HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040428Comments.pdf;4 V fA f - 0 '1-0 I LeI'"fTi;J Jomt School District No. 391 Office of the Superintendent 800 Bunker Avenue Kellogg, 10 83837 www.sd39 Lk 12.id. :'- ILED "'1"Vf\1\'51 9: l~ LbiJin,:~\.-- ... '_OJ' ::i~ ~:j ;f. ;~~ SSlm~UilL-iiLJ Telephone (208) 784-1348 Fax (208) 786-3331 March 17 2004 Jean Jewell , Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington St. O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Dear Members of the Board of Commission: On behalf of the Kellogg School District, I must oppose Avista s proposed increase in gas and electricity rates in the Silver Valley. We are a school district that struggles financially due to an already depressed economy. The unemployment rate and the poverty rate are among the highest in the state. Our property values are considerably less than similar property in the Coeur d' Alene area. , This all contributes to the financial struggle that the Kellogg School District has experienced in recent years. There are months that the Avista utility bill for the school district exceeds $40 000. The proposed increase will hamper our efforts to maintain financial stability even more. Sincerely, Greg Godwin Superintendent , ' " ' c" , - " .. c': .. ,~- ,- ,,-, ',-- '~-- ""..- '- .. 'ECE!\!ED r;~1~:J Joint School District No. 391 Office of the supehriteiid~t 800 Bunker A venue Kellogg, Idaho 8~~fu1t C~PR 16 f\!'l 8: 52 !", "i.A... JT \1., j T !E'S CD111'11SS 1m! Telephone (208) 784-1348 Fax (208) 786-3331 April 13 , 2004 Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street O. Box 83720 Boise, ill 83720-0074 Dear Commissioners: As members of the Board of Trustees in the Kellogg School District, we must oppose A vista Corporation s proposed increase in rates for the gas and electricity customers in the Silver Valley. The Kellogg School Districthas one of the lowest tax bases in the State ofldaho. Thus, we have' and continue to struggle financially. This increase will severely affect the resources we have to provide adequate education for our students. On behalf ofthe 1450 students in the Kellogg School District, please vote no on the proposed Increase. ?Zo Bob Stovern Chair Mark Schram Trustee ~0~ Ron Wood Vice Chair Dwayne Layton Trustee /d? ~L/?J ~-== Br n MorgaI.1 ::f. :: "" :' , Trustee , i', AvtJ.. - E OLf- :;:ECEIVED Lc.i Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 :-H Fr' 700!i W\H 26 ftN 8: LJ March 18, 2004 ,". ' : U-)L j; ...) dT1U In~s CO ISSIOti Commission Members This letter is inform the IPUC that I strongly urge you to consider the people who would be affected by the requested increases in both natural gas and electricity. I know there are many who live on a fixed income having to cut spending in essential items such as food and medicines to be able to keep heat and lights on. My mother who is 84 years of age has recently had to move into town and rely on natural gas for heat because of her loss of eye sight. Her previous home was heated by a wood furnace which she could no longer maintain keep filled with wood. Upon moving back to town being faced with a bill for natural gas requiring approximately 25% of her monthly Social Security which amounts to just under $600 per month. Myself, being 64 years old and medically retired within the last year have quit heating with wood and had a new furnace installed switching to natural gas as I can no longer continue to get my wood in as I did when younger. My wife also has asthma and can greatly benefit from the cleaner gas heat. We here in the Silver Valley have been subjected to many hardships throughout the years with few job opportunities remaining leaving most of the residents either retired or receiving poor wages. We cannot afford higher utilities! I read that A vista has spent over $200 million on needed upgrades since 1990 without being granted a rate increase, which doesn t reflect the fact that A vista has increased the users fee by approximately $4.00 for meters on both gas and electricity, which amounts to approximately $8.00 for many homeowners. In conclusion I wish to state that I don t believe the rate increase is justified and would like to see A vista become more reliant on efficient operations and not rely upon the expectations of the IPUC to grant an increase for utilities anytime their shareholders return or dividend doesn t attain the desired 15 to 19 %. In 1988 while working at Sunshine Mining Co. we gave concessions of over 26% in wages alone never to get it back. I thank you for reading this letter and hope it may have helped you decide in the matters regarding A vista request. Sincerely, (i?J( Bobbie T. Finlay O. Box 204 Pinehurst, Idaho 83850 ~ar.Mr,~~PJ~; ~'v'sr. CMp. AvU -( -elf - ((~, ,""" ,.. .. " " , .tif~'Your 1Ett~' dated June 22 and am coocern~abOut your , .. ~temeot$ regarding AviSta. I have at Vv\iVP/Avisfa for Y~and was here the whoJe time ' m , " ndWendeSi Satre " . .. fa ~! w. ~.. ~ : ~ ~t:i!i~$~rtef)~. YOur. Gomme~1t$ '~. me to believe that .. li ~~ V ~ . '1"yoQ"reaqoply" the h~nes. WeJ In facti areaoove board and ,~.... 't , \: ..;\ v'i" ve.9QQd PJPyeesJhi1 are honest and. trustworthy and who f\ ~v . ~"'- ' uyvery hard to rneetour customers l needs. " " . j'JJ -' . ~ ;( 'v " .. ~ .i_.Z; ~ "~ :t~ ~~ ~ .. " ctftR:.to~.dfV ,,*,.....f"'our ne1 ahd 1tIS" "P" 11h """"~"'. ."""""' 10""" '. ,,:J.\'to' " . riotappreciat~. . . ," ~.: ". ... VAH.f"W-1\N?- J/ C!!v:..AX ~j~ !4"' r~ i\; I~J" ~h ,,!! v: /""v t', ~\J" W" ~ .. .. ,P -r-1? / . 'V \~ flY ::~ ~;;c -;' ?/l t::. ' ' lli:. L. CS L-- :;; ~. ';'" ' 1t~ " "' ,"'" $- 1;, " - " ii t1i' ' .",, " I "' :-:'-"" :V~lAJ ,"";/',, "' / . '" I . C V', PiJct.~I.ilJ v N " :"' /1 /tA!? ...i;J' ~ \~ 1\' ~" . ( /' /" G, /i. "" 'tU~ j , t\' ",~,'" ',/ ' "" .." , f\.., '~I;:' " r V/ Sl &"t /;'1 I~'/V ~il ""'-/-/ / r) \. \,-- J\?r; , '. ' ;;':..rt::" .j.....,..~, , "" '" 'v;,) rt'TUC ".\./ .W~ \""" iV "" 2;..(.: i Pit! ~s. r+- 5 oL ,. IV C:./t12.1+'/;;7 ~ () NC f;JIli1It(; Lv fllj'E (;;::;'R()/vy ""' ~~l ' ". '' ~ tf1 .. '~Y 1\- ::')')/ T/2 /:'" j"' ,f ~"',,:,t'"'1 (;;... ("'\ v. ,""' ?J " .. ~ Yb U Pl.(J~~t.~~ ; A; %~G,t::.- ?:Q :7 ." /V ~Y' _1'1/2.. W;"lJJht/ r;:/~f&'" - . "'" ', ' , ..".... _ IVr+e~ ~ I ;C'-LIL/~~ AAJIJ ;'f:::'l:s:.~:.A.J;2 Nr(...r~. ;': V~-16 ~71c;U 1? 1.1' "'--' "":',A. /')" ." . ' 0 T r--:-.&.""--r"",/g~q.L IA("' A~"C ~:A:':'!f'79 Ar it!"-- :"", iL" ' "'" ', " v""II, !! M;".-- oj \... '6-'(' 'IlL-::r., ~"'--"'--'-""""""-'.""'-"'-"""--~' .,-.- ..~,. ,.-,' "",," ', , Jean Jewell j~. ~fi"/O" ;:/ '/1J From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Tuesday, April 13 2004 10:04 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Tuesday, April 13, 2004 9:03:31 PM Case: AVU-E-04-1 Name: Tri-Pro Ceadr ProductsStreetAddress: 1122 Hwy 2 City: Oldtown State: 10 ZIP: 83822 Home Telephone: 208-437-2412 MaIl: steve10triprocedar. com Company: Avista Utilities mailing list yes no: yes Comment descriptIon: I feel the proposed rate increase would have HUGE negative impact on our bussiness. We are a cedar remanufacturing plant in Oldtown, Idaho and are one ofAvistas largest customers in north Idaho. Our power bill averages $40,000 a month. withAvistas proposed rate increase our rates would go up $10,000 a month and add $120,000 of cost to our bottom line for a year. We are a small family owned bussiness that has 65 employess. We have been a stable employer in our comunity of 2500 people for over 15 years and have adapted to the ever changing world of the forest products industry quite successfully, learning how to succeed in an area of mill closures and a constant loss of timber related jobs. Since we are a family owned bussiness we are satisfied making a modest profit as we don t have a large corporate headquarters somewhere to answer to. A rate increase like this could run us out of bussiness. It I S sad to think that everything we have worked for over the last generation could be closed down and put 65 families out of work over something that has nothing to do with all the enviromental , saftey, or supply relatd issues we have battled all these years. Something we have absolutly no control over. This is a problem that we can t fix like Avista wants to fix their problem, by simply raising our prices to our customers. If we were to raise our prices to customers 26% they would go elsewhere to get their cedar products. And we would go out of business because we can t be competitive. We have accepted every rate increase Avista has had over the last 10 years. We have taken advantage of every energy saving program Avista has offered and have substantially decreased our power usage over the years. And our reward for doing a good job? Raise our rates $120,000 a year and force us out of bussiness. If we were making huge profits and could afford to loose another $120,000 a year I wouldn t be writing this. But $120,000 is most. of the net profit we made last year. Combine this with the 46% increase in our medical insurance this year (which equates to another $132,000 annually) and we would've lost money last year. And 3 out of the last 5 years. I know all costs go up and Avista ' s costs are no exception, but raising prices 26% in one year is straw that will break this camels back. There has to be some kind of a compromise in order to keep bussiness ' s like ours from going broke. I can t imagine having to tell my 65 employees that we are closing down and they ll all be unemployed because the power company and the insurance company have run us out of bussiness. And the State of Idaho stood by allowed them to do it, even approved the rate increases that caused it. I think I'll let you -guys come up and make that announcement to our crew. Please consider bussiness like ours and employees like we have that will have their lives destroyed if you approve this increase. And please keep me informed on the status and progress of this issue as it has a very DIRECT impact on the future of Tri-Pro Cedar and its 65 employees. Sincerly, Steve Linton, General Manager, Tri-Pro Cedar. Transaction 10: 4132103. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ ipuc User Address: User Hostname: