HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081009Comments.pdf/b/~~ IOI'1/b~,¡£~.~. 1..i RECEiVED im OCT -9 AM 8: 21 Idaho Public Utilties Commission lDAHO PUBliC , P. O. Box 83720 UTIUTIES COMMlSSION Boise, ID 83720-0074 October 5, 2008 bear Chairman: I am in receipt of Order #30647 cas AVU-E-08-01 and would like to express my gratitude for receipt of sam. However, kidly note my profound dissatisfacton with theboard's final decision. . . All one has to do is tu on the TV, pick up a newspaper, or go to the Interet to obsee the dismal state of our nation's economy. What with ban closurs, mortgage foreclosures, retirement fuds collapsing, unemployment, how is it A vista is grted a rate increase? Despite all of our nation's calamties, Avista sits with a profit of 72% for the first half of this year, and they have rewarded sharholders with a 9% increase. It's common knowledge that natu gas prices have plumeted nationwide, and Avista has generated so much electrcity ths spring that it remans unsold. How does the commission justify any rate increas at all? To the best of my knowledge, Avista has never been denied an increase at any time. Wouldn't it be wonderl if we all had the foresight and expertise to make a pitch for a salar increase and almost be insured that it would be grted. My proposal would be to issue every A vista customer an optional stock purcha plan whereby it would reflect stockholders' paricipation in Avista shares since I'm sure we'll never see a rate reduction in the futue. Due to implementing every energy-saving stipulation mandated, all to no avail, what's next? Apply for public assistace? It seems to be Avista's policy is to shoot for the moon and know that they ca enjoy all thy ask for and then some, even if the commission only grants haf their requests. Sounds like a Wall Street Ponzi scheme to me. Sincerely, /(~;q~)L John K. Nodes 3060 E. Burgudy Trail Post Falls, il 83854 .11 ,j~qI01 v1() ~l"" L tl Ms. Ruth Nelson, P.O. Box 1227 Bonners Ferry, ID 8385.1227 Office of the Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission P. O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 ÆilU~ $-OK"-(J I Dear Secretary Your report of September 30, 2008 was gratefully received. I have read it twice and underscored items of importance to me and reviewed all of the particulars and details of the tables that were included. It is still evident that the 'low man on the totem pole', namely the residential users and those most hurt by the current economic crises are the ones with the highest precentage rate of increases throughout. This is most inequitable, causing those of us who will find it hard to just keep the heat on and food on the table, cringe to hear that the executives, already with fat paychecks. will get a raise! I will still protest this inhumane treatment of ~fesidentiai users. Page 2 of the Initial Application, paragraph 4, last line states that Avista expects a ' fair return' on its investment. Page 4 indicates that the return is based on a projected settlement if the terms were litigated, in which case, your cost of litigation are saved. We who are on a low fixed income have no power if such litigations should occur. In my own case, I had energy saving windows and doors installed three years ago but was denied a 'credit' because of a time line issue, of only a month. Earlier this year, I had the roof replaced and insulation brought to maximum, again was told it was not a 'new' thing, yet the famly room roof had no wood beneath the metal and that was added in a room where a wall furnace is the only heat source. My energy saving appliances were installed in 2002 in a kitchen update, too late to take advantage of a credi t, according to a phone inquiry. While it is helpful for my comfort to have done these things, the advertised credits were of no use because I did not pre-apply, not knowing of the credit until after ther fact.. I do appreciate that my coments in previous letters were evidently read at the hearings per page 10. I hope that they will be remembered in next years application for yet another rate increase! Please continue to send notices of these events in the bills and by mail if you will. ~\v \\J) ~(j~ c::r-..-Sl:I :a.. ,Q) :::i 9;Q0' ;;mnm-.r:mo (10 8-0 èr.ÆenÕ2: 1~410f Jean Jewell ,¡~~. ~ ft From: Sent: To: Subject: steviepeek~aol.com Thursday, October 09, 20084:21 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from James T. Peek follows: Case Number: AVtl-£-oy-o J Name: James T. Peek Address: 8942 Fi tzue Dr. City: Hayden State: Idaho Zip: 83835 Daytime Telephone: 2Ø8-772-6949 Contact E-Mail: steviepee~aol.com Name of Utility Company: Avista Add to Mailing List: ~ Please describe your comment briefly: Dear Sir's, Please reconsider your % increase for Avista Utilities. With the economy what it is at this present time, and price increases across the board, now is not the time for additional expenses. As a senior on a fixed income all dollars saved are important. Thank you The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov Iforms/ipucl/ipuc. html IP address is -------- -- ------ - - - -- - - - -- - - --- 1