HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100323Andrews Di Revised 04-13.pdfDAVID J. MEYER VICE PRESIDENT AN CHIEF COUNSEL OF REGULATORY & GOVERNTAL AFFAIRS AVISTA CORPORATION P . 0 . BOX 3727 1411 EAST MISSION AVEE SPOKA, WASHINGTON 99220-3727TELEPHONE: (509)" 495-4316FACSIMILE: (509) 495-8851 r- t""'':t,l zoia M~P 21~"d ,v M11l: 16 BBFORE TH XDABO PUBLIC UTILITIBS COMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF AVISTA CORPORATION FOR THE AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AN CHAGES FOR ELECTRIC AN NATU GAS SERVICE TO ELECTRIC AN NATU GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO FOR AVISTA CORPORATION CASE NO. AVU-E-10-01 CASE NO. AVU-G-10-01 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF ELIZABETH M. ANREWS (ELECTRIC AN NATU GAS) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 CON'BNS Section Paae I Xntroduction 2 4II Comined Revenue Requiremnt SWIry III Blectric Section 5 5 11 Test Period & Pro Forma Period Revenue Requirement Standard Commission Basis & Restating Adjustments 13 Pro Forma Adjustments 35 46 46 48 xv Natural Gas Section Test Period & Pro Forma Period Revenue Requirement Standard Commission Basis Adjustments 50 57 63 63 Pro Forma Adjustments v Allocation Procedures VI Other 17 Exibit No. 12: 18 Schedule 1 - Electric Revenue Requirement and 19 20 21 22 (pgs 1-13)Resul ts of Operations Schedule 2 - Natural Gas Revenue Requirement and Results of Operations (pgs 1-9) Andrews, Di 1 Avis taCorpora tion 1 2 I . IN'RODUCTION Q.please state your na, business addess, an 3 present position with Avista Corporation. 4 A.My name is Elizabeth M. Andrews.I am employed 5 by Avista Corporation as Manager of Revenue Requirements in 6 the State and Federal Regulation Department. My business 7 address is 1411 East Mission, Spokane, washington. 8 Q.Would you please describe your education an 9 business exerience? 10 A.I am a 1990 graduate of Eastern washington 11 University with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Business 12 Administration, maj oring in Accounting. That same year, I 13 passed the November Certified Public Accountant exam, 14 earning my CPA License in Augus t 19911 .I worked for 15 Lemaster & Daniels, CPAs from 1990 to 1993, before joining 16 the Company in August 1993. I served in various positions 17 wi thin the sections of the Finance Department, including 18 General Ledger Accountant and Systems Support Analyst until 19 2000.In 2000, I was hired into the State and Federal 20 Regulation Department as a Regulatory Analyst until my 21 promotion to Manager of Revenue Requirements in early 2007. 22 i have also attended several utility accounting, ratemaking 23 and leadership courses. i Currently I keep a CPA-Inactive status with regards to my CPA license. Andrews, Di 2 Avista Corporation 1 Q.AS Mager of Revenue Requiremts, what are your 2 responsibil~ties? 3 A.As Manager of Revenue Requirements, aside from 4 special proj ects, I am responsible for the preparation of 5 normlized revenue requirement and pro forma studies for 6 the various jurisdictions in which the Company provides 7 utili ty services. During the last nine and one-half years, 8 i have assisted or led the Company's electric and/or 9 natural gas general rate filings in Idaho, washington, and 10 Oregon. 11 Q.Wht is the scope of your testimny in this 12 proceeding? 13 A.My testimony and exhibits in this proceeding will 14 generally cover accounting and financial data in support of 15 the Company 1 s need for the proposed increase in rates.I 16 will explain pro formed operating results, including 17 expense and rate base adjustments made to actual operating 18 results and rate base. 19 I incorporate the Idaho share of the proposed 20 adjustments of other witnesses in this case. 21 Q.Are you sponsoring any exibits to be introduced 22 in this proceeding? 23 A.Yes. I am sponsoring Exhibit No. 12, Schedule 1 24 (Electric) and Schedule 2 (Natural Gas), which were 25 prepared under my direction.These exhibit schedules Andrews, Di 3 Avista Corporation 1 consist of worksheets, which show actual 2009 operating 2 results (twelve-month period ending Decemer 31, 2009), pro 3 forma, and proposed electric and natural gas operating 4 results and rate base for the State of Idaho. The exhibits 5 also show calculation of the general revenue requirement, 6 the derivation of the overall proposed rate of return, the 7 derivation of the net-operating-income-to-gross revenue- 8 conversion factor, and the specific pro forma adjustments 9 proposed in this filing. 10 11 12 II. COMINED RB REOUIRB SlY Q.Would yo please sWIrize the results of the 13 Comany's pro form study for both the electric an natural 14 gas operating systems for the Idaho jurisdiction? 15 16 A.Yes.After taking into account all standard Commission Basis adjustments,as well as additional 17 restating, pro forma and normalizing adjustments, the pro 18 forma electric and natural gas rates of return (ROR) for 19 the Company's Idaho jurisdictional operations are 5.19% and 20 21 6.93%, respectively.Both return levels are below the Company's requested rate of return of 8.55%.The 22 incremental revenue requirement for base retail rates, 23 necessary to gi ve the Company an opportunity to earn its 24 requested ROR is $32,114,000 for the electric operations 25 and $2,575,000 for the natural gas operations. The overall Andrews, Di 4 Avista Corporation 1 base electric increase associated with the Company's 2 request is 13.98%. The base natural gas increase is 3.64%. 3 Q.Wht is the Comany's rate of return that was 4 last authorized by this Comssion for it's electric an 5 natural gas operations in idao? 6 A.The Company's currently authorized rate of return 7 for its Idaho operations is 8.55%, effective August 1, 2009 8 for both our electric and natural gas systems. 9 10 XII. BLETRIC SBCTION 11 Test Period An Pro Form period 12 Q.on what test period an pro form period is the 13 Comany basing its need for additional electric revenue? 14 A.The test period being used by the Company is the 15 twelve-month period ending Decemer 31, 2009, presented on 16 a pro forma basis. Currently authorized rates were based 17 upon the twelve months ending Septemer 30, 2008 test year 18 utilized in Case No. AVU-E-09-01, adjusted on a pro forma 19 basis. 20 The pro forma period being used by the Company in this 21 proceeding is October 2010 through Septemer 30, 2011 22 (2010/2011) . 23 Q.By way of SWlry, could you please exlain the 24 different rates of return that you will be presenting in 25 your testimony? Andrews, Di 5 Avista corporation 1 A.Yes. As shown in Illustration No.1 below, there 2 are three different rates of return that will be discussed. 3 The actual ROR earned by the Company during the test 4 period, the pro forma ROR determined in my Exhibit No. 12, 5 Schedule 1, and the regues ted ROR. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Xllustration NO.1: 10.00% 8.00% 6.00% 4.00% 2.00% 0.00% AvistaCorp Rates ofRetum Actual Pro Fomia Reueste Q.Wht are the primary factors driving the 16 Comany's need for an electric increase? 17 A.Illustration No. 2 below, shows the primary 18 factors driving the electric revenue requirement in this 19 case.Additional details regarding these items are 20 provided later in my testimony. 21 Andrews, Di 6 Avista Corporation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Illustration No.2: Idaho Priary Elecc Revenue Requirement Factors Disution, O&M&A&G Expense 8%, Producton & Transmisin Expense 80% Increased NetPlat Investment 12%1 Geertin Upgrdes -Hydro & Theral Transmision UpgdesDiution Addition of Lancaster Powe Puhase Agent Terinatin of Low Cost Power Puhases Reduced Contrct Hydr Incresed Loads i Includes return on invesent, depreiation and taxes, offset by the tax benefit of inter. Q.Please briefly exlain each of the comnents or 15 segments show in Illustration No. 2 above. 16 17 A.The first segment, representing the increases in Production and Transmission Expense,comprises 18 approximately 80% of the overall request. The next largest 19 segment is Increased Net Plant Investment. Net rate base 20 for the Idaho jurisdiction increased approximately $31.7 21 million, or 5.5%. The revenue requirement associated with 22 the increase in Net Plant Investment represents 23 approximately 12% of the overall Company request. 24 The remaining cost category, Distribution, O&M and A&G 25 Expense, which includes increases to all other operating Andrews, Di 7 Avista Corporation CASE NO. AVU-E-10-Ol CASE NO. AVU-G-10-Ol CORRECTED PAGE ( 8 ) TO ELIZABETH M. ANREWS DIRECT TESTIMONY (Marked) REVISED APRIL 12, 2010 1 2 categories,such as distribution expenses,customer service,and administrati ve and general,totals 3 approximately 8% of the overall request. 4 Q.Could you please provide additional details 5 related to the changes in Production and Transmssion 6 expense? 7 A.Yes.As discussed in Company witness Mr. 8 Johnson's testimony, the level of Idaho's share of power 9 supply expense has increased by approximately $17.Q million 10 ($50.2 million on a system basis) from the level currently 11 in base rates. 12 The primary expense increases are the addition of the 13 Lancaster plant, from which the Company began receiving 14 power on January 1, 2010, and the expiration of four low- 15 cost power supply contracts. The increase in pro forma net 16 expense related to the inclusion of the Lancaster plant is 17 approximately $21.3 million (system) or $7.5 million (Idaho 18 share). With regard to the power contracts, there are four 19 low-cost 25 aMW power purchases that end December 31, 2010. 20 The cost to replace these power purchase agreements 21 increases Idaho expense by $3.6 million.Mr. Johnson 22 discusses each of the increased expenses in detail in his 23 testimony. Andrews, Di 8 Avista Corporation 1 Q.Could you please identify the main comonents of 2 the Distribution, O&M an A&G Exense segmnt shown in the 3 chart above? 4 A.Yes.A numer of expense items have increased 5 since the 2008 test year used in the last rate case. For 6 example, net employee benefits such as wages, pension and 7 medical insurance expenses have increased, as well as other 8 administrative and general exenses such as those related 9 to the Company's information services. 10 We are utilizing a 2009 test year, since that is the 11 most recent normalized financial information the Company 12 has available;however,new general electric rates 13 resul ting from this filing are not expected to go into 14 effect until late 2010.Accordingly, the Company has 15 included a numer of pro forma adjustments to capture some 16 of the measurable cost changes that the Company will 17 experience from the test year. In particular, the Company 18 pro formed in the increased costs associated with 19 increasing information services net costs as described by 20 Company witness Mr . Kensok ($1. 3 million). This increased 21 cost alone equates to approximately 51% of the distribution 22 and other expense category shown in Illustration 2. 23 Q.Wht were the maj or comonents of the Xncreased 24 Net plant Investment? Andrews, Di 9 Avista Corporation 1 A.Looking at the changes to "gross" plant in 2 service shows that Idaho "gross" plant increased $63.0 3 million, as compared to what is currently included in 4 rates.To continue to meet the energy and reliability 5 needs of our customers, $25.6 million of this increase is 6 due to the Company's investment in thermal and hydro 7 generating facilities, as well as additional transmission 8 inves tment .Distribution "gross" plant increased $19.4 9 million above the current level included in rates, while 10 general and intangible "gross" plant increased $18.0 11 million.Adjusting for accumulated depreciation and 12 amortization, accumulated deferred income taxes, and the 13 production property adjustment, the net increase to rate 14 base from these items is $21.8 million.Lastly, the 15 Company included a working capital adjustment in this case, 16 which added $9.9 million to the Company's total adjusted 17 rate base. 18 The specific pro forma capital exenditures undertaken 19 by the Company to upgrade its generation, transmission and 20 distribution facilities and improve operating efficiency 21 and reliability, are discussed further by Company witness 22 Mr. Storro regarding production assets, and Company witness 23 Mr. Kinney regarding transmission and distribution assets. 24 In addition to discussing the actual pro forma adjustment 25 made regarding net plant investment, Company witness Mr. Andrews, Di 10 Avista Corporation 1 DeFelice also describes the general plant additions 2 included in the Company's case. 3 4 Revenue Requirement 5 Q.Would you please explain what is sho in Exibit 6 No. 12, Schedule 1 ? 7 A.Yes . Exhibit No. 12, Schedule 1 shows actual and 8 pro forma electric operating results and rate base for the 9 test period for the State of Idaho. Colum (b) of page 1 10 of Exhibit No. 12, Schedule 1 shows 2009 (twelve-month 11 ending Decemer 31, 2009) operating results and components 12 of the average-of-monthly-average rate base as recorded; 13 colum (c) is the total of all adjustments to net operating 14 income and rate base; and colum (d) is pro forma results 15 of operations, all under existing rates. Colum (e) shows 16 the revenue increase required which would allow the Company 17 to earn an 8.55% rate of return. Colum (f) reflects pro 18 forma electric operating results with the requested 19 increase of $32,114,000.The restating adjustments shown 20 in colums c through ai, of pages 5 through 10 of Exhibit 21 No. 12, Schedule 1, are consistent with current regulatory 22 principles and the treatment reflected in the prior 23 Commission Order in Case No. AVU-E-09-01, with a few 24 proposed changes by the Company as described in my 25 testimony below. Andrews, Di 11 Avista Corporation 1 Q.Would you please exlain page. 2 of Bxbi t No. 2 12, Schedule 1? 3 A.Yes.Page 2 shows the calculation of the 4 $32,114,000 revenue requirement at the requested 8.55% rate 5 of return. 6 Q.Wht does page 3 of Bxibi t No. 12, Schedule 1. 7 show? 8 A.Page 3 shows the proposed Cost of Capital and 9 Capital Structure utilized by the Company in this case, the 10 weighted average cost of capital of 8.55%. Company witness 11 Mr. Thies discusses the Company's proposed rate of return 12 and the pro forma capital structure utilized in this case, 13 while Company witness Dr. Avera provides additional 14 testimony related to the appropriate return on equity for 15 Avista. 16 Q.Would you now please exlain page 4 of Exibit 17 No. 12, Schedule 1? 18 19 A.Yes.Page 4 shows the derivation of the net- operating-income-to-gross-revenue conversion factor.The 20 conversion factor takes into account uncollectible accounts 21 receivable, Commission fees and Idaho State excise taxes. 22 Federal income taxes are reflected at 35%. 23 Q.Now turning to pages 5 through 13 of your Bxbi t 24 No. 12, Schedule 1, would you please exlain what those 25 pages show? Andrews, Di 12 Avista Corporation 1 A.Yes. Page 5 begins with actual operating results 2 and rate base for the twelve-month period ending Decemer 3 31, 2009 test period in colum (b). Individual normalizing 4 and restating adjustments consistent with prior regulatory 5 treatment (standard Commission Basis adjustments) begin in 6 colum (c) on page 5 and continue through colum (ai) on 7 page 10. Individual pro forma adjustments begin in colum 8 (PF1) on page 11 and continue through colum (PF12) on page -9 13.The final colum on page 13 is the total pro forma 10 operating results and rate base for the test period. 11 Additional details related to each adjustment described 12 below are provided in accompanying workpapers. 13 14 Stanard Comssion Basis an Restating Adjustmnts 15 Q.Would you please exiain each of these 16 adjustments, the reason for the adjustmnt an its effect 17 on test period State of Idah net operating incom and/or 18 rate base? 19 A.Yes, the first adjustment, colum (c) on page 5, 20 entitled Deferred FIT Rate Base, reflects the rate base 21 reduction for Idaho's portion of deferred taxes.The 22 adjustment reflects the deferred tax balances arising from 23 accelerated tax depreciation (Accelerated Cost Recovery 24 System, or ACRS, and Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery, or_ 25 MACRS) , bond refinancing premiums, and contributions in aid Andrews, Di 13 Avista Corporation 1 2 of construction.These amounts are reflected on the average-of-monthly-average balance basis.The effect on 3 Idaho rate base is a reduction of $94,533,000. 4 The adjustment in colum (d), Deferred Gain on Office 5 Building, reflects the rate base reduction for Idaho's 6 portion of the net of tax, unamortized gain on the sale of 7 the Company's general office facility.The facility was 8 sold in Decemer 1986 and leased back by the Company. 9 Although the Company repurchased the building in Novemer 10 2005, the Company opted to continue to amortize the 11 deferred gain over the remaining amortization period 12 scheduled to end in Decemer 2011.The effect on Idaho 13 rate base is a reduction of $109,000. 14 15 The adjustment in colum (e) , Colstrip 3 AF Blimination,is a reallocation of rate base and 16 depreciation expense between jurisdictions. In Cause Nos. 17 U-81-15 and U-82-10,the washington Utilities and 18 Transportation Commission (WUC) allowed the Company a 19 return on a portion of Colstrip Unit 3 construction work in 20 progress (CWIP). A much smaller amount of Colstrip Unit 3 21 CWIP was allowed in rate base in Case U-1008-144 by the 22 IPUC. The Company eliminated the AFUD associated with the 23 portion of CWIP allowed in rate base in each jurisdiction. 24 Since production facilities are allocated on the 25 Production/Transmission formula, the allocation of AFUDC is Andrews, Di 14 Avista Corporation 1 reversed and a direct assignent is made.The rate base 2 adjustment reflects the average-of-monthly-averages amount 3 4 for the test period.The effect on Idaho net operating income is a decrease of $193,000.The effect of the 5 reallocation on Idaho rate base is an increase of 6 $1,700,000. 7 The adjustment in colum (f), Colstrip Comn AF, 8 is also associated with the Colstrip plants in Montana, and 9 increases rate base. Differing amounts of Colstrip common 10 facilities were excluded from rate base by this Commission 11 and the WUTC until Colstrip Unit 4 was placed in service. 12 The Company was allowed to accrue AFC on the Colstrip 13 common facilities during the time that they were excluded 14 from rate base.It is necessary to directly assign the 15 AFUDC because of the differing amounts of common facilities 16 excluded from rate base by this Commission and the WUC. 17 In Septemer 1988, an entry was made to comply with a 18 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)Audit 19 Exception, which transferred Colstrip common AFUD from the 20 plant accounts to Account 186.These amounts reflect a 21 direct assignent of rate base for the appropriate average- 22 of-monthly-averages amounts of Colstrip common AFUD to the 23 washington and Idaho jurisdictions.Amortization expense 24 associated with the Colstrip common AFUD is charged 25 directly to the Washington and Idaho jurisdictions through Andrews, Di 15 Avista Corporation 1 Account 406 and is a component of the actual results of 2 operations. The rate base adjustment reflects the average- 3 of-monthly-averages amount for the test period. The effect 4 on Idaho rate base is an increase of $903,000. 5 The adjustment in colum (g), Kettle Falls Ii Boulder 6 Park Disallowances, decreases rate base.The amounts 7 reflect the Kettle Falls generating plant disallowance 8 ordered by this Commission in Case No. U-1008-185 and the 9 Boulder Park plant disallowance ordered by the IPUC in case 10 No. AVU-E-04-1.This Commission disallowed a rate of 11 return on $3,009,445 of investment in Kettle Falls, and 12 $2,600,000 million of investment in Boulder Park.The 13 disallowed investment and related accumulated depreciation 14 are removed.These amounts are a component of actual 15 results of operations. The effect on Idaho rate base ìs a 16 decrease of $2,034,000. 17 The adjustment in colum (h), customer Advances, 18 decreases rate base for moneys advanced by customers for 19 line extensions, as they will be recorded as contributions 20 in aid of construction at some future time. The effect on 21 Idaho rate base is a decrease of $898,000. 22 Q.Please turn to page 6 and exlain the adjustmnts 23 show there. 24 A.Page 6 starts with the adjustment in colum (i), 25 Weatherization and DSM investment, which includes in rate Andrews, Di 16 Avista Corporation 1 base balances (net of amortization) of weatherization 2 grants, the model conservation program costs and electric 3 demand side management (DSM) program costs upon which AFUCE 4 is no longer being accrued and amortization was implemented 5 6 beginning August 1994.These amounts are a component of actual results of operations.The effect on Idaho rate 7 base is an increase of $294,000. 8 Q.would you please exlain how energy efficiency- 9 related exenditures impact the revenue requirement in this 10 case? 11 A.Yes.The unamortized balance of energy 12 efficiency management investment incurred prior to 1995 is 13 included in the results of operations and is a rate base 14 item in the colum (i) adjustment just described.DSM 15 expenditures incurred after March 13, 1995 have been offset 16 by revenues from the Company's energy efficiency tariff 17 rider, Schedule 91, and are not included in the revenue 18 requirement. 19 As the Commission is aware, the Company's tariff rider 20 under Schedule 91 was the first non-bypassable distribution 21 charge in the United States to fund energy efficiency. 22 Company witness Mr. Folsom provides additional detail and 23 addresses the prudence of the expenditures under this 24 tariff. Andrews, Di 1 7 Avista Corporation 1 Q.Please continue wi th your exlantion of the 2 adjustmnts on page 6. 3 The adjustment in colum ( j ) ,Restating CD 4 Settlement, adjusts the 2009 test period AM net asset and 5 DFIT balances related to the 2008/2009 CDA Tribe Settlement 6 payments (Past Storage/§10 (e)) and deferred costs to a 7 2010/2011 AM basis. In addition, this adjustment includes 8 the 2010/2011 AM net asset and DFIT balance for the 2010 9 Past Storage/§10e settlement payment of $4 million.The 10 expense portion of this adjustment includes the annual 11 amortization of the net total asset ($41.6 million (system) 12 of payments and deferred costs) and the anual $400,000 13 (system) future storage §10 (e) payment. 14 The agreed-upon settlement and payments included in 15 this adjustment were approved by the Commission in the 16 Company's 2009 electric general rate case proceeding, Case 17 No. AVU-E-09-01.As approved by the Commission's Order 18 (See Order No. 30856), in Case No. AVU-E-09-01, the Company 19 was allowed to defer the amortization of the settlement 20 payments, which included the system payments of $25.0 21 million in Decemer 2008, $10.0 million in 2009 and $4.0 22 million in 2010 for resolution of the past trespass and 23 §10 (e) charges, and the 2008/2009 future §10 (e) annual flat 24 payment, with a carrying charge on the deferrals and 25 unamortized balance, for future recovery.These deferred Andrews, Di 18 Avista Corporation 1 payments, including a return on the balance, are being 2 amortized over the average remaining life of the Spokane 3 River - Post Falls Project, or 45 years. The future §10 (e) 4 system payment schedule of $400,000 flat anual payments 5 for the first 21 years of the new Spokane River license, 6 starting in Decemer 2008, and $700,000 flat anual 7 payments for the remaining years of the license, was also 8 approved. 9 During 2009, Idaho's share of the January through July 10 amortization of the assets associated with the 2008/2009 11 past storage and §LO (e) charges were deferred for future 12 recovery (see adjustment (k) "Restating CDA Settlement 13 Deferral" ). The effect on Idaho net operating income is a 14 decrease of $197,000. The effect on Idaho rate base is a 15 decrease of $17,000 from that in the test period. 16 The adjustment in colum (k), Restating CDA Settlement 17 Deferral, adjusts the 2009 test period net assets 18 associated with the 2008/2009 past storage and §10 (e) 19 charges deferred for future recovery to a 2010/2011 AM 20 basis, apd records the annual amortization expense based on 21 a three-year amortization.As noted above in adjustment 22 (k) "Restating CDA Settlement" the Company was allowed to 23 defer the amortization of the settlement payments ($35.8 24 million of 2008/2009 system total payments), with a 25 carrying charge on the deferrals and unamortized balance, Andrews, Di 19 Avista Corporation 1 for future recovery. These deferred payments, including a 2 return on the balance, are being amortized over 45 years. 3 Idaho's share of the 2009 deferred amortization, plus 4 interest totaled approximately $317,318.The Company has 5 proposed a three-year amortization for recovery of this 6 amount, resulting in approximately $103,000 of anual 7 expense (rather than $7,000 annually over the remaining 44- 8 year life). The effect on Idaho net operating income is a 9 decrease of $65,000. The effect on Idaho rate base is an 10 increase of $168,000. 11 The adjustment in colum (1) , Restating CDA/SRR 12 (Spokane River Relicensing) CDR, adjusts the 2009 net 13 assets associated with the CDA Tribe settlement 4 (e) 14 Spokane River relicensing conditions to a 2010/2011 .A 15 basis. The expense portion of this adjustment includes the 16 annual amortization of the net total asset ($12 million 17 (system) of payments) and the annual $2 million (system) of 18 Coeur d' Alene Reservation Trust Restoration Fund (CDR) 19 payment exense. The effect on Idaho net operating income 20 is a decrease of $484,000. The effect on Idaho rate base is 21 an increase of $400,000. 22 The adjustment in colum (m), Restating Spokae River 23 Relicensing, adjusts the 2009 net asset and DFIT balances 24 related to the Spokane River relicensing costs to a 25 2010/2011.A basis, and records the annual amortization Andrews, Di 20 Avista Corporation 1 expense based on a 50-year amortization.In June 2009, 2 Avista received its 50 year FERC-issued license for the 3 Spokane River Proj ect, at which time the costs of these 4 efforts were transferred to intangible plant.Costs 5 associated with this effort included actual life-to-date 6 expenditures from April 2001 through June 30, 2009.The 7 total of these costs were approved by the Commission in the 8 Company's 2009 electric general rate case proceeding, Case 9 No. AVU-E-09-01.The Company was allowed to defer the 10 amortization of the licensing costs and the costs 11 associated with the CDA Tribe settlement 4 (e) relicensing 12 condi tions, including a carrying charge on these amounts, 13 until rates went into effect August 1, 2009. The Company 14 was also allowed to defer 2010 (January through June) 15 associated Program,Enhancement & Mitigation (PM&E) 16 charges, including a carrying charge on these amounts, 17 until rates went into effect in the next general rate case. 18 The 2009 deferred payments, including a return on the 19 balance, were originally planned to be amortized over the 20 life of the license, or 50 years.During 2009, Idaho's 21 share of the amortization of the assets associated with the 22 licensing costs and 4 (e) payments for the period June 23 through July were deferred for future recovery (see 24 adjustment (n) "Restating Spokane River Deferral.The 25 Company also plans to spend approximately $467, 700 (Ida~o' s Andrews, Di 21 Avista Corporation 1 share) on PM&E costs in the first half of 2010; deferring 2 100% of Idaho's share, including interest, for future 3 recovery (see adjustment (0) "Restating Spokane River PM&E 4 Deferral" ) .The effect on Idaho net operating income is a 5 decrease of $75,000. The effect on Idaho rate base is a 6 decrease of $459,000 from that in the test period. 7 The adjustment in colum (n), Restating Spokane River 8 Deferral, adjusts the 2009 net asset and DFIT balances 9 related to the Spokane River deferred relicensing costs to 10 a 2010/2011 AM basis, and records the anual amortization 11 expense based on a three-year amortization. As noted above 12 in adjustment (m) "Restating Spokane River Relicensing," 13 the Company was allowed to defer the amortization of the 14 licensing costs and costs associated with the CDA Tribe 15 settlement 4 (e)relicensing conditions,including a 16 carrying charge on these amounts, for future recovery. 17 Idaho's share of the 2009 deferred amortization, plus 18 interest for the period June through July totaled $59,335. 19 These deferred payments, including a return on the balance, 20 were originally planned to be amortized over the life of 21 the license, or 50 years.However, the Company has 22 included a three-year amortization for recovery of this 23 amount, resulting in approximately $19,000 of anual 24 expense (rather than $1,200 annually over the remaining 50- 25 year life). The effect on Idaho net operating income is a Andrews, Di 22 Avista Corporation 1 decrease of $12,000. The effect on Idaho rate base is an 2 increase of $32,000. 3 Q.Please tur to page 7 an explain the adjustmnts 4 shown there. 5 A.Page 7 starts with the adjustment in colum (0), 6 Restating Spokane River PM&:B Deferral, records the net 7 asset and DFIT balances related to the planned 2010 8 (January through June) Spokane River deferred PM&E costs to 9 a 2010/2011 AM basis, and records the anual amortization 10 exense based on a three-year amortization. As noted above 11 in adjustment (m) "Restating Spokane River Relicensing, It 12 the Company was allowed to defer the Spokane River deferred 13 PM&E charges, including a carrying charge on these amounts, 14 for future recovery.Idaho's share of the 2010 deferred 15 PM&E costs (Jan through June), plus interest, total 16 approximately $467,700. The Company has included a three- 17 year amortization for recovery of this amount, resulting in 18 approximately $147,000 of annual expense. The effect on 19 Idaho net operating income is a decrease of $100,000. The 20 effect on Idaho rate base is an increase of $253,000. 21 The adjustment in colum (p), Restating Montana 22 Riverbed Lease, includes the costs associated with the 23 Montana Riverbed lease settlement. In this settlement, the 24 Company agreed to pay the State of Montana $4.0 million 25 annually beginning in 2007,with anual inflation Andrews, Di 23 Avista Corporation 1 adjustments, for a 10-year period for leasing the riverbed 2 under the Noxon Rapids Project and the Montana portion of 3 the Cabinet Gorge Proj ect .The first two annual payments 4 were deferred by Avista as approved in Case No. AVU-E-07- 5 10.In Case No. AVU-E-08-01 (see Order No. 30647), the 6 Commission approved the Company's accounting treatment of 7 the deferred payments, including accrued interest, to be 8 amortized over the remaining eight years of the agreement 9 starting October 1, 2008.This adjustmept includes one- 10 eighth of the deferred balance amortization and the 11 adjustment to lease payment expense for the additional 12 annual inflation.This adjustment decreases Idaho net 13 operating income by $28,000 and increases rate base by 14 $1,289,000. 15 The next colum marked by a dash, entitled SUtotal 16 Actual represents actual operating results and rate base 17 plus standard rate base adjustments that are included in 18 Commission Basis reporting, plus additional restating 19 adjustments required to anualize previous approved rate 20 base items. 21 The adjustment in colum (q), Blimnate B & 0 Taxes, 22 eliminates the revenues and expenses associated with local 23 business and occupation (B & 0) taxes, which the Company is 24 passes through to its Idaho customers.The adjustment 25 eliminates any timing mismatch that exists between the Andrews, Di 24 Avista Corporation 1 revenues and expenses by eliminating the revenues and 2 expenses in their entirety. B & 0 taxes are passed through 3 on a separate schedule, which is not part of this 4 proceeding. The effect of this adjustment is to decrease 5 Idaho net operating income by $7,000. 6 The adjustment in colum (r), Property Tax, restates 7 the test period accrued levels of property taxes to the' 8 most current information available and eliminates any 9 adjustments related to the prior year.This adjustment 10 also annualizes the increase in property taxes effective 11 July 1, 2009, related to the Company's Coyote Springs plant 12 located in Oregon. Prior to July 1, 2009, the Company had 13 been exempted from this property tax assessment for five 14 years under a tax abatement as a result of the plant being 15 located in the Columia River Enterprise Zone in Oregon. 16 The effect of this particular adjustment is to decrease 17 Idaho net operating income by $617,000. 18 The adjustment in colum (s), Uncollectible BKense, 19 restates the accrued expense to the actual level of net 20 write-offs for the test period.The effect of this 21 adjustment is to decrease Idaho net operating income by 22 $110,000. 23 Q.Please turn to page 8 and exlain the adjustments 24 show there. Andrews, Di 25 Avista Corporation 1 A.The adjustment in colum (t), Regulatory Exense, 2 restates recorded 2009 regulatory expense to reflect the 3 IPUC assessment rates applied to expected revenues for the 4 2009 period and the actual levels of FERC fees paid during 5 the test period.The effect of this adjustment is to 6 decrease Idaho net operating income by $27,000. 7 The adjustment in colum (u), injuries an Damges, is 8 a restating adjustment that replaces the accrual with the 9 six-year rolling average of actual injuries and damges 10 payments not covered by insurance.A six-year rolling 11 average and the reserve method of accounting for injuries 12 and damages, net of insurance proceeds, is a practical 13 methodology to deal with these normal utility operating 14 expenses that happen to occur on an irregular basis and 15 differ markedly in materiality.This methodology was 16 accepted by the Idaho Commission in Case No. WWP-E-98-11. 17 The effect of this adjustment is to increase Idaho net 18 operating income by $47,000. 19 The adjustment in colum (v), FIT, adjusts the FIT 20 calculated at 35% within Results of Operations by removing 21 the effect of certain Schedule M items, matching the 22 jurisdictional allocation of other Schedule M items to 23 related Results of Operations allocations and adjusts the 24 appropriate level of production tax credits and income tax 25 credits on qualified generation.The net FIT and Andrews, Di 26 Avista Corporation 1 production tax credit adjustments decrease Idao net 2 operating income by $514,000. Adjusting for the proper 3 level of deferred tax expense for the test period decreases 4 Idaho net operating income by $3,000. This adjustment also 5 reflects the proper level of amortized income tax credit 6 for the test period increasing Idaho net operating income 7 by an additional $15,000.Therefore, the net effect of 8 this adjustment, all based upon a Federal tax rate of 35%, 9 is to decrease Idaho net operating income by $502,000. 10 The adjustment in colum (w), Idaho PCA, removes the 11 effects of the financial accounting for the Power Cost 12 Adjustment (PCA).The PCA normalizes and defers certain 13 power supply costs on an ongoing basis between general rate 14 filings. Certain differences in actual power supply costs, 15 compared to those included in base retail rates are 16 deferred and then surcharged or rebated to customers in a 17 future period. Revenue adjustments due to the PCA and the 18 power cost deferrals affect actual results of operations 19 and need to be eliminated to produce a normal period. 20 Actual revenues and power supply costs are normalized in 21 adjustments in colum (w) and colum (PF1) , respectively. 22 The effect of this adjustment is to decrease Idaho net 23 operating income by $11,690,000. 24 The adjustment in colum (x), Nez Perce Settlemt 25 Adjustment, reflects a decrease in production operating Andrews, Di 27 Avista Corporation 1 expenses.An agreement was entered into between the 2 Company and the Nez Perce Tribe to settle certain issues 3 4 regarding earlier owned and operated hydroelectric generating facilities of the Company.This adjustment 5 directly assigns the Nez Perce Settlement expenses to the 6 washington and Idaho jurisdictions. This is necessary due 7 to differing regulatory treatment in Idaho Case No. WWP-E- 8 98-11 and Washington Docket No. UE-991606.The effect of 9 this adjustment is to increase Idaho net operating income 10 by $10,000. 11 The adjustment in colum (y), Bliminate AIR Exenses, 12 removes expenses associated with the sale of customer 13 accounts receivable.The effect of this adjustment is to 14 increase Idaho net operating income by $104,000. 15 Q.Please continue on page 10 with your exlanation 16 of the adjustments. 17 A.The first adjustment on page 10 in colum (z), 18 Revenue Normlization Adjustmt, is an adjustment taking 19 into account known and measurable changes that include 20 revenue repricing (including the current authorized rates 21 approved in Case No. AVU-E-09-01), weather normlization 22 and a recalculation of unilled revenue.Schedule 91 23 Tariff Rider and Schedule 59 Residential Exchange are 24 25 excluded from pro forma revenues,and the related amortization expense is eliminated as well.Company Andrews, Di 28 Avista Corporation 1 witness Ms. Knox is sponsoring this adjustment. The effect 2 of this particular adjustment is to increase Idaho net 3 operating income by $3,620,000. 4 The adjustment in colum (aa) , Miscellaneous Restating 5 Adjustmnts, removes a numer of non-operating or non- 6 utility expenses associated with advertising, dues and 7 donations included in error in the test period actual 8 results.The effect of this adjustment is to increase 9 Idaho net operating income by $38,000. 10 The adjustment in colum (ab) , Colstrip Mercury 11 Bmssion O&:M, includes Idaho's share of the annual O&M 12 expense of approximately $.5 million ($1.4 million system) 13 associated with the mercury control project at Colstrip 14 planned during the 2010/2011 rate year. This adjustment is 15 consistent with the determination of the Commission 16 approved annual level of expense in Case No. AVU-E-09-01. 17 This adjustment decreases Idaho net operating income by 18 $308,000. 19 The adjustment in colum (ac), Restating CS2 Levelized 20 Adjustment, adjusts the deferred return amounts related to 21 Coyote Springs 2 (CS2) to the amounts that will be recorded 22 during the rate year.In the Company i s electric general 23 rate case, Case No. AVU-E-04-1, Order No. 29602, dated 24 October 8, 2004, the Commission approved the deferral of 25 return on CS2 investment in early years for recovery in Andrews, Di 29 Avista Corporation 1 later years in order to levelize the revenue requirement on 2 CS2 plant investment for the first ten years of operation 3 of the plant. The ten-year period runs from Septemer 1, 4 2004 through August 31, 2014. This adjustment restates the 5 test period amount of amortization expense, inclusive of 6 the carrying charge on the deferred return, to the amount 7 that will be recorded in the rate year.The change in 8 deferred income tax expense from the test period to the 9 rate period is also reflected. This adjustment reduces net 10 operating income by $144,000. 11 The adjustment in colum (ad), Restating Wartsila 12 Amrtization, reflects a five-year amortization of the 13 estimated unrecovered investment in two 4 MW reciprocating 14 engine generators originally planned to be installed at 15 Boulder Park,a small natural gas-fired generating 16 facility. During the period Decemer 2004 through February 17 2005 Avista and Commission Staff discussed possible 18 accounting treatment related to the planned sale of the 19 wartsila units.In February 2005 the Staff indicated by 20 letter that it would support a five-year amortization of 21 the unrecovered costs, with no return on the unamortized 22 balance, and that the inclusion of the amortization expense 23 in rates would be addressed in a future proceeding. 24 In 2008 a buyer agreed to purchase the units for net 25 proceeds to the Company of $1 million, as compared to the Andrews, Di 30 Avista Corporation 1 book value of $3.65 million. However, the buyer defaulted 2 and only one uni t was del i vered wi th net proceeds to the 3 Company of $670,000.The second uni t remains unsold and 4 the five-year amortization amount in the adjustment assumes 5 that the second unit will be sold for the $330,000. 6 In Case No. AVU-E-09-01 the Idaho Commission approved 7 the accounting treatment of the five-year amortization 8 starting in August 1, 2009 through July 31, 2014. This 9 adjustment restates the test period expense amount (5 10 months) to an annual or 12 month level of amortization 11 expense amount. This adjustment decreases Idaho net 12 operating income by $69,000. 13 Q.Please continue on page 10 with your exlantion 14 of the adjustmnts. 15 A.The adjustment in colum (ae), Restating Colstrip 16 Lawsuit Settlemt, reflects a two-year amortization of the 17 Company's share of the lawsuit settlement amount. On May 18 22, 2008, the Company filed an application seeking an 19 accounting order to defer the settlement payment.On 20 Septemer 12, 2008, the Commission authorized deferred 21 accounting treatment in Order No. 30638, Case No. AVU-E-08- 22 03. In Case No. AVU-E-09-01 the Idaho Commission approved 23 the two-year amortization treatment proposed by the Company 24 starting in August 1, 2009 through July 31, 2011. This 25 adjustment restates the test period expense amount (5 Andrews, Di 31 Avista Corporation 1 months) to the remaining 2010/2011 rate period amount (10 2 months remaining through July 31, 2011) of amortization 3 expense amount.This adjustment decreases Idaho net 4 operating income by $99,000. 5 The adjustment in colum (af), Restating Chicago 6 Climate Exchage, removes the effect in the test period of 7 amortization revenue included related to the expiration of 8 the two-year amortization of the Chicago Climate Exchange 9 approved in AVU-08-01.In AVU-08-01 the IPUC approved a 10 two-year amortization of the other revenue included in 11 Idaho's share of the revenues, net of expenses, from the 12 sales of Carbon Financial Instruments (CFIs) on the Chicago 13 Climate Exchange.In Order No. 30647 (Case No. AVU-E-08- 14 01), the Commission approved the amortization of the net 15 revenues over a two-year period beginning in October 2008 16 through Septemer 2010.This adjustment decreases Idaho 17 net operating income by $272,000. 18 The adjustment in colum (ag), Operation &: Maintence 19 (O&:M) Savings, includes a reduction to expense for 20 anticipated operation and maintenance savings expected 21 during the pro forma period, as compared to the 2009 test 22 period.These O&M savings include reductions related to 23 certain additional generation, transmission, distribution 24 and general plant investment included in the 2009 and 2010 25 capital additions adjustments,and other operation Andrews, Di 32 Avista Corporation 1 efficiencies that were identified. (These savings are in 2 addition to the offset included as a result of the 3 production/ transmiss ion property adjustment described 4 below). The savings related to capital projects have been 5 discussed further within Mr.Storro's (generation 6 projects), Mr. Kinney's (distribution and transmission 7 proj ects) , and Mr. DeFelice \ s (general plant) direct 8 testimony.Additional detail can be found within my 9 workpapers included with the Company's filing. This 10 adjustment increases Idaho net operating income by 11 $124,000. 12 The adjustment in colum (ah) , Working Capital, 13 increases total rate base for the Company's working capital 14 adjustment.The Company has calculated cash working 15 capital in this proceeding on the basis of the n 1/8 of O&M" 16 formula (also known as the Federal Energy Regulatory 17 Commission's "one-eighth" formula or "45 day" method). 18 This methodology divides Idaho total O&M expenses (less 19 fuel: accounts 501 and 547; and purchased power expenses: 20 account 555) by eight, the approximate numer of 45 day 21 periods within a year. FERC's use of 45 days represents an 22 estimate of days that elapse between payments for operating 23 expenses associated with providing service to customers and 24 receiving payment from customers.Since investors supply 25 the funds to finance operations during this lag period, it Andrews, Di . 33 Avista Corporation 1 is appropria ted to provide a return on those working 2 capital funds. The Company believes that this methodology, 3 given the complexities of a multi-state, multi service 4 utility such as Avista is a reasonable approach for 5 calculating an individual state and service working capital 6 adjustment.The effect on Idaho rate base is an increase 7 of $9,863,000. 8 The adjustment in the colum (ai) Restate Det 9 xnterest, restates debt interest using the Company's pro 10 forma weighted average cost of debt, as outlined in the 11 testimony and exhibits of Mr. Theis, and applied to Idaho's 12 13 pro forma level of rate base.This produces a pro forma level of tax deductible interest expense.The Federal 14 income tax effect of the restated level of interest for the 15 test period decreases Idaho net operating income by 16 $65,000. 17 The colum entitled Restated Total, subtotals all the 18 preceding colums (b) through colum (ai), excluding the 19 subtotal colum.These totals represent actual operating 20 resul ts and rate base plus the standard normlizing 21 adjustments that the Company includes in its Commission 22 Basis adjustments except power supply2. 23 2 The restated total also includes an increase in expense necessary to annualize certain 2009 exenses included in the test period, (Le. Colstrip mercury emssion expense, Montana riverbed lease, Spokane River and CDA Tribe Settlement exense.) Andrews, Di 34 Avista Corporation 1 Pro Form Adjustments 2 Q.Please explain the significance of the 12 colums 3 subsequent to the colum entitled Restated Total that 4 begins at page 11 in yor Exibit No. 12, Schedule 1. 5 A.The adjustments subsequent to the Restated Total 6 colum are pro forma adjustments that recognize the 7 jurisdictional impacts of items that will impact the pro 8 forma operating period levels for known and measurable 9 changes. They encompass revenue and exense items as well 10 as additional capital proj ects .These adjustments bring 11 the operating results and rate base to the final pro forma 12 level for the test year. 13 Q.Please continue with your exlanation of the 14 adjustmts starting on page 11, subsequent to the Restated 15 Total colum. 16 A.The adjustment in colum (PF1) , Pro Form Power 17 SUpply, was made under the direction of Mr. Johnson and is 18 explained in detail in his testimony.This adjustment 19 includes pro forma power supply related revenue and 20 expenses to reflect the twelve-month period October 1, 2010 21 through Septemer 30, 2011.Mr. Johnson's testimony 22 outlines the system level of pro forma power supply details 23 that are included in this adjustment.This adjustment 24 calculates the Idaho jurisdictional share of th9se figures 25 included in the base Results of Operations. The net effect Andrews, Di 35 Avista Corporation 1 of the power supply adjustments decreases Idaho net 2 operating income by $6,612,000. 3 The adjustment in colum (PF2) , Pro Form production 4 Property Adjustment, adjusts pro formed production and 5 transmission revenues, expenses, and rate base by a factor 6 that reflects the percentage increase of the pro forma 7 period Idaho retail load above the 2009 Idaho test year 8 retail load.Capi tal addi tions have been pro formed to 9 December 2010 whereas the remainder of the pro forma 10 adjustments reflect costs for the twelve months ended 11 Septemer 2011 level.Therefore a factor reflecting 2010 12 calendar Idaho retail load was used to determine the factor 13 for pro formed capital costs and the 2010/2011 rate year 14 Idaho retail load was used to determine the factor for all 15 other pro formed production and transmission costs.The 16 adjustment is made to avoid the over-recovery of pro formed 17 production and transmission costs, since the revenue 18 requirement associated with those costs is being spread to 19 test year retail load.The use of a production property 20 adjustment, in conjunction with pro forma rate year loads 21 for power supply, results in a better matching of revenues 22 and expenses during the period that new retail rates from 23 the case will be in effect. The effect of this adjustment 24 on Idaho net operating income is an increase of $2,391,000. 25 The effect on Idaho rate base is a decrease of $4,853,000. Andrews, Di 36 Avista Corporation 1 The adjustment in colum (PF3) , Pro Form Lar-Non- 2 Exec, reflects known and measurable changes to test period 3 union and non-union wages and salaries, excluding executive 4 salaries, which are handled separately in adjustment PF4. 5 For non-union employees, test period wages and salaries are 6 restated to include the March 2010 overall actual increase 7 of 2.8%, and seven months of the planned March 2011 8 increase of 2.4%.The Company's Board is scheduled to 9 address the 2011 planned increase at the Board of 10 Director's meeting in May 2010. 11 Also included in this adjustment are the 2010 and 2011 12 (seven months) union contract increases currently being 13 negotiated. The Company anticipates a final union contract 14 agreement will be completed by the end of second quarter of 15 2010. The methodology behind this adjustment is consistent 16 with that used in Case No. AVU-E-09-01. The effect of this 17 adjustment on Idaho net operating income is a decrease of 18 $549,000. 19 20 The adjustment in colum (PF4) , Pro Form Lar- Executive,reflects known and measurable changes to 21 executive compensation, restating executive compensation 22 test period salary expense to actual salary levels at 2010. 23 This adjustment takes into account changes in compensation 24 for the executive team in 2010 only. Although the officers 25 did not receive a 2009 pay increase, this adjustment does Andrews, Di 37 Avista Corporation 1 reflect an annual increase for the actual overall 2010 2 officer increase of 2.86%. Compensation costs for non- 3 utility operations are excluded, as executives routinely 4 charge a portion of their time to non-utility operations, 5 commensurate with the amount of time spent on such 6 activities, based on a survey of each executive.The 7 methodology behind this adjustment is consistent with that 8 used in the last general case, Case No. AVU-E-09-01.The 9 impact of this adjustment on Idaho net operating income is 10 a decrease of $55,000. 11 The adjustment in colum (PF5) , Pro For. Transmssion 12 Rev/Bx, was made under the direction of Mr. Kinney and is 13 explained in detail in his testimony.This adjustment 14 includes pro forma transmission-related revenues and 15 expenses to reflect the twelve-month period October 31, 16 2010 through September 30, 2011.As described by Mr. 17 Kinney, this adjustment includes, among other things, the 18 increase in revenue as a result of the recently-concluded 19 FERC transmission rate case. The net effect of the 20 transmission revenue and expense adjustments increases 21 Idaho net operating income by $604,000. 22 The adjustment in colum (PF6), Pro Form Capital 23 Additions 2009, pro forms in the capital cost and expen$es 24 associated with adjusting the twelve-month ending Decemer 2S 2009 average-monthly-average plant related balances to end- Andrews, Di 38 Avista Corporation 1 of-period balances for plant in service at Decemer 31, 2 2009.The capital costs have been included for the 3 Decemer 31, 2009 pro forma period with the associated 4 depreciation expense and property tax, as well as the 5 appropriate accumulated depreciation and deferred income 6 tax rate base offsets. This adjustment was made under the 7 direction of Mr. DeFelice and is described further in his 8 testimony.This adjustment is also consistent with that 9 approved in the most recent Idaho general rate case 10 proceeding, Case No. AVU-E-09-01, which approved the 11 Company's expected net rate base balance as of Decemer 31, 12 2009.The Production Property Adjustment is also applied 13 to the production and transmission components of these 14 addi tions as discussed further above.This adjustment 15 decreases Idaho net operating income by $881,000 and 16 increases rate base by $16,402,000. 17 Q.Please turn to page 12 and exlain the 18 adjustmnts show there. 19 A.The adjustment in colum (PF7) , Pro Form Capital 20 Additions 2010, pro forms in the capital cost and expenses 21 associated with capital expenditures for 2010.This 22 adjustment includes projects expected to be completed and 23 transferred to plant-in-service by Decemer 31, 2010, and 24 thus were normalized to reflect anual amounts.The 25 capital costs have been included for the appropriate pro Andrews, Di 39 Avista Corporation 1 forma period with the associated depreciation expense and 2 property tax, as well as the appropriate accumulated 3 depreciation and deferred income tax rate base offsets. 4 This adjustment also reduces the 2009 vintage plant net 5 rate base (including accumulated depreciation and deferred 6 FIT) to an end of period Decemer 31, 2010 adjusted 7 balance. This adjustment was also made under the direction 8 of Mr. DeFelice and is described further in his testimony. 9 The Production Property Adjustment is also applied to the 10 production and transmission components of these additions 11 as discussed further by above.This adjustment decreases 12 Idaho net operating income by $1,598,000 and increases rate 13 base by $8,310,000. 14 The adjustment in colum (PF8) , Pro Form Noxon 15 Generation 2010 & 2011, pro forms in the Noxon capital 16 projects planned for completion in April 2010 and April 17 2011 . As explained further by Mr. Storro, Noxon Uni t #3 is 18 scheduled to have a new turbine and complete mechanical 19 overhaul between August 2009 and April 2010.These unit 20 upgrades are planned to increase unit efficiency and boost 21 unit ratings.The additional generation from the Noxon 22 Unit #2 completion planned for April of 2011 has also been 23 included in the Aurora Dispatch Model for the rate year, as 24 discussed by Company witness Mr. Kalich.Including the 25 addi tional genera tion from this Noxon upgrade in the Andrews, Di 40 Avista Corporation 1 Dispatch Model, ultimately reducing power supply expenses 2 for customers in the 2010/2011 rate year, and including 3 this proj ect in rate base for the rate period provides a 4 proper match in revenues with expenses for this project. 5 The Noxon Unit #2 project was included in rate base and 6 wi thin the Aurora model at 50% of the cost and generation 7 (equivalent to 6 months.due to an April 1, 2011 effective 8 date) .This adjustment decreases Idaho net operating 9 income by $97,000 and increases rate base by $4,362,000. 10 The adjustment in colum (PF9) , Pro For. Infor.tion 11 Services, pro forms in the administrative and general (A&G) 12 expenses associated with incremental changes for 13 information services costs planned for 2010 and 2011 above 14 test period levels.As explained by Mr. Kensok, these 15 incremental costs include increases in expenses for 16 supporting applications utilized by the Company, additional 17 required security and compliance requirements,and 18 additional dollars required for hosting fees, application 19 fees, software maintenance and license fees.This 20 adjustment decreases Idaho net operating income by 21 $831,000. 22 The adjustment in colum (PF10), Pro Form Emloyee 23 Benefits, adjusts for changes in both the Company's pension 24 and medical insurance expense and increases Idaho net 25 operating income by $206,000. Andrews, Di 41 Avista Corporation 1 Q.Please describe the pension exense portion of 2 the Emloye Benefits adjustmnt an Idao'S share of this 3 exense. 4 A.The Company's pension expense portion of this 5 adjustment is determined in accordance with Financial 6 Accounting Standard 87 (FAS-87), and has decreased on a 7 system basis from $24.2 million for the actual test year 8 costs for the twelve months ended Decemer 31, 2009, to 9 $19.7 million for 2010. At this time the amounts included 10 in this case are estimated with the most current available 11 data.Preliminary Pension expense is determined by an 12 outside actuarial firm, in accordance with FAS-87, and 13 provided to the Company late in the first quarter of each 14 year.These calculations and assumptions are reviewed by 15 the Company's outside accounting firm annually for 16 reasonableness and comparability to other companies.Due 17 to the timing of this report, additional information may 18 become known during the course of these proceedings that 19 may require a modification to this adjustment. 20 The decrease in pension exense is due primarily to 21 the investment performance of plan assets during the past 22 year.In addition, the Pension Protection Act (PPA) of 23 2006 requires companies to annually increase the funding 24 level of their pension plans in order to eventually achieve Andrews, Di 42 Avista Corporation 1 a fully-funded plan, which also impacts the plan asset 2 balance and level of expense. 3 Q.Please now describe the medical insurance expense 4 portion of the Emloye Benefits adjustmnt and Idaho's 5 share of this exense. 6 A.The Company's medical insurance expense portion 7 of this adjustment adjusts for the medical insurance costs 8 planned for 2010 above the test period. Medical insurance 9 expense has increased on a system basis from $16.9 million 10 for the actual test year costs for the twelve months ended 11 Decemer 31, 2009, to $19.1 million for 2010.This 12 increased cost is mainly due to increased large claims 13 activity driven by various diagnostic categories such as 14 cancer and heart disease, and an increase in the average 15 age of our memership. 16 Avista has taken measures to directly decrease its 17 self-funded plan costs. These measures include increasing 18 the stop loss insurance reimbursement level,which 19 decreases the premium expense with Avista' s third party 20 administrator. Avista also negotiated a new contract with 21 its prescription benefit administrator and its third party 22 administrator (TPA) to pass through the drug manufacturer 23 rebates (in the past these rebates were left with the TPA.) 24 The Company also converted the Dental plan to a Preferred 25 Provider Organization (PPO) program that provides savings Andrews, Di 43 Avista Corporation 1 to the participant similar to medical plans with a PPO 2 program. In addition to these measures, over the past five 3 years the Company made changes to co-pay levels and out of 4 pocket maximums to help reduce plan costs.The Benef i ts 5 Planning and Administrative Committee constantly seek 6 opportunities for benefit program changes that will reduce 7 costs. 8 The net impact of the decrease in pension and the 9 increase in medical costs is a net decrease in expense of 10 $317,000. 11 Q.Please continue your explanation of the 12 adjustment colums on page 12. 13 A.The adjustment in Colum (PF11) , Pro Porm 14 Insurance, adjusts the test period insurance expense for 15 general liability, directors and officers (D&O) liability, 16 and property to the actual cost of insurance policies that 17 are in effect for 2010.Costs of system-wide insurance 18 policies for 2010 were slightly above costs for policies in 19 20 2009,due to increased costs in general liability insurance.Insurance costs that are properly charged to 21 non-utility operations have been excluded from this 22 adjustment. This adjustment decreases Idaho net operating 23 income by $47,000. 24 Q.Please turn to page 13 an explain the 25 adjustments show there. Andrews, Di 44 Avista Corporation 1 A.The adjustment in colum (PF12), Pro For. Clark 2 Fork/Spokae River Relicensing PM&B, adjusts the level of 3 exense included in the test period for the Clark Fork and 4 Spokane River Protection, Mitigation, and Enhancement 5 (PM&E) expenses, to the Company's planed expendi tures for 6 2010 required by the Company's licensing of those dams. 7 Mr. Storro discusses the additional level of planed PM&E 8 expenditures further. The effect of this adjustment is to 9 decrease Idaho net operating income by $698,000. 10 The last colum, Pro Form Total, reflects total pro 11 forma results of operations and rate base consisting of 12 test period actual results (twelve-months ending Decemer 13 31, 2009) and the total of all adjustments. 14 Q.Referring back to page 1, line 42, of Exibit No. 15 12, Schedule 1, what was the actual and pro for. electric 16 rate of return realized by the Comany during the test 17 period? 18 A.For the State of Idaho, the actual test period 19 rate of return was 7.62%. The pro forma rate of return is 20 5 . 19 % under pres en t rates. Thus, the Company does not, on 21 a pro forma basis for the test period, realize the 8.55% 22 rate of return requested by the Company in this case. 23 Q.How much additional net operating incom would be 24 required for the State of Idaho electric operations to Andrews, Di 45 Avista Corporation 1 allow the Com an opportunity to earn its proposed 8.55% 2 rate of return on a pro form basis? 3 A.The net operating income deficiency amounts to 4 $20,449,000, as shown on line 5, page 2 of Exhibit No. 12, 5 Schedule 1. The resulting revenue requirement is shown on 6 line 7 and amounts to $32,114,000, or an increase of 13.98% 7 over pro form general business revenues. 8 9 iv. NA'l GAS SBCTION 10 Test Period An Pro Form Period 11 Q.On what test period and pro form period is the 12 Comany basing its need for additional natural gas revenue? 13 A.The test period being used by the Company is the 14 twelve-month period ending Decemer 31, 2009, presented on 15 a pro forma basis.Currently authorized rates are based 16 upon the twelve-months ended Septemer 30, 2008 test year 17 utilized in case No. AVU-G-09-01, as adjusted on a pro 18 forma basis. 19 The pro forma period being used by the Company in this 20 proceeding is October 2010 through September 30, 2011 21 (2010/2011) . 22 Q.Could you please explain the different rates of 23 return show in your natural gas results presented in your 24 testimony? Andrews, Di 46 Avista Corporation 1 A.Yes.As discussed previously in the Electric 2 Section, there are three different rates of return 3 calculated.The actual ROR earned by the Company during 4 the test period, the Pro Forma ROR determined in my Exhibit 5 No. 12, Schedule 2, and the requested ROR.For ease of 6 comparison, please refer to Illustration No. 3 below 7 depicting these results for the Natural Gas Section: 8 Xllustration No.3: 9 11 12 13 14 15 10.00% 8.00% 6.00% 4.00% 2.00% 0.00% AvistaCorp Rates ofRet 10 Actal ProForma Request Q~Wht are the primary factors driving the 16 Comany's need for additional natural gas revenues? 17 A.The Company's natural gas request is driven by 18 changes in various operating cost components, mainly 19 distribution operation and maintenance and administrative 20 and general expendi tures .In addition, over 19% of the 21 overall increase in the requested revenue requirement is 22 due to the transfer of a portion of the Jackson Prairie 23 storage facility, from Avista Energy to Avista Utilities on 24 May 1,2011. . Company witness Mr. Christie discusses the Andrews, Di 47 Avista Corporation 1 details of this project, and the plans to move it to the 2 Utility. 3 The total of the increased operating cost components 4 requested in this case causes an increase in the fixed 5 costs of providing gas service to customers.I describe 6 the pro forma adjustments included in this case later in my 7 testimony. 8 9 Revenue Requirement 10 Q.Would you please exlain what is show in Exibit 11 No. 12, Schedule 2? 12 A.Yes. Exhibit No. 12, Schedule 2 shows actual and 13 pro forma gas operating results and rate base for the test 14 period for the State of Idaho.Colum (b) of page 1 of 15 Exhibit No. 12, Schedule 2 shows test period operating 16 results (twelve-months ended Decemer 31, 2009) and 17 components of the average-monthly-average rate base as 18 recorded; colum (c) is the total of all adjustments to net 19 operating income and rate base; and colum (d) is pro forma 20 results of operations, all under existing rates.Colum 21 (e) shows the revenue increase required which would allow 22 the Company to earn an 8.55% rate of return.Colum (f) 23 reflects pro forma gas operating results with the requested 24 increase of $2,575,000. Andrews, Di 48 Avista Corporation 1 Q.Would you please explain page 2 of Bxibi t No. 2 12, Schedule 2? 3 A.Yes.Page 2 shows the calculation of the 4 $2,575,000 revenue requirement at the requested 8.55% rate 5 of return. 6 Q.Wht does page 3 of Exibit No. 12, Schedule 2 7 show? 8 A.Page 3 shows the proposed Cost of Capital and 9 Capital Structure utilized by the Company in this case, 10 showing the weighted average cost of capital calculation of 11 8.55%. Mr. Thies discusses the Company's proposed rate of 12 return and the pro forma capital structure utilized in this 13 case, while Company witness Dr. Avera provides additional 14 testimony related to the appropriate return on equity for 15 Avista. 16 Q.Would you now please explain page 4i of Exibit 17 No. 12, Schedule 2? 18 19 A.Yes.Page 4 shows the derivation of the net- operating-income-to-gross-revenue conversion factor.The 20 conversion factor takes into account uncollectible accounts 21 receivable, Commission fees and Idaho State excise taxes. 22 Federal income taxes are reflected at 35%. 23 Q.Now turning to pages 5 through 9 of yor Exibit 24 No. 12, Schedule 2, would you please exlain what those 25 pages show? Andrews, Di 49 Avista Corporation 1 A.Yes. Page 5 begins with actual operating results 2 and rate base for the test period (twelve-months ending 3 Decemer 31, 2009) in colum (b).Individual normlizing 4 adjustments consistent with prior regulatory treatment 5 (standard Commission Basis adjustments) begin in colum (c) 6 on page 5 and continue through colum (s) on page 7. 7 Individual pro forma and additional normalizing adjustments 8 begin in colum (PF1) on page 8 and continue through colum 9 (PF8) on page 9. The final colum on page 9 is the total 10 pro forma operating results and rate base for the test 11 period.Additional details related to each adjustment 12 described below are provided in accompanying work papers. 13 14 Stanard Comssion Basis Adjustmnts 15 Q.Would you please exlain each of these 16 adjustmnts, the reason for the adjustment an its effect 17 on test period State of Idao Det operating incom an/or 18 rate base? 19 A.Yes, the restating adjustments shown in colums 20 (c) through (s) are consistent with methodologies employed 21 in our prior cases and current regulatory principles. 22 The first adjustment, colum (c) on page 5, entitled 23 Deferred FIT Rate Base, reflects the rate base reduction 24 for Idaho's portion of deferred taxes.The adj ustment 25 reflects the deferred tax balances arising from accelerated Andrews, Di 50 Avista Corporation 1 tax depreciation (Accelerated Cost Recovery System, or 2 ACRS, and Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery, or MACRS) , 3 bond refinancing premiums, and contributions in aid of 4 construction.These amounts are reflected on the average 5 of monthly average balance basis. The effect on Idaho rate 6 base is a reduction of $17,318,000. 7 The adjustment in colum (d), Deferred Gain on Office 8 Building, reflects the rate base reduction for Idaho's 9 portion of the net of tax, unamortized gain on the sale of 10 the Company's general office facility.The facility was 11 sold in Decemer 1986 and leased back by the Company. 12 Al though the Company repurchased the building in Novemer 13 2005, the Company opted to continue to amortize the 14 deferred gain over the remaining amortization period 15 scheduled to end in 2011. The effect on Idaho rate base is 16 a reduction of $36,000. . 17 The adjustment in colum (e), Gas Inventory, reflects 18 the adjustment to rate base for the average-of-monthly- 19 average value of gas stored at the Company 1 s Jackson 20 Prairie underground storage facility through the test 21 period.The effect on Idaho rate base is an increase of 22 $ 3 , 62 6 , 000 . 23 The adjustment in colum (f), Weatherization and DSM 24 Investment, includes in rate base the balance (net of 25 amortization) of company investments in natural gas demand Andrews, Di 51 Avista Corporation 1 2 side management (DSM) program costs.These amounts are a component of actual results of operations.The effect of 3 this adjustment is to increase Idaho rate base by $152,000. 4 The adjustment in colum (g) , entitled CUstomr 5 Advances, decreases rate base for funds advanced by 6 customers for line extensions, as they are generally 7 recorded as contributions in aid of construction at some 8 future time.The effect of this adjustment on Idaho rate 9 base is a decrease of $74,000. 10 Q.Please turn to page 6 an exlain the first 11 colum shown there. 12 A.The colum labeled Subtotal Actual, is a subtotal 13 of colums (b) through (g) and reflects the standard rate 14 base adjustments. 15 The first adjustment starting on page 6 in colum (h), 16 entitled Revenue Nor.lization & Gas Cost Adjustmt, is an 17 adjustment taking into account known and measurable changes 18 that include revenue normalization (including the current 19 authorized rates approved in Case No. AVU-G-09-01), which 20 reprices customer usage under presently effective rates, as 21 well as weather normalization and an unilled revenue 22 calculation.Associated gas costs are replaced with gas 23 costs computed using normalized volumes at the currently 24 effective weighted-average-cost-of-gas, or WACOG rates. 25 Revenues associated with the temporary Gas Rate Adjustment Andrews, Di 52 Avista Corporation 1 Schedule 155 and Schedule 191 Tariff Rider are excluded 2 from pro forma revenues, and the related amortization 3 expenses are eliminated as well.Ms. Knox is sponsoring 4 this adjustment. The effect of this particular adjustment 5 is to decrease Idaho net operating income by $547,000. 6 The adjustment in colum (i), Bliminate B &: 0 Taxes, 7 eliminates the revenues and expenses associated with local 8 business and occupation taxes, which the Company passes 9 through to customers. The adjustment eliminates any timing 10 mismatch that exists between the revenues and expenses by 11 eliminating the revenues and expenses in their entirety. 12 B & 0 Taxes are passed through on a separate schedule, 13 which is not part of this proceeding. The effect of this 14 adjustment is zero to Idaho net operating income. 15 The adjustment in colum (j), property Tax, restates 16 the test period accrued levels of property taxes to the 17 most current information available and eliminates any 18 adjustments related to the prior year. The effect of this 19 particular adjustment is to decrease Idaho net operating 20 income by $64,000. 21 The adjustment in colum (k), uncollectible Exense, 22 restates the accrued expense to the actual level of net 23 write-offs for the test period.The effect of this 24 adjustment is to increase Idaho net operating income by 25 $12 i , 000 . Andrews, Di 53 Avista Corporation 1 The adjustment in colum (1), entitled Regulatory 2 Exense Adjustmnt, restates recorded 2009 regulatory 3 expense to reflect the IPUC assessment rates applied to 4 revenues for the test period.The effect of this 5 adjustment is to increase Idaho net operating income by 6 $10,000. 7 The adjustment in colum (m), entitled injuries an 8 Dages, is a restating adjustment that replaces the 9 accrual with the six-year rolling average of actual 10 injuries and damages payments not covered by insurance. 11 This methodology was accepted by the Idaho Commission in 12 Case No. WWP-E-98-11. The effect of this adjustment is to 13 increase Idaho net operating income by $38,000. 14 Q.Please turn to page 7 an exlain the adjustments 15 shown there. 16 A.The first adjustment on page 7 in colum (n), 17 entitled FIT, adjusts the FIT calculated at 35% within 18 Results of Operations by removing the effect of certain 19 Schedule M items and matches the jurisdictional allocation 20 of other Schedule M items to related Results of Operations 21 22 allocations.This adjustment also reflects the proper level of deferred tax expense for the test period.The 23 effect of this adjustment, all based upon a Federal tax 24 rate of 35%, is to increase Idaho net operating income by 25 $8,000. Andrews, Di 54 Avista Corporation 1 The adjustment in colum (0), Bliminate AIR Exenses, 2 removes expenses associated with the sale of customer 3 accounts receivable.The effect of this adjustment is to 4 increase Idaho net operating income by $18,000. 5 The adjustment in colum (p), Miscellaneous Restating 6 Adjustmt, removes a numer of non-operating or non- 7 utility expenses associated with advertising, dues and 8 donations included in error in the test period actual 9 results.The effect of this adjustment is to increase 10 Idaho net operating income by $12,000. 11 The adjustment in colum (q), Operation &: Maintenace 12 (oa) Savings,includes a reduction to expense for 13 anticipated operation and maintenance savings exected 14 during the pro form period, as compared to the 2009 test 15 period.These O&M savings include reductions related to 16 certain additional general plant investment included in the 17 capital additions adjustments, as well as other operation 18 efficiencies that were identified. Mr. DeFelice describes 19 the general plant savings within his direct testimony. 20 Additional detail can be found within my workpapers 21 inc 1 uded wi th the Company's f i 1 ing . This adj us tmen t 22 increases Idaho net operating income by $12,000. 23 The adjustment in colum (r) ,working Capital 24 increases total rate base for the Company's working capital 25 adjustment.The Company has calculated cash working Andrews, Di 55 Avista Corporation 1 capital in this proceeding on the basis of the "1/8 of O&M" 2 formula (also known as the Federal Energy Regulatory 3 Commission's "one-eighth" formula or "45 day" method). 4 This methodology divides Idaho total O&M expenses (less 5 purchased gas: accounts 804, 805 and 808) by eight, the 6 approximate numer of 45 day periods within a year. FERC' s 7 use of 45 days represents an estimate of days that elapse 8 between payments for operating expenses associated with 9 providing service to customers and receiving payment from 10 customers.Since investors supply the funds to finance 11 operations during this lag period, it is appropriated to 12 13 provide a return on those working capital funds.The Company believes that this methodology ,given the 14 complexities of a multi-state, multi-service utility such 15 as Avista is a reasonable approach for calculating an. 16 individual state and service working capital adjustment. 17 The effect on Idaho rate base is an increase of $1,692,000. 18 The adjustment in colum (s), Restate Det Interest, 19 restates debt interest using the Company's pro forma 20 weighted average cost of debt, as outlined in the testimony 21 and exhibits of Mr. Thies. As applied to Idaho's pro forma 22 level of rate base, produces a pro forma level of tax 23 deductible interest expense. The federal income tax effect 24 of the restated level of interest for the test period 25 decreases Idaho net operating income by $44,000. Andrews, Di 56 Avista Corporation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ---_.__...._._....-9 ~.--":"'''.,-~--~ .--10----_..- 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 The last colum on page 7, entitled Restated Total, subtotals all the preceding colums (b) through colum (s), excluding the subtotal colum.These totals represent actual operating results and rate base plus the standard normalizing and restating adjustments. Pro Form Adjustmnts Q. Please explain the significance of the 8 colu:s subsequent to the Restated Total colum on pages 8 through 9 of your Exibit No. 12, Schedule 2. A. The adjustments starting on page 8 are pro form adjustments to reflect known and measurable changes between the test period and the pro forma period. In this case, they encompass revenue and expense items, and natural gas capi tal proj ects .These adjustments bring the operating results and rate base to the final pro forma level for the test year. Q. Please continue with your exlanation of the adjustments on page 8. A. The first adjustment on page 8 in colum (PF1) , Pro Form Lar-Non-Bxec, reflects known and measurable changes to test period union and non-union wages and salaries, excluding executive salaries, which are handled separately in adjustment PF2.For non-union employees, test period wages and salaries are restated to include the Andrews, Di 57 Avista Corporation 1 March 2010 overall actual increase of 2.8%, and seven 2 months of the planned March 2011 increase of 2.4%.The 3 Company's Board is scheduled to address the 2011 planed 4 increase at the Board of Director's meeting in May 2010. 5 Also included in this adjustment are the 2010 and 2011 6 (seven months) union contract increases currently being 7 negotiated. The Company anticipates a final union contract 8 agreement will be completed by the end of second quarter of 9 2010. The methodology behind this adjustment is consistent 10 with that used in Case No. AVU-G-09-1. The effect of this 11 adjustment on Idaho net operating income is a decrease of 12 $140,000. 13 14 The adjustment in colum (PF2) is Pro Form Lar- Executive,reflects known and measurable changes to 15 executive compensation, restating executive compensation 16 test period salary expense to actual salary levels at 2010. 17 This adjustment takes into account changes in compensation 18 for the executive team in 2010 only. Although the officers 19 did not receive a 2009 pay increase, this adjustment does 20 reflect an annual increase for the actual overall 2010 21 officer increase of 2.86%. Compensation costs for non- 22 utility operations are excluded, as executives routinely 23 charge a portion of their time to non-utility operations, 24 commensurate with the amount of time spent on such 25 activities, based on a survey of each executive.The Andrews, Di 58 Avista Corporation 1 methodology behind this adjustment is consistent with that 2 used in the last general case, Case No. AVU-G-09-01. The 3 impact of this adjustment on Idaho net operating income is 4 a decrease of $14,000. 5 The adjustment in colum (PF3), Pro Form Bmloyee 6 Benefits, adjusts for changes in both the Company's pension 7 and medical insurance expense planned for 2009 as further 8 explained in the Electric Section above. This adjustment 9 increases Idaho net operating income by $53,000 10 The adjustment in colum (PF4) , Pro Form Insurance, 11 adjusts the test period insurance expense for general 12 liability, directors and officers (D&O) liability, and 13 property to the actual cost of insurance policies that are 14 in effect for 2010.Costs of system-wide insurance 15 policies for 2010 were slightly above costs for policies in 16 2009, due to increased costs in general liability 17 insurance.Insurance costs that are properly charged to 18 non-utility operations have been excluded from this 19 adjustment. This adjustment decreases Idaho net operating 20 income by $12,000. 21 The adjustment in colum (PF5) , entitled Pro Form 22 Informtion Services, pro forms in the administrative and 23 general (A&G) expenses associated with incremental changes 24 for information services costs planned for 2010 and 2011 25 above test period levels, as further explained in the Andrews, Di 59 Avista Corporation 1 Electric Section. The impact of this adjustment on Idaho 2 net operating income is a decrease of $201,000. 3 The adjustment in colum (PF6) , Pro Form Capital 4 Additions 2009, pro forms in the capital cost and expenses 5 associated with adjusting the test period average-monthly- 6 average plant related balances at Decemer 31, 2009, to 7 actual end-of-period balances for plant in service at 8 Decemer 31, 2009.The capital costs have been included 9 for Decemer 31, 2009 with the associated depreciation 10 expense and property tax, as well as the appropriate 11 accumulated depreciation and deferred income tax rate base 12 offsets. This adjustment was made under the direction of 13 Mr. DeFelice and is described further in his testimony. 14 This adjustment decreases Idaho net operating income by 15 $116,000 and decreases rate base by $625,000. 16 Q.Please turn to page 9 an exlain the adjustmts 17 show there. 18 A.The first adjustment on page 9 in colum (PF7) , 19 Pro Form Capital Additions 2010, pro forms in the capital 20 cost and expenses associated with pro forming in" capital 21 expenditures for 2010.This adjustment includes projects 22 completed during 2010, and thus were normalized to reflect 23 annual amounts, and projects exected to be completed and 24 transferred to plant-in-service by Decemer 31, 2010. The 25 capi tal costs have been included for their appropriate pro Andrews, Di 60 Avista Corporation 1 forma period with the associated depreciation expense and 2 property tax, as well as the appropriate accumulated 3 depreciation and deferred income tax rate base offsets. 4 This adjustment also reduces the 2009 'vintage plant net 5 rate base (including accumulated depreciation and deferred 6 FIT) to an end of period December 31, 2010 adjusted 7 balance. This adjustment was also made under the direction 8 of Mr. DeFelice and is described further in his testimony. 9 This adjustment decreases Idaho net operating income by 10 $235,000 and decreases rate base by $1,886,000. 11 The adjustment in colum (PF8) , Pro Form JP Storage, 12 pro forms revenues, exenses, capital investment and 13 inventory for the increased storage capacity and 14 deliverability associated with the transfer on May 1, 2011 15 of a portion of the Jackson Prairie (JP) Storage facility 16 to the Utility that was previously utilized by Avista 17 Energy.Assets with a net book value of approximately 18 $11.6 million will transfer from Avista Energy to Avista 19 Utili ties, which is comprised of approximately $5.9 million 20 of cushion gas and approximately $5.7 million of fixed 21 assets.Mr. Christie discusses the details of this 22 transfer. 23 Idaho's share of these assets on a 2010/2011 average- 24 of-monthly-average basis increases net rate base by 25 $1,081,000.The adjustment also includes a rate base Andrews, Di 61 Avista Corporation 1 increase of $2,396,000 for the working gas associated with 2 3 the additional storage.In addition, underground storage expense increased for the additional operating, 4 depreciation and property taxes expense by approximately 5 $35,000. The details of the proposed accounting treatment 6 of this adjustment is provided with my workpapers.The 7 impact of this adjustment decreases Idaho net operating 8 income by $23,000 and increases rate base by $3,449,000. 9 The last colum on page 9, Pro For. Total, reflects 10 total pro forma results of operations and rate base 11 consisting of twelve-months ended December 31, 2009 actual 12 results and the total of all normalizing and pro forma 13 adjustments. 14 Q.Referring back to page 1, line 43, of Exibit No. 15 12, Schedule 2, what was the actual an pro for. gas rate 16 of return realized by the Coman during the test period? 17 A.For the State of Idaho, the actual test period 18 rate of return was 7.27%. The pro forma rate of return is 19 6.93% under present råtes. Thus, the Company does not, on 20 a pro forma basis for the test period, realize the 8.55% 21 rate of return requested by the Company in this case. 22 Q.Bow much additional net operating incom would be 23 required for the State of Idao gas operations to allow the 24 Comany an opportunity to earn its proposed 8.55% rate of 25 return on a pro for. basis? Andrews, Di 62 Avista Corporation 1 A.The net operating income deficiency amounts to 2 $1,640,000, as shown on line 5, page 2 of Exhibit No. 12, 3 Schedule 2. The resul ting revenue requirement is shown on 4 line 7 and amounts to $2,575,000, or an increase of 3.64% 5 over pro forma general business and transportation 6 revenues. 7 8 9 V. ALTION PROBDUS Q.Have there been an changes to the Comany's 10 system an jurisdictional procedures since the Comany's 11 last general electric an natural gas cases, Case Nos. AVU- 12 B-09-01 and AVU-G-09-01? 13 A.No.For ra temaking purposes,the Company 14 allocates revenues, expenses and rate base between electric 15 and gas services and between washington, Idaho, and Oregon 16 jurisdictions where electric and/or gas service is 17 provided. The current methodology was implemented in 1994 18 and has not changed. The allocation factors used in this 19 case have been provided with my workpapers. 20 21 22 VI. OTR Q.Please address the filing requiremnts as 23 required in Order No. 29962. 24 A.In Order No. 29962 (Case Nos. AVU-E-05-9 and AVU- 25 G-05-3), the Commission directed the Company to record Andrews, Di 63 Avista Corporation 1 regulatory assets or liabilities associated with the 2 implementation of Statement of Financial Accounting 3 Standards (SF AS) 143 .As a result of the Order, the 4 Company is required to file annually, and as part of any 5 rate case filing, all journal entries made under the 6 requirements of SFAS 143. These ARO transactions have been 7 removed from the test year (twelve months ended Decemer 8 31, 2009) Results of Operations and have no impact on the 9 Company's earnings or rate request in this case.The 10 journal entries for the calendar year 2009 have been filed 11 with the Commission in our annual compliance filing. 12 Q.Does that conclude your pre-filed direct 13 testimony? 14 A.Yes, it does. Andrews, Di 64 Avista Corporation DAVID J. MEYER VICE PRESIDEN AN CHIEF COUNSEL OF REGULATORY & GOVERNAL AFFAIRS AVISTA CORPORATION P . O. BOX 3727 1411 EAST MISSION AVEE SPOKA, WASHINGTON 99220-3727 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4316 FACSIMILE: (509) 495-8851 DAVID. MEYER&AVISTACORP . COM BBFORE 'l IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIBS COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) CASE NO. AVU-E-10-01 OF AVISTA CORPORATION FOR THE ) CASE NO. AVU-G-10-01 AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES ) AN CHAGES FOR ELECTRIC AN ) NATUR GAS SERVICE TO ELECTRIC ) EXHIBIT NO. 12 AN NATU GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE )STATE OF IDAHO ) ELIZABETH M. ANREWS ) FOR AVISTA CORPORATION (ELECTRIC AN NATURA GAS) AVI UI EIC RETS OF OPEON IDAHO PRO FORMRETS 'IVE MONI ENED DBC 31. 2009 (OOO'S OF DOlLS) wr PRESE RATES wrPROPOSE RATES AdalPer Propoed ProFor Line Resu1 Tota ProFor Re..es&'Propo No.DESCRTION Reort Adlutiita Tot ReiteE:m Tot aRE I Tota Geer Bues 2 Jnterepta Sales 3 Sales for Rese 4 Tota Sales ofEleccily 5 Oter Reue 6 Tota Elecc Revue EXENES Prction and Trsmon 7 Oplig Expe 8 Puas Pow 9 Depiation and Amorizaon 10 Taxes 11 Tota Prducton &. Trsmssion Distrbution 12 Oping Expei 13 Depation 14 Taxes 15 Tota Distbution 16 Cutomer Aicolig 17 Custer Serce &. Infoition 18 Sales Expees Adislriv &. Geer 19 Oping Expese 20 Deaton 21 Taes 22 Tot Ad. &. Geer 23 Tota Electrc Expen 24 OPERllG INCOME BEORE FI FEERINCOME TA 25 Cut Aial 26 Defer Jncoe Taes 27 Amize Inveent Tax Crt SEIEXCHGEPOWE 28 NEOPEG INCOME RABA PL IN SEVICE 29 Intagible 30 Prion 31 Trsson 32 Distbution 33 Geer 34 Tota Plant in Serce35 ACCU DBPON 36 ACCU PROVION FOR AMORTlnDN 37 Total Aicu Depaton &. Amor. 38 GA ON SAl OF BU1ING 39 WOIUG CAPAL40 DEF TA 41 lOALRAmBASE 42 RAm OF RE b dc $246,714 $ (17,221)$229,493 205 205 69,739 (50,033)19,706 316,658 (67,2)249,404 16,578 (10,712)5,866 333,236 (77,966)255,270 70,555 15,367 85,922 119,313 (66,501)52,812 10,811 3,767 14,578 4,666 903 5,59 205,345 (46,464)158,881 8,564 63 8,627 9,731 807 10,538 5,063 (2,678)2,385 23,358 (1,808)21,550 4,299 (12)4,287 5,935 (4,631)1,304 251 (8)243 21,276 1,573 22,849 4,563 1,990 6,553 145 145 25,839 3,708 29,57 265,027 (49,215)215,812 68,209 (28,751)39,458 2,841 (9,179)(6,338) 14,564 (237)14,327 (16)(47)(63) SSO,82O ($19,28)$31,532 e $32,114 32,114 32,114 455 455 144 53 652' f $261,607 205 19,706 281,518 5,866 287,384 o 85,922 52,812 14,578 5,569 158,881 8,627 10,538 2,840 22005 4,431 1,304 243 53 2202 6,553 145 29,600 216,464 31,462 11,012 70,920 4,674 14,327 (63) $20,450 SSI,981 $30,259 $17,04 $47,303 $47,303 367,474 14,217 381,691 381,691 163,053 9,347 172,400 172,400 384,274 25,272 409,56 40,56 58,812 11,705 70,517 70,517 1,003,872 77,585 1,081,457 0 1,081,457 332,016 41,016 373,032 373,032 4,967 253 5,20 5,2 336,983 41,29 378,22 0 378,22 (168)(168)(168) 9,863 9,863 9,863 (104,938)(104,938)(104,98) $666,889 ($68,790)$607,962 so $607,962 7.62%5.19%8.55%EicibltNo.12 Cas No. Avu-10-1 and AVU-G10-1 E. Anrew, Avisla Schedle 1, p. 1 of 13 A VISTA UTTIS Calculation of General Revenue Requirement IDAHO - Electrc Sysm TWLVE MONmS ENED DECEMBER 31,2009 Line No.Deription Pro For Rate Base 2 Propose Rate ofRetu 3 Net Optig Income Requement 4 Pro Form Net Operatig Income 5 Net Operatig Inme Deficiency 6 Converion Factor 7 Reue Reement 8 Tota Geeral Business Reveues 9 Pertage Reue Increa (OO'sof Dollars) $607,962 8.55% $51,981 $31,532 $20,449 0.63676 ~$32,114 $229,698 13.98% Exhibit No. 12 Case No. AVU-E-1Q-01 and AVU-G-1Q-1 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, p. 2 of 13 A VISTA UTTIS Calculation of General Revenue Reuirement Idaho - Electric Pro Forma Cost of Capital (OOO's OF DOLLA) Pro Forma Cost of Capital Idaho Capital Weighte Excludes STD Component Strcture Cost Cost Long-Ter Debt 50.00%6.200%3.10%IDWtdDebt 3.10% PrefTr 0.00%0.000%0.00% Common 50.00%10.90%5.45% Tota 100.00%8.55% Exhibit No. 12 Case No. AVU-E-10-1 and AVU-G-1O-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, p. 3 of 13 A VITA UTITS CALCULTION OF CONVRSION FACTOR: IDAHO ELECTRC TWLVE MONTS ENED DECEMBER 31,2009 Revenue:1.000000 Expene: Uncollecbles (I)0.004498 Commsion Fee (2)0.001662 Idaho Income Tax (3)0.014203 0.020363Total Expene Net Operatg Income Before FIT 0.979637 Federal Incon 0.35 0.342873 0.63676RE CONVRSION FACTOR Exhibit No. 12 Case No. AVU-E-1o-01 and AVU-G-1O-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, p. 4 of 13 AVITA um BLC RETS OF OPEONIDAHO REAl RETS lWVEMONl ENED DEC 31, 2009 (000'8 OF DOlL) Kete Fal &I Boulde Pii DESCRON DlIw. a c e &RE I Tota Geen Bues S24,714 2 Inteenta Salcs 205 3 Salcs for Ree 69,739 4 Tot Salcs ofEleccity 316,658 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 OterR=ue 16,578 6 Tota Elecc R=ue 333,236 0 0 0 0 0 0 EXSE Prction and Trsmsson 7 Optig Exse 70,555 8 Puas Powe 119,313 9 Deiation and Amorzation 10.811 193 10 Taxcs 4,66 11 Tota Prction & Trsmsson 205,35 0 0 193 0 0 0 Dibution 12 Opg Expencs 8,564 13 Depiaton 9,731 14 Taxcs 5,063 15 Tot Distrbution 23,358 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 Cuom Actig 4,29 17 Custer Sercc & Inforon 5,935 18 Salcs Expese 251 Adis & Geen 19 Optig Exse 21,276 20 Depiation 4,563 21 Taxcs 22 Tot Ad. & Geer 25,839 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 Tota Elecc Expescs 265,027 0 0 193 0 0 0 24 OPE1IO lNCOME BEORE FI 68,209 0 0 (193)0 0 0 FEERlNCOME TA 25 Cut Acal 2,841 26 Deer Incoe Taxcs 14,564 27 Amorze rr . Noxon (16) 28 Nl OPEO lNCOME SSO,82 SO SO (SI93)SO SO SO RABASE PL IN SEVICE 29 Intagible S30,29 30 Prcton 367,474 7,390 903 (5,609) 31 Trsson 163,053 32 Distbution 384,274 (898) 33 Geer 58,812 34 Tota Plant in Sercc 1,003,872 0 0 7,390 903 (5,609)(898) 35 ACCU'I DEP11N 332,016 5,690 (2,29) 36 ACCU. PROVIION FOR AMOR1ITION 4,967 37 Tota Ac. Deiaton & Amor.336,983 0 0 5,690 0 (2,29)0 38 OA ON SAL OF BURlNO (168) 39 WORKO CAPAL 40 DEF TAX (94,533)59 64 41 TOAL RA BA $666,889 (S94,533)(SI09)Sl,700 S903 (S2,034)(S898) 42 RAm OF RE 7.62% Eicibit No. 12 Cas No. AVU-E-10-1 an AVU-G10-1 E. Andre, Avista Schule 1. p. 5 of 13 AVJTA U1Eæ RETS OF OPETIN IDAHO RETA'I RETS lWVE MON ENED DEC 31, 2009 (000'8 OF DOll) Restii Rel CDASet_t Spe Ri DESCRON De De a k .IlRE 1 Tota Geer Buines 2 Interarta Sales 3 Sales for Resale 4 Tot Sales ofElceciiy 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 Oter R_ue 6 Tota Elecc Reue 0 0 0 0 0 0 EXSEPrcton and Tnon 7 Opg Eipeise 81 703 8 Puas Pow 9 Deation and Amizaion 226 101 53 118 19 10 Taxes 11 Tot Prction &; Trsmsson 0 307 101 756 118 19 Disbution 12 Opg Eipese 13 Depation 14 Taxes (4)(1)(11)(2) 15 Tot Distbution 0 (4)(1)(11)(2)0 16 Cuer Acuntig 17 Customer Serce &; Infomon 18 Sales Eipese Ad &; Geer 19 Optig Bise 20 Deiaton 21 Taxes 22 Tota Ad &; Geer 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 Tota Elecc Eipese 0 303 100 745 116 19 24 OPEG lNCOME BEORE FI 0 (303)(100)(745)(116)(19) FEERlNCOMB TAX 25 Cut Accral (106)(35)(261)(41)(7) 26 Defer Inco Taxes 27 Amorze rr - Noxon 28 NE OPEG lNCOME SO ($197)(565)(5484)($75)($12) RAlEBAE PulN SEVICE 29 Intagible $(23)$317 $703 560 30 Pructon 294 31 Trasmssion 32 Distrbution 33 Geer 34 Tot Plant in Serce 294 (23)317 703 0 60 35 AC'I DEPREON 369 59 88 11 36 ACct PROVJIONFOR AMORTITION 253 37 Tota Ac Deation &; ~oi.0 369 59 88 253 11 38 GA ON SAL OF BUllNG 39 WORKG CAPAL 40 DEF TAX 375 (90)(215)(206)(17) 41 TORAlEBAS $294 ($17)5168 5400 (5459)532 42 RA OF RE Exhibit No. 12 Cas No. AVU-E.1()1 and AVU-G1()1 E. Andre, Avlsta Schedule 1, p. 6 of 13 AVITA umELC:RTS OF OPEN IDAHO RE'I:RTSlWVEMON ENED DEC 31. 2009 (OOO'S OF DOlL) Restig Splie Ri DESCRTION PM& De a 0 p q rRE I Tot Geer Buses S246,714 S(2,66) 2 Inteepenta Sates 205 3 Sales fo Rese 69,739 4 Tota Sales of Eleccity 0 0 316,658 (2,966)0 0 5 Oter RCMue 16,578 6 Tota Elecc Reue 0 0 333,26 (2,66)0 0 EXEN Proon and Trasmsson 7 Opg Expees 44 71.383 8 Pias Pow 119,313 9 Deation and Amortion 156 11,677 10 Taxes 4,666 776 11 Tota Pructon el Tion 156 44 207,039 0 776 0 Distbution 12 Opg Expees 8,564 13 Deation 9.731 14 Taxes (2)(1)5.042 (2,55)170 (2) 15 Tota Disbution (2)(1)23,337 (2,55)170 (2) 16 Custer Acunting 4,29 172 17 Customer Serce el Infoimion 5,935 18 Sales Expees 251 Adisve el Geer 19 Optig Expase 21,276 20 Deon 4,563 21 Taxes 4 22 Tota Ad. el Geer 0 0 25,839 0 4 0 23 Tot Elecc Expe 154 43 26,700 (2,955)950 170 24 OPETIG JNCOME BEORE FI (154)(43)66,536 (11)(950)(170) FEERJNCOME TAX 25 Cit Accnal (54)(15)2,22 (4)(333)(60) 26 Defem Incoe Taxes 14,564 27 Amorize Il . Noxon (16) 28 NE OPERTIG JNCOME (SI00)(S28)$49,666 (S7)($617)(S110) RAlEBAE PLJN SEVICE 29 Intagible $468 $31.784 30 Prcton 1,983 372,435 31 1ìssion 163,053 32 Distbution 383,376 33 Geer 58,812 34 Tot Plant in Serce 468 1,983 1,009,460 0 0 0 35 AC'I DEPRE0N 78 335,382 36 ACCU PROVIN FOR AMOR1lON 5,2 37 Total Ac Deaton el Amor.78 0 340,602 0 0 0 38 GA ON SAl OF BunJNG (168) 39 WORKG CAPAL 40 DEF TAX (137)(694)(94,812) 41 TOALRABASE S253 SI,289 S573,878 SO SO SO 42 RAlE OF RB 8.5% Exhibit No. 12 Ca No. AVU-E-1O-1 and AVU-G1O-1 E. Andrø, Avista Schedule 1, p. 7 of 13 AVITA U1 BLC lUULTS OF OPEON IDAHO lU RETS lWVE MON ENED DEC 31, 2009 (OOO'S OF DOlLS) DESCRTION .u v w X YRE I Tot Geer Buines S(17,604) 2 Interenta Sales 3 Sales for Ree 4 Tota Sales ofEleçcity 0 0 0 (17,604)0 0 5 Oter Revue 6 Tota Eleçc Revue 0 0 0 (17,604)0 0 EXSEPrion and Tton 7 Opg Expe 465 (15) 8 Puased Powe 9 Deation and Amorization 10 Taxes 11 Tota Prcton '" Trsson 0 0 0 465 (15)0 Disbution 12 Opg Expe 13 Deation 14 Taxes (I)S2 15 Tota Disbution (1)0 0 0 2 16 Cu Actig (40)S(162) 17 Custer Serce '" Infonon 18 Sales Expeses Adve '" Geer 19 Oping Expese 43 (73)(44) 20 Deaton 21 Taxes 22 Total Ad. '" Geer 43 (73)0 (44)0 0 23 Total Eleçc Expees 42 (72)0 381 (15)(160) 24 OPE11G INCOME BEFORE FI (42)72 0 (17,985)15 160 FEER INCOME TAX 2S Cut Acal (15)2S 514 (6.132)5 S56 26 Deer Incoe Taxes 3 (163) 27 Am rr - Noxon (15) 28 NEOPE11G INCOME ($27)$47 (5502)($11,690)S10 SI04 RAlEBAE Pl IN SERVICE 29 Intagible 30 Prcton 31 Trsmsson 32 Dibution 33 Geer 34 Tot Plant in Serce 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 ACCU DEPN 36 AC PROV1NFORAMORllTION 37 Tota Ai Deaton '" Amor.0 0 0 0 0 0 38 GA ON SAL OF BURING 39 WORKG CAPAL 40 DEF TA 41 TOALRAlEBA SO SO SO SO SO SO 42 iu OF RE Exhibit No. 12 Cas No. AVU-E-1Q-1 and AVU-G1Q-1 E. Andre, Avlta Schedule 1, p. 8 of 13 AVlTA um EL REULTS OF OPEON IDAHO RETAlE RETS lWVE MONI ENED DEC 31,2009 (000'S OF DOlL) Cola Ma Reai E..O&M War DESCRTION Aiorttia a Z aa ab Be adRE 1 Tota Geer Busines $3,349 2 Interenta Sales 3 Sales for Resale 4 Tota Sales of Eleccity 3,39 0 0 0 0 5 Oter Revue 92 6 Tota Elecc Revue 3,441 0 0 0 0 EXENSESPrctci and Thci 7 Opg Bises 490 481 8 Pued Pow 9 Deatci and Amorizaci 1,910 221 108 10 Taxes 11 Tota Prctci & Tnssci 2,400 0 481 221 108 Disbulici 12 Opg Expe 13 Deialici 14 Taxes 80 (7)(2) 15 Tota Disbibulici 80 (7)0 (2) 16 Cuomer Acuntig 16 17 Customer Serce & Infoiici (4,630)(2) 18 Sales Expe (9) AdistM & Geei 19 Opg Ex 6 (48) 20 Deiatci 21 Taxes 22 Tot Ad. & Geer 6 (48)0 0 0 23 Tota Elecc Expenses (2,128)(58)474 221 106 24 OPE'IG INCOME BEORE FI 5,569 58 (474)(221)(106) FEERINCOMETAX 2S Cit .A 1,949 20 (166)(37) 26 Defl2 Incoe Taxes (77 27 Amze rr - Noxci 28 NE OPEG INCOME $3,620 $38 ($308)($144)($69) RABA PUIN SERVICE 29 Intagible 30 Prctci 31 Tnsmssici 32 Dibutici 33 Geer 34 Tota Plant in Serce 0 0 0 0 0 35 ACCU DEP 36 ACC PR0V10N FORAMOR1ION 37 Tota Accu Dealici & Am.0 0 0 0 0 38 GA ON SAL OF BUlING 39 WORKG CAPAL 40 DEF TA 41 lORABAB $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 42 RAm OF RB Exhibit No. 12 Cas No. AVl-10-1 an AVU-G10-1 E. Anrø, Avisla Schedle 1, p. 9 of 13 Exhibi No. 12 Cas No. Avu-1~1 and AVU-G1~1 E. Andl'. Avlsta Schedule 1. p. 10 of 13 AVITA uiELCRETS OF OPETINIDAHO RElE RETS 1WVE MON ENED DEC 31, 2009 (000'S OF DOlLS) DESCTION a PFI PF PF PF4RE 1 Total Geer Buines 2 Interaielta Sales 3 Sales for Rese (49,400)(633) 4 Tota Sales of Eleccity (49,400)(633)0 0 0 0 5 Oter Rewue (11,699)(141)1,036 6 Total Elecc Reue (61,099)(774)0 0 1,036 0 EXSESPrction aid Trsson 7 Oping Expeuses 13,999 (2,399)324 94 8 Puas Pow (64,779)(1,722) 9 Deiaton aid Amorzaon (22)130 10 Taxes (161) 11 Tota Prcton &; Tron (50,780)(4.505)324 94 130 Distrbution 12 Operg Expese 227 13 Depiation 356 14 Taxes (147)53 (12)(1)13 (20) 15 Tota Disbution (147)53 215 (1)13 336 16 Cutoer Actig 74 17 Customer Serce &; Inforon 5 18 Sales Expeuse 5 Adistrve &; Geer 19 Oping Expese 22 84 20 Depon 889 21 Taxes 22 Tota Ad. &; Geer 0 0 22 84 0 889 23 Total Elecc Expese (50,927)(4,452)845 84 107 1,355 24 OPETIG INCOME BEFORE FI (10,172)3,678 (845)(84)929 (1,355) FEER INCOME TAX 25 Cwt Ac (3.560)1,2 (296)(29)325 (474) 26 Defer Inco Taes 27 Amorze rr - Noxon 28 NE OPERTIG INCOME ($6,612)$291 ($59)(555)$604 (S881) RA'IBA PL IN SEVICE 29 Intagible Sl1,58 30 Prction (8,770)4,740 31 Trsmsson 2,659 32 Dislbution 10,035 33 Geer 6,22 34 Tota Plait in Serce 0 (8,770)0 0 0 35,2 35 AClE DEPN (2,20)11,22 36 ACCU PROVIN FOR AMORTITIN 37 Tota Ac Deaton &; Am 0 (2,920)0 0 0 11,22 38 GA ON SAL OF BUlING 39 WORKG CAP 40 DEF TA 997 (7,630) 41 TORA'I BAE SO ($4,853)SO SO SO S16,402 42 RAOFRE Eidibit No. 12 Cas No. AVl.1G-1 and AV\1G-1 E. Andre, Avista Schedle 1, p. 11 of 13 AVITA umBUC RETS OF OPEN IDAH RETA1E REULTS lWVEMONl ENED DEC 31, 2009 (OOO'S OF DOlL) ProForm ProForm ProForm ProFor NoXO Ge JiformtlD Emplo Iiaice DESCRON iflO & ifll Se Bmef a PF8 PF9 PF10 ULLRE 1 Tota Geer Buiness 2 Inleta Sales 3 Sales for Rese 4 Total Saes ofEleccily 0 0 0 0 0 5 Oter Reue 6 Tot Elecc Revue 0 0 0 0 0 EXENSE Pretiim and Tiiim 7 Opg Eipase 141 2 (204) 8 Puhas Pow 9 Depatiim and Amorzatiim 330 10 Taxes :u 60 11 Tot Prctim & Trasmim 558 201 2 (20)0 Distbutiim 12 Opti8 Expaes 10 (146) 13 Depialim 451 14 Taxes 1.7 (3)(18)5 (I) 15 Tota Dibutiim 658 (3)(8)(141)(1) 16 Cutomer Acting (14)(58) 17 Cutoer Serce & Infomion (4) 18 Sales Eipase (4) Adis & Geer 19 Opg Exense 1,29 94 73 1.Depalim 1,101 21 Taxes 141:i Tota Ad. & Geer 1,22 0 1,29 94 73 23 Tota Elecc Expaes 2,458 198 1,279 (317)72 24 OPEG INCOME BEORE Fl (2,458)(198)(1,279)317 (72) FEER INCOME TA 25 Cut Acal (860)(69)(448)11 (25) 26 Defer Inco Taxes 27 Amorze IT . Noxim (32) 28 NE OPEG INCOME (S1,598)(S97)(S831)S20 ($47) RA'IBA PIIN SERVICE 29 Intagible S3,951 30 Pretiim 8,52 4,744 31 Trsmssim 6,688 32 Distbution 16,135 33 Geer 5,473 34 Tota Plant in Serce 40,789 4,744 0 0 0 35 ACCU1E DEPON 29,28 100 36 AC PROVIION FOR AMORllTION 37 Tot Ac Deiaion & Amor 29,28 100 0 0 0 38 GA ON SAL OF BUlING 39 WO:RGCAPAL 40 DEF TAX (3,211)(282) 41 lORA'IBASE $8,310 $4,362 SO SO SO 42 RA OF RE Eidibit No. 12 cae No. AYU-1Q-1 and AVU-G1Q-1 E. Anre, Avista Schedule 1, p. 12 of 13 AVI um EUC REULTS OF OPEON IDAH REATE REULTS 'lVE MONl ENED DBC 31, 2009 (000'8 OF DOl.) PreForCla ForpoJie DESCRTION RelPM& .PFiiRE 1 Tota Geci Buses 522,493 2 JnterClta Sales 205 3 Sales for Rese 19,706 4 Tota Sales of Eleccity °2A9.04 5 Oter Ree 5,866 6 Tota Elecc Reue °255,270 EXSEPrducton and 1hon 7 Operg Expcse 51,089 85,922 8 Puas Powe 52,812 9 Deation and Amoron 14,578 10 Taxes 5,569 11 Total Pructon & Ttsson 1,089 158.881 Distbution 12 Operg Expense 8,627 13 Depiaton 10,538 14 Taxes $ (15)2,385 15 Total Disbution (15)21,550 16 Cuomer Acouting 4,287 17 Cuomer Serce & Jnfonion 1,304 18 Sales Expcscs 2A3 Adistiv & Geci 19 Opg Expen 22,849 20 Deiation 6,553 21 Taxes 145 22 Tota Ad. & Geci °29,57 23 Total Elecc Expcscs 1,074 215,812 2A OPETIG lNCOME BEORE FI (1,074)39,458 FEERlNCOME TA 25 Cut Acal 5 (376)(6,338) 26 Deer Jncoe Taes 14,327 27 Amorze Il - Noxon (63) 28 NE OPEG lNCOME ($98)$31,532 RAlEBA PLlN SEVICE 29 Jnlagible 547,303 30 Prction 381,691 31 Thsmsson 172,400 32 Distbution 409,56 33 Geci 70,517 34 Tota Plant in Serce °1,081,457 35 ACCU DEPlIN 373,032 36 ACCU PROVIION FOR AMORTITION 5,220 37 Tot Ai Deiaton & Amot.°378,252 38 GA ON SAL OF BUlNG (168) 39 WORKG CAPAL 9,863 40 DEF TAX (104,938) ° 41 lOTALRAlE BAS $0 $607,962 42 RAlE OF RE 5.19% Eicibit No. 12 Case No. AVU-E.1~1 and AVU-G1~1 E. Anre, Avista Schedule 1, p. 13 of 13 A VISTA UT GA REULTS OF OPERTION IDAHO PRO FORM REULTS TWVE MONT ENED DECER 31, 200 (OO'S OF DOLL) ProFor DESCON Tota a c dRE 1 Tot Gener Busess $83,09 $ (12,797)$70,299 $2,575 $72,874 2 Tota Traon 491 (95)396 396 3 0l Reue 38,263 (38,128)135 135 4 Tot Ga Reue 121,850 (51,020)70,830 2,575 73,405 EXENSES Exloron an DcopenPreion 6 Ci Ga Puas 86,275 (42,945)43,330 43,330 7 Pu Ga Ex 401 8 40 409 8 Net Nat Ga Storae Tia 3,614 (3,614)0 9 Tota Prueion 90,290 (46,551)43,739 0 43,739 Undewi Stora 10 Op Exse 17 45 218 218 II Deati 169 (6)163 163 12 Tax 59 5 64 64 13 Tot Undwi Sto 401 44 445 0 445 Dibuton 14 Op Ex 3,726 41 3,767 3,767 15 Deaton 3,328 129 3,457 3,457 16 Taxes 2.329 (1,447)882 37 919 17 Tot Distbuton 9,383 (1,277 8,106 37 8,143 18 Cume Acun 2,40 (22)2,147 12 2,159 19 Cu Sece It Inoion 2,36 (1,994)242 242 20 Sales Expe 195 (5)190 190 Advc It Ge 21 Op Ex 4,737 34 5,083 4 5,087 22 Deaton 957 356 1,313 1,313 23 Taxes 9 34 43 43 24 Tota Ad. It Ge 5,703 736 6,439 4 6,443 25 Tot Ga Ex 110,617 (49.309)61,308 53 61,361 26 OPERTIG INCOME BEFRE AT 11,233 (1,71 I)9,522 2,522 12,04 FEER INCOME TAX 27 Cut Ac 1,561 (555)1,006 883 1,889 28 DeemAT 1,516 (8)1,508 1,508 29 AmorlT (19)0 (19)(19) 0 30 NET OPERTIG INCOME 8,175 ($1,148)7,027 $1,639 $8,66 RATE BASE: PLA IN SERVICE 31 Undeimd Stge 9,364 (352)9,012 9,012 32 Disiiibuon Plant 143,028 2,952 145,980 145,980 33 Geer Plat 13,432 3,484 16,916 16,916 34 Tota Plan in Serce 165,824 6,084 171,908 0 171,908 ACCTE DEPRETION 35 Unded Stoe 3,354 168 3,522 3,522 36 Di1ion Plan 46,085 4,263 50,348 50,348 37 Geer Plan 3,996 1,66 5,656 5,656 38 Tota Ac Deon 53,435 6,091 59,526 0 59,526 39 DEF AT 0 (20.27)(20,027)(20.27) 40 GAS INRY 0 7,377 7,377 7,377 41 WORKG CAITAL 0 1,692 1,692 1,692 42 GA ON SAL OF BUILDING 0 (5S)(5S)(5S) 43 TOAL RATE BASE 112,389 ($11,020)101,369 $0 101,369 44 RATE OF RE 7.27%6.93%8.55% Exibit No. 12 Case No. AVU.E.1o-1 and AVU-G.10-o1E. Andre, Avlst Scedul 2, p. 1 of 9 A VISTA UTITS Calculation of Genera Revenue Requireent Idaho-Gas TWLVE MONTS ENDED DECEMBER 31,2009 (000'5 OF DOLLAR) Exhibit No. 12 Case No. AVU-E-10-Q1 and AVU-G-10-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 2, p. 2 of 9 A VITA UTIT Calculation of Geera Revenue Requirement Idaho- Gas Pro Forma Cost of Capital (OOO's OF DOLLAR) I Pro Form Cos of Capital I Idaho Capital Weighted Exeludes STD Component Stnc:re Cost Cost Long-Ter Debt 50.00%6.200%3.10%ID Wtd Debt 3.10% PrTrust 0.00%0.000%0.00% PrefStock 0.00% Common 50.00%10.90%5.45% Tota 100.00%8.55% Exhibit No. 12 Case No. AVU-E-10-o1 and AVU-G-10-o1 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 2, p. 3 of 9 A VITA UTITIES CALCULATION OF CONVRSION FACTOR: IDAHO GAS TWELVE MONT ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 Revenues 1.000000 Expene: Uncollectibles (1)0.0098 Commsion Fees (2)0.001662 Idao Income Tax (3)0.014203 Tota Expense 0.020363 Net Operatig Income Before FIT 0.979637 Federal Inc 35.00%0.342873 REVE CONVION FACTOR 0.636764 Exhibit No. 12 Case No. AVU-E-10-o1 and AVU-G-10-o1 E. Andrew, Avista Schedule 2, p. 4 of 9 Per Deferr Defer Gain Weatrlon Line Ru FI onOft Ga iuDSM Cuer No.DESCPTON a-rt RiBue BuI-InVM Invent Advaes AVISTA UTES GAS REULTS OF OPERTION IDAHO RETATE REULTS TW VB MONTHS ENDED DECEMER 3 1,2009 (OOS OF DOll) aRE I Total Genl Busines 2 Tota Trarttion 3 Ot Re 4 Tota Gas Reven EXENSES S Exloration an DelopmPrtin 6 City Gate Puha 7 Puha Gas Exe 8 Net Nat Ga Storage Tra 9 Total Proucon Uiiun Storage 10 Opti Ex 11 Dereiation 12 Taxes 13 Tota Uiiun StraDition 14 Optig Expees IS Dereiation 16 Taxes 17 Total Distribution 18 Custo Acunti 19 Cume Sece & Inormtin 20 Sales ExAdmtrti & Gel 21 Opti Ex 22 Deian 23 Tax 24 Total Adm & Ge 2S Total Ga Ex 26 OPERTIG INCOME BEFRE FI FEER INCOME TAX 27 Cut Acc 28 Defe FIT 29 AmrtlT 30 NET OPERTIG INCOME RATE BASE: PLA IN SERVICE 31 Und Storage 32 Ditribution Plan 33 Ge Pla 34 Tota Plat in Se ACCUMTE DEPREIA nON 3S Unun Storage 36 Ditn'btion Plat 37 Genl Plat 38 Total Acc Deiation 39 DEF FI 40 GAS INENORY 41 WORKG CAPITAL 42 GAIN ON SALE OF BUIlDING 43 TOTAL RATE BASE 44 RATE OF RE b d f Iee $83,096 491 38,263 121,8S0 0 0 0 0 0 0 86,27S 401 3,614 90,290 0 0 0 0 0 173 169 S9 401 0 0 0 0 0 3,726 3,328 2,329 9,383 0 0 0 0 0 2,40 0 0 0 0 2,236 19S 4,737 9S7 9 S,703 0 0 0 0 0 110,617 0 0 0 0 0 11,23 0 0 0 0 0 I,S61 I,SI6 (19) $8,17S SO SO SO SO SO 9.364 143,028 IS2 (74) 13,432 (74)16S,824 0 0 0 IS2 3,354 46,08S 3,99 S3,43S 0 0 0 0 0 0 (17,318)19 0 3,626 0 0 (SS) $112.389 ($17,318)($36)$3,626 $IS2 ($74) Exhibit No. 12 Case No. AVU.E-10.Q1 and AVU-G.1Q-01 E. Andre, Avista Scule 2, p. 5 of 9 A VISTA UTUTIES. GAS REULTS OF OPERTION IDAHO REATE REULTS TWVE MONnlS ENED DECEMER 3 I, 200 (OOS OF DOll Revenu EUmlii Reatry lojures Line Subttal NonnaloD 8&0 Prpert Uøcble Ea-iu No.DESPTON Actual Tues Tu E_AdlusDt Ib.. a b k m REUE I Total Ge Buins 583,09 $ (11,260)$ (1.537) 2 Tota Trarttin 491 (87)(8) 3 Ot Rev 38,263 (38,128) 4 Total Gas Rcveies 121,850 (49,475)(1,545)0 0 0 0 EXENSES 5 Exloration an Deelop 0 Protin 6 City Gate Puhaes 86,275 (42,945) 7 Puhaed Gas Ex 401 8 Net Nat Ga Stge Tra 3,614 (3,614) 9 Tota Pron 90,290 (46,559)0 0 0 0 0 Undun Stoge 10 Opti Ex 173 11 Deiation 169 12 Taxes 59 7 13 Tota Unun Stra 401 0 0 7 0 0 0 Distrbution 14 Opti Ex 3,726 15 Deiati 3,328 16 Taxes 2,329 (12)(l,s4S)91 3 17 Tota Ditribution 9,383 (12)(1,545)91 3 0 18 Cutome ACÇtÎg 2,40 (51)0 (189)0 19 Cutome Se & Inormtion 2,236 (1,994) 20 Saes Ex 195Adtrtive" Gcn 21 Opti Ex 4,737 (18)(15)(60) 22 Deiatin 957 23 Taxes 9 i 24 Total Adm " Gel 5,703 (18)0 i 0 (is)(60) 25 Total Ga Expe 110,617 (48,634)(I,54S)99 (186)(IS)(59) 26 OPERTIG INCOME BEFRE FI 11,233 (841)0 (99)186 IS 59 FEER INCOME TAX 27 Currt Accrul 1,561 (294)(35)65 5 21 28 Deer FI 1,516 29 AmitlTC (19) 30 NET OPERTIG INCOME 58,175 ($547)$0 ($6)$121 $10 $38 RATE BASE: PLA IN SERVICE 31 Und Storage 9,364 32 Ditribution Pla 143,106 33 Ge Plat 13,432 34 Total Plat in Seicc 165,902 0 0 0 0 0 0 ACCUMTE DEPIATION 35 Und Storage 3,354 36 Ditribuon Pla 46,085 37 Genl Plat 3,996 38 Tota Accum Deiaon 53,435 0 0 0 0 0 0 39 DEF FIT (17,299) 40 GAS INRY 3,626 41 WORKG CAPITAL 0 42 GAI ON SALE OF BUILDING (55) 43 TOTAL RATE BASE $98,739 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 44 RATE OF RE 8.28% Exibit No. 12 case No. AVU.E.10.01 and AVU-G1Q-01 E. Anrew, Avista Schedule 2, p. 6 of 9 A VISTA UT GAS RESULTS OF OPERTION IDAHO REATE REULTS TWVE MONTHS ENED DECEMER 31,200 (OOS OF OOUA) EUiu Mi.O&M Workl Re Line AI Reng SaYlii CapIta Debt Re No.DESCPTON FIT Ex_Mis Int Tot aRE 1 Tota Ge Busss 2 Tota Trartn 3 Oth Reenue 4 Total Ga Reue EXENSES 5 Exloration and DelopmePrction 6 City Gate Puhaes 7 Puicba Gas Expee 8 Net Nat Gas Storage Tra 9 Total Prtion Undrg Storage 10 Optig Ex II Deiation 12 Tax 13 Tota Undun Storage Ditrtion 14 Op Exes 15 Deiation 16 Tax 17 Total Distributon 18 Cutome Accuntig 19 Cutome Sece & Inonntin 20 Sales ExpeAdtrtive & Ge 21 Opti Ex 22 Deiation 23 Taxes 24 Tota Ad & Gel 25 Total Gas Ex 26 OPERTING INCOME BEFRE FIT FEERL INCOME TAX 27 Ci Acrul 28 Dceim 29 AmrtlTC 30 NET OPERTIG INCOME RATE BASE: PLAT IN SERVICE 31 Undun Storage 32 Ditrbution Plat 33 Ge Plat 34 Tota Plat in Servce ACCTE DEPREIA nON 35 Undun Storage 36 Ditrn Plat 37 Ge Plat 38 Tota Accum Deiation 39 DEF FIT 40 GAS INRY 41 WORKG CAPITAL 42 GAI ON SA OF BUIlDING 43 TOTAL RATE BASE 44 RATE OF RE n 0 p q r $70,299 396 135 0 0 0 0 0 0 70,830 0 43,330 401 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 43,731 173 169 66 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 3,726 3,328 867 0 0 0 0 0 0 7,921 (27)2,142 (i)241 (5)190 (13)19 4,650 957 10 0 0 (13)19 0 0 5,617 0 (27)(19)19 0 0 60,250 0 27 19 (19)0 0 10,580 9 7 (7)44 1,376 (8)1,508 (19) $8 $18 $12 ($12)$0 ($4)$7,715 9,364 143.106 13,432 0 0 0 0 0 0 165,90 3,354 46,085 3,99 0 0 0 0 0 0 53,435 (17,299) 3,626 1,692 1,692 (55) $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,692 $0 $100:31 7.68% Exibit No. 12 Case No. AVU.E-1Q-1 and AVU.G-1Q-1 E. Andrews, Avlsta Schedule 2, p. 7 of 9 PrForma ProForma PrForma ProForma PrForma PrForma Line Labr Lar Employ liiiu IDformatoD Ci Ad No.DESCRIPTON No..Exec Exec Befits Servce 100 A VISTA lIUnES GAS REULTS OF OPER nON IDAHO REATE REULTS TWVE MONTS ENED DECEMER 3 I, 200 (OO'S OF DOll) aRE I Tota Gci Busin 2 Total Traporttin 3 Ot Revenues 4 Total Gas Reenes EXENSES S Exploran an DeloptPrtion 6 City Gate Puli 7 Puha Gas Expe 8 Net Nat Gas Storage Tra 9 Total Protion Unun Storage 10 Optig Ex 11 Deiatin 12 Taxes 13 Tota Undeun StorageDibutin 14 Optig Exnses iS Deiatin 16 Taxes 17 Tota Dilnbution 18 Cutomer Accunti 19 Custome Se & Informtin 20 Sales Expe Adtrtie & Genl 21 Opti Ex 22 Dereiation 23 Tax 24 Total Ad & Genl 2S Total Gas Ex 26 OPERTING INCOME BEFRE FI FEER INCOME TAX 27 Cut Accni 28 Defe FIT 29 AmITC 30 NET OPERTIG INCOME RATE BASE: PLA IN SERVICE 31 Underun Storage 32 Distrtion Plat 33 Geral Plat 34 Tota Pla in Sece ACCUMTE DEPREIA nON 3S Undun Storage 36 Di1ition Plat 37 Gci Plat 38 Tota Acc. Deiation 39 DEF FIT 40 GAS INVEORY 41 WORKG CAPITAL 42 GAI ON SA OF BUlING 43 TOTAL RATE BASE 44 RATE OF RE PFI PFl PF3 PF4 PFS PF6 o o o o o o 10 (2) 10 0 (2)0 0 0 (3) 0 0 0 0 0 (3) 11 (72)86 (3 I $ (4)(3) 110 0 (71)0 (4)83 41 (33)$(3) 3 (2) 3 (3) 48 21 29 18 $317 99 48 21 29 18 317 99 21S 21 (82)18 310 179 (2 IS) (21)82 (18)(310)(179) (7S)(7)29 (6)$ (109)(63) ($140)($14)$S3 ($12)($201)($116) $ (18S) 926 1,280 0 0 0 0 0 2,021 (2) 922 SOB 0 0 0 0 0 1,428 (1,218) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 ($62S) Exibit No. 12 case No. AVU.E.1Q.1 and AVU-G.1Q.1 E. Andre, Avlsta Schedule 2, p. 8 of 9 PrF_a ProF_a Line Captal Add 2011 JP PrForma No.DESRIPTON 2010 Stono Total AVISTA unUTIFS GAS RETS OF OPERTION IDAHO RETATED RETS TWVE MONTIS ENDED DECEMER 3 1.200 (OOS OF DOll) aRE I Total Gel Buins 2 Total Traporttion 3 Ot Reenues 4 Total Gas Revenues EXENSFS 5 Exploration an DeelopPrctin 6 City Gate Puha 7 Puha Gas Exe 8 Net Nat Ga Stra Tra 9 Tota PrtionUndgr Stora 10 Opti Ex 11 Detion 12 Taxes 13 Total Undun Storage Ditrbution 14 Op Expe 15 Detion 16 Tax 17 Total Ditron 18 Custome Accunti 19 Custome Sece & inimtion 20 Sale Ex Admti & Gel 21 Opti Expe 22 Deiatin 23 Taxes 24 Tota Adm & Gener 25 Total Gas Ex 26 OPERTIG INCOME BEFRE m FEER INCOME TAX 27 Cut Accnil 28 Defem 29 AmrtITC 30 NE OPERTIG INCOME RATE BASE: Pu.T IN SERVICE 31 Undun Storage 32 Dittibution Pla 33 Gel Plat 34 Total Plat in Sece ACCUMTE DEPREIATION 35 Und Strage 36 DisttibutionPlat 37 Genl Plat 38 Total Accum Dereiation 39 DEFm 40 GAS INRY 41 WORKG CAPITAL 42 GAI ON SA OF BUIlDING 43 TOTAL RATE BASE 44 RATE OF RE PF7 pn $70,299 396 135 0 0 70.830 0 43,330 40 0 0 0 43.739 45 218 3 (6)163 2 (4)64 5 35 445 3.767 43 3.457 24 882 67 0 8.106 2.147 242 190 5.083 257 1.313 33 43 290 0 6.439 362 35 61,308 (362)(35)9.522 (127 (12)1.00 1,50 (19) ($235)($23)$7.027 $107 $ (274)9,012 1,948 145.980 2,204 16,916 4,259 (274)171.908 168 2 3,522 3.341 50,348 1.152 5.656 4.661 2 59,56 (1.484)(26)(20,027) 3.751 7,377 1.692 (55) ($1.886)$3.449 $101.69 6.93% Exibit No. 12 Case No. AVU-E-10-o1 and AVU.G.1Q-01 E. Andre. Avist Scheule 2, p. 9 of 9