HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100406Comments.pdf~(~ ",/&Jio Jean Jewell ~i It.iJ ,/0 &r~~ i~j. From: Sent: To: Subject: brian5433~msn.com Sunday, April 04, 2010 7:23 PM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness PUC Comment Form A Comment from Brian Kidd follows: - --- -------- - -- -- -- -- - - --- - - - -- - - - -- Case Number: AVU-E-18-81 & AVU-G-18-81 Name: Brian Kidd Address: 3446 Lilac Ct # A City: Post Falls State: ID Zip: 83854 Daytime Telephone: 2887846589 Contact E-Mail: brian5433~sn.com Name of Utility Company: Avista Utili ties Add to Mailing List ~ Please describe your comment briefly: This rate increase comes during trying times for all of Idaho i s citizens. Our energy bill is already far too high. The founder of Post Falls built a damn that still provides the majority of power for this area. Unfortunately the damn was sold to a greedy corporation that seeks to take from those who are already financially distraught. The cost of maintaining this infrastructure is nowhere near the outlandish rates being charged by Avista, whom only seeks to line their own pockets with this enormous increase. I pray this council will deny this request. Please allow the citizens of the great state of Idaho to continue to be able to afford the basic necessities of life. Thank you. The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho .gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc. html IP address is - -- - - ---- - --- -- - - ---- - - --- - - - - - - - - -- 1 ~wi ~ il/vJlo Jean Jewell vi AI v'f; ~. ~ lii From: Sent: To: Subject: repau~conceptcable.com Saturday, April 03, 2010 6:24 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness PUC Comment Form A Comment from Ross Paulus follows: - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Case Number: AVit-/5-ló-r1 /AvU-6-IO-ó/ Name: Ross Paulus Address: 618E Ockert St s. City: Oldtown State: Idaho Zip: 83822 Daytime Telephone: 288-437-4893 Contact E-Mail: repau~conceptcable.comName of Utili ty comp~vistaAdd to Mailing List: ~ Please describe your comment briefly: In regard to Avista request for 14.5% rate increase, I am against the increase Recently Avista posted the salary for their managers that show a definite salary increase. Avista already has a structure for capital investments to upgrade aging equipment that they should not need to be requesting additional money Any capital investments should already be figured in before the declaring their fixed profit allowed by the Public Utility Commission. The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov Iforms/ipucl/ipuc. html IP address is - -- - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- 1 Jean Jewell v'1o ~' ~ M Sent: To: Subject: Friday, April 02, 2010 10:40 PM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness PUC Comment Form A Comment from follows: - - -- ---- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Case Number: AVÚ-¡¿-IO-OJ/ÆVtt-G-/ó-D1 Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Daytime Telephone: Contact E-Mail: Name of Utility Company: Avista Add to Mailing List: no Please describe your comment briefly: And Avista has the nerve to ask for a rate increase? You must be kidding me. When so many people have lost their job, homes are in foreclosure and we are taxed to death every time we turn around, they have the nerve to ask for a rate increase, then give the execs. a HUGE raise and HUGE benefit increase! Talk about biting the hand that feeds you and not giving a d#$mn about the community. Morris, of Avista, has a total package of over $3 million, a $488,888+ raise since last year. Mark Thies, made $314,998 this year, up from $72,692. Not bad, a raise of $242,386 for a year! PLUS, his benefit package went from $33,716 to $194,889 - a raise of $168,293 - all of which WE get to pay for, no wonder they need a rate increase. Karen Feltes, her incentive pay rose more than $45,888 to $147,816. I really like this statement - (tThe bulk of executives i pay does not come out of customer rates, Wuerst said, but from shareholder dollars." - GUESS WHAT, SHAREHOLDERS DOLLARS COME FROM CUSTOMERS PAYMENTS!! YOU GUYS SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES!!! The form submitted on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipucl/ipuc.html IP address is - --- ----- --- - -- - ----- - --- - - - --- - - - -- 1 Jean Jewell ,/~~. I Sent: To: Subject: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 12:55 PM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness PUC Comment Form A Comment from follows: Case Number: AillA-~-I() -01 /A'JtA-G-Io-o/ Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Daytime Telephone: Contact E-Mail : Name of Utility Company: Add to Mailing List: Please describe your comment briefly: I i m commenting on the notice I got with my Avista bill this month, about them requesting a rate increase. I don i t think Avista should get the rate increase! I already pay over a hundred dollars a month to Avista and we are on there comfort billing and now they want more money?!? Maybe they should look into there company and learn to cut the fat and save us money. The Economy is so bad right now with people losing there jobs and having wages cut. My household included on this, it i S hardly affordable now to us. I can't imagine having to pay them more. Thank you The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov/forms/ipucl/ipuc. html IP address is - ---- - ----- - - - - -- - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- 1 /~j/"/IO Jean Jewell via ~~. rl, From: Sent: To: Subject: caroljomorgan~roadrunner.com Thursday, April 01, 20104:17 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness PUC Comment Form A Comment from Carol J. Morgan follows: Case Number: AVtI-£-lo-olj ;fVtt-6-IO-O/ Name: Carol J. Morgan Address: 3246 7th Street City: Coeur d i Alene State: ID Zip: 83815 Daytime Telephone: 288 964-2535 Contact E-Mail: caroljomorgan~roadrunner.com Name of Utility Company: Avista Add to MailingList: Jl Please describe your comment briefly: Today the Coeur d i Alene Press reported salary and benefit increases for Avista Executives. Last week the paper reported that Avista will be asking for additional rate increases. These continued requests are totally un-Americian and I protest them. Coeur d i Alene Press- April 1, 2818 Avista execs see salary increase By ALECIA WARREN/Staff writer I 3 comments COEUR d'ALENE - Avista Corp. i s top executives i salaries remained fairly steady in 2889, while they saw raises in some incentive pay and pension, according to the company i s annual proxy statement filed with .the U. S . Securities and Exchange Commission on Wednesday. Scott Morris, chief executive officer, also president and chairman of the board, had a base salary of $638,881 in 2889, up from $626,388 in 2888. His non-equity incentive compensation - based on job performance - rose $177,429 to $582,826. His change in pension and deferred compensation earnings also rose $132,238 in 2889, up to $691,983. Morris i total compensation for the year was more than $3 million, up from $2.6 million. But company spokeswoman Jessie Wuerst said all executives i 2889 total comp packages include the value of performance-based stock awards that were not earned. . SEC requires us to report the value of those stock awards, i Wuerst said. i They i re there and counted as total comp, but it didn i t go home with them.' Mark Thies, senior vice president and chief financial officer, earned $314,998, up from $72,692 in 2888. 1 His salary and other compensations rose dramatically because he had assumed the position in mid-2888 and only worked a partial year, Wuerst said. Thies i incentive compensation also rose to $194,889, from $33,716. His total compensation was $831,234, up from $366,646. Marian Durkin, senior vice president, general counsel and chief compliance officer, earned $274,999 in base pay, up from $273,875 the year before. His incentive pay rose over $58,888 to $169,373. His total compensation package rose to $791,898 from $728,321 in 2888. Karen Feltes, senior vice president and corporate secretary, earned a base salary of $248,881, bumped up from $238,877. Her incentive pay rose more than $45, 8e8 to $147,816. Her total compensation package was $759,887, up from $696,159. Dennis Vermillion, senior vice president and environmental compliance officer who assumed his position in 2889, earned a base salary of $289 J 238. His incentive pay was $148,843, and his total comp package was $733,929. Avista, a mid-sized utility owned by shareholders, had a net income of $87.1 million in 2889, Wuerst said, improving from $73.6 million the year before. The bulk of executives i pay does not come out of customer rates, Wuerst said, but from shareholder dollars. Executi ves' compensation is determined by the company board of directors, she said. Stock and non-equity incentives are performance based, reflecting various financial goals that are achieved. i It' s a lot of money, regardless how you look at it,' Wuerst said of executive salaries and compensations. i But these people are running a billion-dollar company. i The form submitted on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipucl/ipuc.html IP address is 2 ,/ Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: p1932~msn.com Thursday, April 01,20108:07 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness PUC Comment Form A Comment from Patricia Cully follows: Case Number: ÆVü-I£-lo-o/ / AVU-6 -10-0 I Name: Patricia Cully Address: W. 583 Vista Drive City: Coeur d i Alene State: Idaho Zip: 83815 Daytime Telephone: 288-664-2864 Contact E-Mail: p1932~msn.com Name of Utili ty compa~ Avista Add to Mailing List: ~ Please describe your comment briefly: To The Commissioners: Re: Avista Rate Increase It is time to call a halt to the exhorbitant salaries CEOs of big companies receive. We subscribers to Avista for electricity and gas are stuck with a monopoly and have no choice but to pay whatever they want for service. Five of their CEO people are presently receiving some $5 million annually, plus huge incentives (one is over %588,888). We are paying about 35% of their wages. The utility companies are guaranteed a net profit of 6% (at least it used to be that much) after paying 188% of any and all expenses, including, but not limited to, huge salaries, bonuses, etc. Also, for many years this company, when under the name Washington Water Power had a King-air plane hangared at Felts Field in Spokane, with an office rented in the administration building and a pilot and co-pilot on duty 48 hours a week, just in case someone wantê to go some place! All the costs for this totally unnecessary expense was included in their operating costs and they were then allowed the net 6% on top of this. My husband and I owned a trucking company. We had an airplane, but we were NOT allowed to include those costs when applying for a rate increase. We could only include the actual costs of operating the trucks and nothing else. We were not guaranteed any net profit. Why should Avista be granted an increase if they include costs, such as above as an operating expense. When they FIRED the CEO some time back for wasting their money on bad investments they gave him $1 million in severance pay, then raised the rates because they i lost i money. It is time for them to stop ripping the customers off for non-essential expenses. Please deny this rate increase. Thank you for your attention. Patricia Cully 1 /~¡/IO Jean Jewell vi' ¡I/. 11'/fO ~ ~.,1 From: Sent: To: Subject: none Thursday, April 01, 2010 8:22 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness PUC Comment Form A Comment from Margaret Twigg follows: Case Number: AVU -ç -10 -f) 1/ 41/tf -G -10 -(11 Name: Margaret Twigg Address: 1633 W. Marigold City: Hayden State: Idaho Zip: 83835 Daytime Telephone: 288-762-8894 Contact E-Mail: none Name of utili ty compa~ Avista Add to Mailing List: ~ Please describe your comment briefly: To The Commissioners: Please deny the proposed rate increase to Avista. At the present time we customers are paying at least a third of the CEO salaries, and 5 of them are receiving over $3,888,888 annually, plus incentives and bonuses. How much is enough? I live on my Social Security and am having a very hard time of it and when I ~ee the excessive amounts paid to a hand full of CEOs it really upsets me. When a few get more money than they need and those of us on limited income practically have to starve (and some do) there is something radically wrong in our world. Please, deny this increase. Thank you. Margaret Twigg The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov /forms/ipucl/ipuc. html IP address is 1 I~. ~(¡j¡O~., bDN' r 'T1I" "'IS Jof(E . , (5 -1I"- Q::i"'l., &Eoii: ie If: A'-I /'i ~\; H c ";';~"" ","'""- ,~? A4 The Press Thursy. Apil'. 2010 1&14 an hit by truck in senous condi · BOISE (AP) - A 76-year-old woman hit by a pickup truck that crashed into her liv- ing room Tuesday is in serious condition' intensive c at St. us Regional M cal Center. "0 n, dnvigon a suspended license, crahed his pickup truck through her walL. Netteton's license was su afr he was nvicted of dnvig under the inuence in January. Idaho State Police tro lake Hiley says alco 't involved in the crash. AViSTA from A1 "SEC requires us to report the value of those stock awards," Wuerst sad. 'They're there and counted as tota comp, but it didn't go home with them." Mark Thies, seniot vice president and chief fiancial offcer, eaed $314,998, up from $72,692 in 2008. His sa and other compensations rose dr maticaly because he had assumed the position in mid-208 and only worked a paral year, WuerSsad. , 1bes' incentive com- pensation also rose to $194,00, from $33,716. His tota compensation was $831,234, up from $366,646. Manan Durki, senior vice president, genera counsel and chief com- plice offcer, earned $274,99 in base pay, up from $273,075 the yea before. His incentive pay ros over $50,00 to $169,373. His tota compensation packae rose to $791,09 from $728,321 in 200. Kaen Feltes, senior vice president and corp rate seeta, eared a bas saar of $24,001, bumped up from $238,077. Her incentie pay rose more than $4,00 to $147,816. Her tota compesation pakae wa $759,00, up from $696,159. Denns Vermon, senior vice president and envionmenta compliance offcer who assumed his position in 200, eared a ba sa of $289,230. His incentie pay was $148,843, and his tota comp pakae was $733,929. Avista, a mid-sizd utity owned by share- holders, had a net income of $87.1 mion in 200, Wuerst sad, improvig from $73.6 mion the yea before. The bul of exectives' pay does not come out of (.'Ustomer rates, Wuerst sad, but from sharehold-erdoll. Execties' compn- sation is determed by the company board ofdiecrs, she sad. Stk and non-equity incentes are performce based, reflectig vaous fiancial goals that are achieved. "Its a lot of money, regadless how you look at it," Wuerst sad of executie saes and compensations. "But these people are runing a bilon-dollar company." ~ 9~. §i: ('V' ('00~ .. ~ g ~ â I)...~~(ì 0000n;::~O r;-e8~:=;:.an _..~:: ~ l!.. 0 -ye: ~ ¡;:: (J- m ~ F; Jg ~ ~ ~ g c: ::. (I..'0 ~ ".'t:: ;- i;o~ ~ ~.~ ~ .. S''',,~~)i ~ ~s."'(Jgr- :Dn l!.z..m0'0 (f 'w ...2: ;¡s§m~~m m't (J ...~ -.1 zti õ-= i=-rp :: .. (J ;. ..~_:' o~-;;(f S g~.~.~ (.~ .._ (J.. -ø I) S 0 (ì.S' e.O'~ -.0 .- ::~~ ~gi(JS ~::....9°o~no~d!?00 w- '" ;:':::: O-ø - - ::... 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S' ::.. ., II i CD = ti I CD II D)~ J ~nc= 'C"" CD CI CI n Cl 3 --::n ëi 8J CD ,ltv Ail ¡/rf t~ Idaho Public Utilities Commission ; f1 Office of the Secretary RECEIVED APR - 2 2010 -- .--BoieÎ'-lah~'---- - ---- . ~¥r-id~ ~,~ Ni£W~ -..1:&_ li~~ffA;~~~ ~~l~~ -~ _- ..£4-a-~-ø.1d.~ .J:dÆ-(.~- -- ..... '~~~e,'--- .- -~-- .- .- .--- -- - - ~ -- - .~ --- -- --- - ---- ~~~ rl 110-- ~+--=--=--- - ~.:k.~ --DQ~, :fwt ~~n-~~- - --- ._- .~- - - .~ct-.- - _ '- r;-q: fl¿1Æ~- ~- -- -------- u_ . - -- - - -- - - - - - .4.-: - - - -- .. -, - cx- -' --- --- --- - D - lâ~ .._~ J - ~-e~- -- - -~- ~ .~~ -;rf t=:wo - n___ --.- - - -- - - -.- - ~f~-~ -a-~--- ._- -- ~~--~t!t-i;~ ;:ft-:i:t ~.--- ..- '--1- ~ -~- ~Mdt";iÆ -l- - -- . . -- .- --' - -~ ; jxwffth - ;;-~L ~-¿g -i--- -'-- ¡ý- - ---- -- ._- ---- ---- -- - -- -_._--- - --.--- .._- --~'FJ,PFr-j~.L)- -- -- -- .. ¡~ ~/itllO~/f; A,V./ç;~: If Idao Publ~Utilities Commssion r¡ C :~~:~~.883~20-0074 iaw I~PR -2 AN 8: 32 March 30,2010 Re: Avista's rate increase request Perhaps Avista is realistically entitled to a modest increase tied to the CPI, but 14.5% in Residential Service, and an average overal increase of 13.1% is usurous even in the best economic times. Perhaps they can tighten their belts and get by just fine without an increase in pay, just like the rest of us. The "upgrding of aging infrastrctue" is certinly an expense tht they have built into their previous fee strctue. They must be able to validate their claims that deliverig electrcity absolutely needs this rate increase and is not a product of "creative accounting". Sincerely,/~ W.E. Chetwood 932 Stewar Lewiston,Id.83501 ,/ /lv. /'1a ¡. .~."'_, ...;.. volltíes ÇQmm~¡efl wi ~ Æ1IO ~ HOfce of th ~UlN . . /- , J .. ..J .."RECEIVED? --IS- t,.V~,~7U~~/~ g -3::0/ 'ìhd.. á~ 2- r L)~~u4~~ -4~ ~), e¡,Û: '?g~~.4-~ -~ ~ ~~, tf t2 lJ5a..¿L a: ~f ~ ~ ,ç/?~~. tk,¿;( ~~~.~~~~ -¿çr ~¡i~ ~d-rt J~ ~ p~~,~~~..~~~~~ A4~~ ,VJ ~Ól.~. ~.' ~~~ ~ 'c cJ ~ --5-; . ,~;c ~ '1~ e~~, ~ hi~~ ~l*- 7)~cA~viD ~~~1~ .loe/3Ktftb~''K~ F ~ ~.;O ~ ~ ,;zJ~t APR - 1 2010 Boise, Idaho ~~ AUlJ¡¡.1.4iil. j sr..- Utilities (800) 227-9187 (TOLL FREE)ACCOUNT NUMBER VELVA J MARSH L5E1S WARNER AVE # 40WISTON, ID 83501 1826952 -CHECK DIGIT: 2 ~:JII'STA. Account Number: Paystation Code: Billng Date: (800) 227-9187 VELVA JMARSH 515 WARNER AVE # 40 LEWISTON, ID 83501 Account Summary 001826952 2 02/26/10 www.avistautilities.com Previous Balance Payment(s) Received through 02/26/10 - Thank you Subtotal New Charges - Due By 03/16/10 Total Amount Due A LATE FEE OF 1% MAY BE ADDED TO PAST DUE BALANCES YOUR ELECTRIC BILL INCLUDES FEDERAL COLUMBIA RIVER BENEFITS SUPPLIED BY BPA. Current Reading Information $99.06 -99.06 0.00 $77.74 $77.74 Message Center Every Little Bit When it comes to energy effciency, every little bit adds up. To see what you can do, visit ww.everylittlebit.com Your Usage Profile 49 42 35 28 21 14 7 o . Current Period Average Daily Usage Electric (kWh) Tell (0 F) ElectricI-- f-- I-- I-- Log on to our Web site for a detailed overview of your usage. 49 Temn 42 35 28 21 14 7 o II This Period Last Year 02110Qt 02109 35 37 Meter RateNumber Sch 1204504 001 Amount($) 7774 Type of Service Electric Current Charges Detail Meter Reading Read Previous Current Type 38812 .39764 Actual Meter Multiplier 1 Energy Usage Franchise Fee952 0.77 Service 01/22/10 to 02/21/10 - 30 Days Electric Meter Number: 12046504 Energy Usage First 600 kWh Energy Usage Over 600 kWh Basic Charge Franchise Fee (1.000%) 600.00000 Kilowatt hours 352.00000 Kilowatt hours lt Vi . ' l ?)"Il $43.58 28.79 4.60 0.77 Current Charges x X .07263 .08180 .~ ~~ 'Ò'8\( 'lÒ~ \;". J054231001015 APNF57 00087 ETM1C002 2456 T Please detach and return the bottom portion with your payment. T 6~V