HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110930Joint Petition.pdfRECEf\l ~~~'V'STA. Corp.iOll SEP 30 AM 8: 21 l DA.!''';i 0 F;tJ L'~ C '0" St~MT~g¡29~r1!Ól~ s :.:; I Utilties Commission ashington Street D 93702 NEWCA AijrA -E -/ 1-0 c; Joint Petition of A vista Corporation and Stimson Lumber Company Amendment No.2 to Power Purchase Agreement Dear Ms. Jewell: Please find enclosed for fiing an original and seven copies of the Joint Petition of Avista Corporation ("A vista") and Stimson Lumber Company (Stimson") for approval of Amendment NO.2 to the power purchase between Avista and Stimson. Amendment NO.2 is attached to the Joint Petition. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this fiing. Sincerely, Michael G. Andrea Senior Counsel Enclosures cc: Jeff Weber nEr'E 1\1"' nt\ ..v ," 1:,., 2011 SEP 30 AM 8: 21 For Avita Corpration Michal G. Andr (ISB No. 8308) Senor Counsel A vista Corportion 1411 East Mission, MSC-23 Spokanet WA 99202 Phone: (509) 495-2564 Facsimile: (509) 495-5690 For Stimson Lumber Company Jeff Webber Vice President - Manufactung Stimson Luber 520 S.W. Yamll Suite 700 Portand, OR 97204 NEW CASE BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTITIES COMMSION IN THE MATTER OF TH JOIN PETmON ) OFAVISTACORPORATIONAN ) CASE NO. AVU..E- II..D5" STIMSON LUMER COMPAN FOR ) APPROVAL OF AMNDMENT NO.2 TO ) JOINT PETmON OF AVISTA POWER PURCHASE AN SALE ) CORPORATION AN STISONAGREEMENT ) LUMER COMPAN ) A vista Corporation ("A vista") and Stimson Lumber Company ("Stimn") (collectivelYt the "Parties") herby peition the Idaho Public Utilities Commision ("Commission") for an order aproving Amendment No.2 to the Power Puhase Agreement ("Agreement") beteen Avista and Stimson which was originally approved by the Commission in Order No. 30224. Amendment No.2 extends the term of the Agrment for a period up to four months ("Extesion Perod") and updates the Agrement to apply the curnt published avoided cost rates to all power purehases by A vista under the Agreeent durng the Extnsion Perod i. Names and Addresses. of Petitioners Page - 1 JOIN PETITION OF AVISTA CORPORATION AND STISON LUMER COMPAN A vista Coiporaon 1411 Eat Mission Avenue Spokae, W A 99202 Stison Lumbe Company 520 S.W. Yamll Suite 700 Portland, OR 97204 2. Nature of Businesses Avista is a corporation create and orgaed under the laws of the State of Wasington with its principal offce in Spokane, Wasngton. A vita is an investor- owned utility engaged in, among other thgs, the business of generting, transmitting, and distbuting electrc power to wholese an reail customers in Ido and Washington. Avista also provides natul ga serice to customer in Idao, Washington, and Oregon. As such, Avista's rates, charges, serice and praices ar reguat in pai by this Commission. Stimson is a corporation orgized under the laws of the State of Orgon tht opertes a theral wood waste small power elecc generation plant loced at Plummer, Idaho ("Facilty"). The Facilty is capable of generng up to approximatly 6.5 megawatt of energy. The Facility is a Qualifyng Facilty puruant to the Public Utility Regulatory Policies of Act of 1978 ("PUR A"). 3. Names of Representatives All commUncations, pleangs, and orders with resect to this proceedng should be directed to: Page - 2 ¡OIN PETmON OF AVISTA CORPORATION AN STIMSON LUMER COMPAN For Avista Corporation: Steve Silkort Maager, Wholese Marketng and Contracts A vist Corporation i 4 i 1 E. Mission Ave., MSC-7 Spokane, WA 99202 Phone: 509-495-8093 Fax: (509) 495-4272 E-mail: steve.silkort(gavistarp.com For Stimson Lumber Company: Jeff Webber Vice Preident - Manufactung Stison Lumber 520 S.W. Yamll Suite 700 Portand, OR 97204 Phone: (503) 222-1676 Fax: (503) 242-1588 E-mail: jwebbestimsonlumber.com Michal G. Andrea Senior Counl Avista Corpration 1411 E. Mission Ave., MSC-23 Spokae, WA 99202 Phone: 509-495-2564 Fax: (509) 777-5468 E-mail: mihai.an~ayistrp.com Prdent and Chief Executive Offce Stison Lumber 520 S.W. Yamll Suite 700 Porland, OR 97204 4. Description of Amendment No.2 The Ageement as amended by Amendment NO.1 was apprved by the Commission in Order No. 30224t which was issed in Case No. A VU-E-0-10 on Janua 19,2007. The original Tenn of the Agrent was five yes and. therefore, the Agreement is due to expire on September 30, 2011. The Paries have been negotiatig in god faith a new power purhas agrent to replace the Agreement. However, the Pares recognize that it wil not be posible to execute a final power purchae agreement prior to the expiration of the Ageeent. AccordinglYt the Pares have exected Amendment No.2 to exted the ter of the Agreement to allow the Paries time to finalze a new power purhase agent to Page - 3 JOIN PETITION OF AVISTA CORPORATION AND STIMON LUMER COMPAN replace the Agreement. Specifically, the Amendment amends the Agreeen to extend the ter as follows: The Ter of the Agrment shal be for the perod commencing on the Effective Date of the Agreement and terinaing on the earlier of; (i) th effective date of a new power purhase agrent beteen the Pares tht provide for the sae of the output of the Faclity to Avist8t or (ii) Januar 2,2012. On Augut 30, 201 I, the Commssion issued Orer No. 32337, in which the Commssion resed the published avoide cost rates for PUR A contrts executed on or af August 30, 2011. Accrdingly, the Amendment also amends the Agent to aply the new applicale published avoided cost rates to the purcha by Avista of all output of the Facilty durng the Extended Period. Except as expresly amended al other ters of the Agrent reai in full forc and effect for the Exteed Period. Page.4 JOIN PETITION OF AVISTA CORPORATION AND STISON LUMER COMPAN 5. Conclusion A vista and Stimson jointly reectflly reuest tht the Commission issu an order acepting Amendment No.2 to the Agreeent with an effective dat of October 1, 2011. Respelly submitt ths __ 'l th day of Sepber 2011. AVISTACORPORATION STIMSON LUMBER COMPANY JCff9J Vice Presidet - Manufactung Page - 5 JOIN PETITION OF AVISTA CORPORATION AND STISON LUMER COMPAN .. AMNDMENT NO.2 Ths AMENDMENT NO.2 ("Amendment") dated Septembera& 201l to the Power Purchase Agreement dated October 1,2006, as amended by Amendment No.1 ("Agreement"), is entered into by and between Avista Corpration, a Washigton corporation ("Avista"), and Stimson Lumber Company ("Project Developer"). A vista and Project Developer ar sometimes referred to individualy as a "Par" and collectively as the "Paries." RECITALS WHEREAS, the Paries entered into the Power Pucha Agreeent dated October 1, 2006, as amended by the First Amendment to the Power Purchae Agrment dated December 21,2006 ("Agreement"), under which Seller deliver and sells, and Avistreceives and purchass, the output generated by the Facilty; WHEREAS, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("IPUC") approved the Agreement in Order No. 30224 issued on Janua 19,2007; and WHREAS, the Pares desir to enter into ths Amendment to amend the Agreement to extend the Ter of the Agreement and to state the rate to be paid by Avista for the output of the Facilty durng the extended Term as set fort below: NOW THREFORE, it is agred as follows: AGREEMENT TO AMEND 1. Puruat to Section 5.5 of the Agrement, the Agreement shl expir on September 30, 2011. The Paries desire to extend the Term of the Agreement such tht the Agrement will expire on the ealier of: (i) the effective date of a new power purchae agreement between the Paries for the Facilty, or(ii) Janua 2, 2012. Accordingly, the Agreement is hereby amended to replace Section 5.5 in its entirety with the followig new Section 5.5: "The Term of the Agreement shall be for the period commencing on the Effective Date of the Agreement and terminatig on the earlier of: (i) the effective date of a new power purchase agreement between the Paries that provides for the sale of the output of the Facility to Avista, or (ii) Janua 2, 2012." 2. Section 1 I. I. i provides the applicable rate for all Net Delivered Output received by A vista for each hour that is not Surlus Energy, which rate is based on the On- Peak or Off- Peak Avoided Cost Rates For Non-Fueled Projects Smaller than Ten Megawatts~Non-Levelized that were in effect on the Effective Date of the Agreement. On August 30, 2011, the !PUC issued Order No. 32337, in which the !PUC revised the published avoided cost rates for PURP A contracts executed on or afer August 30, 20l I. Accordigly, the Agreement is amended to add Page - i AMENDMENT NO.2 TO POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN STIMSON LUMBER COMPANY AND AVISTA CORPORATION the following rates for the period from October 1, 2011 though the end of the Ter of the Agreement: For all Net Delivered Output received by Avista durg the perod from October 1,2011 to Januar 3l, 2012, for each hour that is not Surlus Energy, Avist shal pay the followig applicable rate based on the A vista A voided Cost Rate for Non-Fueled Projects effective on August 30, 20l1: Oct 1, 2011 - Dec 31, 2011 Jan 1,2012 - Jan 2, 2012 $57.52 $59.55 $52.12 $54.15 3. Except as expressly amended by the provisions set fort in ths Amendment, all of the terms and conditions of the Agreement shal remain in fu force and effect following execution of this Amendment and each Pary confrms, ratifies and approves the Agreement as amended by this Amendment. All capitaized term used herein and not otherse defined shl have the respetive meanings given to such terms in the Agreement. For the avoidace of doubt, this Amendment is hereby incorporated in the Agreement and all references to the Agrement shall be deemed to be references to the Agreement as amended by ths Amendment. 4. This Amendment NO.2 replaces Amendment NO.2 dated September 27,2011 (September 27 Amendment) in its entirety. The September 27 Amendment is hereby null and void. 5. This Amendment may be executed in two (2) or more counterps, each of which shall be deemed as an originl and together shall constitute one and the same document. Page - 2 AMENDMENT NO.2 TO POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN STIMSON LUMBER COMPANY AND AVISTA CORPORATION r IN WITNESS WHREOF, the Paries have caused this Amendnent to be executed by their duly authonzed reresentatives as of the date first se forth above. . STIMSON LUMBER COMPAN AVISTA CORPRATION By: 9J PnntedName::re£ W-ekLr Title: U,'ce Prr-ìd,..1.. /1wv.t Date: ?ja.g-/i (i By: 4A-J g; Pnnted Name: . 6ré-#N G 51t.u.ù (Z(L Title: WUòw!tAl.ß, 4¿ífr',. M"NÆt,~ Date: ci /-a I J I Page - 3 AMMENT NO.2 TO POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN STIMSON LUMBER COMPAN AND AVISTA CORPORATION