HomeMy WebLinkAbout20061011Comments.pdfvi jlrl-k-. /y..vfIi 't.-1'- .V/J lCI /II () it ~/;; Ji,V ---- i,;) C,'VI\..Mo'V14 Thompson River Lumber Company of Montana, Inc. Roger L. Claridge, President 155 7th Avenue West North O. Box 7338 Kalispell, MT 59904-0338 Mail: lhcroger~centurvte1.net Phone: (406) 758-6405 Fax: (406) 758-6414 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT PETITION OF A VISTA CORPORATION AND THOMPSON RIVER CO-GEN, LLC FOR APPROVAL OF A POWER PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT COMMENTS OF THOMPSON RIVER LUMBER COMPANY OF MONT ANA INC. Case No.: A VU-05- Thompson River Lumber Company of Montana, Inc. ("TRL"), through its President Roger L. Claridge, hereby submits these comments with respect to the Joint Petition filed in this proceeding on August 31 , 2006, by A vista Corporation ("A vista ) and Thompson River Co-Gen, LLC ("TRC" As explained below, TRL owns the land on which TRC's co-generation plant is located, and TRL and TRC are in the process of addressing issues with respect to their contractual relationships, but the parties have not completed their efforts in this regard. Therefore, because of the October 6; 2006, deadline for submitting comments on the Joint Petition, TRL felt it necessary to submit these comments to protect its interests. These comments are submitted pursuant to the "Notice of Contract Filing" issued by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission ) dated September 7, 2006. Comments of Thompson River Lumber Company of Montana, Inc. Page 1 The Joint Petition relates to a co-generation plant owned by TRC near Thompson Falls, Montana. TRL is the owner of the land on which the plant is located. TRL owns and operates an adjacent lumber mill- also on the same area orland owned by TRL - and TRL leases the portion of the land on which the plant is located to TRC pursuant to a Lease Agreement dated October 3, 2002, between TRL and TRC ("Lease Agreement" Contemporaneous with entering into the Lease Agreement, TRL and TRC entered into a Power and Steam Supply Agreement, also dated October 3 , 2002 ("PSSA") whereby TRC is to provide the lumber mill with electricity and steam as requested by TRL (subject to the terms of the PSSA). Therefore, TRL has been and will continue to be a purchaser of TRC's generation in addition to A vista. (The maximum amount of electricity TRC is obligated to deliver is two megawatt hours during any hour or 15 million kilowatt hours during any year.) Therefore the sentence in the Notice of Contract Filing that states: "Avista will be the sole purchaser of TRC' s generation" in incorrect. The proposed A vista- TRC Power Purchase Agreement ("PPA") recognizes TRL as a purchaser ofTRC's generation in the definition of "Net Available Output" (Section 1.14), which defines that term as "all electric energy generated by the Facility, net of Facility Service Power net of power delivered to Thompson River Lumber Company. an adjacent separately owned business, net of transformation losses." (emphasis added) The PP A only has one other reference to TRL, in Section 23., which states: (EJxecution of the Agreement shall not be deemed to waive any party's right to object to the issuance of any water right or permit to or on account of Project Developer or Thompson River Lumber Company. Comments of Thompson River Lumber Company of Montana, Inc. Page 2 Because the PP A only contains two brief references to TRL, TRL is submitting these comments so that the Commission understands the relationship between TRL and TRC. At the time the Lease Agreement and the PSSA were signed, TRC had a power purchase agreement with Northwestern Energy, which was referenced in both the Lease Agreement and the PSSA. The NorthWestern Energy power purchase agreement has since been terminated, and various other developments have occurred since then, and these developments have raised various issues between TRL and TRC. TRL and TRC are currently in the process of addressing these issues, including working on an amendment to the Lease Agreement. Based on recent discussions between TRL and TRC, TRL believes it will be able to satisfactorily address such issues with TRC. However, because TRL is still in the process of addressing these issues, until they are completed, TRL felt it necessary to protect its interests and submit these comments. The Joint Petition does not explain or recognize TRL's interests in relation to TRC or the PP A (except for the two references to TRL in the PPA noted above). TRL felt the Commission should be aware of the fact that TRL owns the land the co-generation plant is located on, and that TRL is a purchaser of the plant's generation (and steam). An example of the relevance of this to the PPA is that the PPA has a long section on Avista s step-in rights (Section 7.4). These rights allow Avista to "step in" and operate the co-generation plant under certain circumstances, but this section does not address the fact that TRL owns the land the plant is on, so Avista would be coming on TRL's land if it exercised these rights. Also, this section does not address the obligations of the plant to supply electricity and steam to TRL pursuant to the PSSA, or the obligation to make lease payments to TRL under the Lease Agreement. Comments of Thompson River Lumber Company of Montana, Inc. Page 3 In conclusion, while TRL hopes to satisfactorily address its various issues with TRC given the deadline for submitting comments in this proceeding, TRL is submitting these comments to protect its interests. DATED this day of October, 2006. THOMPSON RIVER LUMBER COMPANY OF MONTANA, INC. ~~~~) ~~~:;Z + - J'/By, ;.~" ..-' 9 - . Claridge;P'resid~ Comments of Thompson River Lumber Company of Montana, Inc, Page 4 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this lo~day of October, 2006, the Comments of Thompson River Lumber Company of Montana, Inc. was sent to the following parties as shown: Jean Jewell ( ) U.S, Mail, Postage Prepaid Commission Secretary ( ) Hand Delivered Idaho Public Utilities Commission ( ) Overnight Mail 472 West Washington ( ) Facsimile Boise, ID 83702 (X) Electronic Mail (via the comments page sent to E-mail: jjewell&!,uc,state.id.the Idaho PUC webmaster) Scott Woodbury ( ) U.S, Mail, Postage Prepaid Idaho Public Utilities Commission ( ) Hand Delivered 472 West Washington ( ) Overnight Mail Boise, ID 83702 ( ) Facsimile E-mail: swoodbury~puc.state.id,(X) Electronic Mail (via the comments page sent to the Idaho PUC webmaster) Peter J, Richardson ( ) U.S, Mail, Postage Prepaid Richardson & O'Leary PLLC ( ) Hand Delivered 515 N, 27th Street ( ) Ovemight Mail Boise, ID 83702 ( ) Facsimile Mail: peter~chardsonandoleary.com (X) Electronic Mail Mike Uda ( ) U.S, Mail, Postage Prepaid Doney Crowley Blomquist Payne & Uda ( ) Hand Delivered Suite 200 ( ) Overnight Mail Diamond Block ( ) Facsimile Helena, MT 59601 (X) Electronic Mail E-mail: muda~doneylaw.com David J. Meyer ( ) U.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid Vice President, Chief Counsel for Regulatory ( ) Hand Delivered And Governmental Affairs ( ) Overnight Mail Avista Corporation ( ) Facsimile O. Box 3727 (X) Electronic Mail 1411 E. Mission Avenue Spokane, W A 99220-3727 Mail: dmeyeriW.avistacorp,com R. Blair Strong ( ) U.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid Paine, Hamblen, Coffm, Brooke ( ) Hand Delivered & Miller LLP ( ) Overnight Mail 717 W, Sprague Avenue, Suite 1200 ( ) Facsimile Spokane, WA 99201-3505 (X) Electronic Mail E-mail: r.blair,strong&!,ainehamblen,com Comments of Thompson River Lumber Company of Montana, Inc, Page 5 Jean Jewell /~i1z, l.fVV" , ' jU/111 v .tr~-r"" I/' /fo ' , 1.v f;J Lf'ltVWvv?' S H From: Sent: To: Subject: Tonya Clark Wednesday, October 11 , 2006 7:41 AM Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness FW: Cogeneration Plant in Thompson Falls -----Original Message----- From: yswolf~montana. com (mailto: yswolf~montana. comJ Sent: Thursday, October OS, 2006 1:39 PM To: Tonya Clark Subj ect: Cogeneration Plant in Thompson Falls To: tclark~puc.state.id. Comments Re: Thompson River Cogen and Avista Utili ties Case #: AVU-E-05-07 To: Commission Secretary Idaho Public UtilitiesP. O. Box 83720 Boise, 10 83720-0074 Fax: 208-334-3762 Commission To the Idaho PUC: Please oppose the purchase agreement between Avista Utilities and ThompsonRi ver Cogen. ) The operation of Thompson River Cogen will adversely affect the environment and public health in Thompson Falls. The plant will burncoal which will add to local mercury contamination - which has already caused fish consumption warnings to be issued for the local Noxon Reservoir. In addition, modeling indicates that ambient particulate pollution - associated with respiratory disease, heart disease and increased rates of death - will likely increase by 350 percent in thearea. 2) The facility is not being welcomed by the local community. Every hearing and public meeting on the Thompson Falls Cogen has been packed with unhappy neighbors expressing their frustration with the process and the pollution from the facility. The promises of economic development and good jobs for the community have not been fulfilled - as most of the jobs associated with the operations of the plant went to trained operators brought in from out of state. 3) Thompson River Cogen has repeatedly demonstrated itself as a Bad Actorfacility. It failed its first and only compliance source tests for S02 and NOx - and has been issued nearly $1 million in fines for violating environmental laws. TRC lost the backing to a significant loan issued by the Montana Board of Investment (BOI) when it was discovered that the Cogen had not secured all the necessary permits it was required to have to receive the loan. Thompson River Cogen still has not secured its water right for the facility, or its water discharge permit. TRC' s air quality permit is also being appealed. 4) The community has little faith in the upper management of TRC. Barry Bates, a partner in TRC, has recently been indicted for federal tax fraud. TRC has been unwilling to pay local property taxes owed to the county.Promises to the community have simply not been kept. 5) Earlier this year, Idaho s Governor Kempthorne passed a two-year moratorium on the building or permitting of any coal-fired power plants in the state of Idaho. Avista Utili ties should not be sidestepping this moratorium by purchasing coal-fired power for use in Idaho that is generated just beyond the state s border. Sincerely, Jeff Smith O. Box 7192 Missoula, MT 59807 i.A ...' tJ'V 1/ f"" ' I' ... ..Jt Ifr'" v'liJ 1+ '~-Y\A'\'-vv I J (...F . ) H Page 1 of 2 Jean Jewell From: Tonya Clark Sent: Wednesday, October 11 , 2006 7:37 AM To: Jean JewellCc: Gene Fadness Subject: FW: Comments Re: Case #: AVU-05-, Thompson River Cogen and Avista Utilities ----- Original Message----- From: N. S. Weaver (mailto:chip(Q)shubes.netJ Sent: Friday, October 06 20065:10 PM To: Tonya Clark Subject: Comments Re: Case #: AVU-E-05-, Thompson River Cogen and Avista Utilities Comments Re: Thompson River Cogen and A vista Utilities Case #: A VU-05- To: Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 To the Idaho PUC: I am writing to suggest you proceed with great caution and care in considering the approval of the purchase agreement between Avista Utilities and Thompson River Cogen. Please take into account the following, which highlights some of the concerns shared by many of the local citizens. ) The operation of Thompson River Cogen will have serious and significant negative impacts on the community of Thompson Falls. The plant will bum predominantly coal in an area prone to valley inversions. Among other things, this will add to local mercury contamination - which has already caused fish consumption warnings to be issued for the local Noxon Reservoir. In addition, modeling indicates that ambient particulate pollution - associated with respiratory disease, heart disease and increased rates of death - wi1llikely increase by 350% in the area. According to the Thompson Falls newspaper, TRC touted that the local air quality would improve, once their plant becomes operational; it would replace the lumber mill's dated boilers. Based on infonnation provided in the many versions of their air quality permit, the air quality will actually be much worse even ifTRC complies with the conditions of their air quality permit. And the reality is worse yet, since TRC has repeatedly violated the terms of their permits! 2) TRC was originally introduced to the community as a boon for economic development and significant new jobs for the local workforce. This was misleading, to say the least - most of the ultimately few jobs associated with the operations of the plant went to trained operators brought in from out of state. While the existing jobs at the small local lumber mill are very important, this coal plant does not seem to be key in sustaining them. The concept of stabilizing the mill's energy costs is a good one, as is the 10/11/2006 Page 2 of2 concept of providing more jobs for locals. While these seemed to be original objectives of this project it turns out that TRC does not effectively target these objectives after all! Hearings and public meetings about TRC have been filled with concerned citizens expressing their frustration with the process, and with the proposed pollution that is the remaining significant impact to the area. The facility seems to present far more problems than solutions. 3) Thompson River Cogen has repeatedly demonstrated itself as a Bad Actor facility. It has been issued nearly $2 million in fIDes for violating environmental laws. TRC lost the backing to a significant loan issued by the Montana Board of Investment (BOI) when it was discovered that TRC had not in fact secured all the necessary permits it was required to have to receive the loan. It appears that issues still remain unresolved with respect to the plant's appropriate water access and waste discharge. Also, TRC's air quality pennit is being appealed. In the newspapers, we can read that TRC claims to be committed to operating in full compliance. We can also read about the significant violations and fIDes. Does TRC understand what is actually required to operate legally? TRC continues to establish for itself a poor track record in this community. Promises to the community have simply not been kept. TRC continues to appeal its property taxes. It is to the point where is is not surprising to read in the paper that Barry Bates, a partner in TRC, has recently been charged with failing to file federal income tax returns for five years. 4) Idaho s Governor Kempthorne has passed a two-year moratorium on the building or pennitting of any coal-fired power plants in the state ofIdaho. Avista Utilities should not be sidestepping this moratorium by purchasing coal-fired power for use in Idaho that is generated just beyond the state border. 5) Finally, why should Idaho rate payers be paying a premium for the same power that would have been sold to Montana rate payers for less (under TRC's NorthWestern Energy contract)? "Higher rates when necessary, should be facilitating something truly beneficial - such as the development of renewable, clean energy technology - not rewarding what looks to be a poorly planned/executed coal plant. We appreciate the Idaho PUC's role in reviewing purchase agreements in Idaho and thank you for your serious consideration of these comments. Sincerely, Noel Weaver PO Box 789 Thompson Falls, MT 59873 10/11/2006 t4v 1- ,/1.-- . "'-. r--- /~ Ij-V.c/) '" t1 Page 1 of2 Jean Jewell From: Tonya Clark Sent: Wednesday, October 11 , 2006 7:36 AM To: Jean Jewell Cc: Gene Fadness Subject: FW: one day late ----- Original Message----- From: Lisa Hardiman (mailto:lisa-hardiman(9)bresnan.net) Sent: Saturday, October 07 2006 11:18 AM To: Tonya Clark Subject: one day late Please accept this comment as it is one day late To: Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities O. Box 83720 Boise, 10 83720-0074 Fax: 208-334-3762 Commission To the Idaho PUC: I am writing to ask you to oppose the purchase agreement between Avista Utili ties and Thompson River Cogen. There are many reasons why this agreement should not be approved: ) The operation of Thompson River Cogen will have serious and significant environmental and public health impacts to the community of Thompson Falls. The plant will burn predominantly coal which will add to local mercury contamination - which has already caused fish consumption warnings to be issued for the local Noxon Reservoir. In addition, modeling indicates that ambient particulate pollution - associated with respiratory disease, heart disease and increased rates of death - will likely increase by 350% in the area. 2) The facility is not being welcomed by the local community. Every hearing and public meeting on the Thompson Falls Cogen has been packed with unhappy neighbors expressing their frustration with the process and the pollution from the facility. The promises of economic development and good jobs for the community have not been fulfilled - as most of the jobs associated with the operations of the plant went to trained operators brought in from out of state. 3) Thompson River Cogen has repeatedly demonstrated itself as a Bad Actor facility. It failed its first and only compliance source tests for S02 and NOx - and has been issued nearly $1 million in fines for violating environmental laws. TRC lost the backing to a significant loan issued by the Montana Board of Investment (BOI) when it was discovered that the Cogen had not secured all the necessary permits it was required to have to receive the loan. Thompson River Cogen still has not secured its water right for the facility, or its water discharge permit. TRC's air quality permit is also being appealed. 10/11/2006 4) The community has little faith in the upper management of TRC. Barry Bates, a partner in TRC, has recently been indicted for federal tax fraud. TRC has been unwilling to pay local property taxes owedto the county. Promises to the community have simply not been kept. 5) Earlier this year, Idaho s Governor Kempthorne passed a two-year moratorium on the building or permitting of any coal-fired power plants in the state of Idaho. Avista Utili ties should not be sidestepping this moratorium by purchasing coal-fired power for use in Idaho that is generated just beyond the state s border. We appreciate the Idaho PUC' s role in reviewing purchase agreements in Idaho and thank you for your serious consideration of these comments. Sincerely, Lisa Lotte Hardiman 3726 4th Ave. North Great Falls, MT 59401 10/11/2006 Page 2 of 2 Jean Jewell ' .A f!rvl1- ,.q",-,"', . jf.i/~/tu ))Vi.. /1a t..~ VlVVWt4) . From: Sent: To: Subject: jean polequaptewa Ueanpolequaptewa~yahoo.com) Friday, October 06 , 2006 6:58 AM T onya Clark Comment To: Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities o. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Fax: 208-334-3762 Commission To the Idaho PUC: We are writing to ask you to oppose the purchase agreement between Avista Utilities and Thompson River Cogen. There aremany reasons why this agreement should not be approved: ) The operation of Thompson River Cogen will have serious and significant environmental and public health impacts to the community of Thompson Falls. The coal which will add to local mercury contamination - which has already caused fish consumption warnings to be issued for the local Noxon Reservoir. In addition, modeling indicates that ambientparticulate pollution - associated with respiratory disease, heart disease andincreased rates of death - will likely increase by 350% in thearea. plant will burn predominantly 2) The facility is not being welcomed by the local communi ty. Every hearing and public meeting on the Thompson Falls Cogen has been packed withfrustration process andpromises of economic development and good jobs for the community have not been fulfilled - as most of the jobs associated with the operations of the plant went to trained operators brought in from out ofstate. unhappy neighbors expressing their wi th the the pollution from the facility. The 3) Thompson River Cogen has repeatedly demonstrated itself as a Bad Actor facility. It failed its first and only compliance source tests for S02 and NOx - and has been issued nearly $1 million in fines for violating environmental laws. TRC lost the backing toa significant loan issued by the Montana Board of Investment (BOI) when it was discovered that the Cogen had not secured all the necessary permits it was required to have to receive the loan.Ri ver Cogen still has not secured its water right for the facility, or its water discharge permit. TRC's air quality permit is being appealed. Thompson also 4) The community has little faith in the upper management of TRC. Barry Bates, a partner in TRC, has recently been indicted for federal tax fraud. TRC has been unwilling to pay local property taxes owedto the county. Promises to the community have simplynot been kept. 5) Earlier this year, Idaho s Governor Kempthornepassed a two-year moratorium on the building or permitting of any coal-fired power plants in the state of Idaho. Avista Utilities should not be sidestepping this moratorium by purchasing coal-fired power for use in Idaho that is generated just beyond the stateborder. We appreciate the Idaho PUC' s role in reviewing purchase agreements in Idaho and thank you for your serious consideration of these comments. Sincerely, Jean & Honani Polequaptewa P . 0 . Box 447 Thompson Falls, Mt 59873 Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection aroundhttp: / /mail. yahoo. com Jf~~if\\U" y./'/~ f~v ./ i.J t.""\'\A'VVV;) ~ H' Page 1 of 1 Jean Jewell From: fred fagan (tfI3686~blackfoot.net) Sent: Friday, October 06, 2006 12:22 PMTo: Tonya Clark Subject: TRC It is my opinion that TRC is a big enviormental mistake. The valley where TRC is located has winter time inversions that will concentrate all the emmissions in this area and also in the Idaho panhandle, This would be the cost of a temporary cheaper electrical supply, The methyl mercury in the water/river system is already above the safe zone, and is going to get worse naturally due to the massive output from the wildlands fires, Why encouragea business to add to this problem? Thank you for your time,Sincerely, Fred Fagan 5433 Mt hwy200 Thompson Falls, Mt 406-827 -3686 tfI3686 (Qtb I a ckfoot. net 10/1112006 i"" "'" :0/' Jean Jewell v~ ;~v'I~ iv'\VINV'v? From: Sent: To: Subject: Dewey Ross Duffel (duffel~blackfoot.net) Friday, October 06, 2006 10:29 AM Tonya Clark Comments He: Thompson River Cogen and Avista Utilities To: Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission P. O. Box 83720 Boise, 10 83720-0074 Fax: 208-334-3762 Re: Thompson River Cogen and Avista Utili ties Case #: AVU-E-05-07 I am writing to ask you to carefully consider for rejection the proposal to purchase power from Avista Utilities which originate at Thompson River Cogen. It is not in the best ecological or health interests of a small and poorly vented valleyto have a coal fired plant. I believe that Idaho PUD has serious concerns about buying electricity from coal firedplants. The equipment in this plant is old and the startup procedures and equipment operation are still not finished to the satisfaction of Montana state regulators. The management I s Green , that is sourced wood and applied for coal stated that does history includes leading the local public to believe the plant would be that it would burn local after garnering limited public support for a wood fired boiler it instead burning permits and has not intend to burn any wood for its heat source. Thanking you for your consideration in this matter. Sincerely yours; Dewey Duffel 1480 Blue Slide Rd. Thompson Falls, MT 59873-9410 My residence is located about 14 miles N.W. of Thompson River Cogen. duffel~blackfoot. net u"'~ /+Ji.. IJI r;r do" .! -:; A.V ('1; L~'~-Page 1 of I Jean Jewell From: Tonya Clark Sent: Wednesday, October 11 2006 7:28 AMTo: Jean JewellCc: Gene Fadness Subject: FW: Stop the purchase agreement ----- Original Message----- From: Carl & Anna Herman (mailto:anamt(Q)earthlink.net) Sent: Thursday, October OS 2006 1:26 PM To: Tonya Clark Subject: Stop the purchase agreement The Thompson River is beautiful I don t want Avista Utilities to purchase energy from the Thompson River. It will cause to much polution . I'm tired of money being more important than the enviroment. A Tax payer inSanders County , Marianne Herrmann 10/1112006 t-Nt. , .If c: 0-i(;i,'l ~ i A-v,If;. (nlL'vvwJ I k Page 1 of2 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: T onya Clark Wednesday, October 11 , 2006 7:28 AM Jean JewellCc: Gene Fadness Subject: FW: Thompson River Cogen and Avista Utilities ----- Original Message----- From: Becky Flint (mailto:stormannorman59(Qjrockisland.comJ Sent: Friday, October 06 2006 1:01 PM To: Tonya Clark Cc: dmeyer(Qjavistacorp.com Subject: Thompson River Cogen and Avista Utilities To: Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission Box 83720 Boise, 10 83720-0074 I am writing to you to oppose the purchase agreement between Avista Utilities and Thompson River Cogen. I am a home owner in Thompson Falls, It has been my experience and observation that the folks down at the Cogen Plant fail to recognize the value of honesty and integrity. They sold us a bill of goods to get their foot in the door and reneged on everything as well as misleading us about the hazards. I understand that Avista owns the water rights. It appears that if Cogen manages to manipulate ONRC for water rights than it will be consuming water that would other wise be used by Avista who produces power via a cleaner method, This is a conflict of interest and practical sense, The Cogen plant is built on top of an aquifer that supplies many families including ours with water, Currently there is no requirement for Cogen to line there waste ponds. Where is the logic in this? Please do not support this practice by purchasing their product. Children inhale and exhale 2 t01 more than an adult. Our children in this community will be exposed to twice as much waste. The statistics are staggering as to the health impact. According to Eric Merchants at OEQ the fine Cogen received was extreme because their violation was very extreme and blatant. Eric said" Fines like Theirs (Cogen) are rare and are not given out because they are doing things right. There is a reason they got their fine," Is this the kind of player you want on your team? Please help us protect our children as your Governor is trying to do for the people in Idaho by passing a moratorium on coal burning power plants, It has been my experience that most people living in Thompson Falls have their plates full with day to day living. Only a small percentage have the time let alone the resources and comprehension to be a voice when and where it counts, Please understand that for every letter you receive there are many many more who are not afforded the luxury to be a voice. I appreciate your position in reviewing purchase agreements and thank you for your time and consideration of these comments. Sincerly, Norman Flint 10/1112006 Reject power purchase agreement with Thompson River Co-gen ;'" iv ,./~ lrv" '-" II (. p l. .,/ /- ...+ jut 4""" Jean Jewell Page 1 of 1 L~-1'V'V1VV) From: Tonya Clark Sent: Wednesday, October 11 , 2006 7:27 AMTo: Jean JewellCc: Gene Fadness Subject: FW: Reject power purchase agreement with Thompson River Co-gen -----Original Message----- From: Anne Hedges (mailto:ahedges(Qjmeic.org) Sent: Friday, October 06 2006 12:41 PM To: Tonya Clark Cc: peter(Qjrichardsonandoleary.com; muda(Qjdoneylaw.com; dmeyer(Qjavistacorp.com Subject: Reject power purchase agreement with Thompson River Co-gen October 6, 2006 Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission O, Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Fax: 208-334-3762 The Montana Environmental Infonnation Center is a nonprofit member supported organization dedicated to protecting and restoring Montana s natural environment. By connecting itself to Thompson River Co-gen (TRC), Avista will find itselffaced with uncertainty in its baseload power supply, MEIC is urging you to oppose the purchase agreement. TRC has a track record of violating the law, bait-and-switch tactics with regulators, and subsequent shut downs because of its failure to comply with regulatory requirements in an honest and straightforward manner. TRC failed its first and only compliance source tests for S02 and NOx, It has received a fIDe of nearly $1 million for environmental violations, In Montana, this was one of the largest fines in the state s history, TRC lost the backing to a significant loan issued by the Montana Board ofInvestment (BOI) because it had not complied with the law, In addition, TRC still has not secured its water right or its water discharge pennit. In addition, there is uncertainty over the air quality pennit that the company has recently received, The BACT analysis was flawed and the pennit is being appealed, TRC is a bad actor, Difficulties seem to follow this company because oftheir poor attitude toward complying with the law, This will become nothing but an albatross around the neck of A VISTA and ratepayers in the area, We urge you to take your role seriously and deny the purchase agreement. Protect Idaho consumers and the public health of those living downwind of this bad actor, Sincerely, Anne Hedges Program Director Montana Environmental Infonnation Center O, Box 1184 Helena, MT 59624 (406) 443-2520 fax: (406) 443-2507 ahedges~meic,org http://www,meic,org 10/11/2006 Thompson River Cogen and Avista Utilities Case #: A VU-05- /~~ H-."I~ yI~ I..\.V .I ~ C,n'\ll.;vwVJ if IC I ' I V - /)0'1/',..1 Jean Jewell Page 1 of2 From: Tonya Clark Sent: Wednesday, October 20067:25 To: Jean JewellCc: Gene Fadness Subject: FW: Thompson River Cogen and Avista Utilities Case #: AVU-05- -----Original Message----- From: Jennifer Swearingen (mailto:parkside(Qjbigsky.net) Sent: Thursday, October OS 2006 3:40 PM To: Tonya Clark Subject: Thompson River Cogen and Avista Utilities Case #: AVU-Os- To: Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Fax: 208-334-3762 To the Idaho PUC: I am writing to ask you to oppose the purchase agreement between Avista Utilities and Thompson River Cogen. There are many reasons why this agreement should not be approved: ) The operation of Thompson River Cogen will have serious environmental and public health impacts to the community of Thompson Falls. The plant will burn predominantly coal which will add to local mercury contamination - which has already caused fish consumption warnings to be issued for the local Noxon Reservoir. In addition, modeling indicates that ambient particulate pollution - associated with respiratory disease, heart disease and increased rates of death - will likely increase by 350% in the area. 2) The local community is overwhelmingly opposed to the project. Every hearing and public meeting on the Thompson Falls Cogen has been packed with unhappy neighbors expressing their frustration with the process and the pollution from the facility. This plant was originally supposed to bum only biofuels- thinned trees from the local forests; the company used a bait-and-switch scheme to get permitted to bum coal. The local population has always opposed a coal-fired facility. 3) Thompson River Cogen has repeatedly demonstrated itselfto be Bad Actor. It failed its first and only compliance source tests for SO2 and NOx - and has been issued nearly $1 million in fines for violating environmental laws. TRC lost the backing to a significant loan issued by the Montana Board of Investment (BOI) when it was discovered that the Cogen had not secured all the necessary permits it was required to have to receive the loan. Thompson River Cogen still has not secured its water right for the facility or its water discharge permit. TRC's air quality permit is also being appealed. 4) The community has no faith in the upper management ofTRc. Barry Bates, a partner in TRC, has recently been indicted for federal tax fraud. TRC has been unwilling to pay local property taxes owed 10/11/2006 Thompson River Cogen and Avista Utilities Case #: A VU-05-Page 2 of2 to the county. Promises to the community have not been kept. 5) Earlier this year, Idaho s Governor Kempthorne passed a two-year moratorium on the building or permitting of any coal-fired power plants in the state ofIdaho. Avista Utilities should not be sidestepping this moratorium on coal generation by purchasing coal-fired power for use in Idaho that is generatedjust beyond the state s border. We appreciate the Idaho PUC's role in reviewing purchase agreements in Idaho and thank you for your serious consideration of these comments. Your agency should keep in mind that many thousands of Montanans have been opposing this irresponsible facility for several years running. Sincerely, Jennifer Swearingen 502 South 6th Avenue Bozeman, MT 59715 10/11/2006 1 - (i.- f:1vJ' '; lOlli/V" ~fu !p./ 11J L~1~V1'Yw:)' "s- Page 1 of Jean Jewell From: Cheryl Reichert (reichert~sofast.net) Sent: Friday, October 06, 2006 2:15 PMTo: Tonya Clark Cc: muda~doneylaw.com; peter~richardsonandoleary.com Subject: Thompson River Co-Gen As a member of Women s Voices for the Earth, the Montana Environmental Information Center, and as one ofthe founders of our local Citizens for Clean Energy, I respectfully request that the Idaho Public Utility Commission avoid purchasing power from the Thompson Falls Co-Gen. This power plant was initially "sold" to the Thompson Falls community with the understanding that it would be fueled by biomass, not coal. The operators of the plant have been repeatedly fined by the Montana Department of Environmental Quality for failure to meet the conditions of its air quality permit, and as a result the plant has been shuttered for much of its short life. There are compelling environmental reasons not to support this dirty coal plant with its third-world refurbished boiler. In addition, given the plant's unpredictable and unreliable operating history, it is quite likely that this plant will fail to provide a reliable source of electricity in the future. The citizens of Montana congratulate Idaho on its forward looking citizenry and civic leaders. I have read newspaper accounts of your two year moratorium on coal plants for Idaho. We hope that Montana will follow in your footsteps, and your decision not to purchase this coal power will help take us down that path. As I look out my window, I see the six 1.5 MW GE wind turbines that are already sending their power to Idaho s citizens. Thank you for helping to show us the way to a sustainable renewable energy future... Sincerely yours Cheryl Reichert Cheryl Reichert. M.D. . Ph. Pathology and Biological Chemistry 51 Prospect Drive Great Falls, MY 59405 406-727-1964 10/1112006 -- J~t.-l~ IU/ll\li~ ;)N" ,,/i It';' -./ ~ () ) vvl'1"'\AY' -;. Page 1 of 2 Jean Jewell From: Christopher Hormel (jchormel~mindspring,com) Sent: Thursday, October OS, 2006 6:45 PMTo: Tonya Clark Subject: Thompson River Cog en and Avista Utilities; Case #: AVU-05- Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Fax: 208-334-3762 To the Idaho PUC: As an Idaho citizen, I am writing to ask you to oppose the purchase agreement between Avista Utilities and Thompson River Cogen for the following reasons: I) This year, Idaho s Governor Kempthorne passed a two-year moratorium on the building or permitting of any coal-fired power plants in the state ofIdaho. Idaho is saying no to coal-fired power. A vista Utilities should not be allowed to sidestep this moratorium by purchasing coal-fired power for use in Idaho that is generated just beyond the state s border. ) The operation of Thompson River Cogen will have serious and significant environmental and public health impacts. Although the plant is located in Montana, it is relatively near the border and will likely affect communities in Idaho as welL The plant will bum predominantly coal which will add to regional mercury contamination. In addition, modeling indicates that ambient particulate pollution - associated with respiratory disease, heart disease and increased rates of death - will likely increase by 350% in the area. 3) We understand that this facility is not being welcomed by the local community. If it was in my backyard, I wouldn t want it either. The promises of economic development and good jobs for the community have not been fulfilled. Thompson River Cogen has already been issued hundreds of thousands of dollars in environmental fines by the Montana DEQ. It had not secured all ofthe environmental permits that it needs. In short, this facility is a bad actor. We appreciate the Idaho PUC's role in reviewing purchase agreements in Idaho and thank you for your serious consideration of these comments. Sincerely, Jay Hormel (), J~.)/ I~J /J/,, II) J33/4 .J..() 1 - :3 5":1 ~ '1 :;.. 10/11/2006 j - 11,.- I LJvl.v\-- ( r" Vr"" L 'It/V'" /r'l/\"./T I I Jean Jewell V' I;;;V II)UJ/l'Vl'wt.4 ; u From: Sent: To: Subject: D, and R. Rockafellow (docroc(IDavicom.net) Sunday, October 08, 2006 8:49 PM Tonya Clark Thompson Falls,.. Please stop the purchase agreement which would allow the highly polluting Thompson River Cogen coal plant to operate. Sorry I missed the deadline, but hope you will count my comments. Rachel Rockafellow 1202 S. Spruce Ori Bozeman, MT 59715 t~i~/~~ lol"lu~ 0/( A. . ' I,;) fA; )H/VI-Vv- ' S H Page 1 of 2 Jean Jewell From: Oanielle Golie (golied~co.hill.mt.us) Sent: Friday, October 06, 2006 3:25 PMTo: Tonya Clark Cc: peter~richardsonandoleary.com; muda~doneylaw.com; dmeyer~avistacorp.com Subject: Thompson River Cogen and Avista Utilities Case #: AVU-05- To: Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission o. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Fax: 208-334-3762 To the Idaho PUC: I am writing to ask you to oppose the purchase agreement between Avista Utilities and Thompson River Cogen. There are many reasons why this agreement should not be approved: ) The operation of Thompson River Cogen will have serious and significant environmental and public health impacts to the community of Thompson Falls. The plant will burn predominantly coal which will add to local mercury contamination - which has already caused fish consumption warnings to be issued for the local Noxon Reservoir. In addition, modeling indicates that ambient particulate pollution- associated with respiratory disease, heart disease and increased rates of death - will likely increase by 3500/0 in the area. 2) The facility is not being welcomed by the local community. Every hearing and public meeting on the Thompson Falls Cogen has been packed with unhappy neighbors expressing their frustration with the process and the pollution from the facility. The promises of economic development and good jobs for the community have not been fulfilled - as most of the jobs associated with the operations of the plant went to trained operators brought in from out of state. 10/11/2006 Page 2 of 2 3) Thompson River Cogen has repeatedly demonstrated itself as a Bad Actor facility. It failed its first and only compliance source tests for S02 and NOx - and has been issued nearly $1 million in fines for violating environmental laws. TRC lost the backing to a significant loan issued by the Montana Board of Investment (BOI) when it was discovered that the Cogen had not secured all the necessary permits it was required to have to receive the loan. Thompson River Cogen still has not secured its water right for the facility, or its water discharge permit. TRC's air quality permit is also being appealed. 4) The community has little faith in the upper management of TRC. Barry Bates, a partner in TRC, has recently been indicted for federal tax fraud. TRC has been unwilling to pay local property taxes owed to the county. Promises to the community have simply not been kept. 5) Earlier this year, Idaho s Governor Kempthorne passed a two-year moratorium on the building or permitting of any coal-fired power plants in the state of Idaho. Avista Utilities should not be sidestepping this moratorium by purchasing coal-fired power for use in-l-daho that is generated just beyond the state s border. We appreciate the Idaho put's role in reviewing purchase agreements in Idaho and thank you for your serious consideration of these comments. Sincerely, Danielle Golie Danielle Golie RN, CLC Hill County Health Dept. 302 4th Ave Havre, Mt. 59501 406-265-5481 ext 266 10/11/2006 \-JL--vl,v.-. " v /' k'J GI'IV , , yvv-' " , /k; \(/1u tf'I/I'\/YyW) ~ H Page 1 of I Jean Jewell From: Doreen Stokes (herbs~blackfootnet) Sent: Friday, October 06, 2006 10:15 AM To: Tonya Clark Subject: Thompson River CoGen To The Idaho PUC I am writing to convince you to oppose the purchase agreement between Avista Utilities and Thompson River Cogen, Firstly, this Cogen plant was built on false pretenses. The local people were not made aware of the fact that they originally intented to use coal instead of wood biomass to create the energy. After numerous local meetings with multitudes of people opposing the plant, it was opened anyway. This plant will polute and in this day and age we all know for a fact that mercury contamination is very bad for the health of both the environment and every living thing in it including man. How can you justify purchasing coal-fired power from Montana when earlier this year Idaho s governor Kempthorne passed a two year moratorium on the building or permitting of any coal fired power plants in the state of Idaho? Secondly, this facility is not welcomed by this community, Thompson River Cogen has failed its forst and only compliance tests for S02 and NOx and has been issued nearly 1 million in fines for violating environmental laws, They lost the backing of a signaficant loan issued by the Montana Board of Investment when it was discovered that they did not have all the necessary permits in order. Thisfacility still has not secured its water right or its water discharge permitThe air quility permit is also being appealed, Thirdly, the upper management of TRC Barry Bates, a partner has recently been indicted for federal tax fraud, TRC has also been unwilling to pay local property taxes owed to Sanders County. Now, I ask you, is this the kind of company you want to do business with, This is an accident waiting to happen and just plain bad business, Thank you for your careful and serious consideration of these facts. Sincerely, Doreen Stokes 39 Eagle Valley Lane Plains, Mt 59859 10/1112006 /~IIO. Jean Jewell t/1u A-v'/'(0 Ct~, f H From: Sent: To: Subject: hterrill~montana.com Thursday, October 05, 20064:20 PM Tonya Clark purchase agreement To: tclark~puc. state. id. us Comments Re: Thompson River Cogen and Avista Utili ties Case #: AVU-E-05-07 Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities P. O. Box 83720 Boise, 10 83720-0074 Fax: 208-334-3762 Commission To the Idaho PUC: I am writing to ask you to oppose the purchase agreement betweenAvista Utili ties and Thompson River Cogen. There are many reasons why this agreement should not be approved: ) The operation of Thompson River Cogen will have serious and significant environmental and public health impacts to the community of Thompson Falls. The plant will burn predominantly coal which will add to local mercury contamination - which has already caused fish consumption warnings to be issued for the local Noxon Reservoir. In addition, modeling indicates that ambient particulate poll~tion - associated with respiratory disease, heart disease and increased rates of death - will likely increase by 350% in the area. 2) The facility is not being welcomed by the local community. Every hearing and public meeting on the Thompson Falls Cogen has been packed with unhappy neighbors expressing their frustration with the process and the pollution from the facility. The promises of economic development and good jobs for the community have not been fulfilled - as most of the jobs associated with the operations of the plant went to trained operators brought in from out of state. 3) Thompson River Cogen has repeatedly demonstrated itself as a Bad Actor facility. It failed its first and only compliance source tests for S02 and NOx - and has been issued nearly $1 million in fines for violating environmental laws. TRC lost the backing to a significant loan issued by the Montana Board of Investment (BOI) when it was discovered that the Cogen had not secured all the necessary permits it was required to have to receive the loan. Thompson River Cogen still has not secured its water right for the facility, or its water discharge permit. TRC's air quality permit is also being appealed. 4) The community has little faith in the upper management of TRC. Barry Bates, a partner in TRC, has recently been indicted for federal tax fraud. TRC has been unwilling to pay local property taxes owedto the county. Promises to the community have simply not been kept. 5) Earlier this year , Idaho s Governor Kempthorne passed a two-year moratorium on the building or permitting of any coal-fired power plants in the state of Idaho. Avista Utilities should not be sidestepping this moratorium by purchasing coal-fired power for use in Idaho that is generated just beyond the state s border. We appreciate the Idaho PUC' s role in reviewing purchase agreements in Idaho and thank you for your serious consideration of these comments. Sincerely, Heather Terrill Missoula, MT JJL~ ~ io/t d61./10 ,tv,/ f; Page 1 of Jean Jewell From: ferguson~yahoo,com Sent: Thursday, October 05 2006 2:39 PM To: Tonya Clark Subject: Thompson River Cogen To Whom It May Concern: I am opposed to an agreement by Avista Utilities to purchase power from Thompson River Cogen. The local and global environmental costs of power produced by this plant are too high. I support the development and use of alternative sources of enegy in Montana and in Idaho. Jenny Ferguson Missoula, Montana All-new Yahoo! Mail - Fire up a more powerful email and get things done faster. 10/11/2006 lA,~L.- ~r- jV) 11/0(; ~~ J4.V 1'0 ~~- ~ H Page 1 of Jean Jewell From: Jessica Ruehrwein (jessica.ruehrwein~sierraclub.org) Sent: Thursday, October OS , 2006 1 :34 PMTo: Tonya Clark Cc: JRuehrwein~thesca.org Subject: Comments Re: Thompson River Cogen and Avista Utilities Case #: AVU-05- Commission SecretaryIdaho Public Utili ties o. Box 83720 Boise, 10 83720-0074 Fax: 208-334-3762 Commission Attn: Idaho PUC: We are writing as Idaho citizens asking you to oppose the purchase agreement between Avista Utili ties and Thompson River Cog en. Our Governor took a needed step in passing a two-year moratorium on the building or permitting of any coal-fired power plants in the state of Idaho. Purchasing coal-fired power from across thestates' border should not be permitted and does not support Idaho s current stance on coal-fired power. This plant could also affect both communities in Montana and Idaho and have serious environmental and health impacts. Mercury contamination is a concern , as well as air quality and pollution. As previous residents of Trout Creek, Montana -- which is located just outside of Thompson Falls - we do not believe this facility would be welcomed. Thompson River Cogen does not have a track record of caring for the land. Jobs and economic development are not worth long term degradation to the community and the environment. We must make decisions now for our families and our future. We thank you for reviewing purchase agreements in Idaho and appreciate your consideration in this matter that knows no state boundaries. Sincerely, Jessica and Joey Ruehrwein Jessica Ruehrwein 910 Main Street, Suite 233 Boise, Idaho 83702 0: 208/384-1023 c: 208/866-6322 http://idaho.sierraclub.org/middlesnake How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world. -- Anne Frank Neighbors Protecting Idaho...yote NO on Proposition 2 10/11/2006 J~ IUJIi/Oli ,If; Ilv'./10 byvvvvWJ Page 1 of 2 Jean Jewell From: Kerrie Byrne (kerriebyrneCIDcenturytel.net) Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2006 8:06 PMTo: Tonya Clark Subject: Avista - TR Cogan Greetings I am having heart surgery tomorrow, so I am not taking the time to write my own letter. However, I agree with every word. I oppose the purchase agreement between A vista Utilities and Thompson River Cogen. There are many reasons why this agreement should not be approved: ) The operation of Thompson River Cogen will have serious and significant environmental and public health impacts to the community of Thompson Falls. The plant will bum predominantly coal which will add to local mercury contamination - which has already caused fish consumption warnings to be issued for the local Noxon Reservoir. In addition, modeling indicates that ambient particulate pollution- associated with respiratory disease, heart disease and increased rates of death - will likely increase by 350% in the area. 2) The facility is not being welcomed by the local community. Every hearing and public meeting on the Thompson Falls Cogen has been packed with unhappy neighbors expressing their frustration with the process and the pollution from the facility. The promises of economic development and good jobs for the community have not been fulfilled - as most of the jobs associated with the operations of the plant went to trained operators brought in from out of state. 3) Thompson River Cogen has repeatedly demonstrated itself as a Bad Actor facility. It failed its first and only compliance source tests for SO2 and NOx - and has been issued nearly $1 million in fines for violating environmental laws. TRC lost the backing to a significant loan issued by the Montana Board of Investment (BOI) when it was discovered that the Cogen had not secured all the necessary permits it was required to have to receive the loan. Thompson River Cogen still has not secured its water right for the facility, or its water discharge permit. TRC's air quality permit is also being appealed. 4) The community has little faith in the upper management ofTRc. Barry Bates, a partner in TRC, has recently been indicted for federal tax fraud. TRC has been unwilling to pay local property taxes owed to the county. Promises to the community have simply not been kept. 5) Earlier this year, Idaho s Governor Kempthorne passed a two-year moratorium on the building or permitting of any coal-fired power plants in the state of Idaho. A vista Utilities should not be sidestepping this moratorium by purchasing coal-fIred power for use in Idaho that is generated just beyond the state s border. We appreciate the Idaho PUC's role in reviewing purchase agreements in Idaho and thank you for your serious consideration of these comments. 10/11/2006 Page 2 of2 Sincerely, Kerrie Byrne PO Box 4471 Whitefish, MT 59937 10/11/2006 /~ /6/11/0& / ~ tO~I, ; ;-+ Page 1 of 2 Jean Jewell From: Neil Taylor (neiltaylor~bresnan,netl Sent: Friday, October 06, 2006 8:50 PMTo: Tonya Clark Subject: Purchase Agreement with Thompson River Project To: Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Fax: 208-334 -3762 Commission To the Idaho PUC: I am writing to ask you to oppose the purchase agreement between Avista Utilities and Thompson River Cogen. There are many reasons why this agreement should not be approved: The operation of Thompson River Cogen will have serious and significant environmental and public health impacts to the community of Thompson Falls. The plant will burn predominantly coal which will add to local mercury contamination - which has already caused fish consumption warnings to be issued for the local Noxon Reservoir. In addition , modeling indicates that ambient particulate pollution - associated with respiratory disease, heart disease and increased rates of death - will likely increase by 350% in the area. 2) The facility is not being welcomed by the local community. Every hearing and public meeting on the Thompson Falls Cogen has been packed with unhappy neighbors expressing their frustration with the process and the pollution from the facility. The promises of economic development and good jobs for the community have not been fulfilled - as most of the jobs associated with the operations of the plant went to trained operators brought in from out of state. 3) Thompson River Cogen has repeatedly demonstrated itself as a Bad Actor facility. It failed its first and only compliance source tests for S02 and NOx - and has been issued nearly $1 million ,in fines for violating environmental laws. TRC lost the backing to a significant loan issued by the Montana Board of Investment (BOI) when it was discovered that the Cogen had not secured all the necessary permits it was required to have to receive the loan. Thompson River Cogen still has not secured its water right for the facility, or its water discharge permit. TRC's air quality permit is also being appealed. 4) The community has little faith in the upper management of TRC. Barry Bates, a partner in TRC, has recently been indicted for federal tax fraud. TRC has been unwilling to pay local property taxes owedto the county. Promises to the community have simply not been kept. 5) Earlier this year , Idaho s Governor Kempthorne passed a two-year moratorium on the building or permitting of any coal-fired power plants in the state of Idaho. Avista Utilities should not be sidestepping this moratorium by purchasing coal-fired power for use in Idaho that is generated just beyond the state s border. We appreciate the Idaho PUC' s role in reviewing purchase agreements 10/11/2006 Page 2 of 2 in Idaho and thank you for your serious consideration of these conunents. Sincerely, Neil J. Taylor 3417 4th Ave south Great Falls, MT 59405 10/11/2006 l~dO".; 1u AI/.jj; ~ d Page I of Jean Jewell From: Patrick Leonard and Toddy Perryman (patandtoddy3752~logonfrog.net) Sent: Thursday, October OS, 2006 10:57 PMTo: Tonya Clark Cc: peter~richardsonandoleary.com; muda~doneylaw.com Subject: Avista Util. purch. agreement Weare writing to comment on A vista Utilities' agreement to purchase energy from Thompson River Cogen in Thompson Falls, MT. Weare opposed to this purchase agreement because it would allow the highly polluting Thompson River Cogen coal plant to operate. There are many other ways of generating electricity which are far cleaner for the environment. Coal burning should be the last choice, as it puts large amounts of toxic materials into the air, particularly if the plant is not outfitted with the latest (and also expensive) technology. There has been a lot of talk about the need to 'sequester' carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. The very best technique for sequestering carbon is to not burn it in the first place. Leave coal sequestered in the ground, just as it has been for millenia. This is the safest way. And the cleanest. Sincerely, Toddy Perryman and Patrick Leonard 10/11/2006 /AA.._- l;:;:rv'- iO!II\6(, /~ 11 , \ H Page 1 of Jean Jewell From: Penny Beckman (pbeckman(fYblackfootnet) Sent: Friday, October 06, 2006 9:07 AM To: Tonya Clark Subject: Tfalls toxic enough for children I am concerned for the health and safety of our young children Thompson Falls is toxic enough, without allowing the Cogen coal plant to release more toxins to our community, Hence, another reason I moved away from Colstrip!!!! Penny Beckman 10/11/2006 ,.tJc.-/~IOll'(O("4\1,j 10 fAyvvvvvJ:' ~ I~ Page 1 of 1 Jean Jewell From: Starshine (dr,starshine~bresnan,net) Sent: Friday, October 06, 2006 10:09 AM To: Tonya Clark Subject: Thompson River Cogen Coal Plant The Montana Constitution requires that our air and water remain pure enough to drink Starshine 406-453-8989 The Idaho Public Utilities Commission is accepting public comment on Avista Utili ties agreement to purchase energy from Thompson River Cogen in Thompson Falls, MT.We need your voices to help stop the purchase agreement which would allow the highly polluting Thompson River Cogen coal plant to operate.Please send your comments to the PUC letting them know you do not want this purchase agreement to be approved. Truth is not only violated by falsehood; it may be outraged by silence. -Henri Frederic Amiel, Swiss Philosopher 1821-1881 10/11/2006 /~"IO'/-r;;t,/10 c.-f ~ (f Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: wwranch~3rivers,net Friday, October 06, 2006 10:57 AM Tonya Clark Thompson River Congen To the IDAHO PUC: I would ask that the PUC please reconsider purchasing energy from the Thompson Falls community as it will contribute to local health problems and of course, increase greenhouse gas emissions in Montana and our planet. We in Montana applaud your state s courage to enact a moratium on coal plants and we d encourage your governor to talk with Governor Schweitzer and ask him to focus on investing in wind now, NOT chase coal companies across Montana, so Idaho and the USA can benefit from Montana s abundance of wind. Richard Liebert EDEN RR Great Falls, MT 59405