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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007Annual Report.pdf0:1.." . . Z089 FEB 2S Prf 3: 07 ANNUALREPOllli OF ¡+-rL-E 1l1!Í /¿, /b1l)t:C NAME /I 1'10 (!i eke¡ )J¡ 'oner ¡fo( eajdweJl, ilJ ; 36ô1 ADDRESS TO THE .. IDAHO PUBLIC' - -i':UTiliTIES COMMISS:ION FOR THE '. YEAR ENDED. '61æ7 ANNUAL REPORT FOR SMALL ELECTRIC UTILITIES TO THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR THE YEAR ENDING December 31! 2007 COMPANY INFORMATION Line No. 1 Give full name of utilty: Atlanta Power Company 2 Date of organization: June 1985 3 4 Organized under the laws of the State of:Idaho Address of principal offce: Street _ 11140 Chicken Dinner Rd. City _Caldwell State Idaho Telephone Number Area Code (208 ) 459-7007 Nature of utilty, whether person, partnerShip or corporation: P.O. Box Zip Code 83607 5 Corporation 6 Cities, towns and counties served: Atlanta, Elmore County 7 List any affliated companies. Give address and description of business: Ray Bròthers Seed Co. Agriculture Middle Fork LlC Propert 8 bo any of the above companies provide service to the utility? If yes, describe. Shop, Equipment and Tools (Ray Brothers) Land (Middlefork LLC) 9 Persons to contact: President (Owner) Vice President Name Israel Ray Telephone (208) 459-7007 Secretary Treasurer Shawn Lee (208) 454-3880 General Manager Complaints or Biling Engineering Emergency Service Accunting Anna Ray Israel Ray Israel Ray (208) 459-7007 Israel Ray Israel Ray (208) 459-7007 (208) 989-9223 (208) 459-1007 or Dave Gil (208) 864-2137 (208) 459-7007 or Dave Gil (208) 864-2137 Linda Gil Cust Accts (208) 86-2137 Rev 3/02 ANNUAL REPORT FOR SMALL ELECTRIC UTILITIES YEAR ENDED December 21, 2007 COMPANY INFORMATION (continued) 10 List any electric systems acquired during the year and any changes in the service area: 11 Where are the CompCiny's books and records kept?11140 Chicken Dinner Rd. Caldwell, Idaho 83607 12 If the system is maintained or operated under a service contract: a. Who is the contract with? Dave Gil b. When does the contract expire? Open Ended c. What services and rates are included? Emergency on-Call: Maintenance and Repair: Meter Reading: Disconnection and Reconnection 13 If electricity is purchased for resale through the system, from whom is it purchased? Name of organization Name of owner or operator Business address Telephone number (~ Total annual quantity purchased 14 How many customer complaints were received during the year? 15 How many complaints concerned quality of servicj3? High bils? Discnnection of service? 16 How many customers were involuntarily disconnected? 17 When did customers receive a copy of the Summary of Rules as required by IDAPA Please submit copy with Annual Report. 2 Rev 3/02 ANNUAL REPORT FOR SMALL ELECTRIC UTILITIES FOR THE YEAR ENDING December 31! 2007 BALANCE SHEET Balance Balance Increase Beginning at or of Year End of Year (Decrease) ASSETS 100 Utílty Plant 417,678 521,839 104,161 107 Construction Work in Progress 114 Acquisition Adjustment Subtotal 417,678 521,839 104,161 108 Less: Accumulated Depreciation (256,349)(276,781) *(20,431) Net Utility Plant 161,328 245,058 83,730 123 Investment in Subsidiaries 124 Other Investments Total Investments 131 Cash 18,541 4,349 (14,192) 136 Short-Term Investments 142 Accs.lNotes Receivable - Customers 5,520 6,000 480 143 Other Receivables 144 Less: Provision for Doubtful Accts.) () 1 146 Receivables from Assoc. Companies 150 Materials and Supplies 7,000 10,000 3,000 166 Prepaid Expenses 173 Unbiled Utility Revenue Total Current Assets 31,061 20,349 (10,712) 181 Unamortized Debt Discount & Expense 183 Prelim. Survey & Investigation Chgs. 184 Rate Case Expenses 186 Other Deferred Charges Total Deferred Charges TOTAL ASSETS 192,390 265,407 73,018 * Net of Amortization of Contributions 3 Rev 3/02 4 Rev 3/02 ANNUAL REPORT FOR SMALL ELECTRIC UTILITIES YEAR ENDED December 31, 2007 Classification DETAIL OF UTILITY PI-ANT ACCOUNTS Balance Beginning of Year Added During Year Withdrawn During Year Balance at End Of Year Organization Franchise & Consents LanQ & Land Rights Steam Production Plant Hydraulic Production Plant Other Production Plant Transmission Plant Distribution Plant General Plant Offce Furniture & Equipment Transportation Equipment Shop Equipment & Tools Other Tangible Propert Total Beginning of Year Total Added During Year Total Withdrawn DLlring Year Total End of Year 55,153 8,145 221,353 10,200 78,631 500 1,187 38,847 3,663 92,368 11,793 xx XXXX 104,161XX XX417,678 XX 5 XXXX XX 55,153 8,145 313,720 21,993 78,631 500 1,187 38,847 3,663 xxXXXX 521,839 Rev 3/02 ANNl,AL REPORT FOR SMALL ELECTRIC UTILITIES YEAR ENDED DETAIL OF DEPRËCIATION RESERVE ACCOUNT 110 Balance Added Retired Balance Rate Beginning During During at Classification Yrs of Year Year Year End of Year 311 Steam Production Plant 312 Hydraulic Production Plant 5 -25 158,975 12,445 171,420 314 Other Production Plant 10 - 15 10,200 10,200 343 Transmission Plant 343 Distribution Plant 15 54,942 1,926 56,868 348 General Plant 15 487 13 500 391 Office Furniture & Equip.5 593 237 831 392 Transportation Equip.5 22,391 3,709 26,101 394 Shop Equipment & Tools 5 653 733 1,386 399 Other Tangible Propert Composite Depr. Rate Reserve Balance Beg. of Year 248,242 XX XX XX Add. to Reserve During Year XX 19,064 XX XX Retirements From Reserve XX XX XX Reserve Balance Close of Year XX XX XX 267,306 Note: Amortization of FERC License Costs 1,838 PerYr 10,417 Total 277,722 Amortization of Contributions in Aid 471 PerYr (942) Net Accum Depr & Amort 276,781 Total Depr & Amort Exp for Year Net of Contrib Amort 20,431 6 Rev 3/02 ANNUAL REPORT FOR SMALL ELECTRIC UTILITIES YEAR ENDED December 31,2007 SIGNIFICANT ADDITIONS TO PLANT Description Diesel Generator Set Hydro Turbine Repair Overhead Crane Water Gates REtiREMENTS OF PLANT Description Book Cost $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 7 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Amount 11,794 83,480 3,860 5,028 Accumulated Description Rev 3/03 ANNUAL REPORT FOR SMALL ELECTRIC UTILITIES YEAR ENDED December 31,2007 STATEMENT OF EARNED SURPLUS ACCOUNT 216 (This statement must be used for all corporations, partnerships and proprietorships) Amount Balance in Surplus Beginning of Year Balance Transferred from Income Accunt Other Credits Dividend Appropriations - Disttibution of Earnings Other Charges Balance in Surplus Close of Year CAPITAL STOCK Class and Series of Stock Common Stock No. of Shares Authorized 144 100 Paron Stated Value Per Share DETAIL OF LONG-TERM DEBT Class & Series of Obligation Alva Green Eric Alberdie Israel Ray Zimmerman Outstanding per Rate Balance Sheet 10%10,000 14%57,000 10%86,902 10%14,598 8 (110,954) (20,761) (131,715) Outstanding Per Balance Sheet Amount 144,171 Dividends Paid Interest Paid Accrued Interest 10,944 Rev 3/02 ANNUAL REPORT FOR SMALL ELECTRIC UTILITIES YEAR ENDED December 31, 2007 STATEMENT OF INCOME Operating Revenues Operating Revenue Deductions: Operating Expense Depreciation Other Taxes Increase Current (Decrease) Year Prior Year 62,077 (5,860) 49,184 6,914 20,431 6,463 2,278 2,278 71,894 15,655 (9,817)(21,515) Federal Taxes on Income Total Revenue Deductions Net Operating Revenues Income from Merchandising Jobbing & Contract Income from Non-Utilty Operations Gross Income (9,817)(21,515) Interest on Long-Term Debt Other Interest Charges Net Income 10,944 1,932 (20,761 )(23,447) DETAIL OF OPERATING REVENUES Flat Rate Sales Metered Sales Residential Metered Sales Commercial Other Electricity Sales Sales to Irrigation Customers Total Operating Revenue 61,290 787 62,077 *Hook-up or connection fees collected $. To what acount were they booked? 9 Rev 3/02 ANNUAL REPORT FOR SMALL ELECTRIC UTILITIES YEAR ENDED December 31, 2007 DETAIL OF OPERATING EXPENSES Maintenance Current Year Increase (Decrease) PtiorYear Power Generation - Labor Power Generation - Materials & Supplies Buildings, Fixtures & Ground - Labor Buildings, Fixtures & Ground - M & S Transmission Lines Distribution Lines Services Meters Poles Meter Reading Labor Customer Accounting & Collection Sales Promotion Expense General Officers Salaries General Offce Salaries General Office Supplies & Expense Miscellaneous Expense (Attach Schedule) Rents Total Operating Expenses 4,446 4,184 1,074 4,000 587 34,893 49,184 OTHER TAXES List by Types Propert Tax State Income Tax Total Other Taxes Current Year 2,247 31 2,278 10 (1,54) (278) 1,074 (7,200) 102 18,596 10,751 Increase (Decrease) Prior Year (1,589) 31 (1,558) Rev 3/02 ANNUAL REPORT FOR SMALL ELECTRIC UTILITIES YEAR ENDED December 31, 2007 Detail Of Miscellaneous Operating Expenses Attachment to Detail of Operating Expenses Schedule Fuel Expenses Automobile Expense Utilties Licenses, dues and fees Regulatory Fees Insurance Professional Fees Rent Expense Bank Charges Travel & Lodging 19,160.06 1,577.11 74.20 280.01 Total 2,447.00 7,311.56 673.08 195.00 3,175.04 34,893.06 10A ANNUAL REPORT FOR SMALL ELECTRIC UTILITIES YEAR ENDED December 31, 2007 Name of Plant Hydro Kirby Day Internal Combustion Diesel Back-up Year Original Construction 1907 2007 Name Plate Rating (kW) 360 113 Net Peak Demand (kW) SUBMIT SYSTEM MAP INDICATING LINE VOLTAGE ANO SHOWING LOCATION AND CAPACITY OF ALL TRANSFORMERS. 11 Total kW Generation Rev 3/02 ANNUAL REPORT FOR SMALL ELECTRIC UTILITIES YEAR ENDED December 31, 2007 Size ENGINEERING Feet of Distribution Lines In Use Beginning of Year Installed During Year Abandoned During Year In Use Close of Year ELECTRIC STATISTICS NUMBER OF BilLS This Year Last Year KWH SOLD This Year Last Year Metered Residential Commercìal Industrial Flat Rate Residential Commercìal Industrial Street Lightìng TOTALS 12 Rev 3/02 CERTIFICATE State of Idaho County of G.1o"¡ n-, ) ) ss ) WE, the undersigned and Israel Ray of the Atlanta Power Co. Inc. utilty, on our oath do severally say that the foregoing return has been prepared under our direction, from the original books, papers and records of said l,tilty; that we have carefully examined same, and declare the same to be a correct statement of the business and affairs of said utility for the period covered by the return in respect to each and every matter and thing therein set forth, to the best of our knowledge, information and belief. (Offcer in Charge of Accounts) Subscribed and Sworn to Before Me this ;LS".. day of ¡:i3 ¡Lv~"1~,~q \11\\\1111/11\\1 \~'J. 1//1,\' if" R. A :i iii,,' i:i I".... r_VV' \,\\\\ItIHtll '" "',... \;; '\\~A 'i, ;':,' Q' ..',..' L' '," ~~ " a If ;:" ~t (~ '1~ \. AU ~/ ß-: "'" B ~ ,,"..p ::.... tiii I . ..,'\'.... ~......../ ~J'. '1:1111\\\'\ ~~. ,..//111 .q le of '(- \\\.... /1/11111111\'\\\\\My Commission Expires MY COON EXPRESDeber 28, 2012_TBUNOARY PUBLIC UNDE excellgkoch/annual report form for elec 13 Rev 3/02