HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080904Comments.pdfql"'(O~ ./fv Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720 RECE\\fEO .c'SEP -2, ~M 8: \OA.HO P\JBL\~StON UT\UT'\;.S COMt\ A-i! tJ- e - (j ~o J 4vu ~ --0 August 28, 2008 Re: Avista rate increase I am opposed to the rate increase that A vista is proposing; it is too much of a rate increase at one time. If a rate increase in truly needed it should only be a small percentage, 20 25 %, of what is requested. With the downturn in the economy, people all over are feeling the pinch and having to look at every dollar they spend. Perhaps A vista should use some of their large profits to meet their needs rather than putting it back on the rate payers? If nothing else, the increase should be spread over a period of 3-4 years. In the overall picture, has Avista looked internally at ways to save money. Manyoftheir salaries, let alone the CEO's package, are well in excess of those of us who are rate payers. Putting a hold on salary increases that are more than very modest can be an excellent way to save money. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. incerel y , 12 J ~_. obert leth 2712 Country Club Drive Lewiston, Idaho 83501 P8!! JJ;;:;4 / -r; A .v, PUBLIC UTiliTIES ,/~ COMMISSION Public Workshop Coeur d' Alene , Idaho Case No. AVU-E/G-O8-CRECEIVED July 24, 2008 200S AUG29 8:20 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONWHAT DO YOU THINK? If you want your opinion noted in the record, please use the space below to write your' comments. Add extra sheets as needed. You may either hand this sheet to a commission staff member or mail it to: IPUC, PO Box 83720, Boise, 1083720-0074. You may also post comments on our Web site. www.puc.idaho.gov Click "comments & questions. ' ", ." ' Sign Name Ho./'YU: 17 . 11 '1t q Phone Number - h Zip Code qg/~- /3ifl a);; ~ IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES Public Workshop Coeur d' Alene, Idaho Case No. AVU-E/G-O8- July 24, 2008COMMISSION WHAT DO YOU THINK? If you want your opinion noted in the record, please use the space below to write your comments. Add extra sheets as needed. You may either hand this sheet to a commission staff member or mail it to: IPUC, PO Box 83720, Boise, 1083720-0074. You may also post comments on our Web site. www.puc.idaho.gov Click "comments & questions. 7Ii 8))~1l2. Zl f'Mum/"Nlknw.d: M3fei'd We ~lte fl:-ht,/? 1'5; er5c)f) e, ~/U Ie it//; &1 fl cJlui e 5freet 1: hi- tV,?' of &td .3 ~h' 5 . CHlhz.tt.ed 10 j If1l Illj b/ 1/dfb. OJ/fh It) baSes oflJ!Jji m:J b/lJt!fG one- J duf/PJ( !..dfa:lrr)tI~ hUA (~l1t lWouJ ~aJ /JJi1/W Iifllllllenh So hN/5e I~ Pilj 'd. ~ ~ () frr rc YlJafj d 5.!J;J P W . p/ ~. d rMMf t tJ1l lhtt. LUIcf.h CV efjPn w~ rd. me5/- rbt:, 'ffdlJ ~dN5 me. fJiMJPf (cl hfft #Ie :;f(p~~ kt. d!n14 IS cft1J' ;;13 :Jells If UeuA ~b.fl~ nil5 r$YiII/1fi 3,1J ;;n hiJ.5 Y-ml lPfJA J IlUI1k jpv-" -fix- eft! 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Lundy Blvd, Falls, ill 83854 :26".!1i,UG.:~b\Jl~-PM 2. ' ------------ __---n__ ____-----------------... ------------ -------,".." '- -,-- t:-i;"Z ..::!: :::e ;::) &1.,1 1:0 (.) (1)c..!):I: a::: ::) ooQ; c:!c8c::';i--c::::Ic--.I :-.:J ------no_ --------- - ----_no____n , ----------------,- ---------- 6~::7:2:::H-C:C'74 ------------ --------------,-, .- --------- fell+- /to PCZC- r 0 llo;X '837;20 ;.'30/fe-/ I cg 7;20- GO Ii';/I II H!il Ilill iJIlllii!IJii, 11 iw ll1 ii' - '----',.._-------- -------------- ------------------------------------ ~- ------------- -,--- -------- --- --------- ----- n.- ----------- -------- -,-",- '--~--------- ---"---"-----~ -------, ------------------------------------,-------- - --------_..._------,---, _____n __--_-_..- - I~q/())( Jean Jewell J/'~ ftl/v" ;-1 From: Sent: To: Subject: tpeterson12~juno.com Friday, August 29, 20082:51 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUG Comment Form A Comment from Thomas E Peterson follows: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Case Number: I1I1U~~-o~-o//AVu-G-Or:-()1 Name: Thomas E Peterson Address: 161e Cemetery Rd City: Priest River, State: Id Zip: 83856 Daytime Telephone: 2e8 448 1334 Contact E-Mail: tpeterson12~i uno. com Name of Utili ty Compan~: Avista Add to Mailing List: Please describe your comment briefly: As I understand it , Avista has a request in for a 12% increase in our area. Please consider these economic times , first of all. Then consider last week JD Lumber announced a total closure on Oct 3. 2ee people will be laid off permanently! Our town is in shock! Also consider that the average wage paid to those workers was not even close to the wage Avista employees have enjoyed for years. Always getting their increases, because the boss can raise the rates. Please look into this before granting a now higher food & fuel are not the only Ii ves in North Idaho. Thank you for hearing me Respectfully, Tom Peterson raise. This community & state are always hit hard, consideration. Closing industry is a cold fact of our The form submitted on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipucl/ipuc.htmi IP address is 71.161. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - /10 lV,,/1'u ;. Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: pbnelson (g)clearwire. com Wednesday, September 03, 20084:51 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Patrick Nelson follows: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Case Number: AVU-08- Name: Patrick Nelson Address: 626 Park Ave. Ci ty: Lewiston State: Id Zip: 83501 Daytime Telephone: 208-746-2593 Contact E-Mail: pbnelson~clearwire. com Name of Utility Company: Avista - aka-aworsta Add to Mailing List: Please describe your comment briefly: How is it possible Avista can ask for an increase of almost 20%, combining gas and electric rates. I did not get a raise last year. My small business has I nt growen this year. I won ' know if I will even make a proffit this year. As it is now I am down 13% from last year. I cannot afford an increase so high. Avista needs to suck it up like the rest of us. Downsize buy cutting admiistration jobs. Cut pay to non saleried workers. Raise hourly employes medical copay deductables. Stop All dental and vision bennifits. No hourly wage increases for at least one year. Stop all dividend payments to share holders. Note this is not a crackpot letter. I'm am very serious about the above comments. Avista needs to stop asking for such huge increases. The average Idahoian and small business cannot afford it. P. Nelson The form submitted on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipucl/ipuc.html IP address is 74.60.63. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -