HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080609Comments.pdføiI~ Lt/q/lJt iI I1v.t/f; ~.r H Commssion Secretar Idaho Public Utilities Commssion POBox 83720 Boise, il 83720-0074 ,'" n '=tun8 Juri - 9 M,t 8: 16 Dea Secretar: Included below is a letter we senUo Israel Ray (My i i, 2008) exressing our concern over the planed price increase for Atlanta Pöwer seaonal customers. We have been paying a power bil in Atlanta sice i 987,. We bece senal uses of Atlanta power in 1992 using approxiately 300KWh per year. As stated below, we understan th Atlanta Power must be able to cover its expenss an make a profit. However, from our perspective, we canot aford to pay $1000 per yea for 300KWh of power. That'.s not good business sene for us. This is a seasona home that is use on a limited basis. Therefore, as stated below, we will no longer be customers of Atlanta Power ifour bil is doubled. We wi take ourselves off the Atlanta Power grd and ru our own power. J understand that this is a hassle for us, but in the long ru I feel that if the Idao PUC approves the doubling of our power bil, we wi have no alternative. Than you for your time and consideration of our concerns. Best regards" ~CM~1: 13604 Grand Trotter Way Herrman UT8409ó 801-302-3872 ~~iJ~ , ~ 2DllD ¡.Israel Ray Atlanta Power Company 11140 CJùcken Dinner: Rd Caldwell il 83406 8: 16 -i -t... May 11~ 2008 Israel: Carol and I have supported Atlanta Power Co. for the last 15 years or so as seasonal customers. Prior to tht we were full time customers. We have alwayspaid our bil on time and have never shut the power off seasonally. Our anual power bil is approximately $480. This includes the approxiately 280 KWh we use eachyear. I iiderstand that the actal KWh used does not impac the overhead costs and operating costs of the Atlanta Power operation. However, please consider our side of the equation. Ûlr power bil will now double to approximately $100 anuay. That's approximately $3.50 per KWh used on our par. It was already a stretch for us to have power at $500 per year; $1000 per year prices us out of the power grd in Atlanta. I've done the math several times. Even with increased fuel costs, it will only take us about three years (compared to the new rates) to offse the cost of a generator for our Atlanta cabin. Sure, it is more convenient to flip a switch, however at some point, $ outweigh convenence. I feel like the seasona customers are bearg the brunt of this price hie. In summ, Atlanta Power Company will lose us as customers if the seasonal rate goes away. I understand that you have to keep your companyprofitable, but lve-8ot to look out for us. Please reconsider the "doublig" of our power bil in Atlanta. Thans for your time and consideration of our concerns, Best regards, Frank and Carol Wagener 13604 Grand Trotter Way Herman DT $4096 801-302-3872 /~;:9/08 Jean Jewell i/1o At//t:~.s lIi From: Sent: To: Subject: leonard01937 §hotmail. com Sunday, June 08,200810:42 AM Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Geri Perkins & Arta Schraft follows: - ---- - -- ---- - - - - ----- - - -- - - -- - - - ---- Case Number: ATL-E-eS-e2 Name: Geri Perkins & Arta Schraft Address: 144 Yuba Vista & 36 Main Ci ty: Atlanta State: Idaho Zip: S36e1 Daytime Telephone: (2eS) 864-2213 Contact E-Mail: leonardo1937 hotmail. com Name of Utility Company: Atlanta Power Co. Add to Mailing List: yes Please describe your comment briefly: Please be advised~ we(as ATL co. customers) strongly object to (A)the proposed emergency surcharge & (B) the proposed base rate increase for monthly utilization of power! As customers~ we have never been included in the management~ methology ~ & maintenance plans of ATL co. Now the customer is being expected to bear the full cost of a worn out hydro turbine & what should have been foreseeable issues & problems the company should have handled in the past 2e +- years. Prime example- Having an on hand portable diesel generator to cover the PUC's 24 Hour back on line rule i s violations. Final - The cost of which shouldn i t be in this seven year plan. The form submited on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc.html IP address is 67.72. 9S. 96 -- - - -- - --- --- ----- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- 1