HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070914Decision memo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER CO MMISSI 0 NER SMITH CO MMISSI 0 NER REDFORD COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMISSION STAFF LEGAL FROM:SCOTT WOODBURY DATE:SEPTEMBER 14, 2007 SUBJECT:CASE NOS. IPC-07-03 (Idaho Power); PAC-07-07 (PacifiCorp); A VU-07-02 (Avista) WIND INTEGRATION ADJUSTMENT RNPINWC MOTION TO VACATE COMMENT DEADLINES On August 22, 2007, the Commission being informed that the participants in joint settlement workshops in the above dockets were unable to reach a compromise generic settlement, issued Notices of Modified Procedure and CommentlProtest Deadline in each case establishing an initial comment deadline of Friday, September 21 , 2007 and a reply deadline ofFriday, October 5, 2007. On September 14, 2007, Renewable Northwest Project and NW Energy Coalition (collectively RNP), intervenors in each of the above cases, filed a Motion to Vacate Comment Deadlines. RNP in its Motion states that it has conferred with respective counsel for Idaho Power, PacifiCorp and A vista, and represents to the Commission that the utilities do not oppose vacation of the comment deadlines. RNP requests an extension for two reasons. First, good faith settlement negotiations have continued among the parties. RNP has reached a settlement agreement in principle with two of the three utilities, and believes that an agreement in principle can be achieved with the third utility. However, there are a large number of parties in these cases. RNP and the utilities have discussed the proposed settlement with several other parties; however, it will take several days at a minimum to complete these discussions among all parties. The requested vacation of the comment deadlines will allow completion of the settlement discussions and preparation of settlement documents. DECISION MEMORANDUM Second, in the event settlement is not achieved, RNP wishes to conduct additional written discovery in these cases. RNP's requests for production will significant in scope, it states, and will likely require the full 28-day time for response, as provided by Rule of Procedure 225.03. The requested vacation of comment deadlines, it states, will allow the development of a more complete record in this matter. For the foregoing reasons, RNP requests the Commission vacate the deadlines for initial and reply comments in the above reference matters. If necessary, RNP states it will provide a status report (including proposed new comment deadlines) for the Commission consideration no later than Monday, October 1 2007. CO MMISSI 0 N D ECISI 0 N Renewable Northwest ProjectINW Energy Coalition, intervenors in the above referenced cases, filed a Motion to Vacate the established September 21 and October 5 comment deadlines. RNP represents that it has achieved an agreement in principle with two of the three utilities and desires additional time to pursue settlement discussions with the third utility and to solicit support from other intervening parties. No parties have communicated opposition to the filed Motion. All parties of record were provided with electronic copies of the Motion on September 13 2007 and hard copies by u.S. Mail. Scott Woodbury bls/M:P AC-O7-07 - A VU-O7-02 _IPC-O7-03 _sw3 DECISION MEMORANDUM