HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090717Annual Review re Wind Integration.pdfR, i:Ct=IV. . i, ',l ,.... ¡¡,. ~:JII'STA.2009 JUL 11 AM 10: 05 IDAHO PUrsUç,.".,., UTILITIES COMMIBblUft July 15, 200 AvU -E ~ Olt-O~ Jea Jewell, Commssion Secta State of Idao Idaho Public Utilities Commssion Statehouse Boise, ID 83720 Re: Wind Integrtion Report Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for filig is an electronic copy of Avista's report in response to Idao Public Utities Commssion (IPUC) Orer No. 30500, reuirng the Company to provide an anual review on its wind integration. If you have any questions regarg ths filing, pleae feel fr to contat Clit Kach at 509495-4532 or myself at (509) 495-4975. Sincerely,~~ Linda Gervais Manager, Reguatory Policy State and Federa Regulation A vista Utilities 509-4954975 linda. gervais (g avistacorp.com Enclosur A vita Utities Response to IPUC Order No. 30500 Re: Wind Integrtion Backgrund Ths report is in response to Idaho Public Utities Commssion (IPUC) Orer 30500 (''Odet'). Speificaly, the Order requis the Company to: 1) provide wind integrtion analysis and results to the Commssion separate frm its biennal IR filing; 2) hold two public workshops pnor to publishig the 200 IR; 3) provide an anual review and proposed adjustments when warte; and 4) notify the Commssion when enough "on-line" wind is accumulate to move to a new tier of the wind integration charge. Ths report is responsive to each of these obligations. Report on Prre Since Last Update (the 2007 Wind Intetion Study) The Nortwest wind fleet contiues to expand. In 2007, the wind fleet was compnsed of approximately 1,40 megawatt constrcte over approximately ten year, accrdng to the Nortwest Wind Integration Action Plan published by the Nortwest Power and Conservation CounciL. Only two year later the fleet has more than doubled, and now approaches 3,00 MW. Most of the Nortwest resoure is located in Oregon and Washington. Idaho has a modest fleet in companson, 150 MW. Avista's wind fleet has not changed since its 2007 study. The Company integrates 35 MW frm the Stateline Wind Energy Center. The fortcoming 200 IR anticipates 150 MW of new wind generation on-lie by 2012 and a tota of 350 MW by 2022, equating to a penetrtion rate of approximatly 15% relative to peak load in 2022. Since the 2007 study, the Nortwest has intiate two regional effort to assist utities in managig the vanabilty inherent with wid. The first is Ace Diversity Interchange (ADI). A vista is looking to join the ADI effort in the near futue, but has not done so beause we alady have an internal progr (power Generation Control, or PG) that limits the movement of our generation unts for load fluctuations. A vista presently believes we wil obta a modest improvement by joining the ADI effort, but that it wil not be as grat as other utilities since we have instaed PGC. The second effort is Dynamc Schedulg (DS). Avista has ben monitonng the DS effort, but have decided not to join yet given our very sma wind resource base. As the amount of wind integrte into our system beomes larger we wil consider joinng the effort. Page 1 The Wind Integration Workshops held by Avista in 2008 and 200 identified no signficant improvements or enhancements to the methods used for the 2007 study. Therefore, no new modeling analyses were completed. Public Workshops A vista has held two public workshops on wind integrtion in which al parcipants to Case A VU-E-07-02 were invited. The firt, on October 21, 2008, had the following agenda: The majonty of the firt meetig agenda was intended to famliarze parcipants with the Company's 2007 study, and obtan input and feeback on the study. The meeting was also intended to gather thoughts from parcipants on fuer study the Company might consider. Ultiately there were no action items from the workshop in that the "state of the ar" in wind integration was deemed to have not moved greatly frm the 2007 study work. A bnef second workshop was held on May 22, 200. The following agenda items were covered: 1) Intructions 2) Wind Integration and the 200 IR 3) Questions/Suggestions for Furer Work As in the fit workshop, no "to-do" items came from ths meetig. On-Line Wind Generation and Wind Intetion Charge Percentages As stated ealier in ths letter, Avista's on-line wind generation has not changed since Order 30500. It remains at 35 MW. Therefore, the wind integrtion charge percentage remais at 7%. Sumry If the Commssion has any fuer questions or comments on ths anual report, please contact Clit Kalch at 509.495.4532. Page 2