HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090506Application.pdfA vista Corp. 1411 East Mission P.O. Box 3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 RFrr:i..,.... ''-;'''':... i ~~~'V'STA. Corp. Z009 ~1A y -6 M'f 9: 47 May 5, 2009 Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission Statehouse Mail 472 W. Washington Street Boise, il 83720-0074 RE: Case No. A VU-E-09-04 Petition of Avista Corporation for an Order Determining Ownership ofRECS and Stay of any Requirement to Award RECS to a PUR A Developer Dear Ms. Jewell: Please find enclosed for filing with the Commission an original and seven (7) copies of A vista Corporation's Petition for an order determining ownership ofRECS, as well as stay of any requirement to award RECS to a PURA developer. In addition, ten (10) copies of the direct testimony of Clint G. Kalich are being filed in support of this petition, with his workpapers included on the CD that accompanied this filing. Due to their electronic nature, these workpapers are being filed in electronic format only. Please direct any questions pertaining to the transmittal ofthis filing to Patrck Ehrbar at 509.495.8620. Sincerely ?' ~~ i. Kelly Norwood Vice President, State & Federal Regulation Enclosures cc: Service List CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this 5th day of May 2009, tre and correct copies of the foregoing (A VU-E-09-04) were delivered to the following persons via overnight delivery (for the Commission) and U.S. Mail for all other participants: Jean Jewell, Secretar Idaho Public Commission 472 W. Washington St. Boise, il 83702 Scott Woodbury Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington St. Boise, il 83702 Glenn Ikemoto Idaho Windfars, LLC 672 Blair Avenue Piedmont, CA 94611 Dean J. Miler, Esq. McDevitt & Miler, LLP POBox 2564 Boise, il 83701 Peter Richardson Richardson & O'Leary 515 N. 27th St. Boise, il 83702 John R. Hammond Jr., Esq. Fisher Pusch & Alderman US Bank Plaza, 5th Floor 101 South Capital Boulevard P.O. Box 1308 Boise, il 83701 Dean Brockban Daniel Solander Mark Moench Rocky Mountain Power One Utah Center 201 S. Main Street, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Barton L. Kline Lisa Nordstrom Idaho Power Company 1221 W. Idaho Street Boise, il 83707-0070 Patrck Ehrbar Senior Regulatory Analyst A vista Corporation 1411 East Mission Ave. Spokane, W A 99202 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE DAVID J. MEYER VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF COUNSEL FOR REGULATORY AN GOVERNENTAL AFFAIS AVISTA CORPORATION 1411 EAST MISSION A VB. SPOKAE, WA 99202 PHONE: (509) 495-4316 FAX: (509) 495-8851 RECEI ZnU9HAY -6 AM 9= 47 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF A PETITION FILED BY AVISTA CORPORATION FOR AN ORDER DETERMINING THE OWNRSHIP OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL ATTRIBUTES ("RECS") ASSOCIATED WITH A QUALIFYING FACILITY UPON PURCHASE BY A UTILITY OF THE ENERGY PRODUCED BY A QUALIFYIG FACILITY ) ) CASE NO. A VU-E-09-04 ) ) ) PETITION FOR AN ORDER ) DETERMING OWNRSHIP OF ) RECSANSTAYOFAN ) REQUIRMENT TO AWAR RECS ) TO A PUR A DEVELOPER Pursuant to IPUC Rule of Procedure 101, Avista Corporation ("Avista") hereby petitions the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("IPUC") to issue an order determining the ownership of the marketable environmental attributes ("Renewable Energy Credits" or "RECs") associated with wholesale sales of energy by a Qualifying Facility ("QF") under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 ("PUR A") to a utility within the State of Idaho ("Petition to Determine Ownership of RECs"). Pursuant to IPUC Rule of Procedure 53, Avista further petitions for a stay of any requirement to award RECs to any PUR A developer that has tendered or may tender a PURA project to Avista, until such time as Avista's Petition to Determine Ownership ofRECs is resolved. Avista's Petition to Determine Ownership ofRECs and request for stay are supported by the direct testimony of Clint Kalich, which A vista is filing with this petition. PETITION FOR AN ORDER DETERMING OWNRSHIP OF RECS - 1 BACKGROUND In response to a petition for declaratory order seeking an interpretation of section 210 of PUR A, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC") has determined that the ownership of environmental attributes (sometimes referred to as "RECs") is not controlled by PURA. American Ref-Fuel Co., et al., 105 FERC ir 61,004, P 23 (2003), order on reh 'g, 107 FERC 61,016, P 12 (2004). FERC fuher held that "States, in creating RECs, have the power to determine who owns the REC in the initial instance, and how they may be sold or traded(.)" ¡d. Accordingly, the IPUC has the authority to determine the ownership of environmental attrbutes associated with a wholesale sale of energy by a QF to a utility under PUR A. In 2004, Idaho Power Company filed a petition for declaratory order from the IPUC "determining ownership of the marketable environmental attributes associated with a PUR A Qualifyng Facility when the (utilityJ enters into a long-term, fixed rate contract for the purchase of the energy produced by that QF." Idaho Power Company's Petition for A Declaratory Order filed Februar 5, 2004 in Case No. IPC-E-04-02. The IPUC denied Idaho Power Company's petition for a declaratory order because, at that time, the IPUC found that the predicates necessary for a declaratory ruling were not present and, therefore "the issue presented by Idaho Power in its Petition d(idJ not present an actual or justiciable controversy in Idaho and (wasJ not ripe for a declaratory judgment by this Commission." IPUC Order No. 29480 at 16 (issued April 27,2004). As explained in the accompanying testimony of Mr. Kalich, circumstances have substantially changed since Idaho Power Company's request that the IPUC address the ownership ofRECs. Specifically: 1) PUR A rates have increased substantially; 2) Interest in PUR A contracts has increased; PETITION FOR AN ORDER DETERMING OWNERSHIP OF RECS - 2 3) States have adopted renewable portfolio standards ("RPS"); 4) A robust market for RECs has emerged; and 5) The value ofRECs has increased dramatically. As a result of the increase in PUR A rates and other changes, the rates that Avista's customers are required to pay for energy from wind QF resources are substantially higher than the avoided costs associated with a similar project that is developed, owned, and operated by A vista or the contract price that Avista would expect to pay for renewable energy acquired though a competitive process. Transferrng the environmental attributes associated with a QF to the utility purchasing the energy produced by that QF would reduce this disparty. Accordingly, IPUC action is now necessary to ensure that "(t)he rates for (purchases of electric energy) from QFs (are) just and reasonable to the ratepayers of the utility, in the public interest, and (do) not discriminate against cogenerators or small power producers (and do) not exceed the incremental cost to the electric utility of alternative electric energy. . .." New PURPA Section 210(m) Regulations Applicable to Small Power Production and Cogeneration Facilities, 117 FERC ir 61,078, P 23 (2006) ("Order No. 688"), order on reh 'g, 119 FERC ir 61,305 (2007 ("Order No. 688-A"); Southwest Power Pool, Inc., 125 FERC ir 61,314, P 37 (2008). AVISTA'S INTEREST AND FACTS IN SUPPORT OF AVISTA'S PETITION FOR AN ORDER DETERMINING OWNERSHIP OF RECS AND REQUEST FOR STAY A vista is a utility engaged in, among other things, the business of generating, transmitting, and distributing electrc power to wholesale and retail customers in the State of Idaho and in the State of Washington. Some states have adopted requirements that utilities serve a percentage of their customers' load from renewable energy resources or purchase equivalent RECs. For example, the State of Washington has adopted renewable portfolio standards ("RPS") that require utilties, including Avista, to meet certain targets by 2012,2016 and 2020. See RCW PETITION FOR AN ORDER DETERMING OWNRSHIP OF RECS - 3 19.285.010 et. seq. Utilities can meet such targets either by using eligible renewable resources or by acquiring equivalent renewable energy credits. RCW 19.285.040. Over the next 10 years, the majority of resources Avista expects to acquire are renewable and conservation resources. Avista has already begun implementing this strategy. Specifically, in 2008, Avista acquired the development rights for a 50 MW wind project in its service terrtory near Reardan, Washington. A vista is also pursuing the rights to develop other renewable energy projects. The Northwest Power and Conservation Council estimates for wind generation project development, constrction and operation result in an avoided cost of $64 per MW when levelized over 20 years. These costs are similar to those used by A vista in its long-term planing documents. In contrast, the current avoided cost rate in the State of Idaho that A vista is required to pay for energy generated by PUR A wind projects is $84.30. i If the environmental attrbutes generated by a PUR A project are not transferred to the utility with the energy, the disparty between the costs is further increased. For the reasons stated herein, and in the accompanying testimony of Mr. Kalich, Avista submits that a there is a justiciable issue in the State of Idaho regarding the ownership of environmental attrbutes associated with PURA projects. Avista respectfully requests that the IPUC grant Avista's Petition to Determine Ownership ofRECs and issue an order declaring that, in the State of Idaho, ownership of the RECs associated with PURA projects wil be assigned to the utilities that purchase the energy from such projects. A vista further requests that such declaration apply to all PUR A contracts executed on or after the date of this petition. Avista is currently negotiating new PURA contracts for five proposed projects. If each of these contracts are executed at the present rates, and the RECs associated with such projects i The 2010 levelized rate is $90.64 which is reduced by 7% for wind integration. PETITION FOR AN ORDER DETERMINING OWNRSHIP OF RECS - 4 are not transferred to Avista with the sale of energy, Avista's customers wil overpay by approximately $310 milion over the expected 20-year lives of these contracts.2 Allowing PUR A developers to retain and market separately the environmental attributes associated with their projects may also negatively impact Avista's ability to acquire cost-effective renewable resources in a competitive acquisition process, as explained by Mr. Kalich. As a result, a stay of any requirement to award RECs to a developer that has tendered or that may tender a PUR A project to A vista until such time as a final order is issued that fully resolves the issues raised in Avista's Petition to Determine Ownership of RECs is necessar to protect Avista's customers from substantial overpayment for PURA resources. Avista respectfully requests that the IPUC grant expedited treatment of Avista's request for a stay given the existing interest expressed by PUR A developers in tendering proj ects to A vista. SERVICE AND COMMUNICATIONS The following persons should be included on the offcial service list in this proceeding, and should be served with all communications concerning this proceeding: David 1. Meyer Vice President and Chief Counsel of Regulatory and Governental Affairs A vista Corporation 1411 East Mission Ave.-MSC-13 Spokane, W A 99202 Phone: (509) 495-4316 Fax: (509) 495-8851 Steve Silkworth Manager, Power Supply A vista Corporation 1411 East Mission Ave.-MSC-7 Spokane, W A 99202 Phone: (509) 495-8093 Fax: (509) 777-5825 CONCLUSION WHEREFORE, based on the foregoing, A vista hereby respectfully requests that the IPUC grant Avista's Petition to Determine Ownership ofRECs and issue an order declaring that 2 Assuming each project generates 10 average megawatts of power. PETITION FOR AN ORDER DETERMINING OWNERSHIP OF RECS - 5 the ownership of environmental attributes associated with PUR A projects wil be assigned to the utilities that purchase the energy from such projects. Avista further requests that the IPUC grant Avista's request for expedited treatment of Avista's request for a stay and issue an order staying any requirement to award RECs to PUR A developers until a final order resolving the issues raised in Avista's Petition to Determine Ownership ofRECs is issued. A vista does not believe that an evidentiary hearng is necessary to consider the issues presented by this petition and requests that the matter be processed under modified procedure.r~:- Respectfully submitted this ç day of May 2009. id eyer Atto ey for A vista Corporation PETITION FOR AN ORDER DETERMINING OWNRSHIP OF RECS - 6