HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040304Revised Peterson Testimony.pdf: t - f::~D p!::"rr-t\j KELLY O. NORWOOD VICE PRESIDENT, STATE AND FEDERAL REGULATION . : AVISTACORPORATION uT!LlT;L:.S C O. BOX 3727 1411 EAST MISSION AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99220-3727 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4267 FACSIMILE: (509) 495-8856 2nn'! t1M; -4 '\1'1 9: , , l. i ,." !SSION BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF A VISTA CORPORATION FOR AN ORDER APPROVING THE SALE OF ITS INTEREST IN THE SKOOKUMCHUCK HYDROELECTRIC PLANT AND FOR EWG DETERMINATIONS CASE NO. A VU-04- 0), DIRECT TESTIMONY RONALD R. PETERSON FOR A VISTA CORPORATION Amended 3/3/0 I. INTRODUCTION Please state your name, employer and business address. My name is Ronald R. Peterson. I am employed as Vice President of Energy Resources and Optimization by A vista Corporation at 1411 East Mission Avenue, Spokane Washington. Please briefly describe your educational background and professional experience. I am a 1975 graduate of Washington State University with degrees in business administration and accounting. I joined the Company in 1975. I passed the Washington State CPA examination in 1976 and worked as a staff accountant in a variety of positions until 1987 when I became supervisor of the Company s corporate accounting function. In 1991 , I was selected customer service manager, and in 1992, was elected Treasurer. I was elected Controller and assumed the director of information service responsibilities in 1996. In 1998 , I was elected Vice President and Treasurer. In September 2001 , I was also named Vice President of Finance for Avista Utilities. I assumed my present position as Vice President of Energy Resources and Optimization in April 2003. What is the scope of your testimony in this proceeding? I describe the proposed sale of the Skookumchuck dam, hydroelectric plant and related facilities ("Skookumchuck") and the reasons for the proposed sale. I briefly discuss the Company s request for the Commission to issue determinations required for the new owner/operator to qualify as an Exempt Wholesale Generator ("EWG") under Section 32 of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935 ("PUHCA"). I also address the proposed Peterson, Di A vista Corporation Amended 3/3/04 ratemaking treatment of the proposed sale, including the allocation of the gain between ratepayers and shareholders and the Company s proposal that the ratepayer share of the after- tax gain be added to the balance of the deferred gain on the Centralia Power Plant, which is currently being passed on to ratepayers. Please briefly describe the assets to be sold. Skookumchuck is a small earth-fill dam and hydroelectric generating plant located in the vicinity of Centralia, Washington on property adjacent to the Centralia Power Plant. The Skookumchuck dam was constructed in 1973 as a water storage facility for the Centralia Power Plant. In 1991 , a hydroelectric unit with a capacity of approximately one megawatt was installed at the dam. The Skookumchuck assets being sold includes real property and associated easements and water rights, as well as various equipment. Skookumchuck was granted an exemption from licensing as a hydropower facility by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC") pursuant to 16 US.c. 92705(d), which allows exemptions for facilities less than five megawatts.Skookumchuck is, however subject to dam safety regulation by the FERC. Who are the current owners of Skookumchuck? Skookumchuck is jointly owned by seven public and private owners (collectively, the "Owners ): PacifiCorp; Avista; Public Utility District No.1 of Snohomish County, Washington; Puget Sound Energy, Inc.; City of Tacoma, Washington; City of Seattle, Washington; and Public Utility District No.1 of Grays Harbor County, Washington. PacifiCorp is the majority owner with a 47.5% ownership share. Avista is a minority owner with a 17.5% ownership share. Peterson, Di A vista Corporation Amended 3/3/04 Who is the purchaser? The purchaser is 2677588 Washington LLC ("Washington LLC"), a limited liability company formed by TransAlta USA Inc. ("TransAlta ). Washington LLC is a Washington limited liability company and a direct, wholly-owned subsidiary of TransAlta. TransAlta is the indirect owner of the Centralia Power Plant, a coal-fired generating plant and the Centralia Coal Mine. In 2000, the Owners sold the Centralia Power Plant to a direct wholly-owned subsidiary of TransAlta TECW A Power Inc., and PacifiCorp sold the Centralia Coal Mine to another direct wholly-owned subsidiary of TransAlta, TECW A Fuel Inc. TransAlta Centralia Generation LLC, a direct wholly-owned subsidiary of TECW A Power, Inc., owns and operates the Centralia Power Plant as an EWG. Please describe the proposed sale. The Owners propose to sell and transfer to Washington LLC the Skookumchuck dam, powerhouse, water rights, land, easements and other related assets, including certain fixtures, contracts and other rights. The sale and transfer is governed by the Skookumchuck Facilities Purchase and Sale Agreement between the Owners and Washington LLC, dated November 25, 2003 (the "Sale Agreement"). A copy of the Sale Agreement is attached as Appendix I to Avista s Application. The aggregate sale price of the transaction is $7. million, adjusted for changes in PacifiCorp s Net Book Value of the Facilities from September 30, 2003 to the Closing Date. See Section 2.3(a) of the Sale Agreement. Avista share of the sales price is 17.5%, or $1.32 million on a system basis prior to closing costs. How will the plant be operated by the purchaser? Peterson, Di A vista Corporation Amended 3/3/04 The new owner/operator intends to continue operation of Skookumchuck to provide cooling water supply to the Centralia Power Plant, and to produce power from Skookumchuck either as an EWG or as a qualifying facility under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978. None of the electrical output of Skookumchuck has been or will be used to serve Avista s retail customers, except perhaps indirectly through the wholesale power markets. When the Centralia Steam Plant was sold in 2000, why was the Skookumchuck Project retained by the Owners? A Flood Control Committee formed by Lewis and Grays Harbor Counties Washington and the cities of Centralia, Chehalis and Aberdeen, Washington (the Committee ) had expressed an interest in acquiring the Skookumchuck Dam and reservoir. The Committee had been working with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to develop a comprehensive flood control plan for the basin.In June 1999 , a Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") between the Owners and the Committee was signed reflecting the Committee s intent to purchase the facilities. This MOU expired in December 1999, but the Owners understood that the Committee s intent to acquire the facilities had not changed. This desire by the Committee to purchase the facilities and the Committee s stated intent to operate the facilities in a manner that would not be in conflict with the continued operation of the Centralia Steam Plant caused the Owners to withhold Skookumchuck from the sale of the Centralia Steam Plant. Please explain the EWG determination that is being requested. Peterson, Di A vista Corporation Amended 3/3/04 To qualify as an EWG, the owner/operator must be engaged exclusively in the business of owning or operating an "eligible facility" and selling electric energy at wholesale. If the costs of a generation facility were included in the rates of a regulated utility on October , 1992 (the date of enactment of section 32 of PUHCA), then in order for the facility to be considered an "eligible facility," every state commission having jurisdiction over such rates must specifically determine that allowing the facility to become an eligible facility (1) will benefit consumers, (2) is in the public interest, and (3) does not violate State law. 15 US. 9 79z-5a(c). Thus, the IPUC and each of PacifiCorp s other state regulatory commissions which include Avista s other state regulatory commission, the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission, would be required to make these determinations regarding the sale and transfer of the Skookumchuck facilities. Please explain how the sale will benefit Avista s customers. A vista proposes to sell Skookumchuck to Washington LLC because a sale results in lower costs to Avista Utilities' customers than continuing to invest in and operate and maintain the facility.Skookumchuck has an electrical capacity of 1 MW, but because the facility is operated for purposes of supplying cooling water to the Centralia Power Plant it has relatively low energy output. Over the last eight years, the average annual production has been 3 000 megawatt-hours. Skookumchuck's bus bar cost in PacifiCorp s fiscal year 2003 (twelve months ending March 31 , 2003) was approximately $250 per MWh. With regard to this cost per MWh, it is important to remember that the dam was originally built to provide water supply for the coal plant, and therefore the energy produced by the hydroelectric generator does not reflect the total value of the project. Skookumchuck is Peterson, Di A vista Corporation Amended 3/3/04 interconnected with the system of Puget Sound Energy, Inc. ("PSE") and historically all of the power from Skookumchuck has been sold to PSE. As one of the Owners of Skookumchuck, A vista must pay its proportionate share of the costs of the facilities.Net plant related to Avista s share of its investment in Skookumchuck is included in the Company s rate base. The Company s analysis indicates that its customers will not be harmed by the proposed transaction and will in fact benefit from it. The forecast of the market price of power is substantially below the cost of power generated from Skookumchuck. Hence, the Company's revenue requirement will be lower as a result of the sale of Skookumchuck. In addition, the proposed transaction eliminates the risk that the Owners will be required to fund future expenditures for ensuring the structural integrity of the Skookumchuck dam. The benefits from the proposed sale outweigh the risks and costs of continuing to own and operate Skookumchuck. Moreover, the sale will not harm the public interest because competitive markets will be unaffected by the sale. A 1 MW plant with only 3 000 MWhs of annual production would not have a measurable impact on western electricity supply or any impact on wholesale electricity prices. Please explain the proposed ratemaking treatment of the sale. Avista projects that the sale of Skookumchuck will result in a small after-tax gain. The Idaho jurisdictional share of the after-tax gain is projected to be approximately $216 000. Actual figures will not be known until the transaction closes. Avista proposes to allocate the after-tax Skookumchuck gain between jurisdictions and between ratepayers and Peterson, Di A vista Corporation Amended 3/3/04 shareholders in the same manner as Avista s after-tax gain on the sale of the Centralia Power Plant was allocated in Order No. 28297 in Case No. A VU-99-6. The Idaho jurisdiction would receive an allocation of 33.01 % of the after-tax gain, or approximately $216 000. Applying the methodology for allocating proceeds set forth in the orders approving the sale of the Centralia Power Plant to the estimated Idaho share of the Skookumchuck after-tax gain of approximately $216 000 yields an allocation to ratepayers of approximately $151 000 (69.70%) and an allocation to shareholders of approximately $65 000 (30.30%).Plant balances being retired and the calculation and allocation of the estimated gain are included in Exhibit 1. A vista is proposing that the estimated portion of the Skookumchuck after-tax gain allocated to ratepayers of approximately $151 000 be deferred and added to the deferred gain on the Centralia Power Plant which is currently being passed on to ratepayers through a rate credit on Schedule 65 - Temporary Rate Adjustment. The Centralia gain rate credit was originally put into effect on August 1 , 2000 and will expire when the deferred gain has been passed on to customers. A portion of the Skookumchuck facilities was treated as thermal property since it provided a cooling water source to the Centralia Power Plant and was retired as part of the Centralia Power Plant when that plant was sold. Hence, the gain recognized on the sale of the Centralia Power Plant was slightly lower than it would have been if none of the Skookumchuck facilities had been retired at that time.The gain on the sale of the Skookumchuck facilities is now slightly higher due to the earlier, partial retirement. Peterson, Di A vista Corporation Amended 3/3/04 In the IPUC's order approving the sale of the Centralia Power Plant it adopted a methodology to allocate the gain between ratepayers and shareholders based on the ratio of accumulated depreciation to gross plant. This methodology resulted in an allocation of 69.7% of the gain to ratepayers and 30.3% to shareholders. The ratio of accumulated depreciation to gross plant of the Skookumchuck plant currently being retired is approximately 44%. Applying 44% to the after-tax gain on the proposed sale of Skookumchuck would result in a lesser amount of gain being allocated to ratepayers than the allocated gain that results from using the 69.70% Centralia allocation. The Company is proposing to use the higher 69.70% Centralia allocation to ratepayers in the interest of minimizing the issues in this case regarding the allocation of the gain. Is the Company asking for expedited treatment for EWG findings and approval of the sale? Yes. The Company is asking the Commission to consider the EWG issues and approval of the sale on an expedited basis. Does that conclude your premed direct testimony? Yes. Peterson, Di Avista Corporation Amended 3/3/04