HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080428Revised Application.pdf-tVCO REC\:1 'J i.~~~'V'STA. Corp. ell, Secretar ublic Utilities Commission 472 Washington Street oise, ID 83720 Re: AVU-E-07-09 - Avista Corporation's Revised Applicationto hnplement A Pilot Program for Remote Disconnects and Reconnects Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for filing with the Commission is an original and 7 copies of the Company's revised application requesting approval of a "Remote Disconnect/econnect Pilot Program" and a request that the Commission provide the Company with a limited waiver of IDAPA 31.21.01 (311.03) and (311.04) (Utility Customer Relation Rules) for the term of the pilot. The Company requests that this filing be processed under the Commission's Modified Procedure rules. Please direct any questions on this matter to myself at (509) 495-4975 or Greg Paulsen at (509) 495-4976. Sincerely,~ß~ Linda Gervias Manager, Regulatory Policy A vista Corporation linda.gervaisêavistacorp .com Enclosures DAVID J. MEYER VICE PRESIDENT AN CHIEF COUNSEL FOR REGULATORY AN GOVERNENTAL AFFAIS AVISTA CORPORATION P.O. BOX 3727 1411 EAST MISSION AVENU SPOKAE, WASHINGTON 99220-3727 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4316 FACSIMILE: (509) 495-8851 RECEIVE t) q ¡;,~~ ,:'"U hll BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF AVISTA CORPORATION FOR THE AUTHORITY TO IMPLEMENT A PILOT PROGRA FOR REMOTE DISCONNCTS AN RECONNCTS ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. A VU-E-07-09 REVISED APPLICATION OF AVISTA CORPORATION 1 I. INTRODUCTION 2 A vista Corporation, doing business as A vista Utilties (hereinafter A vista or 3 Company), at 1411 East Mission Avenue, Spokane, Washington, respectfully requests that 4 the Commission approve a pilot program for "Remote Disconnect/econnect" and requests 5 that the Commission issue in its order providing the Company with a limited waiver of 6 IDAPA 31.21.01 (311.03) and (311.04) (Utility Customer Relation Rules) for the term of the 7 pilot. The revised proposed pilot is intended to implement a system for remote disconnection 8 and reconnections, without the need for an employee visit to the affected premises. 9 The Company requests that this filing be processed under the Commission's Modified 10 Procedure rules. 11 Communications in reference to this Application should be addressed to: 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 David J. Meyer, Esq. Vice President and Chief Counsel for Regulatory and Governental Affairs A vista Corporation P.O. Box 3727 1411 E. Mission Avenue, MSC-13 Spokane, VV A 99220-3727 Phone: (509) 495-4316 Fax: (509) 495-8851 Kelly Norwood Vice President - State and Federal Regulation A vista Corporation P.O. Box 3727 1411 E. Mission Avenue, MSC-7 Spokane, VV A 99220-3727 Phone: (509) 495-4267 Fax: (509) 495-8856 22 23 II. BACKGROUND 24 Avista originally fied its application seeking approval to implement a one-year pilot 25 program for remote reconnects and disconnects with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission 26 (IPUC) (hereinafter the Commission or Staff) on August 30, 2007. The Company also 27 requested a limited waiver of IDAP A 31.21.01 (311.03) and (311.04) (Utility Customer 28 Relation Rules) for the term of the pilot. The Commission authorized the use of Modified Revised Application of A vista Corporation Case No. A VU-E-07-09 Page 1 1 Procedure and established a comment deadline. Commission Staff filed comments 2 supporting the Company's application. The American Association of Retired People 3 (AA) and Community Action Parnership Association of Idaho (CAP AI (referred to as 4 the "Parties") filed comments opposing the Company's application. In Order No. 30471, the 5 Commission ordered the Parties to conduct workshops to further refine the details of the 6 program. 7 The Parties attempted to resolve any remaining issues through two different 8 conference calls, and a formal workshop that was held March 27, 2008 in Boise, at which all 9 Parties were represented. The Company and Parties were able to resolve all remaining issues 10 through this process. Among the issues resolved were: program criteria; the distinction 11 between urban and rural customers; form of customer special notice; an evaluation plan; and 12 cost recovery. 13 The purpose of this Revised Application is to reflect the consensus reached on the 14 remaining issues with respect of the pilot program. 15 16 III. SCOPE OF PROPOSED PILOT PROGRA 17 This pilot program wil include the installation of approximately 600 remote 18 disconnect collars using Power Line Carer (PLC) and wireless paging as the 19 communication protocol. PLC is a technology that allows communications across power 20 lines to a disconnect/reconnect collar at the electric meter. This capability allows remote 21 disabling/enabling of the electrc service from Avista's office. The wireless paging allows 22 communication to a collar at the electric meter which allows remote disabling/enabling of the 23 electric service. The specifications for disconnect collars and the wireless paging collar are Revised Application of Avista Corporation Case No. AVU-E-07-09 Page 2 I included as Attachment A. The Company proposes that the pilot's duration be eighteen 2 months from the time the last collar is installed. i 3 Increased employee safety is an advantage of the program. Dangerous pets, 4 treacherous driving conditions, obstructed and unsafe meter access and potentially 5 confrontational customer contacts can be greatly reduced by utilizing this technology. 6 In the Company's original application, there was a distinction made between "urban" 7 and "rural" installations. After further discussion with the Paries, the Company agreed to 8 eliminate this distinction for purposes of the pilot. 9 Customers selected for this pilot wil include customers with 200 amp servces that 10 meet at least one of the following criteria: 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 . Premises where employee safety is a concern, i.e., customers who have threatened to harm A vista employees or property, premises where there is a danger from animals, or premises that have an obstructed access to the meter; . Customers who have previously had two field collection visits or disconnection in the preceding 12 months; and . Excluded wil be CARS customers, customers subject to the moratorium, who are on a winter payment plan; who have provided medical certificates, or who have made satisfactory payment arrangements. 19 20 The Company proposed in its original application to keep the current authorized 21 reconnection fee at $24 during regular business hours and $48 after hours. Certain Paries, 22 however, believed that Avista would see a savings in cost by not having a field representative on i By way of further background, in 2005, the Company began a four-year project to conver all natual gas and electric meters to AMR in the State ofIdaho. Nearly i 80,000 natural gas and electrc meters have been automated. Over 139,000 natural gas and electrc meters were automated using radio-based technology and 40,000 were automated utilizing power line carrer (PLC) technology. Electrc meters on the PLC system are read automatically, and do not require a meter reader or mobile unit to collect the meter reading. The Company believes this technology could provide the opportnity for operational savings by reducing or eliminating both regular and after-hours service calls due to reconnecting or disconnecting serce at the meter. In the case of an after-hours reconnect, the service can be remotely activated within minutes as opposed to hours in the more remote areas, thus providing faster response to customers and eliminating the need to send a serice person to the premise on overime.Revised Application of A vista Corporation Page 3 Case No. A VU-E-07-09 1 site and asked that these costs be passed to the customer. Even though Avista continues to 2 believe that the customers who cause the Company to incur additional expense should bear 3 those costs, for purposes of the pilot, the Company has agreed to reduce the charge to 50% of 4 the normal reconnect fees. This wil result in fees for paricipating customers of $12 during 5 normal business hours and $24 if reconnection is performed after hours. 6 The reasonable capital costs of this pilot would be included in Avista's normal cost of 7 operation and the Company wil propose that the costs be spread among all rate classes in its 8 next general rate case. The avoided costs achieved would be returned to customers, as well, 9 through the rate making process. 10 11 IV. CURRENT NOTIFICATION PROCESS 12 Avista's current process to disconnect and reconnect an account requires that an 13 employee be dispatched to drive to the customer's premises, disconnect the service and leave 14 a disconnect notice in a conspicuous location. A "disconnect" consists of the removal of the 15 electric meter, installation of insulated boots, and reinstallation of the meter. If there is a 16 safety risk to the employee, the disconnection wil occur at the nearest upstream device2 from 17 the electric meter. Once the account is brought back into good standing, or has been opened 18 by a new customer, an employee is dispatched to drive back to the site to restore the service. 19 A vista continually looks for ways to reduce costs and provide a safe work 20 environment for employees. It is believed that this project wil reduce employee field trps to 21 repeated delinquent accounts, enhance employee safety (avoidance of employee risks 22 associated with, e.g., dangerous animals, etc.), allow quicker restoration of service, and 23 ultimately encourage timely customer payment, thereby reducing customer account balances. 2 An upstream device includes equipment such as a fuse or service wire that can be opened or cut to interrpt the circuit and stop the flow of energy.Revised Application of Avista Corporation Page 4 Case No. A VU-E-07-09 1 A vista currently conducts disconnect/reconnect services in compliance with Idaho 2 Utility Customer Relation Rule IDAPA 31.21.01 (300 through 313), which include the 3 following: 4 IDAPA 31.21.01 (311.03) - Opportunity to Prevent Termination of 5 Service - hnmediately preceding termination of service, the employee designated to 6 terminate service shall identify himself or herself to the customer or other responsible 7 adult upon the premises and shall anounce the purose of the employee's presence. 8 This employee shall have in his or her possession the past due account record of the 9 customer and shall request any available verification that the outstanding bils are 10 satisfied or currently in dispute before this Commission. Upon presentation of 11 evidence that outstanding bils are satisfied or curently in dispute before this 12 Commission, service shall not be terminated. The employee shall be authorized to 13 accept full payment, or, at the discretion of the utility, partial payment, and in such 14 case shall not terminate service. Nothing in this rule prevents a utility from 15 proceeding with termination of service if the customer or other responsible adult is 16 not on the premises at the time of termination. 17 IDAPA 31.21.01 (311.04) - Notice of Procedure for Reconnection Service- 18 The employee of the utilty designated to terminate service shall give to the customer 19 or leave in a conspicuous location at the service address affected a notice showing the 20 time of and grounds for termination, steps to be taken to secure reconnection, and the 21 telephone numbers of utility personnel or other authorized representatives who are 22 available to authorize reconnection. 23 24 25 V. PROPOSED NOTIFICATION PROCESS 26 In order for this pilot to be effective and achieve the desired results, A vista requests a 27 waiver of rule IDAPA 31.21.01 (311.03) and (311.04) for those accounts included in the pilot 28 program. Specifically, at the time the disconnect device has been installed, an Avista 29 employee would make an attempt to personally contact the customer and a special notice wil 30 be left with the customer (if personal contact is made) or on the premises (if customer is not 31 horne). The Company has worked with the parties to develop the special notice as provided 32 as Attachment B. 33 The next time the customer is eligible for disconnection, the Company would not be 34 required to physically visit the premises to disconnect or reconnect the meter and would not Revised Application of A vista Corporation Page 5 Case No. A VU-E-07-09 1 be required to give the customer (or leave in a conspicuous location at the service address 2 affected) a notice showing the time of, and grounds for, termination. However, the Company 3 wil let the customer know of the disconnection or reconnection by following its curent 4 notification process3, but without otherwise sending an employee to the premises. 5 All meters with the device attached wil be flagged as par of a pilot program and 6 entered into the Company's customer service system. The Company wil continue to be 7 otherwise compliant with rule IDAPA 31.21.01 (311.03) and (311.04) with all customers not 8 included in the pilot who have been disconnected or reconnected. 9 10 VI. MEASUREMENT AND EVALUATION 11 Measurement & evaluation is integral to defining benefits of a pilot program and 12 identifyng areas for improvement or modification. Avista and the paries have worked 13 together to define what should be included in the Company's report at the conclusion of the 14 pilot program. The Company's evaluation plan wil include, but is not limited to, the 15 following: 16 All data collected wil be for the duration of the pilot program. Individual custOmer 17 data for program paricipants wil be available upon request. Evaluation criteria may require 18 some manual collection of data and wil be collected and evaluated as completely as possible. 19 20 21 22 3 The bil is mailed and due within 15 calendar days, after which the Company allows a 3-day grace period for payments to post. A Past Due Notice is mailed after the grace period ends, dated 7 calendar days later. The Final Notice is mailed 3 business days before the past due notice expires. The Interactive Voice Response System (IVR) then calls the customer on the day the notice expires.Revised Application of A vista Corporation Page 6 Case No. A VU-E-07-09 1 For program participants: 2 3 The total number of customers selected for the pilot by rate schedule, the reason for 4 selection, and the month of installation of disconnection device; 5 6 The total number of disconnect devices installed by type (TW ACS or Nighthawk) and 7 by month; 8 9 The total number of remote disconnections by month, rate schedule, and reason for 10 disconnection (e.g., non-payment of bil or failure to pay deposit); 11 12 The total number of customers by rate schedule who were remotely disconnected 13 during the pilot period: 1415 a. Never16 b. Once17 c. Twice 18 d. Thee or more times 19 20 The total number of customers who were remotely disconnected and received a 21 LIHEAP benefit one or more times durng the pilot period; 22 23 The total number of instances by rate schedule where a customer was not reconnected 24 within 24 hours following a remote disconnection; 25 26 By device type, the total number of instances where the disconnection device failed27 to: 28 29 a. Disconnect a customer following remote activation 30 b. Reconnect a customer following remote activation 31 32 By rate schedule, the minimum, maximum and average length of time from remote 33 disconnection to remote reconnection; 34 35 By rate schedule, in instances where the customer was disconnected for non-payment, 36 the minimum, maximum and average length of time :fom when the customer paid or 37 made satisfactory arangements and remote reconnection; 38 39 The total number and nature of inquiries, complaints, or comments (negative or 40 positive) received from customers who had a disconnection device installed; 41 42 Detailed analysis of costs, cost savings, and non-monetary benefits of pilot program;43 and 44 45 Any evidence that installation of the disconnection device influenced customer 46 behavior (positive or negative). 47 48 Revised Application of A vista Corporation Case No. A VU-E-07-09 Page 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 For non-participants The average number of customers by rate schedule during pilot period; The total number of disconnections by month, rate schedule, and reason for disconnection (e.g., non-payment of bil or failure to pay deposit); The total number of customers by rate schedule who were disconnected during the pilot period: a. Once b. Twice c. Thee or more times The total number of customers who were disconnected and received a LIHEAP benefit one or more times during the pilot period; The total number of instances by rate schedule where a customer was not reconnected within 24 hours following disconnection; By rate schedule, the minimum, maximum and average length of time from disconnection to reconnection; and By rate schedule, in instances where the customer was disconnected for non-payment, the minimum, maximum and average lengt of time from when the customer paid or made satisfactory arrangements and reconnection. Revised Application of A vista Corporation Case No. A VU-E-07-09 Page 8 1 VII. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL 2 Avista respectfully requests approval of the "Remote Disconnect/econnect Pilot 3 Program" and requests that the Commission provide the Company with a limited waiver of 4 IDAPA 31.21.01 (311.03) and (311.04) (Utilty Customer Relation Rules) for the term of the 5 pilot. 6 7 WHEREFORE Applicant respectfully requests the Commission issue its 8 Order authorizing the proposed pilot program, with this revised application being processed 9 under Modified Procedure. 10 11 12 13 DATED at Spokane, Washington, this 25th day of April, 2008. 14 15 AVISTA CORPORATION 16 17 BYr7 David J. Meyer 18 19 20 21 Vice President and Chief Counsel for Regulatory and Governental Affairs Revised Application of A vista Corporation Case No. A VU-E-07-09 Page 9 STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss County of Spokane ) David J. Meyer, being duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: That he is the Vice President and Chief Counsel for Regulatory and Governental Affairs of A vista Corporation; That he has read the foregoing Application, knows the contents thereof, and believes the same to be true. a;i-David J. Meyer Subscribed and sworn to before me this 25th day of April, 2008. ~~ Notary Public in and for the State \\\\\\"~i11"'','1.\\\ ~'l 0L III~~"~ .......- ~~"~~ ~~... illA.~.... ~.:~~ .. i.- ...-. ~~ l -. ~ j" ! cs iOTA,,. ~\ i=: .. :-::: ~ 6\iHI ". !:'S ~""..gL,,, .. ~~ :;\4. l~ ~~ "'~'.~ -t~.''' ,:'z r,Á .... 22 ~;..~". ~ ~""~-O;:....i....~ ""~'-11111 r WA$"\~~\" 1111"" 11 11 1\\\\ Washington, residing in Spokane Application of A vista Corporation Case No. AVU-E-07-09 ATTACHMENT A ~"lv.srA' Utilities 1-888-427.3403 ww.avistutilties.com Your electric seivice was disconnected today. Your residence or business was selected to be part of a pilot program approved by the Idaho Public Utilties Commission. A device was installed on your electric meter to allow Avista to disconnect or reconnect your seivice remotely. In the future, Avista will not nee to send a field representative to your service location to disconnect or reonnect service. You wil not have the opportunity to pay a field representative at your door to avoid disconnection. No notice wil be left for you at the seivice location following disconnection. Avista wil continue to send notices and attempt to contact you by telephone in advance whenever it intends to disconnect seivice. It is very important that you call Avista to make sure all your contact information, including telephone number, is correct. You may reach Avista at the number below. 1-888-427.3403 ww.avistautilties.com SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION ~1'v.srA' Utilities 1-888-427-3403 ww.avistutilties.com Your electric seivice was disconnected today. Your residence or business was selected to be part of a pilot program approved by the Idaho Public Utilties Commission. A device was installed on your electric meter to allow Avista to disconnect or reconnect your servce remotely. In the future, Avista will not nee to send a field representative to your service location to disconnect or reonnet service. You wil not have the opportunity to pay a field representative at your door to avoid disconnection. No notice will be left for you at the seivice location following disconnection. Avista wil continue to send notices and attempt to contact you by telephone in advance whenever it intends to disconnect seivice. It is very important that you call Avista to make sure all your contact information, including telephone number, is correct. You may reach Avista at the number below. 1-888-427-3403 ww.avistutlities.com SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION ~"lv.srA. Utilities The remote disconnectreconnect device installed on your meter wil allow Avista to reconnect service more quickly. When the reason for the disconnection (such as non- payment of a past due bil) has been remedied, you wil need to contact Avista to request reconnection. Your service wil then be reconnected immediately by means of an electronic signal; you wil not need to wait for a field representative to be sent to your servce location. If you have any questions or experience problems at any point in the reconnection procss, please contact Avista at the number below, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Importnt: If your service is shut-off, you wil be required to pay the amount past due, a deposit, and a reconnect fee. A medical certificate notifing Avista of a serious ilness or medical emergency may delay termination. We are wiling to make mutually satisfactory payment arrangements. An informal or formal complaint concerning this action may be filed with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission - P.O. Box 83720, Boise, 10 83720- 0074 (208) 33-0369 or toll free (80) 432-0369. 1-888-427-3403 ww.avistutilties.com SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION ~"lv.srA. Utilities The remote disconnectreconnect device installed on your meter wil allow Avista to reconnect service more quickly. When the reason for the disconnection (such as non- payment of a past due bil) has been remedied, you wil need to contact Avista to request reconnection. Your service wil then be reconnected immediately by means of an electronic signal; you wil not nee to wait for a field representative to be sent to your service loction. If you have any questions or experience problems at any point in the reconnection procss, please contact Avista at the number below, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Importnt: If your service is shut-off, you wil be required to pay the amount past due, a deposit, and a reconnec fee. A medical certificate notifying Avista of a serious ilness or medical emergency may delay termination. We are wiling to make mutually satisfactory payment arrangements. An informal or formal coplaint concerning this action may be filed with the Idaho Public Utilites Commission - P.O. Box 83720, Boise, 1083720- 0074 (208) 33-0369 or toll free (80) 432-09. 1-8827-3403 ww.avistutilities.com SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION ATTACHMENT B . . NIGHTHAWK TAKE REMOTE CONTROL The CE0700 is a complete integrated wireless remote whole house disconnect package complete with meter adapter, 200 amp switch, and Nighthawk control board. Installation is lightning fast requiring only the removal of the existing meter, plug in of the CE0700, and replacement of the meter into the CE0700. Upon installation the utility command center can then page the switch .on" or .otr. It is literally that simple. An optional homeowner reset switch is available that would require the homeowner to push an easy to see button on the meter housing before the switch would actually close. The CE0700 can be prorammed to work on any public or private paging network. The devices can be activated by any touch tone phone or by computer modem using our user-frendly softare. The CE0700 is ideal for seasonal use buildings, student apart- ment complexes, chronic no pays, and remote safety disconnect. Installation is fast, requiring only the removal of the existing meter, plug in of the CE0700 and replacement of the meter into the CE0700 (the remote control functions are active immediately upon installation). The slim, low profile, integrated circuit board fits snugly between the meter back and the 200 Amp disconnect switch allowing for use of a low profile UL adapter. CE0700 Whole House Disconnect/Reconnect Features .Available in UHF, VHF and 900 MHz Frequencies Low profile, 2.75 inch offset, ring or ring-less sockets 4 and 5 Jaw Model Multi-Level security codes Optional Homeowner reset button LOW COST - Contrl functons are locted on a single circit board designed for mass production Long tenn availabilty and short production lead times . . . . . . Specifications Frequencies:UHF, VHF, 900Mhz Electrical Switching Capacity:200 Amps Paging Format:POCSAG 512, 1200, 2400 Baud Operating Temperature: -200 C to +70oC Paging Airtime The CE0700 can be shipped to you completely pre-programmed to paging signals in your region. Paging can be provided through Nighthawk Systems, Inc. at very low monthly rates. If you currently have paging service preference, the CE0700 can be programmed to accmmodate your private or public paging service in all UHF, VHF, and 900 MHz frequencies. About the Company Now in its send decade, Nighthawk Systems, Inc., designs and manufactures easy to use .Plug and Play" paging products that remotely control virtually any electrical device, from any location. Our products are designed to be easily installed and operated.. NIGHTHAWK SYSTEMS, INC. 10715 GULFDALE, SUITE 200 SAN ANTONIO, TX 78216 TEL 210.341.4811 FAX 210.341.2011 TOLL-FREE 877.764.4484 WWW.NIGHTHAWKSYSTEMS.COM OTCBB: NIHK The Disconnect Switch Interbase (DSI) from TWACS'" . offers a stand-alone, two- way, addressable disconnect switch which provides tamper detection capabilities and paves the way for pre-pay services. The DSI combines the functionality of a 200 Amp latched relay with the convenience of the superior TWACS two-way power line communications system. Stand-alone Design The stand-alone design offers a plug-in, self-contained solution, which requires no additional connections and is independent of the meter type or technology. All that is required is installation on a TWACS-enabled distribution system. Whole House Disconnect Now you can provide for remote whole house disconnect and reconnect with the DSI. The DSI utilzes a dependable and reliable 200 Amp latched relay and combines it with the powerful TWACS system. This combination permits the Customer Service Representative (CSR) to disconnect and reconnect individually metered residential or small commercial, single- phase 200 Amp services remotely from the utilty offce. The DSI disconnect the electric service to the home while leaving the meter powered for monitoring or communication purposes. Remote Control. - Fromutilty Offce No longer is it necessary to create a work order and dispatch a meter technician to remove or "boot" a meter. The CSR or TWACS system operator can simply issue the command for an immediate or scheduled disconnection. Reconnection is equally easy. Each DSI is uniquely addressable based on a secure, factory assigned identity for the highest integrity. Remote communication is provided via the TWACS system which links the utility control center and the meter site. Rapid confirmation of service disconnect or reconnect can be obtained within 20 seconds of command initiation. communication module with an electronic switch controller. The collar has four (or five) jaws that accept the blades from the meter on the topside and four (or five) blades that insert into a standard meter socket on the bottom side. utilty and Consumer Benefits Utilities utilizing this product will have at their disposal a powerful revenue collection tool for problem accounts, as well as the ability to enhance customer service by providing a convenience for seasonal and rental customers. Additionally, this improves utility effciency and personnel safety by allowing connect and disconnects to be perfrmed from the convenience of the utility offce. The two-way addressable DSI also paves the way for future pre-pay metering implementations. Tamper Detection Tamper Detection is provided through the use of a periodic two-way communications check, load side detector, and diagnostic register. Tlo-way Universal Design The DSI's universal design fits most residential applications. Compatibilty is assured with 200 Amp 4-jaw form 2S and 5-jaw form 12S/25S residential sockets. The DSI works with meters both old and new, electromechanical and electronic. The DSI consists of an interbase collar, a 200 Amp latched relay and a TWACS TVVACS(8 Disconnect Switch Interbase (051) . communications confirm that the OSI has not been removed. Load side detecton verifies proper operation and wil indicate a bypass condition. The diagnostic register generates an alarm flag that is sent to the utility offce if tamper is detected. Switch Status LED and COnnect Push-Button The OSI offers two options to close the switch: a) a direct softare command from OCSls master station softare, or b) a two-step process that allows the consumer to make sure their home is ready for connecton. First a sofare command is issued to arm the switch followed by the consumer manually depressing the "On" Push-Button. Low Profile The Low Profile design enhances the universal fit and minimizes any change of appearance to the consumer's service. Sta.. liE:. mlØôd .The use of th Disconnect Swi Intrbase -DSI- permiting remote disconneccone may be subject to certn laws, relation, andor tari at th federal, sta andor locl levl. Pnor to utlizng sucl a feture, the user is resposible fo compliae with al/ sucl laws, regulaons andor tanff. DCI is held harmless in case of violatin of laws, relations, and tanff due to th use of th Disconnec SWitch Interte feature of the prouct.