HomeMy WebLinkAbout20221014Application.pdfi,:'lI iVLD i,,, I illi il+ PI{ ?r 39Peter J. Richardson ISB # 3195 RICHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC 515 N. 27th Street Boise,Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-7901 peter@richardsonadams. com Attomeys for Greylock Energy Holdings, LLC BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF GREYLOCK ENERGY HOLDINGS, LLC FOR APPROVAL OF ITS STOCK AND OWNERSHIP INTERESTS PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH ISRAEL RAY FOR THE ACQUISITION OF THE ATLANTA POWER COMPANY CASE NO. *TL- L. \KO A APPLICATION OF GREYLOCK ENERGY HOLDINCS, LLC ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Creylock Energy Holdings, LLC ("Greylock" or "Applicant"), pursuant to the provisions of ldaho Code Section 6l-328, hereby makes application to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") for approval of the Stock and Ownership Interests Purchase Agreement ("Agreement") between it and lsrael Ray as the majority, (and only known) shareowner in the Atlanta Power Company (the "Utility" or the "Company"). The Agreement, attached hereto as Exhibit A, provides for Greylock to purchase all of the assets of the Atlanta Power Company including its certificate of public convenience and necessity for the provision of electric service to the approximately seventy-five (75) individual customers in and around the community of Atlanta, Idaho. L Legal Standard Idaho Code Section 6l-328 govems the sale/transfer of electric utility property in the State of ldaho. That Section endows the Commission with the authority to authorize a proposed Greylock Energy Holdings' Application Page I sale/transfer; (a) as requested, (b) refuse to authorize the same or (c) to authorize the same with respect to only part of the property involved. In order to authorize the sale or transfer, the Commission must make the following findings: (a) That the transaction is consistent with the public interest. (b) That the cost of and rates for service will not be increased by reason of such transaction. and; (c) That the applicant has the bonaJide intent and financial ability to operate and maintain the subject property in the public interest. Greylock asserts the proposed hansaction is consistent with the public interest and that it has both the financial and technical ability as well as the bonafide intent to operate and maintain the subject property in the public interest as is explained more fully below. Upon acquisition of the Utility, Greylock will have, and will be able to maintain, the financial ability to operate the Utility consistent with good utility practices and this Commission's orders. Greylock does not propose any rate increase by reason of this transaction as its owners have personally assumed financial responsibility for all transaction costs associated with Greylock's acquisition of the Atlanta Power Company. Of course, Greylock's bonafide intention (a.k.a. goodfaith intention) has already been amply demonstrated by the investments in time, money and energy its owners have financed (with no expected retum) to maintain and operate the Utility to date, and also by the time, money and energy to bring this thoughtful and realistic ownership plan/application before the Commission for its consideration. II. Atlanta Power Company Atlanta Power Company is an investor*owned electric utility serving approximately 75 customers (many of whom are only part-time residents) in the State of tdaho and is subject to the Greylock Energy Holdings' Application Page2 regulatory jurisdiction of the Commission. The Company's certificated service territory encompasses the community of Atlanta, Idaho and its immediately surrounding environs. [I1. Greylock Energy Holdings, LLC - Personnel Qualifications Greylock is an Idaho limited liability company formed for the purpose of acquiring, owning and operating the Atlanta Power Company. Greylock has just two owners each with a fifty percent ownership interest who share management duties and both of whom are co- managers. Both the owners of Greylock have significant, relevant and extensive experience running and operating electric utilities. Nick Jones and Gene Haught are the owner/managers. Both Mr. Jones and Mr. Haught are property owners in Atlanta, and both are customers of Atlanta Power Company. Mr. Haught and Mr. Jones are currently, and plan to continue to, share equally the responsibility for the operation, maintenance and ongoing viability of the Atlanta Power Company. Mr. Haught is a permanent year-round Atlanta resident. He is the Operations Manager of the Atlanta Power Company and he is also the Fire Chief for the Atlanta Rural Fire District. Mr. Jones maintains an Atlanta residence and a second residence in the Boise area where he is also employed as an instructor at the Northwest Lineman College.l IV. Demonstrated Ability to Operate and Maintain the Atlanta Power Company For the past several years, Mr. Haught and Mr. Jones have been on the ground in Atlanta operating, maintaining and servicing the Atlanta Power Company's facilities thereby making possible the delivery of electric services to its ratepayers. Approval of this Application will memorialize that fact in the form of a simple transfer of ownership rights from Mr. lsrael Ray. I The Northwest Lineman College is a nationally recognized and accredited college that prepares its students for careersi, inter alia, as electric utility linemen. Greylock Energy Holdings' Application Page 3 ln addition, Mr. Jones and Mr. Haught are acutely aware of the Utility's responsibility to maintain current and appropriate books and accounting procedures as well as to comply with all of the Commission's reporting and ratemaking requirements. Mr. Jones uses his electric lineman skills to assist Mr. Haught in the current operations and maintenance of the Utility. Both Mr. Jones and Mr. Haught are currently (and have historically) provided basic and essential serviccs to thc Atlanta Power Company. Beginning approximately five years ago Mr. Haught began his employment with the Atlanta Power Company as its Operations Manager. As such he assists in maintenance of the power grid and hydroelectric operations. As a local full-time and year-round resident, he effectively deals with customer relations, powor outages and near-term system planning. Among other duties, Mr. Haught supervises bookkeeping and billing functions, and he also personally provides maintenance, safety, customer relations contacts and emergency contact services for the Utility. Mr. Haught is also the Fire Chief of the Atlanta Rural Fire District. Mr. Jones is a part-time resident who is also a full+ime instructor at the Westem Idaho Lineman College in Boise. As such, he is fully qualified, trained and current on all issues related to the day-to-day operation and maintenance of electric utility distribution systems such as the Atlanta Power Company's system. He currently provides line and general system maintenance services as well as supervises long-term utility planning activities. Mr. Ray is the current owner of the Atlanta Power Company and to the best of Greylock's knowledge is the sole beneficial owner. Atlanta Power Company seeks to sell its assets to Greylock, which has proved to be "an entity that will provide safe and reliable service, and be responsive to customers and the public."2 Greylock has been created for that very 2 Order No. 35465 at p. 13. IPUC Docket Nos. ATL-E-22-01 and ATL-E-22-01 Greylock Energy Holdings' Application Page 4 purpose and with the combined abilities and continued efforts of its two member/owners Greylock is capable of operating and maintaining the Utility in the public interest. Communications regarding this Application should be addressed to Peter Richardson at the contact information noted above, and to: Nick Jones r:rs&slvp(ryqheqcelo Gene Haught Pgtil? {r@y ilh e-a $elrr With copies to Atlanta Power Company counsel: Christopher R. Nunez crn(rAmcanangy,rD Brad Purdy bmp urdyGDhotm_ai l. corU V. Public Hearing and Modified Procedure Greylock believes that a full evidentiary hearing complete with pre-file testimonies is not necessary to consider the issues presented herein. Greylock respectfully submits that the costs of conducting such a hearing will needlessly add to the transaction costs for the purchase and economical operation of this extraordinarily small investor-owned electric utility. Greylock therefore respectfully requests the Commission: (l) process this Application under Modified Procedure; (2) issue its final order approving the Agreement; and (3) authorize the transfer of the certificate of public convenience and necessity as described in the Agreement. Nevertheless, Greylock is cognizant of the requirement in ldaho Code Section 6l-328 which provides that the Greylock Energy Holdings' Application Page 5 Commission must conduct a "public hearing upon the application." Greylock is prepared to participate in and provide written and/or oral testimony as the Commission may require, at a public hearing convened for the purpose of satis$ing the requirements of Idaho Code Section 6t-328. VI. Five Year Plan Greylock has demonstrated its present ability to operate and maintain this Utility in the public interest as it is currently configured. However, given the expertise and intimate knowledge that Messrs. Jones and Haught have of the Atlanta Power Company's system and given their extensive knowledge and skills in operating and maintaining electric utility systems they have constructed a five-year improvement plan for the Commission's consideration and acknowledgement. A copy of the five-year plan is attached hereto as Exhibit B. It identifies planned upgrades and repairs to the system and anticipated outcomes for each of the next five years. VII. Summary All three prerequisites provided for in Idaho Code Section 61-328 for the Commission's approval of Greylock's Application have been met, to wit: (A) The transaction is in the public interest. Although "the public interest" is not quantifiable, allowing the Atlanta Power Company to be acquired by an entity such as Greylock will ensure the ability of this Utility to provide safe and reliable service into the future, Greylock has also demonstrated its ability to be responsive to the Utility's customers. The proposed transaction is clearly in the public's interest. (B) The cost of and rates for supplying service will not be inmeased by reason of the transaction. Greylock will not be seeking a general rate increase to cover the transaction costs of Greylock Encrgy Holdings' Application Page 6 this proceeding or of negotiating the purchase agreement. Those costs are being borne personally by Messrs. Jones and Haught. Furthermore, Greylock intends to continue to operate the Utility on a strict cost-of-service basis. Should any return on equity investments be sought, they witl be subject to this Commission's approval.3 Hence no rate increase will be imposed on Atlanta's customers by reason of the proposed transaction. (C) The applicant has the bona fide intent and financial ability to operate and maintain the Utility in the public interest. Bonafide intent, of course, simply means goodfoith intent. Messrs. Jones' and Haughtos sole interest in acquiring this Utility is for the purpose of operating and maintaining it in the public interest. Their good faith intent to do so is beyond question. Given their experience in the utility industry they also have amply demonstrated their ability to operate and maintain the property in the public interest. Given their further commitment to prompt billing, collection and strict adherence to accounting conventions, the Utility's financial cash flow (coupled with the new owners' sweat equity investments) will be suffrcient to maintain the Utility in the public interest. The Applicant has no current plans to seek a rate increase or changes to the existing tariffs. WHEREFORE; Greylock Energy Holdings, LLC rcspectfully requests that the Commission (l) process this Application by Modified Procedure, with a public hearing as necessary; (2) issue its order approving the Agreement; and (3) specifically authorize the transfer of the certificate of public convenience and necessity as provided for in the Agreement. il I No such returns are sought or even contemplated at this time. Greylock Energy Holdings' Application Page 7 $V Ihtod thir _ day of Octsbo 2VN2. PctcrL Afiorrcy fq Grcylock Enorg Holdingt Gnylock Enogy lloldingr' Applicafim PagE I Peter J. Richardson ISB # 3195 RICHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC 515 N. 27th Street Boise,Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-7901 peter@ichardsonadams. com Attorneys for Greylock Energy Holdings, LI,C BEX'ORE TUE IDAHO PI'BLIC UTILMES COMMISSION IN THEMATTEROFTHE APPLICATION OF CREYLOCK ENBRGY HOLDINGS, LLC FOR APPROVAL OF ITS STOCK AND OWNERSHIP INTERESTS PURCHASE ACREEMENT WTTH ISRAEL RAY FORTHE ACQTTTSmONOFTHE ATLANTA FOWER COMPANY CASENO. APPLICATION OF GREYLOCI( ENERCY HOLDINGS, LLC ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Exhibit A *Stock and Oumership Int€rcsts Ptuohase Agreement" STOCK AT.ID OWNERSHIP INTERESTS PT'RCHASE AGREEMENT betrreen Grcylock Encrry lloldingr, LLC, an ldaho Limid Liability Compmy .sd i Irraol Re5 afr Individual andthe Wonty Slurcounro of tte Atlanta PonrcrConnpany Drtcd u of Augurt Z6r?,On $tock Purchosc Agrcomeut Crreylock Energr lloldings, LI-,IC (Buycr) Iorrel Ray (Sellcr) Page I TABLE OF'CONTENTS LIST OF EXHIBITS ARTICLE ONE PREAIVIBLE ARTICLE TWO RECITALS ARTICLE THREE DEFINITIONS AND CONSTRUCTION ARTICLE T1OTIR PI,'RCHASE AND SALE ARTICLE FTYE CONDITIONS PRECEDENT TO CLOSINC ARTICLE StX PAYMENT TERMS ARTICLE SEVEN REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF THE SELLER ARTICLE EIGHT CONTRACTS AI{D PERMITS ARTICLE htINE BANK ACCOI.JNTS ARTICLE TEN MATERIAL MISSTATEMENTS OR OMISSIONS ARTICLE ELEVEN INDEMNIFICATION ARTICLE TWELVB MISCELLANEOUS Stock Purchase Agreement Greylock Energy Holdings, LLC @uyer) lsrael Ray (Seller) Page 2 LIST OF EXHIBITS ExhlbftA PromlrroryNotc Erhtbft B Ilercrlpfion of Lud Trurfemd from Sellor b Buyer Eiltbttc Ilercrlptlon of Lud Tnnrfcrrcd from Buycr to Seller ErHbltI) Conhrctr ExhtbftE Pcmr|tc ErhlbltG Llrt of Comprny Arc0r bctng trrnrfercd Stock Putchan€ Agrcemont Oreylock Eneq5/ Holdingr, tLC (Buyor) Israel Ray (Sclter) Pagc 3