HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090504Comments.pdf~'i/Oq ,/í ,4V V'1d ~" -./1; April 30, 2009 Commissioner Jim Kempton ß?/'Idaho PUC t" PO Box 83720 Boise, 10 83720-074 E 20fl9 MAY -4 AM 8: 33 Re: Another Avista Rate Hike Dear Mr. Kempton, like most in today's economy, we do not need to see another rate hike with Avista. Avista Corporation profits continue to increase, and they want more? like most retirees, my husband and I budget our spending as much as possible. This past winter, almost every month, our gas/electric Avista bil was almost $300.00. Our thermostat is turned off from about 9:00 PM, til 6:00 AM. Meaning it doesn't matter how cold it gets in our house, our furnace does not run during these hours. During the day our thermostat is set at 64-65 degrees, never higher. There are only two of us living in our home. We do not leave lights on, we have an energy efficient hot water heater, washer and dryer, as well as other appliances. During the month of March/April, our furnace ran very seldom, yet our Avista bil was $188.00. How can this be? Rate hikes!!! Rate hikes!ll! We have discussed it at lengths and we cannot come up with any other ways to conserve, therefore trying to lower our Avista bil. When a company reports profits of 31 milion dollars in their first quarter, and continues to give huge raises to their CEO's and other employees, how could Avista have the guts to ask for another increase of 31.2 milion?? lts insanity and absolutely uncalled for. Working familes are struggling to make ends meet. In talking to other people in North Idaho, they, like my husband and me, are putting on layers of clothing in their own homes. Please do all you can to help stop this yearly increase and insanity. This state and country does not need such increases. sincer;li, ~ ~d Jil KIncaid 3941 Nicklaus Dr. Coeur d'Alene, 10 83815 Jl ~¡~ 5lt.loQ¡y ~1a ;,.1.'/í~' ~ )II April 301 2009 :' ØH ~.¡ ;_.,i~"l ii"". ., Commissioner Jim Kempton , Idaho Public Utility Commission innH1AY -llÅt1 8: 25 Dear Commissioner Kempton: I am writing asking that you vote against Avista Utilties proposed rate increase. Today/s paper indicated that Avista/s first quarter profit was large enough to pay for the increase they had requested. Last year was also profitable for them. Combine that with the large salary increases that they gave upper management and I feel they are playing the same game as other large businesses that we have been hearing about. Raise our rates to give themselves a raise!! President Obama his tax reduction for the middle class which is supposed to help with the economic situation our country is in. In my case Avista's increase wil basically wipe out 50% of the tax stimulus increase! Please send Avista the message that this is not the right time for an increase but also that the public has had enough of executives givingthemselves outrageous raises. Sincerelyi /~UdAd4-Robert Silva 2217 E. Hayden View Dr. Coeur dl Alenei ID 83815 208-635-5054 V:iJ.~. ~/"I09. )Q~ r4 'if; AV '/i~' ; H p~ ~ r- l.cl Apri129~ 2009 2009 HAY - i Pii 2: 26 Commsioner Jim Kempton Idao PUC ~- P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720,0074 Dear Commssioner Kempton: I am wrti to express to you that Avita Utiities needs to reduce their rates instead of increasing their rates. We are on a fied income and it has been very difcult payig our utiities and I thi the fact that our area is very depressed they should not be giving five people huge raises in their bonuses. I thi instead of increasing they need to do a little decreasin to help the economy. It certaiy would help those on fied incomes. Avista is a monopoly and we have no choice but pay but you should be doin a little better job of reguati them. I don't usually wrte letters but feel this is important to our welfare and also to the economy of Idaho. Respectfully yours, d/cl eorge &JoAn Shaw 440 South Glenwood Drive Post Falls, ID 83854,7919 /~4/0q Jean Jewell v'fn ~- ~ t4i From: Sent: To: Subject: Jean Jewell Monday, May 04,200910:53 AM Jean Jewell FW: Consumer ComplainUlnquiry Form - - - - -Original Message- - - -- From: Rcflugel~aol. com (mail to: Rcflugel~aol . com L Sent: Monday, May 04, 2009 4: 02 AM To: Front; Beverly Barker; Ed Howell Subject: Consumer Complaint/Inquiry Form A Complaint/Inquiry from Dick Flugel follows: Name: Dick Flugel Contact E-Mail: Rcflugel~aol.com Daytime Telephone: 20S 661-1351 Home Address: 7303 N. 4th st. City: Dalton Gardens State: ID Zipcode: 83815 If this concerns a Business, Business Name: Avista Business Address: Spokane, WA Business Phone: Name of Utility Company: Avista Have you contacted the utility regarding your concern?: yes Please describe your question or complaint briefly: I am a retired business person. WE have stock in Avista and want them to make a profit. My issue is when they are exceeding the limits of a fair profit by cutting costs. Their answer is to raise proffits by asking you to raise rates to customers. When natural gas ran up above $13.00 I understood the reason for rate incresases. Today that cost has dropped to belove $4.00. I do not see Avista dropping their rates accordingly. They are asking you for anoterh rate increase. Gas stations could not maintain $4.00 gasoline when Crude oil dropped. You shuold be requiring a rate reduction not a increase The form submitted on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/cons/cons.html IP address is 207. 20e .116 .131 cons 1 ~c/IÓ1 Jean Jewell ,/i IVI.,/1: ~' 1 u From: Sent: To: Subject: debi07 ~Iocalnet. com Monday, May 04, 20092:36 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Debi Pielli follows: Case Number: AVU-E-09-01 Name: Debi Pielli Address: 115 Talache Loop Rd. City: Sagle State: Id. Zip: 83860 Daytime Telephone: 208-255-4938Contact E-Mail: debi07~localnet.com ~~ Name of utility Company: Avista Utili ties Add to Mailing List: ~ Please describe your comment briefly: I absolutely think the commission should deny any rate increases by Avista. In this economic climate, we the customers have had to tighten our belts in every way. I understand businesses need to profit to stay in business, but now isn't the time to increase again. When Avista showed a good profit, they should be darn happy. Why can't utilities tighten their belts and suck it up, instead of dinging their customers every year? Please consider the customers and the impact another increase will have. Thank you. The form submitted on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc.html IP address is 1 (J,/~~ ~J4/0'1 Jean Jewell ,/~ ;fA!..,1: ~" ; l(¡ From: Sent: To: Subject: pauchris(§verizon. net Sunday, May 03, 2009 11: 18 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Wilbur Christensen follows: Case Number: AvU -f-Oe¡-61/ÆVtt-c.-o"l-ol Name: Wilbur Christensen Address: 396 S Forest Glen Blvd City: Post Falls State: ID Zip: 83854 Daytime Telephone: 2Ø8-714-Ø443 Contact E-Mail: pauchris~verizon.net Name of Utili ty comp~ Avista Add to Mailing List: ~ Please describe your comment briefly: According to the CoeurD' Alene Press Avista made a first quarter 2ØØ9 large profit plus a large bonus to their CEO. Because of this I do not believe Avista needs a further rate hike. Making a profit is recognizable acceptable but large surplus profit is greedy and unacceptable. The form submitted on http://www. puc. idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc. html IP address is 1 ~~tllóq~ Jean Jewell ./~ /1)/~~'~ H, From: Sent: To: Subject: parodyf(§cdabnline. net Sunday, May 03,200910:39 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Fran Parody follows: Case Number: AVU-E-Ø9-Ø1 and AVU-G-Ø9-Ø1 Name: Fran Parody Address: 17951 South Raccoon Court City: Coeur d Alene State: ID Zip: 83814 Daytime Telephone: iø8-665-7Ø78 Contact E-Mail: parodyf~cdaonline.netName of utili ty com~~vistaAdd to Mailing List ~ Please describe your comment briefly: · Briefly' . .. . . . . 1) Avista is asking for a 15.8% combined electricity and gas rate increase. Last October they received a 16.6% increase. Avista says this is to deal with growing numbers of customers and aging infrastructure. They also state they now spend $iøø,øøø,ØØØ a year in upgrades. How much more do they need? I mean, we are only one state, and they don't even service all of Idaho. I' m sure other utility companies are experiencing the same customer growth. Two years ago, one could have a phone re- connected in a day - - now it takes two weeks. So we wait; we don't pay higher rates to get it done more quickly. 2) The Power Cost Adjustment makes the increase sound more palatable, but that is only for one year. Who knows what will happen after that. 3) We are in a recession/depression scenario. We cannot afford increased costs in everything. I am retired, on a fixed income - - and I can only put on so many sweaters inside my house. We just cannot afford these all-too-frequent increases. Everyone is budgeting; everyone is cutting back. We can't afford more expenses! 4) Reference is made to Avista' s executives' compensation not being funded from our utility payments. I think it was stated that comes from shareholders. But the bottom line is: this is a utility company; that' s where the income comes from. Stock is issued because it's publicly traded, but it is a Utility Company. So I would think the bottom line is that executive compensation ultimately comes from its sale of utilities, not stock. Perhaps a few cuts in the salary/bonus department might be in order. I sincerely hope that when you are considering Avista' s request, you also consider the plight of the average American, not just a large corporation's desires. Thank you, Fran Parody The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov Iforms/ipuc1/ipuc. html IP address isØ 1