HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080827Comments.pdf~nlbff .110 A,i/fi~'~ H Idaho Public Utilities Commssion P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idao Augut 25, 2008 Ii Re: Case No. ATL-E-008-02 Members of the PUC; My nae is Allen Lake and I am a ful-tie resident of Atlanta residig at 80 E. Altu Dnve. Since bemig a ful-tie reident of Atlanta over two yea ago, my electrca rae from Atlanta Power Compay has included the $81 base rate, which I have always understoo paid for the fit 500 kWh I us each month. In the intial fig documents frm Atlanta Power Company to the PUC, makg their case for ths rate increase, it suggeste that, as a ful-tie resident, I reeive the fit 500 kWh eah month free. However, as an example, for the past seven months the $81 base rate has meant that the cost of my electrcity ha raged frm a low of 16.2 cets pe kWh to a high of 3 1 cents per kWh. My averae cost durg these past 7 month ha beejust over 25 cents per kWh used. The followig char shows my use and the cost per kWh durg ths seven month peod. Month KW USED Priee per KW Janua 2008 Est 500 kWh $.162 Febru 2008 278 kWh $.291 Marh 2008 360 kWh $.225 Apnl2008 328 kWh $.246 May 2008 261 kWh $.31 June 2008 312 kWh $.259 July 2008 313 kWh $.258 AVERAGE 336 kWh $.25 per kWh When compar to charges for electrcity anywhere in the nation, 25 cents per kWh would be considered to be extemely high for any Amencan consumer. Ths is the curnt cost to me even without includg the new 33.6% surharge that the PUC has rently alowed Atlanta Power to charge its customers. I believe the $81 bas rate is entily too high let alone the $112 bas rate which is being requested by the APC. As an individua consumer, I would much prefer to pay for each and every kWh I us each month rather than to pay a so-caed "base rate" and receive a pre- estalished allotment of kWh's. Ths ty of rate stcte, paying only for wht one uses, would allow me and all APC customers to be responsible consumer of electrcity. Just don't ask me to pay a high rate for electrcity in addition to payig an emergency surhae an an unnaly high bae ra. Askig for a rate increa at ths tie, followig imedately upon the imposition of the 33.6% emergency surhage, is an unai request to mae of the cusmer ba in Atlanta Aly we ar payig a high premium for our electrca power. If the PUC and APC rely expe my support for even a modes incre in ras, tht incree can only ocur afr the new emergency surchage ha been reed or afr a signficant reduction in the high bas rat. The quaty of elecca servce whch we as usrs in Atlanta reeive is modes at best. To my knowledge, there are no modem reguators or capacitors on the distbuton lines. Therfore, there ar trmendous fluctuons in the voltae and in the cycli of the eleccity which is delivere to my home. Ths creates a signcat problem in the prpe operaon and maitenace of my houshold appliances and my electrcal motors and tols. Without any promise of improvement in the quaity of the electrcal product we are provided, we ar now being asked to pay even more extvagant rates to acess it. Maitenace of the curent electrcal plant, facilties and equipment is also a major conce to Atlanta residents. When we se tht the equipment tht we ar payig for with our electrcal bils is not being taen care of, we feel tht our intests as customers are not being well served. One of the most visible examples of ths lack of maiteance is the town's electrca generator that ha been left out in the weather for the pat year without even a simple ta to protect it from the elements. We believe tht ths is jus one example of the syptomatic lack of seous maitenace to the entie APC opetion. I undertad tht the rues which govern public utlities alow for the ownersopetors to mae a modest profit from their enterpnse. However, the PUC is also charged with representig the conser's inteest. In ths pacular cae, at ths pacular tie, I ask the PUC to delay any action on the APC's reuest for a ra increae until the company submits 1.) its plan to improve the quity of the eleccal servce, 2.) its plan to propely mata its facilties and equipment, and 3.) a more renable schedule of electncal rates. Than you for your concern and support of the power cusomers in Atlanta. Submitted by,~~~ Allen Lake 80 E. Altu Dnve Atlanta Idao 83601 Ph: 208-864-2151 Ema: allenrlake~i.net /~~~/cÆ/r iDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES ~i AI,!/10~~ 1-/t Public Workshop Atlanta Idaho. Case No. ATL-E-08-0!: E: C;: August 23, 200a., ,LUUU AUG 25 Ml 7:COMMISSION WHAT DO YOU THINK? If you want your opinion noted in the record, please use the space below to write your comments. Add extra sheets as needed. You may either hand this sheet to a commission staff member or mail it to: IPUC, PO Box 83720, Boise, ID 83720-0074. You may also post comments on our Web site. ww.puc.idaho.gov Click "comments & questions." .. &y Ol?Ì h ; a /1 L5 .åS E.ø/htt~ kval2 -a.e ,FICI5t: SÎqrrc?UN;'. wb&t Zle- P-ôh'/IÒlv lUèLS Oisi-Iy'bijré?d £; d2¿ht' a /- Tt -e ,. ¿J P /" ì? /p ~.. Tt-ar s c / áZ r //e,Z:-Tmf *£6/VeL /3. Æe h/o/ 10 qó :Fcc. /?!2wec t1 d u ~z2'n '1. ~ '7ac~ 9 /i ,r;r~7Z72r,Æ:¿2~.... f æ eê/14ze 'j'r ~l/ k ç,¿rzel1~LKSi h",ri-; -zc .,z.tl1rRHI1 i*-u-ìll ,P~ t2F: Î" spur ~5 A-n~ÇJIf?/l;Ù/::r- .C'P rn . cè ~?e d r 71ln/~ pS/'70h// (/lA nd' d S'~ ¿i# d tú/rli ;z~¿; ,r ,Re=sJMf a ã. 5'e. Print Name Dcf// Par'" h ;;1t;ign Name ~~44k~ Mailng Address~ ~ F, 4/ p/n e b r/llone Number ':-= City and stateAj;uR. ij~/; t? Zip Code 83 G tJl