HomeMy WebLinkAbout202208292022.08.26 - Purchase Sale Agreement (SIGNED).pdf.pdfSTOCK AND OWNERSHIP INTERESTS PURCHASE AGREEMENT between Greylock Energy Holdings, LLC, an Idaho Limited Liability Company and Israel Ray, an Individual and the Majority Shareowner of the Atlanta Power Company Dated as of August26,2022 Stock Purchase Agreement Greylock Energy Holdings, LLC (Buyer) Israel Ray (Seller) Page I TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF EXHIBITS ARTICLE ONE PREAMBLE ARTICLE TWO RECITALS ARTICLE THREE DEFINITIONS AND CONSTRUCTION ARTICLE FOUR PURCHASE AND SALE ARTICLE FIVE CONDITIONS PRECEDENT TO CLOSING ARTICLE SIX PAYMENT TERMS ARTICLE SEVEN REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF THE SELLER ARTICLE EIGHT CONTRACTS AND PERMITS ARTICLE NINE BANK ACCOUNTS ARTICLE TEN MATERIAL MISSTATEMENTS OR OMISSIONS ARTICLE ELEVEN INDEMNIFICATION ARTICLE TWELVE MISCELLANEOUS Stock Purchase Agreement Greylock Energy Holdings, LLC (Buyer) Israel Ray (Seller) Page2 LIST OF EXHIBITS Exhibit A Promissory Note Exhibit B Description of Land Transferred from Seller to Buyer Exhibit C Description of Land Transferred from Buyer to Seller Exhibit D Contracts Exhibit F Permits Exhibit G List of Company Assets being transferred Stock Purchase Agreement Greylock Energy Holdings, LLC @uyer) Israel Ray (Seller) Page 3 STOCK PURCHASE AGREEMENT ARTICLE 1 PREAMBLE This Stock Purchase Agreement (together with all exhibits appended hereto, ("Agreement") dated as of August 26,2022 (the "Effective Date"), is made by and between Greylock Energy Holdings, LLC, an Idaho limited liability company, of Boise, Idaho ("Buyer") and Israel Ray of Caldwell, Idaho (Seller). Buyer and Seller each may be referred to herein as a "Part5/", and collectively as the "Parties". ARTICLE 2 RECITALS WHEREAS, Seller owns, beneficially and of record, and./or equitably the majority of the authorized and outstanding stock and ownership interests ("Ownership Interests") of the Atlanta Power Company, Inc., an Idaho Corporation ("Company"); WHEREAS, Company is an Electrical Corporation and Regulated Public Utility pursuant to Title 61 of the Idaho Code and is subject to the regulatory jurisdiction of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission"); WHEREAS, Seller desires to sell, and Buyer desires to purchase, on the terms and subject to the conditions of this Agreement, the Ownership Interests of the Company; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained in this Agreement, the adequacy and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: ARTICLE 3 DEFINITIONS AND CONSTRUCTION 3.1 Specific Definitions. When used in this Agreement, the following terms shall have the meaning ascribed to them below: "Applicable Law" shall mean laws, ordinances, orders, judgments, rules, regulations, approvals, licenses, permits, and requirements of all regulatory and other Governmental Authorities having jurisdiction, as applicable, over the Seller, the Company, the Company's Assets and or the Site. "Assets" shall mean, all right, title and interest of the Company in and to all rights of any kind, whether tangible or intangible, teal or personal, including land and properties, rights-of-way, leaseholds, easements, buildings, equipment, machinery, improvements, fixtures, agreements, Contracts, hydrologic data, reports and studies (including those related to environmental, cultural, Stock Purchase Agreement Greylock Energy Holdings, LLC (Buyer) Israel Ray (Seller) Page 4 resource and fish-and-wildlife matters), Permits, licenses, inventory, books and records, proprietary rights, cash, accounts receivable, deposits and prepaid expenses. The Assets of the Company included in this sale are described on Exhibit G. "Contract" shall mean any and all agreements, rights-of-way, easements, deeds, understandings or any other material documents, written or oral, entered into by the Seller or the Company that relate in any way to the Company. "Contract" also means all of the material documents relating to the employment of, or the performance of services by, any person or entity on behalf the Company. "Governmental Authority" shall mean any national, state, county, municipal or local government or any political subdivision thereof, or any court or administrative tribunal or any arbitrator with the authority to bind a parly at law. "P€rmits" shall mean all permits, licenses, approvals, consents, franchises, entitlements and other authorizations issued by Govemment Authorities. "Reports" shall mean any and all reports and studies related to the development, construction, operation, maintenance, financing or ownership of the Company's assets prepared, commissioned by, or delivered to, Seller or an affiliate of Seller, including reports and studies related to environmental, cultural resources, natural resources or fish and wildlife. "Tax" shall mean any tax (including income tax franchise tax, capital gains tax, estimated tax, ad valorem tax, sales tax, use tax, property tax, withholding tax or payroll tax) assessment or fee (including related fines, penalties or interest) that is accrued or imposed or assessed against the Company as of the date of Closing. ARTICLE 4 PURCHASE AND SALE 4.1 Purchase and Sale: Closing. Subject to and upon the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including all Conditions Precedent, unless waived in writing by Buyer, and upon satisfaction of the Conditions Precedent to Closing, Seller shall sell, assign, transfer and deliver to Buyer and Buyer shall purchase, acquire and accept from Seller, all of the Seller's Ownership Interests including stock certificates in the Company so that Buyer shall directly own all of the Ownership Interests of the Company. Closing shall take place at Pioneer Title Company at 8151 W. Rifleman Street, Boise, Idaho 83704, with any closing costs and escrow fees to be divided equally between the parties. 4.2 Buyer Declaration of Closing Date. Upon the satisfaction of all Conditions Precedent to Closing, or said conditions having been waived by Buyer, Buyer shall declare the Closing Date. Stock Purchase Agreement Greylock Energy Holdings, LLC (Buyer) Israel Ray (Seller) Page 5 ARTICLE 5 CONDITIONS PRECEDENT TO CLOSING 5.1 Commission Approval. It is a Condition Precedent to closing that the Commission issue its order approving this Agreement and dismissing the fines assessed under Final Order # 35465 with no adverse material condition or qualification and that said order approving this Agreement be final and non-appealable. The determination of what is, or what is not, an adverse material condition or qualification shall be made at the sole discretion of either the Buyer or the Seller and must be communicated prior to the date the Commission's order becomes final and non- appealable. 5.2 Documentation. It is a Condition Precedent to Closing that Seller delivers to Buyer all certificates representing its Ownership Interests in the Company and all executed transfer documentation in respect of Seller's Ownership Interests as may reasonably be required by the Buyer. ARTICLE 6 PAYMENT TERMS 6.1 Pavment Payment by Buyer will take two distinct forms as detailed in Sections 6.2 and 6.3 below. In combination, the payments in Sections 6.2 and 6.3 comprise the entire purchase price with the payments in Section 6.3 being explicitly contingent upon certain of Seller's conditions antecedent. 6.2 Payment Via Note for $365.000. In partial satisfaction of the total purchase price, Buyer shall issue a secured promissory note to Seller for the total purchase price of three hundred sixty-five thousand dollars ($365,000). The promissory note will have the following terms: (a) the interest rate shall be three percent (3%) which rate shall be fixed until the promissory note is repaid in full; and (b) the promissory note will be amortized with payments by Buyer of equal monthly installments of principal and interest for fifteen (15) years payable on the first day of each succeeding month following the date of Closing, or until paid in full. If the Buyer prepays the promissory note, it will make a final payment of remaining principal and accrued interest to the date of prepayment. There shall be no prepayment penalty if prepayment is made. A copy of the promissory note is attached to this Agreement as Exhibit A. 6.3 Payment Via Power Bill Credit. ln addition to payments on the Note as detailed in Section 6.1, Buyer shall create a contingency liability on the books of the Atlanta Power Company books in an original amount of $155,000, the sum of which shall escalate at the rate of five percent (5%o) annually. The principal and interest on said $155,000 shall be credited in an amount equal to the monthly electrical bill Stock Purchase Agreement Greylock Energy Holdings, LLC (Buyer) Israel Ray (Seller) Page 6 (the rates for which bill shall fluctuate with the Atlanta Power Company's general rates) at Seller's residence in Atlanta, Idaho more particularly described as 170 Middle Fork Rd., Atlanta,Idaho 83716. The monthly credit will apply to all electric consumption up to 6,000 kWh until the corpus of the $155,000 and accumulated interest, have been fully credited as described herein or until otherwise terminated as described herein. Seller shall be responsible for paying the cost of any electric consumption over the 6,000 kWh monthly limit. Buyer's obligation to credit Seller's electric bill will terminate upon the occuffence of any of the following: (1) the principal and interest are fully credited; or (2) Seller transfers ownership to the property to any third person or entity including Seller's estate in the event of Seller's death; or (3) Seller causes the name on the account to be changed. 6.4 Real Property Exchanse The Parties further agree that a land 'swap' is necessary to complete the consideration of the sale such that Seller will grant title in fee simple to Buyer to a certain portion of that parcel of land which the Atlanta Power Company is cunently using for miscellaneous storage more particularly described on Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated by this reference, and in exchange for said grant of title, Buyer will grant to Seller in fee simple that parcel of land owned by Atlanta Power Company abutting Seller's residence more particularly described on Exhibit C, attached hereto and incorporated by this reference. Buyer and Seller agree to promptly execute all necessary instruments of conveyance required to complete this Real Property Exchange after the Closing. 6.5 Further Assurances. At any time after the Closing Date, at Buyer's reasonable request, Seller shall promptly execute, acknowledge and deliver all such further acts, assurances and instruments of sale, transfer, conveyance and confirmation as are reasonable required, and take all such other action as Buyer may reasonable request, to transfer, convey, assign and confirm Buyer's right, title and interest to the Ownership Interests and to otherwise effect the intent of this Agreement. ARTICLE 7 REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF THE SELLER 7.1 Seller representso warrants and covenants to Buyer the following, to wit: 7.1.1 That Seller is the sole beneficial and record owner of the Ownership Interests of the Company, and; 7 .l.2 That the Company is an ldaho Corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the State of Idaho, and that it has all requisite power and authority to own its Assets and to carry on its business as now being conducted. Stock Purchase Agreement Greylock Energy Holdings, LLC (Buyer) Israel Ray (Seller) Page 7 7 .l.3 That Seller and the Company have all requisite power and organizational authority to execute and deliver the documents required to be delivered to consummate the transactions contemplated herein. 7.I.4 That no other Persons own an option or other right (contingent or otherwise), including any right of first refusal or right of first offer, to acquire the Ownership Interests of the Company or any equitable or other ownership interest in the Company. 7.1.5 That this Agreement has been duly authorized, executed and delivered by Seller 7.1.6 That, to Seller's knowledge, there are no facts, circumstances, proposals, plans, or investigations which could reasonably be expected to have an adverse effect on the Company's continued operation, maintenance and use of the Company's Assets, including, but not limited to the Company's hydroelectric generating asset. 7.1.7 That each Tax required to have been paid, or claimed by any Governmental Authority to be payable, by the Company or in respect of any Assets or activities of the Company, have been duly paid in full and no claim or other administrative or judicial proceeding is pending or has been threatened against or with respect to the Company in respect of any Tax, save those fines suspended by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission contingent on this sale, described in Final Order #35465. 7.1.8 Notwithstanding the above Section 7.1.7, Seller makes no representation or warranty regarding the Company's tax filings, and agrees that any tax liability, including fines, interest, and penalties, relating to the Company prior to Closing shall be subject to the indemnification provisions of Section 11.2. 7 .1.9 That the Company has one employee, Gene Haught, and has no unpaid liabilities or outstanding liabilities associated with any former employee. ARTICLE 8 CONTRACTS AND PERMITS 8.1 Exhibit D contains a true, complete and correct list of all Contracts (including insurance contracts) entered into by the Company including each agreement, contract or understanding relating to the employment of, or the performance of services by, any person or entity on behalf of the Company. 8.2 Exhibit E contains a true, complete and correct list of all Permits related to, associated with, or concerning the Company. Stock Purchase Agreement Greylock Energy Holdings, LLC (Buyer) Israel Ray (Seller) Page 8 ARTICLE 9 BANK ACCOUNTS 9.1 Exhibit F contains a true, complete and correct list of all bank accounts, safe deposit boxes, and related powers of attorney for the Company. ARTICLE 10 MATERIAL MISSTATEMENTS OR OMISSIONS 10.1 None of the representations or warranties given by Seller in this Agreement or any ancillary agreement to which Seller is a party when taken as a whole, contains any untrue statement of a material fact, or omits to state any material fact necessary to make the statements therein not misleading. ARTICLE 11 INDEMNIFICATION 11.1 Seller shall indemnifu and hold harmless Buyer together with Buyer's members, managers officers employees agents and advisors (Buyer Indemnified Parry) from and against all claims, damageso losses, liabilities and expenses (Losses) to which any Buyer Indemnified Party becomes subject, which Losses arise out of or are incurred in connection with any breach by Seller of this Agreement or of Seller's covenants in this Agreement, and,/or any fraud or intentional misrepresentation or willful misconduct by Seller or the Company associated with this Agreement. ll.2 Seller's indemnification obligations shall be secured by the promissory note by Buyer to Seller described in Section 6.2. Bnyer shall have the right to offset Seller's indemnification obligations against Buyer's payment obligations under said promissory note. 11.3 The indemnification obligations contained in this Article 10 shall survive the Closing or any termination of this Agreement. ARTICLE 12 MISCELLANEOUS l2.I This Agreement shall be binding upon each of the Parties hereto and each of their permitted successor and assigns. I2.2 No failure on the part of aPafi to exercise any power, right, privilege or remedy under this Agreement, and no delay on the part of any Person in exercising any power, right, privilege or remedy under this Agreement, shall operate as a waiver of such power, right, privilege or remedy. Stock Purchase Agreement Greylock Energy Holdings, LLC (Buyer) Israel Ray (Seller) Page 9 12,3 Thiu Agrccncnt ond sll exhiblu hcrrto, rsprcsenls the entire under*tanding and sg€smpnt botwscn thc Partics with r€spcct io thc subject mtncr hcrcof lnd xupcr*odcs dl prior ord ffid writlon commitnanb andlor undentandingn bctwocn the Partisr. 12.4 Thie Agremcnt shsll be govcrncd by and conshrod in accordsncc rri& tha lsws of ilre $hts of ldrhoo cxcluding any hwr therwfurhie.h would dircct appltcation of ths lerv of rnsthcr juri*diction. 12,3 ?his Agrocmmt mny bo cxecut€d in snc or rnorr countsrpsrtf, eaeh of whiqh rhcll ba dcemd to bc an original, but all of whish ebelt b€ one snd ths ssms dncument. IN WTTNESB IYIIBREOf' tlris Agrcam*t has brsn duly cxccurcd by thc Partitg hcrcto ac of snd on thc datr fimt writtcn sbove. BUYNR SfLLEN lrracl fi,ryOrtylock Energy Holdirlgp, LLC Nisk Jonss Prcsldsnt find owncr, Athnte Powcr Company Tlrle; ?irla: Stork Pursharc Agrc*mcnt Orcylock Encrgy Holdingr, LLC {Buysr} Iencl Ray (Ssllsr) Prgr l0 I2.3 This Agreernent and all exhibits hereto, represents the entirE understanding and agteement between the Parties with respect to the zubject matter hereof and supersedes all prior oral and written commitnsnts and/or understandings between the Parties. 12.4 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in acsordanoe with the laws of the State of Idaho, excluding any laws thereof which would direct application of the law of another jurisdiction. 12.5 This Agreement may be executed in one or rr.ore counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of which shall be one and the sarne document. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been duly executed by the Parties hereto as of and on the date first written above. BUYER SELLER Greylock Energy Holdings, LLC Israel Ray By: Nick Jones Title: By: GeneHaught Titlo: Stock Purchase Agreement Greylock Energy Holdings, LLC @uyer) Israel Ray (Seller) Page l0 President and owner, Atlanta Company 12.3 This Agreement and all exhibits hereto, represents the entire understanding andagreement between the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes alfrriororal and written commitments andlor understandings bltrveen the parties. 12.4 This Agreement shall be govemed by and conshued in accordance with the laws ofthe State of Idaho, excluding any laws thereof whioh would direct application of the law of anotherjurisdiction. l2-5 This Agreement may be executed in one or more countetparts, each of which shallbe deemed to be an original, but all of which shall be one and the same iocument. IN WmNESS WIIERDOF, this Agreement has been duly executed by the parties heretoas of and on the date first written above. BTIYER SELLER Greylock Energy Holdings, LLC Israel Ray ?nr^u Title: President and owner, Atlanta power Company Gene Haught Title: Stock Purchase Agreement Greylock Energy Holdings, LLC (Buyer) Israel Ray (Seller) Page l0 EXHIBIT A PROMISSORY NOTE Stock Purchase Agreement Greylock Energy Holdings, LLC (Buyer) Israel Ray (Seller) Page I I PROMISSORY NOTE $365,000.00 August 26,2022 Boise,Idaho FOR VALUE RECEIVED, Greylock Energy Holdings, LLC, an Idaho limited liability company, its heirs, successors, and assigns (the "Maker"), promises to pay to the order of Israel Ray, his heirs, successors, and assigns (the "Holder"), at I I 140 Chicken Dinner Road, Caldwell, Idaho 83607, or at such other address as may be specified, the principal sum of Three Hundred Sixty-Five Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($365,000.00) in lawful money of the United States, together with interest at three percent (3%) per annum on the unpaid principal balance from 2022, until paid in full. 1. Pavment. This Note shall be paid in equal payments consisting of principal and interest, amortized over fifteen (15) years (the "Term"), in the amount of Two Thousand Five Hundred Twenty Dollars and Sixty-Two Cents (92,520.62) per month, commencing 2022, and continuing on the first (l't) day of each calendar month thereafter until paid in full. 2. Secured Interest. This Note is secured by the security interest, granted to Holder by Maker under the Pledge and Security Agreement (the "Security Agreement"), a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A, securing all income in excess of Idaho Public Utility Commission approved expenses derived from the Company's sales of electricity referred to therein. Maker warrants and represents to and covenants to Holder that the security interest granted pursuant to this Note is now and at all times hereafter shall be perfected and have a first priority and there are no other liens on said property that have an equal or superior right to Holder, the foregoing notwithstanding, all future security issuances, indebtedness or financial obligation of any nature incurred by the Company and approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission shall have a first priority position over the Holder's security interest created herein. 3. Pre-pavment. The Maker may pre-pay this Note in its entirety at any time without penalty. The amount to be paid by Maker for any pre-payment of the entire Note will consist only of the outstanding principal and accrued interest then due and owing. (a) In the event Maker pre-pays any portion of the unpaid principal, the monthly payment shall remain the same, but the Term shall be shortened commensurately. 4. Waiver bv Holder of Note. The failure of Holder to enforce his rights upon any default shall not constitute a waiver of any such rights or operate, or prospectively operate, to release or discharge any maker, guarantor or endorser hereof. 5. Late Fee. If a payment is more than fifteen (15) days late, Maker will be charged a late payment fee of five percent (5%) of the regularly scheduled payment. 6. Default. Maker will be in default of the terms of this Note if: (a) Maker fails to make a payment when due; PROMISSORYNOTE. I M:\Clients\Ray, Israel - 2205592055.002 - Sale of Business (Atlanta Power Co.)\DraftsV022.08.26 - Promissory Note - FINAL.docx (b) Maker fails to perform promptly at the time and strictly in the manner provided in this Note or any agreement related to this Note; (c) any representation or statement made or furnished to the Holder of this Note by Maker is false or misleading in any material respect; (d) Maker becomes insolvent, a receiver is appointed for any part of Maker's property, Maker makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors, or any proceeding is commenced by or against Maker under bankruptcy or insolvency laws; (e) any creditor tries to take any of the property on or in which the Holder of this Note has a pledge and/or security interest; or (0 any of the events described in this section occur with respect to any guarantor of this Note. Upon the occurrence of an event of default, Holder shall provide written notice to Maker that a default has occurred and request that the default be cured. After receiving such written request, the default shall be cured by Maker within thirty (30) days. In the event Maker does not cure a default within said thirty (30) day period, Holder of this Note may declare the entire unpaid principal and interest immediately due and payable. 7. Remedies. Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default, Holder shall have the option, without demand or notice, to: (a) Declare the unpaid principal balance of this Note, all interest accrued thereon and any other amounts due and payable under the terms of this Note to be immediately due and payable, and the same shall thereupon become and be immediately due and payable without presentment, demand, protest or notice of any kind, all of which are hereby expressly waived by Maker; (b) Foreclose, execute and/or levy upon the liens or security interests securing the payment of this Note; and (c) Exercise any and all other rights and remedies available at law or in equity The remedies of Holder shall be cumulative and concurrent, and may be pursued singularly, successively or together, at the sole discretion of Holder, and may be exercised as often as occasion therefor shall arise. No act, omission, or other failure on the part of Holder or any holder of this Note to exercise any right, remedy, or recourse hereunder with respect to Maker, whether before or after the occurrence of an Event of Default, shall constitute waiver or release of any such right, remedy, recourse, Event of Default or of any other Event of Default by such holder or on behalf of any other holder; such waiver or release to be effected only through written document executed by Holder or such holder and then only to the extent specifically recited therein. A waiver or release with reference to any one event shall not be construed as continuing, as a bar to, or as a waiver or PROMISSORYNOTE - 2 M:\Clients\Ray, Israel - 22055\22055.002 - Sale of Business (Atlanta Power Co.)\DraftsV022.08.26 - Promissory Note - FINAL.docx rclssss of, nny subwquent right" remcdy or rssour$s ss lo n rubrequcnt evcnl No fhilure to mcclcrstc the dobt of Mnkcr avidsncod hercby by rtn*on of an Evcnt of Defuult or indulgeruc gmnted frum timc to timo choll bo aonstru.d to bc n r+'nivsr of thc rlght to inrlet upon pmmpt prymcnt thercafta, or shsll bc dscmed t0 bc s nov$ion sf tbie Note or e roinstarcmcat of s$sh debt pvidcnccd hcrcby or a waivsr of such rig}t of nccclarstion or any othcr rigfrt, ar bo csnchlod co as io proclude ths exsrchs of any right ony holdsr of thia Note may havo, whethor by tho lewa of thc juriediction govuning thi* Notq by Egrtsnsnt or othcnrioo. f. Atdlfingd.e$* Excopt an othcnyiss providcd hcroin, in addition tro tho actc and dccdr rscitcd horuin end contccnplatod to bc parformed, cxseuted, snd/or dolivcred by any party, the p*rticr hEreto 0gfee to perform, ex€cutg snd/or ddivEr, or s8uss to bo perfonnsd, cxCIcuts4 sndlor delivsrud, sny rnd ell sush ft$ther $st& dccdr, and lr$ursncco that any party may rmronrbly rcquirr tio commnmats iho tmnssctiun contcmplutcd heroby. t. A$1ggl[fff. In any ac*ion brought to srforce thc rcnns and condltiqns of thie Nolc, tho pruvniling pnrty ehnll bo sntitlcd to rusovlr itn rsasonehle sttornoyto ftcc ond oorts from the non-pruveiling party, 10, A!&!pSU. The portie* &grsc tlat thix Hotc is not amignablo unlcss mutuully ngrocd to in writing by thc partiar. WriRen *oticc ofany nmignmcnt will be givrn by tbo acrigning p0rty to the othlT pnrty. I l. Al1tl$X|3l1fg. Tttis Notr ehell bc govcrncd by the lswr and dc$isisns ofthc atets of ldaho. Mnkorrand Holdsr eaeh hscby wlivc trid by jury in nny oction or proceoding to which Muker or Holdd m*y be parties, rriring out of, or ln rny way pcrtoining to ihia Hotc. IN WITI.IESS WIIEREOF, tbe urdcrrigned hlr $refi.ltrd md msde cffcctive thi* Prorni*rory Nots on 202?. MAKER OREYLOCK ENER€Y HOLDINOS, LLC' an Idaho limited liebility comp&ny By: Nlcholsr Jonas lls: It*: PRCIMI$SORY HOTE -3 MsClhrrr\Rry" lsld .l!0tf$mt5"002 - 3ds of Dudrurr {Attuh lbrsr Co,}Drclb\l0l].0f.$ ' Proml$ory Noiu. FNAL.dasi, release of, any subsequent right, remedy or recourse as to a subsequent event. No failure toaccelerate the debt of Maker evidenced hereby by reason of an Eveni of Default or indulgencegranted from time to time shall be construed to be a waiver of the right to insist upon piomptpayment thereafter, or shall be deemed to be a novation of this Note or a reinstatement of suchdebt evidenced hereby or a waiver of such right of acceleration or any other right, or be construedso as to preclude the exercise 9f any right any holder of this Note may have, rih"ther by the lawsof thejurisdiction governing this Note, by agreement or ofherwise. S. AdJditional Acts. Except as otherwise provided herein, in addition to the acts anddeeds recited herein and contemplated to be performed, executed, and/or delivered by any pafiy, the parties hereto agree to perform, execute and/or deliver, or cause to be perforrred, executed,and/or delivered, any and all such firrther acts, deeds, and assurances that utry p*ty -ay reasonablyrequire to consurnnnate the fiansaction contemplated hereby. ,9. A,$tornev's Fees. In any action brought to enforce the terms and conditions of thisNote, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recovei its reasonable attorney's fees and costs fromthe non-prevailing pa{y. 10. AssisnmenJ. The parties agree that this Note is not assignable unless mutuallyagreed to in writing by theparties. Written notice of any assignment wi[ bJgiven by the assigninipaffto the otherpa{y. - - - , 11. Anplicable Law' This Note shall be governed by the laws and. decisions ofthe stateof Idaho. Maker and Holder each hereby waive triai Uy.lury inany action or proceeding to whichMaker or Holder may be parties, arising out o{ or in any way pertaining to this Note. IN Promissory WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Note on has executed and made effective this 2022. NgV ZGr?aLL MAKER GREYLOCK ENERGY HOLDINGS, LLC, AN Idaho limited liability company By: ones Gene Haught Its: PROMISSORY NOTE - 3 M:\Clients\Ray, Israel - 22055\22055.002 - Sale of Business (Atlanta Power Co.)\Drafts\z12z.Og.26 - promissory Note - FINAL,docx EXHIBIT A _ PLEDGE AND SECURITY AGREEMENT PROMISSORYNOTE - 4 M:\Clients\Ray, Israel - 22055\22055.002 - Sale of Business (Atlanta Power Co.)\Drafts\2022.08.26 - Promissory Note - FINAL.docx EXHIBIT B DESCRIPTION OF LAI{D FROM SELLER TO BUYER Stock Purchase Agreement Greylock Energy Holdings, LLC (Buyer) Israel Ray (Seller) Page 12 EXHIBIT C DESCRIPTION OF LAND FROM BUYER TO SELLER Elmore County Parcel No. RPMSNl1E03l lOC Stock Purchase Agreement Greylock Energy Holdings, LLC (Buyer) Israel Ray (Seller) Page 13 EXHIBIT D CONTRACTS None. Stock Purchase Agreement Greylock Energy Holdings, LLC (Buyer) Israel Ray (Seller) Page 14 EXHIBIT E PERMITS The Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) in the name of Atlanta Power Company,Inc; FERC License issued to Project No. I 1541-00 1 issued on May 9, 2002; Water Right # 63-206. Stock Purchase Agreement Greylock Energy Holdings, LLC (Buyer) Israel Ray (Seller) Page 15 EXHIBIT F BANK ACCOUNTS U.S. Bank Acct. # 1533-0243-4367 Stock Purchase Agreement Greylock Energy Holdings, LLC (Buyer) Israel Ray (Seller) Page 16 EXHIBIT G COMPANY ASSETS Water Right # 63-2063; Poles Inservice 26 less than l0 yrs Inservice 54 needs replaced Inventory ? Cut outs Inservice 26 Inservice needs replaced5 Transformers l5's 9 5',s 2 Unmarked/Unknown t7 Meters Working 75 Inventory 4 all office supplies purchased by Atlanta Power Company w/ all software and related licenses Office Supplies Computer ..ri;iy;;,1,;,lilr " 'r i ,r il,J;\i' i. ,\ ta:. SERIAL #COUNT Diesel Generator Turbine Wikki Gate Control Panel 7 1 set Dam Gates Stock Purchase Agreement Greylock Energy Holdings, LLC (Buyer) Israel Ray (Seller) Page 17 L 1 t I L LM-239206-0501Generator 7 7