HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050914Comments.pdf.;~ l+vt~ 01'~/O~ ' A.~~,;, 11 Coeur Alene Id. Sept.9 2005 CEi\/ED L... Case number (A VU-05060)!lCf"'.D I~Ij"(oUt! 0CJ t.j' rH I 0' u' Comments applicable to A vistas application to extend a surcharge on electri~lQijr$ fuJtBLtC another two years. Reason for surcharge'isJopay down a $78 milliofil1fbldrrdlESt~iSlffili following the 2000 and 2001 Western States energy crisis. The rate payers should not be required to pay to reduce these losses. Poor management and greed were the causes of these losses. A vista management contracted to sell power at $39.00 per unit to Eastern states. When the eastern states needed the power Avista had to go to the open market and buy power at over $130.00 per unit to fulfill the contract they had signed. This created the huge loss they incured. Avista has since terminated the C.that made those decisions and are currently paying him over a million dollars a year in severance pay. This debt should be paid by profits that would normally go as dividends to share holders. If the company had made a profit on this contract the share holders would have reaped the rewards. (not the rate payers). Thus the share holders should pay the loss. A C.O. that almost bankrupts a company should not be rewarded for his greed and poor decisions. If anYthing he should repay part of the loss that he created. Respectfully Roy Dimico 3655 Pineridge Dr. Coeur d' Alene Id. 83815 Copies to. Representative Butch Otter Senators Larry Craig and Michael Crapo. , .'..'. ; "" ', ," :: ' : i ~" , ' ~ ;': ., ,: ';' ;: ", ...." '~ ' ;..' ' , : ' . i , ..; ,, ', ,, ,,' ,, ': ,' ,, .., " ;;; .;, , ;' i'; it(, ;;..; ,, ,' '.,.., ". ". ".,"" ,.' - ,.. , '., - , Jean Jewell A~~ qjl4W: v-fa II v 17 () ~jI\~~, From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Wednesday, September 14, 2005 10:39 AM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Wednesday, September 14, 2005 9:38:51 AM Case: AVU-E-05-06 Name: Norma Milliser Street Address: 502 So. 18th St. City: Coeur d' Alene State: Id ZIP: 83814 Home Telephone: 208-666-9390E-Mail: nmilliser~adelphia. net Company: Avista Utilities mailing list yes no: (ye~) Comment description: ~garding Avista s request for extension of surcharge: When I read the article in the paper, I agreed that it should be continued. Then on 9/13/05 I heard on the news that they are requesting so much more and this does not even consider the after effects of hurricane Katrina. I think Avista needs to stop asking for more and more increases from its customers and consider doing what other companies and schools do, make do with what they have until it is absolutely necessary for the increases. I realize they have projections to keep what is needed flowing, but how can they justify a request to keep the surcharge and then a few days later ask for such a huge increase inservices. Please consider everything they request and consider what the population is asked to pay through taxes. It all adds up to more and more money that comes mostly from property taxpayers. Thank you for your consideration. no doubt you will way both sides.You have always done the fair thing for us and I have Transaction 10: 914938.Referred by: http: I Iwww.puc. state. id. usl scripts/polyform. dill ipuc User Address: 68.64.54. User Hostname: 68.64.54.