HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090123Andrews Direct.pdfDAVID J. MEYER VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF COUNSEL OF REGULATORY & GOVERNENTAL AFFAIRS AVISTA CORPORATION P.O. BOX 3727 1411 EAST MISSION AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99220-3727TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4316FACSIMILE: (509) 495-8851 R--- i: ri r ~, I:'"'t, ~~ \..1 c: i '!t" ro,) 2U09 JAN 23 PM 12: 44 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF AVISTA CORPORATION FOR THE AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC AN NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO FOR AVISTA CORPORATION CASE NO. AVU-E-09-01 CASE NO. AVU-G-09-01 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF ELIZABETH M. ANDREWS (ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS) 1 2 3 CONTENTS Section Page I Introduction 2 4 II Combined Revenue Requirement sumry 4 III Electric Section 65 6 7 8 Revenue Requirement 14 Standard Commission Basis Adjustments 16 Pro Forma Adj us tmen ts 27 9 IV Natural Gas Section 49 10 Revenue Requirement 50 11 Standard Commission Basis Adjustments 52 12 13 14 Pro Forma Adjustments 59 V Allocation Procedures 65 VI Other 65 15 1617 Exhibit No. 10: 18 Schedule 1 - Electric Revenue Requirement and 19 20 Results of Operations (pgs 1-11) Schedule 2 - Natural Gas Revenue Requirement and 21 Results of Operations (pgs 1-8) Andrews, Di 1 Avista Corporation 1 2 I.INTRODUCTION Q.Please state your name, business address, and 3 present position with Avista Corporation. 4 A.My name is Elizabeth M. Andrews.I am employed 5 by Avista Corporation as Manager of Revenue Requirements in 6 the State and Federal Regulation Department.My business 7 address is 1411 East Mission, Spokane, Washington. 8 Q.Would you please describe your education and 9 business experience? 10 A.I am a 1990 graduate of Eastern washington 11 University with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Business 12 Administration, majoring in Accounting. That same year, I 13 passed the November Certified Public Accountant exam, 14 earning my CPA License in August 1991.I worked for 15 Lemaster & Daniels, CPAs from 1990 to 1993, before joining 16 the Company in August 1993.I served in various positions 17 within the sections of the Finance Department, including 18 General Ledger Accountant and Systems Support Analyst until 19 2000.In 2000, I was hired into the State and Federal 20 Regulation Department as a Regulatory Analyst until my 21 promotion to Manager of Revenue Requirements in early 2007. 22 i have also attended several utility accounting, ratemaking 23 and leadership courses. 24 Q.As Manager of Revenue Requirements, what are your 25 responsibilities? Andrews, Di 2 Avista Corporation 1 A.As Manager of Revenue Requirements, aside from 2 special projects, I am responsible for the preparation of 3 normalized revenue requirement and pro forma studies for 4 the various jurisdictions in which the Company provides 5 utility services. During the last eight and a half years I 6 have assisted or lead the Company's electric and/or natural 7 gas general rate filings in Idaho, Washington, and Oregon. 8 Q.What is the scope of your testimony in this 9 proceeding? 10 A.My testimony and exhibits in this proceeding will 11 generally cover accounting and financial data in support of 12 the Company's need for the proposed increase in rates.I 13 will explain pro formed operating results including expense 14 and rate base adjustments made to actual operating results 15 and rate base. 16 I incorporate the Idaho share of the proposed 17 adjustments of several witnesses in this case.For 18 example, Company witnesses Mr. DeFelice sponsors and 19 describes the Company's pro forma 2008 and 2009 capital 20 additions adjustments, and Mr. Storro explains other issues 21 impacting the Company, such as the increased generation 22 plant capital and operating and maintenance (O&M) expenses, 23 including the Colstrip mercury emissions O&M expense. 24 Company witness Mr. Kinney discusses the transmission net 25 expenses, Asset Management Program expenses, and the Andrews, Di 3 Avista Corporation 1 transmission and distribution capital expenditures included 2 in Mr. DeFelice's pro forma capital adjustments.Lastly, 3 Company witness Mr. Johnson prepared the total system prO 4 forma power supply adjustment, while Ms. Knox sponsors the 5 revenue normalization adjustment. 6 Q.Are you sponsoring any exhibits to be introduced 7 in thi s proceeding? 8 9 10 A.Yes.I am sponsoring Exhibit No. 10, Schedule 1 (Electric) and Schedule 2 (Natural Gas), which were prepared under my direction.These Exhibi t Schedules 11 consist of worksheets, which show actual 2008 operating 12 results (twelve-month period ending September 30, 2008), 13 pro forma, and proposed electric and natural gas operating 14 results and rate base for the State of Idaho, the Company's 15 calculation of the general revenue requirement,the 16 derivation of the net operating income to gross revenue 17 conversion factor, and the pro forma adjustments proposed 18 in this filing. 19 20 21 II.COMBINED RE REQUIRENT SUMY Q.Would you please sunarize the results of the 22 Company's pro form study for both the electric and natural 23 gas operating systems for the Idaho jurisdiction? 24 A.Yes.After taking into account all standard 25 Commission Basis adjustments, as well as additional pro Andrews, Di 4 Avista Corporation 1 forma and normalizing adjustments, the pro forma electric 2 and natural gas rates of return ("ROR") for the Company's 3 Idaho jurisdictional operations are 5.34% and 6.87%, 4 respectively.Both return levels are below the Company's 5 requested rate of return of 8.80%. The incremental revenue 6 requirement for base retail rates, necessary to give the 7 Company an opportunity to earn its requested ROR is 8 $31,233,000 for the electric operations and $2,740,000 for 9 the natural gas operations.The overall base electric 10 increase associated with the Company's request is 14.18%1. 11 However, as explained by Company witness Mr. Hirschkorn, 12 with the reduction of a portion of the Power cost 13 Adjustment (PCA) surcharge of 5.6% planned at the same time 14 the general rate increase will go into effect for 15 customers, the net impact on the residential customers' 16 bill is anticipated to be approximately 8.6%.The base 17 natural gas increase is 2.99%. 18 Q.What is the Company's rate of return that was 19 last authorized by this Commission for it's electric and 20 natural gas operations in Idaho? 21 A.The Company's currently authorized rate of return 22 for its Idaho operations is 8.45% , effective October 1, 23 2008 for both our electric and natural gas systems. i Percentages reflect the proposed increase to base tariff rates, Mr. Hirschkorn describes the effect based on present billing rates. Andrews, Di 5 Avista Corporation 1 III.ELECTRIC SECTION 2 Changes Since the 2007 Test Period 3 Q.On what test period is the Company basing its 4 need for additional electric revenue? 5 A.The test period being used by the Company is the 6 twelve-month period ending September 30, 2008, presented on 7 a pro forma basis.Currently authorized rates are based 8 upon the 2007 test year utilized in Case No. AVU-E-08-01, 9 adjusted on a pro forma basis. 10 Q.By way of sumry, could you please explain the 11 different rates of return that you will be presenting in 12 your testimony? 13 A.Yes. As shown in Illustration No. 1 below, there 14 are three different rates of return that will be discussed. 15 The actual ROR earned by the Company during the test 16 period, the Pro Forma ROR determined in my Exhibit No.11, Schedul e 1, and the reques ted ROR.17 18 19 20 21 Illustration No.1: AvistaCorp Rates of Retu 8.00% 10.00% 6.00% 22 23 24 4.00% 2.00% 0.00% Actual Pro Form Requested Andrews, Di 6 Avista Corporation 1 Q.What are the primary factors driving the 2 Company's need for an electric increase? 3 A.Illustration No.2 below,shows the primary 4 factors driving the electric revenue requirement in this 5 case.Additional details regarding these items are 6 provided later in my testimony. 8 Illustration No.2: Primary Components of Electric Revenue Requirement 7 9 18 Distribution & Other Expense 11% Distribution Operation & Maintenance Costs Administrative & General Expenses Production & Transmission Expense 38% Increased Loads Mid Columbia Purchases Production O&M - Plant Exp. & Mercury Abatement Exp. 10 11 Increased Net Plant Investment! 35% Generation Upgrades -Hydro & Theral Transmission Upgrades Distrbution Propert Tax on CS2 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 i includes return on investment, depreciation and taxes, offset by the tax benefit of interest. Hydro Relicensing & Compliance Issues 16% Spokane River Relicensing CDA Tribe Settlement 20 21 Q.Please describe the primary factors driving the 22 Company's need for an electric increase? 23 A.There are numerous factors that have impacted the 24 Company's Idaho electric results of operations since the 25 last rate case.Net Operating Income ("NOI") has declined Andrews, Di 7 Avista Corporation 1 approximately $6 million, or 13.4%, and total rate base has 2 increased approximately $47.1 million, or 8.9%.During 3 this same time period, the average number of customers has 4 increased by nearly 2%. The Company's electric request is 5 driven by changes in various operating cost components as 6 shown by the pie chart (Illustration No. 2 above), 7 primarily power supply costs, plant investment or rate base 8 growth associated with generation,transmission and 9 distribution plant (including pro forma capital spending 10 requirements during 2009) and by various hydro relicensing 11 efforts impacting the Utility. 12 Q.Please explain each of the four components or 13 segments shown in Chart No. 2 above. 14 15 A.The first segment, Production and Transmission Expense increases,as explained below,comprise 16 approximately 35% of the overall request. The next largest 17 segment is Increased Net Plant Investment.As already 18 noted, net rate base for the Idaho jurisdiction increased 19 approximately $47.1 million, or 8.9%, of which $15.1 20 million comprise of additional "gross" generation plant, 21 both hydro and thermal, and transmission plant.In 22 addition, gross distribution plant increased $26.2 million, 23 or 7.2%, partially due to the 2% customer growth.The 24 depreciation recovery, taxes associated with plant, and the 25 return on additional plant investment offset by the tax Andrews, Di 8 Avista Corporation 1 benefit of interest (excluding rate base associated with 2 hydro relicensing efforts noted below) ,make up 3 approximately 35% of the overall Company request. 4 Additional plant investment relating to the hydro 5 relicensing and compliance efforts pro formed into this 6 case make up approximately 19% of the overall request, and 7 include the intangible net rate base and expenses 8 associated with the Spokane River relicensing and Coeur 9 d'Alene Tribe (CDA Tribe) Settlement agreement.The 10 majority of these charges were reviewed in the Company's 11 previous general electric rate case proceeding, Case No. 12 AVU-E-08-01, and were approved for deferral and later 13 recovery following completion of the agreement with the CDA 14 Tribe, and receipt of the new license for the Spokane 15 River.Specifically, the Company was allowed to defer the 16 amortization of these charges, including a carrying charge 17 on the deferrals and unamortized balance, and include 18 recovery of these costs in its next general rate case. (See 19 Order No. 30647)As explained further in my testimony, 20 these amounts have been included for recovery in this 21 general rate case filing. 22 The remaining cost category, Distribution and Other 23 Expense, which includes increases to all other operating 24 categories,such as distribution expenses,customer Andrews, Di 9 Avista Corporation 1 service,and administrative and general,totals 2 approximately 11% of the overall request. 3 Q.Could you please provide additional details 4 related to the changes in Production and Transmission 5 expense? 6 A.As discussed in Mr. Johnson's testimony, the 7 level of Idaho's share of power supply expense has 8 increased by approximately $11.8 million ($33.2 million on 9 a system basis) from the level currently in base rates. 10 This increase in pro forma power supply expense over 11 the expense currently in base rates is based on numerous 12 factors., including higher retail loads, reduced hydro 13 generation due to the elimination of the rate mitigation 14 adjustment (included in the Company's last Idaho electric 15 general rate case in Docket No. AVU-E-08-01) and the 16 expiration of the Mid-Columbia (Wanapum)contract in 17 November 2009. 18 Pro forma retail loads are 22.7 aM higher than loads 19 that current rates are based on.The increased loads are 20 due to two factors. One is the natural increase in retail 21 loads of approximately 14.3 aMW. The other 8.4 aMW of load 22 increase is due to the reduction in Potlatch generation. 23 Hydro generation is also lower than the level in current 24 base rates by a reduction of 29.8 aMW (system).Mr. Andrews, Di 10 Avista Corporation 1 Johnson discusses these differences in detail in his 2 testimony. 3 Q.Could you please identify the main components of 4 the "Distribution &: Other" segment shown in the chart 5 above? 6 7 A.Yes.A number of expense items have increased since 2007, which have been included in this case.For 8 example, employee benefits such as wages, pension and 9 medical insurance expenses have increased, as well as other 10 administrative and general expenses such as those related 11 to the Company's information services. 12 We are utilizing a twelve-month ending September 30, 13 2008 test year, since that is the most recent normalized 14 financial information the Company has available; however, 15 new general electric rates resulting from this filing are 16 not expected to go into effect until mid-2009. 17 Accordingly, the Company has included a number of pro forma 18 adjustments to capture some of the measurable cost changes 19 that the Company will experience from the test year. 20 Q.What were the major components of the $47.2 21 million increase in total rate base? 22 A.Looking at the changes to "gross" plant in 23 service shows that gross plant increased almost $75.7 24 million (Idaho), or 7.9%, as compared to what is currently 25 included in rates. Included in this "gross" plant total is Andrews, Di 11 Avista Corporation 1 $28.6 million of pro forma capital recorded in intangible 2 plant, mainly associated with the Spokane River relicensing 3 and Coeur d'Alene Tribe Settlement agreement or 4 approximately 37.8% of the total change to "gross" plant. 5 To continue to meet the energy and reliability needs 6 of our customers, the Company has invested additional 7 amounts in thermal and hydro generating facilities, as well 8 as additional transmission investment.The total 9 production and transmission plant investment included in 10 this case (discussed later in my testimony) totaled 11 approximately $15.1 million or 20% of the total change to 12 "gross" plant. 13 The specific pro forma capital expenditures undertaken 14 by the Company to upgrade its generation and transmission 15 facilities and improve operating efficiency and 16 reliability, are discussed further by Mr. Storro regarding 17 production assets, and Mr. Kinney regarding transmission 18 assets.Mr.Kinney also discusses the pro forma 19 distribution proj ects. 20 Q.What other rate base additions are included in 21 Total Rate Base? 22 A.Distribution "gross"plant increased $26.2 23 million or 7.2% above the current level included in rates, 24 in part due to the approximate 2% average customer growth 25 from 2007 through 2008, while general "gross" plant Andrews, Di 12 Avista Corporation 1 increased $5.7 million or 10.3% above the current level 2 included in rates. 3 Later in my testimony, i will address the Spokane 4 River relicensing and Coeur d' Alene Tribe Settlement 5 agreement pro forma adjustments, and the additional net 6 rate base adjustments labeled "Pro Forma Capital Additions 7 2008" and "Pro Forma Capital Additions 2009" included in 8 Exhibi t No. 10, Schedule 1 pages 8 and 9.This exhibi t 9 explains the detail behind the normalizing and pro forma 10 net operating income and rate base adjustments. 11 The figures listed above are "gross" plant investment 12 changes.Again,taking into account increases to 13 Accumulated Depreciation and Amortization and Deferred 14 Federal Income Tax offsets, this produces the net $47.2 15 million, or 8.9% increase to Total Rate Base. Depreciation 16 expense, which has largely followed the 7.9% growth in 17 gross plant-in-service, has increased $4.2 million. 18 19 Q.Mr. DeFelice sponsors the pro forma capi tal adjustments included in this case.Could you please 20 briefly describe the conclusions drawn by Mr. DeFelice 21 regarding the increased capital investment? 22 A.Yes.As described in Mr. DeFelice's testimony, 23 the Company is making substantial levels of capital 24 investment in its electric and natural gas system 25 infrastructure to address customer growth, replacement and Andrews, Di 13 Avista Corporation 1 maintenance of Avista' s aging system, and to provide for 2 increased reliability and safety requirements. As soon as 3 this new plant is placed in service, the Company must start 4 depreciating the new plant and incur other costs related to 5 the investment. Unless this new investment is reflected in 6 retail rates in a timely manner, it has a negative impact 7 on Avista' s earnings, particularly because the new plant is 8 typically far more costly to install than the cost of 9 similar plant that was embedded in rates decades earlier. 10 As plant is completed and is providing service to 11 customers, it is appropriate for the Company to receive 12 timely recovery of the costs associated with that plant. 13 14 Revenue Requirement 15 Q.Would you please explain what is shown in Exhibit 16 No. 10, Schedule 1? 17 A.Yes. Exhibit No. 10, Schedule 1 shows actual and 18 pro forma electric operating results and rate base for the 19 test period for the State of Idaho.Colum (b) of page 1 20 of Exhibit No. 10, Schedule 1 shows 2008 (twelve-month 21 ending September 30, 2008) operating results and components 22 of the average-of-monthly-average rate base as recorded; 23 column (c) is the total of all adjustments to net operating 24 income and rate base; and colum (d) is pro forma results 25 of operations, all under existing rates. Colum (e) shows Andrews, Di 14 Avista Corporation 1 the revenue increase required which would allow the Company 2 to earn an 8.80% rate of return.Column (f) reflects pro 3 forma electric operating results with the requested 4 increase of $31,233,000.The restating adjustments shown 5 in colums c through w, of pages 4 through 7 of Exhibit No. 6 10, Schedule 1, are consistent with the treatment reflected 7 in the prior Commission Orders in Case Nos. AVU-E-04-01, 8 AVU-E-08-01 and current regulatory principles. 9 Q.Would you please explain page 2 of Exibit No. 10 10, Schedule 1? 11 A.Yes.Page 2 shows the calculation of the 12 $31,233,000 revenue requirement at the requested 8.80% rate 13 of return. 14 Q.Would you now please explain page 3 of Exibit 15 No. 10, Schedule 1? 16 17 A.Yes.Page 3 shows the derivation of the net operating income to gross revenue conversion factor.The 18 conversion factor takes into account uncollectible accounts 19 receivable, Commission fees and Idaho State excise taxes. 20 Federal income taxes are reflected at 35%. 21 Q.Now turning to pages 4 through 9 of your Exhibit 22 No. 10, Schedule 1, would you please explain what those 23 pages show? 24 A.Yes. Page 4 begins with actual operating results 25 and rate base for the twelve-month period ending September Andrews, Di 15 Avista Corporation 1 30, 2008 test period in column (b). Individual normalizing 2 adjustments consistent with prior regulatory treatment 3 (standard Commission Basis adjustments) begin in column (c) 4 on page 4 and continue through colum (w) on page 7. 5 Individual pro forma and additional normalizing adjustments 6 begin in column (PF1) on page 7 and continue through column 7 (PF22) on page 11.The final column on page 11 (PFT) is 8 the total pro forma operating results and rate base for the 9 test period. Additional details related to each adjustment 10 described below are provided in accompanying workpapers. 11 12 Standard Comission Basis Adjustments 13 Q.Would you please explain each of these 14 adjustments, the reason for the adjustment and its effect 15 on test period State of Idaho net operating income and/or 16 rate base? 17 A.Yes, but before I begin, I will note that in 18 addition to the explanation of adjustments provided herein, 19 the Company has also provided workpapers outlining 20 additional details related to each of the adjustments. 21 The first adjustment, column (c) on page 4, entitled 22 Deferred FIT Rate Base, reflects the rate base reduction 23 for Idaho's portion of deferred taxes.The adj us tmen t 24 reflects the deferred tax balances arising from accelerated 25 tax depreciation (Accelerated Cost Recovery System, or Andrews, Di 16 Avista Corporation 1 ACRS, and Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery, or MACRS), 2 bond refinancing premiums, and contributions in aid of 3 construction.These amounts are reflected on the average 4 of monthly average balance basis. The effect on Idaho rate 5 base is a reduction of $82,407,000. 6 The adjustment in colum (d), Deferred Gain on Office 7 Building, reflects the rate base reduction for Idaho's 8 portion of the net of tax, unamortized gain on the sale of 9 the Company's general office facility.The facility was 10 sold in December 1986 and leased back by the Company. 11 Although the Company repurchased the building in November 12 2005, the Company opted to continue to amortize the 13 deferred gain over the remaining amortization period 14 scheduled to end in 2011. The effect on Idaho rate base is 15 a reduction of $164,000. 16 17 18 19 The adjustment in colum (e) , Colstrip 3 AFU Elimination,is a reallocation of rate base and depreciation expense between jurisdictions.In Cause Nos. U-81-15 and U-82-10,the Washington Utilities and 20 Transportation Commission (WUTC) allowed the Company a 21 return on a portion of Colstrip Unit 3 construction work in 22 progress ("CWIP"). A much smaller amount of Colstrip Unit 23 3 CWIP was allowed in rate base in Case U-1008-144 by the 24 I PUC . The Company eliminated the AFUDC associated with the 25 portion of CWIP allowed in rate base in each jurisdiction. Andrews, Di 17 Avista Corporation 1 Since production facilities are allocated on the 2 Production/Transmission formula, the allocation of AFUDC is 3 reversed and a direct assignent is made.The rate base 4 adjustment reflects the average of monthly averages amount 5 6 for the test period.The effect on Idaho net operating income is a decrease of $202,000.The effect of the 7 reallocation on Idaho rate base is an increase of 8 $1,956,000. 9 The adjustment in column (f), Colstrip Comon AFUDC, 10 is also associated with the Colstrip plants in Montana, and 11 increases rate base.Differing amounts of Colstrip common 12 facilities were excluded from rate base by this Commission 13 and the WUTC until Colstrip unit 4 was placed in service. 14 The Company was allowed to accrue AFUDC on the Colstrip 15 common facilities during the time that they were excluded 16 from rate base.It is necessary to directly assign the 17 AFUDC because of the differing amounts of common facilities 18 excluded from rate base by this Commission and the WUTC. 19 In September 1988, an entry was made to comply wi th a 20 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC")Audit 21 Exception, which transferred Colstrip common AFUDC from the 22 plant accounts to account 186.These amounts reflect a 23 direct assignment of rate base for the appropriate average 24 of monthly averages amounts of Colstrip common AFUDC to the 25 washington and Idaho jurisdictions.Amortization expense Andrews, Di 18 Avista Corporation 1 associated with the Colstrip common AFUDC is charged 2 directly to the washington and Idaho jurisdictions through 3 Account 406 and is a component of the actual results of 4 operations.The rate base adjustment reflects the average 5 of monthly averages amount for the test period. The effect 6 on Idaho rate base is an increase of $925,000. 7 The adjustment in column (g), Kettle Falls &: Boulder 8 Park Disallowances, decreases rate base.The amounts 9 reflect the Kettle Falls generating plant disallowance 10 ordered by this Commission in Case No. U-1008-18-5 and the 11 Boulder Park plant disallowance ordered by the IPUC in case 12 No. AVU-E-04-1.This Commission disallowed a rate of 13 return on $3,009,445 of investment in Kettle Falls, and 14 $2,600,000 million of investment in Boulder Park.The 15 disallowed investment and related accumulated depreciation 16 are removed.These amounts are a component of actual 17 results of operations. The effect on Idaho rate base is a 18 decrease of $2,233,000. 19 The adjustment in column (h), Customer Advances, 20 decreases rate base for moneys advanced by customers for 21 line extensions, as they will most likely be recorded as 22 contributions in aid of construction at some future time. 23 The effect on Idaho rate base is a decrease of $885,000. 24 Q.Please turn to page 5 and explain the adjustments 25 shown there. Andrews, Di 19 Avista Corporation 1 A.Page 5 starts with the adjustment in colum (i), 2 Weatherization and DSM Investment, which includes in rate 3 base balances (net of amortization) of weatherization 4 grants, the model conservation program costs and electric 5 demand side management (DSM) program costs upon which AFUCE 6 is no longer being accrued and full amortization was 7 8 implemented beginning August 1994.These amounts are a component of actual results of operations.The effect on 9 Idaho rate base is an increase of $1,669,000. 10 Q.Would you please explain how energy efficiency- 11 related expenditures impact the revenue requirement in this 12 case? 13 A.Yes.The unamortized balance of energy 14 efficiency management investment incurred prior to 1995 is 15 included in the results of operations and is a rate base 16 item in the colum (i) adjustment just described.DSM 17 expenditures incurred after March 13, 1995 have been offset 18 by revenues from the Company's energy efficiency tariff 19 rider, Schedule 91, and are not included in the revenue 20 requirement. 21 As the Commission is aware, the Company's tariff rider 22 under Schedule 91 was the first non-bypassable distribution 23 charge in the United States to fund energy efficiency. Mr. 24 Folsom provides additional detail and addresses the 25 prudence of the expenditures under this tariff. Andrews, Di 20 Avista Corporation 1 Q.Please continue with your explanation of the 2 adjustments on page 5. 3 A.The next column entitled Subtotal Actual 4 represents actual operating results and rate base plus the 5 standard rate base adjustments. 6 The adjustment in colum (j), Depreciation True-up, 7 reflects a decrease in depreciation expense due to the 8 utilization of new depreciation rates effective January 1, 9 2008 as approved by Order No. 30498 in Case No. AVU-E-07- 10 11.These rates became effective after the three months 11 (October through December 2007) included in the test 12 period.This adjustment annualizes the current effective 13 rates for the test period. This adjustment increases Idaho 14 net operating income by $119,000. 15 The adjustment in column (k), Eliminate B &: 0 Taxes, 16 eliminates the revenues and expenses associated with local 17 business and occupation (B & 0) taxes, which the Company is 18 allowed to pass through to its Idaho customers.The 19 adjustment eliminates any timing mismatch that exists 20 between the revenues and expenses by eliminating the 21 revenues and expenses in their entirety.B & 0 taxes are 22 passed through on a separate schedule, which is not part of 23 this proceeding. The effect of this adjustment is to 24 decrease Idaho net operating income by $3,000. Andrews, Di 21 Avista Corporation 1 The adjustment in column (1), Property Tax, restates 2 the test period accrued levels of property taxes to the 3 most current information available and eliminates any 4 adjustments related to the prior year.This adjustment 5 includes the increase in property taxes in 2009 related to 6 the Company's Coyote Springs plant located in Oregon. 7 Previously the Company had been excluded from this property 8 tax assessment for five years under a tax abatement as a 9 result of the plant being located in the Columbia River 10 Enterprise Zone in Oregon.The effect of this particular 11 adjustment is to decrease Idaho net operating income by 12 $1,171,000. 13 The adjustment in colum (m), Uncollectible Expense, 14 restates the accrued expense to the actual level of net 15 write-offs for the test period.The effect of this 16 adjustment is to increase Idaho net operating income by 17 $37,000. 18 The adjustment in colum (n), Regulatory Expense, 19 restates recorded 2008 regulatory expense to reflect the 20 IPUC assessment rates applied to expected revenues for the 21 2008 period and the actual levels of FERC fees paid during 22 the test period.The effect of this adjustment is to 23 decrease Idaho net operating income by $26,000. 24 Q.Please turn to page 6 and explain the adjustments 25 shown there. Andrews, Di 22 Avista Corporation 1 A.The adjustment in column (0) ,Injuries and 2 Damages, is a restating adjustment that replaces the 3 accrual with the six-year rolling average of actual 4 injuries and damages payments not covered by insurance2. A 5 six-year rolling average and the reserve method of 6 accounting for injuries and damages, net of insurance 7 proceeds, is a practical methodology to deal wi th these 8 normal utility operating expenses that happen to occur on 9 an irregular basis and differ markedly in materiality. 10 This methodology was accepted by the Idaho Commission in 11 Case No. WWP-E-98-11.The effect of this adjustment is to 12 decrease Idaho net operating income by $15,000. 13 The adjustment in colum (p), FIT, adjusts the FIT 14 calculated at 35% within Results of Operations by removing 15 the effect of certain Schedule M items, matching the 16 jurisdictional allocation of other Schedule M items to 17 related Results of Operations allocations and to adjust the 18 production tax credits for pro forma qualified generation. 19 This adjustment also reflects the proper level of deferred 20 tax expense for the test period.The net effect of this 21 adjustment, all based upon a Federal tax rate of 35%, is to 22 increase Idaho net operating income by $454,000. 2 Due to the twelve months ending September 30, 2008 test period utilized in this case, the Company computed the six-year average using twelve-months ended actuals through November 2008 (most current data available at time of adjustment) for its 2008 electric and natural gasbalances. Andrews, Di 23 Avista Corporation 1 The adjustment in column (q), Idaho. PCA, removes the 2 effects of the financial accounting for the Power Cost 3 Adjustment (PCA).The PCA normalizes and defers certain 4 power supply costs on an ongoing basis between general rate 5 filings. Certain differences in actual power supply costs, 6 compared to those included in base retail rates are 7 deferred and then surcharged or rebated to customers in a 8 future period. Revenue adjustments due to the PCA and the 9 power cost deferrals affect actual results of operations 10 and need to be eliminated to produce a normal period. 11 (Actual revenu.èS and power supply costs are normalized in( 12 adjustments in column (u) and column (PF1), respectively. 13 The effect of this adjustment is to decrease Idaho net 14 operating income by $9,591,000. 15 The adjustment in colum (r), Nez Perce Settlement 16 Adjustment, reflects a decrease in Production operating 17 expenses.An agreement was entered into between the 18 Company and the Nez Perce Tribe to settle certain issues 19 20 regarding earlier owned and operated hydroelectric generating facilities of the Company.This adjustment 21 directly assigns the Nez Perce Settlement expenses to the 22 washington and Idaho jurisdictions. This is necessary due 23 to differing regulatory treatment in Idaho Case No. WWP-E- 24 98-11 and Washington Docket No. UE-991606.The effect of Andrews, Di 24 Avista Corporation 1 this adjustment is to increase Idaho net operating income 2 by $8,000. 3 The adjustment in column (s), Eliminate A/R Expenses, 4 A/R representing Accounts Receivable, removes expenses 5 associated with the sale of customer accounts receivable. 6 The effect of this adjustment is to increase Idaho net 7 operating income by $190,000. 8 The adjustment in column (t), Miscellaneous Restating 9 Adjustments, removes a number of non-operating or non- 10 utility expenses associated with advertising, sponsorships 11 and dues and donations included in error in the test period 12 actual resul ts .The effect of this adjustment is to 13 increase Idaho net operating income by $73,000. 14 The adjustment in colum (u), Revenue Normlization, 15 is a 3-fold adjustment taking into account known and 16 measurable changes that include revenue repricing 17 (including the current authorized rates approved in Case 18 No. AVU-E-08-01), weather normalization and a recalculation 19 of unbilled revenue. Schedule 91 Tariff Rider and Schedule 20 59 Residential Exchange are excluded from pro forma 21 22 revenues,and the related amortization expense is eliminated as well.Ms.Knox is sponsoring this 23 adjustment. The effect of this particular adjustment is to 24 increase Idaho net operating income by $14,065,000. Andrews, Di 25 Avista Corporation 1 Q.Please continue on page 7 with your explanation 2 of the adjustments. 3 A.The adjustment in column (v), Clark Fork PM&:E, 4 adjusts the level of amortization expense included in the 5 test period based on the balancing account method 6 previously authorized by the Commission for the Clark Fork 7 Protection, Mitigation, and Enhancement (PM&E) expenses, to 8 the Company's current authorized level of expense based on 9 the flow through of actual expenditures plus one-fifth of 10 the 5-year amortization of the remaining outstanding 11 balance in the balancing account at September 30, 2008, as 12 approved in Case No. AVU-E-08-01. This adjustment uses the 13 level of PM&E expenses planned for the 2009/2010 rate 14 15 period for the amoun t 0 f flow through of actual expendi tures .Mr. Storro discusses in his testimony the 16 additional PM&E expenditures planned for the rate period. 17 The effect of this adjustment is to decrease Idaho net 18 operating income by $649,000. 19 The adjustment in the colum (w)Restate Debt 20 Interest, restates debt interest using the Company's pro 21 forma weighted average cost of debt, as outlined in the 22 testimony and exhibits of Company witness Mr. Theis, and 23 applied to Idaho's pro forma level of rate base, produces a 24 pro forma level of tax deductible interest expense.The 25 Federal income tax effect of the restated level of interest Andrews, Di 26 Avista Corporation 1 for the test period decreases Idaho net operating income by 2 $1,985,000. 3 The column entitled Restated Total, subtotals all the 4 preceding columns (b) through column (w), exclusive of the 5 previously discussed subtotal colum.These totals 6 represent actual operating results and rate base plus the 7 standard normalizing adjustments that the Company includes 8 in its Commission Basis reports except power supply3. 9 10 Pro Forma Adjustments 11 Q.Please explain the significance of the 22 colums 12 subsequent to the colum entitled Restated Total that 13 begins at page 7 in your Exibit No. 10, Schedule 1. 14 A.The adjustments subsequent to the Restated Total 15 colum are pro forma adjustments that recognize the 16 jurisdictional impacts of items that will impact the pro 17 forma operating period levels for known and measurable 18 changes.They encompass revenue and expense items as well 19 as additional capital projects.These adjustments bring 20 the operating results and rate base to the final pro forma 21 level for the rate year. 3 The restated total also includes the additional property tax on CS2 required starting in 2009 included in the property tax restating adjustment colum (l), and additional PM&E expenses above the testperiod planned for the rate period in colum (v). Andrews, Di 27 Avista Corporation 1 Q.Please continue with your explanation of the 2 adjustments starting on page 7, subsequent to the Restated 3 Total colum. 4 A.The adjustment in column (PF1), Pro Form Power 5 Supply, was made under the direction of Mr. Johnson and is 6 explained in detail in his testimony.This adjustment 7 includes pro forma power supply related revenue and 8 expenses to reflect the twelve-month period July 1, 2009 9 through June 30, 2010.Mr. Johnson's testimony outlines 10 the system level of pro forma power supply details that are 11 included in this adjustment.This adjustment calculates 12 the Idaho jurisdictional share of those figures included in 13 the base Results of Operations.The net effect of the 14 power supply adjustments decreases Idaho net operating 15 income by $6,285,000. 16 The adjustment in column (PF2), Pro Form Production 17 Property Adjustment, adjusts pro formed production and 18 transmission revenues, expenses, and rate base by a factor 19 that reflects the ratio of 2008 Idaho test year retail load 20 divided by the pro forma period Idaho retail load. Capital 21 additions have been pro formed to December 2009 whereas the 22 remainder of the pro forma adjustments reflect costs for 23 the twelve months ended June 2010 level.Therefore a 24 factor reflecting 2009 calendar Idaho retail load was used 25 to determine the factor for pro formed capital costs and Andrews, Di 28 Avista Corporation 1 the 2009/2010 rate year Idaho retail load was used to 2 determine the factor for all. other pro formed production 3 and transmission costs.The adjustment is made to avoid 4 the over-recovery of pro formed production and transmission 5 costs, since the revenue requirement associated with those 6 costs is being spread to test year retail load. The use of 7 a production property adjustment in conjunction with pro 8 forma rate year loads for power supply results in a better 9 matching of revenues and expenses during the period that 10 new retail rates from the case will be in effect.The 11 effect of this adjustment on Idaho net operating income is 12 an increase of $3,336,000.The effect on Idaho rate base 13 is a decrease of $10,202,000. 14 The adjustment in colum (PF3), Pro Forma Labor-Non- 15 Exec, reflects known and measurable changes to test period 16 union and non-union wages and salaries, excluding executive 17 salaries, which are handled separately in PF4. Test period 18 wages and salaries are restated as if the wage and salary 19 increase in March 2009 were in place for 8 months and the 20 March 2010 increase was in place for 4 months of the pro 21 forma period ending June 30, 2010. The methodology behind 22 this adjustment is consistent with that used in Case No. 23 AVU-E-04-01.The effect of this adjustment on Idaho net 24 operating income is a decrease of $694,000. Andrews, Di 29 Avista Corporation 1 The adjustment in colum (PF4), Pro Forma Labor- 2 Executive,reflects known and measurable changes to 3 executive compensation. Test period wages and salaries are 4 restated to the 2010 expected level. This adjustment takes 5 into account changes in executive staffing made during 2008 6 and includes compensation for the planned executive team in 7 the pro forma period only.Compensation costs for non- 8 utility operations are excluded as executives routinely 9 charge a portion of their time to non-utility operations, 10 commensurate with the amount of time spent on such 11 activities. The current executives' salary allocations are 12 set at their expected pro forma test period utility/non- 13 utility percentage splits.The methodology behind this 14 adjustment is consistent with that used in the last general 15 case, Case No. AVU-E-08-01. The impact of this adjustment 16 on Idaho net operating income is a decrease of $83,000. 17 Q.Please turn to page 8 and explain the adjustments 18 shown there. 19 A.The adjustment in column (PF5) ,Pro Form 20 Transmission Rev/Exp, was made under the direction of Mr. 21 Kinney and is explained in detail in his testimony.This 22 adjustment includes pro forma transmission-related revenues 23 and expenses to reflect the twelve-month period July 1, 24 2009 through June 30, 2010.The net effect of the Andrews, Di 30 Avista Corporation 1 transmission revenue and expense adjustments increases 2 Idaho net operating income by $5,000. 3 The adj us tmen t in co 1 umn ( PF 6), Pro Form Capital 4 Additions 2008, pro forms in the capital cost and expenses 5 associated with adjusting the twelve-month ending Septemer 6 2008 average-monthly-average plant related balances to 7 expected end-of-period balances for plant in service at 8 December 31, 2008.The capital costs have been included 9 for the December 31, 2008 pro forma period with the 10 associated depreciation expense and property tax, as well 11 as the appropriate accumulated depreciation and deferred 12 income tax rate base offsets.This adjustment was made 13 under the direction of Mr. DeFelice and is described 14 further in his testimony.This adjustment is also 15 consistent with that approved in the most recent Idaho 16 general rate case proceeding, Case No. AVU-E-08-01, which 17 approved the Company's expected net rate base balance as of 18 December 31, 2008.The production property adjustment is 19 also applied to the production and transmission components 20 of these additions as discussed further by Ms. Knox. This 21 adjustment decreases Idaho net operating income by $160,000 22 and increases rate base by $3,658,000. 23 The adjustment in column (PF7), Pro Form Capital 24 Additions 2009, pro forms in the capital cost and expenses 25 associated with pro forming in capital expenditures for Andrews, Di 31 Avista Corporation 1 2009.This adjustment includes projects expected to be 2 completed and transferred to plant-in-service by December 3 31, 2009, and thus were normalized to reflect annual amounts.The capital costs have been included for the4 5 appropriate pro forma period with the associated 6 depreciation expense and property tax, as well as the 7 appropriate accumulated depreciation and deferred income 8 tax rate base offsets.This adjustment also reduces the 9 2008 vintage plant net rate base (including accumulated 10 depreciation and deferred FIT) to an end of period December 11 31, 2009 adjusted balance.This adjustment was also made 12 under the direction of Mr. DeFelice and is described 13 14 further in his testimony.The production property adjustment is also applied to the production and 15 transmission components of these additions as discussed 16 further by Ms. Knox.This adjustment decreases Idaho net 17 operating income by $1,692,000 and increases rate base by 18 $16,896,000. 19 The adjustment in colum (PF8), Pro Form informtion 20 Services, pro forms in the administrative and general (A&G) 21 expenses associated with incremental known and measureable 22 changes for labor and non-labor informational services 23 costs planned for 2009 above the test period. As explained 24 by Company witness Mr. Kopczynski, these expenditures are 25 related to 1) additional labor dollars required to support Andrews, Di 32 Avista Corporation 1 applications utilized by the Company in recent years, such 2 as the mobile dispatch and outage management applications, 3 improved web application support, and additional required 4 security and compliance requirements; and 2) additional 5 non-labor dollars required for hosting fees, application 6 fees, software maintenance and license fees, and new and 7 8 replacement software and hardware for business applications.This adjustment decreases Idaho net 9 operating income by $448,000. 10 The adjustment in colum (PF9), Pro Form Asset 11 Management, pro forms in the O&M expense associated with 12 the Asset Management Program as described further by Mr. 13 Kinney. This adjustment is consistent with the methodology 14 approved in Case No. AVU-E-08-01.This adjustment 15 decreases Idaho net operating income by $481,000. 16 The adjustment in colum (PF10), Pro Forma Spokane 17 River Relicensing, includes the costs associated with the 18 Company's Spokane River relicensing efforts and the CDA 19 Tribe settlement 4 (e) relicensing conditions and accrued 20 interest as described further in my workpapers.These 21 costs include actual life-to-date expenditures from April 22 2001 through December 31, 2008, and 2009 pro forma 23 expendi tures through June 30, 2009.Company witness Mr. 24 Storro provides additional details regarding the status of 25 the Spokane River Relicensing efforts and explains that the Andrews, Di 33 Avista Corporation 1 Company anticipates a final license approved by the Federal 2 Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) by June 30, 2009. The 3 majority of these charges were reviewed in the Company's 4 previous general electric rate case proceeding, Case No. 5 AVU-E-08-01.Through the Settlement agreement approved by 6 the Commission in that case, the Company was allowed to 7 defer the amortization of these charges, including a 8 carrying charge on the deferrals and unamortized balance, 9 and include recovery of these costs in its next general 10 rate case. 11 Subsequent to the conclusion of Case No. AVU-E-08-01, 12 and during review of the total current actual expenditures 13 to-date for the Spokane River Relicensing efforts, it was 14 discovered that the Company had inadvertently failed to 15 continue to compute and accrue AFUDC after December 31, 16 2004 on the certain expenditures that had been recorded for 17 the years 1999 to 2004. (In other words, AFUDC was not 18 recorded for the period January 2005 through November 2008 19 on amounts spent in 1999 through 2004.)This error was 20 discovered in December 2008 and corrected, accruing an 21 addi tional amount of approximately $3.0 million.This 22 correction caused an increase in costs included in this 23 case, above that approved in Case No. AVU-E-08-01, of 24 approximately $1.1 million (Idaho share) to accrue for the 25 missed AFUDC from January 2005 through November 2008 on the Andrews, Di 34 Avista Corporation 1 1999 through 2004 balance.This adjustment, including the 2 AFUDC correction, decreases Idaho net operating income by 3 $1,348,000 and increases rate base by $12,184,000. 4 Q.Please turn to page 9 and explain the adjustments 5 shown there. 6 A.The adjustment in column (PF11), Pro Form Coeur 7 d' Alene Tribe Settlement, includes costs associated with 8 the Lake Coeur d' Alene Tribe (CDA Tribe) settlement 9 agreement.Mr.Storro describes further the final 10 agreement between the Company and the CDA Tribe.The 11 settlement includes the payment of $25.0 million in 12 December 2008, $10.0 million in 2009 and $4.0 million in 13 2010 for resolution of the past trespass and §10 (e) 14 charges.The future §10 (e) payments are $400,000 flat 15 annual payments for the first 21 years of the new Spokane 16 River license, starting in December 2008, and $700,000 flat 17 annual payments for the remaining years of the license. 18 The agreed upon settlement and payments were reviewed in 19 20 the company's previous electric general rate case proceeding, Case No. AVU-E-08-01.As approved by the 21 Commission's Order No. 30647, the Company is allowed to 22 defer the amortization of the initial 2008 payments, 23 including a carrying charge on the deferrals and 24 unamortized balance, and include recovery of these costs in 25 its next general rate case.These deferred payments, Andrews, Di 35 Avista Corporation 1 including a return on the balance, are planned to be 2 amortized over the average remaining life of the Post Falls 3 Project, or 45 years.The pro forma adjustment includes 4 one year amortization of the deferred balance, and the 2009 5 annual payment of $400,000.This adjustment decreases 6 Idaho net operating income by $257,000 and increases rate 7 base by $7,861,000. 8 The adjustment in column (PF12), Pro Form Montana 9 Riverbed Lease, includes costs associated with the Montana 10 Riverbed lease settlement. In this settlement, the Company 11 agreed to pay the State of Montana $4.0 million annually 12 beginning in 2007, with annual inflation adjustments, for a 13 10-year period for leasing the riverbed under the Noxon 14 Rapids Proj ect and the Montana portion of the Cabinet Gorge 15 16 Project.The first two annual payments were deferred by Avista as approved in Case No. AVU-E-07-10.In Case No. 17 AVU-E-08-01 (see Order No. 30647), the Commission approved 18 the Company's proposed accounting treatment of the deferred 19 payments, including accrued interest, to be amortized over 20 the remaining eight years of the agreement starting October 21 1, 2008.This adjustment includes one-eighth of the 22 deferred balance amortization and the annual lease payment 23 expense.This adjustment decreases Idaho net operating 24 income by $1,231,000 and increases rate base by $1,583,000. Andrews, Di 36 Avista Corporation 1 The adjustment in colum (PF13), pro Forma Colstrip 2 Mercury Emission O&:M, includes the pro forma period O&M 3 costs associated with the mercury control project at 4 5 Colstrip as further described by Mr. Storro.This adjustment decreases Idaho net operating income by 6 $383,000. 7 The adjustment in colum (PF14), Pro Form incentives, 8 adjusts the test year incentive expense to the 2008 9 incentive expense expected to be paid in 2009 for the 2008 10 incentive plan. The Company's main employee incentive plan 11 uses Customer Satisfaction and Reliability targets as the 12 initial step in issuing incentive payouts. Actual payouts 13 are dictated by utility O&M cost savings.Since the 14 executive plan is slightly different than the main employee 15 incentive plan, this adjustment removes any part of the 16 2008 executive incentive payout that was "not" based on the 17 Customer Satisfaction and Reliability targets.This pro 18 forma adjustment further adjusts incentive expenses to a 6 19 year average.The impact of this adjustment on Idaho net 20 operating income is a decrease of $189,000. 21 Q.Please explain how the Company computed its 6- 22 year average. 23 A.Actual incentives paid and the associated payroll 24 taxes accrued for years 2003 through 2007 were adjusted by 25 the Consumer Price Index (CPI) annual average for the Andrews, Di 37 Avista Corporation 1 calendar year the incentives were paid, to reflect those 2 costs in 2008 dollars.The computed six-year average of 3 2003 through 2008 incentives was compared to incentive 4 expense included in the test period to determine the pro 5 forma adjustment. 6 Q.Why did the Company choose to use a 6 -year 7 average? 8 A.Since annual Company incentive plan payouts can 9 often vary year-to-year, the Company has chosen to propose 10 an average of annual payouts.Often where there are 11 revenues or expenses that can vary significantly from year- 12 to-year and therefore uncertain as to the appropriate 13 level, the Commission has utilized or approved averages to 14 properly reflect a fair and reasonable level of revenue or 15 expense to be included in customers' rates.In 2002 the 16 Company changed its incentive plan to be based on Customer 17 Satisfaction and Reliability targets, and the requirement 18 that O&M savings must occur in order for there to be any 19 payout.This is significantly different than the plans 20 prior to 2002 based on earnings targets of the Company. 21 Utilizing a 6-year average, using years 2003 through 2008, 22 includes common incentive plans that are comparable from 23 year-to-year, and is consistent with other average methods 24 utilized by this Commission. Andrews, Di 38 Avista Corporation 1 Q.Please explain other examples where the use of an 2 average has been used by the Company to determine the 3 appropriate level of revenue or expense to include in its 4 general rate case filings? 5 A.A few examples come to mind regarding 6 transmission revenue adjustments. For example, the Company 7 uses a five-year average for OASIS wheeling revenues 8 because these revenues vary year to year depending on 9 electric energy market conditions.Avista has, in the 10 current and previous rate cases, used the most recent five- 11 year average as being representative of future expectations 12 unless there are known events or factors that occurred 13 during the period that would cause the average to not be 14 representative of future expectations. 15 A second transmission revenue example includes the 16 adjustment for Dry Gulch revenue.The current methodology 17 used to normalize Dry Gulch revenue is a five-year average 18 of actual revenue.A five-year average is used since the 19 revenue can vary from year to year.The revenue is 20 calculated using a 12-month rolling ratchet based on 21 monthly peak demands.Load peaks are very sensitive to 22 temperatures, which vary from year to year. 23 A third example,regarding injuries and damages 24 expense,includes the restating adjustment described 25 earlier in my testimony that replaces the amount accrued in Andrews, Di 39 Avista Corporation 1 the test period with a six-year rolling average of actual 2 payments for injuries and damages not covered by insurance. 3 Q.Please continue your explanation of the 4 adjustment colums on page 9. 5 A.The adjustment in column (PF15), Pro Form CS2 6 Levelized Adjustment, defers a portion of the return on 7 Coyote Springs 2 (CS2) in early years for recovery in later 8 years in order to levelize the revenue requirement on CS2 9 plant investment over a ten-year period.In the Company i s 10 electric general rate case, Case No. AVU-E-04-1, this 11 method was approved by the IPUC in Order No. 29602.This 12 adjustment restates the test period amount of negative 13 amortization expense, inclusive of the carrying charge on 14 the deferred return, to the amount that will be recorded in 15 the rate year.The change in deferred income tax expense 16 from the test period to the rate period is also reflected. 17 In the 2009 rate year the deferred return begins to be 18 recovered, although the carrying cost on the deferred 19 return exceeds the recovery of the deferred return for that 20 period.The levelization adjustment is necessary, since 21 the CS2 net plant upon which the levelization adjustment is 22 based, is proformed to the rate period.Hence, the 23 levelization adjustment also needs to be proformed to the 24 rate period. This adjustment reduces net operating income 25 by $129,000. Andrews, Di 40 Avista Corporation 1 Q.Please turn to page 10 and explain the 2 adjustments shown there. 3 A.The adj us tmen t in co 1 umn ( PF 16), Pro Form Idaho 4 Advanced Meter Reading (AM), includes the capital costs 5 associa ted wi th the Company's Idaho AMR proj ect .In the 6 I PUC ' s Order No. 29602, in Case No. AVU-E-04-01, the 7 Commission supported the Company's plans to install AMR and authorized the Company-reques ted deferred accounting8 9 treatment for its related investment.In the Company's 10 most recent case, Case No. AVU-E-08-01 in Order No. 30647, 11 the Commission reviewed and approved these deferred costs 12 associated with the Company's investment in AMR as prudent. 13 This adjustment includes the amortization of the AM 14 investment, including actual life-to-date expenditures from 15 January 2005 through November 30, 2008 and expected charges 16 for December 2008.This adjustment decreases Idaho net 17 operating income by $689,000 and increases rate base by 18 $21,436,000. 19 The adjustment in colum (PF17), pro Form O&:M Plant 20 expense, adjusts for incremental non-labor generation plant 21 O&M costs planned for 2009/2010 above the test period. As 22 further explained by Mr.Storro,these additional 23 expendi tures are mainly due to maj or O&M expendi tures 24 planned for the Company's two thermal generation plants, 25 Colstrip and Kettle Falls, and its Rathdrum CT peaking Andrews, Di 41 Avista Corporation 1 generation plant.This adjustment decreases Idaho net 2 operating income by $899,000. 3 The adjustment in column (PF18), Pro Form Employee 4 Benefits, adjusts for changes in both the Company's pension 5 and medical insurance expense and decreases Idaho net 6 operating income by $944,000. 7 Q.Please describe the pension expense portion of 8 the Employee Benefits adjustment and Idaho's share of this 9 expense. 10 A.The Company's pension expense portion of this 11 adjustment is determined in accordance with Financial 12 Accounting Standard 87 ("FAS-87"), and has increased on a 13 system basis from $12.1 million for the actual test year 14 costs for the twelve months ended September 30, 2008, to 15 $18.4 million for 2009. At this time the amounts included 16 in this case are estimated with the most current available 17 data as of December 2008.Preliminary Pension expense is 18 determined by an outside actuarial firm, in accordance with 19 FAS-87, and provided to the Company late in the first 20 quarter of each year.These calculations and assumptions 21 are reviewed by the Company's outside accounting firm 22 annually for reasonableness and comparability to other 23 companies.Due to the timing of this report, addi tional 24 information may become known during the course of these Andrews, Di 42 Avista Corporation 1 proceedings that may require a modification to this 2 adjustment. 3 As explained by Company wi tness Mr. Thies,the 4 increase in pension expense is due primarily to the 5 investment performance of plan assets during the major 6 downturn in the financial markets experienced during the 7 past year.In addition, the Pension Protection Act (PPA) 8 of 2006 requires companies to annually increase the funding 9 level of their pension plans in order to eventually achieve 10 a fully funded plan. 11 As explained by Mr. Thies, Avista is very disciplined 12 in its plan asset allocation and believes that its approach 13 has helped to arrest what could have been an even greater 14 decline in plan assets value. Many companies with Defined 15 Benefit Pension Plans have experienced similar asset value 16 declines and increased funding levels as a result of 17 general market conditions, as discussed by Mr. Thies. 18 The pension levels noted above are for the Company as 19 a whole. Pension expense, as with other employee benefits, 20 is "loaded" onto actual labor costs, which are then 21 assigned to various functional expense categories and 22 accounts through the payroll process.Historically, 23 approximately 60% of labor is recorded as O&M expense and 24 40% is recorded as capital.In our adjustment, a detailed 25 analysis of labor charges was performed to more accurately Andrews, Di 43 Avista Corporation 1 determine the Idaho O&M percentage of overall labor. Based 2 on this analysis, Idaho's share of the electric pension 3 expense (pre-tax) amount included in this adjustment is 4 approximately $940,000. 5 Q.Please now describe the medical insurance expense 6 portion of the Employee Benefits adjustment and idaho's 7 share of this expense. 8 A.The Company's medical insurance expense portion 9 of this adjustment adjusts for the medical insurance costs 10 planned for 2009 above the test period. Medical insurance 11 expense has increased on a system basis from $14.3 million 12 for the actual test year costs for the twelve months ended 13 September 30, 2008 to $17.9 million proj ected for 2009. 14 This increased cost is mainly due to increased large claims 15 activity driven by various diagnostic categories such as 16 cancer and heart disease, and an increase in the average 17 age of our membership. 18 Avista has taken measures to decrease its self-funded 19 plan costs.These measures include increasing the stop 20 loss insurance reimbursement level, which decreases the 21 premium expense with Avista' s third party administrator. 22 Avista also negotiated a new contract with its prescription 23 benefit administrator and its third party administrator 24 (TPA) to pass through the drug manufacturer rebates (in the 25 past these rebates were left with the TPA).Also, Avista Andrews, Di 44 Avista Corporation 1 is converting to a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) 2 program for its dental plan that provides savings to the 3 participant, similar to medical plans with a PPO program. 4 In addition to these current measures, Avista has made 5 changes to co-pay levels and out of pocket maximums over 6 the past five years to help reduce plan costs. 7 Again, as with other employee benefits, medical 8 insurance expense is "loaded" onto actual labor costs, 9 which are then assigned to various functional expense 10 categories and accounts through the payroll process. 11 Historically, approximately 60% of labor is recorded as O&M 12 expense and 40% is recorded as capital.Idaho's share of 13 the electric medical insurance expense (pre-tax) amount 14 included in this adjustment is approximately $530,000. 15 Q.Please continue your explanation of the 16 adjustment colums on page 10. 17 The adjustment in Column (PF19), Pro Forma Insurance, 18 adjusts the test period insurance expense for general 19 liabili ty, directors and officers ("D&O") liability, and 20 property to the actual cost of insurance policies that are 21 in effect for 2009.Costs of system-wide insurance 22 policies for 2009 varied from 2008, mainly for General 23 Liability and Property insurance cost, which increased 24 approximately $730,000 (system expense), due to increased 25 coverage, Avista' s growth, and higher premium rates. Andrews, Di 45 Avista Corporation 1 Property insurance rates were volatile because of extensive 2 energy industry property damage in 2008 and adverse 3 investment returns at insurance companies. Insurance costs 4 that are properly charged to non-utility operations have 5 been excluded from this adjustment.This adjustment 6 decreases Idaho net operating income by $97,000. 7 The adjustment in Column (PF20), Pro Form Chicago 8 Climate Exchange, adjusts other revenue for Idaho's share 9 of the revenues, net of expenses, from the sales of Carbon 10 Financial Instruments (CFIs)on the Chicago Climate 11 Exchange.In Order No. 30647 (Case No. AVU-E-08-01), the 12 Commission approved the amortization of the net revenues 13 14 over a two-year period beginning in October 2008.This adjustment increases Idaho net operating income by 15 $273,000. 16 Q.Please turn to page 11 and explain the 17 adjustments shown there. 18 A.The adjustment in column (PF21) , Pro Form 19 wartsila Amortization, reflects a five-year amortization of 20 the estimated unrecovered investment in two 4 MW 21 reciprocating engine generators originally planned to be 22 installed at Boulder Park, a small natural gas-fired 23 generating facility.During the period December 2004 24 through February 2005 Avista and Commission Staff discussed 25 possible accounting treatment related to the planned sale Andrews, Di 46 Avista Corporation 1 of the Wartsila units.In February 2005 the Staff 2 indicated by letter that it would support a five-year 3 amortization of the unrecovered costs, with no return on 4 the unamortized balance, and that the inclusion of the 5 amortization expense in rates would be addressed in a 6 future proceeding. 7 In 2008 a buyer agreed to purchase the units for net 8 proceeds to the Company of $1 million, as compared to the 9 book value of $3.65 million. However, the buyer defaulted 10 and only one uni t was del i vered wi th net proceeds to the 11 Company of $670,000. The second unit remains unsold. The 12 buyer is trying to raise the remaining $330,000 to purchase 13 the second unit. The amortization amount in the adjustment 14 assumes that the second unit will be sold for the $330,000. 15 Additional information may become known during the course 16 of these proceedings that may require a modification to the 17 adjustment.This adjustment decreases Idaho net operating 18 income by $120,000. 19 The adjustment in colum (PF22), Pro Form Colstrip 20 Lawsuit Settlement, reflects a two-year amortization of the 21 Company's share of the lawsuit settlement amount.On May 22 22, 2008, the Company filed an application seeking an 23 accounting order to defer the settlement payment.On 24 September 12, 2008, the Commission authorized deferred 25 accounting treatment in Order No. 30638, Case No. AVU-E-08- Andrews, Di 47 Avista Corporation 1 03.Staff's recommendation No. 4 on page 3 of the Order 2 recommends delaying any recovery for the amount of the 3 deferral until the next general rate case or other 4 proceeding as the Commission deems appropriate. 5 Avista may recover a portion of the settlement amount 6 7 under relevant insurance policies.The amount and timing of any insurance proceeds is not known at this time.The 8 adjustment can be revised as additional information 9 10 regarding insurance proceeds becomes known.This adjustment decreases Idaho net operating income by 11 $240,000. 12 The last colum, Pro Forma Total, reflects total pro 13 forma results of operations and rate base consisting of 14 test period actual results (twelve-months ending September 15 30, 2008) and the total of all adjustments. 16 Q.Referring back to page 1, line 42, of Exhibit No. 17 10, Schedule 1, what was the actual and pro form electric 18 rate of return realized by the Company during the test 19 period? 20 A.For the State of Idaho, the actual test period 21 rate of return was 6.99%. The pro forma rate of return is 22 5.34% under present rates. Thus, the Company does not, on 23 a pro forma basis for the test period, realize the 8.80% 24 rate of return requested by the Company in this case. Andrews, Di 48 Avista Corporation 1 Q.How much additional net operating income would be 2 required for the State of Idaho electric operations to 3 allow the Company an opportunity to earn its proposed 8.80% 4 rate of return on a pro form basis? 5 A.The net operating income deficiency amounts to 6 $19,951,000, as shown on line 5, page 2 of Exhibit No. 10, 7 Schedule 1. The resulting revenue requirement is shown on 8 line 7 and amounts to $31,233,000, or an increase of 14.18% 9 over pro forma general business revenues. 10 11 12 IV.NATURA GAS SECTION Q.On what test period is the Company basing its 13 need for additional natural gas revenue? 14 A.The test period being used by the Company is the 15 twelve-month period ending September 30, 2008, presented on 16 a pro forma basis.Currently authorized rates are based 17 upon the 2007 test year utilized in case No. AVU-G-08-01, 18 as adjusted on a pro forma basis. 19 Q.Could you please explain the different rates of 20 return shown in your natural gas results presented in your 21 testimony? 22 23 24 A.Yes.As discussed previously in the Electric Section,there are three different rates of return calculated.The actual ROR earned by the Company during 25 the test period, the Pro Forma ROR determined in my Exhibit Andrews, Di 49 Avista Corporation 1 No. 10, Schedule 2, and the requested ROR. For convenience 2 of comparison, please refer to Illustration No. 3 below 3 depicting these results for the Natural Gas Section: 45 Illustration No.3: 6 7 Avista Corp Rates of Retu 8 9 10.00% 8.00% 6.00% 4.00% 2.00% 0.00% 6.41% 10 11 12 13 Actual Pro Forma Request Q.What are the primary factors driving the 14 Company's need for additional natural gas revenues? 15 A.The Company's natural gas request is driven by 16 changes in various operating cost components, mainly 17 distribution operation and maintenance and administrative 18 19 and general expendi tures .This causes an increase in the fixed costs of providing gas service to customers.I 20 describe the pro forma adjustments included in this case 21 later in my testimony. 22 23 Revenue Requirement 24 Q.Would you please explain what is shown in Exibit 25 No. 10, Schedule 2? Andrews, Di 50 Avista Corporation 1 A. Exhibit No. 10, Schedule 2 shows actual and pro 2 forma gas operating results and rate base for the test 3 period for the State of Idaho.Colum (b) of page 1 of 4 Exhibit No. 10, Schedule 2 shows test period operating 5 results (twelve-months ended September 30, 2008) and 6 components of the average-monthly-average rate base as 7 recorded¡ column (c) is the total of all adjustments to net 8 operating income and rate base¡ and colum (d) is pro forma 9 resul ts of operations, all under existing rates.Colum 10 (e) shows the revenue increase required which would allow 11 the Company to earn' an 8.80% rate of return.Colum (f) 12 reflects pro forma gas operating results with the requested 13 increase of $2,740,000. 14 Q.Would you please explain page 2 of Exhibit No. 15 10, Schedule 2? 16 A.Yes.Page 2 shows the calculation of the 17 $2,740,000 revenue requirement at the requested 8.80% rate 18 of return. 19 Q.Would you now please explain page 3 of Exhibit 20 No. 10, schedule 2? 21 22 A.Yes.Page 3 shows the derivation of the net operating income to gross revenue conversion factor.The 23 conversion factor takes into account uncollectible accounts 24 receivable, Commission fees and Idaho State excise taxes. 25 Federal income taxes are reflected at 35%. Andrews, Di 51 Avista Corporation 1 Q.Now turning to pages 4 through 8 of your Exhibit 2 No. 10, Schedule 2, would you please explain what those 3 pages show? 4 A.Yes. Page 4 begins with actual operating results 5 and rate base for the test period (twelve-months ending 6 September 30, 2008) in column (b).Individual normalizing 7 adjustments consistent with prior regulatory treatment 8 (standard Commission Basis adjustments) begin in colum (c) 9 on page 4 and continue through colum (r) on page 6. 10 Individual pro forma and additional normalizing adjustments 11 begin in colum (PF1) on page 6 and continue through colum 12 (PF10) on page 8. The final column on page 8 is the total 13 pro forma operating results and rate base for the test 14 period.Additional details related to each adjustment 15 described below are provided in accompanying work papers. 16 17 Standard Commission Basis Adjustments 18 Q.Would you please explain each of these 19 adjustments, the reason for the adjustment and its effect 20 on test period State of Idaho net operating income and/or 21 rate base? 22 A.Yes, the restating adjustments shown in columns c 23 through r are consistent with methodologies employed in our 24 prior cases and current regulatory principles. Andrews, Di 52 Avista Corporation 1 The first adjustment, column (c) on page 4, entitled 2 Deferred FIT Rate Base, reflects the rate base reduction 3 for Idaho's portion of deferred taxes.The adj us tmen t 4 reflects the deferred tax balances arising from accelerated 5 tax depreciation (Accelerated Cost Recovery System, or 6 ACRS, and Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery, or MACRS), 7 bond refinancing premiums, and contributions in aid of 8 construction.These amounts are reflected on the average 9 of monthly average balance basis. The effect on Idaho rate 10 base is a reduction of $14,220,000. 11 The adjustment in colum (d), Deferred Gain on Office 12 Building, reflects the rate base reduction for Idaho's 13 portion of the net of tax, unamortized gain on the sale of 14 the Company's general office facility.The facility was 15 sold in December 1986 and leased back by the Company. 16 Although the Company repurchased the building in November 17 2005, the Company opted to continue to amortize the 18 deferred gain over the remaining amortization period 19 scheduled to end in 2011. The effect on Idaho rate base is 20 a reduction of $53,000. 21 The adjustment in colum (e), Gas inventory, reflects 22 the adjustment to rate base for the average of monthly 23 average value of gas stored at the Company i s Jackson 24 Prairie underground storage facility through the test Andrews, Di 53 Avista Corporation 1 period.The effect on Idaho rate base is an increase of 2 $4,535,000. 3 The adjustment in column (f), Weatherization and DSM 4 Investment, includes in rate base the balance (net of 5 amortization) of company investments in natural gas demand 6 7 side management (DSM) program costs.These amounts are a component of actual results of operations.The effect of 8 this adjustment is to increase Idaho rate base by $279,000. 9 The adjustment in column (g) , entitled Customer 10 Advances, decreases rate base for funds advanced by 11 customers for line extensions, as they are generally 12 recorded as contributions in aid of construction at some 13 future time.The effect of this adjustment on Idaho rate 14 base is a decrease of $73,000. 15 The colum labeled Subtotal Actual, is a subtotal of 16 columns (b) through (g) and reflects the standard rate base 17 adjustments. 18 Q.Please turn to page 5 and explain the adjustments 19 shown there. 20 A.The first adjustment on page 5 in colum (h), 21 entitled Depreciation True-up, reflects a decrease in 22 depreciation expense due to the utilization of new 23 depreciation rates effective January 1, 2008 as approved in 24 Order No. 30498 in Case No. AVU-G-07-03.These rates 25 became effective after the three months October through Andrews, Di 54 Avista Corporation 1 December 2007 included in the test period. This adjustment 2 annualizes the current effective rates for the test period. 3 This adjustment increases Idaho net operating income by 4 $25,000. 5 The adjustment in column (i) ,enti tled Weather 6 Normlization &: Gas Cost Adjustment, is a 3-fold adjustment 7 taking into account known and measurable changes that 8 include revenue normalization (including the current 9 authorized rates approved in Case No. AVU-G-08-01), which 10 reprices customer usage under presently effective rates, as 11 well as weather normalization and an unbilled revenue 12 calculation.Associated gas costs are replaced with gas 13 costs computed using normalized volumes at the currently 14 effective "weighted average cost of gas," or WACOG rates. 15 Revenues associated with the temporary Gas Rate Adjustment 16 Schedule 155 and Schedule 191 Tariff Rider are excluded 17 from pro forma revenues, and the related amortization 18 expenses are eliminated as well.The January 6, 2009 gas 19 cost reduction to customer charges was accomplished through 20 21 Schedule 155, which is excluded from base revenues.Ms. Knox is sponsoring this adjustment.The effect of this 22 particular adjustment is to increase Idaho net operating 23 income by $2,359,000. 24 The adjustment in colum (j), Eliminate B &: 0 Taxes, 25 eliminates the revenues and expenses associated with local Andrews, Di 55 Avista Corporation 1 business and occupation taxes, which the Company passes 2 through to customers. The adjustment eliminates any timing 3 mismatch that exists between the revenues and expenses by 4 eliminating the revenues and expenses in their entirety. 5 B & 0 Taxes are passed through on a separate schedule, 6 which is not part of this proceeding.The effect of this 7 adjustment is zero to Idaho net operating income. 8 The adjustment in colum (k), Property Tax, restates 9 the test period accrued levels of property taxes to the 10 most current information available and eliminates any 11 adjustments related to the prior year. The effect of this 12 particular adjustment is to decrease Idaho net operating 13 income by $104,000. 14 The adjustment in column (1), Uncollectible Expense, 15 restates the accrued expense to the actual level of net 16 write-offs for the test period.The effect of this 17 adjustment is to increase Idaho net operating income by 18 $81,000. 19 20 The adjustment in colum (m), entitled Regulatory Expense Adjustment,restates recorded 2008 regulatory 21 expense to reflect the IPUC assessment rates applied to 22 revenues for the test period.The effect of this 23 adjustment is to decrease Idaho net operating income by 24 $8,000. Andrews, Di 56 Avista Corporation 1 Q.Please turn to page 6 and explain the adjustments 2 shown there. 3 A.The first adjustment on page 6 in column (n), 4 entitled injuries and Damges, is a restating adjustment 5 that replaces the accrual with the six-year rolling average 6 of actual injuries and damages payments not covered by 7 . 4insurance .This methodology was accepted by the Idaho 8 Commission in Case No. WWP-E-98-11.The effect of this 9 adjustment is to increase Idaho net operating income by 10 $1,000. 11 The adjustment in column (0), entitled FIT, adjusts 12 the FIT calculated at 35% within Results of Operations by 13 removing the effect of certain Schedule M items and matches 14 the jurisdictional allocation of other Schedule M items to 15 related Results of Operations allocations. This adjustment 16 also reflects the proper level of deferred tax expense for 17 the test period.The effect of this adjustment, all based 18 upon a Federal tax rate of 35%, is to increase Idaho net 19 operating income by $10,000. 20 The adjustment in column (p), Eliminate A/R Expenses, 21 A/R representing Accounts Receivable, removes expenses 22 associated with the sale of customer accounts receivable. 4 Due to the twelve months ending September 30, 2008 test period utilized in this case, the Company computed the six-year average using twelve-months ended actuals through Novemer 2008 (most current data available at time of adjustment) for its 2008 balance. Andrews, Di 57 Avista Corporation 1 The effect of this adjustment is to increase Idaho net 2 operating income by $27,000. 3 The adjustment in colum (q), Miscellaneous Restating 4 Adjustment, removes a number of non-operating or non- 5 utili ty expenses associated with advertising, sponsorships 6 and dues and donations included in error in the test period 7 actual results.The effect of this adjustment is to 8 increase Idaho net operating income by $31,000. 9 The adjustment in column (r), Restate Debt interest, 10 restates debt interest using the Company's pro forma 11 weighted average cost of debt, as outlined in the testimony 12 and exhibits of Mr. Thies, and applied to Idaho's pro forma 13 level of rate base, produces a pro forma level of tax 14 deductible interest expense. The federal income tax effect 15 of the restated level of interest for the test period 16 decreases Idaho net operating income by $292,000. 17 The next column on page 6, entitled Restated Total, 18 subtotals all the preceding colums (b) through column (r), 19 exclusive of the previously discussed subtotal column. 20 These totals represent actual operating results and rate 21 base plus the standard normalizing adjustments. Andrews, Di 58 Avista Corporation 1 Pro Forma Adjustments 2 Q.Please explain the significance of the 10 colums 3 subsequent to the Restated Total colum on pages 6 through 4 8 of your Exhibit No. 10, Schedule 2. 5 A.The adjustments starting on page 6 are pro forma 6 adjustments to reflect known and measurable changes between 7 the test period and the pro forma period. In this case, 8 they encompass revenue and expense items, and natural gas 9 capi tal proj ects .These adjustments bring the operating 10 results and rate base to the final pro forma level for the 11 test year. 12 Q.Please continue with your explanation of the 13 adjustments on page 6. 14 A.The adjustment in column (PF1), Pro Form Labor- 15 Non-Exec, reflects known and measurable changes to test 16 period union and non-union wages and salaries, excluding 17 executive salaries, which are handled separately in PF2. 18 Test period wages and salaries are restated as if the wage 19 and salary increase in March 2009 were in place for 8 20 months and the March 2010 increase was in place for 4 21 months of the pro forma period ending June 30, 2010.The 22 methodology behind this adjustment is consistent with that 23 used in Case No. AVU-G-08-1. The effect of this adjustment 24 on Idaho net operating income is a decrease of $179,000. Andrews, Di 59 Avista Corporation 1 Q.Please turn to page 7 and explain the adjustments 2 shown there. 3 A.The first adjustment on page 7, in column (PF2) 4 is Pro Form Labor-Executive, which reflects known and 5 measurable changes to executive compensation.Test period 6 wages and salaries are restated to the 2010 expected level. 7 This adjustment takes into account changes in executive 8 staffing made during 2008 and includes compensation for the 9 planned executive team in the pro forma period only. 10 Compensation costs for non-utility operations are excluded 11 as executives routinely charge a portion of their time to 12 non-utility operations, commensurate with the amount of 13 time spent on such activities.The current executives' 14 salary allocations are set at their expected pro forma test 15 period utility/non-utility percentage splits.The impact 16 of this adjustment on Idaho net operating income is a 17 decrease of $21,000. 18 The adjustment in colum (PF3), Pro Forma capital 19 Additions 2008, pro forms in the capital cost and expenses 20 associated with adjusting the test period average-monthly- 21 average plant related balances at Septemer 30, 2008, to 22 actual end-of-period balances for plant in service at 23 December 31, 2008.The capital costs have been included 24 for December 31, 2008 pro forma period with the associated 25 depreciation expense and property tax, as well as the Andrews, Di 60 Avista Corporation 1 appropriate accumulated depreciation and deferred income 2 tax rate base offsets. This adjustment was made under the 3 direction of Mr. DeFelice and is described further in his 4 testimony.This adjustment increases Idaho net operating 5 income by $71,000 and increases rate base by $445,000. 6 The adjustment in column (PF4), Pro Forma Capital 7 Additions 2009, pro forms in the capital cost and expenses 8 associated with pro forming in capital expenditures for 9 2009. This adjustment includes projects completed during 10 2009, and thus were normalized to reflect annual amounts, 11 and projects expected to be completed and transferred to 12 plant-in-service by December 31, 2009.The capital costs 13 have been included for their appropriate pro forma period 14 with the associated depreciation expense and property tax, 15 as well as the appropriate accumulated depreciation and 16 deferred income tax rate base offsets.This adjustment 17 also reduces the 2008 vintage plant net rate base 18 (including accumulated depreciation and deferred FIT) to an 19 end of period December 31, 2009 adjusted balance.This 20 adjustment was also made under the direction of Mr. 21 DeFelice and is described further in his testimony.This 22 adjustment decreases Idaho net operating income by $198,000 23 and decreases rate base by $691,000. 24 The adjustment in column (PF5), entitled Pro Form 25 informtion Services, pro forms in the administrative and Andrews, Di 61 Avista Corporation 1 general (A&G) expenses associated with incremental known 2 and measureable changes for labor and non-labor 3 informational services costs planned for 2009 above the 4 test period, as further explained in the Electric Section. 5 The impact of this adjustment on Idaho net operating income 6 is a decrease of $101,000. 7 The adjustment in column (PF6), entitled Pro Form 8 Incentives, adjusts the test year incentive expense to the 9 2008 incentive expense expected to be paid in 2009 for the 10 2008 (as further explained in the Electric Section). This 11 adjustment also pro forms in a 6 year average (as further 12 explained in the Electric Section).The impact of this 13 adjustment on Idaho net operating income is a decrease of 14 $47,000. 15 The adjustment in colum (PF7), Pro Form JP Storage, 16 17 pro forms revenues, expenses,capital investment and inventory for the increased storage capacity and 18 deliverability associated with the Jackson Prairie (JP) 19 Storage facility that was approved by the Commission in 20 Order No. 30647 (Case No. AVU-G-08-01).In 2008, Avista 21 ended its natural gas storage release contract with Terasen 22 Gas.The revenues of $1,060,000 from the release of this 23 contract have been eliminated from the test period.Gas 24 inventory has been increased by $289,000, due to the 25 recouped storage.In addition, a multi-year expansion Andrews, Di 62 Avista Corporation 1 proj ect at the facility was in service in October 2008, 2 which increased deliverability, increasing depreciation and 3 property taxes expense by approximately $117,000, and 4 increasing net rate base by $3,302,000.The total net 5 impact of these adjustments decreases Idaho net operating 6 income by $752,000 and increases rate base by $3,591,000. 7 Q.Please turn to page 8 and explain the adjustments 8 shown there. 9 A.The first adjustment on page 8, in colum (PF8) 10 is Pro Form Idaho Advanced Meter Reading (AMR), includes 11 the capital costs associated with the Company's Idaho AMR 12 project.These costs include actual life-to-date 13 expenditures from January 2005 through December 31, 2008 14 (as explained further in the Electric Section).This 15 adjustment decreases Idaho net operating income by $229,000 16 and increases rate base by $6,142,000. 17 The adjustment in colum (PF9), Pro Form Employee 18 Benefits, adjusts for changes in both the Company's pension 19 and medical insurance expense planned for 2009 as further 20 explained in the Electric Section above.This adjustment 21 decreases Idaho net operating income by $242,000 22 The adjustment in colum (PF10), Pro Forma Insurance, 23 updates the test period insurance expense for general 24 liability,directors and officer ("D&O" )liability, 25 property and other policies, to the actual cost of Andrews, Di 63 Avista Corporation 1 insurance policies planned for 2009 as described further in 2 the Electric Section above.This adjustment decreases 3 Idaho net operating income by $25,000 4 The last colum on page 8, Pro Form Total, reflects 5 total pro forma results of operations and rate base 6 consisting of twelve-months ended September 30, 2008 actual 7 results and the total of all normalizing and pro forma 8 adjustments. 9 Q.Referring back to page 1, line 43, of Exibit No. 10 10, Schedule 2, what was the actual and pro form gas rate 11 of return realized by the Company during the test period? 12 A.For the State of Idaho, the actual test period 13 rate of return was 6.41%. The pro forma rate of return is 14 6.87% under present rates. Thus, the Company does not, on 15 a pro forma basis for the test period, realize the 8.80% 16 rate of return requested by the Company in this case. 17 Q.How much additional net operating income would be 18 required for the State of Idaho gas operations to allow the 19 Company an opportunity to earn its proposed 8.80% rate of 20 return on a pro forma basis? 21 A.The net operating income deficiency amounts to 22 $1,750,000, as shown on line 5, page 2 of Exhibit No. 10, 23 Schedule 2. The resulting revenue requirement is shown on 24 line 7 and amounts to $2,740,000, or an increase of 2.99% Andrews, Di 64 Avista Corporation 1 over pro forma general business and transportation 2 revenues. 3 4 5 v.ALLOCATION PROCEDURES Q.Have there been any changes to the Company's 6 system and jurisdictional procedures since the Company's 7 last general electric and natural gas cases, Case Nos. AVU- 8 E-08-01 and AVU-G-08-01? 9 A.No.For ratemaking purposes,the Company 10 allocates revenues, expenses and rate base between electric 11 and gas services and between Washington, Idaho, and Oregon jurisdictions where electric and/or gas service is12 13 14 provided.The current methodology was implemented in 1994 and has not changed.The allocation factors used in this 15 case have been provided with my workpapers. 16 17 18 VI. OTHER Q.Please address the filing requirements as 19 required in Order No. 29962. 20 A.In Order No. 29962 (Case Nos. AVU-E-05-9 and AVU- 21 G-05-3), the Commission directed the Company to record 22 regulatory assets or liabilities associated with the 23 24 implementation of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) 143.As a result of the Order, the 25 Company is required to file annually, and as part of any Andrews, Di 65 Avista Corporation 1 rate case filing, all journal entries made under the 2 requirements of SFAS 143. These ARO transactions have been 3 removed from the test year (twelve months ended September 4 30, 2008) Results of Operations and have no impact on the 5 Company's earnings or rate request in this case.The 6 journal entries for the calendar year 2008 will be filed 7 with the Commission in our upcoming compliance filing. 8 Q.Does that conclude your pre-filed direct 9 testimony? 10 A.Yes, it does. Andrews, Di 66 Avista Corporation Ï' DAVID J. MEYER VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF COUNSEL OF REGULATORY & GOVERNENTAL AFFAIRS AVISTA CORPORATION P.O. BOX 3727 1411 EAST MISSION AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99220 - 3 7 2 7 TELEPHONE: ( 509) 495 - 4 316 FACSIMILE: (509) 495-8851 20D9 JMi 23 PH 12: 44 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) CASE NO. AVU-E-09-01 OF AVISTA CORPORATION FOR THE ) CASE NO. AVU-G-09-01 AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES ) AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC AND ) NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO ELECTRIC ) EXHIBIT NO. 10 AND NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE )STATE OF IDAHO ) ELIZABETH M. ANDREWS ) FOR AVISTA CORPORATION (ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS) AVITA UIS ELCIC REULTS OF OPERTION IDAHO PRO FORM REULTS 1W VB MONTS ENED SEPER 30, 2008 (OOO'S OF DOllS) WI PRESENT RATES WI PROPOSED RATES Actal Per Proposed ProForm Line Results Tota ProForm Revenues & Proposed No.DESCRITION Report Adjustments Tota RelteExn Tota a b d e f REVES 1 Total Geerl Business 2 literdeparmenta1 Sales 3 Sales for Resale 4 Total Sales of Electrcity 5 Other Revue 6 Total Electric Reveue 31,233 $251,340 145 27,610 279,095 5,298 284,393 $210,968 $9,139 $220,107 145 145 69,340 (41,730)27,610 280,453 (32,591)247,862 19,754 (14,456)5,298 300,207 (47,047)253,160 $31,233 31,233 EXENSES Production and Trasmission 7 Operting Expenses 8 Purchased Power 9 Depreciation and Amortization 10 Taxes 11 Total Production & Trasmission 16 Customer Accounting 17 Customer Serce & lifomiation 18 Sales Expenses 80,859 (16,459)64,401 64,401 99,071 (24,407)74,664 74,664 11,374 5,260 16,634 16,634 4,898 1,225 6,123 6,123 196,202 (34,381)161,822 °161,822 8,580 1,047 9,627 9,627 8,351 1,697 10,048 10,048 4,167 (1,181)2,986 381 3,367 21,098 1,563 22,661 381 23,042 3,643 (159)3,484 79 3,563 3,960 (2,414)1,546 1,546 261 13 274 274 19,261 2,296 21,557 78 21,635 3,860 1,007 4,867 4,867 135 135 135 23,121 3,438 26,559 78 26,637 248,285 (31,940)216,345 538 216,883 51,922 (15,107)36,815 30,695 67,510 2,030 (1,451)579 10,743 11,322 7,578 (2,205)5,373 5,373 Distribution 12 Operting Expenses 13 Depreciation 14 Taxes 15 Total Distrbution Administrative & Geerl 19 Operting Expenses 20 Depreciation 21 Taxes 22 Total Adin, & Geer 23 Total Electric Expenses 24 OPERTIG lNCOME BEFORE FI FEERlNCOME TAX 25 Current Accral 26 Defered liconie Taxes 27 Amortized livetment Tax Creit 28 SET EXCHGE POWE 29 NE OPERTIG lNCOME $42,314 ($11,451)$30,863 $19,952 $50,815 30 31 32 33 34 Geerl 35 Total Plant in Serce 36 ACCUM1E DEPRECITION 37 ACCUM, PROVISION FOR AMORTITION 38 Total Accum, Depreciation & Amort, 39 GA ON SAL OF BUIlNG 40 DEF TAXS RAlEBASE PLAlN SERVICE litangible Production Trasmission Distribution $12,083 $28,661 $40,744 $40,744 359,680 11,718 371,398 371,398 156,662 8,995 165,657 165,657 341,133 49,000 390,133 390,133 49,818 11,360 61,178 61,178 919,376 109,734 1,029,110 °1,029,110 310,555 42,120 352,675 352,675 3,664 808 4,472 4,472 314,219 42,928 357,147 °357,147 (252)(252)(252) (94,277)(94,277)(94,277) $605,157 ($27,723)$577,434 $0 $577,434 6.99%5.34%8,80% Exhibit No, 10 Case No, AVU-E-û9-Û1 and AVU-G-û9-û1 E, Andrews, Avista Schedule 1. p, 1 of 11 41 TOTALRAlEBASE 42 RAlE OF RE Line No. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A VISTA UTILITIS Calculation of General Revenue Requirement IDAHO - Electric System TWELVE MONmS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30,2008 Description (OOO's of Dollars) Pro Forma Rate Base $577,434 Proposed Rate ofRetu 8,80% Net Operatig Income Requirement $50,814 Pro Forma Net Operating Income $30,863 Net Operatig Income Deficiency $19,951 Conversion Factor 0.63878685 Revenue Requirement $31,233 Total General Business Revenues $220,252 Percentage Revenue Increase 14.18% Exhibit No. 10 Case No. AVU-E-09-01 and AVU-G-09-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, p. 2 of 11 A VISTA UTILITIES CALCULATION OF CONVRSION FACTOR: IDAHO ELECTRIC TWELVE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30,2008 Revenue:1,000000 Expense: Unoollectib1es (1)0.002528 Commission Fees (2)0,002507 Idaho Income Tax (3)0.012216 Total Expense 0.017251 Net Operating Income Before FIT 0.982749 Federal Inoon 0.35 0,343962 REVENU CONVRSION FACTOR 0.638787 Exhibit No. 10 Case No. AVU-E-09-01 and AVU-G-09-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, p. 3 of 11 A VITA UIS ErCIC REULTS of OPERTION IDAHO RESTAlE RESULTS lWELVE MONI ENED SEPER 30,2008 (OOO'S OF DOILS) Deferred Gai Kette Fal & on Offce Boulder Park DESCRITION Buildig Disalow. d e g RES 1 Total Geerl Business $210,968 2 futerdeparmenta1 Sales 145 3 Sales for Resale 69,340 4 Total Sales of Electrcity 280,453 0 0 0 0 0 5 Other Reveue 19,754 6 Total Electric Reveue 300,207 0 0 0 0 EXPENSES Production and 'fnsmission 7 Operting Expenses 80,859 8 Purchased Power 99,071 9 Depreciation and Amortization 11,374 202 10 Taxes 4,898 11 Total Production & Trasmission 196,202 0 202 0 0 Distribution 12 Operting Expenses 8,580 13 Depreciation 8,351 14 Taxes 4,167 15 Total Distribution 21,098 0 0 0 0 0 16 Customer Accounting 3,643 17 Customer Serce & fuformation 3,960 18 Sales Expenses 261 Administrative & Geerl 19 Operting Expenses 19,261 20 Depreciation 3,860 21 Taxes 22 Total Adin, & Geerl 23,121 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 Total Electric Expenses 248,285 0 202 0 0 24 OPERTIG lNCOME BEFORE FI 51,922 0 (202)0 0 FEER lNCOME TAX 25 Current Accial 2,030 26 Defered fucome Taxes 7,578 27 NE OPERATIG lNCOME $42,314 $0 $0 ($202)$0 $0 $0 RAlEBASE PLAlN SERVICE 28 futangible $12,083 29 Production 359,680 7,452 925 (5,609) 30 Trasmission 156,662 31 Distribution 341,133 (885) 32 Geer 49,818 33 Total Plait in Serce 919,376 0 7,452 925 (5,609)(885) 34 ACCUlE DEPRECITION 310,555 5,496 (2,693) 35 ACCU, PROVIION FOR AMORTIATION 3,664 36 Total Accum, Depeciation & Amort,314,219 0 0 5,496 0 (2,693)0 37 GA ON SAL OF BUllNG (252) 38 DEFERR TAXS (82,407)88 683 39 TOTALRAlE BASE $605,157 ($82,407)($164)$1,956 $925 ($2,233)($885) 40 RAlE OF RE 6,99% Exhibit No, 10 Case No, AVU-E-û9-û1 and AVU-G-û9-û1 E, Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, p, 4 of 11 A VITA UIS ElCIC RESULTS OF OPERTION IDAHO RESTAlE RESULTS lWEL VB MONl ENED SEPER 30, 2008 (OOO'S OF DOllS) DESCRITION RE I Total Geerl Business $210,968 $ (2,515) 2 lnterdepartmental Sales 145 3 Sales for Resale 69,340 4 Total Sales of Electrcity 280,453 0 (2,515)0 0 0 5 Other Reveue 19,754 6 Total Electrc Revue 300,207 0 (2,515)0 0 0 EXENSES Production and Trasmission 7 Operating Expenses 80,859 8 Purchased Power 99,071 9 Depreciation and Amortization 1l,576 (37) 10 Taxes 4,898 1,143 II Total Production & Trasmission 0 196,404 (377)0 1,143 0 0 Distribution 12 Operting Expenses 8,580 13 Depreciatiun 8,351 317 14 Taxes 4,167 2 (2,510)656 15 Total Distribution 0 21,098 319 (2,510)656 0 16 Customer Accounting 3,643 (58) 17 Customer Serce & lnfunnation 3,960 18 Sales Expenses 261 Adinistrative & Geer 19 Opeting Expenses 19,261 40 20 Depreciation 3,860 (125) 21 Taxes 2 22 Total Adin, & Geerl 0 23,121 (125)0 2 0 40 23 Total Electrc Expenses 0 248,487 (183)(2,510)1,801 (57)40 24 OPERTIG INCOME BEFoRE FIT 51,720 183 (5)(1,801)57 (40) FEER INCOME TAX 25 Current Accral 2,030 64 (2)(630)20 (14) 26 Defered lncome Taxes 7,578 27 NE OPERTIG INCOME $0 $42,1l2 $1l9 ($3)($1,171)$37 ($26) RATE BASE PLA IN SERVICE 28 lntangible $12,083 29 Production 1,669 364,1l7 30 Transmission 156,662 31 Distribution 340,248 32 Geerl 49,818 33 Total Plant in Serce 1,669 922,928 0 0 0 0 0 34 ACCUlE DEPRECITION 313,358 35 ACCU, PROVIION FOR AMORTIATION 3,664 36 Total Accum, Depreciation & Amort,0 317,022 0 0 0 0 0 37 GA ON SAL OF BUIING (252) 38 DEF TAXES (81,636) 39 TOTAL RATE BASE $1,669 $524,018 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 40 RATE OF RE 8,04% Exhibit No, 10 Case No, AVU-E-Û9-Û1 and AVU-G-û9-û1 E, Andrews. Avista Schedule 1, p, 5 of 11 AVITA UIS ELCTC RESULTS OF OPERTION IDAHO RESTATI RESULTS lWELVEMONI ENED SEPER30, 2008 (OOO'S OF DOlLS) DESCRITION RES 1 Total Geerl Business $ (9,206)$20,860 2 Interdepartmental Sales 3 Sales for Resale 4 Total Sales of Electrcity 0 0 (9,206)0 0 0 20,860 5 Other Reveue 83 6 Total Electrc Reveue 0 0 (9,206)0 0 0 20,943 EXPENSES Production and Trasmission 7 Operting Expenses 5,603 (12)(157) 8 Purchased Power 9 Depreciation and Amortization 1,515 10 Taxes 11 Total Production & Trasmission 0 0 5,603 (12)0 0 1,358 Distribution 12 Operting Expenses 13 Depreciation 14 Taxes $4 268 15 Total Distribution 0 0 4 268 16 Customer Accounting (29)$ (296)53 17 Customer Serce & Information (2,427) 18 Sales Expenses Adistrative & Geerl 19 Operting Expenses 23 (24)(114)53 20 Depreciation 21 Taxes 22 Total Adin, & Geerl 23 0 (24)0 0 (114)53 23 Total Electric Expenses 23 0 5,550 (12)(292)(113)(695) 24 OPERTIG lNCOME BEFORE FI (23)0 (14,756)12 292 113 21,638 FEERlNCOME TAX 25 Current Accral (8)(474)(3,204)4 $102 40 7,573 26 Defered Income Taxes 20 (1,961) 27 NE OPERTIG lNCOME ($15)$454 ($9,591)$8 $190 $73 $14,065 RA1EBASE PLAlN SERVICE 28 Intangible 29 Production 30 Trasmission 31 Distribution 32 Geerl 33 Total Plant in Serce 0 0 0 0 34 ACCUTI DEPRECIATION 35 ACCU, PROVIION FOR AMORTIATION 36 Total Accum, Depreciation & Amort,0 0 0 0 37 GAI ON SAl OF BUIlNG 38 DEF TAXES 39 TOTALRA1E BASE $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 40 RA1E OF RE Exhibit No, 10 Case No, AVU-E-09-Q1 and AVU-G-Q9-Q1 E, Andrews. Avista Schedule 1. p. 6 of 11 A VITA UIS ELCIC RESULTS OF OPERTION IDAHO RESTAlE REULTS lW VB MONn ENED SEPIEER 30, 2008 (OOO'S OF DOILS) DESCRITION a v w RES 1 Total Geer Business $220,107 2 Intereparental Sales 145 3 Sales for Resale 69,340 (40,557)(1,173) 4 Total Sales of Electricity °289,592 (40,557)(1,173)° 5 Other Revue 19,837 (14,818)(159) 6 Total Electric Reveue °309,429 (55,375)(1,332)° EXENSES Production and Trasmission 7 Operting Expenses $1,010 87,303 (24,350)(2,628)399 5 8 Purchased Power 99,071 (21,235)(3,17) 9 Depreciation and Amortization 12,714 (549) 10 Taxes 6,041 (179) 11 Total Production & Trasmission 1,010 205,129 (45,585)(6,528)399 5 Distribution 12 Operting Expenses 8,580 294 13 Depreciation 8,668 14 Taxes $ (12)2,577 (120)63 (13)(2) 15 Total Distribution (12)19,825 (120)63 281 (2) 16 Customer Accounting 3,313 93 17 Customer Serce & Information 1,533 7 18 Sales Expenses 261 7 Administrtive & Geer 19 Operting Expenses 19,239 280 124 20 Depreciation 3,735 21 Taxes 2 22 Total Adin, & Geer °°22,976 °°280 124 23 Total Electric Expenses 998 °253,037 (45,705)(6,465)1,067 127 24 OPERTIG INCOME BEFORE FI (998)°56,392 (9,670)5,133 (1,067)(12) FEDER INCOME TAX 25 Current Accral $ (349)1,985 7,137 (3,385)1,797 (373)(44) 26 Defered Income Taxes 5,637 27 NE OPERTIG INCOME ($649)($1,985)$43,618 ($6,285)$3,336 ($694)($83) RAlEBASE PLA IN SERVICE 28 Intangible $12,083 29 Production 364,117 (18,691) 30 Trasmssion 156,662 31 Distribution 340,248 32 Geerl 49,818 33 Total Plant in Serce °922,928 (18,691)°° 34 ACCUlE DEPRECITION 313,358 (6,608) 35 ACCU, PROVIIONFORAMOR'IATION 3,664 36 Total Accum, Depeciation & Amort,°°317,022 °(6,608)°° 37 GAI ON SAL OF BUIING (252) 38 DEF TAXES (81,636)1,881 39 IDTALRAlEBASE $0 $0 $524,018 $0 ($10,202)$0 $0 40 RAlE OF RE 8.32% Exhibit No, 10 Case No, AVU-E-09-o1 and AVU-G-09-o1 E, Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, p, 7 of 11 A VITA UIS ElCIC RESULTS OF OPERTION IDAHO RESTA1ED RESULTS lWEI VB MONI ENED SEPER 30, 2008 (OOO'S OF DOllS) ProForma ProForma ProForma Transousion Information Asset DESCRITION RevlExp Serices Miagement a PF5 PF8 PF9 RES 1 Total Geerl Business 2 Interdeparmental Sales 3 Sales for Resale 4 Total Sales of Electricity 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 Other Reveue 13 6 Total Electrc Reveue 13 0 0 0 0 EXENSES Production and Trasmission 7 Operting Expenses 5 240 1,063 8 Purchased Power 9 Depreciation and Amortization (39)400 1,037 10 Taxes 261 11 Total Production & Transmission (39)661 0 240 2,100 Distribution 12 Operating Expenses 510 13 Depreiation 116 572 14 Taxes (3)277 (9)(9)(26) 15 Total Distribution 113 849 (9)501 (26) 16 Customer Accounting 17 Customer Serce & Information 18 Sales Expenses Adinistrative & Geer 19 Operting Expenses 698 20 Depreciation 172 960 21 Taxes 133 22 Total Ad, & Geerl °172 1,093 698 0 23 Total Elecric Expenses 5 246 2,603 689 740 2,074 24 OPERTIG INCOME BEFORE FI 8 (246)(2,603)(689)(740)(2,074) FEDER INCOME TAX 25 Current Accral (86)(911)(241)(259)(726) 26 Defered Income Taxes 27 NE OPERTIG INCOME $5 ($160)($1,692)($448)($481)($1,348) RA1EBASE PLA IN SERVICE 28 Intangible $187 $2,948 $13,596 29 Production 9,927 13,610 30 Trasmission 5,023 3,972 31 Distribution 7,078 20,555 32 Geer 4,998 6,362 33 Total Plant in Serce 0 27,213 47,447 0 °13,596 34 ACCU1E DEPRECITION 19,393 26,313 35 ACCU, PROVIION FOR AMORTIATION 145 36 Total Accum, Depreciation & Amort,19,393 26,313 145 37 GA ON SAl OF BUIING 38 DEF TAXES (4,162)(4,238)(1,267) 39 TOTALRA1E BASE $0 $3,658 $16,896 $0 $0 $12,184 40 RA1E OF RE Exhibit No, 10 Case No, AVU-E-Q9-Q1 and AVU-G-09-Q1 E, Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, p, 8 of 11 AVITA umS ELCIC RESULTS OF OPERTION IDAHO RESTAlE RESULTS TWELVE MONI ENED SEPER 30, 2008 (OOO'S OF DOLLS) ProForma ProForma Colstrp Mercur CS2 DESCRITION Emis.O&M LeveliOO Adj PF13 PF15 RES 1 Total Geerl Business 2 Interdeparmental Sales 3 Sales for Resale 4 Total Sales of Electrcity 0 0 0 0 5 Other Reveue 6 Total Electric Revue 0 0 0 0 0 EXPENSES Production and Trasmission 7 Operting Expenses 596 8 Purchased Power 9 Depreciation and Amortization 401 1,917 199 10 Taxes 11 Total Production & Trasmssion 401 1,917 596 0 199 Distribution 12 Operting Expenses 13 Depreciation 14 TaXes (5)(23)(7)(4) 15 Total Distrbution (5)(23)(7)(4)0 16 Customer Accounting 17 Customer Serce & Infonnation 18 Sales Expenses Administrative & Geerl 19 Operting Expenses 295 20 Depreciation 21 Taxes 22 Total Ad, & Geerl 0 0 0 295 23 Total Electric Expenses 396 1,894 589 291 199 24 OPERTIG INCOME BEFORE FI (396)(1,894)(589)(291)(199) FEER INCOME TAX 25 Current Accral (139)(663)(206)(102) 26 Defered Income Taxes (70) 27 NE OPERTIG INCOME ($257)($1,231)($383)($189)($129) RATE BASE PLA IN SERVICE 28 Intangible $11,930 29 Production 2,435 30 Trasmission 31 Distribution 32 Geeral 33 Total Plant in Serce 11,930 2,435 0 0 34 ACCUlE DEPRECITION 219 35 ACCU, PROVIION FOR AMORTIATION 36 Total Accum, Depiation & Amort,219 0 0 0 37 GA ON SAl OF BUIING 38 DEFERD TAXS (3,850)(852) 39 WTALRATE BASE $7,861 $1,583 $0 $0 $0 40 RATE OF RE Exhibit No. 10 Case No, AVU-E-u9-u1 and AVU-G-u9-u1 E, Andrews. Avista Schedule 1, p, 9 of 11 A VITA UIS ELECIC RESULTS OF OPERTION IDAHO RESTATE RESULTS lWVE MONI ENED SEP:E 30,2008 (OOO'S OF DOUAS) ProForma ProForm ProForma ProForma ProForm IDAM O&MPlant Emplòyee Insurce Chicago DESCRITION Expense Benefits Clite (CCX) a PF16 PF17 PF18 PF19 PF20 RES 1 Total Geeral Business 2 Interdeparmental Sales 3 Sales for Resale 4 Total Sales of Elecicity 0 0 5 Other Revue 425 6 Total Electric Reveue 0 0 0 425 EXPENSES Production and Transmssion 7 Operting Expenses 1,400 368 8 Purchased Power 9 Depeciation and Amortization 10 Taxes 11 Total Production & Trasmission 0 1,400 368 0 0 Distribution 12 Operting Expenses 243 13 Depreciation 692 14 Taxes 322 (17)(18)(2)5 15 Total Distribution 1,014 (17)225 (2)5 16 Customer Accounting 78 17 Customer Serce & Inforiation 6 18 Sales Expenses 6 Administrtive & Geerl 19 Operting Expenses 769 152 20 Depeciation 21 Taxes 22 Total Adin, & Geerl 0 0 769 152 0 23 Total Electric Expenses 1,014 1,383 1,452 150 5 24 OPERTIG INCOME BEFORE FI (1,014)(1,383)(1,452)(150)420 FEDERA INCOME TAX 25 Current Accrual (325)(484)(508)(53)147 26 Defered Income Taxes 27 NE OPERTIG INCOME ($689)($899)($944)($97)$273 RA1EBASE PLA IN SERVICE 28 Intangible 29 Production 30 Trasmission 31 Distrbution 22,252 32 Geer 33 Total Plant in Serce 22,252 0 0 0 34 ACCUTE DEPRECITION 35 ACCU, PROVIION FOR AMORTIATION 663 36 Total Accum, Depreciation & Amort,663 0 0 0 37 GA ON SAl OF BUIING 38 DEF TAXS (153) 39 1DTALRA1E BASE $21,436 $0 $0 $0 $0 40 RA1E OF RE Exhibit No, 10 Case No, AVU-E-D9-D1 ahd AVU-G-D9-D1 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, p, 10 of 11 AVITA UIIlS EUCIC RESULTS OF OPERATION IDAHO RESTAlE RESULTS lW VB MONI ENED SEPER 30, 2008 (OOO'S OF DOlLS) ProForma ProForma Wartila Colstrp DESCRITION Amorttion Lamiuit Stlt PF21 PF22 RES 1 Total Geer Business $220,107 2 Interdeparmental Sales 145 3 Sales for Resale 27,610 4 Total Sales of Electricity 0 0 247,862 5 Other Reveue 5,298 6 Total Electric Reveue 0 0 253,160 EXPENSES Production and Trtsmission 7 Operting Expenses 64,401 8 Purchased Power 74,664 9 Depreciation and Amortization 185 369 16,634 10 Taxes 6,123 11 Total Production & Trtsmission 185 369 161,822 Distribution 12 Operting Expenses 9,627 13 Depreciation 10,048 14 Taxes 2,986 15 Total Distribution 0 22,661 16 Customer Accounting 3,484 17 Customer Serce & Information 1,546 18 Sales Expenses 274 Administrtive & Geerl 19 Operting Expenses 21,557 20 Depeciation 4,867 21 Taxes 135 22 Total Ad, & Geerl 0 26,559 23 Total Electrc Expenses 185 369 216,345 24 OPERTIG JNCOME BEFORE FI (185)(369)36,815 FEDERJNCOME TAX 25 Current Accral 579 26 Defered Income Taxes (65)(129)5,373 27 NE OPERTIG JNCOME ($120)($240)$30,863 RA1EBASE PLAJN SERVICE 28 Intangible $40,744 29 Production 371,398 30 Trasmission 165,657 31 Distribution 390,133 32 Geerl 61,178 33 Total Plant in Serce 0 0 1,029,110 34 ACCUlE DEPRECITION 352,675 35 ACCU, PROVIION FOR AMORTIATION 4,472 36 Total Accum, Depreciation & Amort,0 357,147 37 GA ON SAl OF BUlJNG (252) 38 DEF TAXS (94,277) 0 39 TOTA RA1E BASE $0 $0 $577,434 40 RA1E OF RE 5.34% Exhibit No. 10 Case No, AVU-E-Q9-Q1 and AVU-G-Q9-Q1 E, Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, p, 11 of 11 A VISTA UTILITIES GAS RESULTS OF OPERATION IDAHO PRO FORM RESULTS TWELVEMONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2008 (OOO'S OF DOLLAR) Proposed ProForma ProForma Revenues &Proposed DESCRIPTION Totat Related Ex Total a d f REVENUS i Total Geerl Business $88,848 $2,599 $91,447 $2,740 $94,187 2 Total Tråporttion 529 (209)320 320 3 Oter Revenues 59,962 (59,815)147 147 4 Tota Gas Revenues 149,339 (57,425)91,914 2,740 94,654 EXPENSES Exploration and Development Production 6 City Gate Purhaes 132,107 (65,859)66,248 66,248 7 Purchased Gas Expense 356 33 389 389 8 Net Nat Gas Storage Tras (8,926)8,926 ° 9 Tota Production 123,537 (56,900)66,637 °66,37 Underground Storage 10 Operating Expenses 167 °167 167 11 Depreciation 107 29 136 136 12 Taxes 46 47 93 93 13 Total Undeground Storage 320 76 396 °396 Distrbution 14 Operating Expenses 3,833 254 4,087 4,087 15 Depreciation 2,807 23 2,830 2,830 16 Taxes 2,396 (1,279)1,117 33 1,50 17 Total Distnbution 9,036 (1,002)8,034 33 8,067 18 Customer Accountig 1,937 (68)1,869 7 1,876 19 Customer Serice & Information 1,788 (1,538)250 250 20 Sales Expenses 213 7 220 220 Administrative & General 21 Operting Expenses 4,471 531 5,002 5,009 22 Depreciation 816 359 1,175 1,175 23 Taxes 11 30 41 41 24 Total Admin. & Generl 5,298 920 6,218 7 6,225 25 Total Gas Expense 142,129 (58,505)83,624 47 83,671 26 OPERATING INCOME BEFORE FIT 7,210 1,080 8,290 2,693 10,983 FEDERA INCOME TAX 27 Cut Accrual 1,089 670 1,759 943 2,702 28 Defered FIT 334 3 337 337 29 AmortlTC (19)°(19)(19) ° 30 NET OPERATING INCOME 5,806 $407 6,213 $1,750 $7,963 RATE BASE: PLANT IN SERVICE 31 Underground Storage 5,549 3,540 9,389 9,089 32 Distrbution Plant 120,449 10,109 130,558 130,558 33 General Plat 11,067 3,175 14,242 14,242 34 Total Plant in Serice 137,065 16,824 153,889 °153,889 ACCUMUATED DEPRECIATION 35 Underground Storage 3,080 92 3,172 3,172 36 Distrbution Plat 39,978 4,802 44,780 44,780 37 Geeral Plat 3,471 1,665 5,136 5,136 38 Total Accui, Depreiation 46,529 6,559 53,088 °53,088 39 DEFERRD FIT °(15,052)(15,052)(15,052) 40 GAS INVENTORY °4,824 4,824 4,824 41 GAIN ON SALE OF BUILDING °(82)(82)(82) 42 TOTAL RATE BASE 90,536 ($45)90,491 $0 $90,491 43 RATE OF RETURN 6.41%6.87%8.80% Exhibit No, 10 Case No, AVU-E-09-01 and AVU-G-09-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 2, p, 1 of 8 A VISTA UTILITIES Calculation of General Revenue Requirement Idaho- Gas TWELVE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2008 (OOO's OF DOLLARS) Exhibit No.1 0 Case No. AVU-E-09-01 and AVU-G-09-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 2, p. 2 of 8 A VISTA UTILITIES CALCULATION OF CONVERSION FACTOR: IDAHO GAS TWELVE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2008 Revenues Expense: Uncollectibles (1) Commssion Fees (2) Idaho Income Tax (3) Total Expense Net Operating Income Before FIT Federal 1m 35.00% REVENU CONVERSION FACTOR 1.000000 0.002528 0.002507 0.012216 0.017251 0.982749 0.343962 0.638787 Exhibit No. 10 Case No. AVU-E-09-01 and AVU-G-09~01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 2, p. 3 of 8 A VISTA UTILITIES GAS REULTS OF OPERATION IDAHO RETATED REULTS TWELVE MONTHS ENED SEPTEMBER 30, 2008 (OOO'S OF DOLlARS) DESCRIPTION e REVENUE I Total General Business $88,848 $88,848 2 Total Transporttion 529 529 3 Other Revenues 59,962 59,962 4 Total Gas Revenues 149,339 0 0 0 0 0 149,339 EXPENSES 5 Exploration and Development 0 0 Production 6 City Gate Purchases 132,107 132,107 7 Purchased Gas Expense 356 356 8 Net Nat Gas Storage Tras (8,926)(8,926) 9 Total Production 123,537 0 0 0 0 0 123,537 Underground Storage 10 Operating Expenses 167 167 11 Depreciation 107 107 12 Taxes 46 46 13 Total Underground Storage 320 0 0 0 0 0 320 Distrbution 14 Operating Expenses 3,833 3,833 15 Depreiation 2,807 2,807 16 Taxes 2,396 2,396 17 Total Distrbution 9,036 0 0 0 0 0 9,036 18 Customer Accountig 1,937 0 0 1,937 19 Customer Service & Informtion 1,788 1,788 20 Sales Expenses 213 213 Admstrative & General 21 Operating Expenses 4,471 4,471 22 Depreciation 816 816 23 Taxes II 11 24 Total Adm, & General 5,298 0 0 0 0 0 5,298 25 Total Gas Expense 142,129 0 0 0 0 0 142,129 26 OPERATING INCOME BEFORE FIT 7,210 0 0 0 0 0 7,210 FEDERAL INCOME TAX 27 Currnt Accrual 1,089 1,089 28 Deferred FIT 334 334 29 AmortITC (19)(19) 30 NET OPERATING INCOME $5,806 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,806 RATE BASE: PLAT IN SERVICE 31 Underground Storage 5,549 5,549 32 Distrbution Plant 120,449 279 (73)120,655 33 General Plant 11,067 11,067 34 Total Plant in Service 137,065 0 0 0 279 (73)137,271 ACCUMULTED DEPREIATION 35 Underground Storage 3,080 3,080 36 Distrbution Plant 39,978 39,978 37 General Plant 3,471 3,471 38 Total Accum, Depreiation 46,529 0 0 0 0 0 46,529 39 DEFERRD FIT 0 (14,220)29 (14,191) 40 GAS INVENTORY 0 4,535 4,535 41 GAIN ON SALE OF BUIWING 0 (82)(82) 42 TOTAL RATE BASE $90,536 ($14,220)($53)$4,535 $279 ($73)$81,004 43 RATE OF RETURN 7,17% Exhibit No, 10 Case No, AVU-E-09-01 and AVU-G-09-01 E, Andrews, Avista Schedule 2, p, 4 of 8 A VISTA UTILITIES GAS RESULTS OF OPERTION IDAHO RESTATED RESULTS TWELVE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2008 (OOO'S OF DOLLAS) DESCRIPTION a REVENUE I Total General Business $4,171 $ (1,572) 2 Total Transporttion (200)(9) 3 Other Revenues (58,755) 4 Total Gas Revenues 0 (54,784)(1,581)0 0 0 EXPENSES Exploration and Development Production 6 City Gate Purchases (65,859) 7 Purchased Gas Expense 8 Net Nat Gas Storage Trans 8,926 9 Total Production 0 (56,933)0 0 0 0 Underground Storage 10 Operatig Expenses II Depreciation (6) 12 Taxes (7) 13 Total Underground Storage (6)0 0 (7)0 0 Distrbution 14 Operatig Expenses 15 Depreciation (26) 16 Taxes 45 (1,581)168 2 17 Total Distrbution (26)45 (1,581)168 2 0 18 Customer Accountig 10 0 (127)0 19 Customer Service & Infonntion (1,546) 20 Sales Expenses Adminstrative & General 21 Operatig Expenses II 13 22 Depreciation (6) 23 Taxes (I) 24 Total Admin, & General (6)II 0 (I)0 13 25 Total Gas Expense (38)(58,413)(1,581)160 (125)13 26 OPERATING INCOME BEFORE FIT 38 3,629 0 (160)125 (13) FEDERAL INCOME TAX 27 Curnt Accrual 13 1,270 (56)44 (5) 28 Deferrd FIT 29 AmortITC 30 NET OPERATING INCOME $25 $2,359 $0 ($104)$81 ($8) RATE BASE: PlANT IN SERVICE 31 Underground Storage 32 Distrbution Plant 33 General Plant 34 Total Plant in Service 0 0 0 0 0 0 ACCUMUlATED DEPRECIATION 35 Underground Storage 36 Distrbution Plant 37 General Plant 38 Total Accum, Depreciation 0 0 0 0 0 0 39 DEFERRED FIT 40 GAS INVENTORY 41 GAIN ON SALE OF BUIlDING 42 TOTAL RATE BASE $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 43 RATE OF RETU Exhibit No, 10 Case No, AVU-E-09-01 and AVU-G-09-01 E, Andrews, Avista Schedule 2, p, 5 of 8 AVISTA UTILITIES GAS RESULTS OF OPERATION IDAHO RESTATED RESULTS TWLVE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30,2008 (OOO'S OF DOLIAS) DESCRIPTION 0 p REVENUE I Total General Business $91,447 2 Total Traporttion 320 3 Other Revenues 1,207 4 Total Gas Revenues 0 0 0 0 0 92,974 0 EXENSES Exploration and Development 0 Production 6 City Gate Purchases 66,248 7 Puhased Gas Expense 356 12 8 Net Nat Gas Storage Trans 0 9 Total Production 0 0 0 0 0 66,604 12 Underground Storage 10 Operating Expenses 167 11 Depreciation 101 12 Taxes 39 13 Total Underground Storage 0 0 0 0 0 307 0 Distribution 14 Operatig Expenses 3,833 139 15 Depreciation 2,781 16 Taxes 1,032 (3) 17 Total Distrbution 0 0 0 7,646 136 18 Customer Accounti (43)1,777 52 19 Customer Seivice & Informtion 242 4 20 Sales Expenses 213 4 Admstrative & General 21 Operatig Expenses (I)(48)4,446 67 22 Depreciation 810 23 Taxes 10 24 Total Adm, & General (I)0 0 (48)0 5,266 67 25 Total Gas Expense (I)0 (42)(47)0 82,055 275 26 OPERATING INCOME BEFORE FIT 0 42 47 0 10,919 (275) FEDERAL INCOME TAX 27 Currnt Accrual (13)15 16 292 2,665 (96) 28 Deferrd FIT 3 337 29 AmortITC (19) 30 NET OPERATING INCOME $1 $10 $27 $31 ($292)$7,936 ($179) RATE BASE: PLANT IN SERVICE 31 Underground Storage 5,549 32 Distrbution Plant 120,655 33 General Plant 1l,067 34 Total Plant in Seivice 0 0 0 0 0 137,271 0 ACCUMUlTED DEPRECIATION 35 Underground Storage 3,080 36 Distrbution Plant 39,978 37 General Plant 3,471 38 Total Accum. Depreciation 0 0 0 0 0 46,529 0 39 DEFERRED FIT (14,191) 40 GAS INVENTORY 4,535 41 GAIN ON SALE OF BUIWING (82) 42 TOTAL RATE BASE $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $81,004 $0 43 RATE OF RETURN 9,80% Exhibit No, 10 Case No, AVU-E-09-01 and AVU-G-09-01 E, Andrews, Avista Schedule 2, p, 6 of 8 AVISTA UTILITIES GAS RESULTS OF OPERATION IDAHO RESTATED RESULTS TWELVE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2008 (OOO'S OF DOLLRS) DESCRIPTION REVENUES I Total General Business 2 Total Transporttion 3 Other Revenues (1,060) 4 Total Gas Revenues 0 0 0 0 0 (1,060) EXPENSES 5 Exploration and Development Production 6 City Gate Purchases 7 Purchased Gas Expense 8 Net Nat Gas Storage Tran 9 Total Production 0 0 0 0 0 Underground Storage 10 Operating Expenses 11 Depreciation (33)4 64 12 Taxes I 53 13 Total Underground Storage 0 (33)5 0 0 117 Distrbution 14 Operating Expenses 15 Depreciation (222)32 16 Taxes I 17 $ (2)(I)(14) 17 Total Distrbution 0 (221)49 (2)(I)(14) 18 Customer Accounting (3) 19 Customer Service & Informtion 20 Sales Expenses Administrative & General 21 Operating Expenses 31 $157 73 (3) 22 Depreciation 145 220 23 Taxes 31 24 Total Adm, & Generl 31 145 251 157 73 (3) 25 Total Gas Expense 32 (109)305 155 72 97 26 OPERTING INCOME BEFORE FIT (32)109 (305)(155)(72)(1,157) FEDERL INCOME TAX 27 Currnt Accrual (11)38 (107)$ (54)(25)(405) 28 Deferred FIT 29 AmortlTC 30 NET OPERTING INCOME ($21)$71 ($198)($101)($47)($752) RATE BASE: PLANT IN SERVICE 31 Undergrund Storage $ (67)$77 $3,530 32 Distrbution Plant 2,068 1,428 33 General Plant 996 2,179 34 Total Plant in Service 0 2,997 3,684 0 0 3,530 ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION 35 Undergund Storage (55)70 77 36 Distrbution Plant 1,995 2,578 37 General Plant 605 1,060 38 Total Accmn, Depreiation 0 2,545 3,708 0 0 77 39 DEFRRD FIT (7)(667)(151) 40 GAS INVENTORY 289 41 GAIN ON SALE OF BUILDING 42 TOTAL RATE BASE $0 $445 ($691)$0 $0 $3,591 43 RATE OF RETURN Exhibit No, 10 Case No, AVU-E-09-01 and AVU-G-09-01 E, Andrews, Avista Schedule 2, p, 7 of 8 AVISTA UTILTIES GAS RESULTS OF OPERATION IDAHO RESTATED RESULTS TWELVE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2008 (OOO'S OF DOLLAS) DESCRIPTION a REVENUES 1 Total General Business $91,447 2 Total Transporttion 320 3 Other Revenues 147 4 Total Gas Revenues 0 0 0 91,914 EXPENSES 5 Exploration and Development 0 Production 6 City Gate Puhases 66,248 7 Purchased Gas Expense 20 389 8 Net Nat Gas Storage Trans 0 9 Total Production 0 20 0 66,637 Underground Storage 10 Operating Expenses 167 II Depreciation 136 12 Taxes 93 13 Total Underground Storage 0 0 0 396 Distrbution 14 Operating Expenses 1I5 4,087 15 Depreciation 239 2,830 16 Taxes 92 (5)1,1I7 17 Total Distrbution 331 1I0 0 8,034 18 Customer Accountig 43 1,869 19 Customer Service & Informtion 4 250 20 Sales Expenses 3 220 Admistrative & General 21 Operating Expenses 193 38 5,002 22 Depreciation 1,175 23 Taxes 41 24 Total Admin. & General 0 193 38 6,218 25 Total Gas Expense 331 373 38 83,624 26 OPERATING INCOME BEFORE FIT (331)(373)(38)8,290 FEDERAL INCOME TAX 27 Current Accrul (102)(13)(13)1,759 28 Deferred FIT 337 29 AmortITC (19) 30 NET OPERATING INCOME ($229)($242)($25)$6,213 RATE BASE: PLANT IN SERVICE 31 Underground Storage 9,089 32 Distrbution Plant 6,407 130,558 33 General Plant 14,242 34 Total Plant in Service 6,407 0 0 153,889 ACCUMULTED DEPRECIATION 35 Underground Storage 3,172 36 Distribution Plant 229 44,780 37 General Plant 5,136 38 Total Accum, Depreciation 229 0 0 53,088 39 DEFERRED FIT (36)(15,052) 40 GAS INVENTORY 4,824 41 GAIN ON SALE OF BUIlDING (82) 42 TOTAL RATE BASE $6,142 $0 $0 $90,491 43 RATE OF RETUR 6,87% Exhibit No, 10 Case No, AVU-E-09-01 and AVU-G-09-01 E, Andrews, Avista Schedule 2, p, 8 of 8