HomeMy WebLinkAbout20021224Potlatch Complaint.pdfConley Ward, ISB #1683 Michael Creamer, ISB # 4030 GIVENS PURSLEY, LLP 277 North 6th Street, Suite 200 O. Box 2720 Boise, ill 83701 (208) 388-1200 EECEIVED mFfLEO ZOHZ DEC 24 A~11O: intI fi'O PURtlC UTlLfhts COl'1"rlISSHJN ;.","...................,.._.,._..-...,. .-...........',.....-........... Attorneys for Potlatch Corporation BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION POTLATCH CORPORATION Complainant CASE NO. J va- E- tJ'l -'tJ Respondent POTLATCH'S COMPLAINT A VISTA UTILITIES Potlatch Corporation hereby complains to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission that A vista Utilities has failed and refused, and continues to fail and refuse, to purchase the cogeneration output of Potlatch's Qualifying Facilities in the manner required by law. In support of this filing, Complainant states as follows: 1. The Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission ) has jurisdiction over this matter pursuant to title 61 of the Idaho Code and the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 197 8 ("PURP A" 2. Potlatch Corporation ("Potlatch") is a forest products company that operates wood pulp, paperboard, tissue and wood products manufacturing plants at Lewiston, Idaho (collectively, the "Lewiston Facility 1 Potlatch also operates other northern Idaho plants that are served by Avista Utilities. These plants are not involved in this Complaint. POTLATCH'S COMPLAINT- 3. A vista Utilities ("A vista ) is an investor owned public utility that provides electricity and natural gas service to customers located predominantly in northern Idaho and eastern Washington. A vista is the certificated electric service provider for the area in and around Lewiston, Idaho. 4. Potlatch owns and operates four separate Qualifying Facilities at its Lewiston Facility capable of generating approximately 95 megawatts of energy. From 1991 through December 31 2001 , Potlatch sold the electric energy produced by its Qualifying Facilities to Avista (formerly, The Washington Water Power Company ) pursuant to the provisions of an Electric Service and Purchase Agreement between Potlatch and Avista dated January 3 , 1991 ("1991 Agreement" The Idaho Public Utilities Commission approved the 1991 Agreement on August 16, 1991. IPUC Case No. WWP-91-, Order No. 23858 (August 16, 1991). 5. On October 2 2001 Potlatch filed with Avista, in the manner required by applicable Commission orders, its written request for a firm quote for Avista s purchase of its Qualified Facilities' generation after the expiration of the 1991 Agreement. Thereafter, Avista and Potlatch representatives met on several occasions in an attempt to negotiate a successor PURP agreement. These meetings have served only to establish the fact that Potlatch and Avista have fundamental and irreconcilable differences that will not be resolved through further negotiations. 6. In its response and negotiations to date, Avista has failed and refused to offer Potlatch a PURP A contract that complies with PURP A's requirements and this Commission s orders. Specifically, the purchase power rates proposed by Avista are well below Avista s avoided costs as defined in 18 CFR ~ 292.101 and this Commission s Order No. IPC-95-9. In addition Avista is attempting to impose unreasonable contract terms and conditions as a prerequisite to any purchase from Potlatch. POTLATCH'S COMPLAINT- 7. Potlatch has no available remedy at law for Avista s unlawful conduct other than to seek an order from this Commission requiring Avista to purchase the output of Potlatch' Qualifying Facilities in the manner required by law. Accordingly, the Commission is the appropriate body to resolve this Complaint. WHEREFORE, Potlatch prays that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission issue an order: (a) requiring Avista to purchase the output from Potlatch's Qualifying Facilities at a rate equivalent to A vista s avoided costs; (b) establishing a just and reasonable avoided cost rate for A vista; and (c) granting such further relief as the comm jLsion may find to be just and reasonable.RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED this day of December, 2002. Conley War Givens Pursley LLP Attorney for Potlatch POTLATCH'S COMPLAINT- CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 24th day of December, 2002, I caused to be served a true and correct copy of the foregoing by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Jean Jewell Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street O. Box 83720 Boise, ill 83720-0074 - US. Mail - Fax By Hand David 1. Meyer Senior Vice President and General Counsel A vista Corporation 1411 E. Mission Ave. Spokane, W A 99220 US. Mail - Fax - By Hand ~, ~-mina Smith POTLATCH'S COMPLAINT-4