HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030910Comment.pdf~ C:\\!E D LGG')--8 M1\\:30 September 5, 2003 " "' ,'::: :~r~S\ON , ! '' ' ; lJ'); \; i '\ L. \ i :- ' Idaho Public Utilities Commission Attn: Commission Chairman P. O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Dear Commissioner: I hope you will not renew Avista s request for another year of electric surcharges. As someone who is grateful in this economy to have a part- time minimum wage job I cannot afford this continued and apparently unnecessary expense. A vista itself admits is has "increasing financial health" . We do not need additional increases on natural gas, either. I qualify for the Energy Assistance Program. Even with this help I have to leave my home during the day so I don t have to heat it. As a senior this makes my life very difficult. The phone company has "Lifeline" for low income people, why can t we have a similar program with A vista? Sincerely,)A~~ Marjorie Hentges A.' ra.dividen , " ' AY!~~QQJ,'p,rcQs~djts ~~t~rl st()ckdivi~ , \ , d~iJ~'pf;,~p~rcentto12'$ce!l~ a ShareO'tl~e', I' C,omp!ti1y'S'CeIIUl1O'ristO'ckj,clting the cO'tnpany's ' w~t~~~Uig fi1j~di~'li~~H1:, ' "" ' The mcl'ease'will resulfin an annual dividend of 59 cents, a share thecO'mpany saId in a state- merit " , Paytnerit O'f dividends' is subject to' declaratiO'n and apprO'val by the board each quarter, mil,l"q9ntiDIIII~p'D.8,:..'e lrge' ' C8 THE PRESS TuesdaYi August 12, 2003 SCOTT REEVES ,1'he PO'wer CO'stAdjustrhel1,t, S~~ff writer ' intended tO' ,0, recover O'r rebate changes in' ~electedpower supply , COEUR'! d'ALENE";Avista : , costS thatdifferftbfficosts included Utilities:w~~tO'.tO'ntUlu~:the 19.4 ,1n AvisGfsbase rates, It began in p'el'cetit,siir~b3Jge'oti"electticity f9t 2001 when' the cost. (If, electricity hit aD.bt1'i'et12fu.6riths, " ,", " , record, highs" There Win be nO' change in exist- " 0' 'A"jstais li~ely,ta file fO'r ~n ingrates if the l'equest,is 'appr()ved, 'e#eIlsioJ1 'next'ye~ "arid the: ,prO'- , E~tension or the PO'wer Cost ,grain'.- is expeded tO' cO'ntirule Adjv.stment in Ida'ho'would allO'w throughmid-2Q05, said Catherine Avista: to' coritinv.e recO'very ,of MarksO'n, aspokeswO'man fO'r Avista PO'wer CO'sts, while O'ffering O'ur in SpO'kane, ' , custO'mers sO'me of the lowest resi- The ,Jdahd Public Utilities dential electric ratesinthecO'un- CO'mmissionapprO'ved the current try,said Kelly,NorwO'O'd~Avista~s sUrcharge,inthefa1lO'f2001. The VicepresidenttO'r state andrederal' sfutea~encYdJr.ected Avista to. file regulation, " ,, ,, ' anan'llualstatU.srepO'rtonthepro- , , 0 pdsed,cO'ntinuance of the 19.4 per- cenfstlrcharge, ' AVista said JtmakesnO' prO'fit frO'mthe: ,stlrchar:-geand is requh-ed , toahsQrb the first 10 percent O'f excesspowercosts, , , If, theextensiO'n is apprO'ved, it wO'uldapply to'a11 retaiLcustO'mers fO'r all electric charge~ and tO'theflat rate charged for ,company-owned or custO'mer-owried street lighting' and , atea,Jighting servIce, Rates, WO'uid range frO'm 0,939 cents per kilO'watt hO'ur for up to' 600 kilO'watts'billedO'n Schedule One to Q;888 cents per kilO'watt hO'urbilled em Sch~dules 31 and 32, " ., ' , The prO'PO'sed extensiO'nis sub~ ject to' public reView and a decisiO'n I by the , IdahO"Public' Utilities CO'Inmission, , , The public, may' review cO'pies of the~xtensiO'n applicatiO'n at the O'ffices O'fAvishrand the ' IdahO' , Pu.bllcUtilitlesCO'mmissiO'n, , The 'applicatiO'nis available O'nline ; atAvista'sWeb site,www,avistautili- ties,cO'm/ prices/rates, Earlierthis mO'nth, AvistasO'ught : to' bO'O'st natUral gas prices in IdahO' 2.4 percent in anO'ther'price' adjust- menttO' cO'ver CO'stS, Uke the ' pro-- PO'sed PO'wer Cost' Adjustment fO'r electriCity, the utilitY would make no tnO'rieyfrom theproPO'!:;edhike PI Iiafuralgasprices, '