HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080611Comments.pdf~,BOISE ID 837 ~ . 09.JN200 PM3.T .~ C/Ó -:ciAho ~Li¿, uJ¡lf¡¿$ C'~tSSAl.. 9~",,, b. ~l.¿L~ 13~t5Æ~~~JiIl-7to¿( , S1- I dAJ ~/tl if':J~. v vi£' AV-¡,~ ~J'~ H¡ To: Idaho public utilities commission and Israel Ray- Atlanta Power . Company. I Tina Sayko propert owner in Atlanta Id present this letter of protest in regards to the proposed power rate increase this day of June 3,2008. I strongly disagree with this rate increase due to following reasons. Firstly being a seasonal seasonal user of currently 35 dollars a month and only using the power app., 3 weeks out of the year I am already paying Atlanta power plenty of free . money for unused power, equipment maintained and repairs. The proposed rate increase would also cause extreme financial hardship as I live on very limited income and would most likely result in having the power disconnected and seeking out other methods for powering my cabin. The rate increase would alter my plans to complete the construction of my cabin. The rate increase would hurt . my property values if I needed to sell some day. So in theend this huge rate' increase in my opinion benefits no one as Atlanta power would lose my business of 35 a month and I always believe some money is better then no money, also by not finishing my cabin Elmore county would not receive the higher property taxes and It would be difficult to sell our properties with such huge power rates which hurts everyone including Atlanta power. Atlanta Power needs to find a more reasonable solution especially with us seasonal users whom do not use the power and ware out the equipment. Thank you for your time Tina Sayko '__'. .. ..._ - ...'.'C. ,-. _.. ... -:_, "" ~ ~ -." ,. . - TinaSayo 310 E. Broadway Ave. Meridian, ID 83642 - _.~:--.. ~ , \ ¡~::r¡J~::+::~ i e: Q' C:J.. Uì ,. 21r:e.C%-" f:t: 1/; i itt: ti u lti! H: ¡l,Jd-t¡ if if;; 1: :Jt-1iil:1.1H t"L:ÌrftHl¡-t / JA. ~ ~ ¡l,v~ &jiojo'l /1 ,41//\.~.~l4 l June 7, 2008 f) (' ':., 'i¿ "'-.' Commssion Se Idao Public Utities Common POBox 83720 Bose, Idao 83720-04 Ca No. ATLE-08-o2 ZOOB JUN l 0 AH 8: 07 De Common: We ar wrtig in referece to th abe prop rate incr by Atlta Power. We protes ining the month chage for sena redents frm $35 per month to $83.00 pe month an incr of 137%. We ar detely sena redets and hae not ben to Atl for at lea two ye. We hae a frend who ociony in th pa ha us the reside, but not anore. We hae pad the $420 anua chage in th past for the poer an woud contiue to do so. If they rase th se rate to $83 per month or $996 per yea, we wod detely discntinue th power sece. It is a conven for us not a necty. We ow a generor al an woud us itfor our inuet trps. We kn oters feel th sae wa. We we reg th coent by Sctt Woo, De Attrney Geer regadig a sue ac the bo of 31.74%. We as tht mea our $35 rate woud incr by $11.11 to $46.11 per month plus a corrdig incr in the power rate. We prly would kee pag tht ju for the convenience. If the gold mie st up, won't th incr the comp's income? Wher woud th gold mi get th power frm? We aprete your atttion to ths mattr an hop th sena redents do not ha to be the brut of ths incr. A~ jJ__¡~./JA~_~~ Thern and Shaon Sctt PO Box 846 3985 Wes Victory Ro Merdi Ida 83680-0846 208-888-2545 cc Isl Ra & Ro E. Smith ~IOV Jean Jewell ,/10 ~. ~ 1-1 From: Sent: To: Subject: Byegreylock~Wildblue, net Wednesday, June 11, 20083:18 AM Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Robert Bartimoccia follows: - ------------ - - ------ - - --- - - -- -- -- -- Case Number: ATL-E-08-02 Name: Robert Bartimoccia Address: City: State: Zip: Daytime Telephone: Contact E-Mail: Byegreyloc~ildblue.net Name of Utility Company: Atlanta Power Add to Mailing List: Please describe your comment briefly: In Reference to the 6/10 comments . There are 2 atlanta power workers Homes plus the owner getting free power. There is at least one meter that hasn't worked in 10 yrs and electricity used hasn i t been charged. Another house wasn i t even metered. If the power plant wasn't properly maintained and there is a contract maintenance person, that would be negligence. Where is the liability insurance policy for that. Yankee machine shop can enlighten you on the lack of maintenance, as can some of the locals. That is some of what I know. The form submited on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipucl/ipuc.html IP address is --- -------- - - - - ----- - - - - - - - -- - - -- -- i /~~o, Jean Jewell v'~ A-V ,/ 1: ~.~ bft From: Sent: To: Subject: apple45~q.com Wednesday, June 11, 2008 1 :44 AM Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from MaryAnn Applegate follows: ---- - - -- - ---- --- - --- - --- - - --- - - -- --- Case Number: ATL-E-08-02 Name: MaryAnn Applegate Address: 2875 Lemhi City: Boise State: Idaho Zip: 83705 Daytime Telephone: 208-343-2821 Contact E-Mail: apple45~g.com Name of Utility Company: Atlanta Power Company Add to Mailing List ~ Please describe your comment briefly: I am not in favor of the proposed rate changes. Eliminating the schedule 3 seasonal rates, would eliminate those customers and impose future increases for schedule 1 customers. I perfer the the schedule 1 residential remain at $.05kWh rate. The form submited on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc.html IP address is ---- -------- -------- - --- - ---------- 1 ,J~/116'i Jean Jewell ../j; A.I!v'~~~ bI. From: Sent: To: Subject: johnsgregory(§hotmail.com Tuesday, June 10, 2008 1 :01 PM Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Gregory Johns follows: -- - - - - - ---- ------ - - - - - - - - -- - - - --- - -- Case Number: ATL-E-08-02 Name: Gregory Johns Address: 17 W Pine St Ci ty: Atlanta State: Idaho Zip: 83601 Daytime Telephone: 208 864 2162 Contact E-Mail: johnsgregor~hotmail. com Name of Utility Company: Atlanta Power Add to Mailing List: yes Please describe your comment briefly: Concerning the rate case for Atlanta Power: I am a resident of Atlanta and a customer of Atlanta Power. I live at 17 W Pine Street. When I built my house it was pointed out to me by other Atlanta Power customers that the power was questionable and expensive. Sad to say, that has been the case. Before the turbine blowup last summer the power was anything but reliable. There were innumerable power outages, brownouts and surges. I don't believe I am on Atlanta Power's call list, but nary a warning or explanation unless I sought information- even if the power was out for days. It is my understanding that in order to maintain some kind of reasonable voltage, this plant has to cycle faster than other power plants, therefore clocks run fast. My power did improve some in 2006, to the level everyone else in town enjoyed, when they replaced the single line down Pine with new wires and 2 phase power. Unfortunately, they didn't replace the switch on the one line, so when the wind blows just right, half of my house browns and flickers, to this day. Luckily, I installed a propane refrigerator, but my friends with electric refrigerators or freezers didn't fare as well. Nor has my washing machine, DVD player, computer, table saw or wood planer. It appears I have losses, too. For months prior to the turbine failure, the power was markedly worse. In conversations with Israel Ray and Steve Cramer, there were multiple issues regarding maintenance. Israel told me that he and Dave(Gill) 'just like to tinker i, and that they like running a power company. Then the turbine failed. Maintenance issues? Who is in charge of maintenance? Why not have a public meeting when something occurs as catastrophic as the plant failing? Let people know when or if there was actually going to be power- so they can plan. Seems like since we were still paying for full time power the communication should have been better. Atlanta Power is my neighbor at my other property below town at the Monarch Millsi te. Currently, Atlanta Power i s diesel generator is across the road from my houses. I would applaud any effort to move the generator into the shed and finish soundproofing. It was VERY, VERY LOUD all last summer and I i m sure it will be loud the next time it i S needed. 1 I have a voltage meter. Never had one before I lived up here. Typically, since the turbine rebuild, my voltage runs around 118. For a few days this past spring we were running at 88 volts. At 118, or 188, things that would run quietly at 128 volts, hum( the electronics on my range, even the power panel). At 88 volts lights are barely on- think what it's doing to the computer, the washer, the table saw. Then there's the cycling thing, too. When I'm using my wood jointer, for example- it'll run along at a slow rpm for about a minute, then it'll rev up at run fast for about a minute, then back down. Can't that be adjusted? What about the fact that clocks run fast because of, I would imagine, the same cycling issue? To date I have paid Atlanta Power, on average, $1.86 a kilowatt. I think that is expensive power. I now how 2 services with Atlanta Power. Every month I will pay the service charge and then my usage, which on average is about 48 kilowatts, sometimes 18, sometimes 68. With Israel's proposal, my bill on the 2 services, for access, will be $166, then I will pay another $4 for the actual power I use. That makes the cost per kilowatt $4.25. At that kind of a price point I will install my own solar power systems. I would support an price structure where the emphasis is on providing power, in the price per kilowatt, and not, as proposed, in the service charge where all the money is made with access fees and there's no incentive to provide reliable power. Atlanta Power is a company. Israel Ray owns and maintains that company. It is his asset. Wi th this rate adj ustment being sought it appears he wants us to buy into his company. If Atlanta Power seeks $2888 a year from me for less than 588 kilowatts, I would think I should get stock in the company, we should set up a board of directors, and create some oversight. Gregory Johns The form submi ted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov Iforms/ipucl/ipuc. html IP address is - - - --- - --- - ------ - - - - -- - --- - - - -- - - -- 2 l~fDIO" Jean Jewell /1: A-V ~~~.; fl, From: Sent: To: Subject: superiordana(Qqwestoffice. net Tuesday, June 10, 2008 7:22 AM Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from GARY AND DANA VANCE follows: --- - - -- -- - --- ------ -- -- - - ---- - ------ Case Number: ATL-3-08-02 Name: GARY AND DANA VANCE Address: PO BOX 626 City: CALDWELL State: ID Zip: 83606 Daytime Telephone: 208-412-8257 Contact E-Mail: superiordana~gwestoffice.net Name of Utility Company: Atlanta Power Add toMailing List: ~ Please describe your comment briefly: At the current rate for seasonal customers we are paying from .60 per KW to 3.71 per kw. Our bills for the last 6 months are: $45.50 - 50 kw = .91 per kw $41.30 - 30 kw = $1.41 per kw $37.10 - 10 kw = $ 3.71 per kw $53.90 - 90 kw. = .61 per kw $39.20 - 20 kw = $ 1.99 per kw $42.35 - 35 kw = $ 1.21 per kw With the proposed increases we could pay as much as $8.71 per kw for the months that we use little power. We have priced a solar system with wind generator back up and batteries installed at a price of $10,500.with the proposed rate we would be far ahead to buy this system and with a pay back in approx 10 years, having a system to show for our money. If this proposal goes thru, we would have to strongly consider discontinuing as customers of Atlanta Power. In discussions that we have had with other part -time customers, I don' t beleive that we would be alone. Further jeopordizing the financial stability of the power company. WE have mailed a copy of this plus other question and considerations to the puc mailing address. Thanks Gary and Dana Vance The form submited on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc.html IP address is -- - - - --- - --- --- - - --- --- - - - - - - --- --- 1