HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080718Comments.pdf.· '¡ß.. #-1¥1llfOr Ir; Iti/V'¡; ~ 1 tJ AV()-~ -ar-Tl '. . . JULY l.b,~O()8 LIDA l4.llJB1:iC rrr:r Lir:iES.. ~mlf:iS7ION . Po t3o~,B.3 7ÃO ..e.øISE ID.83120-fJ07't, 8~ \ S ,$UBIE.CTJ..ßVJ:STA .EL~eTilJ.eiIl1l JNeREIJS£ .1?(lfJPOSIJ 1. ..... - .¡ _...Lllv:iS7IJ .JJ/l-SE:iL ED PIJPE/lsluiTH THEcQtImx5.t'H.:RE.QiJEs1:tJlt;._ JAfPl1.øVIll. TO.-:Ne'EIJSßEl.€.tlRI tAL RIi're~...Foe. ;:J)IIH()c.US.,Qm~ß~. tis. q"oi ,,rT.PRaßAßL)' W"tJTmIJ1TEl?eVl'i. 11m .0 PP05EP1"lJ/-l/:i:Jtrß . f3 EilJ t; . (;tUlN 1£ .oTHE.:L g. ~ f. QUES'r., - -, SHClLJLD.THf.1ftREQ UE.ST. B.£. GRArlr£?Q~JYY eL£tTR:iall~RATes.. wiJ...1.JlAVE. .:rNC~~IISE'Q lJlf(~.Sí'1g"4 3'JJtj~ ::NTHE P/l,S'L. F ELL. Y' All s., I L.X VE: o,N f.t F 1.'tEO. INC-Om €o,IIS I IJJl. ~E. i:I./lE D...I.~Do R.EC.8;i V£. Pc-If:i cpr eel) ST'''fL:l\lING IlD:III$7m EJtT$ 1'1-11 THIJ Vc:B EEN. 1.. es ~..--H.A N.Ij~DWe fA 51. 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Y TtJf;:r)/ E .TO ,:,:11 vis.."fttt.I s.: mPL. Y U.Ø..NQf.KJ. øul. ,.. . . I ItmOt'P(J$ E PT() _ AV L. 5 fll S ~ ~ Q V EsT ro fl II :;$~.Ç"rH~.1Æ'... RATES, PLEIlS£ .~~eu.$.E lY Yt.RIrlJi:LNG rfl~..$ L~TTE_(( .~DO Nor JlAýf IL..cOrtPUTE.R 0 RTY PE.UJ.,-:iT.E ~'. : .TH IlJJK V,,u..FOfl R E.A f)!:N ,t;. TlI:L.$ e~m.v 1J'Xf!ilr::ttll'Jjf . SIN CE RJ2.L. 'Ii..~t:.~flr ... .... _ :i. ;TA1JE.S . .X.BIlu.mlllv..__~. ..POß (JX /JI.?3...._..__..__... . LEWISTtJN 1.); f3SI)I-.(J.I~.53 't 1 , ¡j~. tvt ~.. 1/1(/ or /f; ßt!/'l ~.~ Ii l i AVI; -,z-Ol-oJ..,"'". t..of ~ 733 $unY- ~(~ Li tu / staN / -;b .Ç'3:¡O/ 8~ i 8 PPfltf PU.h/lv a¡,~, 00 rnrr(SS ìIJA. po 13ry 837 ¿)o l3J/s£ JJ. ?i37,:o - 007'- l).,r $Us Tù r LrJà- ft ti ~ ~ ~ Ih I ~ I: (1': 1-10 pi~ i.~ -f (Jv~ Th ~pa1' UA 1h tJ lA ~f- foIh(;(í£C1 tJtl _~M ~¿j ~;ú r~, p~ . - i¥ ~ ú-fhJ ~ Thof sr ~ l,hcOlgefyJJhfAL~ lVi- 6tI ~~ ,I ~ ~ ~ lY /). ~ ~ r.¿sfi~/J tVd fYocL~.1J~ tf '¡'v-tÁ r"oi rlvi.~ ~~ ~.¿ (nw~~ 10 ,:r~0- r. :;fríu~ ~¿j1eh '. w-t a(/~?o/~7 ~ ~¡w~¿u ~v¿..~. /irh~ ~ ~¡¿~ 1J~ J Mr rJ t ~(C/ ¿,'iúl ~s. ß,~ Vltj fl ti (l , iyo¡ite,~ f~, ~~ ~ rtÚ /hw~-111' ~t/-t ~ &t ~. r P0.f1 ~ lJ. r~ i yi()./e,¡iv~ - -'--'::,.~,-~~ de lin~ tif,. 1 1~~/t~/oi~/~ A.v.~~~.; (i Æ-VlA ~ f3 -0(-'0 J John & Jo Strong 3507 19th Street Lewiston, Idao 83501 Q.. l ')0' f. July 14, 2008 Idaho Public Utilties Commission POBox Boise, Idao 83720-0074 re: Avista proposed rate increase Please do not approve the curnt A vist rate increase proposa. Gas increase of 6.5% And electrc increase of 15.9% We, like may familes are living on a Social SecurtylRetirement disabilty income, and the raise we get anualy does not keep up. We are alady living on a budget and must account for ever dollar, and ths increas is going to be a hard pil to swallow. It is too much at once. Yo consideration would be gratly appreiated. /~I(IÒY ,/(0 if/./10 ~; lIi --AlitA - ¡r -o~~o/ July 9, 2008 State ofIdaho Utilty Commission Dear Commissioners: Kindly allow me to express my views regaring A vist's advance notice of exorbitat rate increass. One glance at the newspape or a trp to the gas ston/grery store reveas a staling fact that the economy is in a no-holds bared downlide. Everyg, and I mean everyng, reflects the shrnkng dollar and uneard of fuel pnces. As the population is becoming older, what is the anwer for seniors and low-income familes strggling to barely surve? The newspapers shout of Bonnevile Power's excessive electrc surlus power and tht they ar payig cusomer to buy electrcity. I urge you to evaluate Avist's reuest to increas customer's rates for a necessity now accepted tht was onginally touted by Avista's knowledgeable sales pitch, i.e. the urgig by A vista to the public to purha gas appliances for everyng 10 year ago which has since beame a nightmare ru amuck. How many increes do they merit.. ... ..if any? Its about time the revenue-depleted ratepayer had a bre. How about the CEO's tang pay cuts and the stockholders holding their own and your commssion votig with a conscious? ¿;sincei. Y'. (J Ao/'J( =-7~. John K. Nodes 3060 E. Burgudy Tral Post Falls, il 83854 (208) 457-8442 Ý~ir¡/df V'j; A)!/~~, A-VU .~-ol-o/ 1'ß~ \ 4 Inez Anderon 3606 14th St. Lewin, il. 83501 It"';.:t Idao Public Utities C~i;m:hÊ~i . P O. Box 83720 Boise, il. 83720-0074 Commsion Member; I am opped to Another rate increase for Avita. They are ma a prfi now. Plus th are sti pay the CEO millons. Ar you the group tht ha the intesti fortude to put a stop to these outageous payents to CEO'S whie fleecin the public. No more rate increases for Avista until they tighten there budget, like the rest of us have to. Th you. Sincerely, Inez Anderon '/~~11¡Or' Jean 'Jewell ,/.10 A-V.V..f: ~. r H From: Sent: To: Subject: stevepaintcmverizon.net Tuesday, July 15, 2008 5:00 PM Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from steven painter follows: Case Number: AVlA -£ -0&'-0 ¡ Name: steven painter Address: 12295 grand ave. City: orofino State: idaho Zip: 83544 Daytime Telephone: 2e8-476-5e22Contact E-Mail: stevepaint~verizon.net _~~ Name of Utility Company: steven t. painter Add to Mailing List ~ Please describe your comment briefly: I think that Avista' s outrageous rate increase proposal is way out of line for us' retired folk. If you do grant a rate increase, let it be in line with the federal government's annual rate. The form submited on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc.html IP address is - - - - - --- - -- --------- - --- - - - -- - ---- 1 iI~. ~/1~/Mr~ Jean Jewell ,/f;~.~ (4i From: Sent: To: Subject: rm83815~yahoo.com Thursday, July 17, 20088:23 AM Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Reinold May follows: Case Number: AV/A-£-o¡,-()/ /I/VU-G-OV-rI Name: Reinold May Address: 4401 Royal St. City: Coeur d Alene State: Idaho Zip: 83815 . Daytime Telephone: 208-765-5344 Contact E-Mail: rm83815~ahoo.com Name of Utility Company: Avista Add to Mailing List: Please describe your comment briefly: Hi: i see where natural gas has taken a sharp turn downward and is the lowest since April of this year. Please take this into consideration when investigating Avista i s request for a rate increase that is in the workings now. Typical corporation, not enough vision as to the economy or what the hell is really going on in the USA. Thanks. R. May The form submi ted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov Iforms/ipuc1/ipuc. html IP address is - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1