HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040209John Exhibits.pdfDA VID 1. MEYER SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT AND GENERAL COUNSEL A VISTA CORPORATION O. BOX 3727 1411 EAST MISSION AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99220-3727 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4316 FACSIMILE: (509) 495-4361 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF A VISTA CORPORA nON FOR THE AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE ST ATEOF IDAHO CASE NO. A VU-04- EXHIBIT NO. 10 WILLIAM G. JOHNSON FOR A VISTA CORPOR T A TION (ELECTRIC) (SCHEDULE 3 OF THIS EXHIBIT IS CONFIDENTIAL) SCHEDULE NO Schedule 1 Schedule 2 Schedule 3 Schedule 4 CASE NO. A VU-O4- EXHIBIT NO. to TABLE OF CONTENTS DESCRIPTION Power Supply Proforma - Idaho Jurisdiction System Numbers - 2002 Actual and Proforma Sep 2004 - Aug 2005 Brief Description of Power Supply Adjustments (CONFIDENTIAL) A vista Corp - Market Purchases and Sales, Plant Generation and Fuel Cost Summary A vista Corp - Power Cost Adjustment Net Power Supply Expenses & Idaho Retail Consumption Potlatch Purchase Expense & Revenues Related to Generation PAGE 1 - 2 1 - 7 Avlsta Corp. Power Supply Proforma - Idaho Jurisdiction System Numbers - 2002 Actual and Proforma Sep 2004 - Aug 2005 Water Years: 60 Years Average Potlatch Load & Generation: 2002 Actual Line Jan 02 - Dee 02 Sep 04 - Aug 05No.Actuals Adjustment Proforma 555 PURCHASED POWER Short-Term Market Purchases $50,820 $36 203 $14 617 Rocky Reach 842 526 368 Wanapum 096 167 263 Priest Rapids 768 351 119 Wells 100 129 229TransAlta - Energy 38,565 38,565 TransAlta - Ancillary Services 639 639WNP-3 10,780 240 020 Contract A 680 680Contract B 132 132 Contract C 132 132Contract D 953 953 Entitlement & Sup Cap Deer Lake-IP&L Small Power (Incl Hydrotech)100 134 234 Haleywest (Plummer Co-gen)401 401 WPI Amort - Idaho Share 392 261 131 Spokane-Upriver 642 606 248 Capacity Purchases 953 953 Sempra - 5 yr 331 331Black Creek Index Purchase 112 112 Non-Monetary 747 747PacifiCorp Wind Purchase 307 307 PPM-Stateline Wind Purchase 370 370Total Account 555 115,218 -45 318 900 556 SYSTEM CONTROL & DISPATCH Microwave Charge Cogentrix DES Bill Credit Metering Amortization Cost 227 227 BPA Power Factor Penalty Charge 150 150Total Account 556 234 -59 175 557 OTHER EXPENSES Broker Commission Fees 131 131 Reserves for Uncollectables 750 750 Fixed Cost Gas Purchases 77,885 77,885 Total Account 557 266 77,135 131 501 THERMAL FUEL EXPENSE Kettle Falls - Wood Fuel 5,453 594 047 Kettle Falls - Gas -48 Colstrip - Coal 975 899 10,874 Colstrip - Oil 105Total Account 501 570 3,457 027 547 OTHER FUEL EXPENSE Coyote Springs Gas 388 388Gas Transportation Charge 130 130Rathdrum Gas 271 182 Northeast CT Gas 114 109 Boulder Park Gas 504 053 557 Kettle Falls CT Gas 537 -499 Fuel Cell Project Gas NE Combustion Turbine - Oil Rathdrum Gas Storage Fee 480 480Total Account 547 942 746 35,688 Proforma Sep 04-0ct 05, Ex. 10, Sch 1 3 Non-Conf.xls Exhibit No. 10. Schedule 1 Johnson, Avista Page 1 of 2 Avista Corp. Power Supply Proforma - Idaho Jurisdiction System Numbers - 2002 Actual and Proforma Sep 2004 - Aug 2005 Water Years: 60 Years Average Potlatch Load & Generation: 2002 Actual Jan 02 - Dee 02 Sep 04 - Aug 05 Line Actuals Adjustment Proforma No. 565 TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRICITY BY OTHERS WNP-677 687 CSPE Black Creek Wheeling -58 Supplemental Capacity Wheeling Wheeling for System Sales & Purchases 150 356 506 PTP for Colstrip & Coyote 455 735 190 BPA Townsend-Garrison Wheeling 174 196 Avista on BPA - Borderline 100 185 Kootenai for Worley Garrison-Burke 192 273 PGE Firm Wheeling 587 103 690 Total Account 565 8,441 318 759 536 WATER FOR POWER Headwater Benefits Payments 612 149 761 550 RENTS Rathdrum Lease Payments 770 700 549 MISC OTHER GENERATION EXPENSE Rathdrum Municipal Payment 133 133 ITOTAL EXPENSE 225,186 85,913 139 2731 447 SALES FOR RESALE Short-Term Market Sales 44,913 530 47,443 Puget Sale 10,279 279 Peaker (PGE) Capacity Sale 800 800 PGE Monetization Amort. ID - Account 407 887 887 Spokane Energy Service Fee - Peaker Sale -67 -63 PacifiCorp 1994 378 378 Nichols Pumping Sale 133 229 362 Cogentrix DES 273 248 Pend Oreille DES & Spinning 308 260 Mirant Coyote Reserves 542 542 Sovereign DES Total Account 447 906 14,749 52,157 456 OTHER ELECTRIC REVENUE Spokane Energy Scheduling Services Skookumchuck Hydro Gas Not Consumed Sales Revenue 40,937 -40 937 Total Account 456 40,991 -40,931 453 SALES OF WATER AND WATER POWER Upstream Storage Revenue 318 377 454 MISC RENTS Colstrip Rents ITOTAL REVENUE 108,003 -55,391 6121 ITOTAL NET EXPENSE 117 183 522 6611 Proforma Sap 04-0ct 05, Ex. 10, Sch 1 3 Non-Conf.xls Exhibit No. 10. Schedule 1 Johnson, Avista Page 2 of 2 Line No. A vista Corp. Brief Description of Power Supply Adjustments Short-term Purchases - Short-term purchases are normalized through use of the AURORA Dispatch Simulation Model. The proforma value reflects the short-term purchases during the proforma period from the dispatch simulation study. Rocky Reach - The proforma cost for Rocky Reach is based on Chelan County PUD' budget projections of debt service costs and O&M expenses. Avista s costs are based on the Company s 2.9% share of total cost. Wanapum - Proforma costs are based on Grant Count PUD's Power Cost Forecast for Wanapum. Avista s costs are based on the Company s 8.2% share oftotal cost. Priest Rapids - Priest Rapids proforma costs are based on Grant Count PUD's Power Cost Forecast for Priest Rapids. A vista s costs are based on the Company s 6.1 % share oftotal cost. Wells - Wells' costs are based on Douglas PUD's Power Purchaser s Pro-Forma Statement for the period September 1, 2003 to August 31 , 2004. Avista s costs are based on the Company s 3.5% share of total cost. TransAlta Energy-Contract expired 12-31-03. TransAlta Ancillary Service - Contract expired 12-31-03, WNP-3 - Proforma costs are based on the expected amount of energy to be received in the proforma period and the contract year November 2003 through April 2004 rate. Contract A - This is a power purchase for the period January 2004 through December 2006 (Contract details are provided in a CONFIDENTIAL workpaper). Contract B - This is a power purchase for the period January 2004 through December 2006 (Contract details are provided in a CONFIDENTIAL workpaper). Contract C - This is a power purchase for the period January 2004 through December 2006 (Contract details are provided in a CONFIDENTIAL workpaper). Contract D - This is a power purchase for the period January 2004 through December 2006 (Contract details are provided in a CONFIDENTIAL workpaper). Exhibit No. 10, Schedule 2 Johnson, Avista Page 1 of 7 Entitlement & Supplemental Capacity - Contract expired March 2003. Deer Lake-IP&L - Proforma expense is same as test year. Small Power - Proforma costs are based on an expected generation and proforma period contract rates. (Contract details are provided in a CONFIDENTIAL workpaper). Haleywest - This purchase is from the cogeneration plant at Plummer, Idaho. Proforma costs are based on expected generation and proforma period contract rates. This contract expires September 2006. (Contract details are provided in a CONFIDENTIAL workpaper). Wood Power Inc. (WPI) Amortization - Wood Power amortization expense is $32 700 x 4 months (September 2004 - December 2004). Amortization ends December 2004. Spokane-Upriver - Proforma expense is based on an expected contract restructuring effective July 2004. Current contract expires June 2004. Proforma expense is based on a purchase on the net of pumping (at the plant) generation at a rate equal to the 8 year levelized avoided cost included in the Company s 2003 Integrated Resource Plan. Capacity Purchases - Proforma expense is $0. Test year 2002 capacity purchases were for exchange capacity, which is not included in profonna expense. Sempra 5 yr - Contract expired March 31 , 2002. Black Creek Index Purchase - Contract expires June 2004. Non-Monetary - Non-monetary accruals include accounting entries related to timing differences to properly match revenues and expenses. The account is adjusted to $0 in the proforma. PacifiCorp Wind - Contract expired December 2003. Wind Purchase - Proforma expense is for a pending 10-year purchase from a Northwest wind project. Expense includes a contract rate, transmission expense, a green tag put value, and expenses related to wind integration costs (Contract details are provided in a CONFIDENTIAL workpaper). Total Account 555 Exhibit No. 10, Schedule 2 Johnson, Avista Page 2 of 7 Microwave Charge - Proforma expense is $0, Expense associated with a contract that ends July 2004. Cogentrix DES Bill Credit - Expense is for 5 months of bill credits (September 2004 through January 2005 , contract expires 1-22-05) and offsets Cogentrix DES revenue in Account 447. Metering Amortization Cost - Proforma expense is $0. Expense associated with a contract that ends July 2004. BP A Power Factor Penalty Charge - As part of its 2002 Transmission Rate Case BP A began charging interconnected control areas for reactive power supplied by BP A. Charges began in 2003. Proforma expense is based on the expected BPA charge, which is based on the estimated reactive power supplied to A vista. Total Account 556 Broker Commission Fees - Proforma expense is the same as the test year. Reserves for Un collectables - Proforma expense is $0 because it is not a reoccurring expense. Fixed Cost Gas Purchases - This is the expense for natural gas purchased for but not consumed for generation. Proforma expense is $0 because all gas purchased is assumed to be used for generation, and included in Account 547. Total Account 557 Kettle Falls Wood Fuel Cost - Proforma fuel expense is based on the generation of the Kettle Falls plant in the AURORA Model simulation and the projected unit cost of fuel ($13.82/ton). Kettle Falls Gas - Proforma expense is $0 because gas was not a fuel option for Kettle Falls in the AURORA Model. Colstrip Coal Cost - Proforma fuel expense is based on the generation of the Colstrip plant in the AURORA Model simulation and the projected unit cost of fuel ($10.35/ton). Colstrip Oil - Proforma expense is based on the test year cost for start-up oil expense escalated to account for increased oil cost. Total Account 50t Exhibit No. 10, Schedule 2 Johnson, Avista Page 3 of 7 Coyote Springs Gas - Proforma expense is an output of the AURORA Model simulation based on the projected unit cost of fuel and the dispatch of the plant, which determines the volume of fuel consumed. Gas Transportation Charge - This expense is for transportation of natural gas from AECO to the Coyote Springs 2 plant. Proforma expense is based on transportation charges in Canada and from the Canadian Border (Kingsgate) and for the Coyote Springs lateral. Proforma expense also includes two months (September and October 2004) of amortization expense resulting from Avista s cancellation of its participation in the PGT (GTNW) 2003 expansion, Rathdrum Gas - Proforma expense is an output of the AURORA Model simulation based on the projected unit cost of fuel and the dispatch of the plant, which determines the volume of fuel consumed. Northeast CT Gas - Proforma expense is an output of the AURORA Model simulation based on the projected unit cost of fuel and the dispatch of the plant, which determines the volume of fuel consumed. Boulder Park Gas - Proforma expense is an output of the AURORA Model simulation based on the projected unit cost of fuel and the dispatch of the plant, which determines the volume of fuel consumed. Kettle Falls CT Gas - Proforma expense is an output of the AURORA Model simulation based on the projected unit cost of fuel and the dispatch of the plant, which determines the volume of fuel consumed. Fuel Cell Project Gas - Proforma expense is $0. Northeast Oil- Proforma expense is $0 because oil was not a fuel option for Northeast in the AURORA Model simulation. Rathdrum Gas Storage Fee - This expense is for storage of gas that allows for the immediate availability of gas at the Company s gas fuel plants. Proforma expense is based on Avista s contract for gas storage with Pacific Gas and Electric Company. Total Account 547 WNP-3 Transmission - Proforma WNP-3 wheeling is based on 32.22 MW at a rate of $ 1. 778/kW/mo. CSPE Wheeling - Contract ended March 2003. Exhibit No. 10, Schedule 2 Johnson, Avista Page 4 of 7 Black Creek Wheeling - Contract ends June 2004. Supplemental Capacity Wheeling - Contract ended March 2003. Wheeling for Short-term Purchases and Sales - Proforma expense is based on an average of the past four years. BP A PTP Wheeling for Colstrip and Coyotes Springs 2- This wheeling is for the transmission of 196 MW from Colstrip at the Garrison substation and 147 MW from the Coyote Springs 2 plant to Avista s system. Proforma expense is based on 343 MW of capacity at a rate of $ 1.261/kW/mo. BPA Townsend-Garrison Wheeling - This expense is for the transmission of Co 1st rip power from the Townsend substation to the Garrison substation. Proforma expense is based on the 2002 test year expense escalated for anticipated O&M cost increases. A vista on BP A Borderline - This expense is for A vista load served using BP A facilities. Proforma expense increases to account for load growth. Kootenai for Worley - This expense is for Avista load served using Kootenai PUD' facilities. Proforma expense is same as test year. Garrison Burke Wheeling - Garrison Burke wheeling reflects the transmission of Colstrip energy above 196 MW from the Garrison substation over Montana Power transmission system to the interconnection of Montana and A vista at Burke. The proforma expense is the same as test year expense. PGE Firm Wheeling - PGE Firm wheeling reflects the cost of transmission from the John Day substation to COB (Intertie South) purchased from Portland General Electric. The Proforma expense is based on 100 MW at the current rate of$.57466/kW/mo. Total Account 565 Headwater Benefits Expense - Proforma expense is based on the expense for contract year September 2003 through August 2004. Rathdrum Lease Payments - Proforma costs reflect payments per the lease payment schedule. Rathdrum Municipal Payment - This includes an annual payment of $50 000 and amortization of a $1 million payment in 1995 to the city of Rathdrum for mitigation related to the Rathdrum generating facility. Exhibit No. 10, Schedule 2 Johnson, Avista Page 5 of 7 Total Expenses - Sum of Accounts 555 , 556, 557, 501 , 547, 656, 536, 550, 549 and 553. Short-Term Market Sales - Short-term sales volumes and market prices are normalized through use of the AURORA Model simulation. The proforma value reflects short-term sales during the proforma period. Puget #2 Sale - Contract ended December 2002. Peaker (PGE) Capacity Sale - This proforma revenue is based on 150 MW of capacity at a price of$l/kW/mo. PGE Monetization Amortization - Amortization ended December 2002. Spokane Energy Service Fee - This is an expense associated with the Peaker (PGE) Capacity Sale. The proforma revenue reduction in Account 447 is $63 000, of which $48 000 is included as Spokane Energy Scheduling Service revenue in Account 456. PacifiCorp 1994 Sale - Contract ended September 2003. Nichols Pumping Sale - This is a sale of energy to other Colstrip Units 3 and 4 owners at the Mid Columbia index price. Proforma revenue is based on 7 MW at the weighted average purchase and sales price as determined by the AURORA model. Cogentrix DES - This contract provides load control services to Cogentrix Energy Power Marketing, Inc. Contract ends 1-22-2005. Proforma revenue is for five months (September 2004 through January 2005). Proforma revenue is offset by Cogentrix DES Bill Credit in Account 556. Pend Oreille DES & Spinning Reserves - This contract provides load control and spinning reserves for Pend Oreille PUD. Proforma revenue includes two months (September through October 2004). Contract ends October 2004. Mirant Coyote Springs 2 Reserves - This contract provides reserves and load control services to Mirant for their one-half share of the Coyote Springs 2 plant. Proforma revenue is based on 7 percent of 95 percent of the modeled level of Coyote Springs 2 generation (Contract details are provided in a CONFIDENTIAL workpaper). Sovereign DES - Contract ends August 2004. Total Account 447 Exhibit No. 10, Schedule 2 Johnson, Avista Page 6 of 7 Spokane Energy Scheduling Services - This revenue is for scheduling servicesprovided to Spokane Energy to serve the Peaker (PGE) Capacity Sale. This revenue (except $15 000 retained to pay for administrative expenses related to servicing the contract) offsets the revenue reduction in Account 447. Skookumchuck Hydro - Proforma revenue based on expected revenues. Gas Not Consumed Sales Revenue - This is the revenue for natural gas purchased for but not consumed for generation. Proforma expense is $0 because all gas purchased isassumed to be used for generation, and included in Account 547. Total Account 456 Upstream Storage Revenue - Proforma revenue is based on the revenue for contract year September 2003 through August 2004. Colstrip Rents - Proforma revenue is based on expected revenue. Total Revenue - Sum of Accounts 447, 456, 453 and 454. Total Net Expense - Total expense minus total revenue. Exhibit No. 10, Schedule 2 Johnson, Avista Page 7 of 7 CONFIDENTIAL A vista Corp Market Purchases and Sales, Plant Generation and Fuel Cost Summary Idaho Proforma Sep 04 - Aug THIS PAGE CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL MATERIALS AND IS SEPARATELY FILED Exhibit No. 10, Schedule 3 B. Johnson Avista Corporation Page 1 of 1 Av i s t a C o r p . Po w e r C o s t A d j u s t m e n t Ne t P o w e r S u p p l y E x p e n s e & I d a h o R e t a i l C o n s u m p t i o n Po t l a t c h P u r c h a s e E x p e n s e a n d P o t l a t c h R e v e n u e s R e l a t e d t o G e n e r a t i o n Ne t P o w e r S u p p l y E x p e n s e ( 1 ) II ! ! i ! .r n n tl Q Ms ! : AI1 ! : M2 Y .! 1 m .! . ! ! ! A! ! . ! 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