HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050228Comments.pdf- u iii - 0, ./ r: !r.V, - ./ ~ A-Vtt -C -OS"-Ol fYV j2$/O) ~ 11 . .\~ r. L . t. - . L- V I.... 'i. ~ ~q ! C. . ::b~ 6-vv rV hut hA j j aLR -'-A A/1 Ji-LJ r '-'F t7!J " ~- '' (/~~ ~ )// t:Vd-.02(' kv d-(1-~t /1o (c (A' Ava os-; Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: Front Tuesday, February 22, 2005 8:23 AM Jean Jewell FW: Complaint acknowledgement -----Original Message----- From: Ed Howell Sent: Monday, February 21, 2005 12:21 To: Front; Beverly Barker; Ed Howell; Subj ect: Complaint acknowledgement Tonya Clark WWW Form Submission: Monday, February 21, 2005 12 : 2 0 : 37 Name: Keith D. Washburn Street Addres s: 409 S. Almon City: Moscow State: Idaho ZIP: 83843 Home Telephone: 509 336 1740 Work Telephone: E-Mail: skeets 180hotmail. com Home Business: Home Business Name: Business Street Address:Business Phone: Complaint Company: Avista utilli tiesLocal Provider: Contacted utility: No Complaint description: This thier current rate hike. It have been forced to live on and electricity. mail is concerning Avistas application for an extention of is too much, too long of a duration and I can t afford it. I ramen noodles all winter because I have to pay so much for gas Transaction ID: 2211220.Referred by: http: / /www. puc . state. id. us / scr ipt s /polyform. dll / cons User Address: 68. 67 . 16. 95 User Hostname: 68.67.16. J~~A.\/.10 I ~ Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Monday, February 21 20055:24 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Monday, February 21, 2005 5 : 23 : 38 Case: AVU-E-05- Name: Todd Sudick Street Address: 1817 Riverside Rd. City: Priest River State: Idaho ZIP: 83856 Home Telephone: 208-448-2407E-Mail: tsudick0netw. com Company: Inlandmailinglistyes no: yes Comment description: The building of gas power generators in N. Idaho and elsewhere is done under false pertenses. The power companies will tell the citizens and the PUC thatit's a "must have " in order to prevent the shortage of power in Idaho and the Northwest. In fact there is no regional power shortage. All of the dams on the Snake River /Columbia Ri ver /Pend Oreille River/Clark Fork River and Lake Koocanusa provide more output than the region can use. The shortage is an artificial one. Most of the power generated by BPA sold to brokers. These brokers, along with the power companies can and do resell this electrici ty to power companys out of the region (mostly to Califronia. If they can buy power at 2.4-3.0 cents/Kw/Hr and resell it to California for 12-14cents/Kw/Hr the margins are greater than in Idaho. Even the owners of Kaiser Aluminum got into the act. They shut down their smelter in Spokane, WA because they made more money selling their BPA power allotment of electricity than they would of made operating the plant. Where do you think the power is going to go from any additions to Coyote I I? Where do you think the power goes from the existing Coyote I I? It goes to the grid where the power may (andprobably does) go out of state. It's cheper to build a power plant in the Northwest than elsewher and you can t build one in California at all. The Grand Coulee Dam was authorized by Congress in the mid thirties for three reasons; 1. to control flooding along the Columbia River 2. to provide a supply of electricity to help develope the Pacific Northwest 3. to provide irrigation to central Washington State. Nowhere in the Congressional mandate does it specify that it was to bail out California at the expense of the Pacific Northwet Region. Yet in 1993, 43% of the power generated by Grand Coulee Dam went to California. The amount has increased since then. In the seventies, the Northwest Power Council told us all that we had to build three nuclear reactors to fend off a looming power shortage. We in the Pacific Northwest are still paying for that disaster in our power bills. In the end, only one reactor was built and the NWPC had to admit, there was no shortage. It's time the power generated in the Pacific Northwest satisfys out needs first and any excess is then sold out of region. California has refused to. build any new power plants for it's ever expanding population. In recent history California has shut down nuclear power plants in San Onofre, Sacramento and the mid coast. Instead of building more capacity, it has turned to out of state producers to make up any shortfalls. BPA has, in the past, sold more power than it can produce and ends up buying from Canada at a higher rate. This higher rate is passed on to the residents and businesses in ourarea. In effect we are subsidizing California s power bill. FERC has enterd the fray and it seems like it's goal is to even out power rates across the US. What do you think 14cent/Kw/Hr or higher power rates would do to the residents, businesses and the economyof Idaho. It's time Idaho and it's sister states called a halt to this farce and cause a change in how we are treated by BPA, the Federal Government and the power companies. Why should our aquifers suffer so that someone in California can have cheaper electricity. In addition, the just presented Federal Budget would allow BPA to charge the "going rate " for power not the cost of production. What is the "going rate The Idaho PUC website has even gotten into the propaganda mode. They are telling citizens that "prices have surged from .15/Kw/Hr to $3.00/Kw/Hr(I'm not kidding-read the PUC site under the flashing bulb under Power Myths). They blame deregulation for rising rates even though deregulation was supposed to bring down power costs through competition. It's a no vote from me for any addi tions to Coyote I I Todd Sudick Transaction ID: 2211723. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ ipuc User Address: 66.45.195. User Hostname: 66.45.195.