HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080403Vermillion Direct.pdfDAVID J. MEYER VICE PRESIDENT, GENERA COUNSEL, GOVERNTAL AFFAIRS AVISTA CORPORATION P.O. BOX- 3727 1411 EAST MISSION AVENUE SPOKAE, WASHINGTON 99220-3727 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4316FACSIMILE: (509) 495-8851 REeFI..l/t:D - .~ i. REGULATORy2tme APR -3 lPril2: 53 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF AVISTA CORPORATION FOR THE AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AN CHAGES FOR ELECTRIC AN NATURL GAS SERVICE TO ELECTRIC AND NATURA GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO CASE NO. AVU-E-08-01 CASE NO. AVU-G-08-01 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF DENNIS P. VERMILLION FOR AVISTA CORPORATION (ELECTRIC AN NATURA GAS) 1 2 I. INTRODUCTION Q.Please state your name, employer and business 3 address. 4 A.My name is Dennis P. Vermillion.I am employed 5 as the Vice President of Energy Resources by Avista 6 Corporation located at 1411 East Mission Avenue, Spokane, 7 Washington. 8 Q.Would you briefly describe your educational and 9 professional background? 10 A.I received a Bachelor of Science degree in 11 electrical engineering from Washington State University in 12 1985.I began working for Avista in 1985 and have held 13 positions in energy trading, marketing, risk management, 14 power transmission contracting, resource planning and 15 coordination and regulatory issues.I was appointed as 16 President and Chief Operating Officer of Avista Energy in 17 2001.I was appointed Vice President of Energy Resources 18 in 2007 at the close of the sale of Avista Energy. 19 Q. What is the scope of your testimony in this 20 proceeding? 21 A. My testimony will provide an overview of Avista' s 22 resource planning and power operations which includes 23 sumaries of the Company's resources, current and future 24 load and resource position, future resource plans, and a 25 brief discussion of the Company's decision to join the Vermillion, Di 1 Avista Corporation 1 Chicago Climate Exchange. The next section of my testimony 2 discusses hydro and thermal proj ect upgrades.This is 3 followed by the Montana riverbed lease issue, hydro 4 relicensing issues, mercury abatement at Colstrip, and 5 Jackson Prairie storage.My testimony concludes with a 6 discussion of the Company's risk management policy. 7 A table of contents for my testimony is as 8 follows: 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 i.II.III.iv. V. VI.VIi.VIII DescriptionIntroductionAvista i s Resource Planning and Power OperationsHydro and Thermal Proj ect Upgrades Montana Riverbed Lease Hydro Relicensing Mercury Abatement At Colstrip Jackson Prairie Storage Avista's Risk Management Policy Page 1 2 9 14 19 23 24 30 Q.Are you sponsoring any exhibits? A.Yes.I am sponsoring Exhibi t No.4, Schedule 1 21 (Avista' s 2007 Electric integrated Resource Plan), Schedule 22 2 (Memorandum concerning Montana Riverbed Settlement), 23 Schedule 3 (Memorandum of Negotiated Settlement Terms), and 24 Schedule 4 (Avista' s Risk Policy) . 25 26 27 II..AVISTA'S RESOURCE PLAING AN POWER OPERATIONS Q.Would you please provide a brief overview of 28 Avista' s power generating resources? 29 A.Yes.Avista's resource portfolio consists of 30 diverse assets including hydroelectric generation projects, vermillion, Di 2 Avista Corporation 1 base-load coal and natural gas-fired thermal generation 2 facilities, wood waste-fired renewable generation, natural 3 gas-fired peaking generation proj ects, long-term contracts 4 including wind and Mid-Columia hydroelectric generation, 5 and market power purchases and exchanges.Avista-owned 6 generation facilities have a total capability of 1,815 MW, 7 which includes 54% hydroelectric and 46% thermal resources. 8 Table No. 1 below sumarizes the present capability of 9 Avista's owned generation resources.The Company also has 10 long-term contractual rights for a total of 166 MW of 11 capabili ty from the Mid-Columia generation proj ects in 12 2009 that are owned and operated by the Public Utility 13 Districts of Grant, Chelan and Douglas counties.The 14 Company has a ten-year contract for 35 MW of wind 15 generation capability from the Stateline Wind Proj ect. The 16 Company also receives 100 MW of energy from several 17 contracts through 2010. Vermillion, Di 3 Avista Corporation 1 Table No. 1 - Avista Generation MW 541 261 18 10 15 15 90 36 Northeast CT Kette Falls CT Boulder Park Rathdrum CT ;~æø.Î.fiat¡j~aí 2 3 Q.Would you please provide an overview of Avista' s 4 resource planning and power supply operations? 5 6 A.Yes. The Company uses a combination of owned and contracted-for resources to serve its requirements. 7 Dispatch decisions related to these resources are made by the power supply section of the Energy Resources8 9 10 Department.The Department regularly studies capacity and energy resource needs.The Company utilizes short and 11 medium-term wholesale transactions to balance resources 12 with load requirements.Longer-term resource decisions 13 requiring new resources, upgrading existing resources, Vermillion, Di 4 Avista Corporation 1 demand-side management (DSM) ,and long-term contract 2 purchases are generally made in conjunction with the 3 Company's Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) and Request for 4 Proposals (RFP) processes. 5 Q.Please sumrize the current load and resource 6 position for the Company. 7 A.The Company has added a variety of resources to 8 its portfolio in recent years, including: the second half 9 of Coyote Springs 2; a ten-year agreement for 35 MW of wind 10 generation capability (estimated 7.6 aM); medium-term 11 purchases of 100 aM through 2010; the purchase of 12 approximately 7 aM of small hydroelectric generation from 13 the City of Spokane; hydroelectric upgrades at Cabinet 14 Gorge; approximately 7 aM of efficiency improvements at 15 Colstrip Units #3 and #4; and a new purchase agreement 16 signed with Grant County PUD for a continued share of the 17 output from the Priest Rapids and Wanapum hydroelectric 18 projects beginning in 2005. 19 The Company is currently in a balanced-to-surplus 20 energy position through 2017 on an average annual basis. 21 This assumes the addition of Lancaster, which is a 245 MW 22 gas-fired plant with an additional 30 MW of duct firing 23 capability; this resource will be described in more detail 24 later in my testimony.However, as I will explain later, 25 there are monthly and quarterly deficits and surpluses Vermillion, Di 5 Avista Corporation 1 prior to 2017.The Company's annual energy net resource 2 position becomes deficient in 2018 and the deficiencies 3 increase from that time forward if additional resources are 4 not added.The average annual energy resource deficiency 5 beginning in 2018 is 8 aMW' and increases to 515 aMW in 6 2028. 7 The Company's capacity resource position is surplus 8 through 2018. Capacity deficiencies begin at 67 MW in 2019 9 and increase to 843 MW in 2028.Additional details 10 concerning the load and resource positions are in Company 11 witness Kalich's Exhibit No.5, Schedule 1. 12 Q.How does the Comany plan to meet future resource 13 needs beginning in 2018? 14 A.The Company has pursued the Preferred Resource 15 Strategy laid out in the 2007 Electric IRP. Avista' s 2007 16 Electric IRP is attached as Exhibit No.4, Schedule 1. The 17 IRP provides details about the need for additional 18 resources, specific cost and operating characteristics of 19 the resources evaluated for the Preferred Resource 20 Strategy, and the scenarios used for resource evaluations. 21 The Company's 2007 Electric IRP was submitted to the 22 Commission in August of 2007.The Company will continue 23 evaluating a mix of resource options to meet future load 24 requirements,including medium-term market purchases, 25 generation ownership, hydroelectric upgrades, renewable Vermillion, Di 6 Avista Corporation 1 resources, customer load reduction (e. g., conservation), 2 long-term contracts, and generation lease or tolling 3 arrangements.As stated earlier, longer-term resource 4 decisions are generally made in conjunction with the 5 Company's IRP and RFP processes, pursuant to Commission 6 rules, al though the Company does acquire some resources 7 outside of formal RFP processes.The Company's Preferred 8 Resource Strategy in the 2007 IRP includes a mix of 87 MW 9 of DSM, upgrades to its existing plants, 350 MW of gas- 10 fired CCCT, 300 MW of wind, and 35 MW other renewable 11 generation (such as small co-generation, biomass and 12 geothermal) . 13 The Company continues to evaluate and acquire various 14 DSM measures. Avista has acquired approximately 96 aM of 15 DSM over the past eighteen years. This equates to 5.3% of 16 the Company's owned generation.Avista continues to 17 acquire cost-effective DSM and anticipates acquiring an 18 additional 87 aMW of DSM over the next decade. 19 Q.Can you please provide an overview of the Chicago 20 Climate Exchange and why the Company decided to become a 21 memer? 22 A.Yes, the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) is the 23 only North American marketplace for integrating voluntary, 24 verifiable and legally-binding emissions reductions with 25 emissions trading and offsets for all six of the greenhouse Vermillion, Di 7 Avista Corporation 1 gases (GHG).The CCX binds memers to reducing their GHG 2 emissions by six percent through 2010 based on a baseline 3 level of emissions established by the rules of the CCX. 4 Members must buy credits through the CCX if they are unable 5 to meet their GHG emissions reductions goals up to a 6 maximum amount, or they may sell or bank credits up to a 7 specified amount if they exceed their reduction goals. 8 Avista decided to join the CCX in order to gain 9 experience and develop the internal infrastructure to trade 10 GHG credi ts .The Company believes this skill will be 11 necessary in anticipation of state or federal legislation 12 regarding GHG emissions in the near future, as discussed in 13 our 2007 Electric IRP. The CCX was also chosen because the 14 Company anticipates that we will have credits to sell in 15 this market. The exact numer of credits through 2007 will 16 be known after the baseline audit is completed in the first 17 quarter of 2008. The decision of how or when to dispose of 18 the excess credits has not been made at this time, but will 19 be done after the audit has been completed and the official 20 baseline and reduction goals have been established.The 21 Company plans to pass the net proceeds of the sale of any 22 credits on to customers through the Power Cost Adjustment 23 (PCA) mechanism. 24 25 Vermillion, Di 8 Avista Corporation 1 2 III. HYRO AN THERM PROJECT UPGRAES Q.Please provide an update on the generation 3 upgrades completed on the Cabinet Gorge proj ects. 4 A.The Company completed an upgrade of Cabinet Gorge 5 Unit #2 in March 2004. This project consisted of removing 6 the original 1952 propeller runner and replacing it with a 7 current design mixed-flow runner.The upgrade resulted in 8 a 17 MW increase in capacity, from 55 MW to 72 MW, and an 9 increase in energy of approximately 3 aM.The Company 10 completed a similar upgrade project in 2001 for Cabinet 11 Gorge Unit #3. The capacity of the unit was increased from 12 55 MW to 72 MW which resulted in an estimated 4.5 aM of 13 additional energy. 14 The Company completed upgrading Cabinet Gorge Unit #4 15 in early April 2007, and obtained an additional 10 MW of 16 capacity and 1.1 aM of energy from the project at a total 17 investment of $6.2 million (system). Company witnesses Mr. 18 Kalich and Mr. Johnson have reflected the additional 19 capacity and energy values in their adjustments, and 20 Company witness Ms. Andrews included the investment costs 21 of the upgrade. 22 Q.Can you provide an overview of the repairs that 23 have been completed and the capital improvements that are 24 scheduled to be done on the Noxon Rapids Project? Vermillion, Di 9 Avista Corporation 1 A.Yes. On June 9, 2006, the Unit #4 stator winding 2 failed at the Noxon Rapids Proj ect. This unit was already 3 scheduled to be upgraded in 2007, so the project timeline 4 was accelerated to start in June 2006. The total cost for 5 the core and rewind proj ect was approximately $7.2 million 6 (system), which included $4.8 million for the rewind and 7 8 $2.4 million for the core.Ms. Andrews has reflected Idaho's share of this investment in her adjustments.The 9 second step to complete the Unit #4 upgrade involves 10 replacement of the turbine runner, which will be done 11 between 2011 and 2012. 12 Currently, work is being done on Unit #5, the largest 13 and most efficient unit at the project, which was installed 14 in 1977. This reliability work began in September 2007 and 15 is expected to be completed by April 2008. The work is not 16 expected to increase the units 92.0% efficiency rating or 17 the 125 MW unit rating, but is expected to solve several 18 reliability concerns. The reliability concerns for Unit #5 19 include stator frame distortion, varying air gap, numerous 20 forced outages, and the need to have a one-hour pre-warming 21 of thrust bearings prior to the unit being started.The 22 costs associated with this work is approximately $1.6 23 million (system) and has been included in this case as 24 further described in Company witness Mr.DeFelice's Vermillion, Di 10 Avista Corporation 1 testimony and Company witness Ms. Andrews includes the 2 Idaho share of these costs in her adjustments. 3 Q.Please explain the capital improvements that have 4 been done on Colstrip units 3 and 4? 5 A.Capital improvements on Colstrip Units 3 and 4 6 began in 2006 to improve operating efficiency, enhance 7 reliabili ty, and to increase generation.Work began on 8 Colstrip unit #4 on May 8, 2006 with the installation of a 9 new high-pressure steam turbine rotor, which resulted in 10 approxima tely 28 MW ( 4 . 2 MW Company share) in addi tional 11 capacity using the same amount of fuel.The original 12 analog plant controls were also replaced with digital 13 controls to optimize plant operation. The unit was brought 14 back on line on June 25, 2006. Avista' s share of the total 15 investment cost for the Unit #4 upgrade was approximately 16 $3.0 million (system). 17 On Colstrip Unit #3, the analog to digital control 18 conversion was completed in 2006 and additional capital 19 improvements were completed in May and June of 2007 at a 20 total investment for Avista of $3.8 million (system). 21 These improvements included the installation of a new high- 22 pressure steam turbine rotor to improve output and 23 efficiency and the installation of NOx controls on the 24 25 boiler.These changes are added approximately 28 MW (4.2 MW Company share)in additional capacity.Company Vermillion, Di 11 Avista Corporation 1 witnesses Mr. Kalich and Mr. Johnson have included the 2 additional benefits and operating costs from the upgrades 3 in their adjustments, and Company witness Ms. Andrews has 4 reflected the investment costs in her testimony. 5 Q.Could you sumrize the costs and timing of the 6 hYdro and ther.l upgrades included in this case? 7 A.Yes.Table No.2, Generation Proj ect Costs, 8 lists the in-service dates, system investment costs, and 9 the Idaho allocation for each project.Ms. Andrews 10 explains the Idaho allocation of rate base and revenue 11 requirements associated with these upgrades. 12 13 Table No. 2 - Generation Proj ect Costs In-Service Generation Projects (1)Cost: System /10 (OOOs)Date Cabinet Gorge Unit 4 $6,200 / $2,119 Mar-07 Noxon Rapids Unit 4 $7,189/ $2,456 Sep-07 Colstrip Unit 4 $2,949/ $1,008 Jun-06 Colstrip Unit 3 $3,760/$1,285 Jun-07 Total $20,098/ $6,868\ii The additional generation from the Cabinet Gorge Unit 4 and Colstrip Units 3 & 4 project upgrades has been included in the AURORA model as discussed by Company witness Mr. Kalich. 14 15 Q.Please describe the additional upgrade proj ects 16 planned for the Noxon Rapids generating units starting in 17 2009. 18 A.The Company plans to upgrade the Noxon Rapids 19 generating units 1 through 4 (currently using 1950' s Vermillion, Di 12 Avista Corporation 1 technology). The upgrades on these four units are expected 2 to add an addi tional 30 MW of capaci ty and 6 aMW of energy 3 to the Noxon Rapids project and improve reliability on 4 these units.One upgrade is planned for completion 5 annually, starting in March 2009 with completion of each of 6 the upgrades by 2012. Table No.3, Noxon Rapids Upgrades, 7 sumarizes these upgrades: 8 9 Table No. 3 - Noxon Rapids Upgrades Noxon Rapids Schedule of Additional Capacity Additional Effciency Unitt Completion 1 Mar. 2009 7.5MW 5.0% 2 Feb. 2010 7.5MW 6.0% 3 Feb. 2011 7.5MW 7.8% 4 Feb. 2012 7.5MW 4.7% 10 11 For Uni t # 1, we plan to replace the s ta tor core, 12 rewind the stator, install a new turbine and have a 13 complete mechanical overhaul completed from July 2008 14 through March 2009.This upgrade is expected to increase 15 the unit's efficiency from 87.5% to 92.5% and the unit 16 rating from 105 MW to 112.5 MW.The upgrade will also 17 solve several reliability concerns for the unit including 18 mechanical vibration, the age of the stator, and increase 19 in partial discharge activity and the low efficiency of the 20 unit. Vermillion, Di 13 Avista Corporation 1 The remaining upgrade work on Uni ts #2 through #4 is 2 planned from 2009 to 2012. Unit #2 is scheduled to have a 3 new turbine and complete mechanical overhaul between August 4 2009 and February 2010.This upgrade is planned to 5 increase unit efficiency from 89.0% to 95.0% and boost the 6 uni t rating from 105 MW to 112.5 MW. The upgrade work at 7 Unit #3 involves the installation of a new turbine and a 8 complete mechanical overhaul from August 2010 through 9 February 2011. The Unit #3 upgrade is planned to increase 10 unit efficiency from 87.2% to 95.0% and boost the unit 11 rating from 105 MW to 112.5 MW. The work planned for Unit 12 #4 includes the installation of a new turbine and a 13 complete mechanical overhaul from August 2011 through 14 .February 2012.This upgrade is planned to increase uni t 15 efficiency from 90.3% to 95.0% and boost the unit rating 16 from 105 MW to 112.5 MW. 17 The costs for these future Noxon Rapids upgrades for 18 units 1 through 4 have not been included in this case, but 19 will be dealt with in a future rate proceeding. 20 21 22 iv. MONTAN RIVERBED LEASE Q.Can you provide background infor.tion on 23 litigation surrounding the Montana riverbed lease? 24 A.Yes. The Montana riverbed lease involves payment 25 for the use of the land that is located underneath the Vermillion, Di 14 Avista Corporation 1 Clark Fork River Project located in the State of Montana. 2 This includes the entire Noxon Rapids Project and the 3 portion of the Cabinet Gorge Project within Montana 4 borders, which includes most of the reservoir.The 5 litigation began in October 2003 when residents of Bozeman, 6 Montana, with children in the Montana public school system, 7 filed a lawsuit against the owners of all privately-owned 8 hydroelectric project owners in the state,including 9 Avista, PPL Montana, LLC and PacifiCorp, seeking payment 10 for the use and occupancy of School Trust Lands.This 11 lawsuit was joined by the school districts from Great 12 Falls, Montana and the State of Montana in March of 2004. 13 Although the matter was dismissed by the Federal District 14 Court on jurisdictional grounds, a subsequent declaratory 15 judgment was brought in the state court in Novemer of 16 2004, in order to resolve the issue. 17 This action in state court involved extensive 18 discovery and motion practice around a numer of key issues 19 surrounding navigability of the Clark Fork River and the 20 proper measure of damages for any prior trespass since 21 construction of the Noxon Rapids and Cabinet Gorge Proj ects 22 23 in the early 1950' s.Future ongoing damages were also sought.At time of trial, the State of Montana was 24 prepared to assert damage claims that exceeded $200 million 25 for prior damages and $8.4 million per year for future Vermillion, Di 15 Avista Corporation 1 trespass. Exhibit No.4, Schedule 3 is an overview of the 2 litigation that describes the nature of the claims and the 3 basis for the ultimate settlement. 4 PacifiCorp was dismissed from the lawsuit in June 2006 5 after entering a voluntary settlement with the State of 6 Montana.Avista was also dismissed from the lawsuit in 7 October 2007 after entering into a voluntary settlement 8 wi th the State.PPL Montana,LLC was the only 9 hydroelectric owner in the lawsuit that elected to proceed 10 to trial. The outcome of the lawsuit has not been decided 11 at this time. 12 Q.What issues were decided by the court in advance 13 of trial? 14 A.In Septemer and October of 2007 the Montana 15 District Court made several determinations as a matter of 16 law in advance of trial:The Clark Fork River was deemed 17 "navigable" for the express purposes of the establishment 18 of the State's claim to title of the riverbed.The State 19 owns the Clark Fork riverbeds and may therefore charge the 20 hydroelectric owners for the use of the beds. The riverbed 21 lands are School Trust Lands.There are no statutes of 22 limitation or equitable defenses which would limit claims 23 back to the time when the hydroelectric proj ects were 24 cons tructed.Because the ri verbeds were deemed to be 25 School Trust Lands, there was an obligation to pay rents Vermillion, Di 16 Avista Corporation 1 under the Montana Hydroelectric Resources Act.The water 2 rights held by the hydroelectric owners do not preclude the 3 State from seeking damages and rents.The State is not 4 precluded from presenting evidence based upon the shared 5 net benefits theory, taking into account the value of the 6 generation produced by the facilities. Finally, the damage 7 claims are not limited to the actual footprint of the dam 8 itself; the claim may include the use of upstream State- 9 owned riverbeds.Accordingly, only the question of 10 damages remained to be determined at trial, with the State 11 seeking in excess of $200 million for prior trespass and 12 $8.4 million per year for future rents. 13 Q.What are the details for the settlement agreement 14 regarding the Montana riverbed lease issue? 15 A.A settlement was reached between Avista and the 16 State of Montana in October 2007, on the eve of trial. It 17 represented the culmination of several months of settlement 18 discussions with the support of a mediator. On October 19, 19 2007, the Company reached a settlement with the State of 20 Montana resolving this matter. (See Exhibit No.4, Schedule 21 3 "Memorandum of Negotiated Settlement Terms") Pursuant to 22 this settlement, Avista agreed to make lease payments in 23 the initial amount of $4 million per year beginning 24 February 1,2008,for the calendar year 2007,and 25 continuing through calendar year 2016, adjusted each year Vermillion, Di 17 Avista corporation 1 by the Consumer Price Index (CPI), with no payment for 2 prior damages.The level of payments, the start date of 3 payments, as well as other settlement terms and conditions, 4 were all integral to the resolution of these claims. 5 On or before June 30, 2016, Avista and the State of 6 Montana will determine whether the annual lease payments 7 remain consistent with the principles of law as applied to 8 the facts and negotiate an adjusted lease payment for the 9 remaining term of Avista's FERC license for its 10 hydroelectric facilities on the Clark Fork River, which 11 expires in 2046. If Avista and the State of Montana do not 12 agree on an adjusted lease payment, the parties will engage 13 in advisory arbitration and submit the arbitrator's 14 recommendations to the State Board of Land Commissioners 15 ("Land Board") for approval. The settlement also contains 16 provisions that could reduce the amount of Avista' s lease 17 payments as a result of future judicial determinations in 18 related cases or governmental actions.As mentioned, 19 Avista will not make any lease payments for the periods 20 prior to 2007. 21 Q.Why did the Company settle the case instead of 22 going to trial? 23 A.The Company decided to settle the case to avoid 24 liability for retroactive rents and to avoid a large 25 potential judgment against it.The State of Montana was Vermillion, Di 18 Avista Corporation 1 demanding over $200 million for past rents combined with 2 ongoing lease payments of approximately $8.4 million per 3 year.The settlement also stipulated that the Company 4 could reduce the amount of future lease payments if future 5 judicial determinants, court cases or governmental actions 6 indicated that a lower lease amount was appropriate. 7 Accordingly, the settlement avoids the potential costly 8 li tigation and exposure to very substantial claims by the State of Montana.The Noxon Rapids and Cabinet Gorge9 10 hydroelectric proj ects are the Company's lowest-cost 11 resources and are integral to the Company's resource base. 12 The Company continues to make every effort to preserve the 13 generation from these projects for the benefit of its 14 customers at the lowest possible cost.Ms. Andrews has 15 included the Idaho share of these costs in her pro forma 16 adjustments. 17 18 v.HYDRO RELICENSING Q.Would you please provide an update on work being 19 done under the existing FERC operating license for the 20 Company's Clark Fork River generation projects? 21 A.Yes.Avista received a new 45-year FERC 22 operating license for its Cabinet Gorge and Noxon Rapids 23 hydroelectric generating facilities on March 1, 2001. The 24 Company has made significant progress working in 25 collaboration with 27 signatories to the Clark Fork Vermillion, Di 19 Avista Corporation 1 Settlement Agreement toward meeting the goals, terms, and 2 conditions of the Protection, Mitigation and Enhancement 3 (PM&E) measures under the license.The implementation 4 program has resulted in the protection of approximately 5 2,500 acres of bull trout, wetlands, uplands, and riparian 6 habitat.The fish passage program, using electrofishing 7 and trapping with over 150 adults radio tagged and their 8 movements studied,has rees tabl i shed bull trout 9 connecti vi ty between Lake Pend Oreille and the Clark Fork 10 River tributaries above Cabinet Gorge Dam.Avista has 11 worked with the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service to develop 12 two experimental fish passage facilities.The testing of 13 these facilities has not produced a design that will 14 attract adult bull trout.However, studies will continue 15 to seek solutions for developing a volitional fish passage 16 facility.Juvenile bull trout on their downstream 17 migration are collected in tributary streams, tagged, and 18 transported to the Clark Fork River downstream of Cabinet 19 Gorge Dam to test the survival of adults.The costs 20 associated with the PM&E measures were reviewed in a prior 21 case and are included in retail rates. 22 Recreation facility improvements have been made to 30 23 sites along the reservoirs.Finally, tribal members 24 continue to monitor known cultural and historic resources 25 located within the project boundary to ensure that these Vermillion, Di 20 Avista Corporation 1 sites are appropriately protected.The costs associated 2 wi th the PM&E measures were reviewed in a prior case and 3 are included in retail rates. 4 Total dissolved gas levels occurring during spill 5 periods at Cabinet Gorge Dam was an unresolved issue when 6 the current Clark Fork license was received. The license 7 provided time to study the actual biological impacts of 8 dissolved gas and subsequent development of a dissolved gas 9 mi tigation plan.The studies documented no biological 10 impact from dissolved gas below the project; however, the 11 stakeholders ultimately concluded that dissolved gas levels 12 should be mitigated, in accordance with federal and state 13 law.A plan to reduce dissolved gas levels was developed 14 with all stakeholders, including the Idaho Department of 15 Environmental Quality. The original plan called for the 16 modification of two existing diversion tunnels which could 17 redirect streamflows exceeding turbine capacity away from 18 the spillway.The plan originally called for modification 19 of the first tunnel by 2010 at an estimated cost of $38 20 million. The second tunnel would only be constructed after 21 a performance analysis and an evaluation of the 22 environmental benefits of the first tunnel. The Company, 23 with the support of engineering contractors, spent several 24 years developing feasibility and cost studies to retrofit 25 the firs t tunnel. Vermillion, Di 21 Avista Corporation 1 Q.Would you please provide an update on the current 2 status of the Cabinet Gorge Bypass Tunnels Proj ect? 3 A.Yes.The 2006 Preliminary Design Development 4 Report for the Cabinet Gorge Bypass Tunels Proj ect 5 indicated that the preferred tunnel configuration did not 6 meet the performance,cost and schedule criteria 7 established in the approved Gas Supersaturation Control 8 Plan (GSCP). Analysis of the predicted total dissolved gas 9 (TDG) performance indicated that the tunnel would increase 10 TDG by up to 18% rather than the 4% stipulated in the GSCP. 11 The total estimated cost of the first tunnel was determined 12 to be $58 million, which is an increase of $20 million over 13 the original estimate. The schedule for completion of the 14 first tunnel also slipped to March of 2012 instead of the 15 2010 date set by the GSCP.These findings led the Gas 16 Supersaturation Subcommittee to determine that the Cabinet 17 Gorge Bypass Tunels Proj ect is not viable to meet the 18 GSCP. The subcommittee is currently amending the plan with 19 alternatives to the original GSCP and the results are 20 expected by the end of 2008.wi th the completion of the 21 Bypass Tunnel analysis in 2008, the Company is proposing 22 recovery of these costs of approximately $5.4 million in 23 this case through rate base treatment of the costs over the 24 remaining life of the Cabinet Gorge Proj ect. Vermillion, Di 22 Avista Corporation 1 2 Q.Would you please give a brief update on the status of efforts to relicense the Spokane River 3 Hydroelectric Projects? 4 A.Yes. The Company filed applications with FERC in 5 July 2005 to relicense five of its six hydroelectric 6 generation projects located on the Spokane River.The 7 Spokane River Project, which is currently under a single 8 FERC license, includes Long Lake, Nine Mile, Upper Falls, 9 Monroe Street, and Post Falls. Little Falls, the Company's 10 sixth project on the Spokane River, is not under FERC 11 jurisdiction, but operates under separate Congressional 12 13 authority.Our current license for the Spokane River Project expired in August 2007.The Company is currently 14 operating under an annual license at this time, but expects 15 to receive a new 50-year license by the end of 2008. 16 Company Witness Mr. Howard provides detailed testimony 17 about the entire Spokane River Hydroelectric Project 18 relicensing process and costs associated with the 19 relicensing effort and Ms. Andrews has included the pro 20 forma costs in this case. 21 22 VI.MERCURY ABATEMNT AT COLSTRIP Q.Please provide a sumry of the mercury abatement 23 project for Colstrip Units 3 and 4. 24 A.Mercury emissions laws in Montana are going into 25 effect January 1, 2010 with a second phase going into Vermillion, Di 23 Avista Corporation 1 effect in 2018.Testing of two different mercury control 2 technologies was initiated at Colstrip to comply with the 3 new regulations. The tests did not meet the targets set by 4 the Montana Department of Environmental Quality, but 5 optimization of the mercury control systems is expected to 6 meet the required emissions levels. More testing is being 7 done at this time and we expect to begin full mercury 8 control operations by mid-2009 to ensure enough time to 9 fine tune the system with Colstrip plant operations. 10 The largest expense involved with the mercury control 11 project will be a significant increase in O&M costs.The 12 Company's share of the new O&M costs is expected to be 13 approximately $3 million per year.The current capital 14 budget for Colstrip is estimated to be sufficient to meet 15 the capi tal expendi tures for this proj ect .This increase 16 in O&M costs is expected in June 2009, therefore Ms. 17 Andrews has included six months or $1.5 million of the 18 annual expenditures in her pro forma adjustments in this 19 case. 20 21 VII.JACKSON PRAIRIE STORAGE Q.Can you please provide an overview of Avista' s 22 involvement with Jackson Prairie Storage? 23 A.Yes, the Jackson Prairie Storage Proj ect is an 24 underground reservoir proj ect located near Chehalis, 25 washington.Avista was one of the three original Vermillion, Di 24 Avista Corporation 1 developers of this storage facility.Avista, Puget Sound 2 Energy and Northwest Pipeline own equal shares of this 3 4 underground storage facility.Development began in the 1960' s and the project entered service in 1972.A numer 5 of expansions have occurred since the facility opened and 6 Avista currently holds a total of 8,308,694 Dth of seasonal 7 capacity and 294,667 Dth of daily withdrawal capacity at 8 Jackson Prairie. 9 Q.Is the Company participating in any other storage 10 expansion projects? 11 A.Yes. In 2006, Avista and its partners started an 12 expansion project at Jackson Prairie (FERC Certificate in 13 CP06-412) for deliverability that will be in service in the 14 Fall of 2008 and will result in Avista' s daily 15 deliverability increasing by 104,000 Dth. 16 Q.What analysis was done to support the 17 deliverability expansion costs? 18 19 A.Avista's performed analysis on the Jackson Prairie deliverability expansion.This analysis compared 20 the total expected costs of current infrastructure and 21 supply compared to the total expected costs including the 22 deli verabili ty expansion.Resul ts showed the Company's 23 total costs were lower when including the deliverability 24 expansion.In addition to this review, the Company also Vermillion, Di 25 Avista Corporation 1 examined the potential for improved reliability of supply 2 and peak pricing mitigation benefits. 3 Q.You mentioned improved reliability of supply, 4 please explain. 5 A.The Company relies on monthly and longer-term 6 seasonal and annual contracts for supply to satisfy its 7 projected average daily demand. For daily swings in load, 8 9 above and below average,the Company relies on a combination of storage and daily purchases and sales.In 10 today's market virtually all physical short-term purchases 11 are done at market hubs like Sumas/Huntingdon. While these 12 purchases are generally reliable there is a risk of 13 14 delivery failure.There are a numer of reasons why delivery risk can be problematic.First, using the 15 Sumas/Huntingdon Hub as an example, gas may change hands 16 (trade) three or four times between parties.The failure 17 of one party in the chain relying on interruptible 18 transportation, or a less than secure supply source, can 19 resul t in supply loss on any given day. A second reason is 20 that it only takes one scheduling error in the supply chain 21 to result in a supply loss. And third, actual physical 22 problems like well freeze-offs or pipeline force majeure 23 situations along the transportation path can also result in 24 supply loss.Access to additional storage deliverability Vermillion, Di 26 Avista Corporation 1 provides the Company with more control and therefore more 2 reliability of supply during these events. 3 Q.Please explain what you mean by peak pricing 4 mitigation. 5 6 A.As with most local distribution companies in the Northwest,Avista's demand is extremely tempera ture 7 sensitive. The result is that Avista is a "winter peaking" 8 utility. During severe cold weather events in its service 9 terri tory, or cold events in large market centers on the 10 eastern seaboard,natural gas prices may increase 11 dramatically.To the extent that the Company can rely on 12 storage withdrawals, the purchase of potentially higher 13 priced spot gas may be avoided during these events. 14 Q.You mentioned potentially higher spot prices; can 15 you identify the magnitude of these price deviations? 16 A.Yes, the Company performed a frequency analysis 17 of Gas Daily pricing at Sumas/Huntingdon for the period 18 from January 1, 2000 to date.This analysis showed that 19 during this period the daily price exceeded $10.00 per Dth 20 97 times and the average price for those occurrences was 21 $13.77 per Dth.Approximately half of those occurrences 22 exceeded $12.00 per Dth at an average price slightly over 23 $17.00 per Dth. 24 Q.How does additional daily deliverability from 25 storage benefit customers during these price deviations? Vermillion, Di 27 Avista Corporation 1 2 A.As men tioned above,these price deviations usually occur during periods of high demand.The ability 3 to withdraw larger volumes of storage gas on any day allows 4 the Company to directly offset higher costs that others in 5 the marketplace may have to bear. 6 Q.What other benefits accrue to customers through 7 the Company's participation in expansion projects that 8 increase storage capacity and daily deliverability? 9 A.The larger deliverability allows the Company to 10 deliver gas to its service territory utilizing currently 11 available transportation contracts for longer periods of 12 time before reaching the decline curve of the proj ect. The 13 decline curve is the reduction of daily deliverability that 14 occurs as gas is withdrawn and the pressure in the field 15 declines. Jackson Prairie can currently provide 100% daily 16 deliverability until 40% of the working capacity has been 17 withdrawn.Then there is a gradual decline in 18 deliverability until the pressure and resulting working gas 19 in storage reaches contractual minimums. 20 Q.How will the new daily deliverability be split 21 between Avista's service territories? 22 23 A.The Company has firm demand in Idaho, Oregon and Washington.The demand is split between washington/Idaho 24 and Oregon on a 75%/25% basis. This demand allocation was 25 determined by using the estimated Oregon average load of Vermillion, Di 28 Avista Corporation 1 approximately 9.360 million Dth, in comparison to the 2 estimated Company total average load of approximately , 3 36.833 million Dth in the Company's 2007-2008 procurement 4 Plan.The Company proposes to allocate this new 5 deliverability based on that ratio. 6 Q.IS there any pipeline transportation capacity 7 available to provide delivery of these storage volumes? 8 A.Yes, although no new capacity is available, 9 existing transportation contracts from Sumas can be used to 10 redeliver storage volumes.The Company will avoid a 11 portion of winter purchases and utilize storage as a 12 substitute for this supply.Therefore,the same 13 transportation contracts currently utilized for physical 14 supply purchases will be used for storage gas delivery. 15 Q.Is the Company requesting specific rate relief or 16 accounting treatment for the cost of the Jackson prairie 17 Storage deliverability expansion project at this time? 18 A.Yes.The Company has included Idaho's share of 19 the Jackson Prairie deliverability expansion project cost. 20 The deliverability expansion will be completed in the fall 21 of 2008.At that time, the benefits associated with this 22 additional Jackson Prairie deliverability will begin 23 accruing to customers via the PGA mechanism.Ms Andrews 24 includes the Jackson Prairie expansion costs in her pro 25 forma adjustments in this case. Vermillion, Di 29 Avista Corporation 1 Q.Has the company discussed the proposed allocation 2 of this new Jackson Prairie capacity, and associated costs, 3 with Commission Staff? 4 A.Yes.The Company has had discussions with 5 Commission Staff and they have indicated initial support 6 for the Company's proposal in regards to the new Jackson 7 Prairie capacity as described above. 8 9 VIII.AVISTA'S RISK MAGEMNT POLICY Q.Can you provide an overview of Avi sta' s ri sk 10 management program for energy resources? 11 A.Yes,Avista Utili ties uses a variety of 12 techniques to manage the risks associated with serving load 13 and managing Company resources.The Company's risk 14 management approach uses price diversification by forcing a 15 layering strategy for forward purchases and sales, and by 16 using stop-loss pr~ce controls to protect against market 17 price run-ups and run-downs by utilizing upper and lower 18 price control limits.The Energy Resources Risk Policy 19 provides general guidance to manage the Company's energy 20 risk exposure, as it relates to electric power and natural 21 gas resources over the long (more than 18 months), short 22 (monthly and quarterly periods out to 18 months), and 23 immediate terms (present month).The purpose of the Risk 24 Policy is not to develop a specific procurement plan for 25 buying or selling power or natural gas for generation at Vermillion, Di 30 Avista Corporation 1 2 any particular time.Several factors, including the variabili ty associated with loads,hydroelectric 3 generation, and electric power and natural gas prices, are 4 5 6 considered in decision-making process regardingthe procurement of electric power and natural gas for generation.The Risk Policy addresses the types of risks 7 that are covered, power and natural gas supply positions, 8 authorized transactions, resource optimization, reports, 9 credit and contracts, information systems, confirmation and 10 settlement, and employee conduct.There are also five 11 exhibi ts covering authorized products, the electric hedging 12 13 natural hedging roles andthegasplan,plan, responsibili ties,and transaction authority levels. 14 Exhibit No.4, Schedule 4 is a copy of the Avista Utili ties 15 Energy Resources Risk Policy. 16 What types of risks are addressed in the RiskQ. 17 Policy? 18 The Risk Policy defines several different typesA. 19 of risk and how they are addressed by the Risk Policy. 20 Exhibit No.4, Schedule 4 provides specific details 21 concerning each of these risks.The Risk Policy does not 22 supersede the responsibilities of other areas of the 23 Company that are responsible for other risk management 24 issues, such as Treasury, State and Federal Reguiation, and 25 corporate Information Systems.The most relevant types of Vermillion, Di 31 Avista Corporation 1 defined risks addressed in the Policy are the mitigation of 2 market risks and the description and assignent of roles 3 and responsibilities in internal operations risks. 4 Q.What is the power supply position and how does it 5 fit into the Risk Policy? 6 7 A.The power supply position is the difference between electric resources and requirements.Surplus 8 positions occur when resources exceed requirements and 9 defici ts occur when requirements exceed resources.Power 10 supply position considers all of the variables that affect 11 short term power supply.The dynamic nature of the power 12 supply position ls actively managed "by establishing 13 control processes for load and obligation estimation, 14 resource estimation, and management of the expected net 15 surplus or deficit position." All of these areas are under 16 17 my respons ibi 1 i ty as the vice President of Energy Resources.The same types of position issues are also 18 addressed in regards to natural gas supplies. Any changes 19 to practices are communicated to the Risk Management 20 Commi t tee. 21 Electric loads and obligations are estimated based upon 22 an analysis of historic loads, adjusting for weather 23 variabili ty, expected additions or decreases in large 24 customer loads, all known wholesale contract obligations, 25 and adjustments, as necessary, based on analysis of prior Vermillion, Di 32 Avista Corporation 1 estimating accuracy and other factors.Electric resources 2 are estimated based on expected output after consideration 3 for variability in conditions such as streamflow, forced 4 outages, maintenance, and environmental concerns. 5 Electric surplus and deficit positions are hedged using 6 the electric hedging plan as a guide which can be deviated 7 from based on management judgment of each surplus or 8 deficit situation.All changes to the Short Term electric 9 position are reported every business day in an electric 10 position report. 11 Q.Please describe the current electric hedging 12 plan. 13 A.The electric hedging plan, detailed in Exhibit 2 14 of the Risk Policy (Exhibit No.4, Schedule 4), relies 15 heavily upon the Hedge Scheduler.The Hedge Scheduler is 16 the analytical tool that the Company utilizes to guide 17 hedging positions over the next 14 to 18 months. The tool 18 manages open positions of 25 aMW of generation.Open 19 positions that are greater than 25 aMW are cured with 20 electric commodity transactions or fuel transactions. 21 Price control limits and time periods are employed to 22 trigger purchases or sales to cure open positions.The 23 curing transaction occurs whenever a price control limit is 24 exceeded or the cure period expiration date is crossed. 25 The Hedge Scheduler does not make the final decisions, but Vermillion, Di 33 Avista Corporation 1 is an important tool that is utilized to aid in management 2 discretion in the Company's electric hedging plan. 3 Q.How does the Hedge Scheduler work? 4 A.The Hedge Scheduler covers a period of time from 5 the next whole calendar month out to 14 to 18 months. The 6 14 to 18 month electric load and resource forecast is used 7 by the Hedge Scheduler to model a series of transactions to 8 "systematically reduce the net open position" (the gap 9 between expected load obligations and proj ected power 10 resources) which limits the Company's projected financial 11 exposure to less than 25 aM in any given month.The 12 transactions are generally in 25 aM increments which 13 include a mixture of electric commodity purchases or fuel 14 transactions (natural gas purchases to fuel thermal 15 generation) . 16 The actual operation of the Hedge Scheduler utilizes 17 separate schedules for on- and off-peak positions.The 18 position is cured in 25 aM pieces where price limits are 19 established based on the price volatility for the delivery 20 period.Upper and lower confidence limits are initially 21 established as the standard deviation of the prior 365 days 22 of forward prices for the delivery period being considered. 23 The values are centered around the set price. The periods 24 are established by calculating the time remaining divided 25 by the numer of 25 aM pieces that need to be cured. Vermillion, Di 34 Avista Corporation 1 Q.What is hydro bias and how does it affect the 2 Electric Hedging Plan? 3 A.Hydro bias is a physical power quantity held in 4 the load and resource position to protect against below 5 normal hydro conditions.Abnormal hydro conditions can 6 result in significant price risk, particularly in the 7 upward direction.In low hydro conditions, purchasing 8 power in the spot market can result in high upside price 9 risk up to the $400/MW price cap.During high hydro 10 condi tions, there is downside price risk associated with 11 selling excess power in an oversupplied market, but the 12 price cannot go below zero. The Hydro Bias is used in the 13 Hedge Scheduler to provide a conservative estimate for 14 hydro generation which mitigates the potentially adverse 15 financial impacts of poor hydro conditions. The allowance 16 for lower than normal hydro conditions is recognized as an 17 estimated power obligation within the current (18 month 18 forward period) hydro operating year.The size of the 19 Hydro Bias is developed by analyzing generation variability 20 under historic conditions from the 70-year hydro record 21 (1928-1998). Above normal hydro conditions are limited to 22 normal levels, while below normal conditions are left in 23 tact.These levels are multiplied by a one standard 24 deviation confidence factor to determine the Hydro Bias 25 value.The Hydro Bias decreases as the delivery period Vermillion, Di 35 Avista Corporation 1 approaches and better hydro forecasts are available.The 2 Hydro Bias goes to zero before the delivery month is 3 reached. 4 Q. Could you please describe when and what triggers 5 purchases or sales of natural gas for ther.l generation 6 used to serve load? 7 A. Yes, the Hedge Scheduler triggers described above 8 provide a guideline for when to purchase or sell power or 9 fuel.When a transaction is indicated by the Hedge 10 Scheduler, either purchase or sale, the economics of 11 thermal plants are evaluated for the period to determine if 12 the power needed should be met with gas generation. (A 13 portion of the daily position report analyzes the "Economic 14 Fuel Requirements" of each gas-fired thermal plant.)If a 15 need for power is indicated by the Hedge Scheduler and a 16 thermal plant is economic and available for the time 17 period, natural gas is purchased to resolve the trigger. 18 The thermal resources are evaluated daily to determine if 19 any previously-purchased natural gas has become uneconomic 20 versus the forward power market.When uneconomic natural 21 gas has been verified by market quotes, the natural gas is 22 sold and power is purchased to replace the reduction in 23 generation. Although the transaction may result in a loss 24 on the gas sale, the lower cos t of the power being Vermillion, Di 36 Avista Corporation 1 purchased offsets the loss and the net impact is always a 2 benefit to customers. 3 Q.How do natural gas purchases for ther.l 4 generation impact the power supply position? 5 A.The volume of power generation resulting from 6 natural gas purchases is included as a resource in the 7 power supply position calculation.To the extent that 8 fixed price (i.e. hedged) natural gas has not been 9 purchased for a thermal plant, the generation for that 10 plant is not counted as a resource in the power supply 11 position. 12 Q.What is the impact of the hedge scheduler on the 13 cost of gas for generation? 14 15 A.The hedge scheduler causes gas purchases for generation to be purchased in layers over time.As 16 economic purchases and sales are made, the gas price 17 reflects the market at the time the transaction is made. 18 This results in a cost of gas that is an average of all the 19 transactions rather than a price at a point in time. 20 Q.What are the benefits of the "hedge scheduler" 21 approach? 22 23 A.The hedge scheduler causes long or short power positions to be resolved over time.The benefits of this 24 approach are: it layers in purchases and sales of power and 25 fuel over a rolling period of time so that all purchases or Vermillion, Di 37 Avista Corporation 1 sales are not made when prices may be unusually high or 2 low; it allows purchases and sales to occur as more and 3 better information comes available on generation resources 4 (e.g. snow pack, rainfall, and hydro conditions) and loads; 5 and it resolves open positions by the time we get to the 6 relevant period. 7 Q.How are transactions authorized in the Risk 8 Policy? 9 10 A.The Risk Policy establishes parameters for different types of transactions.These parameters specify 11 individuals and positions along with the types and lengths 12 of transactions they are authorized to carry out.The 13 details of transaction authorizations are provided in 14 Exhibit 1 of the Risk Policy (Exhibit No.4, Schedule 4). 15 16 Q.Are other topics covered in the Risk Policy? A.Yes.Besides subjects that are specifically 17 related to non-fuel gas resources, there are a variety of 18 areas that are covered under the Risk Policy. These areas 19 include reports, credit terms, counterparty contracts, 20 information systems, confirmation and settlement, employee 21 conduct, and risk policy updates. Additional details about 22 these areas are contained in Exhibi t No.4, Schedule 4. 23 Q.Does this conclude your pre-filed direct 24 testimony? 25 A.Yes it does. Vermillion, Di 38 Avista Corporation DAVID J. MEYER VICE PRESIDENT, GENERA COUNSEL, REGut~;~l- Q PM 12: 5~ GOVERNNTAL AFFAIRS AVISTA CORPORATION P.O. BOX 3727 1411 EAST MISSION AVENUE SPOKAE, WASHINGTON 99220-3727 TELEPHONE: ( 509 ) 495 - 4 316 FACSIMILE: (509) 495-8851 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) CASE NO. AVU-E-08-01 OF AVISTA CORPORATION FOR THE ) CASE NO. AVU-G-08-01 AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES ) AN CHAGES FOR ELECTRIC AN ) NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO ELECTRIC ) EXHIBIT NO. 4 AND NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE )STATE OF IDAHO ) DENNIS P. VERMILLION ) FOR AVISTA CORPORATION (ELECTRIC AN NATURA GAS) Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) Compact Disc Exhibit Also Available At htt://ww.avistautilties.com/inside/resources/irp/electric/Pages/ default.aspx Exhibit No.4 Case Nos. A VU-E-08-01 and A VU-G-08-01 D. Vermion, Avista Schedule 1, P. 1 of 1 AVU-E-08-01 / AVU-G-08-01 DENNIS P.VERMILLION'S EXHIBIT 4 SEE THE FILE FOLDER FOR THE CD OF AVISTA'S 2007 ELECTRIC INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLAN - IT IS ALSO AVAILABLE ELECTRONICALLY IN CASE NO. A VU-E-07-08 BACKGROUN OF SETTLEMENT OF CLAI BETWEN AVITA CORPORATION AND STATE OF MONTANA (10/31/07) 1. Introduction. Avist Corporation's federally licensed Clark Fork Project is locåted on the Clark Fork River) a trbuta of the Columbia River. The Clark Fork Project includes the 527 megawatt Noxon Rapids da and reservoir located in Montana and the 261 megawatt Cabinet Gorge Dam located in Idaho near the Monta-Idaho border. The reseroir for the Cabinet Gorge Dam is located alost entiely in Montaa. In October 2003, Richard Dolan and Denise Haymen, residents of Bozeman, Monta with children in Monta's public school system, fied an action in U.S. Distrct Cour in Missoula, Montaa agaist Avista Corporaton (llAvistll)) PPL Montaa, LLC, ("PPL Montana") and PacfiCorp (collectively "Hydroelectrc Owersll). Shorty thereafer, Dolan and Haymen were joined by school distcts from Great Falls, Montaa, which sought to intervene as additional par plaitiffs.) Together, the Pnvate Plaitiffs alleged tht the State's riverbed are being utilized by the Hydroelectrc Owners, that those riverbeds are IISchool Trut Lands" under the Montaa Consttution, and tht compensation is owed by the Hydrlectrc Owners to the State on account of their use and occupancy of State lands. In March 2004, the State of Montaa, though the Attorney General, intervened as a pary plaintiff in the action. Ultiately, however, the Federal Distrct Comt dismissed the lawsuit, i Dolan, Haymen d the Grea Fals School Distrcts are collectvely reerrd to herein as the "PrvatË~rlö.4 Case No. AVU-E-08-01 & AVU-G-08-01 D. Vermilion, Avista Schedule 2, p. 1 of 10 concluding th the Private Plaitiffs lacked standing and tht the Cour did not possess jursdiction over the matter. In November 2004, the Hydroelectrc Owners fied a declartøry judgment action in Montaa Distct Cour in Helena, Montan In response, the State filed ai Answer, Counterclai and a Motion for Sumar Judgment. BeCause it represented a case of fist impression in Monta and the Unìted States, the litigation resulted in briefing and ruings on numerous issues of Constitutiona and sttory signficance. It fuer resulted in thee major cour heags, consistig of multiple hours of ora arguments before the Montaa Distrct Court; extensive discovery, includig the exchage of thousands of pages ofwrtten documents; and the depositions of35 par representatives, exper and related witnesses. In June 2006, PacifiCorp and the Stae entere into a volunta settement, and PacifiCorp was subsequently dismissed from the lawsut. On October 19, 2007-just thee days prior to tral and with the State's damage clai stiI pendig, A vista ard the State also entered into a volunta settement. Trial of the State's clais agaist PPL Montaa began on October 22,2007. Those proceedings are ongoing as of ths dae. 2. Nature of the Lawsuit. The clais of the Private Plaitiffs, subsequently echoed by the Monta Attorney General's pleadigs in both federal and ste cour ar sumard, in pertent par as follows: a) The beds of navigable waters with Montaa's borders became the propert of the Stae under the "Equa Footig" doctre of the Unìted States Constitution. That doctre provides that, upon their entr to statehood the sttes assumed ownersp of the lands beneath navigable waters on an equa footig with the theen origial states. b) Under the Montaa Constitution, the lands beneath navigable waters with the State are "School Trust Lands." Under Montaa law, the State ha a fiduciar obligation to collect ful market value for the use of such lands on behalf of the Montan School Trust Exhibit No.4 Case No. AVU-E-08-01 & AVU-G-08-012 D. Vermilion, Avista Schedule 2, p. 2 of 10 c) In 1931, Monta enacted the Montaa Hydroelectrc. Resources Act, which requis a liceI1e or leas for the occupancy of State-owned lads. Although never before interpeted Or applied to the Hydröelectc Owers' facilities in Monta the Act requies those intendi to use state-owned lands to apply for a leae and pay ful maket rental for such use. d) The renta obligations of the Hydroelectrc Owners began when they conscted the hydroelectrc projects at issue. Therefore, dames owed to the State go back to the origi constrction of the projects, without regard to any sttute of limitations that might otherwse apply. e) Avist has wrongfuly occupied the Clark Fork River though its operation of the Noxon Rapids Dam and Reservoir, which are wholly located in the State of Monta. Likewise, althoug the Cabinet Gorge Dam is located in Ida, most of the Cabinet Gorge Reservoir is located in Montaa and, as a consequence, its operation by Avista alo .results in the wrongf occupation of State-owned lands.2 f) As applied to Avist, the Stae is entitled to pas dages frm 1954 to the present, together with futue rents at the ful market renta value of the land. 3. Potential Exposure. The State of Montaa employed Dr. John Dufeld, a professor at the University of Montana who is well-known for his expertse in the caculation of natal resource daages, as its expert economist. Dr. Dufeld employed a t'shard net benefits II methodology to measure the purorted dages owed to the State by vie of the Hydroelecc Owners' occupancy of State- owned lands. Previously, the shaed net benefits methodology had been applied only by the Federal Energy Reguatory Commssion and federal cours in determinng the amount of anua chages to be paid to Indian Tribes under Section 1 O( e) of the Federa Power Act. Only the State of Maine had applied the methodology in a cae not involving trballands. Prior to Dr. Dueld's June 2007 report the precise magntude of the State's daage clai was not fuy known. In hi report however, Dr. Dufeld assered th based upon the State's claied ownership of all lands beneath the navigable waters at issue, A vist owed the 2 Although discovery had been conducted regarding the Cabinet Gorge Dam, the facilty was not offcialy incorporated into the case unti the State sought to amend its Counterclai to conform the evidence on the eve oftral. Exhibit No.4 Case No. AVU-E-08-01 & AVU-G-08-01 3 D. Vermilion, AvistaSchedule 2, p. 3 of 10 State in excess of $542.000.000 for cumulative pas rents, and in excess of $24.000.000 for curent 2006 rent. with anua renta payments to contiue, as adjused for the remaing term of A vist's FERC license (Le., unti 2046). The intial litigation position of thê State Còncerng daages was revied afer the Distrct Cour grted A vist and PPL Monta's motion that cert submerged land under the reservoirs was not owned by the State, and that only the origi strambeds were at issue. The revised litigation position of the State. as filed with the Distrct Cour on October 15.2007, was that the ful maket value renta due on Avista's Clark Fork Project was $200,374,752 for past occupation, together with fu rents of $8,416,510 per year stang in 2006, to be adjusted anualy by the Consumer Price Index with a recalculaton of the original base amount every 10 yeas according to the shared net benefits methodology. As the Counterclai Defendant, Avi assertd that the State had the burden of proving its ov.mership of the lands at issue, the preise acreage of those lands, and the proper mease-of damages. In addition, A vista was prepared to offer into evidence the testiony of Dr. Thoma Zepp, an economist from Salem, Oregon with extensive lmowledge and experience inutlity economics and regulation, as well as the shared net benefits methodology. Dr. Zepp was prepared to testify that Dr. Dueld1s methodology resuted in a substatial overstaement of potential rents owed by Avista Additionaly. Avista was prepared to introduce testmony from Bruce M. Jolicoeur, MA, a certfied land appraiser in the States of Monta Idaho and Washigton, that the appropriate method of valuing riverbed lands is by reference to adjoing riparan lands. For its par, PPL Montaa employed Dr. Gar Saleba another regionally known expert on utility economics, as its pricipal damages witness. His conclusions, although somewhat 4 Exhibit No.4 Case No. AVU-E-08-01 & AVU-G-08-01 D. Vermilion, Avista Schedule 2, p. 4 of 10 different in method, were expected to be very simlar to the conclusions of Dr. Zepp and Mr. Jolicoeur. 4. Litigation Summary. The intial clai fied by the Private Plaitiffs were subsequently adopted by the State Attorney General and, as discussed below, were later reinorced by the ruings of the Monta Distrct Cour. To defend the action, Avistaretaed, asjoint counel, the law fi of Paine Hamblen LLP of Spokane, Washigton--a :f with extensive history representig both publicly and privately owned utilities, includig in cases involving the shared net benefits methodology; and Garlington, Lohn & Robinon, PLLP of Missoula, Monta--a respected and 10ng-established Montaa law firm. PPL Montan and PacifiCorp, respectively, retaed K&L Gates of Seattle and Stoel Rives LLP of Seattle as their pri counl, as well as Montana-based counsel. In response to the Complaint of the Private Plaitiffs, and similarly in respnse to the state cour Complait of the State of Monta Avita intially moved the Federal Cour to dismiss the action on the grounds that federa law preempts Monta law to the extent that the latter requies payment of rents by federaly licensed Hydroelectrc Owners. Additionally, Avista moved to dismiss the Private Plaitiffs for lack of stading. PPL Monta and PacifCorp filed simlar motions. The Federa Distct Cour rued agai the Hydroelectrc Owners on the issue of federa preemption, but granted their motions to disms the Private Plaitiffs for lack of standig. Subsequently, the Hydrelectrc Owers filed motions to dismiss the federal cour action on the grounds tht the Cour lost jursdiction of the matter when it dismissed the Private Plaintis. In response, the Federal Cour dismissed the lawsuit and vacated its prior rugs. 5 Exhibit No.4 Case No. AVU-E-08-01 & AVU-G-08-01 D. Vermilion, Avista Schedule 2, p. 5 of 10 Thereafer, ìn November 2004, theHydroelectrkOwners intiated a declaratory judgment action ìn Monta State Disct Cour ìn Helena, Monta In responses the State filed an Answer, Counterclai and a Motion for Sumar Judgment Likewise, Avist PPL Monta and PacifiCoip filed varous motions assertng, among other thgss the defenes of federal preemption, prescnptive eaement, estoppels laches, sttue of limitations, waiver and breach of agreement These motions were heard by the Montaa Distrct Cour on June 28, 2005, at which time they were taen under advisement. In April 2006, the Distct Cour rued tht (a) neither the Federal Power Act nor the Federal Navigation Servtude facially preempted the State from obtaig renta compensation uider the Montaa Hydroelectrc Resources Act; and (b) that the Hydroelectrc Owners' equitable defenses were UIavaiable agai the State. In addition, the Cour rejected Avista's attempts to assert the Clark Fork Settlement Agreement (an agreement involvig Montana, Idaho and other staeholders ìn the relicensing of A vist's Clark Fork Project) as a defense to the Stae's Counterclaim. The Cour did, however, allow A vist to cb.enge the navigabilty of the Clark-Fork River (later ruìng, however, that it was navigable). Followig these decisions, the Distrct Cour established a procedural schedule for discovery, disclosue of expert report and fig of dispositive motions. Trial was origína11y scheduled to be~ without a jur, on October 15, 2007. Between 2006 and 2007, the pares exchanged thousands of pages of documents ìn discover, prepared and exchaged detaled expert report and conducted 35 depositions of par representatives, expert and other witnesses. In late 2006, a secnd series of motions for sumar judgment and motions to exclude evidence were fied by the pares. In tota, the pares fied over 1,300 pages of briefs, not ìncluding exhbits, on the may legal issues raied by the proceedìngs. In September and October, 2007, the Montaa Distct Cour issued orders on pendìng motions. Among other thìngs, the Distrct Cour made the following determtions as a matter of law: 6 Exhibit No.4 Case No. AVU-E-08-'01 & AVU-G-08-01 D. Vermilion, Avista Schedule 2, p. 6 of 10 a) The Clark Fork River is navigable for puioses of estalishig the State's claimto title; b) The State owns the beds of the Clak Fork River and may charge rent to Hydroelectrc Owners for theìr use; c) Riverbed lands are School Trust Lads; e) There are no statutes of limtaon or equitable defenses tht limit the State's clais with respect to School Trut Lads and, as a consequence. the State may seek dages back to the ongial consction of the da at issue? f) Because the lands in question are School Tru Lands, rents are owed by Hydroelectrc Owners under the Montaa Hydroelectrc Resources Act for their use and occupancy; g) Water rights held by the Hydroelectrc Owners do not preclude the State fromseekig daes and rents; h) The State is not preluded from presenting eviden.ce of its daages based upon a "shaed net benefits" theory; and i) The State's damage clai is not limted to the physica footpnnt of the dam itself. but may extend to include the use of upstea nverbes owned by the State. The Distct Cour also rued that State's ownership interest extends only to the nverbed lands before the das were buit. and does not extend to lands that were subsequently inundated as a resut of the Hydroelectric Owners' projects. Ths ruing was signficat, as it diminished the potential recovery of the State by nearly two-thìrds. Nonetheless, as a resut of the Distrct Cour's other rugs, the Stae was grted the nght to seek daages from A vist back to 1954. A vist and PPL Montaa sought interlocutory review of the Distrct Cour's ruings by the Montaa Supreme Cour. With one dissent, the Monta Supreme Cour declied to exercìse interlocutory jursdiction, meanng th the pares would be forced to wait unti a fi judgment was entered before seeki appellate review of the Distct Cour's ruings. 3 Although the Cour bad earlier addressed the statute of liations as a defene, it bad not considered A vis' s additional arguent that the Montaa Code § 27-1-318. lis a par's relief for cer clais to five yea. Significatly, the Cour's subsequent decision on ths issue aginst the Company (thereby exposing the Company to damages back to 1954) was received jus hour af the settement between A vist and the Stae was reahed. If received earlier, it may have impacted the State's willngness to waive all of its claim for pas daag!Exhibit No.4 Case No. AVU-E-08-01 & AVU-G-08-01 7 D. Vermillon, AvistaSchedule 2, p. 7 of 10 As a result of the Distct Cour's niingsin September and October 2007, the followig issues remained to be deteed at tral: a) The acree of the State-ov.ed lands atìšsue; b) The appropriate method for deteg prospective rentas and retroactive damages; and c) The amount of such rentals and daes. As stated before, the State's tral position, as set fort in the Pretral Order entered with the Cour. wa that Avìs owed $200,374,752 in daages accrug back to 1954, and $8.416,510 on an anua basis going forward, adjusted anualy by the Consumer Price Index. S. Settlement Discussions and Mediation. Beging in late 2006, A vist intiated a seres of inormal settement discusions with the State4. In fuerance of those efforts, on September 6 and 7, 2007, a medation was conducted in Helena Monta by Jack Mudd, a respected former Dean of the University of Montaa Law SchooL. At that tie, however, Avist and the State were unle to bridge the gap between the State's expected level of daages and AVIsta's settement position. Inormal discussions continued. and on October 17, 2007, representatives of Avista and the State met in Helena for a fial effort. on the eve of tral, to arve at a mutu settement. Th fial round of negotiations resulted in a tentative settement tht wa subsequently memorialze in a Memorandum of Negotiated Settlement Term, dated October 19, 2007. A copy of that Memorandum is attched to the Petition as Appendi 2. 6. Terms of Settlement. For puroses of settement, Avist has ageed to pay rent to the State each year, begig in the caendar yea 2007, in the amolUt of $4,000,000 per yea. These renta 4 PacifiCorp setted with the Stat in June, 2007. The amount oftbe settement in anual rentals is between $50,000 and $60,000, which reflects the ver small siz of the PacifiCorp project at issue (only 4 Mws.) Exhibit No.4 Case No. AVU-E-08-01 & AVU-G-08-01 8 D. Vermilion, AvistaSchedule 2, p. 8 of 10 payments are to be made in arears, with payment due on or before each Febru 1 for the previous calenda year. Rent will be adjused each year by the Consumer Pnee Index (CPI) anua average for the calenda year for which payment is due. The State ha agreed that the payment of such rent represents the fu1 market value of Avist's use of the Clark Fork River. No later th June 30, 2016, Avista and the State wil meet and confer to revìew the term of the leae for the balance of the ter of Avist's license, with adviory arbitrtion in the êvènt of disageement. As par of the settement, the .State has also agreed to waive its. clai to past daages of $200,374,752 in its entirety. The pares have also agreed to jointly move the Distrct Cour to enter the terms of the Memorandum of Negotiated Settlement Term as par of a fi judgment in a Consent Decree. 7. Favorable AspecISoftheMemoradum of Negotiated Settement Terms. The negotiated term of the pares' settlement presents a favorable resolution to A vista of hotly contested matters, parcularly tag into account the pnmar elements of the settement. These include the following: a) The negotiated anua rent on a prospective basis represents oriy 48% of the State's litigation position, as set fort in the Pretr Order ($8.4 milion). Signcat1y~ the State wi also not receive any retroactive or histncal damges, notwthtadin the Montaa Distrct Cour'sruìngs tht would have allowed evidence of such daages (the state was claimig $200 milion). b) Assumg tht PPL Monta which rema in the case, achieves a more favorable outcome at trial or though settlement, Avist will recive the . benefit of that outcome. In parcular, if the aggregate anual rent determned by settement or litigation for PPL Monta is less than 48% of the base year rent claied from PPL Monta by the State ìn its case- ìn-chief, Avista's aggegate anua rent will be decreased proportonally. c) If subsequent governental action with Montaa results in a rental payment more favorable to A vi th the rent calculated under the Memoranum of Negotiated Settlement Terms, the ret paid by A vista wil be modified to incoiporate the more favorable terms. 9 Exhibit No.4 Case No. AVU-E-08-01 & AVU-G-08-01 D. Vermilion, Avista Schedule 2, p. 9 of 10 d) If, durg the term of A vist's PERC license, a cour determines tht i) the Clark Fork River is not navigable for title puroses, ii) the shaed net benefits method is not a lawf method of calculatig the ful market value of land interests, or ii) no compenation or reduced compenstion in the natue of rentas is owed to Monta for occupancy of State-owned nverbeds, and the applicaon of sùch determtion or deterttions would reult in a renta payment mOre favorable to A vi or otherwse extigush Avist's obligation of pay rentas. A vista's obligation to pay rent will be modified. By vire of these provisions, the Memorandum of Negotiated Settlement Terms insures to A vista and its cusomers the up-side benefits of any subsequent governental actions or judicial determations in Montaa. Although these tys of re-openers or off-ramps are uncommon in litigaton, it is a fair accmmodation to the interests of A vista and its customers in ths case. Finally, it should be remembered tht the Montaa Supreme Cour is the author of the cases upon which the State's School Trut Land renta obligation is predicated. Moreover, any appeal from an unavorable ruing by the Montaa Supreme Cour would have to be taen to the United States Supreme Cour which accepts review in only a sm.l percentage of cases submitted to it, and which may be reluctat to interfere with the Montana Supreme Cour's interpretation of its own stte laws. Therefore, considerig the risks of contiued litiga.tion, together with the limited potential for a successfu appea, the settement reflects a reasonable compromise, and a fai accommodation to the interes of Avista and its cusomers. 10 Exhibit No.4 Case No. AVU-E-08-01 & AVU-G-08-01 D. Vermilion, Avista Schedule 2, p. 10 of 10 . Memorai:um ofN o Th me out th key te of the ag in prple rehe be Avi Comton an th Sta ofMon:taa to relve al issues pég beee th in Cau No. COV 200846, Mont Fir Judci DiçtCoun Le & Clai County. 1. Rent. For pu of seem Avi ag 10 pa re to th St eac yea beginning caenda ye 207, an cont th the reing te of Avist's FEC lice for the Cla Fork Project Avist acknwleges th th Sta own 3,158 acs of river wi th Clark Fork Prject The Sta acowledges th the ten re th fu ma vaue of the Sta inte or"este beg us by Avist in connon with it opon of th Clar Fork Prjec '(whch inlude both the Noxon ds prjec an that porton of th Cainet Gorge prjec with Monta).& . in me~ wi paen àu on or befo ea Febru i for th previous caen yea. The-intial amout of th re wi be $4 millon pe yea. The ret wi be adus ea ye as foow L Benning wi ca ye 2008, an coiing tlug canda ye 2016, th bas am of $4 min pe ye sh be adjus upwa by the Conser Price ln (CPl) anua averge for the çaenda yea for whch payment is du. b. Not la th Jun 30, 201 6~ th paes wi mee an cor to det wheter the anua reta re cons with th prciple of law as applied to the fa. In the even either par believ the anua reta no longer is costt wi aplicale: la aplied to the fac th paes wi negotiate in goo fa to det an apprat adjus re ra. If the pares do not agr up an adjus re ra by Sept 30, 2016, th pares win engae in adviry aritron an sut th ar1rr's remenaton to th State Boa of La Commsson ("Land Boar") for approva. 2. Le Terms. The paes ag to jointly remmen to th Lad Boa a lea of a power si pur to th prvlsions of the Hydrlecc Reou Act Mont Coe'An §§ 774-201. etseq. AJpaoftbremi the Stte an A vi ag to stat th th re ag up by th paes rerese fu maet vaue for the lea of3,lS8 ac of Clar For riverbe be us by Avis in coction with th Clar Fork Prjec 11 dur of th lea wi be not le th the res te of Avista:s PE lice. 3. Most Favore Nati.- Clae. If co PPL Mont. LLC~ eith by litigaon thjlgmen an any ~ or thug seemen reve a deerinaon th th ful maet value of it la in at is in the ligaon is bas lln fa mo favole to it th th ooed in th seement with ' i Exhibit No.4 Case No. AVU-E-08-01 & AVU-G-08-01D. Vermillon, Avista Schedule 3. Pace 1 of 3 Avi thè Avi re wi be adus by an am ne to re th mofavorble detinon Forpu oftb cla a more favle deon wi occ jf~ aggga am re deed by seem or litigaon for PPL Mont ("Dtein PPL Re is les than 48% of the ag amout ofba yea re ("Claed PPL Re clai by the St in its ca in chef at tr If th oc th S4 minion ba re to be pa by Avi shl be rerey stg on thda of fi juden on th PPL Mo cl or seent by a pe eq to the Dete PPL Ret divided by the Claimed PPL Ret. Se Attmen A fot an ilus of th cacuàtoD. 4. Reopener for Subseuent Goeneita Actin. if, du the te of the Avi lea, tl La Boa the Mon Legiat th De ofNat Reour an Co.nOD, or any oth Sta entity with jucton en or adopt a renta st tu, or policy aplicable to leas iss un the Hydrlec Resur Act th wou ret ii a re paymnt more faorale to A vi th the rentcacU UD pah I, th ret pa by Avi sha bè moed retrvely st on th da of enent or adption to iirpra th irore favorle te S. Reopener for Subquent Judici Detrmintion. It durg the term of th Avi lea, th re of th Clar Fork Rivei within th boun of A vi's FBC lice is de by a cour of comptjurcton to be nø ~gale fÇtI title pu, Avi's obli to pa ret shl ce 1; dug th te of the Avi lea, a cour of co jurct dein th (a) th shre ne bets me is not aJawt me to caatc th fu mavau. ofla in or (b)no compon orre compe hi th na ofieta is owe.to tl.Sta of Monta for oe of st dv an th àpçaonof suhdeteninaton or deton would ret in a re paen mor favole to A'Vth th re ca uner pah i, or Dtb ex Avi's oblion to pay renta A ~'s obligaon to pay ret win be moed reacvel st on the da of detinaon to reflec a metod of cacu ren th is costnt with the cour deteon or deons Of.Avì's obligaon to pay rent sh ce,acy. 6. Coiienl Deeee Th paes wi agee on th for for, an jointly move the entr as a fi judgmen of a CO de tl(a) inrpra th te ofth Mem; (b) cotans ft re of Avi an th Sta for al ma at isue in the .. 'on; (c) al for apprpn pu1icnotice an coen (d) cees that . in fu compJi with th te of the Hydrlee Reur Act an (e) include apat oth ~ su as di reuton, forc majeu an so fort STATE OF MONTANA AVIA CORPRATION By: $ ej ~r. A.Gt.()~ "f '2Î Ba;V---H'".",. li/!- Da L d lí,.2 ftDate: 2 Exhibit No.4 Case No. AVU-E-08-01 & AVU-G-08-01D. Vermillon, Avista Schedule 3. Paae 2 of 3 .1,.--,.. .. I ATlACH A. .If th De PPL Rent ls le th 41% ofthc Cl PFL :R Avi anrent sh be recu ac to foowi foim Am R.cu Avi Re == A x (D + C) Wh: A - 18,416,51,0 (Am of $m re døjni by th St in th St's Co0J9.A of th Pr Or) D == De PPL Re c := Cl PPL Re se fort ii $ta's ca in chf As al iltr if De PPL Rc ~ S3,OOl~ an th Clai PPL Ren is . $1.252,804, th Am Avi R. ~ be cacu as follows: Amua RecuAvistRei: S3,4Sli.347. S8,416,5iOx ($3,00,00 +$7 .252,8() 3 Exhibit No.4 Case No. AVU-E-08-01 & AVU-G-08-01 D. Vermillon, Avista Schedule 3. Pace 3 of 3 RECEIVED 2008 liPR - 3 PH 12= S5 CONFIDENTIA A vista Utities Energy Resources Risk Policy THESE PAGES ALLEGEDLY CONTAIN TRAE SECRETS OR CONFIDENTIA MATERIS AN AR SEPARTELY FIED. Exhbit NO.4 Case No. A VU-E-08-01 & A VU-G-08-01 D. Verilion, Avista Schedule 4, p.l th 25