HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030811Application.pdfAvista Corp. 1411 East Mission PO Box3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-3727 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 ". " "" , \1 r: ;\ L:. ~j ;.::.1 ,. L' "' "!' , ~JJ .J.'~'V'STA. Corp. zua) ~,UG I I Mei \ \: August 8, 2003 , ', ",:"': !ii~~ ' ';-' ' i i i il..J~',UII L I---~' v~ State of Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Statehouse Boise, ill 83720 Attention: Ms. Jean Jewell, Secretary Submission of PCA Status Report and Application for Continuation of PCA Surcharge A ItI-/-d3-(J?, Enclosed for filing with the Commission are an original and seven copies of the Status Report of A vista Corporation and Application for a Continuation of a Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) Surcharge. The surcharge was originally authorized by the Commission in Order No. 28876 in Case No. A VU-Ol-l1. Also enclosed are an original and nine copies of supporting testimony and three copies of associated workpapers. The existing tariff sheet Sixth Revision Sheet66 sets forth a 19.37% surcharge to recover power costs in excess of costs presently included in base rates. The Company requests that the current PCA surcharge be authorized for another 12 months, from October 12 2003 through October 11 2004. If continuation of the 19.37% surcharge is approved, there would be no change to existing electric rates. In addition to the items listed above, please find enclosed a Certificate of Service, a copy of the Press Release the Company will be issuing on August 11 , 2003 , as well as a copy of the Customer Notice. The Company will begin mailing the notice of the proposed surcharge continuation to electric customers on August 12 2003. Please direct any questions regarding this filing to Don Falkner at (509) 495-4326 or Ron McKenzie at (509) 495-4320. Sincerely, ?~ Ab-t ~ Kelly Nof(ood Vice President, State and Federal Regulation Enclosures CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have served Avista Corporation s filing related to the Company s submission of a status report and request for the continuation of a power cost adjustment (PCA) surcharge in retail electric rates, by mailing a copy via overnight mail thereof, postage prepaid to the following: Ms Jean D Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83702 West 472 Washington Boise, ID 83720-5983 Ralph Davisson Potlatch Corporation 601 W. Riverside Ave. Suite 1100 Spokane, WA 99201 (workpapers not included) Conley Ward Givens Pursley, LLP 277 North 6th Street, Suite 200 O. Box 2720 Boise, ID 83701 Dated at Spokane , Washington this 8th day of August 2003. Patty Ols Rates Coordinator ~~1'"'STA. Corp. News Release Contact: Media: Catherine Markson (509) 495-2916 catherine.markson~avistacorp.com FOR RELEASE: August 11 , 2003 7:05 a.m. EST A vista Files to Extend Current Power Cost Adjustment Surcharge in Idaho Existing electric rates for Idaho customers would not change Spokane, Wash.: Avista Corp. (NYSE:A V A) has filed with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) a request to continue the existing power cost adjustment (PCA) electric surcharge of 19.4 percent for an additional twelve months. If approved, there would be no change to existing electric rates. In the fall of2001, the IPUC approved the current PCA and directed Avista to file annual status reports related to continuing the 19.4 percent surcharge. This is the second status report A vista has filed. A vista is requesting the surcharge be extended until Oct. 11 , 2004, in order to continue recovering excess power costs that A vista has incurred to serve its customers. A vista makes no profit from surcharge revenues and is required to absorb the first 10 percent of excess power costs. The PCA is designed to recover or rebate changes in certain power supply costs that differ from those costs included in Avista s base rates. The extension ofthe PCA in Idaho would allow Avista to continue recovery of power costs while offering our customers some of the lowest residential electric rates in the country," said Kelly Norwood, A vista vice president of state and federal regulation. Avista s request to extend the electric surcharge is a proposal, subject to both public review and a decision by the IPUc. A copy of Avista s application is available for review at the offices of both the IPUC and the company. A copy ofthe application is also available on the Avista Utilities web site at www . avistautili ties. com/prices/rates For more information on conservation tips, energy assistance programs, and bill payment plans, visit the Avista Utilities website at www.avistautilities.com, or call (800) 227-9187. -more- page 2 Avista Utilities Files to Extend Current Purchase Cost Adjustment in Idaho A vista Corp. is an energy company involved in the production, transmission and distribution of energy as well as other energy-related businesses. A vista Utilities is a company operating division that provides electric and natural gas service to customers in four western states. Avista s non-regulated subsidiaries include Avista Advantage and Avista Energy. Avista Corp.' s stock is traded under the ticker symbol "AVA" and its Internet address is www.avistacorp.com Avista Corp. and the Avista Corp. logo are trademarks of Avista Corporation. All other trademarks mentioned in this document are the property of their respective owners. This news release contains forward-looking statements regarding the company s current expectations. Forward-looking statements are all statements other than historical facts. Such statements speak only as ofthe date of the news release and are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the company s control, which could cause actual results to differ materially from the expectations. These risks and uncertainties include, in addition to those discussed herein, all of the factors discussed in the company s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended Dec. 31 , 2002, and the Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31 2003. 03-- Important Notice for Idaho Electric Customers August/September 2003 Avista has filed with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) a request to continue the existing power cost adjustment (PCA) electric surcharge of 19.4 percent for an additional twelve months. If the request is approved, there would be no change to your existing electric rates; they will remain the same as they are now. Last fall, the IPUC approved continuation of the 19.4 percent electric surcharge for each major customer class to expire on Oct. 11 2003. On an annual basis the surcharge amounts to approxi- mately $24 million. The IPUC directed Avista to file a status report to support continuation of the 19.4 percent surcharge for an additional twelve-month period. Avista has filed the status report and requesting that the 19.4 percent surcharge be extended until Oct. II , 2004, to recover excess power costs that Avista has experienced to serve its customers. Avista makes no profit from surcharge revenues and actually is required to absorb 10 percent of excess power costs. The PCA mechanism was originally approved by the IPUC in 1989. The mechanism allows the company to surcharge or rebate changes in costs to customers on a temporary basis based on the difference between actual power supply. costs and the level of those costs reflected in base retail rates. Avista s request to extend the electric surcharge is a proposal, subject to public review and a decision by the IPUc. A copy ofthe company s application is available for public review at the offices of both the IPUC and the company. A copy of the application is also available at our website at www.avistautilities.com under "Energy Prices , " Rates and Tariffs If you would like infonnation on conservation tips, energy assistance programs, and bill payment plans, visit our website at www.avistautilities.com or call us at 1-800-227-9187. IDK:A/O803/58500 ~~~'V'ST Utilities ::" fr. -",,- I, C F' " ; " , I iT :J Kelly O. Norwood Vice President, State and Federal Regulation 1411 E. Mission Avenue P. O. Box 3727 Spokane, Washington 99220 Phone: (509) 495-4267, Fax: (509) 495-8856 2003 P,UG ! I f;;j II: 5 I ,i' .." tl : (""'lr'~JIe" ::"'~'t,. jlil'J0lUI~ BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MA TIER OF THE SUBMISSION OF THE STATUS REPORT OF A VISTA CORPORATION AND APPLICATION FOR A CONTINUATION OF A POWER COST ADJUSTMENT (PCA) SURCHARGE CASE NO. AVU-E4.g.rtJ& I. INTRODUCTION A vista Corporation doing business as A vista Utilities (hereinafter A vista or Company), at 1411 East Mission Avenue, Spokane, Washington, respectfully files the status report as required by the Commission! , and requests the Commission issue an order approving recovery of power costs deferred through June 30, 2003 and granting continuation of the PCA surcharge of 19.4% currently scheduled to expire on October 11 , 2003. The 19.4% surcharge was originally authorized by this Commission in Order No. 28876 dated October 11 , 2001 in Case No. A VU-Ol-11 with a continuation of the surcharge extended in Order No. 29130 dated October 11, 2002 in Case No. A VU-02- As stated by the Commission at page 16 of its Order No. 29130 dated October 11,2002 in Case No. A VU-02- 6: "As we did last year, we find it reasonable to continue a close monitoring of the Company s PCA decisions and thus require the Company to file a PCA Status Report 60 days prior to the expiration of the PCA surcharge. As before, if the Status Report and our review of the actual PCA deferral balance supports continuation of the surcharge we anticipate continuation of the surcharge for an additional term. A VISTA'S APPLICATION FOR PCA SURCHARGE CONTINUATION PAGE I Pursuant to Order No. 29130, this filing, along with the attached testimony and associated workpapers (incorporated herein by reference) serve as the status report, which is required to be filed 60 days prior to the expiration of the term of the surcharge. The Company has developed a straightforward filing and requests that the status report and continuation request be processed under the Commission s Modified Procedure rules. As the Company will explain in this filing, continuation of the current surcharge is not only justified by the current level of unrecovered power cost deferrals, but is essential to the continued improvement in the financial health of the Company. The Company s credit ratings were lowered by credit rating agencies to below investment grade in October of 2001 , and continuation of the surcharge is an important element in the Company s efforts to regain an investment grade credit rating as soon as possible. Communications in reference to this Application should be addressed to: Kelly O. Norwood Vice President A vista Corporation 1411 E. Mission Avenue Spokane, Washington 99220 Phone: (509) 495-4267 Fax: (509) 495-8856 David J. Meyer Senior Vice President and General Counsel A vista Corporation 1411 E. Mission Avenue Spokane, Washington 99220 Phone: (509) 489-0500 Fax: (509) 495-4361 II. CONTINUATION REQUEST On page 16 of Order 29130, the Commission directed the Company to file a "Status Report 60 days prior to the expiration of the PCA surcharge term and went on to state , " As before, if the Status Report and our review of the actual PCA deferral balance supports continuation of the surcharge, we anticipate continuation of the surcharge for an additional term." The current status of the unrecovered Idaho PCA deferral balance as of June 30, 2003 is $27 843,108. A VISTA'S APPLICATION FOR PCA SURCHARGE CONTINUATION PAGE 2 Through this filing, the Company is requesting that the Commission continue the PCA surcharge for an additional 12 months, through October 11, 2004. Continuing the existing surcharge for an additional 12 months would provide recovery of approximately $24 million. III. DEFERRAL ACTIVITY AND REPORTING The deferral balance of $27.8 million at June 30, 2003 is shown below, together with the changes in the balance since June 30 2002. Mr. McKenzie s testimony explains the changes in the deferral balance and Mr. Storro s testimony provides additional explanation of the factors causing the deferral entries related to the net increase in power supply costs for the period July 2002 through June 2003. Unrecovered balance at June 30, 2002 Net Deferral Activity (July 2002 - June 2003) Amortizations Related to Surcharge Revenues (July 2002 - June 2003) Unrecovered balance at June 30, 2003 $45 600 228 789 503* 24,546,623 $27.843.108 Deferral Activity Detail Net Increase in Power Supply Cost Centralia Capital and O&M Credit PGE Monetization Accelerated Amortization Transfer Small Generation Capital Costs and Interest Intervenor Funding Payment Interest Net Deferral Activity (July 2002 - June 2003) $23 383 629 817 996 855 680 921 184 138 999,596 $6.789.503 Monthly reports have been filed with the Commission Staff regarding actual PCA deferral entries to date. To facilitate Staff's review, additional copies of those reports have been included with this filing and have also been provided to Potlatch Corporation who intervened in A VU-Ol- 11 and A VU-02-6. As already noted, the Company requests that this filing be processed under Commission s Modified Procedure rules noting that the request is for a continuation of a previously A VISTA'S APPLICATION FOR PCA SURCHARGE CONTINUATION PAGE 3 authorized surcharge under the long-standing PCA mechanism. The rates associated with this surcharge would not change as a result of this filing. Current projections indicate that with the continuation of the 19.4% surcharge, the PCA deferral balance would reach zero in mid 2005.2 Therefore, A vista currently anticipates the need to extend the surcharge for at least an additional, partial period beyond October 2004. IV. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The unrecovered deferral balance has declined from the $45.6 million balance at June 30 2002 to the $27.8 million balance at June 30, 2003. Investor concerns surrounding cash flows deferral balances and the ability to recover costs in a timely manner have had an impact on the Company s financings that continues today. As stated earlier, A vista s credit ratings are below investment grade. Because of A vista present credit ratings, debt is more expensive. It is imperative for both the Company and our customers that A vista continue to improve its financial condition so that investment grade credit ratings can be restored. The Company s current credit ratings are summarized in the table below: Standard & Poor Moody Fitch, Inc. A vista Corporation Corporate/Issuer rating BB+Bal BB+ Senior secured debt BBB-Baa3 BBB- Senior unsecured debt BB+Bal BB+ Preferred stock BB-Ba3 On a positive note, the Company entered into a new committed short-term line of credit on May 13, 2003, with various banks in the total amount of $245.0 million. The line of credit expires on May 11 2004 and replaced the committed line of credit of $220.0 million line that would have The actual point when the defelTaI balance reaches zero is dependent upon factors such as hydroelectric conditions, wholesale market prices, contract changes, etc., during the relevant period. A VISTA'S APPLICATION FOR PCA SURCHARGE CONTINUATION PAGE 4 expired on May 20, 2003. It is important for the Company to regain an investment grade credit rating as soon as possible so that longer term debt can be refinanced on more reasonable terms benefiting customers with lower debt-related costs. Credit ratings will take time to be restored and continuation of the current surcharge is one of the keys for the Company to continue to improve its financial condition. The Company needs continued access to capital on reasonable terms to continue operations to refund maturing debt, and to pay for facilities to serve customers. Commission support and action through continuation of the surcharge is important in that regard. V. NO TARIFF CHANGES The rates set forth under the proposed PCA Schedule 66 reflect an annual revenue surcharge amount of approximately $24 million, or 19.4%. As proposed by the Company, the Schedule 66 rates would not change. The existing Schedule 66 contains the currently effective surcharge rates that the Company is requesting be extended for an additional twelve months. Under the Special Terms and Conditions on the tariff is a statement that, "The rates set forth under this Schedule are subject to periodic review and adjustment by the IPUC based on the actual balance of deferred power costs. The Company proposes the continuation of the surcharge for a 12-month period, beginning October 12, 2003 and continuing through October 11, 2004. The Company will file prior to the expiration of that term and propose continuation of the surcharge, as necessary, to allow recovery of any unrecovered PCA balance at that time. The Company continues to offer a number of customer bill paying assistance options. These assistance options are identified and explained in Mr. McKenzie s direct testimony. A VISTA'S APPLICATION FOR PCA SURCHARGE CONTINUATION PAGE 5 VI. REQUEST FOR RELIEF The Company respectfully requests the Commission for an order approving recovery of power costs deferred through June 30, 2003 and granting continuation of the PCA surcharge of 19.4% through October 11 , 2004. The Company submits that this status report filing and request for the continuation of the existing surcharge is straightforward and warrants expedited processing under the Commission s Modified Procedure rules so that the surcharge would continue to allow recovery of power supply costs incurred to serve our customers and thereby reduce the size of the PCA deferral balance. Dated at Spokane, Washington this 8th day of August 2003. A VISTA CORPORATION BY ~1fJ;/" -J',.. Kelly O. N ood Vice President, State and Federal Regulation A VISTA'S APPLICATION FOR PCA SURCHARGE CONTINUATION PAGE 6 VERIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) County of Spokane Kelly O. Norwood, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says: That he is the Vice President, State and Federal Regulation of A vista Corporation and makes this verification for and on behalf of said corporation, being thereto duly authorized; That he has read the foregoing filing, knows the contents thereof, and believes the same to be true. SIGNED AND SWORN to before me this 8th day of August 2003, by Kelly O. Norwood. NOTARY P LIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at Spokane. '~.~- ~~~~.A. . ~ ~':"- e~lI ~ II .~~ o \,. ~ S :() ~OlAR.. . ~ ,~--- . on PU8\.\c. :~E -A . "'~~.,;;.~. "";i~if ~ ~ ~...~~~~ ~II. !II" W~"'-A~~llll8n"\\\~ Commission Expires:d- Ida-- /& ~ A VISTA'S APPLICA nON FOR PCA SURCHARGE CONTINUATION PAGE 7