HomeMy WebLinkAboutchange of officers and attorney.pdfIDSOS Document Page 1 of BOHN~ItLAW .OFFICE ATTORNEY AT LAW '6 "7 ~wU; AJ- Bohner, Attotncyatliaw t(atcnL Weybright;Admiliistruive Assi:ttlnt 606JToN;jribrive po)fOffi~a~.t67a9 ~oi!iQl ld8b~&)715 'I'eJep~e~ (20$)376-5595 Facsimile; (208) 376,;0998 : , November 24.2003 Vi ~ F 'x TrillS 1)1 iSSlon ON 1./1 334;'2080 Secn~tlIry . of State Corpohttioos Division Statehouse Boi:;e;Jdaho Re-:At1AQti.Pjjw.er ConipaJlY, IDC: to WHOM1TMA Y CONCERN In light oftM I,\I1thnely. deatbofLyfirt S\CvtnSQ)\; .an.c;rn.ergencyS'Peci~l MeetiAS9f the Board. ofDirectors(')fA~la.nta.p()~tqj11lpanJ ; 111/.1. wasJ\eldonOcto\'ietQ, 2003.. at 9:00 a. All. D irecrors ofllie coworati Qn~ithetattencte:dorwerorcpresentedUi~at , tu;.wi1.1sTac: I Ray, and th e Co~nal Repres~n1atj v esofthe. &tate. ()f L)lnn SleVen$()I1, pecei!;ed. PameLy ,GailSteve:ns QI1., sisrer~in~law; Linda Akers, sist~t:and JeIr)'. Jarartlill().sister~ A\:iq.pJe~eptatth~lneeting were Gary)) . Babbitt,. attorneyatlaW, LegatcoupselfoJ theEsta.t~ QfI...ynn Stevenson, and AJ . B()~r, ~()rn.ey forthc:Corpo~tionandfotl$r(Stl Rayindiviti-qally. 'The Special. M eering wiaS held.sp~cirlc~ly .t()ele~fneW.Officers .of~C()rP()l'Citiort. At that meeting, thefo uo'Wingwetenominatedmui el~tedtotbeofficesset. fotth rt(;txt1olhell'naJIles: Israel Ra.y,President: 11 140 Chicken QiIUn~rR.d.. Cald'WetL lD83605 Gail Stevenson.S~ttetary-iTreaaurer: 26626136thf\ ve.SE,Ken.t.WA 98042 The newOfficers werea\lthor1zedand C\irectedto . take ovettheir rtspecti vedutieg of the. corpoj:'ation immediately the~after. .~D. ....... http://www.accessidaho.org/public/sos/corp/ search.html ?SearchF . ormstep=pnntdoc&SearchF ormSearchF...12/412003