HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190116Staff Correspondence.pdfA'Iu-tZ-/8-o1 r Print your name and addreis on the rdverse so that we can return the card to you.r Attach this card or'on the front if to the back of the mallplece, 1. ArticleAddrcssedto: Israel Ray Atlanta Power Company' 11140 Chicken Dinner Road Caldwell ldaho 83607 2. tslB 9q0e 1E57 t0 3 3reg eb United States PostalService lllililllillll ffitil$llll q- w 3. Serylce tr Adutt Ro6tlotod Delhrsry Mall@tr C6rtfod liial Rdlctad D€0u€rytr Colledon Dellvsy ilIlilr ilil lillllillll ilil|il IrilIrillII ]t 9590 9402 1657 6053 3628 26 fflanstef frolngpryl@ tr CofiocionEl€fiv$y Hostlcted Dolh,Ery ?815,Bhr+U EOEU l7?B 1535 Rosfilctsd Dellvory Bo€frlcted DE[very PS Form 381 1 , .luty zo15 psN 7ss0-02-000-9osg Domestlc Retum R€celpt First-Class Mail Postage & Fees Paid USPS Permit No. G-10 a Lttz LLI(-} UJ c-9 ': = ..--. .,A i,1i'f i;,ilr 111ij,, r;iprii1i,,1'l t,iithit,i' tiili,'iltli, l,l f{E rrlmlrlr EI!rrLrjl EIE!trlEI E -.EEI 14rjtEIrr Here Posfiart I ls Item 1? EI No SENDER: col,|Pt ETF. THtS SEcI/o^/COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY ffi your name, address, and ZIP+4@ in Brandon Karpen'8 DeputyAttorneyGeneral6 Idaho Public Utilities Commission 4T2WWashington Street Boise,ldaho 83702 t Sender: 1;{.:n -,c 8& C€rtff€d Mall Fe€ $ u(tl,a seMoon & F6AS (M b., d.t b c ry{qtt&,)trnctmaonOrrdoop},l 8-finctrnnolptgccmrg i- Ecstf,rdM.ltRc$clodDsilwry 0 EAdulteJgndmtuqdEd 3- EAdrt Slg|rd@ RBrtsrad D€[Ery 3 - Postage $ Total Pdtadb.ttF... t - Israel RaY Atlanta Power ComPanY 11140 Chicken Dinner Road Caldwell Idaho 83607 For delivery inlormation, visit our website at II I U.S. PostalService'" CERTIFIED MAIL@ RECE! PT i j a US #w STATE OF IDAHO OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL LAWBENCE G. WASDEN VIA CERTIFIED MAIL August 6,2018 Israel Ray Atlanta Power Company I I140 Chicken Dinner Rd. Caldwell, ID 83607 Re: Notice of Possible Legal Action Dear Mr. Ray: In January 2018, an Atlanta Power customer filed a formal complaint against the Company. Additionally, on February 20, 2018, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission directed Commission Staff to conduct a general investigation into the operations of the Company. The Commission ordered the Company to file a written response to the formal complaint of Mary Drake, and respond to any inquiries, such as production requests and written interrogatories. You are the sole owner and official operator of Atlanta Power Company and the only person able to officially speak for Atlanta Power Company. The Office of the Attomey General for the State of ldaho is aware that the Company has failed to respond to the formal complaint or StafPs production request. Idaho Code $ 6l-406 provides that every public utility "shall obey and comply with each and every requirement of every order, decision, direction, rule or regulation made or prescribed by the commission ...." As indicated by the attached documents, on February 20, 2018, the Commission directed the Company to respond to the formal complaint and any inquires made by Commission Staff. On March 16, 2018, Staff provided the Company with several production requests, which have gone unanswered. Due to the Company's failure to respond to the complaint and Staff informational requests, the Commission is authorizedby ldaho Code $ 61-701-712Ato commence an action to collect civil penalties up to $200,000. The Commission also may consider cancelling the Company's Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity. To avoid Commission proceedings and any court action, the Company must respond in writing to the formal complaint and Staffls production request by August 3 l, 2018. lo Attorney General Enclosures Contracts & Administrative Law Division, ldaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720, Boise, ldaho 83720-0074, Telephone: (208) 334-0300, FAX: (208) 3349-3762, Email: ipuc@puc.state.id.us Localed at 472 West Washington St., Boise, ldaho 33702 II --- / Otficc of the Secrelary Service Date Fcbruary 20,2018 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC I-ITILITIES COMMISSION IN THE N,IA'I'I'ER O}'TI{E INVESTIGAI'ION OF- ATI",AN'I'A POWEIT COMPANY SERVICE AND CUSTOMER RELATIONS CASE NO. i\TL-E-18-01 NOTICE OF INVIISTIGATION ol{DER NO. 33988 In the spring o{ 2017. Conrmission StalT rcceived a number of complaints from residents of Atlanta, ldaho, olrtlining concerns related to electric service being provided by Atlanta Power Company. fhe customers stated that the Clompany's hydroelectric turbine w&s no longer working and the Ceimpany was using a diesel generator to provide electric service. [t was reported that the gcnerator was regularly running out of llel and electric seruice outages were occurring fiequently tbr significant periods ol' tinre. Stafl' rcceived several complaints throughout 2017 about inadequate service and outagcs. and thc inability of customersto contact anyone Iiom the Company. On January 2,2018. Atlanta Power customer Mary Drake tiled a Fornral Complaint against Atlanta Power Conrpany claiming the Cornpany is violating Comnrission Order No. 31085 and ldaho C'odc $ 61-302 by lailing to maintain adequatc service. On January 22, 2A18, Stafl'requestcd that thc Clomrnission direct the Company to respond to the l'ormal Cornplaint of Mary Drake. and to open a lbrmal investigation into the Conrpany. StalT recommendcd that the investigation focus on servicc reliahility, maintenancc and operation ol- (he Company's facilities, and customer service. As part ol'its investigation, Sta{Twill rcview the Company's cor:npliancc rvith past ordcrs, inspcct generation and distritrution lacilities, and confur with customers. The Conrmission approvcd Stal'l's rccommendation that a summons bc issucd regarding the Feirmal Complaint ol'Mary l)rake, and also ordered that Staffconduct an invesligation under thc samc dockct. l'hc Commission dircctcd Stall'to work with thc Company and its customcrs to investigate reliability and customer serl,ice issues, identify possible solutions and provide a report detailing Stafl's findings within six months. Accordingly, we direct Atlanta Power to address thc Formal Customer Complaint of Mary Drake, to make itsell'available to Staff for any audit and/or inspection, and respond to any and all questions posed by Staff. Responses should bc by formal written answer in this case. ) ) ) ) ) oRI)HR N0.33e88 I Orrce StalIcompletes its investigatiorr, or at the appropriate tirne, it shail report its findings and make recommendations to the Commission. ORDER IT IS IIEREBY ORDtsl{ED that Clommission Staff shall conduct an investigation into the service reliability" maintenance and operations. and customer relations of Atlanta Power C-'ompany. Staff shall provide a repoft and recommendations to the Clommission lbr funher action no later than July 31, 2018. IT IS FLIRTI'IER ORDERED that the Company respond to the Formal Complaint of Mary Drake, as directed in the summons issucd lry the Comrnission. I'f IS FURI'HER ORDERED that Atlanta Porver Company respond to any inquiries. Commission Staff is directed to issue production requests, u,ritten interrogatories or other forms of discovery as rvell as pursue its statutory right to examine and audit lhe records. DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise, Idaho this Z day of February 20 I 8. ,r*q' ,1 ),, / ,,\,,- .L" \': .1 i. 4'- IONER t*1* ERIC ANDERSON, COMMISSIONER A]"|EST: Diane M. Hanian Commission Secretary I J.egal,LORDIRS A'l'l-El80l,bk,lnve!rigntion Ords doc 2ORDIIR N0. 33988 PAUI, K.I NI,I,ANI)I]R. PRESIDENT BRANDON KARPEN DEPUTY ATTORNSY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX U?2A BOISE,IDAHO N72A-AA74 (?08) 334-03s7 IDAHO BAR NO. 7956 n g0r lvE0 ?{ii$ i:l&fi I 5 ll$ l}r I ? . ,, ','l -.,' i:*i3!\**'o* Street Address for Express Mail: 472 W. WASHINGTON BOIST, IDAHO 83702-5918 Attorneys for the Commission Staff BETORE THE, IT}AHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THtr MATTER OT THtr INVESTIGATION OT ATLANTA TOWER COMPANY SERYICE AN} CUSTOMER RTLATIONS CASE NO. ATL.E*T8.01 rIRST TRODUCTION RTQUEST Or THp COMMISSIOX $TAPT TO ATLANTA TOWER COMPANY The Staffof the ldaho Public Utilities Commission requests that Rocky Mountain Power provide the following documents and information as soon as possible, but no later than tr'RIDAY, APRIL 6,2018. This Production Request is to be considered continuing, and Atlanta Power is requesled to provide, by way clf supplemenlery responsesi additional docurnents that it or any person acting on its behalf may later obtain that will augment the documents or infarmation produced. Please provide answers 1o each question, supporting workpapers that provide detail or are the source of information used in calculations, and the name, job title and telephone number of the person preparing the dr:cuments. Please identify the name, job title, location and telephone number of the record holder. In addition to lhe written copies provided as response to the requests, please provide all Excel and electronic files on CD with furmulas activated. FIRST PRODUCTION REQUES'T TO ATLANTA POWER 1 MARCH 16,2018 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) REQUEST NO. l: Please provide a list with the names and job functions of all Atlanta Porver employees or contractors. REQUEST NO. 2: Please provide a breakdown of customers taking senice under each distinct rate schedule including the total number of current customers. REQUEST NO.3: Please provide the names and addresses for all customers currently connected to the Atlanta Power system. Please include the names and addresses of seasonal customers that have had service at any tirne since January 1.2017 . REQUEST NO.4: Please provide the following information regarding outages that occurred in2Al7: a. the total number of outages; b. the duration of each outage; c. the total number of outages that lasted more than 24 hours; d. the cause ofeach outaget e. rvhere each outage occurred (danr, turbine, generator, distribution, etc.); andl. how each outage was fixed and which Atlanta Power employees or contractors helped resolve each outage. REQUEST NO. 5: Please detail any and all repairs made to the hydroelectric turbine since January 1,2016. Please provide a description ofeach repairjob and the associated cost. REQUEST NO. 6: Please provide the following inlbrmation regarding operation of the diesel generator in 2017 : &. the total hours the generator was operated in 2017; b. the total gallons of luel consumed; and c. all repairs made to the generator and controls in 2017 and cost of each repair. REQUEST NO. 7: Please provide a list of alldicsel fuclpurchases since January l, 2016. Please include receipts for each purchase. REQUEST NO.8: What is the total capacity of the Company's diesel fuel tank? When the Company lills the tank, is it frlled to capacity? It'not, why'l FIRST PRODUCI'ION REQUEST TO ATLANTN POWER ,)MARCI-I I6,20I8 REQUEST NO. 9: Please explain all restrictions lbr diesel fuel deliveries. REQUEST NO. l0: What upgrades or improvements has the Company made to the distribution system in 2016 and2017? What was the associated cost? REQUEST NO. t l: Please provide an inventory of all equipment purehased by the Company since January l, 2016. REQUEST NO. l2: Please provide all generating equipment specification data by unit. This data u,ould include, but is not limited to: a. Equipment tYPe; b. Manufacturer; c. Model number; d. Year of manufhcture; and e. Rated output REQUEST NO. l3: Please provide a system nrap identilying the Company's generation and distribution lacilities. REQUEST NO. l4: Please explain what the Company's intentions are moving forward. Does the Company intend lo maintain and operate tl,e system ur:der current ownership? If not, is thc Company considering se lling the system or transfbrring orvnership to another entity such as a cooperative? FIRST PRODUCTtON RI]QUI]ST TO ATLANTA POWER MARC]H I6,2OI83 DATE, at Boise, Idaho, this {l/3 auyof March 2018. General Technical Staff: Johnathan Farley Kevin Keyt Brad lverson-Long Rick Keller Michael Illdred i:urnisc:prodr*q/atle I &. I bkjf prnd req I FIRST PRODUCTION RTQUEST TO ATLANTA POWER 4 MARCH I6,2OI8 CERTITICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY T}{AT I I-IAVE ]'HIS I6III DAY OF MARCH 2018, SIRVED THE FOREGOING FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO ATLANTA POWER COMPANY, IN CASE NO. ATL-I].l8-01, BY MAILING A COPY TIJE,REOF, POSTACI] PREPAID, TO TI'IE FOLLOWING: ISRAEL RAY ATLANTA POWER COMPANY I I140 CHICKEN DINNER RD CALDWELL ID 83607 -J, /'knAsrc[rfedY-- CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE