HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080613Comment.pdfi A;.:;:ftD1 Jean Jewell ,110 AV /f,~'~ Ifi Sent: To: Subject: Wednesday, June 11, 2008 10:58 AM Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Sandy Nye follows: - ------- ---- - - - - ----- - --- - -- -- - - ---- Case Number: ~ATL-E-e8-e2 Name: Sandy Nye Address: 29 E Alpine City: Atlanta State: Idaho Zip: 836e1 Daytime Telephone: 2e8-864-2125 Contact E-Mail : Name of Utility compa~Atlanta Add to Mailing List:~ Power Please describe your comment briefly: lam writing to protest the sur-charge or any rate hike that Atlanta Power is trying to get for the problems last summer. This increase will effect the entire community. We can not afford this hike. Many of us simply do not have the means to pay this unreasonable amount. I 1m asking you to vote no on case ATL-E-e8-e2. If you need more information you can call 2e8-864- 2125 or write to 29 E.Alpine, Atlanta, Idaho 836e1 Sandy Nye. Longtime resident, Atlanta, Idaho. Thank you for your consideration, Sandy Nye June 11 2eea The form submited on http://www. puc. idaho.gov/forms/ipucl/ipuc. html IP address is - - ------- --- - -- - - --- - ---- - --- - -- 1