HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180308Summons (3).pdfldaho Public Utilities Commission P.0. Box 81,720, Bolse, lD 83720-0074 C.L Butdr 0tt8r, Crovetmr Paul Xjcllander, Commissloner Kristine Raper, Commissioner Eric Anderson, Commissioner March B,20tB Via Certified Mail Linda Churches Atlanta Power Company P.O.Box67Z Salmon, Idaho 83467 Re: Case No. ATL-E-18-01 Dear Ms. Churches: Enclosed please find a Summons and Complaint issued against Atlanta Power Company in Case No. ATL-E-18-01. As directed in the Summons, you are to file a written answer or motion in defense of said Complaint with this Commission within 21 days of the service date of the Summons. Among other things, Ms. Drake complains that Atlanta Power Company is violating Commission Order No. 31086 and ldaho Code 61-302 by failing to maintain adequate service. The Company should respond to Ms. Drake's Complaint and all claims made therein, and provide any necessary additional information to the Commission. Since Diane M. Hanian Commission Secretary Enclosure(s) I: \Legal\ELECTRIC\ATL-E- 18-0 1\ATLE 180 1-CvrLtr2.don 472 West Washington Street, Boise lD 83702 Telephone: (208) 334-0300 Facsimile: (208) 334-3762 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION MARY E. DRAKE, COMPLAINANT,SUMMONS CASE NO. ATL-E-I8-01 ATLANTA POWER COMPANY, RESPONDENT. Linda Churches Atlanta Power Company P.O. Box 672 Salmon,Idaho 83467 THE STATE OF IDAHO SENDS GREETINGS TO THE ABOVE-NAMED RESPONDENT. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a Complaint has been filed with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission by the above-named Complainant; and YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the Commission has opened a concurrent Staff investigation into service reliability, maintenance and operations, and customer relations of Atlanta Power Company; YOU ARE HEREBY DIRECTED to file a written answer or written motion in defense of the Complaint within twenty-one (21) days of the service date of this Summons; and YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that unless you do so within the time herein specified, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission may take such action against you as is prayed for in the Complaint or as it deems appropriate under Title 61 of the ldaho Code. vs. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) @WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission this day of March 2018. (sEAL) Diane M. Hanian Commission Secretary SUMMONS l:\Legal\ELECTRIC\ATL-E-l 8-01 \ATLEI 801_Summons2_bk.doc 1 ldaho Publlc Utllltles Commission Office of the SecretarvRECEIVED JAN 0 7.2018 8orse. idaho From: flute.md @pmail.com [mailto:flute.md@gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 2,z0tg L:47 PM To: Front <front@puc.idaho.gov>; Beverly Barker <Beverlv.Barker@ouc.idaho.gov> Subject: Consumer Assistance Form: Mary Drake Name: Mary Drake Email: f lute.md@.email.com Telephone: 2088642L7L Address: 72 E PINE Sf ATLANTA I0,83716 Name of Utility Company: Atlanta Power Company Contacted Utility: Yes Complaint: Mary E. Drake 72 E. Pine Atlanta, ldaho 83716 ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise, ldaho 83702 Dear Commissioners: Please consider this a formal complaint against Atlanta Power Company for failing to fulfill their lawful duty of providing and maintaining adequate services of electricity to the town of Atlanta, ldaho, per ldaho Statute 61-301. The Statute reads: "DUTIES OF PUBLIC UTILITIES 61-302. MAINTENANCE OF ADEQUATE SERVICE. Every public utility shall furnish, provide and maintain such service, instrumentalities, equipment and facilities as shall promote the safety, health, comfort and convenience of its patrons, employees and the public, and as shall be in all respects adequate, efficient, just and reasonable." lhavebeenaresidentofAtlanta, ldahofor20years. lhaveexperiencedthechangeofownershipofthe Atlanta Power Company. I am also aware of previous complaints about the services provided by the company, and the ensuing Final Order of May 13, 2010. There is plenty of historical evidence that shows there has been a problem with Atlanta Power Company outages for many years. This complaint, today, is to inform you that Atlanta Power Company is NOT DOING WHAT they agreed to do per the Final Order dated May 13, 2010 (Order # 31086) in which it states: "lt is further ordered that Atlanta Power Company continue to monitor the power concerns. lf the power concerns are not mitigated, then the staff and company will advise the commission on appropriate course of action." lt has been 7 years since this order, and the power outages still occur. Many people have complained to the PUC, yet no action is taken. This complaint poses the question: Why is the Atlanta Power Company not being held accountable to uphold its duties as a utility provider by the PUC? Please, we need help! Also, after an investigation into Atlanta Power Company by PUC in February, 2005, Order #29706, it states that "lt appears Dave Gill's availability has changed. He is available in Atlanta for immediate system repairs most of the time." This is NO LONGER TRUE. Dave Gill no longer lives in Atlanta, ldaho. Hence, this formal complaint, filed here, now is: 1. There continues to be frequent power outages in Atlanta, ldaho. 2. Power outages HARM the safety of Atlanta residents, due to needing access to electronics for emergencies, drinking water (for those with electronic water pumps), and access to healthy food (refrigerators go out and food spoils during outages). 3. There is no one in town who knows how to fix the system when the owner of Atlanta Power Company (lsrael Ray) is out of town. 4. lsrael Ray does not hire anybody to be available to diagnose problems and fix problems during outages. 5. Although there is a generator up here, in Atlanta, it does not function in cold weather, due to diesel fuel. 6. lsrael Ray, as owner of Atlanta Power Company is not fulfilling his lawful duty as a utility company per Statute 61-302 which states: DUTIES OF PUBLIC UTILITIES: 61.302. MAINTENANCE OF ADEQUATE SERVICE. Every public utility shall furnish, provide and maintain such service, instrumentalities, equipment and facilities as shall promote the safety, health, comfort and convenience of its patrons, employees and the public, and as shall be in all respects adequate, efficient, just and reasonable." Evidence that demonstrates Failure to comply with this statute includes, but not limited to: a. There is no telephone number to call for assistance when the power goes out in Atlanta, ldaho. The number to call is lsrael's, and the message inbox is ALWAYS FULL. No other number to call, or way to contact him or anybody who knows how to help during a power outage. This is blatant disregard for us, consumers, customers, residents of Atlanta, who pay our bills to Atlanta Power Company every month for services we EXPECT to receive in exchange ! b. Israel Ray leaves town and nobody has any way to contact him. He leaves town and is nowhere to be found during a power outage, nor has he trained anybody to help during his absence. This is simply irresponsible, and a blatant disregard for Statute 61-302. 7. After many, many years of problems with the power in Atlanta, ldaho, there seems to be no resolution. lf something gets fixed, it's momentary. Granted, there is a generator up here now, but it doesn't start in the winter, and in the summer, it runs out of gas and we need to wait days before we get diesel gas up here. Therefore, the Time is NOW to fix the problem ll When will this be resolved?? Please, please give attention to this formal complaint. The situation in Atlanta needs ATfENTION now! lsrael Ray and The Atlanta Power Company need to be held accountable for their LACK of ACTIONS in adhering to the law for public utilities. For, l, myself am a paying customer, as are many others in this town and we simply WANT TO NOT HAVE TO DEAL WITH THE CONSTANT POWER OUTAGES and TOTAL LACK OF CUSTOMER CONSIDERAIION, and the lack of ACCOUNTABILITY demonstrated by lsrael Ray and the Atlanta Power Company. Thank you for your action in this matter. Sincerely, s/ Mary E. Drake Mary E. Drake Unique lde ntif ier: 2L6.782.LlL.139 Office of the Secretary Service Date Fcbruary 20. 20 I I BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE I\{ATTER OI.'THE INVESTIGATION OF ATLANTA POWER COMPANY SERVICE AND CUSTOMER RELATIONS CASE NO. ATL.E.I8.OI NOTICE OF INVESTIGATION 0RDER NO.33988 In the spring of 2017. Con'rmission Staff received a number of complaints from residents of Atlanta. ldaho. outlining concerns related to electric service being provided by Atlanta Porver Company. The customers stated that the Company's hydroelectric turbine was no lorrger working and the Conrpany r."as using a diesel generator to provide electric service. [t rvas reported that the generator rvas regularly rurning out of fuel and electric service outages were occurring frequently for significant periods of time. Staff received several complaints throughout 2017 about inadequate service and outagcs. and the inability of customers to contact anyone from the Company. On January 2,2018, Atlanta Power customer Mary Drake filed a Formal Complaint against Atlanta Porver Company claiming the Company is violating Comn'rission Order No. 31086 and ltluho Code $ 61-302 by failing to maintain adequate service. On January 22, 2018, Staff requested that the Comrnission direct thc Company to respond to the Forrnal Complaint of Mary Drake, and to open a formal investigation into the Courpany. Stalf recommended that thc investigation focus on service reliability, maintenance and operation of the Company's facilities, and customer service. As part of its investigation, Staff rvill review the Company's compliance u'ith past orders, inspect generation and distribution fbcilities, and confer with customers. -fhe Conrmission approvcd Staft's rccommendation that a summons be issued regarding the Formal Complaint of Mary l)rake, and also ordered that StatT conduct an investigation undcr the same dockct. The Comnrission directed Staff to work with the Company and its customers to investigate reliability and customer sen'ice issues, identiff possible solutions and provide a report detailing Staffs findings within six months. Accordingly, we direct Atlanta Power to address the Formal Customer Complaint of Mary Drake, to make itself available to Staff for any audit and/or inspection, and respond to any and all questions posed by Staff. Responses should be by formal written answcr in this case. ) ) ) ) ) oRDIltr No. 33988 I Once StalT completes its investigation, or at the appropriate time, it shall report its findings and make recommendations to the Commission. ORDER IT iS HEREBY ORDERED that Commission Staff shall conduct an investigation into the service reliability, nraintenance and operations. and customer relations of Atlanta Power Company. Staff shall provide a report and recommendations to the Commission for further action no later tharr July 3 l, 201 8. lT IS FURT}{ER ORDERED that the Company respond to the Formal Complaint of Mary Drake, as directed in the sLlmmons issued by the Commission. IT IS FURTI{ER ORDERED that Atlanta Power Company respond to any inquiries. Cornmission Stal'f is directed to issue production requests, written interrogatories or other forms of discovery as rvell as pursuc its statutory right to examine and audit the records. DONE by Orcler olthe Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise, Idaho this Z& day ofFebruary 2018. .1:'i.t l1- PAUL KJELT,ANDER, PRESIDENT SIONER ..+4"4 ERIC ANDERSON, COMMISSIONER A'f'llrST Diane M. Hanian Commission Secretary I lcgrI:LORDERS ATI-Elt0l_bk-lnwri!trtion Ords doc 2ORDER NO. 33988 ldaho Public Utilities Commission P.0. Box 87fr, Bolse, l0 &1720-0074 C.L Butch 0tter, Goryemot Paul Kjellander, Commissioner(ristine Raper, Commisioner Eric Anderson, Commissioner February 2L,2078 Via Certified Mail Israel Ray, President/Treasurer Atlanta Power Company 11,1,40 Chicken Dinner Road Caldwell, Idaho 83607 Re: Case No. ATL-E-18-01 Dear Mr. Ray; Enclosed please find a Summons and Complaint issued against Atlanta Power Company in Case No. ATL-E-18-01. As directed in the Summons, you are to file a written answer or motion in defense of said Complaint with this Commission within 2L days of the service date of the Summons. Among other things, Ms. Drake complains that Atlanta Power Company is violating Commission Order No. 31086 and Idaho Code 61-302 by failing to maintain adequate service. The Company should respond to Ms. Drake's Complaint and all claims made therein, and provide any necessary additional information to the Commission. Sincerely, Diane M. Hanian Commission SecretaryHere Postmark lsrael Ray, President/Treasurer Atlanta Power CompanY 7LL4O Chicken Dinner Road Caldwell, ldaho 83607 472 West Washington Street, Boise lD 83702 Telephone: (208) 334-0300 Facsimile: (208) 334-3762 Effied MailFee Fttra Setric€s & Fe6 (d6ck bott, dtt l@ a apP@pdEta) ElREtrnRuapl0Edcopy) $_- E R€trn B@ipt (decb$ic) S _- ncstifi€d Mlit R6tisted Delryqy S __-- EAdult siitn8t 6 B€quiEd S -.-E Adult slqnat!ro Rsficted Delkery $ Postage a U.S. Postal Service* CERTIFIED MAIL@ RECEIPT information, visit our website atFor Domestic Mail Only rsgCIAL IOF BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION MARY E. DRAKE, COMPLAINANT,SUMMONS CASE NO. ATL-E-IS.OI ATLANTA POWER COMPANY, RESPONDENT. THE STATE OF IDAHO SENDS GREETINGS TO THE ABOVE.NAMED RESPONDENT. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a Complaint has been filed with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission by the above-named Complainant;and YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the Commission has opened a concurrent Staff investigation into service reliability, maintenance and operations, and customer relations of Atlanta Power Company; YOU ARE HEREBY DIRECTED to file a written answer or written motion in delense of the Complaint within twenty-one (21) days of the service date of this Summons; and YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that unless you do so u,ithin the time herein specified, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission may take such action against you as is prayed for in the Complaint or as it deems appropriate under Title 6l of the ldaho Code. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Idaho Public Utilities Commissionthis 4a* day of February 2018. Diane M. Hanian Commission Secretary (sEAL) SUMMONS t:r"Legal'€LECTRIC'ATL-E- l 8-01 IATLE I 801_Summons_bk doc YS. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) I