HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040319Petition II from Silver Valley.pdf03/15/2004 11: 11 5822355 PAGE 01 FAX To: IPUC, 208-334-3762 . From: SVCommunity Resource Center 208-784-8891 Date: 3/15/04 Total pgs.(incld. cover page) Message: Faxing petitions now in circulation opposing the Avista rate increase. Please send notice of the hearings in North Idaho providing public input for the ratechanges. Sincerely, Charles Shepherd, Organizer Barbara Miller, Director, SVCRC fo.3&J.../C::~ )f3Y31 )J!J'r/')yrt( 7%1 ( S'dv-qU ~~ ~~'i/ 03/15/2004 11: 11 5822355 PAGE 02 We the undersignef;l.people j)fthe State of Idaho:, go on record protesting the proposed 9.2% rate increase in power rates currently being requested by AflSTA. utlities. PLEASE.PllINI ~:7~ cOd." f'c .-le, f 'f~J~:.. /JQ x 3'1 ~ - ~d,~ h-' 8' / h -06'1 - -~ ~ - ;: :::~ ~ G fPCf~' ~;. -rl,. eo/?:.,. ie:Z""e-ACI,S-V', """".bI0~ ", ;~~- ~Ii5';":9 D\~JWJ W?1e"--. ~, ~11l ~;.~.. ,. /._- "'iI....\"-,,, ~\c. ,! T"'I L... . .. . -c.'" ~ v. \. ,V\"" .1..("L. '-\_. . I Ii 6- l.. () 03/15/2004 11: 11 5822355 PAGE 03 We the undersigned people of the State of Idaho go on record protesting the proposed 9.20/0 rate increase in power rates currently being requested by AYISIA utlities. Name Address -ehone Num.ber J,..~\"t' ~\ I i J. S~.rtI. 1\V'4. ~ o 1.. \) (;, ~ ~. ' c;KI Ya .-/lJ IJ fI;c j~/5 ~ (. HI" Jj' 5':J C' l/ If f'( f: IV7.. j,~ )j.q c ~; /J, ::fe.r.sict'/ /c:Tht~j Ii;; 1/71/1.17 3t!1)~ 1J"-v'f-ku./fr:-fjIO.. h q,2- 'J?5f' J~ C~ClC '~. /611 e..i..I'-lRd /?:Ue . ~bu.~t\j '~r ,,)~3- :J~t-r l-~1~?dJ'lJJ 'i/~ IJ '1- ~1eJJtll'5.,.....th ~?"~-~,~;/- ~/?lN ~ ~ L./ ~ ~ 7 f', ,,;"=;-#'4, "1'bJ'.2 .J .fl F;a"/~ Box. .s~ I ShJ..II-,:, J4'//~ 70 -'103.3 1'e..~;fI v". d 111.1' yJ#N(l Iv. -;r :fd ~t~-rJ.N !1W- ((. Y (fl1A. RJ( /h( Eo )( 3/% Os in" .t! 1\ :r d. r3 f 1- 03/15/2004 11: 11 5822355 PAGE 04 We the undersigned people of the State" of Idabo go on record protesting the proposed 9. rate increase in power rates currently being requested by ATISIA utlities. PLEAS.EJ!RlNI N am~ Ad~ ebone Number ?f;4-A 1.....$ ,4. Sf, ~o4:J. . .R, .,pJ,,;f;.?-'fcl-iTo, L2A!J th.- 'I'llP 4- , ';, ;4' ~~ IJ h: ,:1 C" 1"""' I-:d " . .~ ,: " S:-~ 1"1-' Ur' Pc" .s;V(:"l,'i-J Iiu~j')? h/Y'(J'I/~-6 Jc.(;:;.:/,'t-~ l'!$~~~.JJt/ '$:11 iJ:,~J t: ~:~ ~~~:!i~ ~~~~, ,;:~~ :~~!!tzff ~/.tJj'?-f~ ~: \ " : :: . :~ ; :: ' , . "i ' We th e un d e r s i g D e ~ pe o p l e " of t h e S t a t e o f I d a h o go O D re c o r d p r o t e s t i n g th e p r o p o s e d 9 . 20 / 0 ra t e i n c r e a s e i n p o w e r r a t e s c u r r e n t l y b e i n g r e q u e s t e d by A Y . I S T A . u t l i t i e s . \' - . . ~ ~; ~ . ::: ~ :" : : : :t . :~ : : , ' , . :: " ", , : . : : ' ' . . " ' . . . .. . " / : : ' - ~ ; : : . . . . " , , ,. - - ' . , . .." ' . . . ' . . ' ' , . . , .. ,- ' :; : :' . : : : ,' ' :' , ;-- , ::. " ' :. .