HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090909Assessment of System.pdf4. .(,' RECEIVED 1SIDA~POR(R An IDACORP company 09/01/2009 2009 SEP -8 M1 9: 05 IDAHO PIJ8LICr-¡.....c' UTiLITIES COMMI$.;)iUH Keith Hessing Idaho Public Utility Commission 472 W Washington Boise, ID 83720-0074 Subject: Atlanta Power Assessment Introduction: On August 28, 2009 Idaho Power performed an assessment of the Atlanta Power's system at the request of the Idaho Public Utility Commission and the Atlanta Power Company. The goal was to monitor the power quality in the town of Atlanta and provide the results to Atlanta Power and the IPUC. This Assessment is not inclusive of all the problems on the Atlanta Power's generation and delivery system, this assessment only includes the our findings and observations. Safety: Several safety issues were observed while on site. Public safety issues should be repaired first and foremost. 1. A complete line patrol should be performed of the primary overhead system, pole by pole. loose hardware, broken equipment, broken or loose guy wires should be noted, prioritized and repaired. 2. Broken guy wires and conductor that are within reach of the general public should be removed or repaired to avoid contacting live wires. 3. The facilities should also have a grounding inspection and maintenance performed. System Single Line and Inventory: The system should have a single line diagram showing the location of the equipment, phasing, distance, conductor size, number of conductors, what phase transformers are connected to etc. This makes it easier to balance load, voltage and troubleshoot problems and is also needed to calculate system performance. This also improves safety when personnel not familiar with the system are work on it. The single line can simply be hand drawn on llX17 paper with the assistance of a hand held gps. Frequency Regulation: The governor was slow to respond to regulation causing the frequency of the generator to vary constantly from 58 to 65 Hz, about once per minute with an average of 62 Hz. The maximum and minimum frequencies throughout the recording period were 68 and 57.8 Hz respectively. 1. The governor control appeared to have significant room for improvement. The drive chain had slack causing more delay in reacting to frequency change. 2. The set point of the frequency is too high; the frequency should average 60 Hz during operation, not 62 Hz. 3. The bandwidth of the frequency is too broad; recommend setting high limit to 61 Hz and low limit at60 Hz. 4. The delay should also be shortened to make the system more responsive to frequency changes. 5. New equipment could be purchased that is dedicated to frequency regulation for this type of system. 6. Care should be taken to keep the frequency from dropping below 59 Hz. It appears there is no voltage regulation on the unit. If this is the case, the voltage is frequency controlled; dropping below 59 Hz causes a significant output voltage drop. The Voltage vs. Frequency chart below displays the relationship. Freq. 66 64 62 60 58 56 54 ~~l¡ii~1¥~~j¡~,.c,,¿¡~(¡,."~ ."' ~~.~ "rw~ ~ ?'t;¡; '~" iI WlVX~~,"~b ¥Z1i'i~~ " i 1 n l ¡ _ ai w. *l ,~:s -¿f4\"':n i;;,J:f"tw" ~ :t F. I ~ i p '" I' i 11 ' i I 'i i i i I .. i ~ r i ~ " I ' " ,~'" II l "~ rHI i .: 11. L : .. ~ (d L . i ..' il I I j . U . ' ì' i l l I II i w i1. ,i i. L II ¡ It ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000~ ~ 00 ~ ~ ~ ~ ö ~ M Ö ~ M m ~ N m ~ N 00 ~ ~ 00 ~ ~ ~ ~ ö ~ M Ö ~ M mNMM~~~ OM MNMM~ ~~OOMNNM~~~OOMN NM~~~~NN N NN N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ N N N N N NN N N MM M M MMMMM MMMMMMM 118 116 V 114 112o110 I 108 t 106 s 104 102 100 Voltage vs. Frequency'''-'''-Avg. Town Volts -Freq. 65 63 F 61 r 59 e q 57 55~~~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000~ ~m ~ M ~ ~ m~ M~ ~m~ M~~ m~ M~~ m~ M ~ ~ m~M ~~~~OOOOOM MMMMNNNNNMMMMM~~ ~~~~~~~~~N N NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNN Voltage Issues: Voltage at the resort was too high. The cause appears to be the 3 phase transformer bank serving the ranch. The core of the transformer appears to be saturating causing voltage flat topping and distortion. 1. It appears that the transformer bank has internal taps that are raising the voltage approximately 15% too high, or more. The transformers should be taken down, opened and taps adjusted to raise the voltage 5%, not 20% from nominaL. The percentage of adjustment can be made to provide the ranch with 120/208 three phase voltage. 2. If there is no taps then the transformer bank is rated for a different primary or secondary voltage. New or salvaged transformers with taps should be purchased and installed that are rated for the application. Voltage at the generator fluctuated from 108 to 123 volts, using a base of 120 volts. The average output voltage was 120 volts. With the dynamics of the system we could not coordinate the voltage fluctuation at the generator with any load variation. 1. We did not expect or believe the voltage output should fluctuate significantly. Voltage fluctuation is most likely caused by the frequency variation. 2. The voltage fluctuation could be caused by malfunctioning generator voltage regulation. The voltage regulation should compensate for changes in load etc. We did not look or inquire about the voltage regulation on the generator. If the voltage regulation is fixed or has no feedback control we would expect to see about 6% voltage change from no load to rated load. 3. The voltage at the generator should be set (if possible) at 123 to 124 volts, using a 120 volt base. This wil allow for the voltage drop of the step up transformers, line loss to town, loss stepping the voltage down and service drop. Increasing the output voltage will compensate for the system losses. Load Balance: The load at the generator became more unbalanced as the day progressed. load on C phase peaked about 84 amps while load on A phase was running 45 amps. B phase during this same interval was running 60 amps. 1. Move about 10-15 amps of load from B-C phase to A-B. Voltage Regulation: The voltage at Steve's house averaged 117.5 volts and amax of 121.7. Steve's Voltage 125 115 120 110 105 100 ~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~~~0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000~ N m ~ N m ~ M Ö ~ M Ö ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 00 ~ N 00 ~ N m ~ M m ~ M Ö ~N MM~ ~ ~ OM NN M~ ~ ~ 00 M NN M~ ~ ~O 0 M N N M ~ ~ ~N NN NN N ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N N N NN NN N N M MMM MMMMMMMMMMM The voltage at the lodge averaged 113.8 volts and a max of 116.2. Voltage Lodge 125 120 115 110 105 100 ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000~ m ~ m M 00 M ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ö ~ m ~ m M 00 M ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ö ~ m ~ mMMNNM M ~~~~OOMMNNNMM~~ ~~OOM MNNMMM~~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~~NNNNNNNNNNNNNMMMMMMMMMMM The voltage on the hill averaged 117 volts and a max of 119. Voltage on hill 125 120 115 110 105 100 ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000~ m M 00 N ~ ~ ~ m ~ 00 N ~ ~ ~ Ö ~ 00 M ~ ~ ~ Ö ~ m M ~ N ~ Ö ~ m M~ ~OOM MNN NMM~~ ~ ~OOO M M NNMMM~ ~ ~~OOOM~ ~NN N N NN NNNNNN NMMMMMMMMMMMMMM~ ~~ ~ 1125 115 110 105 100 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Cl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000~ 00 N ~ m N ~ m M ~ Ö M ~ Ö ~ ~ ~ ~ 00 ~ ~ 00 N ~ m N ~ m M ~ Ö M ~~ ~ 000 M M M N N MM M ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~OO 0 M M M NN N MM~ ~ ~~ ~ N N N N N N N NN N N N N NNNNMM M M M M MM M M MMM M Customer Equipment: The size of customer equipment, especially motors should be limited. The system is not capable of starting motors without impacting other customers on the system. The system cannot readily handle the sudden changes in load. Motors of approximately 10 Hp or greater should have soft start equipment installed. Customer clocks should keep better time once the frequency is more accurately regulated. Electronic devices that are malfunctioning should have the voltage checked at the device. The line to neutral voltage, line to ground voltage and neutral to ground voltage should be checked. line to neutral voltage at the device should be within ANSI range A utilization voltage while operating 108 - 125V. Neutral to ground voltage should not exceed 2 volts at the equipment. Equipment needs to have proper grounding and neutral to ground bond at the main paneL. The line to neutral voltages should be checked at the meter base at the same time the equipment is checked. Voltage at the meter base should be in ANSI range A limits 114-126V. These are steady state conditions, not the voltage when equipment is starting. Closing: 1. Significant improvement can be made to the quality of the power delivered with small investments and labor. The area with the most room for improvement is the frequency regulation. Improving the existing regulation or investing in a new regulator is recommended. The existing regulation wil always be "chasing" the frequency causing system performance and frequency to have marginal performance. 2. System single line diagram and drawing is needed to properly operate the system. 3. The transformers at the ranch should be addressed. The overvoltage and voltage distortion is affecting the customer's equipment. 4. Maintenance on the existing system for public safety should also be performed as soon as possible. 5. load should be balanced; this will improve voltage balance also. Equipment could be added at the generator that provides real time displays and data logging capability for voltage, amperage, kw, kva and frequency. The data is stored internally to the equipment and can be downloaded and reviewed on regular bases to determine changes in operating characteristics. (Note: is appears as if this system has always operated in this fashion.) Also this equipment can continually download the data into a local or remote computer. This same equipment could also provide better frequency control. Idaho Power makes use of this type of permanent monitoring equipment frequently to know how our system is operating. The addition of data logging equipment allows for better control of the system. Trends can be established over time to determine what needs to be adjusted or if something is malfunctioning. Shane Woods Senior Power Quality Engineer Jon Roholt Principal Power Quality Engineer