HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080520Comments.pdf~ ,11;A;,~,If: 4v.ý~~'~ H May 14,2008 tîAYI3 AM 8: i 9 To: The Idaho Public Utilities Commssion From: Allen Lake Re: Petition regardig Case A TL-E-08-02 Members of the Commission: I am attchig the original petition which I have. circulated among the residents of Atlanta regarding the recent request by Atlanta Power Company for a substatial raise in revenues. Pleae include ths petition in the case file. As the petition sttes, we object to the Atlanta Power Company's request and we ask the Commssion to help protect our interests as consumers. Pleae keep us informed of any fuer actions taen in regards to ths case. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at my home in Atlanta. My phone number is 208-864-2151. My e-mail addressisallenrlakeCfci.net. v "C'~-~~'''.'''-" ¡ , .--, May, 2008 A Petition iq To: The Idabo Public Utilities Commission "'ION From: The Residents of Atlanta Idao RE: Atlanta Power Company' s Application to Increase Revenues ArL- é -CJ8 -oZ -d We, the undersigned as residents of Atlanta Idao, wish to inorm the Idao Public Utilities Commission of our serious opposition to Atlanta Power Company's curnt application with the Commssion seekig a huge and unasonable increase in "basic electrc revenues," including both a rate increase and an emergency surhare. We request that the Commssion, on behalf of the residents of Atlanta, also oppose such a prohibitive increase in our electrca rates. We appeal to the Commssion to provide an opportty for additional public input, to occur in the communty of Atlanta to hear the specific concern and objections of its residents. . .. ¡'ripe -e ~ /1/ / 1' ~ ~ f Jr../¿¡.f~ /ì~ ~5t~.t'¡~~~ LL~/tt1 ø:/rdStt;:i ==:==z~_s=~=(== ~J:=: q%1( ~¡V ~ Æ W. 0. ¿iV' ..y,/ .~&i!d'~J4' ygltlap/a ¡(d. ¿V~ z: B36tJ/i - . (/ , Prite Name Address AØu~L øe.A:~rr)r. At~ f2 e 1/) J r:~ ~7.a- /iy/d¿/( (!/?- /( .- ) elj"t- i,~ 7¿¡2~ k FAL IY¡ ~3b'1I~. ~I ti. s, hi ri 'T t A"iL 7.5'- 6-,; (~'C cù,,/t. ..T':l ~ .~'; " . Page 2 Petition to the Idao PUC Re: Atlanta Power CO. A.fL - E - 08 - 19 May, 2008 SiQN ~ '(g' ~/ Sv . ~ ',.j /)/.' ///j/?d~Jt:#~7/ (J~:7t:;~ ¿7~~ ;::::d::;;~~..~.'.~~' ' . IlJ~ ~ ~ (Jer4kJ¡w erll'''fll¡ Yu.be. i/"Sl¿;) Alúl1'k ;i¿., 'i~ i ;i.~.M 7J ;fJZ7Ã:t~ V\ .. vr"f Nt /1d ~ ¡" H HAi t1 ~~ 1~A1 'PuJ40 Ú17l-fl6 gfrJS9J RECEl'ElJp. (). flt. 'J87:H lZ l'~ 3' ! I~t' 1£ /lJ/H (J . d \0¿.t / . oj/.; .. 0l)77 UltUi kk¿ (fl'rnSSlIJ/'£l./ étUo UJ / Ai /N ¡J /) /llP t3t tk 1 (, .Æ" Nui e- ~ f! 1õPiél t? ¡J urI- ;J i Af flU f' iS 115 71H -r/)l)W- i AJ ~ ~J-è;~ léé ¡itl , IN MLj tJPlAiU¡J íi¥ ?¡U/Ps6'7 ItJUéÆ:g5 /l 1)I¡úk$oNMJ-. A1kNt' /RWa- ~lJøJts /lßUt~1 fkj Iht;¡. ~s At,& Sa ¡M /IJ~IPt. Wt:,e4L.boJ M.()~. ßüiMM, ~ AU fllAev~ (11l )/¡)¿ fldtt Pll~ -t ffrUJ~ AN) J'fr /,/11£ iÆ/ --~e; /+ó tur 7'flA-r /11h l;é iWI.l u I f/-é KrnfJ 1IrÆ r:¡¿ ArJ- flJl/a.s ÁIJ 1ltllrl. lJlJ-íJI1, f7 IJWlJe'¿ AI¡rØJ5ft JJkt£ $0/1 -£/J1j HL /Is &d~~ I fa. ()¡J/I 0/ 1AIU #A¿ 11 rn~ $0 17£ )£HrtÆ.. ~)) ;¡ i).l. r ¡r£¡Jr. A- .i ?J () tJ/J £l- fl ¿J ¡- ¡n,l¿¿ .e~.I tt ¡J I ¡J fh f é3 fN 1J (! lY;v ft"i hJ l; ¡ ¿¿ ¡lt J- A lJ c ~ f/ ¡J vi! /,J /-U t1 hVIJ fjfj.lA. irr ftJ5117/J 1' JvJJ' 1~ IJUrn¡n wl-lW f1y ~1 £li~F. .~)1/. ~dJ / d! é. #1'10£/ i3bdi~l fj J '- g b r. ~;Jl ;-5 i~i,i . 'A~ (I~"a jY v1 ¡ttl ,/ ~"..l il ¥ A-tL-E- -òg-o"" 5/8/08 Idao Public Utiities Commssion .~.~'l \ b PM i: 23n,tl Dear Sir or Madam: .n~ ~ ¡o,/,.o:;H'f"J";;.; U1'\UtìES A couple of days ago I received a letter, with my electrcal bil, inormg me of a proposed rate increase in Atlanta. I own propert in Atlanta and plan to live there now tht I am retied. I am concerned about the increases. 1. We have one of the highest electrcal rates in the countr and now it is being proposed to go even higher! I hope consideration is being given to the people tht live in the area. 2, I am curous why there is a base rate? Why shouldn't customers be charged for what they use? A higher rate might mae more sense thén. When you add the base rate to the KWh used it seems to be a high rate for the use of electrcity. Also, the elimation of the 500 KWh free allowance plus the increas in the base rate sound like quite a tate hie. 3, 1 am a bit confused about why it is being proposed for citizens to pay for the improvements to a business ru for profit. Isn't ths where the governent should come in and provide assistace to the business owner: so he can~ maita an essential servce? Would a no interest loan by the state be more appropriate? In ths maer the company would be makng capita improvements and at the.sametime be providig a better quaity of servces to the people of the communty. Ths is good for the businessman because it can help guarantee the longevity of his business and for the people because they will feel secure in the knowledge their electrcity is stable. Also the stte would get its moneyback. . I know ~ese decisions are not always easy. If you would answer these questions and add any other information you thnk would help me better understad the decision mag, I would appreciate that very much. Than You,?Z ~... James Hurley , I.. Cc: Atlanta Power ~~ JAMES R HURleY- 183 21ST AVE.FORT GRVE OR 8716 :.~;:, /~~i-olói~ Jean Jewell 110 ¡tV.,/f- ~~ i~ From: Sent: To: Subject: steve~idsba.org Wednesday, May 14, 20082:20 AM Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Steven J. Meade follows: -- - - --- --- - -- ----- - - - - - - -- - - --- - - - -- Case Number: ALT-E-08-02 Narne: Steven J. Meade Address: P .0. Box 9797 City: Boise State: Idaho Zip: 83707 -4797 ., Daytime Telephone: 208-854-1476Contact E-Mail: steve~idsba.org ~ Name of Utility Company: Atlanta Power Company Add to Mailing List: ~ Please describe your comment briefly: My family has had a residence in Atlanta since 1976. From 1976 until October 2006 whenever we needed power we started up our generator. In 2006 ~ we went to the trouble and expense of hooking up to Atlanta Power. Now less than 2 years later we are faced with the largest utility increase any of us has ever experienced. Our problem with Atlanta Powers request is that it seems to be shifting all the equipment cost on to the end users in order for it to recoup its entire capital outlay. It is a maxim in law that in order to seek equity one must first do equity. In its application Atlanta Power comes to you with unclean hands. While the application boosts that the Atlanta Power Company has not had a rate increase since 1993 ~ it sad to think that Atlanta Power took a chance that its equipment would last in perpetuity and did not take the initiative to request slight rate increases during this 15 year period of time in order to save something for a rainy day. Obviously this is huge gamble that did not payoff and we are now being asked to pay because Atlanta Power had no plan for its future. As a business person in charge of a running a non-profit corporation~ we routinely buy equipment ~ depreciate it overtime and then sell the item. This is recognized business practice. I suspect that Atlanta Power will adopt this same practice and claim depreciation on it capital outlay in order to offset its tax liability/revenues. I further suspect that this loss may possibly counter a profit in another business owned and controlled by the owners of Atlanta Power. In other words ~ the loss they are claiming on Atlanta Power may actually benefit its owners. I would request that the PUC investigate this issue to determine if this is the case. If the PUC finds that it is so ~ I would ask that the PUC take that information into consideration when considering Atlanta Power~ s proposal. I would also ask the commission to consider what the resale value of the operation will be if Atlanta Power properly maintains its investment. What I am getting at is I don~t mind paying for some of the cost~ but I do mind paying for all of it and watching Atlanta Power walk away with all the profit when they later sell the plant to someone else. Another i tern I wish to address is within Atlanta Power~ s request I find no provision with regard to what will happen after Atlanta Power has recouped i ts capital outlay. Will the power rates decrease just as significantly as they increased? Is there a plan in place to prevent this from happening again~ or will the PUC allow them to operate with no business plan for the future? Could Atlanta Power recoup its cost over a longer period of time 1 thereby decreasing it initial request? I don't know the answers to these questions however, I hope this commission will look into these matters on behalf of the public. Thank you for taking the time to read my comments and concerns. Please let me know if I can answer any questions. The form submi ted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov /forms/ipucl/ipuc. html IP address is ---- --- ----- - - - ----- - --- - --- - - - - - -- 2 ¡;Jio I at Jean Jewell ,/ ¡4 v,vf,~'or iA, Sent: To: Subject: Thursday, May 15, 2008 10:21 AM Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from scott lyngstad follows: - - - ---- - --- - - - - -- --- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- Case Number: AíL.-/i-(t'-Oz, Name: scott lyngstad Address: 239 tollgate rd City: boise State: idaho Zip: 83716 Daytime Telephone: 208 383 4852 Contact E-Mail : Name of Utility Company: Atlanta power CO Add to Mailing List:~ Please describe your comment briefly: I have a house in Atlanta I pay the basic rate of 35 dollars per month then 21 cents a kilowatt now Atlanta power wants 83 dollars a month and I still dont get any power unless I pay more 10 cents a kilowatt there basic rate is a little extreme and I still havent used any power! ! ! thank you Scott L The form submi ted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov Iforms/ipuc1/ipuc. html IP address is - - ----- ---- -- - ----- - - - - - -- - - -- - - -- -- 1