HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080910Comments.pdf-~ý'~ ~Wló~ ) lfu A.I/. /1ù ~.. A i/u;-IE.~~r~,!/.(~t--~f~.f .CJJ; , ... ... ....I!;;~~~Ρ~. ~1ß ~~~;.\r~~ -n .~ '; (J~o--~~ 4f ~.~!&:z~ . 5196 -: ~~~F l!~!! i.OJ ~IJ~ I'7~~~~ 77 ...r. ~~ .~_. /L/ '~??~'ilI~ ¡oß1~~1 &~ ,:d7?~~¿ .f-Û ~7J;i4.~ ft. . . ... . DorothyR. Gohl, '. .,~ , ". . " ;;,......,...~"?,.,,'''~~'''"''~.., ¿ok,...'..'...... 75.67 N Wh..' ,eatfeld'Dr;."'::'w S~~A;~~i:.~~'~".~ .'. '- Coeur D'Alene" il 83815 I ~'. '. 4,,,,..',J -. .d._._. '. , Ó.i'SEP~PM 3 ~~~/I S~ (\ l L ~ ~.i;. () ~. ..--;0',OrJ() l/ \;tv érJ1V77~~¡- Ò ~ ',;' mr,V" \f~ Il~t;t- /( 0, 601' gr~ r; ~.. .~o ...J, . g P6~: ¡kleY ~ ~dd 1'3 ~dO~di' ~OA;, .(1p'. . -~. "'i.~--;,~,...,. -.....-...,-..~.~,...-:. 4VT:.::w'::.,-:. ,.: ø"_~o -........ W'jiii1mUl-JwJi;Î;liwlia,jiullmijiuJiJ . . . i. . ....~"" v'~o¡ul Jean Jewell /fq~~ lli From: Sent: To: SUbject: rasm47~yahoo,com Monday, September 08,20088:59 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Robert Rasmussen follows: - - - ------- - -- - ---- - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- Case Number: AVU-E/G-e8-e1 Name: Robert Rasmussen Address: 4e3 S. Forest Glen Blvd City: Post Falls State: ID Zip: 83854 Daytime Telephone: ie8-699-8856 Contact E-Mail: rasm47~ahoo.com Name of Utility Company: Avista Add to Mailing List: ~ Please describe your comment briefly: Please see my proposed comment regarding Avista' s rate increase proposal, of some 14% as related to Idaho Customers, for which they would like to become effective Oct 1, 2ee8. As an Idaho resident, I am tired of constantly seeing this company propose rate increases for which they claim no increase in revenue, but yet simply need to increase the rates to off-set their costs. As consumers, many of us have had to make sacrifices to continue either in our jobs, or other circumstances, due to rising prices, in many areas. This includes businesses as well. All of us that is, except Avista. For some reason, they don i t see the need to affect sacrifices in the running of that company, to mitigate the costs of the product they bring to the consumer. They know that they can simply propose a rate increase, and you, the Public Utilities Commission, will rubber stamp it as many times before, because it is not supposedly a true rate increase. The fact is, it IS an increase, to us the consumer. Why is Avista immune to the requirement to trim THEIR internal costs of providing this product so that these increases can be mitigated? Every other business as to do that. Why not Avista? Why don i t you as commissioners, require internal cuts within their company first, as an effort at holding the price of this product down, before simply applying the increase to the consumer? From my perspective, you require little of the utility, and place all the burden on the consumer, giving the utility whatever they apply for regularly. I am opposed to such treatment of the citizens of Idaho, and as consumers as a whole. Finally, when I call I am told there is no way to talk to a commissioner. Really. I had no idea you were so high and mighty, and SO busy, that you simply don i t have time to talk to the public you represent. What a wonderful way to represent the people of Idaho. You people truly are amazing. The form submitted on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc.html IP address is 216.18.139. 24e - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 1