HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040223Application Exhibits.pdf~ . FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION Office of Energy Projects Division of Dam Safety and Inspections Portland Regional Office 101 S.W. Main Street, Suite #905 Portland, Oregon 97204 MAR 1. 9 '2003 In reply refer to: P:'4441- NAIDAM-WAOOI53 Mr. Randy A. Londolt Director, Hydro Resources PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 1500 Portland, OR 97232 Dear Mr. Landolt: EXHIBIT A We have completed our review of the January 15,2002 Fourth Part 12 Independent Consultant s Safety Inspection Report (2002 Report) for the Skookumchuck Project, FERC~o. 4441., The follC?winginfonnation was alsoreviewed in conjunction wi~the2 BP3'~7Po~" , "' " Results of soil tests conducted by Shannon & Wilson and included in four letter repons (dated July 8, 1969, August 8, 1969, August 12, 1969, and September II, 1969) to Bechtel Corporation; 0 Report titled "Construction Report for Water Supply Facilities, Skookumchuck Dam, Pumping Plant , prepared by Bechtel Corporation, for Pacific Power & Light Company and the Washington Water Power Company, and dated August 1971; 0 April 3, 2002 letter from Mr. Richard Gorny (Independent Consultant) of Black & Veatch regarding: (a) Material Properties; and (b) 1990 Displacement Analysis Results. Mr. Gorny also included some material regarding 'Liquefied and Non-Liquefied Gravel case Histories' based on information included in a paper titled" A Practical Perspective on Liquefaction of Gravels , by J. E. Valera, M. L. Traubenik, 1. A. Egan, and J. Y. Kanshiro, ASCE Special Publication on Ground Failure Under Seismic Conditions! 1994; 0 April 30, 2002 letter report from Shannon & Wilson titled liRe-evaluation of Field Data, Skookumchuck Dam, Thurston County, Washington CEIl 0 May 23, 2002 letter report from Mr. Gorny providing dam displacement analyses and stability analyses loading diagrams; Becker Hammer Exploration Study. Final Submittal, December 2000 (Becker Hammer Study, transmitted by PacifiCorp March 12, 2001 letter) prepared by Shannon and Wilson; Liquefaction Potential Evaluation Study. November 2001 (Liquefaction Study, submitted by PacifiCorp January 24, 2002 letter) prepared by Shannon and Wilson; Seismic Ground Motion Study for Skookumchuck Dam. March 200 (Seismic Study, transmitted by PacifiCorp March 23, 2001 letter) prepared by Shannon and Wilson; Skookumchuck Dam Modification Project Geotechnical Report, February 2001 (Geotechnical Study, transmitted by PacifiCorp March 23, 2001 letter) prepared by Shannon and Wilson; Skookumchuck Embankment Seismic Analytic Study, January 2002 (Analytic Study, transmitted by PacifiCorp February 5, 2002 letter) prepared by Shannon and Wilson. Our review of the seismic stability of the dam was coordinated with our consultant Dr. LM. Idriss. A ~opy of his September 20, 2002 letter report is enclosed. We have reviewed his report and concur with his findings and have incorporated them into the body of this letter. We have the following comments on the above submittals: 1. Your consultant concluded that the MCE for the project was due to an event occurring on the Cascadia Subduction Zone fault (CSZ), and the 1988 Supplement to the 1985 Part12 Report characterized the maximum magnitude for the CSZ of M=8. o.to 8.5.The peak horizontal ground acceleration was 0.25g and was developed using the attenuation model by Heaton and Hartzel1 (1986). We do not concur that this ground motion represents the maximum earthquake for this source. The May 1999 "Report On Seismic HazardEvaluation For The Pacificorp Merwin and Yale Dams, Southwest Washington " by Golder Associates, Inc., included a seismic evaluation of the CSZ. Based on Golders findings, the appropriate magnitude for an event occurring on the CSZ would be Mw = 9.0, and because the CSZ has a fairly high recurrence interval and slip rate, about 300 years and 4 cmlyr, respectively, the 84th percentile ground motions should be used. This finding is consistent with Dr. I.M. Idriss report. Using a distance of 68km, the PGA at Skookumchuck would be OAlg for a M 0 event occurring on the CSZ. r"J;' TT The 1988 Part 12 D Supplement considered subduction zone events which may occur on the CSZ; however, deep intraplate events or those that may occur on the Juan de Fuca Plate were not mentioned. The Golder Report evaluated intraplate events and the estimated magnitude was 7.5. Although the size of these events are slightly smaller than the MCE, the ground motions for these events should be considered in a reevaluation seismicity for Skookumchuck dam. Since the recun-ence interval for these events is short the 84th percentile ground motions should be determined. 2. In addition to the CSZ, the Seismic Study identified the Legislature fault as a possible seismic source. In the 2002 Report, your consultant reported that the USGS is scheduled to perform studies to evaluate the seismogenic nature of this fault in 2002 andrecommended no action until the studies are completed. We do not concur. TheLegislature fault should be considered as a potential seismic source. Dr. 1. M. Idriss September 23, 2002 letter report (enclosed) includes an evaluation of the Legislature faultbased on a discussion with Dr. E. Weaver of the USGS. We have reviewed Dr. ldriss comments and concur with them. The seismicity at Skookumchuck dam should be revised considering the recommendations contained in Dr. Idriss' report. 3. When Skookumchuck Dam was constructed, the question of liquefaction was considered - records and photos indicate the naturally dense gravelly alluvium was left in place beneath the downstream shell on the north side of the embankment while the less dense alluvium "Yas exciivated out. In SePtember 2000, Becker HariurJ:er borings wereconducted to further evaluate the liquefaction potential in this area. Based on the BeckerHammer data, the Liquefaction Study considered that discontinuous zones of liquefactionoccurs in the downstream berm with these zones possibly extending upstream to the core. We recognized that this assumption is conservative considering the gradations and that construction exploration Borings AH-l and AH- 6 indicated refusal and N =300respectively, in the thin layer of alluvium left beneath the downstream shell. Further, wenoted that boring SB-02 was not used in the liquefaction analysis since the soils were non-liquefiable or the potentially liquefiable soils were above the groundwater table. In the April 2001 Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Youd and Idriss Liquefaction Resistance of Soils: Summary Report From The 1996 NCEER and 1998 NCEER/NSF Workshops On Evaluation Of Liquefaction ResistanceOf Soils.it was reported that although SPT blow counts can be roughly estimated from BPT measurements, there can be considerable uncertainty for calculating liquefaction resistance because of data scatter in the range of greatest importance, O-JO blow counts.Based on review of the data for borings BD-l thru BD-, we noted that the blow counts were all below 26. Since the available subsurface information does not provide sufficient infonnation to dismiss or confirm liquefaction or address the upstream extent of liquefaction beneath the dam, we agree with your consultantthat additional explorations rRTT are needed beneath the downstream shell to further explore the presence of liquefiable materials. A plan and schedule to accomplish this work must be submitted for our review. 4. In the May 23, 2002 letter report, dam displacement was estimated to be between 5 and 40 cm using Makdisi and Seed's Simplified Method and a PGA=O.46g. Pending the outcome of the upcoming field investigations, the current estimate may be adequate or it !!lay be necessary to conduct a post-earthquake defonnation analysis using residual shear strengths for the zones where liquefaction is triggered. In addition, it may be necessary to calculate the response of Skookumchuck Dam using a non-linear 2- dimensional dynamic analysis procedure. 5. It was reported that a new PMF study had been commissioned by the Corps of Engineers and when completed, it would be reviewed and presented in an addendum to the 2002 Report. We concur with your consultants' recommendation to submit this study as an addendum to the Part 12 report. We noted that the 9,020 cfs flood of record occurred on February 8, 1996; however, the consultant did not state that the current PMF inflow curve was checked in relation to this recent flood of record. This should be done for the PMF, and for the new PMF commissioned by the Corps. ~ \ The 2002 Report does not satisfy the requirements of Part 12 D of the Commission's Regulations. You must provide this office, within 45 days of the date of this letter, three copies of a plan and schedule for submitting a supplement which addresses the items discussed above. If you have any questions, please contact Messrs. William Lagnion or Edward Perez of this office at (503) 944-6748 or (503) 944-6750, respectively. Sincerely, /1h1tk-?f'~ Harry T. Hall, P . Regional Engineer Enclosure MAR 17 2003 16: 13FR &~~I-HQ TL r'RO 06/10 Tel: (530) 758-5739 I. M. IORISS CONSUL TING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER p~ O. Box 330, DAVIS, CA 95617-0330 Fax (530) 758-1104 1!-m4l1: imidriss~aoLcom September 20, 2002 Mr. Constantine G. Tjo~ P. E. Director~ Division of Dam Safety and Inspections Office of Hydropower Licensing Federal Energy Regulatory Commission , 888 First Street, N. Washington, D.C. 20426 Subject:Seismic Stability IssueJ Slwolcumchuck Dam Lew.is County, WtUhington Dear,Mr. Tjotimas: INTRODUCTORY REMARKS As requested by Mr. William Allerton, I attended. a meeting on March 14, 2002. at FERC's Office in Portlan~ Oregon, to review the work comple~ed to date regarding seismic stability issues of the Skookurnchuck Dam in Le'Wis County, Washington. The general location, of the dam is depicted in Fig. 1. The following documents were provided to me after the March 14 meeting: 1. Results of soil tests conducted by Shannon & Wilson and included in four letter reports to Bechtel Corporation; the letters are dated July 8, 1969, August 8, 1969, August 12, 1969. and September 11. 1969, respectively. 2. Report titled "Construction Report for Water Supply Facilities, Skookumchuck Pumping Plant", prepared by Bechtel Corporation. for Pacific Power & Light Company and the Washington Water Power Company, and dated August 1971. Skookumchuck Dam Project Page 1 September 20. 2002 MAR 17 2003 16: 13 FR D~.. HQ ( J 07/10 3. Report titled "SuppLement to December 1985 Dam Safety Investigation. Skookumchuck Dam, FERC No. 4441", prepared by Bechtel Civil & Minerals. Inc. for pacific Power & Light Company, and dated April 1988. 4. Report titled" Additional Infonnation to the April 1988 Supplement to December , 1985 Dam Safety Investigation, Skookumchuck Dam, PERC No. 4441", prepared by Bechtel CoxporatioD, for Pacific Power & Light Company, and dated October 1990. 5. A pdf(Adobe Acrobat format) file of the report titled "Becker Hammer Exploration Study, Skookumchuck Dam Site, Lewis County, Washington , prepared by Shannon & Wilson. Inc., Seattle, Washington, for the Seattle District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and dated December 2000. 6. A pdf file of the report titled "Seismic Ground Motion Study for Skookumchuck Dam, Lewis County, Washington , prepared by Shannon & Wilson, Inc., Seattle, for the Seattle District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and dated March 2001. 7. Apdf file ofth.e report titled "Liquefaction Potential Evaluation for the Skookumchuck Dam Site, Thurston County, Washin~on , prepared by Shannon & Wilson, Inc., Seattle , , for the Seattle District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and dated November 2001. 8. Apdffile of the report titled "Sk~okumchuck Embankment, Seismic Analytical StUdy, Skookumchuck Darn., Thurston County, Washington , prepared by Shannon & Wilson, Inc., Seattle, for the Seattle District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, anddated January 2002. 9. Mr. R H. Gorny ofB1ack & Veatch sent me a letter on April 3, 2002, which included copies of above items No.3 and 4, and discussions (based on the contents of these two items) regarding: (a) Material Properties; and (b) 1990 Displacement Analysis Results. Mr. Gorny also included some material regarding 'Liquefied and Non'" Liquefied Gravel case Histories' based on information included a paper titled " Practical Perspective on Liquefaction of Gravels , by J. E. Valera, M L. Traubenik, J. A. Eg~ and J. Y. Kanshiro, ASCE Special Publication on Ground Failure Under ' Seismic Conditions, 1994. The material and discussions provided by Mr. Gorny were very helpful in expediting my review. A conference call was held on April 25, 2002 to discuss the additional work being completed by Shannon & Wilson for the U.S. Anp,y Corps of Engineers and to finalize the date of the next meeting, which was set for May 17 in Portland. 10. At the May 17 meeting, I was provided with a copy of the letter report by Shannon & Wilson titled liRe-Evaluation ofField Data, Skook.-umchuck Dam, Thurston County, Washington , and dated April 30, 2002. Skookumduek Dam Project Page September 20, 2002 MAR 1? 2003 16: 15 FR D2S TO P'08/10 -' GE~'ERAL OBSERVATIONS The review of the above documents and the discussions at the tWo meetings provide the following observations at this time: . As is common in the North Western Part of the USA, the seismic sources of concern consist of crustal sources and the subduction source. For this site, the Legislature Fault appears to be the controlling crustal source. Based on a. telephone conversation with Dr. Weaver of the USGS in Seattle , it appears that this fault bas a length of SO to 60 kIn, its ground sUIface projection is about 9. kIn from the dam site, the rupture surface would ha.ve a width of about 15 to 20 lan. the upper 5 to 8 km could 'be considered non-seismogenic. and that the slip rate of this fault is very low (~'" 1 mmlyear). Based on these conSiderations, the maximum earthquake to be assigned to this source would be a magnjtude 1 (using the equations of Wells & Coppersmith for length of 5S kID and width of 11.5 kID) occUIring at a closest distance of10.6 km (considering a horizontal distance of9. Ian and a depth of 5 kIn) from the dam site. Because the fault has a very low degree of fault activity, the median estimates of the earthquake ground motions would be appropriate. Dr. Weaver a1so suggested that events on this fault are likely to be mostly sttike slip, but that they O1ay have a thrust component Accordingly, it was agreed that a weight or213 would be assigned to a strike slip mecbanism and a weight of 1/3 would be assigned to a thrust mechanism. The subduction events considered in the report by Shannon & Wilson (item No. above), are those that may ocCur on the Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ) or those that may occur on the Juan de Fuca Plate. For the deterministic estimate of earthquake ground motions Shannon & Wilson only considered the event on the CSZ (M = 9 at a distance of 68 km). It is necessaIj' that estimates for a magnitude 7Y.z earthquake occurring on the Juan de' Fuca Plate be also included. The recurrence interval for these events is relatively shOrt (on the order of a few hundred years, as summarized in item 6 above). Therefore, the 84 111 percentile estimates of earthquake ground motions need to be considered. Concern ofliquefaction being triggered during future earthquakes is only in the , alluvial soils, and. not of the silt or the gravels. Shannon & Wilson (items No., 8 & 10 above) considered that liquefaction would be triggered in a layer below the embankment extending from a short distance downstream of the toe of the downstream-berm almost all the way to the core trench. This assumption is certainly conservative , but the available subsurface infonnation from investigations camed out prior to and during constrUction do not provide sufficient information to either fully dismiss this possibility or to confinn it. The most recent subsurface investigation concentrated on the downstream end of the downstream berm, and , therefore, does not provide Skookumchuck Dam Project Page September 20. 2002 MAR 17 2003 16: 16 FR D2S TO :09/10 any additional input regarding the extent of possible liquefaction beneath the embankment. Accordingly, it was agreed at the May 17 , 2002 meeting that additional drilling would be conducted beneath the embankment to delineate the presence of potentially liquefiable soils. Estimates oitbe deformations of the embankment following the OCCUITence of the postulated earthquakes will be needed. If it is eventually judged that liquefaction is Unlikely to be triggered under the entire embankment, then a simplified Newmark-type deformation analysis will probably be adequate to judge the performance of this dam. 11, on the oth~ hand, it is concluded that a major portion ofllie foundation layer is likely to liquefy, then a more detailed nonlinear defonnarlon analysis may be required. . It is essential that all the available infonnation be integrated and synthesized to fully evaluate the potential behavior of the Skook;um.chuck Dam during future earthquakes. is hoped that Shannon & Wilson will complete such an effort, which will include the results of the soon to be completed drilling. Respectively submitted,yt~ I. M. Idriss Enclosures:Figure 1 Skookumchuck Dam Project Page September 20. 2002 825 N.c. MII/IIIII/nair. S uil.- /5(XI Port/all_to Dreg_III 972. (503) 813-5100 \J~t :' PACIFICORP RIICF1C UTAH POWER May 1 2003 Harry T. Hall, P. Regional Engineer Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 101 SW Main, Suite 905 Portland. Oregon 97204 Subject: Skookumchuck Hydroelectric Projec4 FERC No. 4441 Fourth Part 12 Consultant's Safety and Inspection Report Plan and Schedule to Submit Supplemental Reports Dear Mr. Hall: Your letter dated March 19 2003 included review comments and requested a plan and schedule to provide supplemental information to the Fourth Part 12 Consultant's Safety Inspection Rep()rt (CSIR) for the Skookumchuck dam in Washington. Your review was coordinated with your consultant, Dr.!. M. Idriss, and a copy of his letter report dated September 2002 was inclu4~d with your comme~ts. In accordance with your requ,est, PacifiCorp s plan andschedul~ to pr9.yide ,the five items describedin your, letter ' are as follows: PacifiCorp will conduct a new seismic hazard evaluation to determine the MCE and associated ground motions for the Skookumchuck dam. This evaluation will include the Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ), deep intraplate events such as those that may occur on the Juan de Fuca Plate, and the Legislative fault (crustal event) as potential seismic sources. Since the recurrence interval of the CSZ and deep intra-plate events is short, the 84th percentile ground motions wjll be determined for these events. The new seismic hazard evaluation will be completed and submitted to the Commission by December 31 2003. In accordance with the information provided by Dr. Idriss in his September 2002 letter, PacifiCorp will incorporate the Legislative fault in the seismic hazard evaluation. The information provided by Dr. Idriss will be used to characterize this fault and because this fault has a very low degree of fault activity, the median estimat~s of ground motions win bedetemtined. The new seismic hazard evaluation will be completed and submitted to the Commission by December 3 1 2003. Mr. Harry T. Hall May 1 , 2003 Page 2 ... PacifiCorp will conduct a drilling and testing program that includes three additional boreholes to be located on 100-foot centers where the berm intersects the toe of the embankment slope. Standard penetration testing, shear wave velocity and permeability testing will be performed in all the boreholes. Laboratory testing will include gradation teSts on all of the samples. Drawings and the specifications for the drilling program will be submitted to the Commission for review by July 31 , 2003. Upon the Commission authorization. drilling work will commence no later than October 31, 2003. The results of the drilling program and an evaluation of liquefaction potential based on information from the new borings and gradation tests will be provided to the Commission no later than March 31 , 2004. If a wide variety of conditions are encountered during the drilling operation, PacifiCoIp may elect to add additional borings to better define the subsurfaceconditions. If appropriate, pending the outcome of the field investigations proposed in Item 3 PacifiCorp will conduct a post-earthquake deformation analysis using residual shear strengths for the zones where liquefaction may be triggered. Also, if appropriate PacifiCorp will calculate the response of Skookumchuck Darn using a non-linear 2- dimensional dynamic analysis procedure. A plan and schedule for each of these activities win be developed accordingly. The U.S. Anny Corps of Engineers (COE) completed the PMF study work. The previous PMF studies were based on HMR 43, and PacifiCorp considers the Corps of Engineers PMF study to be the most valid to date. This studyincorporates the more recent HMR 57 and the February 8, 1996 flood of record as a calibration point. The results indicate a peak inflow of 32,500 cis and a peak outflow of 30 600 cfs. The peak reservoir elevation resulting from the PMF is 492.68 feet leaving a freeboard of 4.32 feet. A study performed for PacifiCorp by Bechtel Civil & Mineral, Inc. in 1987 estimated a maximum reservoir wave run-up of 3.8 feet, 0.52 feet lower than the available freeboard of 4.32 feet during the PMF. PacifiCorp s independent consultant is reviewing the new PMF study and PacifiCorp will provide this PMF study along with the Consultant's comments to the Commission by December 31 2003. As the Commission is aware, PacifiCorp has held discussions with TransAlta Centralia Generation LLC (TransAlta) regarding the sale of Skookumchuck dam and related assets. PacifiCorp and TransAlta expect to sign a letter of agreement in principle within two weeks to extend the expiration date for the existing right of first refusal to purchase Skookumchuck dam and related assets through June 2003. This extension will allow TransAlta the time necessary to complete various due diligence activities needed to prepare for closure of the sale.PacifiCorp will sustain the activities relative to the addendum to the 2002 Part 12 Report noted above until and unless. subsequent license exemption transfer or surrender would alter the ownership or jurisdictional status of the project. Mr. Harry T. Hall May 1 , 2003 Page 3 The original and two copies of this letter are enclosed. If you have questions or need further information, please contact Mildred Thompson at (503) 813-6664. Sincerely, 7? aX fIA:( RAL:Mf:hb R.A. Landolt Managing Director, Hydro Resources Cc:Washington Deparbnent of Ecology, Dam Safety Team bc:Fields/Strande - Merwin, Kirschenrnan, Leis, Raeburn, Snyder, Sturtevant, ThompsonIFERCEASE, File: Skookumchuck, FERC, Part 12, Compliance Dose art uoolementa 0 ormation 0 ow-up chedule Item Description Responsible Party Doe Date Number Items 1& 2 Submit new seIsmic hazard Kirschenman, Raeburn December 31 , 2003 evaluation to FERC Thomuson Item 3 Submit additional drilling Kirschenrnan, Raeburn July 31 , 2003 program drawings and specs Thompson to FERC Item 3 Commence drilling program Kirschenrnan, Raeburn ~L T October 31 with FERC auuroval 2003 Item 3 Provide drilling program Kirschenrnan, Raeburn NL T March 31 2004 results to FERC Thompson Item 4 Develop plan & Schedule for Kirschenrnan, Raeburn TBD deformation analysis as necessary Item 5 Provide new PMF to FERC Kirschenrnan, Raeburn December 31 , 2003 Thompson I H 12 S 11 fi F II T kS 825 N.t:. MIIIt",I/I/flh 51. Purl/tllIIl. OR 97232 ~. PACIFICORP July 30, 2003 Harry T. Hall, P . Regional Engineer Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 101 SW Main, Suite 905 Portland, Oregon 97204 Subject:Skookumchuck Hydroelectric Project, FERC No. 4441 Fourth Part 12 Consultant's Safety and Inspection Report Subsurface Investigation - Drilling Program Dear Mr. Hall: Our letter dated May 1 2003 included PacifiCorp s plan and schedules to submit supplemental reports to the fourth Skookumchuck Part 12 Consultant's Safety and Inspection Report. Item 3, of our May 151 letter contained a proposed plan and schedule for a drilling and testing program for three additional boreholes along the toe of the embankment slope of Skookumchuck Dam. Drawings and specifications for the additional drilling program are included in the attached Skookumchuck Subsurface Investieation - Drilling Program. Julv 2003 for the Commission s review. Upon the Commission s authorization, drilling work will mobilize and commence by October 30 2003. As we indicated in our May 151 letter, results of the drilling program and an evaluation of liquefaction potential based on infonnation from the new borings and gradation tests will be provided to the Commission no later than March 31, 2004. ' If a wide variety of conditions are encountered during the drilling operation, PacifiCorp may elect to add additional borings to better define the subsurface conditions. The original and two copies of this letter and three copies of its attachment are enclosed. !fyou have questions or need further information, please contact Mildred Thompson at (503) 813-6664. incere!y, U/JI- A. Landolt Managing Director, Hydro Resources RAL:MT:js Attachment: (Skookumchuck Subsurface Exploration - Drilling Program, July 2003) Washington Department of Ecology, Dam Safety Team (With Attachment. (J Fields/Strande - Merwin, Kirschenman , Leis, Ra~knYder, Sturtevant Thompson*/FERCEASE, File : Skookumchuek, tERC. Part 12, Compliance be: Subsurface Investigation 0 Subsurface Investigation 1 General This investigation is to determine the in situ properties and liquefaction potential of the alluvial materials left in place beneath the downstream shell of Skookumchuck Dam during construction. Standard penetration tests, downhole shear wave velocity measurements, and falling head permeability testing will be performed in each borehole. 1 Scope of Work Scope of Work shall include furnishing labor, equipment, materials, tools, supervision, testing, and other services required to perform subsurface investigations. laboratory testing, and other services as specified herein. The Scope of Work includes the following items: Ensuring that all Contractor personnel utilize necessary safety equipment including hard hats, safety glasses, hearing protection, and steel toe boots. Surveying the location and elevation. of all investigation locations. Perfoiming all exploratory borings, designated BV-1, BV-2, and BV-, and backfilling as ~~~ Sampling soil by split barrel methods at required intervals, at changes in stratum, or as required by the Company. Providing all materials required to protect and preserve soil samples from damage. freezing, or loss of moisture. Transporting all samples to the laboratory for testing. Performing laboratory tests as required by the Company and preparing test reports. :":~r:r()~\~~faliinghe: ?g, p~'JP~abilitytests inboreho;l~$,aS directed by the Company. Installing casing for downhole shear wave velocity testing to be performed by others. 2 Items Furnished by Others and Interfaces Items furnished by others and not in this Scope of Work include the following: Downhole shear wave velocity testing. At the Contractor's option, the Contractor can provide the downhole sheer wave testing as an optional item as described in Section 2.0 ,of this specification. The Contractor s proposal for this optional item shall include the names and qualifications of Subcontractors, if any. to be utilized in performing the testing work. The Company retains the option to acceptor reject the Contractor's proposal. 3 Performance and Design Requirements Performance and design requirements for the subsurface investigations are indicated in Article 1. 4 Codes and Standards Work performed under these specifications shall be done in accordance with the following codes and standards. Unless otherwise specified, the applicable governing edition and addenda to be used for all references to codes or standards specified herein shall be interpreted to be the jurisdictionally approved , edition and addenda. If a code or standard is not jurisdictionally mandated, then the current edition and addenda in effect at the date of this document shall apply. These references shall govern the work ;;;\f.~~~;~~;t1~~B',~~~~*W~~~q(~:?it~~ff!l~~r&i(;W$:f?lJ:~Pi:;~ ~;*; J~,;~':X:if~);e~;~~g~J~2?f:(W~\gtt~'i~'k~w.itf%~~1~4!:iiL~H~~~~t~WJ~~'tiil'tJNii~f(%1~: 07/23/03 ~~1r~~t~I~~ti_~~~v.2fFJlrJt~\~~~~~*~~~I~'!f~ift"ffi~~~~i, ~~~~~~~ Skookumchuck Pro act No.: 130683.0130 Subsurface Investigation except where they conflict with the Company's specifications. In case of conflict, the latter shall govern to the extent of such difference. Work In Accordance With Auger borings ASTM 01452 Split barrel sampling ASTM 01586 Rotary wash borings US Army Corps of Engineers Engineering Manual, EM 1110-1907 . Chapter 4 5 Materials The following materials shall be used: General Component Material Bentonite for drilling fluid Naturally occurring,high yield sodium montmorillonite powder containing no polymer additives or chemical treatments RevertrID for drilling fluid Biodegradable drilling fluid Hole plug Naturally occurring,high yield sodium montmorillonite graded chips High solids bentonite grout Naturally occurring,high yield sodium montmorillonite grout with a high solids content Cement ASTM C150, Type I Concrete Ready-mix for aboveground and flush mounted covers, and guard posts; 5,000 psi (34,474 kPa) concrete for aircraft rated covers 3 inch Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)PVC that is National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) tested and approved , Schedule 40 Water Clean, potable, and free from oil , acids, organic materials, or other deleterious substances 6 Approved Manufacturers of Components For the following components, only the listed manufacturers are recognized as maintaining the level of quality of workmanship required by these specifications. If the Contractor wants to propose a nonlisted manufacturer that is considered to provide an equivalent level of quality, this manufacturer must be identified and supporting testimony provided. Acceptance of the manufacturer as a substitute is at the discretion of the Company. Component Manufacturer Biodegradable drilling fluid Johnson , " Revert" High solids bentonite grout Baroid Drilling Fluids Inc. . " Aqua-Grout CatalysUBenseal" Hole plug Baroid Drilling Fluids, Inc. . -;:' i';::"'ir;: //':~ ;.,:. '; ,::-/: :' ; Ii )~:!~':;r~fPt~~tY;fXlAfI%t~~~;i';tg ~ifjf~i~~j:l~jmf.;:;Zt~;ctt1;;ti: ~g~, j;': ii Xi:; t');\XiJjf :::\!~~\;:j~.( :~,\:::: ji:,;i:;;wt;;f,;(;Wt~V:;b'if ::~~I 07/23/03 ' 1- Subsurface Investigation 7 Services The following articles cover the services included in the Scope of Work. Services are divided into Field Services and Laboratory Testing Services. 1 Field Services. The following items detail the Scope of Work for Field Services to be performed by the Contractor. Depths of individual borings shall be approximately 80 feet. The estimated quantities for bidding are provided in ?????????? Drilling Auger Drilling Rotary wash drilling Sampling Sampling frequency Sampling methods Abandonment and Backfilling of Borings At 5 foot (1.5 m) intervals between Elevation 390 (- ground surface) and 350. and 2.5 foot intervals from Elevation 350 to refusal on bedrock (- Elevation 310). 2 inch (50 mm) split balTel sampling. Boring abandonment High solids bentonite grout with cuttings Backfill boring with High solids bentonite grout with cuttings Downhole Shear Wave Velocity 3 inch PVC, flush joint. Casing Installation Testing Falling head permeability testing Downhole shear wave testing By Contrcictor By Others (Refer to Article 1.1;2.) Auger drilling may be used from Elevation 390 to Elevation 350, but rotary wash boring is required between Elevation 350 and refusal on bedrock. Previous investigations indicate the bedrock is at Elevation 310 +/- 2 Laboratory Testing Services. The following testing shall be conducted in accordance with the specified source. This testing is to be considered part of the defined Scope of Work, and all associated costs are the responsibility of the Contractor unless specifically identified as Company-conducted. , Tests In Accordance With Conducted By Atterberg limits ASTM 04318 Contractor Grain size analysis ASTM 0422 with sample Contractor preparation by ASTM 02217 (wet preparation method), Procedure B Moisture content ASTM 02216 Contractor Specific gravity ASTM 0854 Contractor Specific gravity coarse ASTM C136 Contractor grained soils 07/23/03 Subsurface Investigation ;~~~~~~., ,. ~~~~J5'i~'i;:~t;t ~f ~~ :~:~~t*,~'f~fi~~~1f,p1t~~1~~~~1~~,*ii1f€'~~~i:i~~iti!~~:Jjf~ 0 Y;f;w 8 Technical Attachments The following attachments are located at the end of this Section. The information contained in these documents constitutes requirements under the defined Scope of Work. Document NumberlDescriptlon Title Revision Figure 1 Site location Map Figure 2 Dam Plan/Drilling Area Figure 3 Boring location Plan 2 Products 1 General This article describes the labor, equipment, materials, tools, supervision, and services required to perform the subsurface investigation. The purpose of the subsurface investigation is to obtain geotechnical information used to support permitting, design, and construction. Geotechnical information obtained from investigations includes the description and classification of subsurface materials, engineering properties of subsurface materials, subsurface stratigraphy, presence or absence of groundwater, and the identification of potential geologic hazards. The Contractor shall have all necessary permits, ,licenses, and insurance coverage required to perform the work. The Contractor shall provide the Company with a current insurance certificate with required coverage before mobilizing. The location, number, types of investigation techniques, and required depth of investigations used in a subsurface investigation are dependent upon the scope of the investigation , geologic setting. and layout of project structures. The Contractor shall be responsible for locating all underground utilities at each investigation location. No work shall begin until all utilitys~rvices have been notified, utility locations have been marked at each investigation location , and the Company has issued an authorization to proceed~ The Company will have representatives in the field during the subsurface exploration program. Theywill observe the services performed to determine, in general. if the services are proceeding in accordance with the intent of the requirements herein. They may request adjustments in the services as required. The Companys field representatives, as required, will approve boring locations; maintain a log of each boring, select intervals for falling head permeability testing, "authorize changes in the services to be performed; and oversee the performance of the services. The Contractor shall add to or deduct from the depth and number of the borings indicated on the drawings as directed by the Company during the course of the work. The Contractor shall also add to or deduct from the number of each type of laboratory test as directed by the Company during the course the work. Such changes will be determined by the Company, and changes in price due to changes in quantities will be calculated using unit prices. The Contractor shall provide, on each drilling rig, a 20 pound (9.1 kg) ABC type fire extinguisher and one first aid kit equipped with an eyewash bottle. The Contractor shall be held responsible for any damage to existing structures or property resulting from his operations and shall repair or replace any such damaged structures or property to the satisfaction the property owner at no additional cost to the Company. 7(t;$0;f0~~'W1I;~\Nij ~~;, :ti8f$~;?;: ! ~ri ::1~ jJ'J'i ;,; i;;.;::llY Xi:1' 0iK ; 1i~f f ft~lii1(W~1Wl~%i1H);i: ';:;RfJi~ ~tf~Jg(~&'ti~, %',~ ~ Y!:H~;)~k;~ ~~:i(JJji;t i :'i( ~ ': ; f-:fY;:l::i: , '' : : ::1:12: 07/23/03 1-4 Skookumchuck Pro ect No.: 130683.0130 Subsurface Investigation The Contractor shall be responsible for all damages to streets, roads, curbs, sidewalks" highways. shoulders, ditches, embankments, culverts, bridges, or other public or private property that may be used to transport equipment, materials, or personnel to or from the site and investigation locations, as required. The Contractor shall make satisfactory and acceptable arrangements with the responsible individuals having jurisdiction over the damaged property concerning its repair or replacement Access for the services will be provided by the Company and will be available so that services can proceed as scheduled; however, the Contractor shall have written notification from the Company to proceed before entering areas where the services will be performed. The Contractor shall become familiar with the site prior to bidding the work. All Contractor personnel engaged in the field investigation services shall be trained for such activity, when required. Training shall include, but not be limited to, review of the proper use of personal protective equipment, safe operating procedures . and emergency response. Drawings. Drawings indicating the location plan of the borings are included with these technical specifications in Article 1. 2.3 Materials All materials required for the subsurface investigation shall be fumish~d by the Contractor and work shall be performed in accordance with the codes and standards specified herein. The materials shall be new and undamaged and shall conform to the requirements specified in this specification. Equipment Equipment shall be in good operating condition and shall operate at the capacity specified or required to perform the work required for the subsurface investigation. Equipment shall be acceptable to the Company. No payment will be made for mobilization costs for equipment brought to the site to replace equipment that breaks down, does not perform satisfactorily, or is found to be unsuitable for site conditions. The Contractor shall provide the Company with all calibration information for calibrated equipment. 1.2.5 Water. The Contractor shall furnish all water required for drilling and other work, as required. separate payment will be made for water or for time spent getting water. All water used shall be free from oil, acids, organic materials, or other deleterious substances. In addition, clean water shall be used for mixing grout for backfilling borings. Contractor shall obtain permission and pay all costs associated with using water from fire hydrants. Potable water shall be used for all drilling and piezometer installation. Discharge Water. Discharge water from the boring operations shall be conveyed to natural drainage by piping or ditches acceptable to the Company. The Contractor shall ensure that discharging of water shall be in accordance with all federal, state, and local requirements. At the conclusion of the work, the Contractor shall repair all erosion damage caused by the discharge water and restore ditches and other drainage facilities to their original condition. Electrical Power. The Contractor shall fumish all electrical power required for drilling and other work. No separate payment will be made for providing electrical power. :;;l'm~~;j;! ;f111~ iJ#~f1i%~FJI~lf~if5~f~f(~1T1~~:~~~%jl ;~4~~$:tB~ f ~ l:t ~t J) \;;~,~~f f~i~1~~i~~i~ ~~~f.#o;~~1k; W,ti-~~WMi\~#w~1,~i ~~i&1f~~lt!ij~~~;~ f.;~lj 07/23/03 Skookumchuck pro ect No.: 130683.0130 Subsurface Investigation 3 Execution All borings shall be drilled vertically unless directed otherwise by the Company or specified herein. The borings shall be kept straight and plumb within limits that will permit satisfactory installation of casings. as required. Should the boring prove unsatisfactory at any time prior to acceptance. the boring shall be considered abandoned with the requirements of Article 1.3. Abandonment of Boring/Piezometers. Cuttings generated during advancement of the borings shall be spread evenly on the ground surface in the vicinity of the piezometer or boring in a manner that will not damage the area or be unsightly, unless directed otherwise by the Company. Water from the boring operations shall be discharged in accordance with Article 1.6, Discharge Water. Sampling shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of Article 1. , Sampling Method and Frequency. The borehole shall be cleaned prior to collecting samples. Borings shall be left open for 24 hours after completion to allow the Company to obtain a water level unless directed otherwise by the Company. After the 24 hour water level reading, or when directed by the Company, the Contractor shall install casing for downhole shear wave testing. Rotary Wash Drilling. When required, rotary wash drilling shall include earth drilling with or without sampling as directed by the Company. Rotary wash borings shall have the minimum diameter specified in Article and shall be of sufficient size to accommodate sampling equipment and down hole shear wave casing installation. Unless otherwise permitted by the Company, rotary wash borings shall be performed in accordance with Article 1.1.4. In silty formations that might be disturbed by conventional side discharging bits, the hole shall be prepared for sampling equipment with a bit equipped with baffles to deflect the drilling fluid upward. Drilling mud or temporary casing shall be provided by the Contractor if required to maintain an open hole. Drilling mud shall consist of a mixture of high-swelling bentonite and water, or biodegradable drilling fluid as sp~ifiedin Article 1 6 (or acceptable equj\.l;:ilent approved by the C()mpany) and water, of sufficient viscosity taprey~nt penetrati~r, ()Vthe mud into the soil during sampling operations. Chemical additives for adjusting viscosity may be used if penriittedby the Company. Whenpiez6meters are to be installed, high-swelling bentonite shall not be used. If required for borehole stability and approved by the Company, temporary casing may be used by the Contractor. Temporary casing required to advance the boring in son or rock shall be acceptable to the Company. The casing shall be steel pipe of the size to facilitate all required operations and may be either new material or used material in good condition. Temporary casing shall remain in the boring until its removal is authorized by the Company; The Contractor may be required to move off any boring after drilling and casing placement are completed and then retum to the boring to remove all temporary casing and backfill the boring as specified. All temporary casing shall be pulled prior to or during backfilling to ensure complete backfilling of the hole in a manner acceptable to the Company. No payment will be made for temporary casings left in place because of the impracticability of removal. 2 Sampling Method and Frequency When required by the .Company, sampling shall consist of split barrel samples at the depths listed in Article 1. The water level in each boring shall be maintained whenever drilling equipment is retracted In preparation for sampling to avoid unbalanced hydrostatic pressure that might wash in material from the sides and bottom of the boring or make the boring unstable. , , \ ;01 ?c~,~tIW;~!~ f0; 1 fJf~J~~~f1~51Jiif!~f:~ffwf#~f4~ti3~ft~&)1 ft ~ ?!if!I;ffJi~; ~j1~ ;tifb~~~~~ ~~fJR~ ~~;~ ~~ ;f~ lit! ~r;~~ ~if~~I~~\\~:~~if4~rl~ ~j.. 07/23/03 Skookumchuck Pro ect No.: 130683.0130 Subsurface Investigation The 2 inch (50 mm) diameter split barrel samples shall be obtained and resistance to soil penetration shall be measured using the split barrel sampler in accordance with Article 1.1.4. Penetration resistance (blow count) for each 6 inch (1pO mm) increment shall be required. The coupling head for the split barrel sampler shall be provided with a ball check valve and shall have open vents. The sampler shall also be equipped with a spring type sample retainer or an acceptable equivalent approved by the Company. The Contractor shall have a minimum of two complete split barrel samplers on the drill rig. The barrel for the sampler shall be at least 18 inches (457 mm) in length to allow for 18 inch (457 mm) long samples. The Contractor shall break down all split barrel samplers atter collecting a sample. Sample jars for split barrel samples submitted for physical analysis shall be supplied by the Contractor and shall not be larger than 318 inches (60 mm) in diameter. Sample jars for split barrel samples shall be moistureproof and vaporproof wide-mouth glass jars with self-sealing screw covers. Sample jars will be labeled by the Company. The Contractor shall supply labels with space for the job name, boring number, interval sampled, and blow count in 6 inch (150 mm) increments. The Contractor may use sealable plastic bags in place of glass jars for storage of samples if approval is obtained from the Company before the start of work. If the Company is away during sampling, the Contractor, unde~ the direction of the Company, shall place the sample in a sample jar or plastic bag and label the sample jar or plastic bag in the manner directed by the Company. The sample jar or plastic bag should then be placed in its appropriate location for the Company to check at a later time. 3 Abandonment of Boring Any boring that does not meet the depth, alignment, plumbness, or other requirements, or any boring on which the Contractor stops work before completion will be considered an abandoned boring. A new boring shall be started in the immediate vicinity at a location designated by the Company after the location of utilities has been establish~by the Contractor. No payment will be made for any work on an abandoned boring. An abandoned boring shall be backfilled and sealed with cement~bentonite grout, high solids bentonite grout, or cuttings as required in Article 1.1 or as approved by the Company. Any newly installed piezometer that does not meet construction quality, accuracy of piezometer screen placement, or other requirements, or any piezometer on which the Contractor stops work before com- pletion, will be considered an abandoned piezometer. No payment will be made for any work on an abandoned piezometer. Piezometer abandonment shall meet all regulations of the state where the services are performed and/or requirements of the Company and be in accordance with Article 1. Grout. A new piezometer shall be installed in the immediate vicinity at a location designated by the Company atter the location of utilities has been established by the Contractor. 4 Grout The cement-bentonite or high solids bentonite grout used to backfill borings not completed. The cement- bentonite or high solids bentonite grout seal shall be brought to the ground surface, or as required by theCompany. When required, the cement-bentonite grout slurry shall weigh between 12 and 14 pounds per gallon (1. and 1.68 kgIL) and consist of 95 percent (by weight) cement with 5 percent sodium bentonite mixed with no more than 6 gallons (23 L) of water per 94 pound (42.6 kg) sack of cement. Cement shall conform to Article 1.5. The grout shall be thoroughly mixed and shall be used before any stiffening occurs. The Contractor shall supply a balance to measure the weight of the grout. When required, the high solids bentonite grout shall be as specified in Article 1.6, or an acceptable equivalent approved by the Company. The high solids bentonite grout shall be thoroughly mixed , .. :~i~~~M )~;'It4i~ !;,1t ~~~1t~~.i7:ftX~i~\i~i0~~~~~1ji!~~~ w.)t~~ E.~~rt'f~1H!+i:?);~!,?;i ':if;ff~' *;; ~;~~~TV4\RY ~~~t~jr~%i~Mf ?~~ \~ft1 Y. ;t:~i~fill:f; m;~;T~k4'iftfiff,~ 07123103 Subsunace Investigation according to the manufacturer's specifications. The bentonite grout shall weigh between 9.0 and 9. pounds per gallon (1.08 and 1.14 kg/L), unless otherwise directed by the Company. The Contractor shall supply a balance to measure the weight of the grout. Grout shall be placed by the tremie method. The tremie method shall consist of pumping the slurry down the boring or annular space outside the piezometer casing through a pipe. The bottom of the pipe shall be placed near the bottom of the zone to be grouted and shall be raised as the grout is placed, always keeping the bottom of the tremie pipe below the top of the grout. The tremie pipe tip shall be equipped with baffles to diScharge the grout upward. The tremie pipe tip shall be placed as close as possible to the top of the silica sand filter or seal. The tremie pipe tip shall be kept at least 5 feet (1. 5 m) below the grout surface during grout placement. Before grouting is completed, the Company will weigh the grout exiting the borehole to ensure that the correct mixture has been, brought to the surface. Pumps, piping, and other materials for mixing and pumping grout shall be provided by the Contractor. When allowed in Article 1.1, borings may be backfilled with cuttings. 5 Downhole Shear Wave Casing Installation The Contractor shall fumish all labor, materials, and equipment for completing the installation of casing for downhole shear wave testing. Casing shall, be installed in aCGQrdance with Article 1.1.4 and as described below. Materials required for construction of the permanent casing shall be as required in Article 1.1.1. Permanent Schedule 40 PVC casing, with a minimum inside diameter of 3 inches (75 mm), shall be installed to the completed depth of each boring. PVC pipe sections shall be joined using watertight , flush- threaded joints that are acceptable to the Company. A watertight bottom cap shall be provided to seal the bottom of the casing. In accordance with the requirements in Article 1.4, the maximum boring diameter shall be 6.5 inches (162.5 mm). The annulus outside the casing shall be backfilled with cement bentonite grout using the tremie method in accordance with Article 1.3.4, Grout. The grout shall have a similar density to the in situ material, and shall consist of 1 pound bentonite (not synthetic materials), 1 pound of Portland Cement, and 6.25 pounds of water. Bentonite drilling mud shall not be used to advance a borehole unless approved by the Company. A biodegradable synthetic drilling fluid acceptable to the Company may be used; the manufacturer'sdirections shall be carefully followed. 6 Falling Head Penneability Testing The Contractor shall provide a suitable pump, water meter, water level indicator, necessary pipe and conn~tions, and all other equipment and supplies required to perform falling head tests. In general. the tests will be conducted between Elevation 350 and rock. The Contractor shall record the test results on a form acceptable to the Company. Based upon inspection of the samples, the purchaser will select intervals for testing. The hole will be cleaned out from the bottom of the casing to the top of the next sample interval, and the test will be performed. The casing will be filled with water and the time to drop 10 feet. or the drop in 5 minutes will be monitored. If the casing can not be filled, the flow into the casing will be recorded. 7 Cleanup As work at each boring location concludes, the Contractor shall remove all equipment. tools , material, and supplies and shall leave the site clean and clear of all debris generated by his work. All earth cuttings, drilling fluid, and discharge water from piezometer development shall be spread evenly on the ground around the piezometer or boring so as not to damage the area or be unsightly, unless directed otherwise by the Company. , : ,;' iF' 8n~ ,; ;:;f ;~~:7~~~ pJ(nH? i H~)!i' ; :t*i~ ~I;l;ij)j! ~ ~~ ~1;f~ fLf;,,~iji;i;1' ~; j%.:9, ;~ ;fif?;&4;~;P ~ t:i;Ji~);jiJ ~ 1\'; it ~:1J':ii'&f,:~j;%* i~1ilft:R\' ~:; Ff:tfM~~;fitfJl~R.~~11~:;~1~~ 07/23/03 Skookumchuck Pro ect No.: 130683.0130 Subsurlace Investigation 8 Restoration of Damaged Property The Contractor shall conduct all services in a manner to prevent any destruction, scarring, or defacing of the worksite. At the completion of services, the Contractor shall restore each location to its original condition. The Contractor shall, at his own expense, restore all property damaged while accessing the drill sites and perfonning services. The restoration work shall include, but not be limited to, the repair of fences and roads and the leveling of ruts produced by driving to the investigation locations. 9 Surveying All locations of subsurface investigations shall be surveyed and staked. All surveying shall be performed by a land surveyor registered in the state in which the work is being perfonned. The Contractor shall use the Company designated elevation datum and coordinate system to locate the subsurface investigations. The Contractor shall not start work at any location until the location has been staked, the surface elevation has been detennined, dearance for underground utilities has been received, the location has been reviewed by the Company, and authorization to proceed has been issued. Subsurface investigations shall be located as indicated on the drawing induded in these specifications. The acceptable tolerance for elevation shall be 0.1 foot (30.5 mm) and for location shall be 1.0 foot (0.3 m). locations shall not be moved more than 15 feet (4.6 m) from the planned location without Company's approval. 10 Laboratory Tests Unless otherwise pennitted by the Company, each laboratory test shall be perfonned as specified in the laboratory test standards specified herein. Test results shall be reported on fonns suitable for reproduction and shall be acceptable to the Company. Samples;tobe tested will be select~d :by the Com.P~r'1y afte((X)n1pletion ,of the drilling. The Contractor shall be responsible for delivering the'test samples'thelaboi'atory. " , " 10.1 Atterberg Limits. When required, Atterberg limits shall be as specified in Article 1.2. The liquid limit shall be detennined by securing the results of at least three trials. The test report shall indude initial moisture content. 10.2 Grain Size Analysis. When required, grain size analysis shall be as specified in,Article 1. This test is a complete sieve analysis, not just a measurement of the percent finer than the No. 200 sieve. This test does not include a hydrometer analysis. If the Company requires hydrometer analyses, they will be requested separately. Reports of the results of this test shall indude data and a graph of the data. 10.Moisture Content. When required, moisture content detennination shall be as specified in Article 1.2: no exceptions cited. 10.Specific Gravity. When required , the specific gravity of the soils shall be determined as specified in Article; no exceptions cited. 10.5 Specific Gravity of Coarse Grained Soils. Specific gravity determination for gravel and larger grained soils shall be as specified in Artide 1. 11 Quantities Measurement Quantities of work completed by the Contractor will be measured and paid for as specified herein. All work not specifically set forth as a pay item shall be considered a subsidiary obligation of the Contractor and all associated costs shall be included in the unit prices. )j~~f~~~i~itF)~r~1!l~Jf~;;~J~;'if~jiff;!111f,t~~ttJf.f~~~ii!lt~ir~i'~~i1.~~it?~~%JNi~-?~~~1~Wf$,*%ii~~m~~tti~!~r~~$~W$i~~~~ 07/23/03 Subsurface Investigation 11.Mobilization and Demobilization. When required, the initial mobilization of drill rig(s), bulldozers, backhoes, cone penetrometer rig(s), crosshole testing equipment, refraction survey equipment, and associated equipment as required in Article 1.5 and demobilization of same shall be made in the amount of the appropriate unit price stated herein, per drill rig, bulldozer, backhoe, cone penetrometer rig, crosshole testing equipment, or refraction survey equipment. If additional mobilization is initiated by a written request from the Company, additional payment for delivery to and removal from the site of all materials, tools, and drilling and sampling equipment will be made, for each item, in the amount of the appropriate unit price stated in this proposal. The mobilization unit prices are to be for the complete mobilization and demobilization. No payment will be made for mobilization costs for equipment brought to the site to replace equipment that breaks down, does not perform satisfactorily, or is found to be unsuited to site conditions. No payment will be made for mobilization costs for additional equipment the Contractor chooses to mobilize because of conditions brought about by adverse weather. 11.Drilling and Sampling. The unit price for drilling borings and securing samples shall include the costs of all labor, materials, and equipment required, including all costs of labor, materials, and equipment required for the boring and sampling services. The unit price for borings shall include the costs of making ~orings ,and supplying water and all other appurtenant drilling costs, including moving equipment between piezometer and boring locations. Payment for borings will be made on the basis of actual footage of boring advanced, measured from the ground surface to the depth authorized by the Company. The unit price for temporary casings shall include the cost of supplying, installing, and removing all temporary casings. No payments shall be made for temporary casings left in place because of impracticability of removal. Payment for temporary casings shall be made on the basis of actual footage installed, measured from the ground surface to the depth authorized by the Company. The unit price for 2 inch (50 mm) diameter split barrel sampling shall include the costs of cleaning the bottom of the boring before sampling, making standard penetration tests with 2 inch (50 mm) samplers, recovering representative samples of soil from the sampler, opening samplers. and all other appurtenant costs, including the cost of containers and labels for samples, and placing samples in containers as needed. Payment for split barrel sampling shall be made on the basis of the actual number of sampling attempts authorized by the Company. No payment will be made for split barrel sample attempts where there is no recovery due to careless handling or sampling procedures used by the Contractor, as judgedby the Company. The unit price for grout sealing borings shall include the cost. of all labor, materials. and equipment as required by the Company. Payment for grout sealing will be made on the basis of the actual footage of the boring grouted. If the boring has collapsed before backfilling, the quantity shall be measured from the ground surface to Ihe depth of collapse as determined by the Company. The unit price for sealing borings with granular bentonite below the bottom of piezometers shall include the cost of all labor, materials, and equipment as required by the Company. Payment for sealing will be made on the basis of the actual footage of the boring sealed. 11.Surveying. The unit price for surveying shall include the cost of all labor, materials, and equipment required to survey and stake the location and elevation at all borings, piezometers, and test pits, including tying the survey to a known bench mark or state plane coordinate system. The surveying unit price shall also include the cost of providing the survey results in a letter report and an electronic AutoCAD file. Payment will be made on the basis of the number of borings, piezometers, and test pits surveyed. i,.,h:?::1, :~: /;i'I:i01;~ \% ;t~~; t~ ~:;~, ili: :i::ari~~4'~~~~fl it~~1~r,~;~tH!!i;'). g;;;fl~J!f~~~~/;1 ~r~ h! J~,g ; J ;~~; j;i~ t:;tf~ i?~ ~ K;f ~~ i~~jff~~W;~ Skookumchuck Pro ect No.: 130683.0130 Subsurface Investigation 11.Falling Head Permeability Testing. The unit price for packer testing shall include all labor materials, and equipment required to perfonn the testing and record the data during the tests. Payment for falling head testing will be made on the basis of the number of tests performed, including setup time. 11.5 Permanent Casing Installation for Downhole Shear Wave Velocity Testing. Payment for penn anent casing installation for downhole shear wave velocity testing shall include the costs of all labor materials, and equipment required for installing and grouting the casing. Payment shall be made on the basis of actual footage of casing installed, measured from the ground surface to the depth authorized bythe Company. 11.Laboratory Tests. The unit price for each laboratory lest shall include all costs of labor materials, and equipment for performing the tests and presenting five copies of the results. 11.7 Standby Time/Downtime. Standby time shall be time when the Contractor could be working, but the Company has directed the Contractor to discontinue working and to remain onsite and be prepared to resume services when directed by the Company. Downtime shall be time when services cannot be performed due to failure of the Contractor's equipment or other factors caused by the Contractor that prevent services from being perfonned. Standby time will be paid only if service stoppages directed by the Company exceed downtime caused by the Contractor. The Company will keep a record of both standby time and downtime. Payment will be based on the actual amount of standby time in excess of downtime. Work stoppage caused by inclement weather does not constitute standby time or downtime. 4 Schedule The Field Services and Laboratory Testing Services shall be performed within the following completion dates. Activity Completion Date Award Work October 23, 2003 ~abiliz~Drilling Contractor Oc;tober 30, 2p03 ' '' .. Conduct Drilling Work November 20, 2003 Conduct Laboratory Testing December 25, 2003 :~;%il~N;:~~fMlt:gYh'*t~ciJ~f~j~t~&f~~\;~iYnt1Wttb;~~"fJCy,~:;~~~~~;;tK:\f,i;i:%if,~(~~~;~~~\t~~;~~~f~f~~~~t~~tt~Ef~~~1t~pJj1KtA'.;jg~~j0'%~i)fi2gt~;~i::;~f~ 07/23/03 Subsurface Investigation .s:..~ .... ..... LOC MAP SCIIU ,.., ...:c Skookumchuck Dam Subsurface Investigations Figure 1 Site Location Map Rev. 0 : ';: (l~~, !~~l1~; ~:o' \:;:1:' i€Witii ~;~ iW~~; ~;;jhf,~ii;$';1& tin u:~ ~~;1; i~tti~!JJf~W!$,~tilf~~*;f;~ ~ ; ~~Hi#;f?fi~4 t~tt, ;i'S1~~~1;i j !!t#;f ~i~~ 1f,iJtf~ ~ f~t9jij t$~j\f& 'k~i,ffi:f,~~ 07/23/03 Skookumchuck Pro ect No.: 130683.0130 Subsurface Investigation . --,..""" .././--'"\-~ ~\Q ............ L., -' .. "'::., . - ----,/ -----.... Skookumchuck Dam Subsurface Investigations Figure 2 Dam Plan/Drilling Area Rev. 0 J j~%1 t~J~~;;i;J?*~,?i&~;;; jmi~~ft~:; %:;' i j:' tH' ~.;' fK';1-!!i:iLc;f;;,;~tiff~4 W: ;ji i;~~t~ tHN4~?l~-j!f;~E~i~~J;;1&~~~~1~ti~~~;,~~0jK::i~i\t'tWi ~~~,ay:~ jj i il%L *~~~~f,~1,i; f~ ~J;i j 07/23/03 Subsuriace Investigation DH- , , i&t-OO.... r ~ ' .. 1--1 ! Proposed 2003 Boring Skookumchuck Dam Subsurface Investigations Figure 3 , Boring Location Plan Rev. 0 07/23/03 Skookumchuck Pro ect No.: 130683.0130 Downhole Shear Wave Velocity Test 0 Downhole Shear Wave Velocity Test 1 General The intent of this testing is to determine the variation in compression (P-wave) and shear wave (8-wave) velocity with depth using downhole seismic test procedures, The boreholes and casing will be installed by others. Field Procedures A three component downhole geophone shall be used to record the seismic signals. Seismic signals shall be created by two sources. A sledge hammer and plate shall be used for as the P-wave source, and a vehicle weighted plank and sledge hammer shall be used as the shear wave source. To take advantage of the 8-wave polarization, both sides of the weighted plank shall be struck, and the waveforms recorded separately. P and S wave data shall be collected on 2.5 foot intervals. The recording device shall have at least 24 channels. Signal stacking shall be used to enhance the measurement of polarized signals and reduce ambient vibration interference. Report A report providing P and S wave velocity at each test depth shall be provided in tabulated and graphical form. A description of field procedures and data reduction methodology shall be provided. Schedule The downhole shear wave velocity testing shall be performed within the following completion dates. Activity Completion Date Award Work October 23, 2003 Boreholes and Casing Installed by Others November 20, 2003 Conduct Downhole Shear Wave Velocity Tests December 25. 2003 07/23/03 ,- , 0 ' .. -.-- -' ,-'- - . .. .. ' Copied 8/11103 CS:bb Fields, - Merwin Scibelli-Merwin Strande ....; Merwin TbmiipsOuIFERCEASE - lS~ LCT . ,..,..:~ C;:On:w~~, ~ ~ 12'prm I: scbedulc. . AckMwledgmeut FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION Office of Energy Projects Division of Dam S~et:y and Inspections Portland Regional Office 101 S.W. Main Street. Suite #905 Portland, Oregon 97204 JUl 3 J 2003 In reply refer to: , P-4441- NATDAM-W AOO153 Mr. Randy A. Landolt Director, Hydro ResourcesP~orp 825 NEMultriomah; Suite i500 Port1an~ OR 97232 Dear Mr. Landolt: This is to acknowledge your May 1; 2003 letter, in. response to, our March 19, 2003 letter, proposing a plan and schedule for providing supplemental information to the January 15, 2002 Fourth Independent ConsUltant's Safety Inspection Report for the S~M1JCld?xoj~,FERC:N~'4411.: )Ve-:have'~e fell~wing comments on the items ~~sse4in.1'oI,lfMa.y,;tle~f:'f" , , ';, ", , ;::';':,~::: ,; ;'::'-::::: :' :l:':/ ;-:: -,.',.. ,;:'~;,-:;.., ' 0 Items 'I ~d::2 ; You proposed to condU:c~ anew seismi~ hazard ey~uation, which would include the Cascadia Subduction Zone, deep intraplate events, and the legiSlature fault FurtI1er~ the ~o~tioi:iprovided irifu. I. M. Idriss: ~ptember 20 2002 letter report would' be in~orPo~ int~ the eval~atiOli and the .ev~uation submitted to~soffic~bYD~em~r31,~OO~.This'a.cc~~~le. ..,.. ., ,:""" ,:' ' .' "-:', ,, ,' "", ' !3 Ite~ 3 - Youp~oposed,to subri1itplans and'~pec,ifi~~o?s fo~ the SkoolQunchu9k" Dam dri1ling!expl~il~ns' Piogrlim-by July ,31'~ ;z.qo3; 'bCgiI1,"the' driUingtexplor!l~ons by OCtOber' 31. ,2003; ~d su~niit.the. exploration res~ts amr a liquefaction '~va1uatiOn by, Ma(ch 31, 2004. This is acceptable. In addition to the plans and specifiCations, a Quality Control and Jnspection 'Program. including.a soil erosion and sediment cOntrol pl~, should bc submi.tted. By June 13, 20031etter, Mr. RogerL Raeburn, ~ager. Hydro Plant Eng!.n.~ring; iorytarded drawings !),hQwmg'tpe exjstingJmd propo~~d,dPU ~ole locations. We have reviewed this infonnation; the proposed locations of the three new dI:illhol~~ ar~ acc.~p'~~~..We:concur that, as infonnation is learned from the iDitiaJ ~9~~.ntof1he'b~g~~~tio.n~,borjpg~,may;~ ~eeded:: :: - .,:..~, "'::,::;:; ,,:, ::,~.:::: ~:~:;n! ";' , :' :':- ,:'::::",:.(,,:,:,,::'~:':,~':;;..:;' ,':,;,::.,.:.!::~,,:;,,""':':,~,, ,: ", ' ', '", .'::: ' , '.. , '.. ..,- '- , , Critical En'ergy Intrastructnre Information -Qo Not Release- 0 Item 4 - Based on the results obtained from the drilling/explorations program addressed in Item 3, you indicated that a post-earthquake deformation analysis may be performed and, if appropriate, a non-linear 2-dimensional dynamic analysis would 1?e peIformed. This is acceptable. If these analyses are considered necessary, the plan and schedule for the work must be submitted to this office for our review. 0 Item 5 - You stated that your consultant will review the recently completed U. Anny Corps of Engineers' Skookumchuck Dam PMF study, and that copies of the PMF study and your consultant's comments thereon will be submitted by Decem~ 31,2003. This is acceptable. As a reminder, all of-the above discUssed submittals.s.hould be:,i~i tripijeate:to this office. If you have any questions, please contact MesSrs. William'r.agmon or Edward. Perez of this office at (503) 522-2748 ,or (503) 552:-2750. respectively. Sincerely, , , ~T. Hall, P.E. Regional Engineer Crit:icaJ Energy Infrastrncture Information Do Not Release- Copied 10-10-03 CS:hb Fields, Merwin Kirschenll1an ,- 1500 LCr Leis - 1500 LCT Cunnor .. 1500 LCT Raeburn - I SilO LCT Snyder - 1500 LCT Strande.. 1500 LCT Sturtevant - 1500 LCT Thompson/FERCEASE - 1500 LCT File: Skookumchuck, Compliance FERC. Part 12 D Report 2002-Plan and Schedule response, InSlrUmentation Maintenance FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION Office of Energy Projects Division of Dam Safely and Inspections Portland Regional Office IOJ S.W. Main Street, Suite #905 Portland, Oregon 97204 ,,' ' )~O3 In reply refer to: 444I- NA TDAM-W AOOl53 Mr. Randy A. Landolt Director, Hydro Resources PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 1500 Portland, OR 97232 Dear Mr. Landolt: This is 10 acknowledge your July 30 2003 letter providing plans and -.perifications for the drilling program regarding the January 15,2002 Fourth 11Idepend~n! Consultant's Safety Inspection Report for the Skookumchuck Project, FERC No. 4441. We have the following comments: (1) As requested in our July 31. 2003 letter, a Quality Control and Inspection Program (QCIP), including a sediment and erosion control plan (SECP), should be submitted. Your July 30 letter did not provide a QCIP or SECP. Section 1.2.6;. Discharge Water, states that drilling discharge water will be sent to ditches. Discharge water and cuttings from drilling activities should be contained within the area of drilling In a manner that will not caus~ adverse en"ironmentai Impacts. (2) Section 1.1.4 - SPT sampling should be performed in accordance with ASTM D 6066, "Standard Practice for Determining the Normalized Penetration Rcsistance of Sands for Evaluation of Liquefaction POtentiar', in addition to ASTM 1586. "Standard Test Method for Penetration Test and Split-Barrel Sampling of Soils . However, you are required to perform continuous SPTs below Elevation 350 as slaled in Item 6. below. Critical Energy Infrastructure Information Do Not Relcase- (3) Section 1.1. I - Scope of Work, should include the instal1ation of open tube piezometers in two of the borings for the purpose of measuring static water level readings and falling head permeability tests if appropriate. Tip installation elevations of the piezometers should be chosen on the basis of conditions encountered during drillingoperations. (4) Section 1.3.1 - Rotary Wash Drilling, states that casing may be used to maintain an open boring. This section should state that if casing is used, it should not be advanced within 2.5 feet of the current standard penetration testing (SPT) interval in conformance with ASTM D 6066 section 11. (5) The type of hammer used to advance SPTs should be provided along with the appropriate calibration data. Calibration data should be provided with the information requested in Item 7, below. In addition, a liner should be used in the SPT sampler (creating a constant 1 3/8" ID) to eliminate the need to apply a correction factor in the nonnalization of N values. (6) Section - SPTs may be performed on 5-foot intervals from the ground surface to approximate Elev. 350 as indicated. SPTs should then be performed continuously from Elev. 350 to refusal on bedrock, instead of 2.foot intervals as stated. (7) A copy of the field boring logs, backfill records, and piezometer/casing jnst~lt!i~qflJ~~9rds sh()Hldpe m~il.ed or f3Jted to this office within Jp days 4pon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~fi~:t ~~~tjes. ', Fi~Id,boringJogssh()uldj~C1ud~r~c()very,. and details of Once the above comments are incorporated, the plans and specifications will be acceptable. No work may proceed until a QCIP and SECP for the work is filed with and approved by this office. Please provide the QCIP and SECP as soon as possible that we can continue our review and that you may meet the current construction schedule. You are reminded that, as licensee. it is your responsibility to ensure that construction practices are such that erosion and other potential environmental impacts during and after the proposed work are minimized, and that all deleterious material and fluids are kept out of the river. In addition, you must notify this office as soon as possible if there arc any developments that might affect the integrity of the Skookumchuck Dam, Critical Energy Infrastructure (nformation Do Not Release- ... As a reminder. all of the above discussed submiuals should be made in triplicate to chis office. If YOll have any questions. please contact Messrs. William L~gnion or Edward Perez of this office at (503) 522-2748 or (503) 552-2750. respectively. Sincerely. ) ---:.--===-. ~ ' . -./-- Harry THall , P. Regional Engineer Critical Energy Infrastructure Information Do Not Releasc- ..' EX H I H i T B SK O O K U M C H U C K F O R E C A S T . No v e m b e r f 2 Q 0 3 to Ja n u a r y 20 0 4 , , - 20 0 4 - E s t i m a t e d ! 3 ~ ~ g ~ ! f ( ; : : , ~l e n d ~ r Y ~ ~ r As s i g n e d De s c r i D t i o n o f W o r k La b Q f Em D E X D Ma t e r i a l s Co n t r a c t s Ot h e r TO T A L Fi s h H a t c h e r y 13 8 ~ 0 0 0 50 0 14 6 50 0 Le s k o Se c u r i t y 13 0 , 60 0 13 0 , 60 0 Fi e l d s Wi l d l i f e M a n a g e m e n t P l a n OP O 24 0 14 , 4 0 0 39 , 00 0 64 0 Na y l o r Hy d r o l o g i c D a t a - U S G S D a t a 17 , 50 0 17 , 50 0 Bo r n e m e i e r Ro u t i n e O p e r a t i n g E x p e n s e s 90 0 50 0 20 0 30 0 24 , 90 0 Fi e l d s FE R C I s s u e s 70 0 23 , 00 0 23 , 74 6 Th o m p s o n Sk o o k u m c h u c k S t a b i l i t y A n a l y s i s D r i l l i n g P r o g r a m 60 0 10 0 , 00 0 10 9 , 60 0 Ra e b u r n Sk o o k u m c h u c k W e y e r h a e u s e r E a s e m e n t P a y m e n t 00 0 00 0 An n u a l R e v e n u e f r o m G e n e r a t i o n S a l e s 20 0 78 6 16 , 60 0 44 8 , 10 0 13 , 80 0 51 2 , 4 8 6 LA B O R De s c r i p t i o n o f W o r k No v - 03 ' De c - Ja n - Fe b - TO T A L Fi s h H a t c h e r y Se c u r i t y Wi l d l i f e M a n a a e m e n t P l a n 50 0 50 0 50 0 50 0 00 0 Hy d r o l o g i c D a t a - U S G S D a t a Ro u t i n e O p e r a t i n g E x p e n s e s 1, 4 0 7 1 , 4 0 7 1 , 4 0 7 1 , 4 0 7 62 8 FE R C I s s u e s Sk o o k u m c h u c k S t a b i l i t y A n a l y s i s D r i l l i n g P r o g r a m 00 0 00 0 00 0 30 0 30 0 Sk o o k u m c h u c k W e v e r h a e u s e r E a s e m e n t P a v m e n t An n u a l R e v e n u e f r o m G e n e r a t i o n S a l e s TO T A L 9Q Z \ ; ' 90 7 90 7 20 7 ' 15 , 92 8 EM P L O Y E E E X P E N S E S De s c r i p t i o n o f W o r k No v - 0 3 De c - Ja n - Fe b - TO T A L Fi s h H a t c h e r y Se c u r i t y Wi l d l i f e M a n a g e m e n t P l a n Hy d r o l o a i c D a t a - U S G S D a t a Ro u t i n e O p e r a t i n Q E x p e n s e s 12 0 FE R C I s s u e s Sk o o k u m c h u c k S t a b i l i t y A n a l y s i s D r i l l i n g P r o g r a m Sk o o k u m c h u c k W e y e r h a e u s e r E a s e m e n t P a y m e n t An n u a l R e v e n u e f r o m G e n e r a t i o n S a l e s , - TO T A L ;~ ~ j Z 50 , 50 : ' ~p , MA T E R I A L S De s c r i p t i o n o f W o r k No v - De c - Ja n - Fe b - TO T A L Fi s h H a t c h e r y Se c u r i t y Wi l d l i f e M a n a Q e m e n t P l a n 20 0 20 0 20 0 20 0 - 80 0 Hy d r o l o g i c D a t a - U S G S D a t a Ro u t i n e O p e r a t i n Q E x o e n s e s 11 0 11 0 11 0 11 0 44 0 FE R C I s s u e s Sk o o k u m c h u c k S t a b i l i t v A n a l y s i s D r i l l i n g P r o a r a m Sk o o k u m c h u c k W e y e r h a e u s e r E a s e m e n t P a y m e n t An n u a l R e v e n u e f r o m G e n e r a t i o n S a l e s TO T A L 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 24 0 CO N T R A C T S De s c r i p t i o n o f W o r k No y - De c - Ja n - Fe b - TO T A L Fi s h H a t c h e r y 34 , 29 4 29 4 68 , 58 8 Se c u r i t y 10 , 80 0 10 , 80 0 10 , 80 0 80 0 43 , 20 0 Wi l d l i f e M a n a g e m e n t P l a n 00 0 50 0 50 0 00 0 11 , 00 0 Hy d r o l o g i c D a t a - U S G S D a t a Ro u t i n e O o e r a t i n Q E x o e n s e s FE R C I s s u e s Sk o o k u m c h u c k S t a b i l i t y A n a l y s i s Dr i l l i n Q P r o Q r a m 15 , 00 0 25 , 00 0 20 , 00 0 00 0 70 , 00 0 Sk o o k u m c h u c k W e v e r h a e u s e r E a s e m e n t P a y m e n t 00 0 00 0 An n u a l R e v e n u e f r o m G e n e r a t i o n S a l e s TO T A L $ 6 7 09 4 $ 3 7 , 30 0 $ 3 2 , 30 0 $ 5 9 , 09 4 $ 1 9 5 , 78 8 OT H E R De s c r i p t i o n o f W o r k No v - De c - Ja n - Fe b - TO T A L Fis h Ha t c h e r y Se c u r i t y Wi l d l i f e M a n a Q e m e n t P l a n Hy d r o l o g i c D a t a - U S G S D a t a Ro u t i n e O o e r a t i n Q E x D e n s e s 44 2 44 2 44 2 44 2 76 8 FE R C I s s u e s Sk o o k u m c h u c k S t a b i l i t v A n a l y s i s D r i l l i n g P r o g r a m Sk o o k u m c h u c k W e y e r h a e u s e r E a s e m e n t P a v m e n t An n u a l R e v e n u e f r o m G e n e r a t i o n S a l e s (2 , 00 0 ) (1 , 50 0 ) (3 , 50 0 ) TO T A L (1 ; ~ $ a ) 44 2 44 2 $ ( 1 , 05 6 ' 73 2 ' TO T A L F O R E C A S T De s c r i p t i o n o f W o r k No v - De c - Ja n - Fe b - TO T A L Fis h Ha t c h e r v 29 4 34 , 29 4 68 , 58 8 Se c u r i t y 10 , 80 0 10 , 80 0 10 , 80 0 10 , 80 0 43 , 20 0 Wi l d l i f e M a n a g e m e n t P l a n 72 0 22 0 22 0 72 0 17 , 88 0 Hy d r o l o Q i c D a t a - U S G S D a t a Ro u t i n e O p e r a t i n Q E x p e n s e s 98 9 98 9 98 9 98 9 95 6 FE R C I s s u e s Sk o o k u m c h u c k S t a b i l i t y A n a l y s i s Dr i l l i n Q P r o Q r a m 18 , 00 0 27 , 00 0 22 , 00 0 11 , 30 0 78 , 30 0 Sk o o k u m c h u c k W e v e r h a e u s e r E a s e m e n t P a y m e n t 00 0 00 0 An n u a l R e v e n u e f r o m G e n e r a t i o n S a l e s (2 , 00 0 (1 , 50 0 ) (3 , 50 0 ) TO T A L 71 , 80 3 43 , 00 9 38 , 00 9 62 , 60 3 $ 2 1 5 , 4 2 4 I R o u t i n e O p e r a t i n g E x p e n s e s El e c t r i c i t y Te l e p h o n e Ve h i c l e M a i n t e n a n c e Ma i n t e n a n c e N o t in c l u d i n R e s P a r t - ti m e L a b o r TO T A L ,. ~ ' After Recording Return to: Ann: EXlllBIT C SPACE ABOVE liNE: FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY Title of ()ocument: Grantors: Grantee: Abbreviated Legal Description: Assessor s Tax Parcel Account Nos. Portlnd2-4449826.1 0058815-00068 Special ~arranty Deed Pacificorp. an Oregon corporation (fonnerly known as Pacific Power & Light Company); A vista Corporation a Wasl1ington corporation (fonnerly known as the Washington Water Power Company) See page 2 for complete names of all Grantors Sk6?ku~c~uck LLC, a Washington ~~~/t~~~;~'~~f9~R~X'" ' Pm Sec 7, 11, 14, 15, 16. 17 & 18 , T15N, RIE and Pm Sec 12 & 13 , TI5N, RIW Complete legal description is on Exhibit A of this document 11512310400(TCA-540); 11512340100(TCA-540) 11513100000(TCA-561); 11513120000(TCA-561) 11513210000(TCA-561); 11513310000(TCA-540) Additional tax parcel account numbers are on Exhibit B of this document EXIllB IT C SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED The Grantors, Pacificorp, an Oregon corporation (formerly known as Pacific Power & Light Company); Avista Corporation, a Washington corporation (formerly known as the Washington Water Power Company); The City of Seattle, a municipal corporation; The City of Tacoma, a municipal corporation; Public Utility District No.1 of Snohomish County, a municipal corporation; Puget Sound Energy, Inc., a Washington corporation (formerly known as Puget Sound Power & Light Company); Public Utility District No.1 of Grays Harbor County, a municipal corporati()n; and Avista Corporation, a Washington corporation (non-utility) (collectively herein, the "Grantors ) for good and valuable consideration, in band paid, do hereby bargain , , sell and'convey to Skookumchuck LLC, a Washingtim limited liability company, the Grantee, the following-described reid property situated in the County of Thurston, State of Washington: See Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. This conveyance is subject to taxes and assessments, general and special , not yet due and payable; and all agreements, easements, reservations, restrictions, covenants and conditions listed on Exhibit C attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. ' The Grantors, for themselves and for their successors in in,terest, do by these presents ' ~~::~~~~~~fk~1:&~;l~~hrii:r~1l~~9 !j~~g' ~:~iS~~!gtt ::t a1~g~k:;:~ p~r;:~: whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim by, through or under the Grantors, and not otherwise, they will warrant and defend the title to the above-described real property. ;,\ Pordnd2~9826.0058815~8 DATED:2003. Portlnd2-4449826.1 0058815-00068 EXIllBIT C P ACIFICORP, an Oregon corporation By: Printed Name: Title: A VISTA CORPORATION, a Washington corporation By: Printed Name: Title: THE CITY OF SEATTLE, a municipal corporation By: Printed Name: Title: THE CITY OF TACOMA, a municipal corporation By: Printed Name: Title: EXIllBIT C PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO.1 OF SNOHOMISH COUNTY, a municipal corporation By: Printed Name: Title: PUGET SOUND ENERGY, INC., a Washington corporation By: Printed Name: Title: PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO.1 OF GRA YS HARBOR COUNTY, a municipal corporation By: Printed Name: Title: A VISTA CORPORATION a Washington corporation (non-utility) By: Printed Name: Title: Portlnd2-4449826.l 0058815-00068 EXlllBIT C COUNTY OF ) ss. STATE OF On this day of 2003 before me personally appearedto me personally known to be the PACIFICORP, the Oregon corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that (s)he was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed , if any, is the corporate seal of said corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal the day and year first above written. Signature: Name (Print): NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of , residing at My appointment expires: COUNTY OF ) ss. STATE OF On this day of .. 2003 before me personally appeared , to me personally known to be the of A VISTA CORPORA nON, the Washington corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that (s)he was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed, if any, is the corporate seal of said corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal the day and year first above written. Signature: Name (Print): NOT AR Y PUBLIC in and for the State of , residing at My appointment expires: Portlnd24449826.1 0058815-00068 EXHIBIT C COUNTY OF ) ss. STATE OF On this day of 2003, before me personally appeared , to me personally known to be the of THE CITY OF SEA TILE, the municipal corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath' stated that (s)he was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed, if any, is the corporate seal of said municipal corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal the day and year first above written. Signature: Name (Print): NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of , residing at My appointment expires: COUNTY OF , ) ss. STATE OF On this day of 2003 before me personally appeared , to me personally known to be the of THE CITY OF TACOMA, the municipal corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that (s)he was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed, if any, is the corporate seal of said municipal corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal the day and year first above written. Signature: Name (Print): NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of , residing at My appointment expires: Ponlnd2-4449826.1 OOS881S-00068 EXIllBIT C STATE OF ) ss. COUNTY OF On this day of 2003, before me personally appeared , to me personally mown to be the of PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO.1 OF SNOHOMISH COUNTY, the municipal corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that (s)he was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed, if any, is the corporate seal of said municipal corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal the day and year fIrst above written. Signature: Name (Print): NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of , residing at My appointment expires: COUNTY OF ) ss. STATE OF on' this day of ,; 2003, before me personally appeared , to me personally mown to be the of PUGET SOUND ENERGY, INC., the Washington corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acmowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that (s)he was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed, if any, is the corporate seal of said corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal the day and year first above written. Signature: Name (Print): NOT AR Y PUBLIC in and for the State of , residing at Portlnd2~9826.1 0058815~68 EXlllBIT C My appointment expires: COUNTY OF ) ss. STATE OF On this day of 2003 before me personally appeared , to me personally known to be the of PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO.1 OF ORA YS HARBOR COUNTY, the municipal corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that (s)he was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affIXed, if any, is the corporate seal of said municipal corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal the day and year first above written. Signature: Name (Print): NOT AR Y PUBLIC in and for the State of , residing at My appointment expires: COUNTY OF ) ss. STATE OF On this day of 2003 before me personally appearedto me personally known to be the , the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that (s)he was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affiXed, if any, is the corporateseal of said corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal the day and year first above written. Signature: Name (Print): NOT AR Y PUBLIC in and for the State of Portlnd24449826.1 0058815..()()()68 " '" EXIllBIT C , residing at My appointment expires: EXIllBIT A (Complete legal description) IN THE COUNTY OF THURSTON, STATE OF WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP FIFfEEN (15) NORTH, RANGE ONE (1) EAST OF THE WILLAMETIE MERIDIAN PARCEL - SECTIONS ELEVEN (11), FOURTEEN (14), FIFfEEN (15), SIXTEEN (16) AND SEVENTEEN (17) BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE EAST-WEST LINE BETWEEN SECTIONS 11 AND 14 THATIS NORTH 870 00' 05" WEST 182.27 FEET FROM THE SOUTHEAST CORNER SAID SECTION 11; THENCE ALONG THE FOLLOWING COURSES AND DISTANCES IN SAID SECTION 11: NORTH 530 49' 14" EAST 100.09 FEET; NORTH 650 55' 35" WEST 359.73 FEET; SOUTH 430 16' 54" WEST 220.51 FEET; SOUTH 600 49' 42" WEST 45.76 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 11; THENCE ALONG THE FOLLOWING COURSES AND DISTANCES IN SAID SECTION 14: SOUTH 600 49' 42" WEST 255.90 FEET; SOUTH 710 30' 17" WEST 338.46 FEET; NORTH 510 54' 39" WEST 271.89 FEET; NORTH 830 20' 37" WEST 254.24 FEET; NORTH 760 03' 51" WEST 356.87 FEET; SOUTH 700 40' 57" WEST 436.45 FEET; SOUTH 590 49' 51" WEST 255.72 FEET; SOUTH 470 47' 22" WEST 236.45 FEET; SOUTH 580 20' 37" WEST 81.47 FEET; SOUTH 750 59' 05" WEST 82.72 FEET; SOUTH 880 24' 10" WEST 73.99 FEET; NORTH 730 22' 49" WEST 69.10 FEET; NORTH 640 51' 36" WEST 98. FEET; NORTH 530 03' 31" WEST 177.29 FEET; NORTH 880 20' 53" WEST 49.75 FEET; NORTH 700 36' 08" WEST 92.49 FEET; NORTH 580 47' 11" WEST 78.31 FEET; NORTH 460 41' 53" WEST 221.29 FEET; SOUTH 740 41' 45" WEST 662.79 FEET; NORTH 860 11' 28" WEST 186.15 FEET; SOUTH 780 26' 42" WEST 242.55 FEET; NORTH 870 59' 29" WEST 494.18 FEET, MORE OR LESS , TO A POINT ON THE NORTH-SOUTH SECTION LINE COMMON TO SECTIONS 14 AND 15 THAT IS SOUTH 010 52' 20" WEST 493. FEET FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 14; THENCE ALONG THE FOLLOWING COURSES AND DISTANCES IN SAID SECTION 15: NORTH 870 59' 29" WEST 327.43 FEET; NORTH 740 02' 53" WEST 400.22 FEET; NORTH 880 45' 51" WEST 575.91 FEET; SOUTH 760 33' 47" WEST 492.55 FEET; SOUTH 160 25' 23" WEST 164.36 FEET; SOUTH 590 05' 01" WEST 329.19 FEET; NORTH 760 22' 18" WEST 407.09 FEET; SOUTH 3r 14' 15" WEST 423.58 FEET; NORTH 890 33' 35" WEST 156.21 FEET; NORTH 330 49' 33" WEST 186.80 FEET; SOUTH 6r 47' 03" WEST Pordnd2~9826.1 0058815~68 EXHIBIT C 257.36 FEET; SOUTH 820 05' 25" WEST 287.38 FEET; SOUTH 340 00' 02" WEST 263. FEET; NORTH 5r 43' 21" WEST 152.81 FEET; SOUTH 860 35' 42" WEST 664.04 FEET; SOUTH 250 15' 30" WEST 378.46 FEET; NORTH 850 32' 51" WEST 369.85 FEET; SOUTH 690 45' 16" WEST 285.24 FEET; NORTH 880 02' 05" WEST 120.15 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT ON THE NORTH-SOUTH SECTION LINE COMMON TO SECTIONS 15 AND 16 THAT IS SOUTH or 26' 44" EAST 1,846.54 FEET FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 15; THENCE ALONG THE FOLLOWING COURSES AND DISTANCES IN SAID SECTION 16: NORTH 880 02' 05" WEST 144.02 FEET; NORTH 620 20' 54" WEST 244.42 FEET; NORTH 400 31' 43" WEST 215.43 FEET; NORTH 8r 23' 41" WEST 161.01 FEET; SOUTH 830 11' 32" WEST 349.15 FEET; SOUTH 880 51' 12" WEST 334.53 FEET; SOUTH 760 46' 31" WEST 564.62 FEET; NORTH 800 09' 45" WEST 693.06 FEET; SOUTH 850 54' 49" WEST 391.76 FEET; NORTH 730 54' 40" WEST 592,15 FEET; NORT1l200 12' 38" EAST 239.00 F~~T; NORTH06O 58' 06"~AST 165.47 FEET; SOUTH 740 49' 49" WEST 104. FE:ET; SOUT~ 6r 14' ~" WEST 776.84 FEET; NORTH 870 28' 02" WEST 220.95 FEET; SOUTH ~oo ,53' 35"~T: 766.03 FEET; NORTH 8?0 36' 44" WEST 4(j.89 FEET, rviORE OR LESS~ TO A POINT ON THE NORTH-SOUTH SECTION LINE COMMON' TO SECTIONS 16 AND 17 THAT IS SOUTH 020 20' 51" EAST 1 836.31 FEET FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 16; THENCE ALONG THE FOLLOWING COURSES AND DISTANCES IN SECTION 17: NORTH 850 36' 44" WEST 132.92 FEET; NORTH 020 21' 01" EAST 128.11 FEET; NORTH 230 07' 41" WEST 325.96 FEET; NORTH 030 45' 27" EAST 318.32 FEET; NORTH 850 40' 34" WEST 162.58 FEET; SOUTH 280 26' 02" WEST 320.98 FEET; SOUTH 030 48' 36" WEST 182.46 FEET; SOUTH 2r 25' 40" EAST 232.05 FEET; NORTH 800 33' 24" WEST 258.57 FEET; NORTIl65O 21'10" WEST 287.74 FEET; SOUTH 690 12' 12" WEST , , ~\~~~~~I~u~~'~~~~~.j~~&ist'MI~~~?~'~Bi~~~~T ;;g:~~~~~; ~;~l~~' NORTH 770 32' 52" WEST 350.23 FEET; SOUTH 6r 54' 49" WEST 169.14 FEET; SOUTH 330 05' 59" WEST 584.71 FEET; SOUTH 740 11' 20" WEST 845.70 FEET; NORTH 720 17' 34" WEST 1,186.61 FEET; NORTH 470 40' 31" WEST 156.06 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION 17 THAT IS SOUTH 000 19' 55" WEST 415.45 FEET FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION; THENCE EASTERLY, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF SAID SECTION , 402.17 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE ALONG THE FOLLOWING COURSES AND DISTANCES IN SECTION 17: NORTH 790 25' 38" EAST 846.57 FEET; SOUTH 510 56' 54" EAST 123.58 FEET; SOUTH 850 51' 31" EAST 166.81 FEET; NORTH or 52' 28" WEST 272,18 FEET; NORTH 620 14' 10" EAST 317.25 FEET; SOUTH 5r 28' 44" EAST 313.04 FEET; NORTH 650 55' 38" EAST 105.35 FEET; NORTH 870 57' 47" EAST 703.00 FEET; SOUTH 830 31' 25" EAST 427.31 FEET; NORTH 580 18' 40" EAST 460.38 FEET; SOUTH 390 38' 57" EAST 360.74 FEET; SOUTH 870 17' 54" EAST 129.02 FEET; SOUTH 460 56' 40" EAST 474. Portlnd2-4449826.1 0058815-00068 EXIDBIT C FEET; NORTH 710 34' 04" EAST 236.69 FEET; SOUTH 880 48' 09" EAST 232.44 FEET; NORTH 71 0 34' 25" EAST 453.41 FEET , MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT ON THE NORTH- SOUTH SECTION LINE COMMON TO SECTIONS 16 AND 17 THAT IS SOUTH or 20' 51" EAST 3 799.98 FEET FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 17; THENCE ALONG THE FOLLOWING COURSES AND DISTANCES IN SECTION 16; NORTH 710 34' 25" EAST 66.25 FEET; NORTH 720 01' 00" EAST 240.65 FEET; SOUTH 770 56' 16" EAST 429.48 FEET; SOUTH 540 48' 47" EAST 311.98 FEET; SOUTH 810 21' 40" EAST 307.40 FEET; SOUTH 440 57' 41" EAST 665.70 FEET; NORTH 500 01' 56" EAST 508.54 FEET; SOUTH 860 38' 08" EAST 146.78 FEET; NORTH 500 50' 53" EAST 174.84 FEET; SOUTH 880 33' 23" EAST 113.41 FEET; SOUTH 330 23' 03" EAST 200.31 FEET; NORTH 420 52' 15" EAST 187.86 FEET; SOUTH 650 02' 35" EAST 250. FEET; SOUTH 390 05' 42" EAST 698.82 FEET; NORTH 490 22' 24" EAST 225.54 FEET; NORTH 01 0 07' 02" WEST 507.66 FEET; NORTH 160 09' 36" WEST 362.05 FEET; NORTH 040 44' 27" WEST 217.89 FEET; NORTH 5r 03' 43" EAST 115.97 FEET; NORTH 810 08'00" EAST 455.98 FEET; NORTH 890 02' 56" EAST 367.24 FEET; NORTH 390 54' 40" EAST 320.69 FEET; SOUTH 370 54' 29" EAST 342.62 FEET; NORTH 680 50' 52" EAST 439.91 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT ON THE NORTH-SOUTH SECTION LINE BETWEEN SECTIONS 15 AND 16 THAT IS SOUTH 020 26' 44" EAST 2 979.49 FEET FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 16; THENCE ALONG THE FOLLOWING COURSES AND DISTANCES IN SECTION 15: NORTH 680 50' 52" EAST 147.51 FEET; SOUTH 580 22' 18" EAST 221.38 FEET; SOUTH 850 10' 21" EAST 505.81 FEET; NORTH 200 22' 33" EAST 180.03 FEET; SOUTH 800 21' 39" EAST 478.83 FEET; NORTH 11 0 20' 03" EAST 230.24 FEET; NORTH 680 10' 44" EAST 275.97 FEET; NORTH 890 30' 09" EAST 272.44 FEET; SOUTH 750 41' 41" EAST 43.02 FEET; NORTH 780 37' 48" EAST 506.93 FEET; NORTH 830 20' 25" EAST 448.82 FEET; NORTH 460 04' 37" EAST 296.71 FEET; NORTH 790 33' 02" EAST 637.43 FEET; NORTH 510 46' 37" EAST 551.52 FEET; NORTH 810 28' 02 EAST 606.99 FEET; NORTH 750 18' 13" EAST 290.80 FEET; SOUTH 850 56' 25" EAST 134.60 FEET; NORTH 480 23' 08" EAST 68.60 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT ON THE NORTH-SOUTH SECTION LINE COMMON TO SECTIONS 14 AND 15 THAT IS SOUTH 010 52' 20" WEST 452.35 FEET FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 15; THENCE ALONG THE FOLLOWING COURSES AND DISTANCES IN SECTION 14: NORTH 480 23' 08" EAST 71.61 FEET; SOUTH 700 59' 32" EAST 304.30 FEET; NORTH 680 24' 16" EAST 286.10 FEET; NORTH 790 00'16" EAST 559.39 FEET; SOUTH 890 13' 50" EAST 538.86 FEET; NORTH 610 44' 25" EAST 315.72 FEET; SOUTH 850 02' 10" EAST 1 180.34 FEET; NORTH 610 30' 30" EAST 819.09 FEET; NORTH 710 29' 01" EAST 761.67 FEET; NORTH 530 49' 14" EAST 601.16 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT ON THE EAST-WEST SECTION LINE BETWEEN SECTIONS 11 AND 14 THAT IS NORTH 870 00' 05" WEST 182.27 FEET FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 14, AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING FOR THIS DESCRIPTION. PARCEL 2 - SECTION EIGHTEEN (18) Portlnd2-4449826.1 0058815-00068 ..-, , EXIllBIT C THOSE PORTIONS OF THE NORTH HALF AND THE NORTH HALF OF THE . SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 18 LYING SOUTHERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION 18 THAT IS SOUTH 000 19' 55" WEST 1,415.45 FEET FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION; THENCE NORTH 470 40' 31" WEST 951.19 FEET; THENCE NORTH 71 0 15' 47" WEST 1 858.15 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 730 14' 02" WEST 1 096.69 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 610 46' 54" WEST 317.30 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 870 40' 58" WEST 89.00 FEET MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT ON THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF THAT CERTAIN TRACT CONVEYED BY SCOTI PAPER COMPANY TO HENRY W. TURNER AND EVELYN TURNER BY DEED DATED MAY 22, 1958 AND RECORDED JUNE 3, 1958 UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NO. 597416; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID TURNER TRACT, TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 18; THENCE WESTERLY, ALONG SAID NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION, TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER THEREOF; AND LYING NORTHERL YOF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION 18 THAT IS SOUTH 000 19' 55" WEST 3,759.54 FEET FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION; THENCE NORTH 680 11' 24" WEST 614.59 FEET; THENCE NORTH 440 33' 55" WEST 1,275.23 FEET; THENCE NORTH 3r 13' 14" WEST 827.33 FEET; THENCE NORTH 860 47' 55" WEST 1 202.47 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 340 42' 19" WEST 811.72 FEET; THENCE NORTH 140 23' 23" WEST 79.18 FEET, MORE OR LESS , TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF THAT CERTAIN TRACT CONVEYED BY SCOTI PAPER COMPANY TO HENRY W. TURNER AND EVELYN TURNER BY DEED DATED MA Y22 , , 1958 AND RECORDED JUNE 3, 1958 UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NO. 597416; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY, ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID TURNER TRACT TO ITS INTERSECTION WITH THE EAST-WEST CENTERLINE OF SAID SECTION 18; THENCE WESTERLY, ALONG SAID EAST-WEST CENTERLINE, TO THE WEST QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 18. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 18 CONTAINED IN THAT CERTAIN TRACT CONVEYED BY SCOTI PAPER COMPANY TO HENRY W. TURNER AND EVELYN TURNER BY DEED DATED MA Y 22, 1958 AND RECORDED JUNE 3, 1958 UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NO. 597416 AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO THURSTON COUNTY FOR COUNTY ROAD KNOWN AS JOHNSON CREEK ROAD SE BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED JANUARY 12, 1972 UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NO. 857989, AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, DEPARTMENT OF GAME BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED AUGUST 18, 1972 UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NO. 872705 , AND Portlnd2-4449826.10058815-00068 EXIllB I T C EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO THE STATE OF WASHINGTON BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED APRIL 24, 1979 UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NO. 1074923. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED ROADWAY, IF ANY , THAT WOULD ATTACH TO BY OPERATION OF LAW AS DISCLOSED BY RESOLUTION 7312 AS RECORDED JULY 27, 1982 UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NO. 8207270131. PARCEL 3 - SECTIONS SEVEN (7) AND EIGHTEEN (18) THAT PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT 4 OF SAID SECTION 7 AND THOSE PORTIONS OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER, GOVERNMENT LOTS 1 AND 2, THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER, THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER AND OF GOVERNMENT LOT 3 OF SAID SECTION 18, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 7; THENCE NORTH 000 18' 39" EAST, ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION, 122.21 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 780 10' 12" EAST 528.20 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 610 28' 14" EAST 362.28 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 150 42' 23" EAST 390.98 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 090 50' 00" EAST 575.00 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE LINE OF ORDINARY HIGH WATER OF THE LEFf BANK OF SKOOKUMCHUCK RIVER; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY, ALONG SAID LINE OF ORDINARY HIGH WATER, 1 270.00 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT DESCRIBED AS 747.00 FEET SOUTH AND 2 215.25 FEET EAST OF THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 18; THENCE SOUTH 070 22' 35" WEST 434.30 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 340 14' 22" WEST 298.32 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 330 36' 51" WEST 327.28 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 460 55' 48" EAST 32.33 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 460 10' 44"~ST:,~2~)1 :fEET; II:IE:N~E SOUTH12,~ 03' ~~: ~T 142.48, F~E1J;"tHE:N~E SOUTH 360;18'34 "WEST:;426':57 ' FEET;, THENCESOUTH,O3 0 39' 39" WEST 300. FEET; THENCE SOUTH 4r 49' 24" WEST 597.78 FEET; THENCE NORTH 790 22' 14" WEST 189.91 FEET; THENCE NORTH 560 47' 53" WEST 186.23 FEET; THENCE NORTH 380 24' 23" WEST 720.00 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO SAID LINE OF ORDINARY HIGH WATER; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID LINE OF ORDINARY HIGH WATER, 350.00 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION 18; THENCE NORTH 000 06' 58" WEST , ALONG SAID WEST LINE, 2 748.00 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO THE STATE OF WASIDNGTON , DEPARTMENT OF GAME BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED AUGUST 18 1972 UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NO. 872705. TOWNSHIP FIFfEEN (15) NORTH RANGE ONE (1) WEST OF THE WILLAMETIE MERIDIAN PARCEL 4 - SECTION TWELVE (12) Portlnd2-4449826.10058815-00068 EXIllB IT C THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER, THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER, THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER, AND THAT PORTION OF THE WEST HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER BOUNDED ON THE EAST BY THE EAST LINE OF SAID WEST HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER AND BOUNDED ON , THE SOUTHERLY SIDE BY THE NORTHEASTERL Y RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE TROLLER (SKOOKUMCHUCK) COUNTY ROAD AND BOUNDED ON THE NORTHWESTERLY SIDE BY A LINE THAT IS PARALLEL WITH AND 37.50 FEET NORTHWESTERLY OF THE CENTER SURVEY LINE OF THAT CERTAIN RIGHT OF WAY GRANTED TO PACIFIC NORTHWEST PIPELINE CORPORATION INSTRUMENT DATED FEBRUARY 24, 1956 AND RECORDED FEBRUARY 28, 1956 UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NO. 557791B, ALL IN SAID SECTION 12. EXCEPTING THEREFROM COUNTY ROAD KNOWN AS TROLLER ROAD, AND EXCEPT ANY OTHER COUNTY ROADS. PARCEL 5 - SECTION THIRTEEN (13) THE SOUTH HALF, THE NORTHEAST QUARTER, AND THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 13. EXCEPTING THEREFROM COUNTY ROAD KNOWN AS TROLLER ROAD, AND EXCEPT ANY OTHER COUNTY ROADS. IN THE COUNTY OF THURSTON, STATE OF WASHINGTON Portlnd2-4449826.1 0058815-00068 EXIDBITB (Additional tax parcel account numbers) 1 15 1 332000(TCA-540) 1 15 1 342000(TCA-540) 2151 1 44O200(TCA-320) 21514120100(TCA-540) 21515310000(TCA-320) 215162301 OO(TCA - 320) 21518120100(TCA-540) f ' Portlnd2-4449826.l 0058815-00068 I 151341000(TCA-540) 21507330100(TCA-540) 21514110100(TCA-540) 21515110000(TCA-320) 21516200000(TCA-320) 21517110000(TCA-540) 21518210000(TCA-540) EXIDBIT C EXIllBIT C EXIDBIT C (INSERT PERMIITED ENCUMBRANCES LISTED ON SCHEDULE AT CLOSING) Portlnd2-4449826.1 0058815-00068 APPEND IX A vista Application - Skookumchuck Case No. A VU-O4- ,"' SKOOKUMCHUCK DAM MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT THIS SKOOKUMCHUCK DAM MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT(the "A!!I'cement is made as of May -' 2000 (the "Effective Date ), by, on the one hand, PacifiCorp, Public Utilities District No. I of Snohomish County, WashingtOn; Puget Sound Energy, Inc.; City of Tacoma., Washington~ A vista Corporation; City of Seattle, Washington; and Public Utility District No.1 of Grays Harbor County, Washington (each a "Dam Owner and collectively the Darn Owners ) and. on the other hand. TransAlta Cemralia Generation LLC, a Washington limited liability company Plan! Owner ) (each a Parrv" and collectively, the "Panies ), with reference to the following: RECITALS A. Dam Owners are the owners of the Skookurnchuck Darn and the real property identified on Exhibit A (collectively, the "Dam ) along the Skookumchuck River near Centralia, Washington. The Skookumchuck Dam impounds a reservoir on the Skookumchuck River (the Res ervoir' . " B. Pursuant to that certain Centralia Plant Purchase and Sale Agreement, dated as of May 7, 1999 (the "Purchase and Sale A2reement ) by, on the one hand, the Darn Owners and, on the other hand, TECW A Power. Inc., a Washington corporation (the "BuYer ), the Dam Owners have agreed to convey theCentralia Steam Electric Generating Plant and related assets located near Centralia, Washington (the "Plant ) to the Plant Owner and subsequently to assign the membership interests in the Plant Owner to the Buyer. C. The Parties wish to enter into this Agreement to govern how the Darn will be managed and how the Panies will bear the costs of management. NOW, THEREFORE. in consideration of the premises and mutual agreements set forth in this Agreement and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged. the Panies, intending to be legally bound, agree as follows: AGREEMENT Term 1.1 Initial Term. Unless terminated sooner under Section or extended as provided in Section 1., this Agreement shall take effect on the Effective Date and shall remain in effect until the second anniversary of the Effective Date (the "Term 1.2 Extension of Tenn. Notwithstanding Section 1.1, the Patties may extend the Term from year to year. by written agreement, if the Dam Owners have not sold the Dam on or before the second anniversary of the Effective Date. The Parties shall begin to negotiate in good faith at least thiny (30) days before the second anniversary of the Effective Date either an extension or amendment of this Agreement, or a new agreement. Ponlndl.20J6186.4 OO19436~154 ( ,' ' 1.3 Ri wt of First Refusal: Ourion to Purchase. a. During the Tenn, if the Darn Owners \\-;sb to convey the Dam to any panyother than Lewis County, W'ashington (or an agency of Lewls County or an entity created by or for the benefit of Lewis County), the Army Corps of Engineers or the City of Cemralia, they shaUgive the Plant Owner prior written notice of the terms and conditions of the proposed transfer. Plant Owner shall have thirty (30) days from the receipt of such notice in which to accept the offered terms and conditions. If the Plant Owner accepts the proposed terms and conditions, it shall acquire the Dam in accordance with those tenns and conditions within sixty (60) days of its acceptance. If the Plant Owner rejects the proposed terms and conditions, or if the Plant Owner does not accept the proposed terms and conditions within the thirty (30) day period, the Dam Owners may proceed to transfer the Dam for a price no lower than, and otherwise on terms and conditions not materially more favorable than. those offered to the Plant Owner. . " b. If the Dam Owners have not sold the Dam on or before the second anniversary of the Effective Date. , the Plant Owner shall have the option to purchase the Dam on tenus to be agreed by the Panies in their reasonable discretion, at PacifiCorp s net book value multiplied by 2.105 (the "Dam Purchase Price ). This option shall expire on the third (3 anniversary ofthe Effective Date. Plant Owner may exercise this option at any time after the second anniversary of the Effective Date by giving written notice to the Dam Owners. If the Plant Owner exercises this option, the Panies shall close the sale of the Dam within sixty (60) days after the Plant Owner s exercise of the option. At the closing, (a) Plant Owner s delivery of the Dam Purchase Price shall be conditioned on the Dam Owner s conveyance of the Dam to the Plain Owner, (b) Dam Owner s conveyance of the Dam shall be conditioned on the Plant Owner s payment of the Dam Purchase Price to the Dam Owners in immediately available funds and (c) the performance of each Party shall be conditioned on the receipt of any n~cessary third parry consents. 1.4 Plant Owner s Ri2ht to InS'Dect the Dam.During the Tenn, Plant Owner and its agents or representatives may inspect the Dam during regular business hours at the Plant Owner s sole risk and expense. Plant Owner shall give PacifiCorp at least ten (10) days' prior written notice before commencing any inspection ofthe Dam. Upon reasonable notice to PacifiCorp, the Plant Owner may. during PacifiCorp s regular business hours, examine PacifiCorp s records penaining to the condition of the Darn. Plant Q\\l1er and its agents or representatives shall keep confidential any infonnation obtained from its inspection of the Darn or examination of records, except with PacifiCorp s prior written consent. 2. Dam Owners ' Desi!mation of A2ent.The Darn Owners hereby designate PacifiCorp as their agent for the purposes of discharging their obligations as Dim Owners, including carrying out this Agreement on behalf of the Dam Owners. 3. Mana2ement Duties . During the Term, PacifiCorp shall employ one (1 ) pan-time employee at the Dam (the "On Site EmDlovee j to perform onsite management, including the - ' Ponlndl-2036186.4 0019436-00154 . , maintenance of the Dam in accordance with good utility practice. PacifiCorp shall supervise the employee and provide the management, materials, and equipment necessary to operate and maintain the Dam in such a manner in compliance with all applicable legal obligations, including the Centralia Steam Electric Generating Project Fish and Wildlife Agreement dated May 29 1998 (the "DF & W ASlI"eement ) and applicable law. To the extent that items of equipment ordinarily used in the operation and maintenance of the Dam have been conveyed to Plant Owner under the Purchase and Sale Agreement, Plant Owner shall make such equipment available to PacifiCorp at no charge and at PacifiCorp s sole risk and liability solely for the purpose of canying out the Dam Owners' duties under this Agreement: Costs Monthlv Invoice for Costs. On or before the tWentieth (20 ) day of each calendar month, PacifiCorp shall invoice Plant Owner for all costs incurred by PacifiCorp during the previous calendar month to perfonn PacifiCorp s duties under this Agreement (except for direct costs and overhead costs for the On-Site Employee) ("Chargeable Costs ). Chargeable CoStS shall include but not be limited to the costs of (a) operating and maintaining the Dam and the Reservoir in compliance with applicable law (including dam safety, measuring and , monitoring costs); (b) complying with the DF&W Agreement (including paying fees); (c) controlling and removing debris in the Reservoir, (d) purchasing and storing necessary equipment and materials used in perfonning the Dam Owners ' duties under this Agreement, plus PacifiCorp s sundardoverhead relating to equipment and materials (including without limitation shipping and insurance and warehouse restocking charges), (e) transportation of any personnel (other than the On-Site Employee), materials or equipment used by PacifiCorp to carry out its duties under this Agreement (which CQstS shall be equal to the internal allocated transportation costs PacifiCorp uses for its own accounting purposes), and (f) PacifiCorp s direct and overhead costs attributable to required supervision and management of the On Site Employee. To manage Chargeable CostS, PacifiCorp shall use reasonable efforts to keep the Plant Owner informed operations and maintenance activities at the Dam and shall give the Plant Owner a reasonable opporrun.ity to perform for its own account any of the maintenance or operations tasks that would otherwise be performed by PacifiCorp or a third party contractor. Pavrnent.Plant Owner shall pay all invoices issued by PacifiCorp under this Agreement within forry-five (45) days of receipt; provided, however, that Plant Owner shall not be required to pay an invoice to the extent that payment would cause the Plant Owner to pay more thanUSS300 OOO under this Agreement in any calendar year (which amount shall be prorated for any panial calendar year). lU1Y amount of Chargeable CoStS that exceeds USS300 OOO (or the prorated porrion thereof) shall not rollover to any subsequent calendar year. 4.3 Shann!:!: ofUnreimbursed Costs. Any Chargeable Costs ~r other costs that are not reimbursed by the Plant Owner under this Agreement are "Unreimbursed Costs:' The Dam Owners shall share Unreimbursed Costs in accordance with the percentage shares set forth on Exhibit B.On or before the twentieth (20th) day of each calendar month. PacifiCorp shall invoice each Darn Owner for any Unreimbursed Costs incurred by PacifiCorp during the preceding calendar month. If the Plant Owner fails to pay aninvoice under this Agreement for Ponlndl.2036186.4 0019436-00154 more than fony-nve (45) days after the date on which the payment is due, PacifiCorp may include the unpaid amount as Unreimbursed CostS in its next invoice to the Darn Owners, subject to subsequent crediting upon receipt of the Plant Owner s payment. Payment isdue no later than thiny (30) days after receipt of the invoice. 4.4 Records. PacifiCorp shall maintain reasonably detailed records of the costs incurred and invoiced by it under this Agreement. The Plant Owner or the Dam Owners collectively may, upon reasonable notice to PacifiCorp given not more than once per year, examine these records during PacifiCorp 's regular business hours to verify the costs invoiced byPacifiCorp. Late Pavrnents. Late payments shali accrue simple interest from the du,e date until the date full payment is received by PacifiCorp at the interest rate of 1 Y2% per month (18% per year) or the highest rate permitted by law, whichever is lower. DisDuted Invoices. lithe recipient of an invoice disputes any charges included in an invoice delivered by PacifiCorp under this Agreement, the recipient shall nonetheless pay the undisputed amount included in the invoice. The recipient shall include with any partial payment a written description of the reasons for the dispute. PacifiCorp shall respond to the recipient s written protest within fifteen (15) days ofreeeipt. Any payment resulting from the settlement of a disputed portion of an invoice will include interest at the rate specified in Section 4.5. Any invoice that has not been disputed within one (1) year of the date on which it was received by a Party shall be conclusive and not subject to adjusnnent. Liabilitv. Limitation. No PARTY WILL HA VE ANY LIABILITY TO ANY OTHER PARTY, WHETHER BASED ON CONTRACT. W ARRANTY, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR ANY OTHER ~EORY FOR ANY LOST PROFITS, LOST REVENUES, LOST USE OF FACILITIES, LOST DATA, OR ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES. Allocation Amon2 Dam Owners. The Dam OWners will share any liability intuITed with respect to the management and operation of the Dam in accordance with their percentage interests as set forth on Exhibit B 6. Force Majeure . A Party shall be excused from performing any obligation or undertaking imposed upon it by this Agreement (other than the duty to make payments when due) in the event and/or for so long as the performance of such obligation or undertaking is prevented, delayed, retarded or hindered by (a) fire or explosion; (b)eanhquake. flood, action of the elements or any other act of God; (c) war, invasion, insUlTection, riot, mob v,iolence , sabotage or malicious mischief; (d) strike. lockout, or other action of any labor union; (e) condemnation, requisition, law, order of government or civil or military or naval authority, (f) drought or other physical impairment of water supply or sources; (g) a law, statute, code, ordinance, order, award, Portlnd 1.20361 86.4 00 19436-00 154 judgment. decree. injunction. rule. or regulation~ or (h) any other external cause (excluding financial inability) not within the reasonable control of such Pany. Termination and Survival. Termination. If the Dam Owners. on the one hand. or the Plant Owner, on the other, fail to perfonn their respective obligations under this Agreement, and the failure is not: (1) excused under Section 6 above. or (2) cured within thirty (30) days ' ofwrinen notice from the non-defaulting Party of the failure, then the non-defaulting Party shall have the right to tenninate this Agreement by providing written notice to the other Party. This Agreement shall also terminate upon the closure of the Plant and the Mine. and shall terminate, unless renewed or extended or provided in Section 1., upon the second anniversary of the Effective Date. This Agreement shall terminate upon sale or other transfer of the Dam to any third party. Survival.All payment obligations and liabilities incurred before the tennination or expiration of this Agreement shall survive its tenninarion or expiration. 7.3 Cumulative Remedies. A Party s right to terminate under this Section 7 is in addition to any other remedies that a Party may have at law or in equity against a defaulting Pany. 8. Waiver of Headwater Benefits. In consideration of the reimbursement obligations ofthe Plant Owner hereto. the Dam owners hereby release the Plant Owner and Mine Owner from any and all liabilities or obligations respecting headwater benefits, if any, due to the Dam Owners under applicable law, respecting any period in which this Agreement is in effect. 9. Notices. All notices, requests, demands. waivers, consents and other communications hereunder shall be in writing, shall be delivered either in person, by telegraphic facsimile or other electronic means. by overnight air courier or by mail. and shall be deemed to have been duly given and to have become effective (a) upon receipt if delivered in person or by telegraphic, facsimile or other electronic means (b) one (1) Business Day after having been delivered to an air courier for overnight delivery or (c) three (3) Business Days after having been deposited in the U.S. mails as certified or registered mail. retumreceipt requested, all fees prepaid, directed to the parties or their permitted assignees at the following addresses (or at such other address as shall be given in writing by a Party hereto): If to Dam Owners. addressed to: SeniorVice President Power Supply PacifiCorp One Utah Center. 23rd Floor Salt Lake City, Utah 94140 Ponlndl-20J6186.4 OOlQ4J6..oolS4 wi th a copy to: George M. Galloway Stoel Rives LLP 900 SW Fifth Avenue Portland. Oregon 97204 Facsimile: (503) 220-2480 If to Plant Owner, addressed to: TransAlta Centralia Generation LLC 913 Big Hanaford Road Centralia, Washington 98531 with a copy to: TECW A Power, Inc. 110 12'h Avenue SW Calgary, Alberta Canada T2P 2Ml Attn: General Counsel Facsimile: (403) 267-3734 and a copy to: Joel H. Mack Latham & Watkins 701 B Street, Suite 2100 San Diego, California Facsimile: (619) 696-7419 10. Successors and Assi!ms Except as provided in Section the provisions of this Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of all successors and other parties now havin,g or obtaining any beneficial interest in the Parcels. . '. 11. General Internretation. This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with. the laws of the State of Washington. If any tenn, provision or condition contained in this Agreement (or the application of any such term, pro\ision, or condition) shall to any extent be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent pennitted by law. When the context in which the words are used herein indicates that such is the intent. words in the singular shall include the plural and vice versa, and all pronouns and any variations thereof shall be deemed to refer to all genders. The captions of the Sections in this Agreement are for convenience of reference only and shall not be considered or referred to in resolving questions of interpretation or construction. Ponlndl-2036186.4 0019436-00154 ' - 12. Warranty of Authority. Each Person signing this Agreement represents and warrants that he or she has been duly authorized to enter into this Agreement by the entity on whose behalf it is indicated that the Person is signing. (Signature Pages Follow) Ponlndl.20J6186.4 OO19436~O154 . :~" IN WITNESS \\'HEREOF. the Panies have executed this Agreement the day and vear first above wri !ten. TR-\.NSALTA CENTRALIA GENERATION LtC, a Washington limited liability company By:TECW A Power. Inc. a Washington corporation. itS ~le Bv. Name: TItle: ACIFICORP By: ~1/hlName: Title: By: PUGET SOUND ENERGY, INc. By: Name: Title: CITY OF TACOMA, WASHI:'-\GTON. By: ~,~ Name: Title: --......-.......--... '. __...M " n".n... ",,'C' VISTA CORPORATION By: fJ Title: CITY OF ~GTON By: ~e:261 Title: PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO.1 OF GRAYS HARBOR COUNTY, WASHINGTON By: c:-:;:;:;; j' .0 Name: Title: EXHIBIT A Real Prooertv The real property located in Thurston Coumv and described in the follo\'v'ing Correction Deeds and Bills of Sale dated Aorii 2. 1986. from Washin~on lrri~ation & Development Comuanv. as ~antor. subject to all matters disclosed of record. Grantee Thurston Countv Auditor Number I 8604160017 --=-- i 8604160012 , 8604l6OOi VoVPage Recording Date lJacifiCoro I CitvofTacoma City of Seattle I '1406/843 fl4O6778 8 iT406/807 I.JL! 6/86 6/86 4116/86 I PulZet Sound i 8604160014 1406/816 14116/86 . Power & Li2bt Cornoanv The I 8604160015 1406/825 4/16/86 Washineton Water Power Cornoanv Portland . 8604160016 1406/834 4116/86 General Electric - Como any , I Public utility ! 8604160018.1406/852 4/16/86 District No. ! of Snohomish I CountyI ~~;t ~~t ~~~ 8604160019 of Gravs Ha 1406/861 4/16/86 Portlnd 1-2036186.4 0019436-001 Sol 05/02100 11: 48 FAX 3308,IaJOD2/017CKC ~ " , 8GO4llOO1' cou.~ow tJ!!D AJUI JlIU or !AU 'tbe Crucor.Yl.S1l1 RC'rOIi 11k1 CATI ON IIIVELOlHEHT CCKPAXT . CDrporat~DU. 1n COUJ1der8t1ou o! tau Dollar. end ocher con.ic1eratiao 1n hand paid, barcaUl.. ...11.. end Com'8'1 to !'A.CIrlCDU. a 1I&1na c.orporac1D11. dab, , bu.a1D." .. PACIFIC 7CW!1 . L.ICBf CCIO'A!lf. C~anu8, . '~ty-S""II Ilid Fbi Tench. ~.rcaDt (47.5%) undiY1d.d 1l1tereat. aa I ~C 111 CO88OD witb Cr8Dc~ 11M! othErs. in 1M co cbe rail. .-taU situaud 111 th ~t7 of nmrstan. Suee of, Valb1DltDU. II de.crib'" 111 tzh1b1t J. .tucbed barlto and b, th1. reference _d. . part AlTaII!; aDd 111 aDd co~he .craccftu, eqa1p8811t &ad lac1l1th. nO'" or kareafter coneencud aDd 1uat&llei 1D CJr on .IU r.al l8e8C.; StJa.n:t:r TO debu of the City ot C8Qtrsl1a I. let forth in chill: e.na1n I.tur agrl...lle "Cd 11&7 26. l!I67 blaglll Pac1U,I rowar , L18h~ c-pa1lT aDd t1'18 tit)' of ~ncr.11a. alae SUJ.JECr TO th. u.-u. r1tllu of "7. re.cr1ct1oua, neenat:La1l1 aDd other ItIICaIIIorlllcea of record. 1QClw~ bat noc, l1att" to '&II !&aC88IIt fw Ace... bd., d.eed !larcb 7. 1974. IRDe- 'by "&PUllcon In-ipU,ou , Dn81CJ1'8!CDC' CcIIpIIl)' ,to V.,8t'baaaa.r CO8JoAI'J'. record.. in 901- 666. Pa,1 ,213. ~cordJI at 'tbar81:DD Conty. 1I..I\tr:;c-. Eaa"'DC for Ace... load.. dac.. Ka7 17. 191~. ITaDced by V..b1aceoQ tn-tea- t1.ou , D.vt!lo~t COl8ll&II7 to Scott Paplr Coerp8ftJ. recorded 1D Vol- 904. Pall 571. Ricard I ot Tbar.CGD Caanry. V..h1USCDU, aDd aD t&a88eac f~r Ace... load.. d.ced M0Te8b.r 18. 1'7~. Iraat8d by W..h1ua:0II ~rr1&&c1OD , ~elDp88Dc ~.D7 co che. State of Vuhhlt-. record..1! in "al~ 716 of o.K', 'II. 366. "-coede of nur8tO1:l COII1:IC1. W..h1I1&CCllh J.A c0tHS1t1DD ot tba ..11.1111 I'DII aCCl1IcaDCI ,... s.- TA r'I!4 ~ ~ S8I8Pt No. : lj 0 9 2 ?:n. 'I "7 " -'---' :7 ~... ~ - tlLil C!IItY'7811C1I ~~a;IUIBJ VOL 140CPI,C.L ,'foCI 4-3 , , 05/02100 11:48 FA.! JJOl ;CKC ~OD3/D17 86041 SOO1 (a)CrKncor COY.DADC. v1tb CrIBC... aDd tb. CraDtee caveninci with Crlncar 1110 vtrh .11 othn' U11&ACI in ,_va tbenof. t!lat .. 10111 &II tha CeneraHI namal flint 11 uscd 01' uHful for chi laacnrtO1l of elecrr1e eneI'D. MLd real ucau ahall b. 'uaad onl,. fell' tba 1"It1IOIC. ot C:01I.t",ct1111 Iud aperac1nl: cn.n"... tft. &koolr;U8CJnu~k leaarIFa!r an41 aa.ae.1aC.d fa,c1l1t:1.. Ded or l1..fu1 in cauncction vith we! CUler.H. tb.~ Plaut. 01' tor .uctl ocher p1IZ"pa.. u ..., be wyman, IJrced 1111011 by all of 8&1. tllDaDtl 1!J a-a, AId (b)Craate.. for 1t..1f. 1t8 luccealora aB41 a..~.. har.by acc~ca t1t1e to ,lIaieS 1'..1 CtlcaU .ni a~ iJlrp1'0'V-1IU n- or har..ftlr ':CDac:racCM thareon a. a tl811&Dt in c:- \11th Cr8ntor aDd oeb.ra who -T 11- bo14 ar bared tel' acql&1:r. 1nte.rut8 a. CUlaatl ~D c- 1n aa.1d real ..cau. .. AGlEtS that. tor the period cDmleae1na Y1th tba 4ate hereof aDd cDDt1uu1uC ao 10lli1 aa the CeDeraH.. Ttlaraal Plane i.' vaai or ..aM for tha &lalC-aU,DtI of a18ctr:l.I: eDlra:e1) the intetut hareDY eovveyacl a!i.al1 b. held iD' ..cb teA8DCT 1.u c_:(2)Cranua vatvae the r1sbt eo parc~t1au of tha Stocla=ctuack IUU'9oir aa4 ..aocu:.d fad.l1t1.. 01" !:tIa 1'..1 ..UI~e bera"" c:_ayad vh.un' try part1t1- i1I ki.DcI or by .&1- .Iul 41'1018101\ of cba pTDe_.. th.reDf; (3) Crlllte.' w111 noc T&.or~ to &IrJ .ctiO1l aC 1." or Us el(llLty to part:1ticm :ia. SltDOlt\ladlw:k baerva1r, &lid ".uoc1ae.d hc111t1ea 01' add nal nC:1Ce; (4) CrAft c.. "a1-..e. u,. b.a.f1~ of aU aao:b 18- .. 8&Y or b.cre- dtrr .uthor1te .-1I'P.re1t:l.anr (S) eM C098ft8l1.e. h.rd.ll Md. eu re.cder.1=. ..t tanb 1a th1. coa"e,.,,::e Aball bi.i.c!in& IIp08 Crute.. ita .UCC~.80T8 .l1li. ...:l.p., enaU ba III aa:r1baca ot tbe UtI. h.n1l1 _ey.d eo GraDU8. .. .ha1l be aad ...-:LrI c_etlAllea 'C1Ianinl v1tll tlla re.l .atate b.reb,. CQln'8J1:cll (6) Cr8DUa rKClp1&e. MIl l'.pnt""U to c:h.e CrlUltor aM other. vba -,. 11.cN or beradtar acq1l1n 1=un8ca in au. ~.al lutlt.. .. C8l18Atl L. c:-. cue eM : ' - z - UIIJUD VOI.140SrACE 144 " ; 05/02100 11:49 F.J30t (CKC 141 0004/017 r--' SM;M16OO17 =- ?-.nh1p enatld berlb,. a':lC! the r...rvlt10QI, ,oadid.cml, r..tr1c- t10Nl, vaiverl and tcnoa,..8nt8 t-.nc1ft .at fonh an ror the 1IIIt'G&1 bane fie of Grantor. ~thaT' .no "Y now or ~.r..ftar .~a1re tDtlr.ltJ 1D '114 TWa1 I.cac. .. teUAnca 1n CDmDaQ ADd tbe CreDere aDd 1L a IUCCI.aor. &811 a'I15ftI. aa6 toat .aach blnaHI: 1.~ br'~ :-..11%ed by irosurinl LO .ach tRnt 111 CD8mOD thl yalue olften"~II. U.I a'DII. operac10n at thE Caatra11a Tblnaa1 Plsnt od tb. SItlX. Iwac huck 1.au"Yo:Lr loci a.aaci.tlt!! !ad:..!e1.. dla1111 ~ch parted;aDd (7) &.11d rucrrat1orul. coIIIUt1oa..re.triC'tit-. vaiyer. 1M c,"enantl arlt Ta.aaN'bIY' rela::ld to 8 'P1'O1I8r ~.. to b.. ICClnlPl1ah..l. aDC! tat a.111 periad h tharltGre re,uoft.lble when 10 coa..14erecl. (c)GrautOT c_laanc. \11th Crat.. ct.al: Crctor Iball 11k.avia. b,. DouQd by all of t.le term.. ccmd.it10na, r.acrict1oaa, va1vft'i .ad cov.n_ea h'~lof vith re.Dlct to AnT 1nterelt reclined b,. t~nntor 10 &lid re.l, eacae. KDd i8prov~cntl tl.. non: &JId Graneor !lIrUJu ' cavlnalLta that , an,.fuear ~auycyance. of .ny ~".rT..t 1n c&1d raIl eatatl sba1! \wcludl all' ot tbl .... t8nu, cand1t1aua, rlstriction.. vliYer~ aDd cnvln.aatl .. ccmca1ae4 bera:in. Th1~ CorrlcUon De.d and JUl of Sale 11 fUed to correct c8"8111 ernr. 1a tnl 1ea.l..cr1puDIt C=1:2.11I14 tD thae carca1n D..d &JI1i SUI of S.le txecured on Nov.abct' 16, 198' Iro. Cr..tor to Crafttal. DA.TtD tht8 ~'!" 11a,. of; ~...:G 191'~ . " " .. W'J.SJIIJlCTDIl WlCAIIOIi . Dtvtuinat Ca1rJ."t't . , ..:" ' 'Y' yl Jh ?/f~~ ~;."'..". ~i., -rOO - 3 -'iDL'1406t.1CE 146 05/02100 1.1: 49 r,330 CI4C IaIOO5/017 . , 8GO41 &0017 ColUlt:' of II.=-rAn- OF WASHlr;C'roII Oa th11 ....:r~ "y of ~,./..o , 1"'. baion -. th. underd,&nec!. l OUt') J'ubl:1c aDd !or tbe SUte -;t \/alll1l11tOD. dul)' COIIIIIiu:l.oned and &'WOrn, pu8-..117 eppund /??t!!:;~..$' aDd ~.I,o- c-,-~ ...T. ./~.-to knovn till . nl -. I~_C 1M &ec:ntary. r& c:d:rdy. of VAaIWCiTOK IU~'~lON , CCMPAlfT I tne c:orporation that cze c:ut cd tile forqDlt\& 1naCU8CD~. IIDCS &ctnoYlIdtcd the .&1d WtT1m8ut tD be the free ..1111 owolwu'C)' let: aJUI dad of u14 cDrparae1cm. far tb.e lWei alld pu",oaea tbirt1'A 81P1tlcnad, 11141 'CI'A oaleb ae.tld t~ar they veri aucbDr1~~4 to ax.c:uc. the &.1d 1:1tru=-Dt Iud that: th. ...1 .ff1xad (if Aay) 1a thl corporacl ...1 of .a14 eo~Dr.t:1Du. \I~SS .,. "'.,,0 ..nd oHicial, a.al bareeo .€Cued chi 0-1 .ad ,.84Ir fine IbOY~ written. .;.~~.~~ ~ ~~~ !Iotlry hUH :1ft .nd tor a ita:a of W..~~aD. r..1d1ul ae SpokaDIf,. .'.~ ::~: ' . ~A ~ ,: :"(~";,,"' : ': ., ' to r:' , ." "~- " 1:. ::' ..' , ,' ", , VOL 1400fAC( 848 ",4902,2.1 - 4 - OS/OZIOD 11: 50 FAJ: 330,CKC 006/017 8SO416OO1 '7 D:IIUIT I." 'ro DUD rrD8 \lASH DI~ I W CJ.TI all ~ DtVt1.Ol'IfDI1 co-.!' J.JrI PACI P'ICQU db.& tACITI' PO\.lEl. 4 LIen CO!QI'u/Y cia e..,tliLrth 17. Ulitl CDun~~ lit TbuTatun. State of ~~ Tow."ihb FHteu 115) Worth. hn~. 0... (I) Ent of th~ VS1)a..t'~. "'. r~c:.::'I :;' - 0- C". : ., r.. . ~:-.""" .-a J'.1rt.l I Seect-. u.~.n (11), r....r&.." (14), FU~eItR (1S), Sll1.t...elU AM $...ou.o (In JI."1r.1!.1D& at . "oia~ DO thlt ust-: ) 1". Iolft-e:. ... ' t1on. II and 16 vbich b.ar. ~rth &7- 00' 0)" u.~: II:. . teee rDa tb. .authe..t corarr Df .aid Secrion J 1. Lb~-=. I',1Im(l the t"l1lntiDI tOI&l"I., 8. di.ltcllce. i,. a.U SerU. .... 111 Horth U" 49' 1"- Ene 100.09 f~t. !'Mth 'S- 55' 35- lieu 350.73 h.c; S..tb 4)" a' 51," "':.e U:I.51 !en; South .n- I." '2" v..t '5.7' fe~, ~,~ or l....~. a ros..- O. th. 80111h l1De of -,. S.ct.t- 'II, eheMealan; tIt. hllDll1D8 CeNT." a.." III.Unt.. 18 .dd Sac-t:on U: $QuCII tlO. to,' ~2" V..r 25~.90 fulL l.4Ncll 71. 3D' 17"' We.t 338.4' Ieee: Rocth 51' 5" 3'" W,.t 271.19 f..c;Karth 83" 20' 37" V..t 1.5'.%6 hIlL; IMth 7'" 03' 51" We.C :J~6.17 IllIte; Soaeh 70. .0' 57" I4.U 436.41 .ut: Soucb 59- 49' SIR Veee :55.72 t..c; Joueb '1' 47' 21-Wear 2:J.."~ i..cr S_el, q" 20' 37" Vue Sa.41 t..t:s...'CI! 75. 59' 1:5" v_c 12.72'..c; I-cia .." U' aa-Wur 73.h.l; KO'I'tb 18' :2' "" \I..r 6',Ie. het: JIo~CII ,,- 51' 36- \:..e 91.:3 fan; )'_11 53" 03' 3a" w..c 177.19 r.~r: lIonll II" 20" 53" \I..c 4'.15 foiccalIorCII iO. 36' '011" 'Viae 91.49 hac; ~onh 5" 47' II-Wen 78.31 ,"'c: lIocch 66 ' 'I' 53" ,'an 221.29 hetl Solin 71,' 1,1' 4)" v..e 661.79 her; ~'Jf'CII U- 11' 21" ,We.c U6.1! hn; Soae.. 78- U' 'Z" 'i..c 24Z.re..e:Norcia 17" 59' 29- Vne "4. tl hac -:"It oc 1.... u . petht ('"tlo. -celt-eollch ,.liuCII Hnt e- S.ct10.. ., ...... 15 ..Ideh h '....clt ,01' 5:;;' ZO- W..C 4". t..c fro. ChI "u"~.e co~er ot ..td ~ce10o i4, Chtoe.81enl eho (olloviftl tearlt.. 8ft8 ..18t8nc.. t. ..id Seet1DII151 :.J... J :r: ~'" lIorCI! 8'- 5~" U" v.ae 3%7.13 r.ee: 11"""0 "" OZ' 5'- V..e 400,22 hec; IIn'Ch 811- ,~' 51" V.n 575.91 Inri SOIIt.h 7" ,,' 47" II..c "Z.55 Ieee; s...t.II U' U' 23"Veu )~~" fnet SOIIeb St" 0" 0(" Ileac 3U.U leu;~onh 76" 22' II" V..e 4C7.0! tate; ',*ell 32- 1" 15"V"C '23.58 fut! lIoroth u" 33' 35R Vat U6.ZII.....:, XoeclI 33. .,' 3'" V..c '1'.80 f..r; S08tb 6Z' ~7' 0'" V..e 257.3' h.cl I-clo IZ. 05' DR "-ec 117.':1 Inu S~c!I J". DO' 02" Vue 2'1.91 I..U JlDf':b 5:" 42' 11- v..t 152.11 f..el 5D8ca "" 3" 42R V.., ~~.O4 lecrl'-th ZS" IS' 10. "DC 178. '" l..tl tI:.nll !S' n' 51"Vaae Jilt.IS feee: r..c~ ,,- U' 16. II....c 21).210 fnelIIlI'nll ..- OZ' 058 II.n 1Za.l~h...r _n or 1.... 'to(. 1406 rIG! 847 -.-. -111:8 .... 05/02100 , ( 11: 50 F/J. 330. \~OO7/017CKC v;..11 ~:~,- ' . , . ..,. 86O41SGOr7 to . ptI1u VII cu aordt-.""cb Hcr LOll UIM SecUcru l' ud 16 "a~dI 11 5008CIl OZo n' ~..." tAlC , 1,8'6; ~ c.wc frO4t cae ",u'en-oe CDnter ot ,dd hcctDIIU, eh.e1lCOl .1-. elM 'Dll...1DJ cour... .1\4 "henn. ,ot4 S_u... 1', Norttl 670 HI' ~,.. VIae' 11).43 hoc: SCI8cb n" 11' 3r' \;c8c 334.5~ hac:bcell 10" 0" 4~. ....e 3fl.76 h.q JIiI.rcJs :00 U' .!&of IU.'7 tnel SODt" 61" 14' 25" \/ut 210.15 fow' I 110"11 IS" )6' ".. Moret. 11" (\1' Q~. \I..t 1411.01 fl.t: U..I: Z~4. 62 ta.t: Morea '0" ~I' '3" aorea 81" 23' 41" W..t 161.01 t,.el Weat 3h.l~ bet: Soaeb as" 51' 12" SDgtb 750 4" 31M w..c ~6'.6Z f..e: W..e 6'3.06 facel I~~b IS' 56' ".. Koreh 73" 54' 60" V..c 5'%.15 f..ec tAlc 23'.00 f.-et lorell 0" 5" 06" SocII-II H. U' l.9" ~..t 1O4.1D f..el II_t "'.14 f..cl lIordl .,. ~!' liz" ao.tb ID" SS' 35. ,'01.81 756.0J hu; Va.e ".1' f.oc or 1..0, LD . ~.UIt 0/1 tllo ftonb-u 0.tc1011 11- c- ieeUoaa 16 OM : "b1I:tI 10 SGaell 01" 20' )1" Lue 1 ,531.:U h.r Ta8 tal lIII1'cb:woc coi-Mr of ..14 s..cu....16, c~o dClli& CM hUoa1A& ~U &IIIIC . (J.a~... S.eU...A 17: Morcil 85' 36' '," Vwe 122.92 i-I; If.nk OZ' :U' Ollt r....~ J21.11 I..e, )lonh U. D" 4i" Weet !~.focc, W.r~k OJ" '5' 17" 'A8C 311.3J i..~c Jorth IS" .0' 34" Ileac U.!\I hoC; C-a 288 U' D2" v_~ 120.91 hot I ~..tb 0)- 41' 16" Veae 182.f..er S"lh 22" lS' 40"iMe 232.0~ hall ~.. 108 33" ,,- lI..e 251.57 "'1:1 Warth '5" 21' 10" W..c %17. 7~ t..t: Saa~~ "" 12' II'" ' Weae J,. .31 t..r: .C1:ell 3'" 32' 17- \lne In.13 tHe; SG8c~ 6'" 4" II" V.oe 1".85 f..c. 7'" 30' 17" "..: 173.12 f..e.: 11'0"" U' alt' 1'" 11.., 1&4.16 f..e: Morell 77. 'Z' 5%. v..c 350.13 lo.ct "'eh .Z. 5" 4'- V..t 1".14 t..CI looeh 3'. OS' 5" Veat 514.71 t..c. So,,~I.. ,,' 11' 2:1" V.at: 845.70 f_t"; Jlerell 'Z. \7' 3'" .. va.e 1,11'.'1 f..cl Moreh 4'. ~Oo 31" Veal 156.06 f..t _CO8 .c 1.... t. . peiu ch. vue u.., Df ...U SlcciDli 17 ....uh S-tl, 00" 1" ~5- ,Van 1.r.U.t.... frw. ClI. ~rt""e eDrD8C' at aoil.tll .eC'c1Do&. tb08ca ...-c.bn'1, A18III tha cae1188 Df .~~'. sacCiO" CD eh. ..c:tr.uc canee: Df tII.aorcn-u lIunal' of, tll8 ...e...e "unar (IIn,UlIll4) of ..u ..1=1-0 th..-e ...ud, &1oa& die ...do 11M at eM nore:1I b&1l of t!ae ._ch lIoU UU/UI'Z) 8f oaU .."1011 lOZ.I? ..e t. . ,.iae. ell.ace at... cae la~ ca8r... -04 418I&11III:'8. to lecci- 171 MerC!. ,p. 25' ~I" !.au 846.57 tuc: S.cII .51" 56' 5'"!an .2.3.51 tHe:; s.n liS" ~1" 31- Luc 1".11 h8CI n.ech OZ8 ~:' 1'- V..e 271.11 ,..t: lorc~ 'Z" ,~.' 10. EA.c )17.' 5 hnl san 51" 1" "" taat '13.04 tnc: N~~ca 6'" ~~' 3a- %&at lO!.3' f-.c; Barc~ 8'" 57' 4'" 1u\ 703.00 fHe: Soach U' :U' z'- 1:uc 627.31 to.c: March 51' 18' '0" Ea., 460.11 t..tl ,..eII ". 31' 57' EaaL HCI.71. tanl Soaeb 178 17' 3~" 188\ U,.O~ h.~1 8-ch a" 56' .0" IaAt 474.01 tHt; ""tAI 718 '4' 0"'"Eue U'.,..DC; "'t" U' 41' 09" lAoe :n.i-e:1 1I.~e:h 7'" 34" 2~" Ioat 653.41 'He aer.ap 1..., t. 8 ,Dint o. lU -unb-8oacll facti.. 1111. - . ketl.- j' "" 17 WIa19 18 r;...dI 02" 20' 51- Enl 79'.hat h- che lI~baa8\ C8C'1/81' of .0U SICt1oa17, a_. . \-11 t/I8 foU~'/I1& CearT". .... ,Uocauo. 111 liace:iDf1 161 \lll.1408rlGt 848 - z - 05/02100 ll: 51 FAX JJ(, '.1.CalC ~ 008/017 " " . .- j 9SO416OO17 MoRia 71. 34' U" we 610,2.5 f.,ee IIooftIl n" 01' ~O" ZA.e 2/00.65 hot, hOlt,), ,," n' ,,' l.ut Ut.I.K, ;.veil !4. U. ".. luc 311.95 fur: ~tb "" 21' 40" lut 307.'0 hat: S.tt! U' ST' U" tuc 6U.7D 'Mt, --rtl! SO' ai' ,~.. ~t SOI.S4 hac: ~ell U' JI' 01" Ealt 1".71 rut; llartb SO" 50' '3" !ut 17'." f..t: S-cla II' J~' 13" tne 113.41 teet: Sallll:1I 33' U' 03" Ealt ZIIO..31 !.Ie:: !&ortla u' '2' U" Eut 117.16 tutl &oueh U" ot')'" Euc no.u IntI Souell n' o~' U"ta.e nl.:'t.C! ~eb "" :t'24" t...t ZU.,~ tne:: Korell ('1' 0" 02" \l..e 's07. 66 ran; IIc.rtla U' 09' 3'. Wan ,)62,0.5 iuc; .ueb 04" U' 2" Vue 217.11 h.ec lI.nk 52' 03' ,43" !au .uS.fut, 8onll Il" DI' 00" r...t 45S.111 faee; Morela U' 02' 5'" Eut 3".24 'nt' JIIaru n' 5..' 4C1'" tut 320.69 hat; Salell 37' 5" 21" lan 311.5.2 fan, Harth ",' SO' 5.2" tutUI.91 fue ..~ Dr la... tll a pD1l1t Mt tile ncrrcb-8aurll 88c:t1aa. 11M Neva..s.cUna 15 .~ 16 v1111ela 18 'GlJr.II OZ" 26' .~" bat "'. t..c tf1ll8 tJaa IIDrtlMa8t conn af u14 Sect1l8a I'. dance alDCIII e:b8 'o11cndJ1& COG"o. duu1lCa8 1a kl:C2.DII U: "-nil U" 50' U" IaIt 141.51 f-t: SOUtb n' U" 11" tut :.21.31 flee, S_u as. 10" 2'" !an !DS.81 hat;hnll ZO! U'. 33" bat 110.03' feat: SoIItll fO- 22' ".. bu 411.53 faUI Kartla 11- :ZO" Dr Eut DC.)!, ra.e: Morell iii" 10" "" tan US.hOt; 1IMth I'. 30' at" !aae 2~2.tuc: Sllacla ". U' U. !allt 63.02 ra.e: March 76. 37' 48" t.., .5O6.t3 h.e; llaru U. 20' I'. taoe 441.8% 'tou; llarc" 46' 04' 27" ~8t ~'.71 t..e; )larcb n" )3' OZ" !:&It "7.43 hu! lift'cll u" 'I' Eue .531..51 hac, Karela II. 11' OZ- luc 6C4.tt I_c; IIoreh 7'"' II' 13" E88t 290.10 te.tl "'tb U' S,,' ZS" t..t 134. l..e, Jlareh 1,'" 2J' or taft 61.60 E.., _rw' .r I.... t. .. ,.1U 011 tit. _rell._a ..ct1.D8 11M c- Sa.ciD" 14. &811 15 vbtela 18 SDaCIl 01- 1:',a- 11881 452.n r..t tf1ll8 ~M IIOn!lUU canaar af gIlt SHctoeU. ClleDCII 1.1.,.. tta. C.llav1q ClRlnOIl aDII tlheucu 1.S8ccUaIi 14, t;"rtll U' :3' OS" !:aile 71.61 h~r SooIe:1I 11i" '" 3Z" &.at JO4.Jr lee&1 N.~ 6'. 24' 1'- I48t ZJ6.1D t.ec; IIonb n. CO' 1'" Beet sn.'" hoci S-cla at" U" 50" Eaae 531.f..el "-CII ~I' U' 25- Eaat 3!5.tele, 5_u. U" G;l' 10" Lo.t 1,180.34 fwe: Iont. U' 30' 3D" Eut 111.09 f..c~ I8rQ n. 2'" OJ. Elllt 7n.feee; IIortIi ,," '" U. Ia8L 601.11 ,..C -r. Dr 18... .. rat'lle CIII a.oe-...cc1... 11M a..- S.lI!tlG118 11 a"" 14 wlit.cll La IIIDR!! a7"' 00' 05" llut \.1.17 flu fr18 tile DOnb8&ae amurr at ..id Sacttall '14" 8l1li tIHI poLAt af bar1na:1q (ar tb18 tlaaauc1C111. All cOtln.. .a.-n La ,be EDrepl... oIeecripu.- .:'8 "-eo! tloc hae, Dr W.8Id.IIIt..c..~'IU..t. 'yoc.. ('-cia :-e). TOCnlla. 1l1t'11 .. ...-e c. .-84 ill tNC uru1a 4.... ra..""'" "",,,.1' 25. 1970,18 '101- 5U. ,... 303, DM8 ~a II 'D8nr.- Cantt,. IIDdar .AIIoII1.ta.ra rib ,No. nun far till uspoury Cl'l81'1l- af ralllrYO1~ ..cara 011 .~ 1...... --.. b1 IIDDIIAIDED. CClHPAn'. " 1la1l1l1D1eD8 t.!If'POI'8UD8, 1. u1.d elre.l. 488111 V2.cft1A till Ile8r'IaUe I)urUr ol t1l8 &out1aa&8t Qlaan:.r 0: S8ct1aD I t. aU at S~t1D8 11, r.ba llattll Kdl at &ec.ct.n U, ela. -nit IIdf al I8cti081" 1:11111 1101'0. Ialf af S..U- IS, 8811 tb8 1Ion:1I clarn-tll8ttU af 118cUn 17. 111 TIIWIIAb1p 15 ""11., ...... I ~e d tIll llUa-cci Ilanlti881 I'aaYtDm. 10000:va., :b,1C La the "'ODC .t ....10 .,.,..rfl-. Cr..e.. ...11 ,C7 lar c'" "-s' ga 18114!., C1111nr a:a.ol !.8fr_-au Dcud._4 "" .aUt "".1'11-. Nan: -lIOGr~ SO " J" --.. - 'iJI 4JDI 05/02100 11: 51 FAX 3308. 'fa! 009/017CKC . , 8GO416OO1., ALSO TDGETKD. wIn 611 ...-ae caac.b." 111 t~t uruh IIInne1 De... ,ee.,"- M IIIIcwaM' oil.. 1 no ta Yol.- 521, ,.11. '91. ne." hcar41 a' =Unt"" c.._t" 1ft14cr "udUM a ,n. 110. nun for LIIe u"o'&1'J au tnt.raiteRt .....'l.o.I a' ~ba n....".,tr ...ten. "'-'..... "...r t~ "j81Il1111 18M' .t C1'8McrT tharlUH ,r...111." that, 111 tM ..cae ~f lit? r-t'l "'Irn-. c:J. Craae" h.n~ lhall ~ r..,......1!'!. h, pA,....t DI 1117 4--... to 1f'VV1.a& tlPar. ll111fV'98'SftU or par.."" 1 p"",_ny, 1DC:ludll11 rack 1!:'8.cu::sr1" IIJIGII ACA _jot.lac 1aIMU oC Mclt Cruea,. .~ aUl1 bl ns:ponl11la for ,~1It ar t.......CDry daMPa ,....U1", f rD8 .:r'I t~al"1 1ne8",pC11111 at qaatTT crpenUDU. 11 &111. Ipcla neh .uSJala.1at hade al luc:1I Grurln:. acead",," b,. a\ICII crnrUaor. rarcal 2 S.eetan Elahc..a (II) 'l"boile portha. .1 tM Verda It&U &lid tM !Wortll 1&11 at tM had..en Quren of 1&111 ' S.cctDL II 1~1... .DUtll8'1'1, of the fol1owiac 41.crlba4 It... ",,1l1a111& It . pUlst Da till .ut 11M Dt n14 S8C~1Im 10 ~ch b.ara SOU~ 00. ~;' ))- ~._t 1.41~.4' tire t.08 t~ ..rth..st C0rD8r of laLd aICC'~D: tbwQce ~artb 47' ,~. 31~ g.8e '~I.l' f..t: tA.~c .oetll 71' 1~' 47- ~Iat 1.1~.. r..t~ din" S~b 7J. 14' OZ' i_t 1.016.61 het; tbnct &outh 61' 46' S~. w..t '17.JO teeci tb..c. .~ 178 '0' :Sl- \I..t 11.00 heel awn or I-. C8 a poW - eM Nn'che..Clrl,. lb. ot cue Cd'tdll cract cOIIft'J" II,. Scott r-.,cr eo.p...,. to """" If. T_r a!WI t-eel,. fun.ar '" 11-.4dud Kay 22, un .u recortl.eol ln tM DM" laclril of .at.. Tbu1'8t- C-C, \lJl48r ,,-,uor 8 FU. b. 5971161 tWftCl ...'tllw..tarly alaq. .aJAII aonIt....urJ:o U... o.f ..U T8~8T er.ct to tba ftortb l1D8 01 .aid S.c~1DA II; cb~-nlrl, aloDe ..i4 nan:II Un. of ..U 8act1118 en tbe IMIrUI_c. Coot'llcr ther-L; aNll)'SnI DArchul1 D! tll. 'ol1owi.ac 4iucri\.4 li8l. ~111"inl .c . 1Iof1l\ ebe ...c 11... of e~" Sntl- ~i~b b~~~a South ,008 1" 5~. v..c ),751.S. faet fro. t-' _reh...e .......r .f ..U .aceiNI tllNea I&crcll U' II' 2'" v.., '14.5' feet;' ell.Bee .~ ". 33' 55- ~t 1.%7~. fa.CI ea.-.. II."" u. 13' I'. W..t 1%7.13 hac; ta-CI~~ I'. 47' :s,~ w..t 1,:OZ.47 teae; ....ea loath ,,' 42' 1'- w~.e 11~.n r.at: rMR. "crrtll U. 13' U" VICr 7'.t.lt, _n or 1.... tll . ..uc D8 cbe a..cioe..url, u... Dr till .t__c::1_4 Tunl8r tncCI cbcllcc _e--aearly alO11I utll ._ebll88t81:1,. u.. of n.1.. TaRn traCe to Lta 1auraecc1n ritb tll8 ..._ac cmeerlba of ..U kct,L.. III rb.ac. veatrrl,. 81... a.~ a..e--..t ceat.,l1ae CD tbe ....t q...rC8T c.rnal' of .aU Cacti.. III EXCD'TntC TRDEFIOM. ao _lit of the lIonINdt QU&rUT 0' .aU Sect1Dtl 18 &8 _a co_,.-" 117 Scan 'a,..r Cc8p.aaJ CD .~ w. t\ln!u ad EvalJ11 TIInIer 107 ..ill II.." datell Ma, Z%, 1'51. Ft'1t't1(D. !:1CD"111C.C ~, thoa. pDn11J118 eomreye4 "'idee Alllltta",. 1'"11. Hot.. 117;.'. 17270' aDd ly74'%3, TtICItTZD WIn tllac pont" of ...8CACali .....~,.. U .." dIal _14 aten" co t.b8 add rared Z b,oreraet- of ~ .. 4s.ael....ti lor 1I...1.t1... 7312 .....Iar 1oI8ds.~r ' I r11e ao, 8107270131. tanal 3 Sr~CLou c.... (7) 1811 I:1pt..a (~') Tuc ,.rt Df lAe ~ at .at. ken... 7 aNI ell... "IIt't1- 0' tM Jlwo..ac. oQaarar af ttal .~.t Qaartu, ;ow..,..ae lJau, I aM Z, r.- ....tbeaaC Claarear of ..U 1l1Ift1tW8.C _rear. die 10Rh...c Quarter 01 c1a. '.lItlRlie Quan:U aM Dr Gcrre~c !.aC J d ..U b.ct.. 18 lIe..crSM4 al "1- 1 ClIft I ",1!m1q at eM ...r.tIwac cClt'8.r la' a.U Slc:1- ': .--.:1... c.....e IIIrtb 11' n- a18111 tll8 wit 11118 II al14 ...t188 122.21 t..tl eh8ae8 toatll 7" la' 1Z' taat tI~!IID - 4 -'G.1406fiGt 8$0 :.. 05/02/00 11:52 FAX 3:10.. \CIdC , .1,'1.;(( . .. '- .' .;;. .. iDe Uoot'1 )11.20 heU tbaC8 Snch 61' 21' 1'. !Mc' 3U.ZI hIt, ct\nc. IG\I~ta U. 4Z' 23. tA.e "O.M Int; 'MIIC. '....~k Of' SO' 00. E..~ 575.00 hu, Mr. n h.., ce the 11118 01 ONlb.8T1 !:Ita)!. v.cer 111 tIt. 'l.ft ~_k e~ A..-.-ltGd, U".rl tbaK. DGr~h8..It,",l, alOlt, .,.1. 11M III ortiSNlt"f IItp ".~.T 270.00 f..c. _n III' I.... tD a pobC hat:rUH a. 7n.hat II-C~ .tIoI 1.2U.15 fen "'c oC t!I8 118'I'C"".C cOT1lllf ol ..14 I.cU- II; ch_' ,..C~ or" U' 35" ....C 434. ,..C\ thlHlC8 S_dI ,." 1" 22" 'Illtac %911.32 r..r.1 c--.ce Seatl:& 33" 36' 51" v..t 317.18 hltc; c!waCc SDlllch ..' 55' U" tan :%.33 'nit; ehallcw 5DGdI 46" la' 104" ".., 211. l_c; eb-It :South It. 03' :II" V..~ 11..%.41 hlte; cllnea StNth 3ft" III' )4" Vue 426.';7 hat; e-. aooacA 0'" 3" 3'" ~a.C 300.'6 fecc\, Cb8DC. 'auell 41. ..,' 2'" '\lees 5'7, f..U eluracit 110"11 7'. u' u" '\Juc 11'.'1 ,"c\ t_CHI Ror'eb s," 47' 53" v..t 181.2) 'eetl tUDe. lIortb )I" 2" Uti \/..e r2O.OO fHt. M". or 1.... to ...u Uaa of 01'41- Da~ blab ..tAr; Une. .CI8cllloe.ut'l7 alDIII .d. 11M of o.,UioaC'Y 111P vatar 3SO.DD hac. 8OW'a Dr 1-, CD CM Lila. .t ..U ~..ti- 111 tb- IllU"fb 00" a'' 5." Ven.1-. N.tll _81: 1iJ18 2. "'. 00 f.... -- 01' 1.... ~o r:!Ia p8ue oi 11081-111&; aarr tbac eerc.d.. coracc at 1'811 1tnrpftt'1 eGll'far-4 co ~b8 'cae. .1 V..IILII&CDI& 117 ~d&l:811 .....c, 1. 1'71 ... or.~e~ ADS-8e la, 1971 1n 0... 1acard. .c tbur.tDD Coanty ~.t Auticor . rile Mo.o 87170\. TOInIallt.lI run" (IS) Woreh. ~8IIIIa 0.. el) V-r: tit th. 'Hl1._ctt MorULaIl Parcel .hcU.1ItI t\Mlv. (1%) ':M ~..Ua bU at tlllt s-c:ta...e C)aal'ur. daa Se8Cbaa8C Qaarcar of ~It Morcll...e Q88Tc.r ot cbe SD8tbva.c QUAl'cae. eta. ""e 1t&1t of c:he ScIw~"".C Qauur of tH $aut..aC Qlaal'nr. .... tilt e ,.n1DD of daD Vue IIIU 01 c:ta8 I-eft- aut Quare.t of t.I.. "CNCtrnSt QlaI'C8'r ~.d IItI cia. ...~ II~ eM _e U- of ..illl Wen 8&11 ., 1:'" S-elae-c Qureal' of the I_clwen Q8aT1:ar uo4 ~..-I'" .. _cla.rlT d.u "" tIN "erda_eud1' ripe of ..., l1aa cu TnJ.lcr (S'IuooIundlllcIt) .c-I')' I&U uti laMD4l'" 08 eM _ra.-.~..r1,. .u. "" . u... ....u~ h ,.raUd Vitia aM 17.50 'Ht ftO~n.r1J of ,e... c..eer nn~ 1188 of cue c_t.a~ l'S,pe ot ..., ,nau4 eo rad-fic 1an:lND&e p~l1aa CaepDr8c1DD II,. 1JIa~Dt. daced rllla~" 24. lU6 aM ncUdd rue 1kI~ 5'1711-1, all 1. td4 18C~1Da II. ..~.l"':~e!:ttr- -cy rD8d a. Tral1n acE!"r uq Debar c-cr ~". 1'arcd Secr:ioa 1'b1n:"o (13) t'Iaa I_~t. It&1f. eM IIorch.ace Oaarcar. .011 elM tan b11 of cb.. MllftkINu Qu81'ear IIf .aid Sacciall 13 cbanh'- e-cJ 1'0&lIl .. 'trllllar a.oa.d .DOI I:XCD'T ."" oCbar ....C7' 1'0"'. , I WI. 1.406 rG W t"0111.- 5 - 1'11010/017 , I 05/02100 11: 52 FAX 330.. ' 'CKC !alDll/Ol7 ..:' . Afft I. ~ ~ bC W ' REOUI:: P\!L SAM "., . ;I:iOR \1' V'\...J.-' ' ". g;O41 SOO12 CDU.tCTICI!' D!%D JJID lilt'!. Of SAU TIle . Cr&llcot.\JAS1IUc:rat ID.tG1n~eota Art . ccrpout1.cm. cond..da-rac1D111 of 'fl. %)Ol1~rl &lid o~"'r cled'arac1D'A 18 ha:Dd paid. b&r~.a. ..lb aDd cosrn7'a CD w em Of tACQV.. a _idpal corp- radon of the State at V..h1q~DD. G~~ce. IUI Upt ran:at (at) ~rl"d l1atlrc.~. ai, . tC1l&tlC 118 w1~~ Gral!1:ot aDIS athan. ~ IIDII to ' die 1:ea1 ..c.au .truet.' u CCllWiC'7 of ~r.t-. Stat. of Vukblt-. U ducr1bM 1.. Exb1bJ.~ A a~~.cbd' banco .1IIi 11, ~bia 1:d.rue. 88M a "'I't b.r-h ... .i.II aM to the .t't'llIl'rar...e~a1p8811~ aA flLC1l1t1&a 11- at' h8T'C8fcer 1:GQ8rnc=t:H aDd i!l8c.llcd 1a aT OG a.U r-.l .anc8' SUJ,JECr TO r11kU af 1:baC1.ty of Canuaa. a. aee lorcb t\at c.uta1D 1ettn aen-t dat.. Kay 26. 1961 bee-ea P&d.Uc PlN&r , Ushc COIap&ny '.811. th. C:l~ CJf CntnU... lb. SUlJECr '%0 ek. e....cIICa. r1.;hta of ".,-. nacr1J:,t1au. A8l.rvaC1C1\8 -- ather DraDCal of reco~. 1aclad1nc b~ ~ot 1181tl' to &II t~ac fDr ,Ace.a. ~.. dud If.n:h 7. 1974. p-Slu:d 'by gaahilllCoD trnlat1C111 , De'n\opll8ftC c-pa1l7 co w."uha_.eT ~11". rec:arded in '901- 666. ""I. 213, leco1:d. of 'lb8r.eaa C-:t7. VutaiZlltCIII. aD Eu-C for Ac:ce.. r.D&da. dated Kr)' 17. 1974. p'8AC" by. V..h111scCl1l Irricacj,DB II.Y81op8Ul1: c:n:pny tD Scon Papal' Ca8p&II7. t'8card.ci 1D \'01- 904. Pa.. 571. lacoria of naratDtl ~cy, v.a.~tOII. aJIIS .. Eaa_at. fDr .u:c:-- laM-. ...e" ~""I' 18. 1975. rnacei by ~..1dD&C- trripcJ.oI\ " 1)....alD~t ~1S7 to t.b8 Buta of VubtDltG1I. r.c:ariacl 1tI Vo1- 716 of n...t.. PII&8 3". leeari. 01 nmrlcCIII co.lln:,..Vauu.J1I:ccm. loa clI1l,U.t1oe. of tA8 88kJ.ft1 _II .e.a.,.taac. of uS-, ccrave,.aecu (8)CrantDT c:crn:IIAA" with Gnncea. &Dill 'tba Gr8llt.. CO'Y8aau.C8 ritb c.rucor 8IIIf. rith ~11 oa.er e_~ ~~ - tba ... .... W- .. HIi 92; JI-I"'Z!..~2~3 .. - Da4I8 Go tbml8r ~ri TJ888o . cue 80 lD111 eM. IDCIaUI .. UO!PACt .. - ,.~., tJ- 05/02100 1l:53 FAI 33 \ . . CKC B6041~ COIUCI'IOR Dt':!:D IJ(D ItU opaw 'rtI&Crall tOt'.WASlDJC'rCI IJnC,U'1CI CCIt!P urr . cor,on~1on. 111 Clnl8idaradolL of fau DeUCni 8M etalr C:OIId,4ara~1ou 1D haII.d ,aid. ~&~I.1A.. .al1. eDdcoaT.y. ~~ che ct~ 0' I~. . 8UD1cip&1 ~.dDD ot th, Sute of Vaah1'Z11COD. Grn~.a. .. tiP' h~~ (8%) Q11111.v1d.d Uu:ensc, aa a tc1UUIC- 1A c.a81118 v1 th I:raDCDr ..m! otb8n. 111 lad tD CD. rNl eoeau siasaud 1A the C-cy of '%hGr.CCltl. SUU of V~h~=, .1 ducrlDd i1l bh1b1e A acucla,", b8ntD find Ir7 1:h1. ~fa~c.a _4. a pal'c bar-f; 8DIi 1ft 8Dd ~O the IItruCcaUI. ecpU18W~ II:DIi fad.Uti.. Ot' beTe&ftar c:_~1:'1IG:" .Dd 1uu&lle4 111 01' 01i 8d.4 raal ..ur..: sm.n:cr ~ rtpu of cba C1." of c.ac.Z'al1a .. a.e. fera ilL that careais!. letter .I~': Ii.cad Ha,. 26. ~'67 b.eveell Pacific lawer , L1p~ C~&I:rY .. the C1cy of Call.uala. &laD stm.U:cr , d,. ..._al-s. ",M:I of way. re.~~' n.cn'ad.cm8 aM oeMI' brlllCe. of -rICOrd. ilseltLdul but DOt 11lt1tad to R1I EaneDt fer ~U. 110&4.. ~ed Karch 1, :974. poUCH by Wa.b.!AltDII IrrtpC10C1. Ar De..al~C Cc8pan7 to 1I4oJ'UhaWIIU c--paa1. rw.c:mM iD. Val_c 666. Pase 213. beArd. of 'IbIIracGa CaaGC1. W..latDctDtl. ." 'Ea._C lor Acccu 1.0-. cln'" 1Sc,. 17. 1974. sr:lftcacl '-7 ".."12\&tOIi lrripdoa " DeY81op8811.C COIIPaD1 to ac=c r'apsr c.o.p.sry. "DOI'd811 111 Vollme 9~. Pap 5'1. -_ords of 'nIII:nUla. COwat1, Vaah1A&COlh ao4 III Eaa...ac " Ac.c... aO8ll!8. cU.CH )IIc;on.IHIr 11, 1975. er&1leH b1 Vuh1qtGli lrri.l$&d.cna " ~'" lc.purDc eo.PIID7 ~O the StILe. of V..bialt-. record.. 111 Vol- 116 of DcM'. P..,. 3U. J.COTll8 of tblarac.asa CQmty, WaahJ.D&con. . U cDD41.hGII Dt the ,8&ldnB aM au:.pl'ftn d .e.Ua eo-.y8Dca: (a)C:I'8IICOl' ~ca riu Or_caa. .- t~ OrAllc.. eo'I'.UII~. ria at'u\;,)% an lfich all ot~&l e_C8 11! .c:b8no . do.at .. l=a .. the z..- s.iaa t- l'81li-.. 409 '" ..... JCo, ... r...J na-a -:;'" VOi. J.~ei'~w BIJ7 tWda Q. ~'I:A .Ct:uAtf ~ - 11 -- J;CIJ'USI , PD-26-U.-1~ fa! 0121017 05/02100 ~ . ll: 53 FA! 33c.CKC S60416OO14 COU~IO!I ~DJI IJC1) !11.1. or SAU 'r'De Crut;Dr,\I A.SB lJIGTO!C IDICATIOM b!'rc..DPKDn'CCICP.un . corpOT&tiou. 1u coIl81deut1DII of T811 OGUan 8Ud otber ccruU.radoa 111 haM p&1d. 'Dn'adn.. ..11. slid ~CIIIYI!18 tD PUett somm PCWD , LIGHT CCK-AKY. . Waab1nctoll corporat1ou. Grant_a, I S~en 'ercaac (7%) ~a4iT1ded intereat. .. I t.n.llt is! c- vitI!. CretaI' aDd. otha., 1n IDdU eM 1'..1 e.eate dcu&ud in the Coa.ncy of ,Thurn all , StaCI of 'Wlab1I1~-' .e li..cr:l.!I" 1a 2:dai1t1c It. Icca.cbed ber.r.G and by ebu r8fUe=a _d. &' paTe weof: &Dd 111 11M! tD Icructurec, .~1p8ent 8nd flc11it1.. now or hereafter ca..c~c.1I aDIi 1n8cll- lcL. in or OD u'id real .auU: StJJ.JECT TO rlehtl af tM Cit)' of Caatral:1..a .. ..e ford& 11& t~t cutaia Intii' aKn-ne dlead Kay 26. U67 b.ev.." Pla:Uia Power' 1.1d&t C~.ny and tha C1~ of Calltr&.l.1a. allO Sur.ncr TO eba .1.- -ne.. :-!&he. of vaT. r..tdcticma, r-..n'ld,O!iI &lid othar e1ICl:III1Ir&Dc.. of rwcord, incl.lliDi boe Got 1181ca4 to 111 !aaca8DC for Ace... aoa4a, dated ~ch 7. 1974, ,rein. by WuM.llleR !rrtpriOll '. IIrnl0p'88Dt CG81181&J co VI,..r- Meu.u.ec.pan1. recordeol b 9ttl- '66. P..a 'Z13. IICord.. of Tbarltcns Coa.r&C7. ~hiZl,coli.III taae:amt for Ace... Rold-. dautl *.,. 17, 1974. l~c.cI b:r Waahic&con IrT1aat1ou , Davalapaenc eo.pan1 to S~tr. PI,er CG8pa.y. recorded 1n Voluac 904, Pale '571. Kecorda of Tbar.can Comnty, W.lblol~oc. aDd aa Ea..- _nt !or Ace... ~od., decd Jlcrveaber 11. 1975. cuBtM by W...bs.~t= 1:-r1- &at1ou " DI,..~lO1J8.at COIIIIIGY cO ~b. Bta~. of "..hblcO1l. recordl' 10 901- 716 ot D...., PI'. 3M. Kecord& of Ttaanaton C_cy, Ilaahiqccm. Aa e~ltion of the --kiD! and acc.peance of ~~1a eDDW8,&DCet (a)Guntor co'noun wiLt. Craat... .114 the Crout CC;Y8I1AJ1tl vitb Crallur IDd v1th all othat' cenanU ill ~~~ char 1-. a. tba 'f~ t'aII1 tf' ..~ ~ \ , n ? :"'J)a ,.,... * l4Otpta 811 No-oan C,ogZ&!f t1 181' ~... PD-z~...93 IaIO13/017 \:, 05/02/00 11:54 FAX 3JO8. . - IaIO14/D17CKC !IS\14 u;oo! ~\~'I-- cou.!C'nOW tI!::E' IJID 1t1.L OJ' 8AU '%be CranCD!' .\I ASJI tHCTOK IUttanOl DEVELDrHEn CtICP IoII'f , cc:Jl'1'oudcm, :l.ft eoad4ernUla of taD Dollara 11l1li other ccnllli41ratiw ia pa1d. barp1ns. nU. aDd coaver. to Tn Uo;RI1IctOI \UnJt lcvn cacrAX1'. . W.ab1ngcw c:.orpondw', GraTlce.. e ".l,t.." 'arcent CUI) U11111.Y14ad 1ftu~.t:. A. a t81\811t 1~ c~ v1th GraJItor 818Ii ocbcr.. 111 ad tv c~e raal ..au ..1~.t:cd 111 ch. c-qo of TbIrr.1t:OIi. S~at:a of Vukastcm. ... .teac:r:Uta.a :!a txhibit A aCtAcbe4 bacaCD .D4 \1 chi. rafer8DCe ..~e ~ pare bareat: aDd 1D aD! CD the au"IIcrurca. cq8ip8&llt .ad facUitiu 11- Cor haradur eClGltneud .ad bacalla. 1.n or OD ..111 nat utaea; SUlJEC% 't'CI r1&bu of the Cit~ of Cutral1a .a a.t tanh i1l that cert.a1Jl. letur' qrKU1lt danet Hq 2~. !967 bnveeu Pacific paver '. Upt c:-pan,. aNI tba City of C&litraUa. alao Stm.n:cr 'to the aaa~t.. riPe. of V87. ruencttoa.. raa~".t101U1 mid other ..~ br. .of reco%1!. 1'DC1~1n& but IIOC Ua1te,s to a1l !u_nt far Ace..a daca. Mereu 7, 1974. ~ruud b:r Waab1.uatcm Irr1I;atiw . Devalopacl1t Cc8:p&a)' to W8Y8rMcu8o:r eo.r,.an7. r-caedecl 1Jt Vol- "', "'. 113. JHorda of naracoo Cliuut:1~w..h1r.JCOII~:- E.uil8C!at for Ace... bada. .aatd ~J 17. 1974. sr-n~~ , , "1""..hi.II~CO'll ItTipt1 ~ , Dev1.1op8Cilc' Co8p8A1 tD Scoct P.,ar rocord~ci 1St I/olu:N 904. Pap 571. l.acOTd. of "IhIIr:~all Counry. W..!dJa&tOD. ... all Eaanaanc tal' ~a. 10ua. dAtad l'IOy....r 18. 1'7~. ~t8CI by w..h~1IID Irr~at1GT1 i DeT81ope.rnt Ca8peIlJ to the Sute of ".ah1UPcie. nll:ard8d 121 \/oluae 71 (, of DeMa. r... 366. I..conl of Tba&'atO'll ~t1. ""ahiDleDa. 1Ia czmitt1cm of the II8k1DI aDD acc81'C'-- of Un. CQUYe'1acwr (a)Grancar Cgyen8DC~ vieD Cra~t... &D4 tbl CraDC'. c~~. V1CD Crantor .114 vith all Detter t811G1U iD c- tkoZ'lloE. tliat ... ~ ~ t81. )'&d~ , . ..:Jr ~/b"6 ........ , tI n Q? \LPo " --- Q::a.mtJ I~.G ~\cf .. 1... .. PD-26-WI\-93 VCIL 140S'iU- 825 05/02~OO 11:54 FAX 330t..,CHC tal 015/017 . . &eN~"0- COUECTIO1f 11m AKn 111.1. 0., SALE 'nit Grancor,VASHIJlGTC8 ID.YGAtlCl DtV!LOrta::n CCMP AHt I corporae10D, la conlt'aracioD ~l fa. DollAr- and Dtblr cODI148rae1an 1.11 hand ,a1d. barcaitla. 'Illa ... CDn'FI'" co PQJ:T1.J.IUI clXDAL tUCnIC COIIP.urT. aD Oreloft co~parle1=. Graue... .. !w 12111 1'1.. futba Parccnt (1.5I) WMl1Y14.' interlac. .. a CIUDt 1D c-CII8OD n~1I Grutor 104 otlll'n. 1D .. co the n.l C:8~"C8 dtUltd :LsI tha COaftt,. of Tbarncm. sun af Vuh1Jlatan. a. daacrl.bad 1ft txh1b1t. A ..ttachd bare to ID" II,. chill reflr8DCI ...s. . parr bareof; .. 111 aDd ,CD chI Itruccurel. aqu1pa8QC aDd f.~~liti.. DOV or ~r8&fta~. coa.trac~" .ad innaaa' 111. or Oft _1d nal ucu:.; SUlnx:t ro "pea of the C1C)' of Ceneralia 18, uC fon1l 18 tuC utca1u lltUf aJr.-t dned PIa, 26. 1961 b8tVeell rlcU1c Pover , l.1alat CCl8p8Z1r ud chI C1~ of ~Dtt'al18. a18o Stm.JZC' 'rC Da a.a_nt., riebta of .1,., nacr1ct:l.0II8. u..TTatiODI ... otbet' "r~cea of rlcord. lcclad1nl not lla1tad to aD E&8eacat for Ace... 10&8-. . I dac" Harch 7. 1974, ,"Dr." It,., "a.h1~tOl\ Irr1IId.aft , Dnelop8lllt w.,-arbuuacr Ca!qluy, recon.' 18 Vol- "'. 'IS' 213, 1.Icordl of nuracaa CoaIIt,.. Waab1Dlccu. &A ta....ar. fDr ~... load... i.tld Hay 17, 1'74, graat" b, ~a.hin,con Irr1p:1on 10 Dne1osr-t Caapuay co Scott" !'ape'&' CI8p8IIYI r.~ord.d io Voluaa 9D'. '8.a 571. t.co'&'d8 of TbgT.tDa Coaacy. Vaab1D&taR. KId aD ta.l.aD!: for A~cc" l0&4a. dated HeY....r 18. 1975, ,raDC8d, by Waab1~tD8 lrril8t1.aa , D41...e1opalat Coa;a-IIJ to tlae Sutl of Vub1i1&coa, ncoda4 i. Vol- Hi of ne.d.. la, I Jrara. J.&caTd. of thlltlCon Colllley. w.lbJ.al;tan. AI coDdlt1oa of the aak1D1 ,D4 aCC8pc:aDC8 of thiS conwlJaecal Cr81lcor CoY, MAca with CraGIN. aNt tha C~t'l CO't8a&JiU .1U Crane..:' &86 "1~.lli.:~ t::-l~ b C-- clan8of. ....." &. /yl7:z.i._D,.. ~:f' ro-l~~''I~ K8ma G, Hur-.k:r ThUlillOft Ccxmtr n-. ~ \1.0 9 2 3t9rY~~ t'" that eo lcnaa .. Y0l140c'~ I!,;S4 tip W%RJID - ' 05/02/00 :55 FU 330/1...CM:C IaI 016/017 .. - 86041 SOO18 CClUCTIOft DI%D A)lD InL 0' BALI 't't&Cr.at~r,\LUKIBCroI ID1C.\T1DK DEVEI.C7PXD'T cna .AllY . CCIT1I~r8t:1OD. 1n crnaa1dendaa. of 'r.. ~U.n aM o:bar cDUf.4ultUnl 1D haM ~. baqa1u. ..l1a ' aDd C0ftY8TI t:D tM !'UJUC UTILI'n' tlISTUcr 1 of S,..b~ab CO\I'CIty. a 8aU1dp&l co~arat1cm of the Suceof Wa.h1ll.&taa.. Cr_cu. la ~t llrclat (U) uDlltyU.. uun.c. .. a Ua8At 111 C- vU:b Cr&DI:Dr ad o~ben. 111 ud tll th., nil liRa:e aibrated h tbe Coaat'J' of nnaz.atn. Stat. of w..b1qecm. .. d&8cdbed iD Eda1blt A attlch" bucca 8l1li II,. tb18 refln'CIc. 8A4a . ,arc tlU'eot; 'aM 111 aDd to cbe &cnccun.. e~1p8e1Ie aDd facil1 t1.e. DDY 0\" "&Tuf:er cn&~u~ a1l4l 111&1:111184 i. or 011 aai.d real lataca;' SUBJECT TO rip:. of chi Citr of Catreli. .. ..t tuttI 11:1. uu: careda ,lattat' .~re.-nt dated Har 16. 1'67 betv8ell ,acif1c PIN'll' .. Li.sbt ec.paay aut tIs. C1ry of Caa.tnl1a. alao StJB.R;CT TO ttla ......ata, r1Iht. of 1187. ~.IICrlct1OD.. Z'.la~t1oD8 aDd Du.r eftC\8braw:.. of recol'd, 1JIel\ld1.a& \\Ie not 11Ja1ccd to .. 1.---1:' for Aoaee. laaAA. eI.ted Karch 7, 1974. sr_te" 1'7 W..h1qtcllt Irnpt1oa .. hYuap8IIac eo.,..y u' "R1Wrb&8I&Hr c-p..". reCOrded ill Vol.... 666. ,q. 213. lecoreSa at nnaatl:l1l Calmt1, lluh1D1ccm. .. I&a...ac for Acee.e ~. dated x.r 17. 1'74. Iraat.. by ~&Lh1G8CDn Irr1la- t1oD , thry&lgp..nc Coapall)' to ScoCot Pap.r ~. "coned 111'01- Pq. 571. bcorcb DC 'fburac-' eo-t7. V.ahiDctca. .DoI .. E......l1c lDr ~~... b'&4a. daulf Nov..!tU'. 11. 1975. enDed 'by Vuh1llitoo In'1pt1cm , Dnel~Dt c-p-,. to the State of VuhiIllC-. raeord.' 111 Yo1.- 716 of lIudl. ,... 366. Kacrrnia of, 'thllrwtca CO1Iatr. V..h1..t". ... co_1t1" of tba ......1&& .- acc:..cance of th1a cllllnYlJlcJ.j.......-r.t". ' ,.. I'D-Z~3 --l~SI.t.-I r. "- ". -/" t!I' ~... "'n -. I _, vm.140Sr:ct .8&2 ",.. 05/02100 11:55 FAX 3308~~CKC fa! 017 iOl7 " . 8604 ~. , COU!CttO1l tJm JJID BILL "r SALE ~r&ncol'.VAnDlCTOI IDICAt1CIIC t)~~AJtY, corporadcm. 111 cou1dll'a~iDtl of 'h~ Dftllan &!III 0~1a.1' cauUaradoD 11S b.azaj paiel. haqain.8. ..11. aM CDIIT8'1'I to c1i&.. PUnIC trrn.trt tl1St11Ct J(Q. 1 at ~I". Barbor ClNney, a 8a11ic1pal corporactn at tha suu of V.ab1DICCID, GraDcae. a Pour rlrelllt (U) 1Indh1d8l! illcar.aC. .. . un..c ill e-. rich CZallCo1!' aIMI 01:M1!'a. ill &1M to ell. r.al ~U aUu8te4 111 cite ComIty of n.rle.m, Stac. 01 VUbiqtOll, .. tleacr...be4 i.a Ea:hi1l1c A atca.cbri MnUl .Dd 117 thU re!eR1lC8 , --" pan: lI_f; ucI 1.11 ..4 to 0& .mean:... 8qII1~1: UId fae111t:L18 IIOW ar huuftar CDOScrGu4 ani! 1D8t.a.LlN 18 Dr - aaU 1'_1 NU1:a, 5tl'LJECT TO npu of tM rJ..ty 01 taau.u.. .. _c i_c1l 1.11 tAt ~n.1sL latter .sr-.t data' K8y ~'. 1167 tin-cD hc:1fic PCNCr , L18bt ~y aDei the ticr oE CalleraHA. allO SUBJECT '%0 tba .aa_au. J"Uhta Clf ..,., r..trtct:1~_, r8Ctrt'ac1DIW alld Debar IDC_br88Ca. 01 rlcord,' 1IIcl"~ 1181: 1101:, 1.1JI1c& I to a. Eaa...ar for A.ec... J1IIUI8. .dacM Karch 7, J.,,-'. lranted ~,. V_b1naccra Irril"c1- . &enl0p888c CII.,""c. V.,..na....r Ca8pGE't. nc:ord.d 10 Vol- 6U. Pap U3. Iccord.a ofTluirataD C-t1. W~. E&.~c roT Acea.. loada, cl.&UII 17. 1974. ~c:.. by Wuh1!lCcn Imaa- ' ~1oa 10 D....lClf"~DC: CC8p.Ur to SCott Pqu ec.:-UP'.. recorol.4 b Vol- 901,. P"I 571. 1ecortia at 'rbantoa C4tIuIty, "aab1.Datcm. aMI .. Eaa--t for Acce8a 1.08ci8. claud Hcrn8bar 18. 1975. crncnlr,. V.ah1nCU1I ln1s&t:1oII . D8V8~lit CCI8Ipa:a1 ,to tb8 StaU of Vuh1n&elna. ncoria. 1ft Vo1J88 716 ,of I)8N8. "" 366, laeorcU at 'tbur8t:= Cmmty. ",.."1D1con. A.a cODoditilUl of chi _k1Ja& aM uceptaac:. ot t1l1& covve"8IIceE "'U-~A-" 8aI8I tIS 1'114 - -,:-..."", : 1\ B 92 Q ~ !:!( -;f II8aIPt ,... . 0r..- -::- IIII'~ e:a=tr VaL 1400ntIt fQ. K8nI8 ~~. --' . ' ~r EXHIB IT B Percentae:e Shares PacifiCorp 47. A vista Corporation 17. City of Seattle, Washington City of Tacoma, Washington Public Utility District No.1 of Snohomish County, Washington Puget Sound Energy, Inc. Public Utility District No.1 of Grays Harbor County, Washington Ponlndl-2036186.4 OOI943~OI54