HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100727Customer Notice.pdfImportant Notice for Idaho Electric Customers August 2010 Proposed Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) Increase Filed to be Effective October I, 2010 A vista ha fied a request with the Idao Public Utilities Commssion (Commission) for the approval of a proposed PCA rate surcharge. If approved by the Commission, the surchage would be effective October 1, 2010. The PCA is an anual rate adjustment to reflect differences between Avista's actul cost of generatig and purchaing electrc power to serve customers and the cost curently included in customer rates. The proposed surcharge is designed to recover additional power costs tht the Company incured durg the twelve-month period ended June 30, 2010. The proposed surcharge is 0.532t per kilowatt- hour applicable to all of the Company's electrc rate schedules. The proposed surcharge will replace the existing surcharge of0.344t per kilowatt-hour. The proposed revenue increase tht will result from the Company's proposal is approximately $6.4 millon or an overall increase of approximately 2.61%. The percentage increases will var by rate schedule as shown below: Residential Schedule 1 General Servce Schedules 11 & 12 Lage Gen Servce Schedules 21 & 22 Extr Lage Gen Servce Schedule 25 Extra Lage Gen Servce Schedule 25P Puping Servce Schedules 31 & 32 Street and Area Lights Schedules 41-49 2.30% 1.91% 2.46% 3.53% 3.83% 2.34% 0.81% The varation in the percentage increase by rate schedule results from the proposed surcharge being spread on a unform cents per kilowatt-hour basis. Residential customers using an average of 1,000 kilowatt-hour per month would see their monthy bils increase from $80.90 to $82.78, an increase of $1.88 per month or 2.32%, excluding any chages from the general electrc rate case curently under consideration by the Commssion. The Company's request is a proposal, subject to public review and a Commission decision. A copy of the application is available for public review at the offces of both the Commission and the Company. Copies of rate filings are also available on our website at ww.avistautilities.com under "Energy Prices," "Rates and Tarff." Avista offers a number of program and services to help customers mange their energy use and costs. Visit us at ww.avistautiities.com for inormtion on these programs which include Comfort Level Biling, bil payment options, automated payment servce, assistace program, conservation tips and energy effciency rebates and incentives. Avu-E-IO-Ó3 RECEIVED 201D Jut 21 AM 10: 39