HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100414Comments.pdf. .. J uu VVUUIU Il'" iU "UUIlIi i;UlinieniS 'm inis proposed increase, you can. do so by going to the CÖ1JBsion website at www.puc.idaho.gov or mailng comme~ji. c: Idaho Public Utilties Commission m ~ ê ~ ~ P.O. Box 83720 £§ CDW- .. :E-.. - :5 -ü - (IBoise, ID 837?0.0074 0 Õw Q: .!!..' = ~a: Q. ~ Avista offers a number of programs aiæ e'vices 'thelp customers manage their energy use and Ilsts. Visit us at winw.~vistautilties.com for information~ these programs which include Comfort level Biling, bil payment options, automate~ pa~ment service, assistance programs, ~onse~vation tips and energy efficiency rebate and inçentives, among others.iy--1~/tJ~~~ ß-n~ ;C ,? 11 .. A-, '/""L.t ..-u:-t~ 0) ~ ~. .~ ¡f cL ,'r ~;4 ~;r~ -f 9' ~ .. ~£tr ~ ç£z ;r~~q~~jI~~~~~ ?lw,fr~./)L~a~~ Wyatt fJ Simon T. or Ge ABox 1873 Orofino, iv 83544 AV(j-£-/O-G( / ÆVi( -6 ~/o-ol /~ tJL- ~. ~I/Lfllo ýr; /¡Jir;~' , 1'1 Avista is askig for "an- other" rate increàse' ths year - $10 per month. . , They consantly ask usto conserve energ and' when we do what they ask, they punh us by r.a the rates. We should berewared for conservrather thaípunshed with _ , hiher prices. "Personaly; I do mybest -~tö+còfiserve-'electe-en-'~" - ,ergyfu my home. Some- ' ' one, needs to realize that ,worki 'andretired Ileo~ , pl~ cannot àfford 4vista's -higher",tatiseveryyear.:.;. ... ,~.Think àbout it,peoi)1é.' ,i J , (1) ,:AVita asks us to cOÌ1- '--11 _ serve'energy. (2) We con- : serve energ so our bils 'i , -are lower each month. (3),Avista'is not 'màkngas. -' much money as before be-cause we are conservng energy, Bothey raise our rates to, make up for the money.they ,arn~t;: mil- ing because we are doing what they ask us to do. " Does anyone else see', the irony in thiS oris itjust me? I would lie tòask theutillty commsion to deny,Avista's requestJòr the $10-a-month rate hie. .JOAN,y ANORN . LeWist()J-o ',Le~stì.;; .'.. " -,", '- '.;;",' AYis~ wins agin ' , . . The arc1è in,the March' 24 Trbuiie trm AVista' .~.d says Idaho, Users will' ' more'than Washington cause they put a larger bur~ 'den onthe big users. ' ·Is it Idaho's fault that we don't have Boeing or some other huge customer? I wouid venture to glesS' it has to do with popula.: non, ,coastal,' access, etc: And somehow fór the par they managè to huge profits... So, too,Avista. .' ,', " . , A short wlÌe ago, Avista passed along a smàl re~, duction on our statemeõts:' I, for ,one, said thank yòù. Now comes the next pitch, 0mostly cure, s ' slid:: ',;'er combined.. suIt: ',' ;/~4ItO Jean Jewell vf A- V /10 ~" t k/ From: Sent: To: Subject: gmakathy40~aol.com Monday, April 12, 2010 12:24 PM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness PUC Comment Form A Comment from Kathy Calhoun follows: Case Number: Name: Kathy Calhoun Address: 11124 E 25th Ave City: Spokane State: WA Zip: 99296 Daytime Telephone: 599-924-5995 Contact E-Mail: gmakathy4~aol.com Name of Utili ty compa~ Avista Add to Mailing List:~ , Please describe your comment briefly: During a time Avista is encouraging gas and energy conservation, it seems like a very poor idea to raise the basic monthly charge. I feel Avista should be rewarding customers for their conservation efforts. While I appreciate all the promotions available, I wonder if they come at our own expense! I also feel this storage facility will not benefit us in the long run. I believe there will be more and more expenses associated with running and maintaining it, increasing the rates even further, and at an incredibly poor time. The form submitted on http://www. puc. idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc. html IP address is 1