projec{s shall remain online during abnormal frequency conditions or KEG shall trip an equivalent amount of load at the frequency point at which each Generating Project trips, consistent with lndustry Standards. 7.9 Gengrating Proiects (a) All Generating Prcjects shail be listed in Exhibit D of this Agreement. (b) KEG shall plan and interconnect, and shall require that any third-party Generating Project agree by contract to plan and interconnect, such Generating Project consistent with lndustry Standards and Good Utility Practice, and the Generaiion lnterconnection Guidelines and Standards outlined in Exhibit E (c) The Parties shall establish operating procedures for each Generation Project which shall include, but not be limited to, speciffing system configuration and conditions underwhich tile Genorating Project may and may not op6rate. 7.1O Maintenance Resoonsibilitv - The owner of any equipment shall retain maintenance responsibility for such equipment, except for any required earth excavation inside a substation as provided below. (a) Excavation lnside an Avista Substation - Any earth excavation inside an Avlsta substation shall be performed by Avista or Avista's authorized agents and shall be the responsibility of Avista. To the oxtent that excavation is performed on behalf of KEG. for KEG's sote or joint benefit, KEG shall reimburse Avista for an appropriate share of the oosts associated with such excavation. (b) Excavation lnside a KEG Substation - Any earth excavation inside a KEG substation shall be performed by KEG or KEG's authorized agents and shall be the responsibility of KEG. To the extent that excavation is performed on bellatf of Page 13 Avistia, for Avista's sole or joint benefit, Avisla shall reimburse KEC for an appropriate share of the costs associated with such excavation. 7.11 Maintenqnce Schgduling and Continuitv of Service - The Parties shall coordinate their respectiva equipment maintenance schedules so as to minimize any effects upon either Party due b temporary interruptions associated with such maintenance. Avista may temporarily interrupt or curtail service at the Points of Delivery: (a) upon reasonable notice b KEG in order to install equipment in, rnake repairs, replacements, investigations, end inspections of or peJiorm other maintenance work on Avistia's system; provided, however, that Avista shall give KEG prior notice thereof, the reason therefore, and the probable duration thereof; and without prior notice of such interruption or curtailment as may be necessary because of uncontrollable forces as proVtded in Section 8. Avista shall use reasonable efforts to avoid inteJierence with the operations of KEG and to repair the cause of any such intemrption or curtailment. The Parties shall use reasonable efforts to provide for effective communication protocols between their respective operating personnel for the purpose of communicating any apparent cause and expected duration of any such interruption or curtailment of an extended nature. Sectlon 8: Uncontrollable Forces and. Llablllly Uncontrolla.b-Le Forces - Neither Party to this Agreement shall be considered to be in default in performance of any obligation hereunderif failure of peJiormance shall be due to uncontrollable forces. The term "uncontrollable forces" means any cause beyond the controJ of the Party affected, including, but not limited to, failure or ioss of facilities, flood, earthquake, stonm, ilre, lightning, epidemic, war, riot, civil disturbance, labor disturbance. sabolage, and restraint by court order or public authority, which by exercise of due (b) 8.1 Paga 14 a 8.2 foresight, such Party could not reasonably have been expecied b avoid, and which by exercise of due diligence it shall be unable b overcome. A Party shall not, however, be relieved of liability for failure of performance if such failure is due to causes arising out of its own negligence or b removable or remediable causss which it fails to remove ot remedy with reasonabls dispatch. Nothing contained herein, however, shall be construed trc require a Party to prevent or setfle a strike against its wili. Damage to the electrical system of aither KEG or Avista caused by or afsing out of an electrical disturbance shall be governed under Section 82 and not under the provisions of this Section 8.1. Electric Disturbances (a) For the purposes of this section, an electric disturbance is any sudden, unexpected, changed, or abnormal electric condition occuning in or on an electric system that causes automatic operation or damage. (b) Each Party shall design, construct. operate, maintain and use its electric system in conformance with industry Standards and Good Utility Practice: (i) to minimize electric disturbances such as, but not limited tc. lhe abnormal flow of powor which may damage or interfere with the electric system of the other Parly or any electric system connected with such other Parly's electric system; and (il) to minimize the effect on its electric system and on its customers of electric disturbances originating on its own or another electric system. Eeiease ard Limitation qf Liability - lf both KEG and Avista are parties to the Western lnterconnected Systems Agreement Limiting Liability, that agreement shall continue in full force and effect as between the Parties b the extent that such provisions may apply under this Agreement. lf either KEG or Avista b not a party to the Westem lnterconnected Systems Agreement Limiting Liabili$, then the following proMsft:ns shall Page b apply: (a) Release !y Avista - Avista hereby releases each of KEG and the directors. employees, agents and legal representativas of KEG from any and all claims, losses, harm, liabilities, damages, @sts and expenses to the extent resulting from any: (i) operation of KEG's electric system in parallel with Avista's electic system; (ii) eleclric disturbance or fluctuation that migrates, directly or indirectly, from KEG's electric system to Avista's electric system; (iii) intenuption, suspension or reduction of delivery of power fr,om KEG's electric system b Avista's electric system, regardless of whether sudt intenuption, suspension or reduction is caused or contributed lo by Avista's electric system or the interconnection of Avistia's electric system with KEG's electric system; or (iv) disconnection. intemrption, suspension or curtailment, through manual operation, automatic operation or othenrise. by KEG in he event that KEG, in the exercise of its sole discretion, determines or has determined that an omergency condition exists or may exist that is contrary to lndustry Standards and Good Utility Practice, and failure to do so: (A) rnay cause imminent harm to any person or property, or (8) lffi:, ;::il::;":::,H;',:: :, :::;:::i, distribution line thereof) or any electric system with which KEG is interconnected. The foregoing release shall not be effective tc the extent any claims, losses. harm, liabilities, damages, costs, and expenses are the result of the KEG's willful misconduct. Page 16 (b)Release by KEG - KEG hereby releases each of Avista and the directors. employees, agents and legal representatives of Avista fiom any and all claims. losses, harm. liabilities, damages, costs and expenses to the extent resulting from any: (i) operation of Avista's electric system in parallel with KECs electric system: (ii) electric disturbance orfluctuation that migrates, directly or indirectly, from Avista's electric system b KECs electric system: (iii) intemrption, suspension or reduc-tion of delivery of power fiom Avista's electric system tc KEG's electric system, regardless of whether sucfr interruption, suspension or reduction is caused or contributed tc by KEC's electric system or the interconnection of KEC's electric system with Avista's electric system; or (lv) disconnec'tion, intemrption, suspension or curtailment, through manual operation, automatic operation or otherwise, by Avista in the event that Avista. in the exercise of its sole discretion, determines or has determined that an emergency condition exists or may exist that is contrary to lndustry Standards and Good Utility Practice, and failure to do so: (A) may cause imminent harm trc any psrson or property, or (B) may cause the disruption of reliable operation of Avista's or KECs electric system (including, but not limited to, any tansmission or dislribution line thereof) or any electric system with which Avista is interconnected. The foregoing release shall not be effective b the extent any claims. losses, harm, liabilities, damages, @sts, and expenses are the result of Avista's willful misconduct. Page 17 8.5 Mutual Neootiation - KEC and Avista specifically warrant that the terms and conditions of the foregoing release provisions are the sUbject of mutual negotiation by the Parties, and are specifically and expressly agreed b in consideration of the mutual benefits derived underthe terms of ttris Agreement. !nsurance (a) KEC and Avista shall obtain and maintain commercial liability insurance with a single limit of coverage of not less than $5,000,000 for each occurence. A certificate of such insurance shall be provided b either Party upon request by tre othar Party. Each Par$ shall promptly notiff the other Party of any changes in its commercial liability insurance policies. (b) Upon the request by either Party, the minimum coverage limits for commercial liability insurance shall be reviewed by the Parties and adjusted according trc Good Utility Practice. Section ! ; Miscellaneous Notices - Any notice b be served, given or made in connection with this Agreement, shall be in writing and shall be deemed properly served, given or made if delivered in person or sent by United States mail, properly addressed and stamped with the required postage, as follows: If to Avista:Attention: Manager, Transmission Services Avista Corporation 1411 East Mission Avenue Spokane, WA 99202-2600 - Or- P. O. Box3727 Spokane, WA 99220-3727 Attention: General Manager Kootenai Electric Cooperative, lnc. 2451 West Dakota Avenue Hayden, !D 83835 9.1 lf to KEC: Page 18 9,2 - or- P. O. Box 278 Hayden, lD 83835-0278 Either Party may change its address specified in this section by giving the other Parg notice of such change 'ln acccrdance with this section. Notices of an Operating Nature - Any notice associated with day-to-day electric utilig operations, such as for outage coordination or the need to enter a jointly-owned substation, may be provided by telephone, electronic mail or facsimile between appropriate operations personnel representing both Parties, Amendment - No change, modification or amendment of this Agreement shall be valid unless set forh in a written instument signed by both Parties. Assionment - Neither Parly shall assign this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other Party. Subject lo the foregoing restriction on assignment, this Agreement shall be binding upon, inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the Parties and their successive successors and assigns; provided, however. that each Pafi l,ereby consents b assignment of this Agreement to a successor whers a Party sells or transfers all or substantially all of its electric utility operating plant to a third pafi. Ng Third-Party Beneficiary - There are no tl,ird-party beneficiaries of this Agreement. This Agreement shall not confer any right or remedy upon any person or entity other than the Parties and their respective suooessors and assigns permitted under Section 9.4. M action may be commenced or prosecuted against any Party by any third party claiming b be a third-party beneficiary of this Agreement or the lransactions contemplated hereby. This Agreement shall not release or discharge any obligation or liability of any third party tc any party or give any third party any right of subrogation or action over or against any Party. Page 19 9.6 9.7 lmolementation - Avista shall timely file this Agreement with tre Comrnission. Each Party shall take such additional action as may be reasonably required for tlre implementation and performance of this Agreement in accordance with its terms. Arbitration - Whenevar Avista and KEC are both members of a Regional Transmission Association. Regional Transmission Organization. or lndependent Transmission Provider. the detenmination of any disputed matter between the Parties arising out of or relating to this Agreement, except an obligation arising out of Section 8.3, shall be resolved in a manner provided in the dispute resolution procedures contained in the goveming agreement for that organization. The determination of any other disputed . matter betwaen the Parties adsing out of or relating b this Agreement, except an obligalion arising out of Section 8.3, shall be subject to binding arbitration in accordance with subsections 9.7(a), 9.7(b) and 9.7(c) below. (a) lnitiation a-nd Selection of Arbitrators - The Parly calling for arbitration shall serve notice in writing upon the other Party. setting forth in detail the question or questions to be arbitrated, the relief sought. and the arbitrator appointed by such Party. The other Party shall, within twenty-five (25) business days after the receipt of such notice, appoint tre second arbitrator by notice in writing to the Party calling for arbitration. and the turo so appointed shall choose and appoint a thkd (if the Parties have not agreed upon and appointed a third). lf such other Party fails b appoint he second arbitrator within said twenty-five (25) business days, or if a third arbitrator has not been appointed by agreement between the Parties within twenty-five (25) business days after receipt of nolice of appointment of the second arbitrator (or, in the absence of such agreement, by lhe two arbitrators who have been appointed), either Parly, upon five (5) business days' written notice delivered t0 the other Party, may apply to the Federal District Court for the District of ldaho for appointment of the second or Page Z) (b) third arbitrator, as the case may be, Neilher Party may discuss any matter to be arbitrated wih any arbitrator after such arbitrator is appointed but prior to fie arbitrators' determination, without providing notice tc the other Party and reasonable opportunity to participate, The Parties intend tllat every arbitrator be an unbiased person with experience in the subject matter to be arbitrated. Procedure - The rules of procedure for the conduct of the arbitration shall be determined by a majority of the arbitrators. Such rules of procedure shall direct the expeditious evaluation of the merits of the matter and rendering of decision consistent witll the compleXity of the matter being arbitrated. ln any sucfr arbitration, aach Party thereto shall have: (i) full access trc the records of lhe other Party that pertain to tre subject matter or the controversy; (iD the power to call for testimony of any director, officer, employee, agent, or representative of the other Party having knowledge relevant (o the controversy, and (iii) all other rights of discovery afforded to Parties in civil actions under the then applicable Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (or rules or laws applieable to the Federal District Court for ths District of ldaho). Disputes regarding the extent of discovery shall be resolved by the arbitrators. Unless othenrvise agreed upon by the Parties, the Parties hereby instruct the arbitrators that they should render a determination of the mailers submitted and the relief awarded within thir$ (30) calendar days of the completion of the arbitration proceeding. ln determining matters submitted for arbitration, no arbitrator shall ba requlred to adhere to or advance the position of any particular Party. The determination of the matters submifted for arbitration shall be made by a majority of the arbitrators, and shall be binding as between he Parties. The Page 21 determination shall be writing and shall affirm or deny each contention of the Parties and shall set forth the reasons therefore. The determination of the arbifators shall be final and binding and shall be enforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction at lhe request of either Party. (c) Costs - Each Party shal! pay for the services and expenses of the arbitrator appointed by or for it, and for all of its own costs including its own attomey fees. and compensation for its witnesses and consultants. The costs for the services and expenses of the third arbitrator and all administrative costs of the arbitnation shall be paid equally by tho Parties. Sectlon 10 1 Default ln the eyent that shher KEC or Avista commits a material breach of or default under this Agreement (the "Defaulting Pafi"), the following shall apply: (a) The other Party (the "Non-Defaulting Party") may give written notice to the DefaUlting Party of the material breach or default. (b) lf after thirty (30) days following receipt of such notice, the Defaulting Party has not taken the steps necessary to cure such breach or default, he Non-Defaulting Party may, at its option, terminate this Agreement; provided, however, that if the Defaulting Party within such 3Dday period commencos and thereafter proceeds with all due diligence b cure such default, such 3D-day period shall be extended up trc six (6) months after written notice to the Defaulting Party, as may be necessary to cure the material breach or default with all due diligence. Whether or not the Non-Defaulting Party elecb b terminate this Agreement, it may, in addition b other remedies provided for hsrein. pursus such remedies as are available at law or in equity. (c) The Non-Defaulting Pafi may, at its option, cure (or cause to be cured) any material breacll or default hereunder within ttre appropriate time period, without waiver of any Page 22 remedy at law or in equity including the right of reimbursement. The right of tfre Non- Defaulting Party to flrB any breach or default by the Defaulting Party shall not be construed or interpreted as obligating such Non-Defaulting Party to make any such orre. (d) A Defaulting Par$ shall be liable to the Party cta'irning default for all costs. including costs of collection and reasonable attomey fees incuned by such Party claiming default. The proceeds paid by any Defaulting Party b remedy any such default shall be distributed b the Party claiming default equal to the additional cost actuaily paid by the Pafi claiming default as a result of the default. Section 11 : Waiver A waiver at anytime by a Party of iB rights with respect '10 a default by another Party under fiis Agreement, or with respect to any othsr matter arising in connection with this Agreement, shall not be deemed a waiver with respect to any subsequent default or matter. No delay, short of the statutory period of limitations, in asserling or enforcing any right hereunder shall be deemed a waiver of such right. 12.7 Section 12: Relationship of Parties Nothing contained herein shall be construed to create an association, joint venture. trust, or partnership, or impose a trust or partnership covenant. obligation, or liability on or witr regard to anyone or mor6 of the Parties. Each Party shall be individually responsible for its own covenants, obligations, and liabilities under this Agreement. Att rights of the Parties are several, not joint. No Party shall be under the control or shall be deemed b control another Party. Except as expressly provided in this Agreement. no Party shall have a right or power b bind another Party without its express written consent. 12.2 Page 23 Section 13; No Dedication g[ FaciJities Any undertaking by one Party to anothEr Party under any provision of this Agreement shall not constitute the dedication of the electric system or any portion thereof of the undertaking Party b tre public or to the other Parly, and it is understood and agreed that any such undertaking under any provision of this Agreement by a Pafi shall cease upon the termination of such Party's obligations under this Agreement, Section 14; Governing Law This Agreernent shall be interpreted, construed and enforced in accordance with the iaws of the State of ldaho orthe iawof the United States of America, whichever ls applicable, as if executed and 10 be performed wholly within the State of ldaho, Page2l lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement b be executed in their respectiva names by their duly authorized representatives as of the date first noted above, Jeff Schlect Manager, Transmission Services Signed this 14th dayof October,2011, KOOTENAI ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC, Bv: f)*r*- ct t-(/ll*.:- - Douglas A Elliott General Manager Signed this r I day of ,Lt ,cnbr- ,2011. AVISTA CORPORAT|ON Page?5 EXHIBITA POINTS OF DELfVERY 1) Athol Point of Delivery Location: The point near Spirit Lake, ldaho, where Avista's Pine Street-Rathdrum 115 kV Transmission Line and KEG's Athol 115 kV Tap Transmission Line are connected Voltage: 115 kV Metering: ln KEC's Athol Substation, in the distribution circuit(s) over which electric power and energy flows 2l Coaur d'Atene 15h Sheet Point of Delivery Locaiion: The point in Avistra's Coeur dAlene 1Sth Street Substation where the 13,8 kV facilities of Avista and KEC are connected Voltaae: 13,8 kV Meterina: ln Avista's 15ih Street Substation, in the 13,8 kV circuit overwhich electric powerand energyflows 3) Dower Point of Delivery Location: The point where Avista's Dower-Post Falls 115 kV Tap Transmission Line and KEC's Dower-Post Falls 115 kVTap Transmission Line are connected Voltage: 115 kV Meierino: ln KEC's Dower Substation, in the distribution circuii(s) over which electn'c power and energy flours 4l Hayden Point of Delivery Location: The point where Avistra's Coeur d'Alene-Ramsey 115 kV Transmission Line and KEC's Hayden 115 kvTap are connec'ted Voltage: 115 kV Meterino: ln KEG's Hayden Substation, in the distribution circuit(s) over which electric powerand energyflows Exhfol A- Polnb of Dellvery A-1 5) Julia Street Point of Delivery Location: The point where Avistia's Appleway-Ramsey 115 kV Transmission Line and KEC's Julia Street 115 kV Tap are oonnected Vpltaae: 115 kV Meterino: ln KEC s Julia StEet Substation, in the distribution circuit(s) over whidr electric power and energy flows 6) O'Gara Point of Delivery Location: Tile point in Avista's O'Gara Substation where the 13.8 kV facilities of Avista and KEC are connected Voltage: 13.8 kV Meterina: On KEG's distribution pole adjacent to Avista's O'Gara Substation h the 13.8 kV circuit over which electric power and energy flows n Pleasant View Point of Delivery Location: The point in Avista's Pleasant View Substation where the 13.8 kV facilities of Avista and KEC are connected Voltage: 13.8 kV Metering: ln Avista's Pleasant View Substation, in tile 13.8 kV circuit over which electric powerand energyflows 8) Plummer Point of Delivery Location: The point in Avista's Plummer Substation where the 13.8 kV facilities of Avista and KEG are connected Voltage: 13.8 kV Metering: ln Avista's Plummer Substation, in the 13.8 kV circuit over whicfr electric power and energy flows Exhibit A- Pcinte ol Delivery A-2 Prairie Point of DeliverY 10) Location: The point in the jointly-owned Prailie Substation, at the supply side of KEC's 115 kV circuit swilcher, where the 115 kV facilities of Avista and l(EG are connected Voltage: 115 kV Metefing; ln KEG's portion of the jointly-owned Prairie Substration, in the distribution circuit(s) over which elechic power and energy flows Rathdrum Point of Delivery Location: The point in Avista's Rathdrum Substation where the 13,8 kV facilities of Avista and KEG are connected Voltage: 13.8 kV Metering: ln Avista's Rathdrum Substration, in fte 13,8 kV circuit over which electric powerand energyflows Scarcella Point of Delivery Location: The point where Avista's Pine Street-Rathdrum 115 kV Transmission Line 6 connected to KEG's Scarcello Substation 115 kVTap Voftage: 115 kV Meterino: h KEG's Scarcello SUbstation, in the distribution circuit(s) over which electric power and energy flows Setters Point of DeliverY Location: The pointwhere Avista's Rockford Tap 115 kVTransmission Line is connected to KEG's Setters Substation 115 kV Tap Voltage: 115 kV Metering; ln KEC's Setters Substation, in the distribution circuit(s) over which electric powerand energyflows 11) 12',) E$bttA - Polnts of Dellwry AA 81. EXHIBIT B METER READING AND METER TEST PROCEDURES Meter Raadings Meter readings associated with the delivery of electric power b the Point(s) of Delivery and for Generating Project(s) shal! be the responsibility of the Parly owning such meterc. ln the event such meters are owned by Bonnevllle pursuant to the Power and Transmission Agreements. KEG shall request that Bonneville provide such meter reading information directly to Avista. Altematively, KEG shall, upon request by Avista. provide to Avista any such meter reading information made available b KEC by Bonneville. Eleclric power deliveries in any month shall be calculated on information based on meter readings, with any necessary date adjustments made by pro-rating metered amounts to the number of days in such month. ln the event a recording rnetering device b installed, actual monthly energy deliveries shall be determined from the record developed. Meter Testing Unless provided by Bonneville pursuant to its agreements with KEG, Avista andlor KEG shall own and maintain all meters used to determine any billing associated wih the delivery of electric power to the Point(s) of Delivery and Generating Project(s). Avista meters shall be tested and inspected in accordance willl Avista's meter testing program ('Avista Program") as filed with the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission and/or the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. If requested by KEC, Avista shall provide copies of applicable test and calibration records and calculations. Avista shall permit representatives of KEG, and/or Bonneville b be present al all times lhe meters are being lested. Additionally, Avista shall test any or all such meters as may reasonably be requested by KEG. Reasonable costrs for such requested test shall be paid by KEG unless any of the meters are found to be inaccurate, as defined in the Avista Program, in which case Avista shall pay for the test. KEG'S meters shall be tested and inspected in accordance wrth the l€G melertesting program ("KEG Program"). lf requested by Avista, KEC shall provide copies of applicable test and calibration records and calculations. KEG shall permit a representative of Avista b be present at all times the meters are being tested. Additionally, KEC shall test any or all such meters as may reasonably be requested by Avista. Reasonable costs for such requested test shall be paid by Avista unless any of the meters are found to be inaccurate, as defined in the KEC Program, in which case KEG shall pay for the test. For meters owned by Bonneville, Avista and KEG consent to lhe testing and inspection of such meters in accordance with Bonnevills's applicable meter testing program ("Bonneville Program'). lf requested by Avista, KEG shall provide copies of applicable test and calibration records and calculations made available to KEG by Bonneville. KEG shall permit a representative of Avrsfa b be present at all times such meters are being tested. Additionally, KEG shall request a test of any or all such meters as may reasonably be requested by Avisfa. Reasonable costs for such requested lest shall ba 82. E filblt B - iieter Readlng and lletsr TeEt Procedurcs &l paid by Avista unless any of the meters are found to be inaccurate, as defined Bonneville Program, in which case Avista shall not be required to pay for he test. AdiU$tments Adjustments shal! be made ln meter readings and billings for erors in a meter reading or billing discovered within twelve (12) months of the enor. Each Party shall permit representatives of the other Party to inspect all of the re@rds, including any records made available by Bonneville b KEC or Avistia, relating b he delivery of electdc power to KEC, and the transmission of electric power by Avista b the Poinb of Delivery. Eftlblt B - Metel Readlng and Bihler Test Proccduros *2 1. 2. EXHIBITC SUBSTATION CONSTRUGTION AND OWNERSHIP GUIDELINES FOR SUBSTATIONS OWNED BYAVISTA (Points of Delivery under 69kV): Avista shall be responsible to provide reclosers or other protection apparatus to protect Avista's power transformers- Avisia shall provide all equipment and materials (including voltage regulator by-pass switches) b construct a feedEr position, except as noted below. This wil! ensure compatibility with spare parts for installed equipment. Voltage regulators shall be provided by KEG, but shall be installed by Avistra. (a) Regulators are classified as a failure mode changeout llem and as such are not regularly maintained by Avista. KEG shall maintain its regulators at its discretion. (b) KEG's regulator settings shall be calculated and set by KEG. (c) Regulators provided by KEC shall be complete with connectors for the appropriate conductor, as specified by Avista. lnsulation coordinated surge arresters shall b6 prOMded by KEG b proteci its voltage regulators or underground cables. Metering CTs shall be supplied by Avista. Metering PTs shall be supplied by Avista and may be shared with KEG. KEC shall provide the hardware and conductor tro connect trc the source at the Point(s) of Delivery, including, but not limited to, tfie following: (a) Hardwars for overhead line pUll-ofts/getaways (Avista will provide eye bolts on distribution stuctures). (b) Potheads and brackets for underground take-offslgetaways. Underground conduits and vaults adjacent tc a substation shall be provided or approved by Avista. 4. 5. 6. 7_ E hlbil c - Subatatlon Constucdon and Ownerthlp Guidelinss c-l FOR SUBSTATIONS OWNED BY KEG (Points of Delivery at 69kV or above): For the purpose of enabling Avista tc monitor the loads on its transmission system in real iime, KEG shall provide either of tte Olloruing to Avista: Megawatt and megavar indications for lotal sUbstation load from KEC's supervisory control and data acquisition (SGADA) system, if aXsting, in a format agreed upon by the Parties, or The following: (a) Metedng CTs, (b) Metering PTs, (c) Space in KEC.s substation control house for an Avista remole termina! unit or sudr other equipment that performs a comparable function (Avista Equipment"), tc be supplied by Avista, (d) Voltage and current indications fiom KEG's CTs and PTs b the Avista Equipment. and (e) Space for any conduit needed by Avisla for its communications out of he substation, Edrihl C - Subrtrtlon cons!ructlon and Oflnership Guldcllncr c-2 EXHIBJTD GENERATING PROJECTS 1) Flghtlng Creek Landfill Generating Proiect Locationi Generator Rating: Melprino: Connected b KEC's Dower Substation distribution facilities near the Fighting Creek Landfilt Total rated output of 3.2 MVA ln KEC's Fighting Creek Landfill Generating Proiec't, in the 24-9 kV circuit overwhich electric potrer and energy flows E drlblt D - Generaftng ProJeoils 0.1 EXHIBITE GENERATION INTERCONNEGTION GUIDELINES AND STANDARDS These Generator lnterconnection Guidelines and Standards shall apply, as appropriate pursuant to lndustry Standards and Good Utility Practice, b generating profects connected b Avista's electric system and b Generating Projects defined pursuant to Section 1.4 of this Agreernent. 1, INTERCONNECTION REQUIREMENTS 1.1. All Generating Projecb shall be constructed and operated in accordancewith lndustry Standards and Good Utility Practice. 1.2. A Generating Project shall not cause any reduction in the quality of service being provided 1o otherAvista projects orcustomers. The Generating Project shall not cause abnormal voltage magnifudes, frequencies, excessive interruptions, or excessive harmonics. This shall include not injecting communications signals associated with operation of fie Generating Project lnto Avista's electric system. 1.3. When the Generating Project b cnnnected to Avista's electric system the Generating Project shall follow Avista's local system frequency which ls a nominal 60 hark. 1,4. Any voltage flicker caused fiom the operation of tre Generating Project shall not exceed the limits defined by the latest revision of IEEE 519 or IEEE 1547, whichever is applicable. '1.5. For salient pole generators with a capacity of 5,000 kVA or larger or for any size cylindrical rotor synchronous generator, the harmonics shall not exceed the limits as outlined for telephone lnfluence factor (TlF) ln the latest revision of ANSI standards C50.12, C50.13, orC50.14, whichever ls applicable. For all generators, voltage distortion limits and current harmonic limits shall be as specified in the latest revision of IEEE 519 or IEEE 1547, whichever is applicable. 1.6. When he Generating Project ls operating ln parallel with the Avlsta electric system, the Generating Project shall operate at a power factor within the range of 0.95 leading to 0.95 lagging. 1,7, Each Party and the Generating Project shall be responsible for protection of its facilities from any system voltage or frequency excursions consistent with lndustry Standards and Good Utilfu Practice. 2. EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS 2.1- KEC ortheGenerating Projectshallsupply, lnstall, own, operate and maintain all equipment at the Generating Project as appropriate and pursuant to applicable electric codes, lndustry Standards and Good Utility Practice. 2.2- The Generating Project shall maintain its equipment in good working order and keep adequate maintenance records. The Generating Project and maintenance records shall be subject b lnspection by Avista. Avista may also witness or review any acceptance tests of Generaiing Project. Exhlblt E - Generatlon Interconnec'tlon Guldellnes and Standards E-| 3. PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS 3.1. KEC or Generating Project shallfurnish, install, operate, and maintain in good order and repair, and without cost to Avista such relays, instrument transformers, breakers, automatic synchronizers, and other control and protection apparatus as shown by Avista to be reasonably necessary for the operation of the Generating Project in parallelwith Avista's system, The minimum protection requirements for the Generating ProJect may change based on system configuration or other special circumstances. At a minimum the protection requirements, based on the sizE of the Generating Project, shall be as follows. a. Small generator connected b a distribution fgeder (rated output leSS than 25 kVA): The Generating Project must provide adeguate protection to protect its own facility for faults at the facility or on either Party's electric system. KEC or the Generating Project shall provide an appropriate disconnect switch availabie to Avista. b. Medium. gg_nerator connected to a distribution feqder (rated outout less than one guartsr of the distribution feeder load): The Generating Projact must meet all requirements of a small generator, plus the Generating Project relaying shall include over/under voltage and over/underfrequency (islanding detection) and synchronism check, c. Large generator connected to. a digtribution feeder (rated output greater thal_ or eoual to 3 MVA orone guarter 9.f the distribution feeder load): The Generating Project must meet all requirements of a medium generator, plus phase and ground overcurrent relays to detect and clear for faults on the Avista system. d. Generator connected b a transmission line: Tile Generating Project must provide a level of protection equivalent to the most current standard of similar terminals on the Avista system, Necessary upgrades h Avista's remote line terminal relaying to interface with the Generating Project will be at the expense of KEC unless provided for in another agreement. The Generating Project's protection system shall coordinate with Avista's protection system without adverse affect to the Avista system or its customers. The Generating Project shall provide Avista with all proposed relay design and settings for the protection systsm related to the Generating Project. Avista shall approve the Generating Projecfs protection system prior to the Generating Project being operated in parailel with the Avista system. lf parallel operation of the Generating Projectto Avista's electric system requires upgrades to Avista's protection system, the upgrades shall be atthe expense of KEC unless provided for in another agreement, including, but not limited to, upgrades to Avista's reclosing relaYing. The Generating Project's protection system must be operatod, tested, and maintained in accordance with lndustry Standards and Good Utility Practice and shall be at the expense of KEC unless provided for in another agreement. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. Exhibil E - Gbneraflon lnhrconnecffon Guldellnes and Stendads 3.5. Each relay responsible for disconnecting tre Generating Project from the loca! power system shall be connected to an appropriately installed GPS time source, with accuracy betterthan 8 ms or some type of Sequence of Events recorder shall be rnade available. Avista may request and KEC or the Generating Project shall provide event reports at the Generating Project. 3.6. The Generating Project shall provide adequate msans or devices ftat will prevent the Generating Project from being closed into or energizing a de-energized Avista System or de-energized phase of the Avista system- 3.7. The Generating Project may be manually orautomatically started and operated in parallel to Avista's electric system any time Avista's electric system is in a normal operating condition, A "norma"' operating condition exists when Avista's electric system through which the Generating Project will be operated in parallel is energized and no local conditions exist on Avista's electric system such as abnormal vollages, frequencies, single phasing, etc. that would prevent acceptable synchronization. COMMUNICATIONS 4.1. The Generating Projectshall maintain satisfactoryoperating communications with Avista's dispatcher or representative designated by Avista. The Generating Project shall prOVide standard voice line, dedicated voice line and facsimile communications at its Generating Project control room or central dispatch facility through use of either the public telephone system or a voice communications system that does not rely on the public telePhone system. For generation that will require telemetering, prior to the initial synchronization of the Generating Project, a remote terminal unit, or equivalent data collection and transfer equipment acceptable to the Parties, shall be installed by KEC or the Generating Project, or by Avista at KEC's expenss unless provided for in another agreement. to gatheraccumulated and instantaneous data to be telemetered to the location(s) designated byAvista through use of a dedicated point-to-point data circuit(s) orother equivalent communication medium acceptable to the Parties as indicated in section 4.4 below. The communication protocol for the data circuit(s) shall be speo'fied by Avista. lnstantaneous bi-directional analog real power and reactive power flow information must be telemetered directly b the location(s) specified by Avista. For generation that will require telemetering, KEC or he Generating Project shall provide the dedicated data circuit(s) or other equivalent communication medium acceptable to the Parties necessary trc provide the Generating Project's data b Avisla. The.data circuit(s) shall extend from the Generating Project to the location(s) specified by Avista. Any required maintenance of such communications equipment shall be the responsibility of KEC unless provided for in another agreement. Operational communications shall be activated and rnaintained under, but not bs limited to, the following events: system paralleling or separation, scheduled and unscheduled shutdowns. equipment clearances, and hourly and daily load data. Unless provided for in another agreement, KEC shall have Avista listed on record with any third-party communication provider so that Avista has the ability b call in trouble tickets. Each Party shall promptly advise the other Party if it detects or othenruise leams of any metering, telemetry or communications equipment enors or malfunctions 4.2. 4.3. tulblr E - ceneratton lnterconnectlon Guldetnes end Standards that require the attention and/or corection by tha other Pafi. The Party owning such equipment shall correct such srror or malfunc'tr'on as soon as reasonably feasible unleSs provided for in another agreement. 5. MISCELLANEOUS REQUiREMENTS 5.1. Avista reserves the right b open the main disconnecting device andlor cease parallel generation with reasonable notice provided to KEC or the Generating Project (when notice is practicable) for any of the following reasons: a- System emergency. b. Generating Project's generating equipment interferes with other projects or the operation of the Avista system. c. Any quality of service reduction. 5.2. Unless provided for in another agreement, KEC shall supply Avista wittr the following data and machine parameters for each Generating Project as needed: a Rated kVA output. b. Rated voltage. c Rated power factor. d. Type of generator(induction motor, DC motor, synchronous generator, etc.). e. Proposed protective equipment (breakers, fuses, instrument transformers, relay types and settings. etc.). f. Generato/s contribution to faults (saturation, subtransient, transient and synchronous resistances and reactances and the associated time conslraints, sequence impedance (positive, negative, zero), system resislance and reactance from AMsta system b the Generating Project). g. lnertia oonstants. h. Estimated schedUle of operation and estimated annual kWh. i. Governor and exciter conlrol system parameters. 5.3. Unless provided for in another agreement, KEC shall supply Avista with he following generator transformer nameplate data for the Generating Project: a- Rated kVA, including base and any forced oil I forced air ratings. b. Voltage rating, available tap settings, and proposed tap setiing. c Test lmpedance, including XIR ratio or measured load loss Watts. 5.4. KEC shall require the installation and operation of a power system stabilizer ai the Generating Project if required pursuant b lndustry Standards. EGlb,lt E - Genoratlon lnterconnec'tlon Guldolln$ and Standards E-4 ExhibitG Facilities fgt Integration agd Oneration gfFighting Creek Facility Tran3ml3slon SoMc€s Avlsta Corporatlonlatt E Mission Ar/€nue Spokane. WA 99202 ^#nsta December 5,2011 Mr. Doug Elliott General Manager Kootenai Elecric Cooperative P.O. Box278 Hayden, Idaho 83835-0278 SUBJECT: Facilities for Integration and Operation ofFighting Creek Facility DearMr. Elliott: This Irtter Agreement ("Agreement") sets flllh the scope ofwork and responsibilities ofAvista Corporation (uAvista') and Kootenai Electric Cooperative, Inc. ("KEC"), hereinafter sometines referred to collectively as "Parties" and individually as "Party," regarding the construction and installation ofthe Parties' respcotivc facilities for the integration and operation ofKEC's new 3.2 MW Fighting Creek Landfill Gas to Energy Facility ("Facility") at the Kootenai County Solid Waste Facility near Bellgrove, Idaho, PROJECT COORDINATION AND SCHEDULE KEC and Avista shall coordinate all requirements for this project and consult with one another regarding the duties tisted under this Agreement. TLe Parties intend to complete construction and enable operation of the Facility by December 30, 2011. While neither Party makes any express commifalgnl to meet such date to energize the facilities outlined within, the Panies shall make good faith efforts to complete this project within the time ftameidentified. EFFECTIVE DATE This Agreement shall be efkctive upon the date this Agreement is executed by both Parties. This Agreement shall terminate upon receipt by Avista of all invoiced amormts pursuant to Section V. Lrtler Agrecnent - Fadlldcs for Integrrtion rod Operrdon ofFightingcrool Fsdlity December 5, 20ll Page 2 oR NL AVISTA'S RESPONSIBILITIES AT KEC'S EXPENSE Avista shall provide, at KECts expense, a relay to provide synch cheek functionality and add equipment to provide dial-up access to the new relay on Avista's Post Falls A-320 circuit breaker. Avista shall provide, at KEC's expense, material and labor to program, check-out, and test the meteriug and data acquisition equipmentprovided by KEC at the Facility. Avista shall, at KEC's expense, provide matelials and labor to program the Cybectec SMP- 4, test and check-out all metering and SCADA equipmentprovided by IeEC, and tebninate the 4-wire communication circuit provided by KEC at Avista's Coeur d'Aleae Service Center. Avista shall, at KEC's expense, provide labor to revise relay settings on Avista's Post Falls A-Zll circuit breaker on the Post Falls - Ramsey I 15 kV line to provide an altemate point ofreceipt. IV. KEC'S RESPONSIBILITiIIS AT KEC'S EXPENSE KEC shall, at KEC's expetrse, acquire lights ofway and pelmitting for, construct and own the new Facility. this constnrction shall include metering CTs, meteting PTs, space in Seller's Facility control house for Avista meteling equipment, voltage and current indications from KEC's CTs and PTs to the Avista metering equipment, 4-wire communication circuit, 2-wire communication circuit, appropriate isolation protection for commuuication circuits, and a 48 VDC circuit for power supply. KEC shall, at KEC's expsnse, provide and install a Jemstar revenue grade metor, test switch, Cybectec SMP-4, and other data acquisition equipment as approved by Avista which shall be owned, operated, and maintained by Avista. KEC shall, at KEC's expense, provide labor for the commissioning ofthis equipment and the termination ofthe 4-wire circuit. V. FINANCIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS The estimated cost ofthe work to be performed by Avista at KEC's expense, as identified in Section III, is $65,000, includiug applicable overheads and taxes. Upon completion of all work perfonned by Avista, Avista shall invoice KEC for the achral costs Avista inculTed to complete such work, including applicable overheads and taxes. frvoices from Avista shall reference this Agreement and shall be sent to the following address: Kootenai Electric Cooperative Attention: ShawnDolan Kootenai Electric Cooperative P.O. Box 278 Hayden, Idaho 83835-0278 I*mer Agrcemmt - Fadffles for Intsgrrdon md Operrtion of llgltfug Cteclc Facllty December5,20f I Page3 ol3 Remittances from KEC shall be within the timeframe specified in the invoice and shall be sentto the address named in the invoice. Please indicate KEC's onCUlTre by executing the two originals of this Agreement where indicated below. Please retain one original for your frles and return one Oliginal to Avista at the address listed above. Should you have any questions regarding this Agreement, please do not hesitate to contactme at (509) 4954851. Respectfully, )M..-qrd- JeffSchlect Senior Manager, Transmission Services KOOTENAI ELECTRIC COOPERATNE, INC. Concur: Name: Title: Date: A.f!0,"- DougElliot General Manager Q-c.-^bcr 3. ?orr AlflrwEsffi&' November 19,2012 Kootenai Fl ectric Cooperative Attn: DougElliot 2451W. DakotaAvs P.O. Box 276 Hayden,ID 83835-0278 Re: Amendmcnt to thg Power Purchisc Agre0rhent BeHeen Kootenai Electric Cooperative and Avista Corpoiation DearMr. Elliot: Kootenai Elecfiic Cooperativ,e,Inc. f'Sellet') anil Avista Corporation ("Avista"), refcned to heroin individually as a "Part/' "nd colleotively as the ?arties," entered into ttrat certain Power Purchase Agreement dated January 5,2012, f'Power Purchase Agreement') under whictr Avista purchases enelgy from a 3.2 MW narneplate capacity electric power generating facility fFacility) at the Kooteirai County Solid Waste !'acility nearBelgrove, Idaho. The Power Purchasc Agreement was originally approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ('Cornnrission) in Oder No. 32459 issucd in Docket No. AVU-E-12-01 on February 15,2012. The Power Furchase Agrc.cment is due to oxpire by its terms on Deoemb er 3l , 2Ol2 . Avista uderstands tluf Seller w0uld like to arhend the Power Purshase Agreement to extend the term, I'hc Parties hereby agree to amend the Porver Purchaso Agreerneqt to extend the term rhrough December 31 ,2013'. Accgrdingly, Section 4.1 ofthc Power Purchase dgrccmcnt is arnended to change the expiration date of the Term :ftom December 31, 20l2to December 31, 2013. Except as cxpressly provided herein, all'other terms aud conditions Ofthe Power Purchase Agreement remain in firll force and effect, inchidiug Seller's ddht in Seetion 4-1 to terminate t}e Agreement with 30 days prior written noticc to Avista. The Parties aguccthatthis Amendment wjll be congtued in accordance with Smtion 210 of PURPA and other applicabte lararc and regulations. This Amendment $hall become finally effectivc rrpon the Commission's apprirval of all terms and provisions hercin rviihout chenge or condition.and dcclarrrtion that rill payments to be made to Sellerunder the Power Purohase Agreement, as amended, shall be altorved as prudently incurred expenses for ratcmaking purposes. This Amendment to the Power Purchase Agreernent shall, subject to such Commission apptoval, become,;ffcctile on Janudry 1, 2013, or such other date set by Commission ordet Upoir the effcctive date of this 14ll Eagt Mission Avsoug PO8ox3727 Spokane, Wr6hln$oo 9922o-glu 80022751tr., www.avtstsutll ltles.com askavlata@svlstauti tities.oom Ame,lrdmpnt, this Amendment shall be incorporated in the Power Purchase Agreement and all rcferences to the Power Purchase Agrcement shall be deemed to be references to the Power Purchasc Agreeraent as amended by this Amendment. lf tlre torms set forth herein for the extensjpo Ofttre tem of the Power Purchase Agreement are acceptablg please execute below and return an original executed copy of this lettertome. PleasecallSteveSilkworth'at509495-S093ifyouhaveanyquestions. Sincerelv.'- r'\ffi:S-[HN^'--f Robertlallir.;J Director,Powcr Supply ACCEPTED AND AGREF,D TO: tlq o.ul,* - Name: b.\t*s A. Etl:os Date: (J. o:rq,*t,<,- \Q, ?o te Kootenai Electic Coopcrative