HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060619Revised proposed tariffs.pdfI.P.C. No. 28 Fourth::J:.i:HFG Revision Sheet B- Canceling Third Second Revision Sheet B- AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities Schedule No. INDEX PAGE - IDAHO - continued Title of Sheet Sheet No. Miscellaneous Schedules Line Extension, Conversion, and Relocation Schedule - Idaho............... Temporary Service.......................... ...... ........ ..................... ....... ................ 53 Line Extension And Conversion Schedule for Local Improvement Districts -Idaho...................................................... 54 Tax Adjustment Schedule - Idaho ............................................................ Residential And Farm Energy Rate Adjustment - Idaho .......................... Cogeneration And Small Power Production Schedule - Idaho ................ 62 Net Meterin tion.................................................................................. Temporary Rate Adjustment - Idaho...................................... ......... Temporary Power Cost Adjustment - Idaho ............................................. 66 Energy Efficiency Service for New Residential Buildings - Idaho............ 67 Idaho Rules And Regulations ....... ................................................. ........... 70 Electric Energy Efficiency Programs -Idaho............................................ 90 Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment - Idaho............................................. 91 All Customer Electric Energy Buy-Back Program .................................... 92 Optional Renewable Power Rate - Idaho ................................................ (N) Issued June 16, 2006 Effective July 20, 2006 Issued by Avista Utilities By Kelly Norwood Vice President, State & Federal Regulation Second Revision Sheet 62 Replacing I.P.C. No.First Original Sheet 62 A VISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 62 COGENERATION AND SMALL POWER PRODUCTION SCHEDULE - IDAHO AVAilABLE: In all the electric territory served by the Company in the State of Idaho. APPLICABLE: To any Customer who installs and owns facilities on property owned by the Customer for the purposes of generating electric energy in parallel with the Company system. To be eligible under this tariff the facility must qualify as a cogeneration facility or a small power production facility pursuant to Section 201 of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978, or be eligible for the net metering option defined on Sheet 62 . For output from qualifying facilities, this tariff will be limited to qualifying facilities with a generation capacity under 1 megawatt no more than 10 averaqe awatts in an y q iven month. Customers selling electric energy from a qualifying facility to the Company under this tariff will be required to enter into a written agreement with the Company which may be subject to the approval of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission and the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission. In addition, any such written agreement relying upon the rates in this tariff shall contain language providing for security, if applicable, against the potential overpayment existing should the Customer s generating facilities fail to perform as contracted. DEFINITIONS: Customer" as used herein means any individual , partnership, corporation association , governmental agency, political subdivision, municipality or other entity. Cogeneration facility" means equipment used to produce electric energy and forms of useful thermal energy (such as heat or steam), used for industrial, commercial heating, or cooling purposes, through the sequential use of energy. Daily Shape Adjustment" means an adjustment to rates based on a difference between on-peak (6 am to 10pm) rates and off-peak (10 pm to 6 am) rates of $5 per meqawatt hour. Facility," also referred to as Electrical Generatinq System (EGS), means the source of electricity owned by the Customer that is located on the Customer s side of the PCC, and all facilities ancillary and appurtenant thereto, includinQ interconnection equipment. which the Customer requests to interconnect to the Company s distribution system. In-Service Date" means the date on which the Facility and System Modifications (if applicable) are complete and ready for service, even if the Facility is not placed in service on or by that date. Interconnection Service AQreement" is an aQreement for interconnection service, between the Customer and the Company.The aQreement also includes amendments or supplements thereto entered into by the Customer and the Company. Issued June 16, 2006 Effective July 20, 2006 Issued by Avista Utilities (D)(N) (N) (N) (N) Kelly O. Norwood , State & Federal Regulation Second Revision Sheet 62A Replacing I.P.C. No. 28 First Original Sheet 62A 62A AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 62 - continued Market Enerqy Rate" means an enerqy price that shall be 85 percent (85%) of the weiqhted averaqe of the daily on-peak and off-peak Dow Jones Mid-Columbia Non-Firm Index (Dow Jones Mid-C Non-Firm Index) prices for non-firm enemy. Net metering" means measuring the difference between the electricity supplied by an electric utility and the electricity generated by a customer-generator that is fed back to the electric utility over the applicable billing period. Network Distribution System (Area or Spot)" means the electrical service from a distribution system consistinq of one or more primary circuits from one or more substations or transmission supply points arranqed such that they collectively feed secondary circuits servinq one (a spot network) or more (an area network) Avista Utilities customers. Point Of Common Couplinq (PCCr means the point where the Customer s local electric power system connects to the Company distribution system, such as the electric power revenue meter or at the location of the equipment desiqnated to interrupt, separate or disconnect the connection between the Customer and the Company. Qualifyinq Facility" is a coqeneration facility or a small power production facility which meets the PURPA criteria from qualification set forth in Subpart B of Part 292, Subchapter K. Chapter 1, Title 18, of the Code of Federal ReQulations. Seasonal Factors" means a seasonal weiqhtinq of .84 for the period March throuqh June, and 1.08 for the period July throuqh February. Small power production facility" means the equipment used to produce electric energy solely by the use of biomass, waste, solar power, wind, water or any other renewable resource. POWER RATES: The Company agrees to pay the following rates for the purchase of power from Customers to whom this tariff applies. The following rates are for power delivered to the Company s system. These rates are adjusted annually periodicall and are on file with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. (1)Standard Fueled Firm Ener Rate - The rates shall apply to natural as fueled ects depending upon the on-line operation date and term of the agreement when the Customer agrees to supply firm energy deliveries under contract.The fixed com onent rates shall be fixed for the term of the agreement ::md shall be p:3id for :311 kilowatt hours produced The adjustable component rate shall be chanqed periodically subject to Idaho Public Utility Commission orders.Both the fixed and adjustable rate components are subject to Seasonal Factors and Daily Shape Adjustment.The resultant rate shall be applied to the project output for all kilowatt-hours up to 10 averaqe meqawatts in any qiven month. Issued June 16, 2006 Effective July 20, 2006 Issued by Avista Utilities Kelly O. Norwood , State & Federal Regulation (N) (N) (N) (N) (N) (D)(N) (N) (N) (N)(D) (D)(N) (N) Third Second Revision Sheet 62B Replacing I.P.C. No. 28 Second Sheets 62B 62B A VISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 62 Continued (2)Optional Fueled Firm Enerqy Rates for Non-Levelized Contracts - These average rates shall apply to natural qas fueled ects when the Customer agrees to supply firm energy deliveries each year as specified under a non-Ievelized contract.The fixed com onent rates shall be fixed for the term of the agreement", and shall be paid for all kilowatt hours produced The adjustable component rate shall be chanqed periodically subject to Idaho Public Utility Commission orders. Both the fixed and adjustable rate components are subject to Seasonal Factors and Daily Shape Adjustment.The resultant rate shall be applied to the project out ut for all kilowatt-hours U to 10 avera e me awatts in an y q iven month. (3)Firm Enerqy Adjustable Rate The rate shall be paid to existinq contracts c311ing for tho payment of firm anergy 3djust3blo r3tos based upon Colstrip fuel and v3riablo O&M costs Tho rato Sh311 bo paid for all kilO'.vatt hours produced Firm Energy I\djust3blo Payment mills/kWh Tho Firm Enorgy /\djustable Rate will remain in offoct until updatod and approvod by the Idaho Public Utilitios Commission.Tho Firm Energy I\djustablo R3te is equal to tho total fuel and variable O&M cost of Coistrip units 3 3nd 1 , adjusted upward by a 5% line loss factor and multiplied by tho rospoctive s03sonal factor. Nonfirm Ener Rate - The Nonfirm Energy Rate shall be applicable when the Customer agrees to provide energy deliveries on a nonfirm, contracted basis. The Company agrees to pay tho 3ctual avoided energy cost for each month of the year.Tho Nonfirm Enorgy Rate f-or any month sh311 bo the avorage of the hourly highest dispatchable avoid3blo incromontal costs incurred the Company f-or each hour of the month.Tho hourly incremental cost shall bo Dither tho v3ri3blo opor3ting cost of a Company owned resource or tho cost of a purchase from another utility, whichovor is highor.If the situation occurs "\/here tho Comp3ny is not opor3ting any of its dispatchablo resources or purchasing any power in hour the Comp3ny will uso the I O'.\'e st cost of resources available for purchase from the Pacific Northwost regional nonfirm anergy pool for that hour.The rate resulting from avor3ging 311 of the hourly rates for the month 'Nill bo tho rate p3id for all nonfirm energy for tho month. The Nonfirm Enemy Rate shall be the lower of the Firm Enerqy Rate for Non-Levelized Contracts or the Market Enerqy Rate.The rate is subject to a Seasonal Factor and Daily Shape Adiustment. ill Standard Non-Fueled Firm Ener Rates - These rates shall apply depending upon the on-line operation date and term of the agreement when the Customer agrees to supply firm energy deliveries under contract.These rates shall only Issued June 16, 2006 Effective July 20, 2006 Issued by Avista Utilities (N) (N) (N)(D) (D)(N) (N) (D) (D) (C) (D) (D)(N) (N) (C) Kelly O. Norwood , State & Federal Regulation Third Second Revision Sheet 62B Replacing I.P.C. No. 28 Second Sheets 62B 62B A VISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 62 Continued apply to non fuoled natural as fueled projects , fe., wind , solar, hydro).These rates shall be fixed for the term of the agreement and shall be paid for all kilo'l/att hours produced.The rate resulting from averaging all of the hourly ratos for tho month will bo tho rate paid for 311 non firm energy f-or the month. The rate is sub ect to a Seasonal Factor and Daily Shape Adjustment.The resultant rate shall be applied to the proiect output, for all kilowatt-hours UP to 10 averaqe meqawatts in any qiven month. fQ2 Optional Non-Fueled Firm Enerqy Rates for Non-Levelized Contracts - These average rates shall apply when the Customer agrees supply firm energy deliveries in each year as specified under a non-Ievelized contract.These rates shall only apply to non fuolod natural as fueled projects je.g., wind, solar, hydro). These rates shall be fixed for the term of the agreement. 3nd shall be paid for all kilo'N3tt hours produced. The rate resulting from 3vor3ging 311 of tho hourly ratos for tho month "viII be the rate p3id for 311 non firm energy for the month. The rate is subject to a Seasonal Factor and Daily Shape Adjustment.The resultant rate shall be applied to the project output, for all kilowatt-hours UP to 10 averaqe meqawatts in any qiven month. Issued June 16, 2006 Effective July 20, 2006 Issued by Avista Utilities Kelly O. Norwood , State & Federal Regulation (D)(N) (D)(N) (N) (C) (D)(N) (D)(N) (N) I.P.C. No. First Revision Sheet 70-r Canceling Original Sheet 70-r 70-r AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities IDAHO RULES AND REGULATIONS 27.BUY-BACK OF CUSTOMER POWER-Pumping Service: This offer is available to customers presently taking service under Pumping Service Schedules 31 or 32 who have historically used at least 50,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity for the period of May through September and who can provide a minimum of 25 000 cumulative kilowatt-hour savings during the period of May through September in 2001. Eligible customers will be notified by the Company and must respond to the Company in writing by April 15 , 2001 if they wish to participate. Participants must acknowledge that this tariff influenced their decision to reduce their energy consumption. The Company will pay participants who exceed 50 000 kilowatt-hours of reduced energy usage ten (10) cents for each kilowatt-hour of reduced energy usage. Participants who do not achieve 000 kilowatt-hours of savings but exceed 25 000 kilowatt-hours will be paid five (5) cents for each kilowatt-hour of reduced energy usage. Participants who do not achieve 25,000 kilowatt-hours of reduced energy usage will not receive any payment for energy saved. The amount of reduced energy usage will be determined by subtracting the customer s total energy usage for May through September, 2001 from the annual average of the customer s total energy usage during May through September for the preceding five years. If the customer does not have five prior years of billing history, the Company will utilize the billing history available for all prior May through September periods. The customer must have at least one prior billing history period of May through September available in order to be eligible. The customer s May through September usage will be determined based on the customer s first five normal monthly billings occurring on or after May 15th and ending prior to October 31 st. Verification of energy savings and payment to customers will occur after October 31 , 2001. This rule expires on October 31, 2001. 28.INTERCONNECTION STANDARDS A. General Conditions - The followin states the eneral conditions and uirements and technical s ecifications for the safe and reliable o eration of interconnected Customer-owned eneratin facilities 25 kW or less in ca acit that are intended to enerate ener to serve all or a art of the Customer s load or for urchase b the Com(1) Electrical Generation S stems 25 kW and Smaller electrical eneratin facilit with a maximum electrical eneratin acit of 25 kW or less includin rotatin machines nchronous or induction enerators with name late ratin of no more than 25 kV must (N) (N) Issued June 16, 2006 Effective July 20, 2006 Issued by Avista Utilities Kelly Norwood , State & Federal Regulation I.P.C. No.Original Sheet 70-s 70-s A VISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities IDAHO RULES AND REGULATIONS - continued comply with these standards to be eliqible to connect and operate in parallel with the Company s distribution system. (2)Application - Each Customer seekinq to interconnect qualifyinq qeneration must fill out and submit an application, available on the Company s website or by contactinq the Company.Information must be accurate. complete. and the application must be approved by the Company prior to installinq the qeneratinq facility.Customers will charqed interconnection application fee of $100. (3)Application Prioritization - All qeneration interconnection requests for facilities 25 kW or less from Customers will be prioritized by the Company the same as any new load requests. Preference will not be qiven to either request type. The Company will process the application and provide interconnection in a time frame consistent with other service connections. (4)Interconnection Aqreement - Prior to interconnection all qualifyinq Customers must obtain a Certificate of Completion and siqn an appropriate Interconnection Aqreement (documents available on the Company s website or by contactinq the Company). This Aqreement between the Company and the Customer outlines the interconnection standards, billinq and revenue aqreements. and on-qoinq maintenance and operation requirements. (5)Unauthorized Connections - For the purposes of public and workinq personnel safety, any non-approved qeneration interconnections discovered will be immediately disconnected from the Company s system. (6)Dedicated Distribution Transformer - To ensure reliable service to all the Company s Customers and to minimize possible problems for other Customers. the Company will review the need for a dedicated-to-sinqle-customer distribution transformer.nterconnectinq qeneration under 25 kW may require a separate transformer.If the Company requires a dedicated distribution transformer, the Customer shall pay for all costs of the new transformer and related facilities. Issued June 16 , 2006 Effective July 20, 2006 Issued by (N) (N) Avista Utilities Kelly Norwood . State & Federal Regulation I.P.C. No.Original Sheet 70-70- AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities IDAHO RULES AND REGULATIONS - continued (7)Meterinq - (a)Net Meterinq: The Company shall install, own and maintain a kilowatt-hour meter,meters the Company may deem necessary, capable of reqisterinq the bi-directional flow of electricity at the Point of Common Couplinq at a level of accuracy that meets all applicable standards. requlations and statutes. The meter(s) may measure such parameters as time of delivery, power factor. voltaqe and such other parameters as the Company shall specify.The Customer shall provide space for meterinq equipment.It will be the Customer responsibility provide the current transformer enclosure (if required), meter socket(s) and junction box after the Customer has submitted his/her drawinqs and equipment specifications for the Company s approval.The Company may approve other qeneratinq sources for net meterinq but is not required to do so. (b)Production Meterinq:The Company may require separate meterinq for production.This meter will record all qeneration produced and may be billed separately from any net meterinq or customer usaqe meterinq.The Customer shall pay all costs associated with the installation production meterinq. (8)Labelinq - Common labelinq furnished approved the Company and accordance with National Electric Code (NEC) requirements must be posted on meter bases. disconnects, and transformers informinq workinq personnel that qeneration is operatinq at or is located on the premises. (9)Insurance & Liability - Generation facilities permitted under these standards may require additional insurance and indemnification.Qualifyinq qeneration must meet these interconnection standards and maintain compliance with these standards durinq operation. (10)Future Modification or Expansion - Prior to any future modification or expansion of the customer-owned qeneratinq facility, the Customer must obtain the Company s review and approval.The Company reserves the riqht to require the Customer, at the Customer s expense. to provide corrections or additions to existinq electrical devices in the event of modification of qovernment or industry requlations and standards. Issued June 16, 2006 Effective July 20, 2006 Issued by (N) (N) Avista Utilities Kelly Norwood , State & Federal Regulation I.P.C. No.Original Sheet 70-u 70-u A VISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities IDAHO RULES AND REGULATIONS - continued (11)The Company s System Capacity - For the overall safety and protection of the Company system the interconnection of qeneration for net meterinq shall be limited to 0.1 % of the Company peak demand durinq 1996. Additionally.interconnection of qualified customer-owned qeneration to individual distribution feeders will be limited to 10% of the feeder s peak capacity.However, it is at the discretion of the Company to allow additional qeneration interconnection beyond these stated limits. (12)Customer-Owned Equipment Protection - It is the responsibility of the Customer to protect their facilities, loads and equipment and comply with the requirements of all appropriate standards, codes, statutes and authorities. (13)Interconnection Costs - Additional costs above and beyond the application fee, if any, will be cost based and applied as appropriate at the Customer s cost.For example, costs may incurred for transformers,production meters,and the Company testinq,qualification,and approval of non-1741 listed ment. Technical Specifications The followinq sets forth the technical specifications and conditions that must be met to interconnect non-Avista Utilities- owned electric qeneration,kW or less,for parallel operation with the distribution system of the Company. (1 )General Interconnection Requirements - (a)Any Facility desirinq interconnect with the Company Electrical Power System (EPS) or modify an existinq interconnection must meet all minimum specifications applicable, as set forth in the followinq documents and standards and requirements in this Section in their most current approved version at the time of interconnection. (b)The specifications and requirements listed herein are intended to mitiqate possible adverse impacts caused by the Facility on the Company s equipment and personnel and on other customers of the Company.They are not intended to address protection of the Facility itself or its internal load. It is the responsibility of the Facility to comply with the requirements of all appropriate standards, codes. statutes and authorities to protect itself and its loads. Issued June 16, 2006 Effective July 20, 2006 Issued by (N) (N) Avista Utilities Kelly Norwood . State & Federal Regulation I.P.C. No.Original Sheet 70-v 70-v A VISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities IDAHO RULES AND REGULATIONS - continued (c)The specifications and requirements listed herein shall apply qenerally the non-Avista Utilities-owned electric qeneration eauipment which this standard and aqreement( s)apply throuqhout the period encompassinq the Customer installation, testinq and commlssloninq,operation,maintenance, decommissioninq and removal of said equipment.The Company may verify compliance at any time, with reasonable notice. (d)The Customer will comply with the followinq requirements in this Section.At its sole discretion, the Company may approve alternatives that satisfy the intent of, and/or may excuse compliance with, any specific elements of the requirements contained in this Section. (1)Code and Standards.Customer shall conform to all applicable codes and standards for safe and reliable operation.Amonq these are the National Electric Code (NEC),National Electric Safety Code (NESC),the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Enqineers (IEEE), American National Standards Institute (ANSI),and Underwriters Laboratories (UL)standards.and local. state and federal buildinq codes. The Customer shall be responsible to obtain all applicable permit(s) for the equipment installations on their property. (2)Safety. All safety and operatinq procedures for joint use equipment shall be in compliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Standard 29, CFR 1910.269, the NEC, and the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IDAPA) rules. (3)Power Quality. Installations will be in compliance with all applicable standards includinq IEEE Standard 519-1992 Harmonic Limits. (2)Inverter Based Interconnection Requirements, as Applicable: (a)IEEE Std 1547-2003 Standard for Interconnectinq Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems. (b)UL Standard 1741, Inverters. Converters, and Controllers for Use in Independent Power Systems - Equipment must be UL listed. (c)IEEE Standard 929-2000, IEEE Recommended Practice for the Company s Interface of Photovoltaic (PV) Systems. Issued June 16, 2006 Effective July 20, 2006 Issued by Avista Utilities (N) (N) Kelly Norwood , State & Federal Regulation I.P.C. No.Original Sheet 70-w 70-w AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities IDAHO RULES AND REGULATIONS - continued (3)Non Inverter Based Interconnection Requirements - The Application for such Interconnection may require more detailed Company review, testinq, and approval. at Customer cost, of the equipment proposed to be installed to ensure compliance with applicable standards includinq: (a)IEEE Std 1547-2003 Standard for Interconnectinq Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems. (b)ANSI Standard C37.90, IEEE Standard for Relays and Relay Systems Associated with Electric Power Apparatus. (c)Customers proposinq such interconnection may also required to submit a power factor mitiqation plan for the Company review and approval. (4)Specific Interconnection Requirements (a)Visible/Lockable Disconnect. Customer shall furnish and install on Customer s side of meter a UL approved safety disconnect switch which shall be capable of fully disconnectinq the Customer s enerqy qeneratinq equipment from the Company electric service. The disconnect switch shall located adjacent to the Company meters and shall be of the visible break type in a metal enclosure which can be secured by a padlock. The disconnect switch shall be accessible the Company personnel all times.This requirement may be waived by the Company if:(1) Customer provides interconnection equipment that Customer can demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the Company, performs physical disconnection of the qeneratinq equipment supply internally; and, (2) Customer aqrees that its service may be disconnected entirely if qeneratinq equipment must be physically disconnected for any reason. The Company shall have the riqht to disconnect the Facility from the Company s supply at the disconnect switch when necessary to maintain safe electrical operatinq conditions or, if the Facility does not meet required standards or, if the Facility at any time adversely affects the Company s operation of its electrical system or the quality the Company service other customers. (b)Voltaqe and Phasinq. Nominal voltaqe and phase confiquration of Customer qeneration must be compatible to the Company system at the Point of Common Couplinq (PCC). Issued June 16, 2006 Effective July 20, 2006 Issued by Avista Utilities Kelly Norwood,, State & Federal Regulation (N) (N) I.P.C. No. Issued Issued by Original Sheet 70-x 70-x AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities IDAHO RULES AND REGULATIONS - continued (c) Interconnection to seconda Network Distribution S stem distribution s stems with multi le sources of seconda Customer must rovide evidence that their eneration will never result in reverse current flow throu h the Com s Network Protectors. All instances of interconnection to seconda Distribution Networks shall re uire review and written re-a roval desi nated Com ineerin staff. Interconnection to distribution seconda area networks is not allowed. Closed Transition Transfer Switches are not allowed in seconda Network Distribution S stems. (N) (N) June 16, 2006 Effective July 20, 2006 Avista Utilities Kelly Norwood VP, State & Federal Regulation I.P.C. No. 28 Fourth Revision Sheet B- Canceling Third Revision Sheet B- A VISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities Schedule No. INDEX PAGE - IDAHO - continued Title of Sheet Sheet No. Miscellaneous Schedules Line Extension , Conversion , and Relocation Schedule - Idaho............... Temporary Service....... ......... ...."......... .................... ................................. 53 Line Extension And Conversion Schedule for Local Improvement Districts - Idaho ...................................................... Tax Adjustment Schedule - Idaho """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 58 Residential And Farm Energy Rate Adjustment - Idaho .......................... 59 Cogeneration And Small Power Production Schedule - Idaho ................ Net Metering Option.................................................................................. Temporary Rate Adjustment -Idaho....................................... ........ 65 Temporary Power Cost Adjustment - Idaho """""""""""""""""""""'" 66 Energy Efficiency Service for New Residential Buildings - Idaho............ 67 Idaho Rules And Regulations................................................................... 70 Electric Energy Efficiency Programs -Idaho............................................ 90 Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment - Idaho............................................. 91 All Customer Electric Energy Buy-Back Program .................................... 92 Optional Renewable Power Rate - Idaho ...................................,............ 95 (N) Issued Effective July 20, 2006June 16, 2006 Issued by Avista Utilities By Kelly N ,J: :::lnt. State & Federal Regulation I.P.C. No. Second Revision Sheet 62 Replacing First Sheet 62 A VISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 62 . COGENERATION AND SMALL POWER PRODUCTION SCHEDULE - IDAHO AVAILABLE: In all the electric territory served by the Company in the State of Idaho. APPLICABLE: To any Customer who installs and owns facilities on property owned by the Customer for the purposes of generating electric energy in parallel with the Company system. To be eligible under this tariff the facility must qualify as a cogeneration facility or a small power production facility pursuant to Section 201 of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978, or be eligible for the net metering option defined on Sheet 628. For output from qualifying facilities, this tariff will be limited to qualifying facilities with a generation capacity no more than 10 average megawatts in any given month. Customers selling electric energy from a qualifying facility to the Company under this tariff will be required to enter into a written agreement with the Company which may be subject to the approval of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission and the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission. In addition, any such written agreement relying upon the rates in this tariff shall contain language providing for security, if applicable, against the potential overpayment existing should the Customer s generating facilities fail to perform as contracted. DEFINITIONS: Customer" as used herein means any individual, partnership, corporation association, governmental agency, political subdivision , municipality or other entity. Cogeneration facility" means equipment used to produce electric energy and forms of useful thermal energy (such as heat or steam), used for industrial, commercial, heating, or cooling purposes, through the sequential use of energy. Daily Shape Adjustment" means an adjustment to rates based on a difference between on-peak (6 am to 10pm) rates and off-peak (10 pm to 6 am) rates of $5 per megawatt hour. Facility," also referred to as Electrical Generating System (EGS), means the source of electricity owned by the Customer that is located on the Customer s side of the PCC and all facilities ancillary and appurtenant thereto, including interconnection equipment which the Customer requests to interconnect to the Company s distribution system. In-Service Date" means the date on which the Facility and System Modifications (if applicable) are complete and ready for service , even if the Facility is not placed in service on or by that date. Interconnection Service Agreement" is an agreement for interconnection service between the Customer and the Company. The agreement also includes any amendments or supplements thereto entered into by the Customer and the Company. Issued June 16, 2006 Effective July 20, 2006 Issued by Avista Utilities Kelly O. Norwood , State & Federal Regulation I.P.C. No. 28 Second Revision Sheet 62A Replacing First Sheet 62A 62A AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 62 - continued Market Energy Rate" means an energy price that shall be 85 percent (85%) of the weighted average of the daily on-peak and off-peak Dow Jones Mid-Columbia Non-Firm Index (Dow Jones Mid-C Non-Firm Index) prices for non-firm energy. Net metering " means measuring the difference between the electricity supplied by an electric utility and the electricity generated by a customer-generator that is fed back to the electric utility over the applicable billing period. Network Distribution System (Area or Spot)" means the electrical service from a distribution system consisting of one or more primary circuits from one or more substations. or transmission supply points arranged such that they collectively feed secondary circuits serving one (a spot network) or more (an area network) Avista Utilities customers. Point Of Common Coupling (PCC)" means the point where the Customer s local electric power system connects to the Company distribution system, such as the electric power revenue meter or at the location of the equipment designated to interrupt separate or disconnect the connection between the Customer and the Company. Qualifying Facility" is a cogeneration facility or a small power production facility which meets the PURPA criteria from qualification set forth in Subpart B of Part 292 Subchapter K, Chapter 1 , Title 18, of the Code of Federal Regulations. Seasonal Factors" means a seasonal weighting of .84 for the period March through June , and 1.08 for the period July through February. Small power production facility" means the equipment used to produce electric energy solely by the use of biomass, waste , solar power, wind, water or any other renewable resource. POWER RATES: The Company agrees to pay the following rates for the purchase of power from Customers to whom this tariff applies. The following rates are for power delivered to the Company s system. These rates are adjusted periodically and are on file with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. (1 )Standard Fueled Firm Ener Rate - The rates shall apply to natural gas fueled projects depending upon the on-line operation date and term of the agreement when the Customer agrees to supply firm energy deliveries under contract. The fixed component rates shall be fixed for the term of the agreement. The adjustable component rate shall be changed periodically subject to Idaho Public Utility Commission orders. Both the fixed and adjustable rate components are subject to Seasonal Factors and Daily Shape Adjustment. The resultant rate shall be applied to the project output for all kilowatt-hours up to 10 average megawatts in any given month. Issued June 16, 2006 Effective July 20,2006 Issued by Avista Utilities Kelly O. Norwood , State & Federal Regulation Third Revision Sheet 62B Replacing Second Sheets 62BI.P.C. No. 28 Issued by 62B AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 62 Continued (2)tional Fueled Firm Ener Rates for Non-Levelized Contracts - These average rates shall apply to natural gas fueled projects when the Customer agrees to supply firm energy deliveries in each year as specified under a non-Ievelized contract. The fixed component rate shall be fixed for the term of the agreement. The adjustable component rate shall be changed periodically subject to Idaho Public Utility Commission orders. Both the fixed and adjustable rate components are subject to Seasonal Factors and Daily Shape Adjustment. The resultant rate shall be applied to the project output for all kilowatt-hours up to 10 average megawatts in any given month. (3)Nonfirm Ener Rate - The Nonfirm Energy Rate shall be applicable when the Customer agrees to provide energy deliveries on a nonfirm , contracted basis. The Nonfirm Energy Rate shall be the lower of the Firm Energy Rate for Non- Levelized Contracts or the Market Energy Rate. The rate is subject to a Seasonal Factor and Daily Shape Adjustment. Standard Non-Fueled Firm Ener Rates - These rates shall apply depending upon the on-line operation date and term of the agreement when the Customer agrees to supply firm energy deliveries under contract. These rates shall only apply to non-natural gas fueled projects, (e., wind, solar, hydro). The rates shall be fixed for the term of the agreement. The rate is subject to a Seasonal Factor and Daily Shape Adjustment. The resultant rate shall be applied to the project output, for all kilowatt-hours up to 10 average megawatts In any given month. (4) (5) O tional Non-Fueled Firm Ener Rates for Non-Levelized Contracts - These average rates shall apply when the Customer agrees to supply firm energy deliveries in each year as specified under a non-Ievelized contract. These rates shall only apply to non-natural gas fueled projects, (e., wind , solar, hydro). The rates shall be fixed for the term of the agreement. The rate is subject to a Seasonal Factor and Daily Shape Adjustment. The resultant rate shall be applied to the project output, for all kilowatt-hours up to 10 average megawatts In any given month. Issued Effective July 20, 2006June 16, 2006 Avista Utilities Kelly O. Norwood , State & Federal Regulation I.P.C. No.Original Sheet 63 A VISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 63 NET METERING OPTION SCHEDULE -IDAHO AVAILABLE: In all the electric territory served by the Company in the State of Idaho. APPLICABLE: Net metering shall be available to eligible generators who are customers of Avista Utilities on a first-come, first-served basis until the cumulative generating capacity of net metering systems equals 1.52 MW which is 0.1 % (one-tenth of one percent) of the Company s retail peak demand during 1996. Customers electing this option shall be subject to the following terms and conditions. (1) Customer eli ibilit - To be eligible for the net metering option , a customer- generator must own a facility for the production of electrical energy that:(A) Uses as its fuel either solar, wind, biomass or hydropower, or represents fuel cell technology; Has a generating capacity of not more than twenty-five kilowatts; Is located on the customer-generator s premises; Operates in parallel with the electric utility s transmission and distribution facilities; and Is intended primarily to offset part or all of the customer-generator requirements for electricity. (8) (C) (D) (E) Cost to customer-enerator of meterin and interconnection - Customers electing the net metering option shall be interconnected using a standard kilowatt-hour meter capable of registering the flow of electricity in two directions. The costs to the customer-generator include:(A) The Company s basic charge billed under the customer s applicable standard service Schedules 1 , 11 J 21, 25, or 31. The Company is not liable for allowing the attachment of a net metering system , or the acts or omissions of a customer-generator, that causes injury, loss or death to a third party. (2) (8) Issued June 16, 2006 Effective July 24, 2006 Issued by Avista Utilities By Kelly Norwood, ,.vl-' , State & Federal Regulation I.P.C. No. 28 Original Sheet 63A 63A AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 63 - Continued NET METERING OPTION SCHEDULE - IDAHO (3)Standards - The net metering system used by a customer-generator must include , at the customer s own expense, all equipment necessary to meet applicable safety, power quality, and interconnection requirements established by the National Electrical Code, National Electrical Safety Code, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, and Underwriters Laboratories. The Company will measure the net electricity produced or consumed during the billing period, in accordance with normal metering practices. The Company s written approval of the Customer s protection-isolation method to ensure generator disconnection in case of a power interruption from the Company is required before service is provided under this schedule. (4)Balances of eneration and usa e b the customer-enerator -(A) If electricity supplied by the Company exceeds the electricity generated by the customer-generator and fed back to the Company during the billing period , the customer-generator shall be billed for the net electricity supplied by the Company at the customer s standard schedule retail rate in accordance with normal metering practices. If electricity generated by the customer-generator exceeds the electricity supplied by the Company, the customer-generator: (i) Shall be billed for the appropriate customer charges for that billing period , in accordance with section (2)(A), and (ii) Shall be credited for the excess kilowatt-hours generated during the billing period, with this kilowatt-hour credit appearing on the bill for the following billing periods and used to reduce the bill for the following period from the Company. (5) Remainin unused kWh credits - At the beginning of each calendar year, any remaining unused kilowatt-hour credit accumulated during the previous year shallbe granted to the Company, without any compensation to the customer- generator. (B) (6)Reversion to revious service - The customer-generator, upon selecting the net metering option , may not revert to the customer-generator s previous metering system without written agreement by the Company. Issued Effective July 24, 2006June 16 , 2006 Issued by Avista Utilities ~,.. ~y Norwood,, State & Federal Regulation I.P.C. No. First Revision Sheet 70-r Canceling Original Sheet 70-r 70-r AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities IDAHO RULES AND REGULATIONS 27.BUY-BACK OF CUSTOMER POWER-Pumping Service: This offer is available to customers presently taking service under Pumping Service Schedules 31 or 32 who have historically used at least 50 000 kilowatt-hours of electricity for the period of May through September and who can provide a minimum of 25 000 cumulative kilowatt-hour savings during the period of May through September in 2001. Eligible customers will be notified by the Company and must respond to the Company in writing by April 15, 2001 if they wish to participate. Participants must acknowledge that this tariff influenced their decision to reduce their energy consumption. The Company will pay participants who exceed 50 000 kilowatt-hours of reduced energy usage ten (10) cents for each kilowatt-hour of reduced energy usage. Participants who do not achieve 000 kilowatt-hours of savings but exceed 25 000 kilowatt-hours will be paid five (5) cents for each kilowatt-hour of reduced energy usage. Participants who do not achieve 000 kilowatt-hours of reduced energy usage will not receive any payment for energy saved. The amount of reduced energy usage will be determined by subtracting the customer s total energy usage for May through September, 2001 from the annual average of the customer s total energy usage during May through September for the preceding five years. If the customer does not have five prior years of billing history, the Company will utilize the billing history available for all prior May through September periods. The customer must have at least one prior billing history period of May through September available in order to be eligible. The customer s May through September usage will be determined based on the customer s first five normal monthly billings occurring on or after May 15th and ending prior to October 31 st. Verification of energy savings and payment to customers will occur after October 31 , 2001. This rule expires on October 31 , 2001. 28.INTERCONNECTION STANDARDS A. General Conditions - The following states the general conditions and requirements and technical specifications for the safe and reliable operation of interconnected Customer-owned generating facilities , 25 kW or less in capacity, that are intended to generate energy to serve all or a part of the Customer s load or for purchase by the Company.(1) Electrical Generation S stems 25 kW and Smaller Any electrical generating facility with a maximum electrical generating capacity of 25 kW or less, including rotating machines (synchronous or induction generators) with nameplate rating of no more than 25 kVA, must Issued June 16, 2006 Effective July 20, 2006 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy Kelly Norwood ~M ..,..,., VP, State & Federal Regulation I.P.C. No.Original Sheet 70-s 70-s A VISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities IDAHO RULES AND REGULATIONS - continued comply with these standards to be eligible to connect and operate in parallel with the Company s distribution system. (2) A lication - Each Customer seeking to interconnect qualifying generation must fill out and submit an application , available on the Company s website or by contacting the Company. Information must be accurate, complete, and the application must be approved by the Company prior to installing the generating facility. Customers will be charged an interconnection application fee of $100. (3) A lication Prioritization - All generation interconnection requests for facilities 25 kW or less from Customers will be prioritized by the Company the same as any new load requests. Preference will not be given to either request type. The Company will process the application and provide interconnection in a time frame consistent with other service connections.(4) Interconnection A reement- Prior to interconnection all qualifying Customers must obtain a Certificate of Completion and sign an appropriate Interconnection Agreement (documents available on the Company s website or by contacting the Company). This Agreement between the Company and the Customer outlines the interconnection standards, billing and revenue agreements , and on-going maintenance and operation requirements.(5) Unauthorized Connections - For the purposes of public and working personnel safety, any non-approved generation interconnections discovered will be immediately disconnected from the Company s system.(6) Dedicated Distribution Transformer - To ensure reliable service to all the Company s Customers and to minimize possible problems for other Customers , the Company will review the need for a dedicated-to-single-customer distribution transformer. Interconnecting generation under 25 kW may require a separate transformer. If the Company requires a dedicated distribution transformer, the Customer shall pay for all costs of the new transformer and related facilities. Issued June 16, 2006 Effective July 20, 2006 Issued by Avista Utilities ,JM :::; No~ood,VP, State & Federal Regulation I.P.C. No.Original Sheet 70-70- AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities IDAHO RULES AND REGULATIONS - continued (7)Meterin (a) Net Meterin : The Company shall install , own and maintain a kilowatt-hour meter, or meters, as the Company may deem necessary, capable of registering the bi-directional flow of electricity at the Point of Common Coupling at a level of accuracy that meets all applicable standards, regulations and statutes. The meter(s) may measure such parameters as time of delivery, power factor, voltage and such other parameters as the Company shall specify. The Customer shall provide space for metering equipment. It will be the Customer responsibility to provide the current transformer enclosure (if required), meter socket(s) and junction box after the Customer has submitted his/her drawings and equipment specifications for the Company s approval. The Company may approve other generating sources for net metering but is not required to do so. (b) Production Meterin : The Company may require separate metering for production. This meter will record all generation produced and may be billed separately from any net metering or customer usage metering. The Customer shall pay all costs associated with the installation of production metering.(8) Labelin Common labeling furnished or approved by the Company and accordance with National Electric Code (NEC) requirements must be posted on meter bases, disconnects, and transformers informing working personnel that generation is operating at or is located on the premises.(9) Insurance & Liabilit Generation facilities permitted under these standards may require additional insurance and indemnification. Qualifying generation must meet these interconnection standards and maintain compliance with these standards during operation. (10) Future Modification or Ex ansion- Prior to any future modification or expansion of the customer-owned generating facility, the Customer must obtain the Company s review and approval. The Company reserves the right to require the Customer, at the Customer s expense , to provide corrections or additions to existing electrical devices in the event of modification of government or industry regulations and standards. Issued June 16, 2006 Effective July 20, 2006 Issued by :xu, &.rrIh/ Avista Utilities Kelly Norwood,, State & Federal Regulation I.P.C. No.Original Sheet 70-u 70-u A VISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities IDAHO RULES AND REGULATIONS - continued (11) The Com s S stem Ca acit For the overall safety and protection of the Company s system the interconnection of generation for net metering shall be limited to 0.1 % of the Company s peak demand during 1996. Additionally, interconnection of qualified customer-owned generation to individual distribution feeders will be limited to 10% of the feeder s peak capacity. However, it is at the discretion of the Company to allow additional generation interconnection beyond these stated limits. (12) Customer-Owned E ment Protection- It is the responsibility of the Customer to protect their facilities, loads and equipment and comply with the requirements of all appropriate standards codes , statutes and authorities. (13) Interconnection Costs - Additional costs above and beyond the application fee, if any, will be cost based and applied as appropriate at the Customer s cost. For example, costs may be incurred for transformers, production meters, and the Company testing, qualification, and approval of non-UL 1741 listed equipment. B. Technical S ecifications - The following sets forth the technical specifications and conditions that must be met to interconnect non-Avista Utilities- owned electric generation, 25 kW or less , for parallel operation with the distribution system of the Company.(1) General Interconnection Re uirements - (a) Any Facility desiring to interconnect with the Company Electrical Power System (EPS) or modify an existing interconnection must meet all minimum specifications applicable, as set forth in the following documents and standards and requirements in this Section in their most current approved version at the time of interconnection. (b) The specifications and requirements listed herein are intended to mitigate possible adverse impacts caused by the Facility on the Company s equipment and personnel and on other customers of the Company. They are not intended to address protection of the Facility itself or its internal load. It is the responsibility of the Facility to comply with the requirements of all appropriate standards, codes statutes and authorities to protect itself and its loads. Issued June 16, 2006 Effective July 20, 2006 Issued by Avista Utilities ~ ~ .:::; Norwood., State & Federal Regulation I.P.C. No.Original Sheet 70-v 70-v A VISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities IDAHO RULES AND REGULATIONS - continued (c) The specifications and requirements listed herein shall apply generally to the non-Avista Utilities-owned electric generation equipment to which this standard and agreement(s) apply throughout the period encompassing the Customer s installationtesting and commissioning, operation, maintenance decommissioning and removal of said equipment. The Company may verify compliance at any time, with reasonable notice. (d) The Customer will comply with the following requirements in this Section. At its sole discretion , the Company may approve alternatives that satisfy the intent of, and/or may excuse compliance with, any specific elements of the requirements contained in this Section. (2) (1 )Code and Standards. Customer shall conform to all applicable codes and standards for safe and reliable operation. Among these are the National Electric Code (NEC), National Electric Safety Code (NESC), the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), American National Standards Institute (ANSI), and Underwriters Laboratories (UL) standards, and local state and federal building codes. The Customer shall be responsible to obtain all applicable permit(s) for the equipment installations on their property. Safet . All safety and operating procedures for joint use equipment shall be in compliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Standard 29, CFR 1910.269, the NEC, and the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IDAPA) rules. Power Qualit . Installations will be in compliance with all applicable standards including IEEE Standard 519-1992 Harmonic Limits. (2) (3) Inverter Based Interconnection Re uirements as A licable: (a) IEEE Std 1547-2003 Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems. (b) UL Standard 1741 , Inverters, Converters, and Controllers for Use in Independent Power Systems - Equipment must be UL listed. (0) IEEE Standard 929-2000, IEEE Recommended Practice for the Company Interface of Photo voltaic (PV) Systems. Issued June 16, 2006 Effective July 20, 2006 Issued by Avista Utilities By ,../,.. ::.:;orwood , State & Federal Regulation I.P.C. No.Original Sheet 70-w 70-w A VISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities IDAHO RULES AND REGULATIONS - continued (3) Non Inverter Based Interconnection Re uirements - The Application for such Interconnection may require more detailed Company review testing, and approval, at Customer cost, of the equipment proposed to be installed to ensure compliance with applicable standards including: (a) IEEE Std 1547-2003 Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems. (b) ANSI Standard C37., IEEE Standard for Relays and Relay Systems Associated with Electric Power Apparatus. (c) Customers proposing such interconnection may also required to submit a power factor mitigation plan for- the Company review and approval. ecific Interconnection Re uirements - (a) Visible/Lockable Disconnect. Customer shall furnish and install on Customer s side of meter a UL approved safety disconnect switch which shall be capable of fully disconnecting the Customer s energy generating equipment from the Company electric service. The disconnect switch shall be located adjacent to the Company meters and shall be of the visible break type in a metal enclosure which can be secured by a padlock. The disconnect switch shall be accessible to the Company personnel at all times. This requirement may be waived by the Company if: (1) Customer provides interconnection equipment that Customer can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Company, performs physical disconnection of the generating equipment supply internally; and , (2) Customer agrees that its service may be disconnected entirely if generating equipment must be physically disconnected for any reason. The Company shall have the right to disconnect the Facility from the Company s supply at the disconnect switch when necessary to maintain safe electrical operating conditions or, if the Facility does not meet required standards or, if the Facility at any time adversely affects the Company s operation of its electrical system or the qualityof the Company service to other customers. (b) Volta e and Phasin . Nominal voltage and phase configuration of Customer generation must be compatible to the Company system at the Point of Common Coupling (PCC). (4) Issued June 16, 2006 Effective July 20, 2006 Issued by Avista Utilities ~ ~ ;::;IY NorNood , State & Federal Regulation I.P.C. No.Original Sheet 70-x 70-x A VISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities IDAHO RULES AND REGULATIONS - continued (c) Interconnection to secondary Network Distribution System (distribution systems with multiple sources of secondary supply). Customer must provide evidence that their generation will never result in reverse current flow through the Company s Network Protectors. All instances of interconnection to secondary Distribution Networks shall require review and written pre-approval by designated Company engineering staff. Interconnection to distribution secondary area networks is not allowed. Closed Transition Transfer Switches are not allowed in secondary Network Distribution Systems. Issued June 16, 2006 Effective July 20, 2006 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy Kelly Norwood, ,J,.. , State & Federal Regulation