HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090617Answer.pdf~cr.......\\1~ rit" r, t: "'""' , \0' is Anll¡¡.IS....æ infl JUi\ \1 M" . I'll' _ ~ ... \ot\f\O ' U1'\\.í\ES C June 17, 2009 Jean Jewell, Commssion Secreta State of Idao Idaho Public Utilities Commssion Statehouse Boise, ID 83720 Re: Response of A vista Corpration in A VU-E-09-05 Dea Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for filg ar an original and seven (7) copies of A vista's response regardig "Formal Complaint of Mr. Herbert Pawlik Against Avista Utilites." If you have any questions regardig ths filing, please feel free to contact me at (509) 495-4975. Sincerely,'~~ Manager, Regulatory Policy State and Federa Regulation A vista Utities 509-495-4975 linda. gervais (g avistacorp.com cc: Marlyn Parker - PUC Sta Mr. Herbert Pawlik RECEIVED David Meyer Vice President, Chief Counsel, Regulatory and Governental Affairs A vista Corporation 1411 East Mission Ave. Spokane, W A 99202 Phone: (509) 495-4316 Fax: (509) 495-8851 david.meyer~avistacorp.com meg JUN I 7 AHIO: 25 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILlT1ES COMMISSION BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION HERBERT PAWLIK, Complainant, ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. A VU-E-09-05 vs. AVISTA UTILITIES, Respondent. RESPONSE OF A VISTA CORPORATION A vista Corporation ("Avista" or "Company") hereby submits its response to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's ("Commission") Summons dated May 27, 2009 regarding the "Formal Complaint ofMr. Herbert Pawlik ("the Customer or Pawliks") Against Avista Utilities." The Company appreciates the opportnity to respond to the complaint filed by the Customer. I. Introduction The Customer, in his letter to the Commission dated Februar 19, 2009, accused the Company of practicing "unethical and perhaps criminal procedures" related to its rebiling after Avista discovered that its metering equipment serving them failed to operate correctly for a period of five months. Mr. Pawliks complaint is based on a number of alleged practices which A VISTA CORPORA nON RESPONSE IN AVU-E-09-05 Page 1 he sumarzes in a subsequent letter to Mr. Dennis Vermilion, President of Avista Utilities, on May 3, 2009: .He asserts that A vista neglected to replace a broken power meter on his property for five (5) months. Consequently, Avista 'estimated' his power consumption over six biling cycles, from August 8, 2008 through January 19,2009. After replacing the faulty meter, Avista allegedly ''under-estimated'' his power consumption during those six biling cycles by 12,300 kWh, or $1,466.51. He argues that there was no reasonable explanation for his increase in power consumption. He claims that a closer look at the related bils revealed numerous inconsistencies. (for example, Avista had not distrbuted the ''under-estimated'' charges respectively over all six estimated biling cycles, but had lumped the overage only into the last three biling cycles during which higher utility rates were in place; this by and in itself resulted in an overcharge of$34,45.) He asserts that A vista subsequently conceded to have made a mistake in calculating his consumption for those three months and reduced his demand by 2670 kWh and later offered a $200 credit. . . . . II. History of the Dispute On December 12,2008, a billng representative received a warning regarding the Pawliks account through the Company's Meter Read Exception Report; the warning indicated the meter had been estimated for 3 months. When an account comes across the "meter read exception desk" as a "no read," it is typically due to an access issue. If the estimated read is for the first month and the meter reader has commented on the reason for the estimate, the biling representative wil estimate the use according to the usage history and the time of year. The biling representatives review these accounts on their "meter read exceptions report" when they show a warng or an error message. A VIST A CORPORATION RESPONSE IN A VU-E-09-05 Page 2 An internal tracker was created for the electric meter (# 12093810) in question, which was removed from the Customer's premises and sent to a billng specialist for investigation. After preliminary troubleshooting, a field visit was made to help determine the problem. It was also noted. that several customer's meters in the immediate area had stopped sending in reads during the same timeframe. The field request for the Pawliks account was completed on January 19, 2009. Meter #12093810 tested in Spokane Meter Shop at 99.79% accuracy. This is within acceptable limits of 2% variance. At the time of the field visit, the field personnel conversed with Herbert Pawlik, and he was informed by the Company that the meter was stil registering usage; however, the usage had not been communicated through the normal TW ACS™1 process and he would be receiving adjusted bilings based on their usage. Mr. Pawlik informed the field personnel he was not surprised at the increased usage as they keep the furnace running fairly high because his wife needs their house to be war. The meter was replaced and data was searched successfully on the Phase A of feeder BLU321 from the Blue Creek Substation. Subsequently, several other customers in the area also had their meters changed out. While researching the root cause of the missed reads with respect to multiple meters in the immediate area, it was discovered that a flawed query had not identified these paricular meters as "No Reads." As a result, additional documentation and rigor has been built into i TW ACS ™ - Two-Way Automated Communication System - The AMR system A vista installed in lower electrc meter density areas of our service territory. The system uses power-line-carer technology to communicate with the meter. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE IN A VU-E-09-05 Page 3 routines, including daily, weekly, and monthly tasks. This is an evolving process, which is reviewed periodically and revised as needed. Attached as Exhibit B, is the written correspondence to the Pawliks from the Company providing an explanation of the back biling. It was decided that it would be beneficial to the customer to use the actual reading taken on Februar 10,2009 after the meter change, and base the adjustment usage on this reading date using the degree days during a warmer biling period, and to recalculate the bils for November, December and Januar. This amounted to a savings to the customer of$213.74. 011 February 19, 2009 the Customer's Herbert Pawlik and Rachel Jennings fied an informal complaint with the Commission. The Commission Staff investigated the complaint and determined that A vista had complied with the Commission's UCRR (Rule 204.02) regarding the rebiling of the Pawliks per their Decision Memorandum dated May 21, 2009. The Pawliks were not satisfied with the outcome of their informal complaint and consequently they requested that their complaint be handled as a formal complaint. III. Efforts to Resolve In efforts to resolve this complaint, the Company continued to try to work with the Customer, only to be told that they would only communicate though written correspondence; this made resolution paricularly difficult when dealing with multiple issues. Nevertheless, the Company adjusted the Pawliks bil based on warmer temperatures, instead of using colder temperatues, which resulted in a $213.74 reduction to their bil and also provided an additional $200.00 for a total credit of $413.74. The Company tested the new Meter (#12151537), and A VIST A CORPORATION RESPONSE IN A VU-E-09-05 Page 4 those results showed it to be 99.96% accurate. Also, Avista offered to stretch out a payment arrangement in the amount of the current bil plus $115 a month for 12 months instead of the allowed 5 months. iv. Proposed Outcome The Company has provided the Pawliks an option to pay their remaining account balance of $676.72 (as of June 16.2009), over a 12 month period2 and wil honor that arrangement. Also, A vista would propose to send an Energy Efficiency Engineer to provide an on-site weatherization audit on the Pawliks home at their convenience, to do an analysis 011 their home and equipment and to offer any suggestions and/or rebates the Company has available through its demand side management programs. In conclusion, the Company appreciates the opportnity to respond to this complaint and wil continue to work with the Pawliks to resolve this issue. The Company respectfully requests that the Commission deem Avista's efforts to resolve this dispute to be sufficient and otherwise dismiss this complaint. Respectfully submitted this 17 day of June 2009. AVISTA CORPORATION .- 2 The Commission's Utility Customer Relations Rules "UCRR" "Rule 204.04" require the Company allow the customer the same lengt of time to repay a rebiled amount as the length of time for which the under biling had accrued. In ths case, that should have been five months. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE IN A VU-E-09-05 Page 5 RECErVED 2Dt1 JUN '7 AM 10: 27 IDAHO P If;UTILITIES COISSION Exhibit A 06/16/2009 10: 18 7981439 AVISTA UTILIES PAGE 04/04 January 21 i 2009 Rachel S Jennings S 10276 Caribou Ridge Rd Harríson, ID 83833 Re: Account Number 330078385 Dear Mrs. Jennings: For the last 3 months we under estimated the electric meter at S 10276 Caribou Ridge Rd. Unfortunately, the billngs for service from October 9, 2008 through January 12, 2009 were incorrect. We changed the meter on January 19, 2009 the removal read was 1:-85839. The billng has been corrected. The Twacs meter was not sending the kilowatt hour readings electronically, thus the electric use had been estimated. The corrected bil showing the amounts cancelled and re-billed is enclosed. We are sorry for any inconvenience or budget difficulties this may have caused. Avista Customer Service Representatives are available to assist you Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pacìfic Time at (800) 227-9187. Or you can visit us at our Web site: ww.avistautilties.comif you have questions or if a payment plan is needed. Sincerely, Mary Your Avista Customer Service Team Enclosure ~ RightFax 6/15/2009 4: 59: 26 PM PAGE 5/026 Fax Server ~t? February 16, 2009 A''i~, "":, Rachel and Herbert Pawlik 10276 South Caiibou Ridge Rd. Harrison, ID. 83833 -, ."j.i-'. :. ',~ ;~~~- , , :ll: 'd~ fi?1 ri,\i J1:'cil. ~ 'i:: ACCT: 330078385 Dear Mr. or Mrs. Pawlik ,"1i o1?1 3) c , 'l i.g, r:9 , -I~ij . -"II" The meter at the above address stopped transmitting a reading to our electronic equipment 9/10/08. At that time your meter was estiated, and was estimated with the 10/9/08 reading, the 1117108 reading, 12/10/08 reading, and the 1112109 read. The billng you received for these months did indicate the reading was estimated. A repair order was generated 12130108 to have your meter checked. The meter was checked 1/19/09, and found to have stopped. The meter was replaced 1/19109. A vista back biled you for usage from November 7th reading, December ioth, Januar 12th. This usage is based on your past usage history with Avista, the number of days in the biling period, and Degree Days. ( measurement of the outside temperature, the higher the degree days the lower the temperature.) A vista does have an actual reading for your 2/1 0/09 meter reading. I have spoken to, our biling department and had them base your previous estimates on the actual usage on the meter from 1119/09 when we put in the new meter to the read date of 2/10/09. Avista feels you should have biled 1300 kwh less for the 1112/09 reading, 840 kwh from the 12110/08 reading, and 530 kwh from the 1117/08 reading. This is a total savings of 2670 Kw based on your actual reading from 2110109. This converts to approx $ i 80.00 savings for you. You wil be receiving an adjusted biling in a few days. Avista realizes it may be diffcult to pay this. We are more than wiling to make payment arrangements with you. Please call our offce at 800 227 9187, and we can spread your payments over the next 4 months. A vista does not charge interest on any back billng. Thank you, Janet Hadley Team Leader A vista Utilities tr2tDîî';~.2:::î~~::!.':¡Ž~'1J'~n:~I~2::":+:;~~:;¥--~~Y c,~.;;;;:s~T_.. . -.:. :~~-:..=."'+':~ vo.=s.. ."=.::-~. ~~. .,'