HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100420Comments.pdf~v~ "¡/Zß/IO /iJ AA/./1/~ l lrlt April 1 5, 20 1 0 F~ ,t'" ~fi;", fL~ .~ 201n APR 19 AM 8: 23. Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Dear Sirs: I am writing to express my displeasure with the Avista Utilities Company. I have received a notice stating that they wish to increase my monthly bil by at least 13%. This is unacceptable. I have not received an increase in what I take home each month. It would seem that at this time when our nation's economy is not doing well that a utilities company would try to help their customers not hinder them. I also feel that making the people already paying for the services that they receive should not be J1ade to pay for the installation of new services. The contractors building the new homes should pay for any installation \costs or the new home owners. Please take into consideration the people that you serve and not the companies that ..~ish to increase their profits. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely; èrX!James H. Baumgartner 8987 N. Starr Loop Hayden, Idaho 83835 ~ ~ -~~--;;- ,/~/IO ;/(/0 A-v-wlfa ~. r 1-1 ._..!lttI6JIl-:~t2LÓ ___ - ......... J;. . . .' .......--.....-.......-.....-..............--.........-----...._._~.-._~.._._._-.._~.._""..., WE. ..... .'. "f.pnF . """':;~" :_o_~,~_,,'JL,-lJLLl'pJ!t2fUi~iJ., ¡Ml-- .._.......-..._.._!JwAl¿(é~J¡ÆJI!liiL.l¡Ill!llla!Lt(f¿i!-._..__.~.~.~ .................._...........l¥I?:(I!((tPk£iI1(( ml2.IJ!Jli¿/lf¿gi:ll.~~-..1,~,o---fJl~y1,¡,1l(/~jJM1;~~__---,--i .........................:iIl¡/l!t(-1J£--~l).....guiJLleæL(WJá.!1fi£.__...w.¡ -,-__1'l¡;tgføÆl?ê,.2lil/1i-CI¿lL:f/l~" -",,,,ßLr&ILíidJJvnß-a:r:t:tJtyhd-"-i' .__.... .........._._.ßtNMLÓ¡¿):¿llcMI..-.-.--I,..~-...rz.ff....'lI!L.-...-.__._~-..., .," "Jj~y~AG,él)j~_"-_-,-,,--,,,,--1 """-"'~"--' 0'..""'" '.," '..'''''' .._- .-----'~"-.,.. ,,', .._.°...''''-'--__1 fir. W(flE.!t....t2J.d¿(lJtØXCIJl) Øl!(lL....__._.......,..,........__."... .,.I#J/M~JlJiJJ:;rl;¿~1J¡¡L....-__.~-_._,_.... i .....".,..,...........................:.................,.,1 I'd~ .,' . "'Lnitì AP!? ì 9\,,;) l\1 h ~~íio Jean Jewell ,1fo AI'ý'1u ~. ~ rIi From: Sent: To: Subject: spicerv(gcamasnet.com Saturday, April 17, 2010 1:30 PM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness PUC Comment Form A Comment from Reese SPicer follows: Case Number: AVU-E-10-1 Name: Reese SPicer Address: 803 Fall Ave City: Kooskia State: Idaho Zip: 83539 Daytime Telephone: 208-926-4835 Contact E-Mail: spicerv~camasnet.com Name of utili ty comp~vistaAdd to Mailing List ~ Please describe your comment briefly: I do not believe that Avista is so hard put as to put peoples lives in jeopardy. There are many people in North Central Idaho who's income is so far below the poverty level that a rate increase of this magnatude would wipe them out financially, which would eventually force them into destitution. I know this because my wife and I are in this catagory. Our income is less then 15,000 a year, that's just a touch over 1200.00 a month and with the economy the way it is , we just barely scrape by. This rate increase would make it harder on us to make ends meet and I'm sure I speak for many others in the same situation. Please do not let them have this increase!!! Thank you Mr. & Mrs. Reese Spicer Kooskia, Idaho The form submitted on http://www. puc. idaho .gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc. html IP address is 1 /r~/~allo~ Jean Jewell 11ò ~~. , H ¡ From: Sent: To: Subject: hamm2~verizon.net Monday, April 19, 2010 11 :06 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness PUC Comment Form A Comment from Rate Payer follows: Case Number: AVU-E-1Ø--Ø1 Name: Rate Payer Address: 411 So. Lincoln st. City: Moscow State: Idaho Zip: 83843 Daytime Telephone: Contact E-Mail: hamm2~verizon.net Name of Utility Company: Avista Add to Mailing List: no- Please describe your comment briefly: One again Avista is at it to increase revenue. I see that the CEO and the top executives were Paid more for compensations for iøø9 versus iøø8. I believe the figure is $3 millon more. They are doing an excellent job of returning profits to the directors and shareholders. It would be nice if there was a limit set on the number of Rate increases Avista can submit In a certain time frame. It seems like the dust just settles on one increase and they are on our backs for more mODey. Being retired and on a fixed income, It Is hard for me to pay more . Is Avista going to use the BASIC CHARGE increase to improve cutomer sevice? I feel that they should raise these fees GRADUALLY rather than a big hit all at once (68%). When my purchasing power decreases, I have to pull back on my expenses in order to stay comfortable in the winter. I can' t rely on some one else come up with the money to help. I am sure there are other people who have the same peoblem but its tough in these poor economic times. Maybe its about time the avista people and shareholders start showing us they are doing thier part to control expenses and I would feel a lot better about this situation. As you know , Avista is a monopoly. We have no one else to go to for electrical service. I fell strangled by this recent increase. I hope that if the PUC grants this increase, It will be a FRACTION (say less than 1Ø%) of the TOTAL dollars requested. This probably wont help as they will probably reapply immediatly for the balance not granted and we will be back into this same vicious circle once again. Thx. The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov lforms/ipuc1/ipuc. html IP address is 7Ø .11Ø. 54.193 1