HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090507Comments.pdf¡/~/49 iI ø. ,1/2 ,/1J er' TO: can Commissioner Jim Kempton and anyone else whohelp. #l Avista Bills and rate raises,; r(!...f..~i I . ''it:!~.Ir...It is time that someone ste an~ ~nt a stop to al t e rate ikes tha nt to make. Allbecause they hadto time all eir CE~~ nd Board members a large raise. T t',g i r~ raises were Morris, Malquist, Durkih, ~ in. 6nd Meyer. ey can accept a raise like xhat a Xboße of us"-Jt.)!! LJ. J who are ','fixed" income are having to cut"'Iack and go wi thout medications, etc. in order to pay ourAvista biii. They are crying that they just don i t have enough coming in to meet their expenses. Well neither do I. Then an article comes out in the paper just last week stating that their Avista profits,j ust throR~b:bhe,nionth of March this year, was #31 million. So why do they need to raise their rates "fhen they are making profits like that. Wesure are not. We turned our heat way down this winter and just put on more sweaters to keep warm in the house and it didn i t seem to help in our bills at all. Why not, if there are people who cannot pay their bill, some of these people I listed above could offer to pay the bi i i for them. Am sure they have the money to do so. Would like to see them, just for one month, try to live on what us people on fixed incomes live on. Doubt they could do it. RE: So I am asking that stomone put a stop to all this raise hike and make them help those of us who are not able to pay high prices with~ut cutting somethin else out. Please HELP. c:;i7wv if td ~ SP,120 . .. ~ . ~.Ii~:P '-~. ,..-,JI - ."~":'~ V'.'ii' .......O"1d 'C" . .~:CL." - .....~Ed i-.. " . ",_'Oi;. '. '... --..ü.. '. , _.'.-,", '1~~/6'/1 itt/./,, ~'r fl To: Conmssioner Jim Kempton ~ Re: Avìsta rate ìncrease E.. l~ß~ t\f\ 1 ix~\e; .2.0 _~. t ,,\ P--'-l ,c')\. ::\~_\:':,J::_.:::":";;~F:'~ :-::'.:, '; i:~:\ 'r:,;'; I am wntìngtoexpress my losì!ìon agaìt the propo~ed .Avì~~\Wft¡:~ll';i~\íikê .'.' many others today, are expenencmg very toug fiancial tImes.' Many of us are havmg a dìffcult tìme sìmply payìg the bìls, yet A vìsta request a rate ìncree durng a tie of recessìon. Nearly everyg ìn our daly lìves ha ha an ìncrease ìn cost, ìncludìng gas, groceries, sales ta, utìlty rates and the endless other ìtems whìch cost have ìncreased. We are sìmply beìng nìckel and dìmed to death every tìme we tu around. My utìlty bìls are at record hìgh despìte every effort to conserve. Ths ìs not the tìme to ìncrease any cost for the cìtìzens who use theìr servìces. Please consìder the many who have been laìd off, lost theìr homes or ar otherwse fiancìally strgglìng. Below ìs factu ìnformatìon whìch clearly justìfy NO LEGITIMTE NEED for a rate ìncrease: 1) A vìsta reported ths week profits of $31 mìllon though March, compared wìth a net ìncome of $25.2 mìllon the fit quaer of2008. 2) Profits at Avìsta Corp. roseìn the fit quaer of 2009 to alost exactly the amount the company ìs seekìg ìn ìncreased electrc rates. 3) A statement quote'from Scott L. Morrs, Avìsta Chaìan Presìdent and CEO: "We ha a strong firstquaer and ar off to a grat sta ìn 2009," "Even wìth the declìne ìn the economy, we saw approxìmately 1 percent growt ìn both electrc and natual gas customers dur the first quaer of 2009 as compared to the first quaer of 2008." 4) Because of snow pack condìtìons and projected stram flows, A vìsta expects hydroelectrc generatìon to be nea norm for 2009. 5) Per Mr. Morrs, "We ar also experiencìng lower purchased power and fuel prices, as well as a decrease ìn natual gas costs,". 6) In 2008, Avìsta's net ìncome was $73.6 mìlHon. In 2007 ìt was $38.5 mìllon. 7) A vìsta has contìnualy raìsed rates whìle theìr profits ìncrease. Many people I know are, for the first tie, not able to pay theìr utìlty bìls ìn fuL. I know, I am one ofthese people due to the recent rate ìncreases. For the fit tìme ìn my lìfe, I have not been able to pay my bìl ìn ful and must car over the balance. Based on the above ìnormatìon, there ìs no possìble way a rate ìncrease ìs needed or justìfied. In fact, a rate decrease ìs ìn order and supported by the above ìnormatìon. There ìs a dìfference between rug a profitable busìness and greed. Thìs ìs nothg more than greed on behalf of A vìsta. .." , Than you; Brian Hìrzel 737 E. Roundup Cìrcle Hayden, Id.83835 Bwhìzel~yahoo.com .1 ~~ 'iMot /f ¡i A~'~ tl 8l1zoltll8l1JJroltflifl!l /Ç)42 rt 8corce//o Rood Rotltdrii1f 1!l 8J858 amelia4g'sus~gmtlìtcom 20S/66S821 "'I' ri"!' 'r" rCi:C\, r: ..' r: '!,": ; 2009 MAY -6 AM 8: 19 May 3,2009 commìSSì,o, ner Jim Kempton"gf' " " ' Idaho PUC POBox 83720 Boìse ID 83720-0074 Mr. Commissìoner: As yOu wen know, the ecnomy ìs not in the best condiion. Ou country is ìn tenble debt and our new presìdent expects the fure tapayers to pay offthìs debt, your clliJØren: grandchìldren and mìne, Yet ìn thìs time of crisìs, A vista has cho~n to ask for a, rate ìncreae ìn their gas and elecrìc utìltìes. As you do thìs, it is my fiöpethat you have weighted the consequences as to the debìlittìng afec this wìl have on many of the citizns that are low ìncome, fixed income an the unemployed. My husband and I are ìn the fixed ìncome category. We budget tìghtly and manage to have a lìttle left over afer the month, We are blessed. However, have you though what ths ìncrease wil do to the cìtizens I mentìóned above. May have chìldren or grandchìldren to feed, keep wam and clothed, Many of theìrbudgets are already stretched as far as possìble. I canvalidateån increase ìfitwas trly needed, From the reports on TV andìn the newspaper, ìtreadslìke an AIG copy. To aford the CEO's of Avista huge bonuses and then ask for a rate increase is totaly ilogicaL. Where are your common sense and your compassìon? Maybe you slept through that meeng or class ìn schoolot allowed our changed socìety to dictate your decisions. Pleasei:eyiew yournecessityofthìs rate ìncrease. Is ths ajuStìfedmove? ., " ,. :~ ¡~/01 ¡/j; iV.i/1u ~ ;. lli ("i;:i'\;..1.,,,,1 May 3,2009 ZOfi9HAY -6 AM 8: 21 Idaho Public Utilties Commission P. O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Ref:Avista Rate Request I am enclosing a copy of my Coeur d'Alene Press article that expresses the majority opinion of most rate payers serviced by Avista Utilities in Kootenai County area. The Press ran articles sent in by many residents expressing their disgust with a public utility and a monopoly that says one thing and does just the opposite. They claimed to be practicing a conservative and economical operation at the same time paying out for a % page propaganda ad in the Idaho and Washington areas and signed by the same CEO and his next in line henchman who received the excessive bonuses and pay increases. The cost for these propaganda ads could have been used to reduce their gas and electric rates further. These excessive bonuses are not paid primarily by shareholders, but from the monthly income that the rate payers are biled where operating budgets, payroll, bonuses, utility equipment, advertising and shareholder quarterly dividends are put in specific accounts. Avista spends many thousands in advertising revenue and didn't convince any of us rate payers the point they were trying to get across in their many newspaper ads. All utilities are monopolies and the average rate payer gets disgusted when they spend thousands to change and insulate their homes and just continue to see their utilty bils keep increasing. Our heating bil during the long winter months this year continued to stay high even when we put on warmer clothing and more blankets and turned down the thermostat below 65 degrees. Each month it was $385. to $400. for someone older, and with an 86 yr. old female and both on fixed incomes. When Avista needs additional revenue, they just increase your utility bil. The rate payers are forced to rely on an accurate meter Cont. (2) reading since most don't have the foggiest how to figure their own monthly usage. i once had my electric utilty provider in Calif. tell me everyhing was 100% OK when all at once, my electricity biling suddenly jumped by 20% from the previous month and continued so. Nothing new had been added, daily usage hadn't changed aftr filing my complaint. They checked my meter and sent me a lettr stating my meter was within tolerances. My bil continued to stay high. i requested another meter check and a meter change while i stayed home from my employment. The old meter was lab checked and found to have been running 6% fast. This after getting my tolerance lettr that everying was OK. This is the honesty of the utilities. When Avista and any utility applies for a rate increase, they just raise the amount they really want higher, knowing it's basically like a legal law suit when someone sues someone or entity in court for a specific amount. They just raise or double the amount of the suit, knowing they wil probably only end up getting awarded a lower percentage. This is common sense thinking. Avista doesn't need additional revenue or a rate increase, they just need to eliminate or lower the bonuses and cut corners like the rest of us are doing in a recession period. If Avista's top 5 executives can't live on their inflated salaries, then they need to step down and look for other employment. Let someone leaner minded and more understanding of life step in. Thanking you for your understanding, please. Respectfully, Bil Singleton 7507 E. High View Rd. Coeur d'Alene, 1083814 CC-FILES (3) ;~:l;f~~t7*;" -~,,'/,;'"'f:/~ The Press, Friday, April 'IÖ:~Ó09 \ .:~~ ~ , I )- .' SECTON C ;~;+, ~' ': t.GARDEN: IBare root' can appiyrrto anYPJant..-;ater.it.Utì"c J ,.: ',. :,:, " '?;;~Æ~',ti~;~.' .",.,. ".; ,ti ',,l -'.'; '. ~' ;!:t'~: :.;:.~::\:D':::~:, 'i~:, . ;~,:,../\:;;;;t;;,,;, ''; ":':.',:,).:'~ t.._i~ ,i., I Wi.:I .MyTurn'K./l,: Avista: Our \ r AIGand"/"~- ' ',,' ~ ,Exxon- Mobil 'åFè;!~éitHtiouied or even'lîuwtò.:"l!1 flo'nrp thpir hmirin- , .' ,,';J._~~'~ov~t:neìr'ur:ii.i,'~'f"".tl ; and m, . any otlersasking: fo, r helP" ,:,,".1 ; and Avista executives gettng , : . pay increases of the magni~:, i I " tude in Bil Buley's article, this" doesn't make Avista appear very ..? ' trustorthy, Ths really looks' like another AIG, When,most others are heing'asked to econo- mize and tighten their belts, Avista management appears to be buyig a bigger sized belt. . Our monthly utility bils, wi two quife elderly residents out of thee, even with weatherizing, wei.g additional clothg and lowering the thermostat, aver- aged $375 per month. We .were told that our gas meter was ilegalIorbeing ùnder a decking that was built by the previous owner two years prior, which cost us an unexpcted $500. When we asked the Avista rep why it had to be moved since it was still accessible, his reply was. because they knew aboutit now and it had to be moved to the outside wal of the garage. Avista sent two trucks, thee workers - one a supervisor - on the day we had scheduled with a , heàtigcompany to handle the re-piping.With their diggig and pipe-attchig, ths job' could have been handled by two, When you read that Avista's incentive pay from the previous By BILL SINGLETON Special to The Press r r' see MY TURN. C5 t Thè topping on the cake was Bil Buley's article on Avista President and CEO Scott Morris gett.ng a $173,847 base salar increase, and an overall salary of $.2.2 millon. This really on the backs óf the rate payers and sti clking for an electrc rate increase of 7 ,8 percent along'wi a3percent increase in natu- ra gas'rates. Avista daimsthey're aggres- sivelycontiuipg to manage . thèir cost. I would ask where? . Thet are'a iiWnnP?IYwith . verr.atte controls. 'Part of' ths çostcontrol was exhbited tecell~Y with a hal-page propa-. gadaad titled "A Letter to the ¡lCommunity," which, asked rate!..,.'. payers for trust and uiderstad- in~.Thisad was signed by CEO '¡.¡i '1\1?rrisand President Vermion t..I ul1qertheir"managig their ,;,,;1 . cost" propaganda. When a uti11:l.,J . needs exta,revenue, they have ii:'!" abuiIt~in source when the aver~J\¡ ageratepaverhas.no,idea ifthe~~H MY TURN fr.om C1 r year increased by $715, 000 . between just five executives! and dur these recession ties, and they're still askig for rate increases in gas and electc, this should increase the distrust and let us see tieone-sided communty conitment. Should anyone. be surrised to see ths hap- pening with utilitíes when thêyare only oiit to increase their stockholders' dividends and increase their rate pay- ers'base? . ' l' . " . .. '""/j¡~1i;Î'v~~ri;~~t'b~êh'ábi, ;~'èlièver il goyernment;, ; troIs, but with motloPn~ 'iIDd fuel suppliers, soiÎe ,', ~ilóS to bed~me to protect"':;;1 ~;t;~~t~~Ü¿:å~li~ì'd¡heir Incomes;' EspeC1alY:,#"': .:fPose retied on fiedJ. ,',...' .. " .'incomes. . "'. '.'"'' , ¡~~.'leworld'§?ilco,riR~. ,'; . ,tiol a fuel stlPplyptiít'§ nt automobiles eái-",;' operate without TheY. ()1 all phasesfr0ÍD ..' . pumping, transpotti .mgand"distrbùtllJ control'the.suPPPl~(1! ,$Wl¡~~~'~ti~~~iijf~!~..,.'sgas is gener- eIìgh-;,:d ~~~t:rfha ~dl~\~t:"., . " ...., ".;, '," ,"., '.. ,... '. "",'...'.. .,'sumer inontns g.~thère,.., "d,' . .y()ui watt~,yodteleètcity..,;.¡::,. "bi1,inçreáse_;~driY, .lien~',,,',';. 'm' CoèW d'A1e~e:yoürwáte,r:, '1?il'stays prett'teasonahle"3W,¡ ,:d" "al séásons ofthè "éåf1~.~1,opinoiis:andYQtig for, tl0se :. ~;r~.~,~~t~ ; Bil Sin9IElt?nJ~~~o~u!dAIt;nt!d, reSident. ,,' ',' ~. to ''''c. " ',' d, , J~;'" :'..\.:.;,Y.:i. ;:";" f:-,(;:::.,:.~" ~I~ S:/IL/dq Jean Jewell ýf; fl-¡J i/'-r ~' f/1 From: Sent: To: Subject: cavanaughjrpa~msn.com Tuesday, May 05,20098:33 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from James R. Cavanaugh follows: - - - ----- --- --- ----- - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- Case Number: AVU-E-=9=01 Name: James R. Cavanaugh Address: 4048 E. 2nd Ave. J Apt A City: Post Falls Idaho State: Idaho Zip: 83854 Daytime Telephone: 208-661-7631 Contact E-Mail: cavanaugh;rpa~sn.com Name of Utility comp~~AvistaAdd to Mailing List ~ Please describe your comment briefly: With the profit they had for 2008 and the very high salary increases they gave to the top employees I can' t see why the consumer should have to bear the the cost of the salary increases! The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov Iforms/ipuc1/ipuc. html IP address is - --- - - --- ---- - - - - - --- - -- - - --- - - -- - -- 1 /~,q ,/,~ ¿;~' $ II/ Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: nonasmom~verizon. net Tuesday, May 05,20097:32 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Joan Santos follows: Case Number: AVU -li-l -0 II MIA -e -0 "'-o / Name: Joan Santos Address: Ci ty: Coeur d' Alene State: ID Zip: 83815 Daytime Telephone: Contact E-Mail: nonasmo~verizon.net Name of Utility Company: Avista Add to Mailing List: Please describe your comment briefly: It seems to me Avista shouldn i t be raising the rates on electricity and natural gas any more. The company's top 5 are making overly large salaries already, and stock holder 's making better than average profits I understand. In the current economy especially, this company should not be able to raise rates again. thanks. The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gOY /forms/ipuc1/ipuc. html IP address is i ;?,l1u/o q~ Jean Jewell ~-r ~' : H From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Front Tuesday, May 05,200912:38 PM Nancy Hylton Gene Fadness; Jean Jewell FW: Consumer Complaint/Inquiry Form - - - - -Original Message- - - -- From: frogybotto~sn. com (mail to: frogybotto~sn . com J Sent: Tuesday, May a5, 2aa9 6: 22 AM To: Front; Beverly Barker; Ed Howell Subject: Consumer Complaint/Inquiry Form A Complaint/Inquiry from Larry Easterly follows: -- -- - - - - -- - -- ---- -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - - -- Name: Larry Easterly Contact E-Mail: frogybotto~sn.com Daytime Telephone: 2a8-457-8172 Home Address: 3a9 e. 13th City: POST FALLS State: ID Zipcode: 83854- 7627 If this concerns a Business, Business Name: Business Address: Business Phone: Name of Utility Company: Avista (Gas &Electric) Have you contacted the utility regarding your concern?: yes Please describe your question or complaint briefly: I tell them monthly, please don't raise our rates on gas and electricity. They make too much money on our backs, they pay their administration people too much, nobody is worth the money they make! They always want a 15% or more increase every year, we can't afford this all the time on Social Security. They bragg about how much profit the make and at the same time want more and more. They bragg on the amount of money they pay the top execi ti ves. If I made the same amount of money they make ($2,000,000.00 + per year) I wouldn't say a word either. I've been here over 63 years and I don i t think people like us should have to pay for the developers getting rich and making us pay more for Avista r s problems of putting up more poles and lines. Please don't allow them to rape us some more. Thanks Larry The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gOY /forms/ cons/ cons. html IP address is cons - - ------ --- - - ------- - - - -- - - - -- - - - --- 1 IPftl., Jean Jewell ~1 AV,1/'1 ~. ; J-i From: Sent: To: Subject: vaLleane~yahoo,com Tuesday, May OS, 2009 4:57 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from William Wolfe follows: - -------- --- - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Case Number: unknown AVu -£ -09 -0/ I AV(, -G -oc; -0 I Name: William Wolfe Address: 1221 E. Wallacde City: Coeur d i Alene State: Idaho Zip: 83814 Daytime Telephone: 2086676509 Contact E-Mail: vallean~yahoo.com Name of Utility Comp~AvistaAdd to Mailing List ~ Please describe your comment briefly: I am opposed to the rate increase proposed by Avista. They need to tighten their belts just like the rest of us-especially in the area of executive compensation. I would also like to see a tiered rate schedule for electric and gas where the price increases as the usage increases. This will allow lower income rate payers to have affordable utili tes. Higher use rate payers are causing Avista to purchase more electricity and gas at higher rates and they should pay these increased costs. Higher use enni ties should not be subsidized by the poor. Thank you for considering my comments, William Wolfe The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov /forms/ipuc1/ipuc. html IP address is -- - - -- ---- --- -- - - - -- - -- - - - - -- - - -- 1 Jean Jewell ~.11,r~t/~~'~ H From: Sent: To: Subject: chujans~verizon, net Monday, May 04,20093:57 PM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Charles and Janice Somers follows: - - ------ --- - - - - ---- -- - - --- - - - - - - - - -- Case Number: AVU-E-otf-olj Afu -6'"9-01 Name: Charles and Janice Somers Address: 9015 N Torrey Lane Ci ty: Hayden State: ID Zip: 83835 Daytime Telephone: 208-772-7840 Contact E-Mail: chujans~verizon.net Name of Utility Company: Avista Add to Mailing List: Please describe your comment briefly: Please do not allow Avista to raise their rates. There is no reason to as they are obviously making an income that is more than adequate for the share holders as well as the highly paid executives. The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov Iforms/ipucl/ipuc. html IP address is --- - - -- -- ---- -- - - - - - - --- - --- -- --- - -- 1