HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081126order_no_30689.pdfOffice of the Secretary Service Date November 26, 2008 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ATLANTA POWER COMPANY FOR AN ORDER AUTHORIZING INCREASES IN THE COMPANY'S RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE IN THE STATE OF IDAHO ORDER NO. 30689 CASE NO. A TL-08- On May 1 , 2008, Atlanta Power Company (Atlanta Power; Company) filed an Application with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (Commission) requesting a general rate increase in the Company s basic tariff rates for electric service together with a request for an emergency surcharge.Atlanta Power operates pursuant to Certificate of Convenience and Necessity No. 236. Atlanta Power is located in Elmore County and provides electric service to approximately 75 residential and commercial customers in Atlanta. On May 29, 2008 , the Commission issued an Order suspending the Company proposed general rate increase and surcharge for a period of thirty (30) days plus five (5) months from the proposed effective date of June 1 , 2008, or until such earlier time as the Commission entered its Order accepting, rejecting or modifying the Company s Application. After the reviewing the record in Case No. ATL-08-, the Commission makes the following findings of fact and conclusions of law and enters its Order as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT Pursuant to Order No. 30561 , the Commission has suspended the decision deadline and effective date in Case No. ATL-08-02 until December 1 , 2008. The Commission finds that the record is complete in Case No. ATL-08-02. The Commission finds, however, that it will be unable to fully consider the Company s Application and enter its Order before the December 1 , 2008 end of suspension period because of the time required for review and consideration of the record and further deliberation and because of calendaring and other demands on the Commission s time. The Commission is informed that Israel Ray, the owner of Atlanta Power, has been contacted by Staff Attorney regarding an extension of time to mid-December for issuance of Commission Order and has no objection. ORDER NO. 30689 CONCLUSIONS OF LAW The Idaho Public Utilities Commission has jurisdiction over Atlanta Power Company and its Application in Case No. ATL-08-02 pursuant to Idaho Code, Title 61 , and the Commission s Rules of Procedure, IDAPA et seq. The Commission has authority under Idaho Code 9 61-622 upon a finding of good cause to extend the period of suspension in Case No. A TL-08-02 for an additional sixty (60) days from December 1 , 2008. ORDER In consideration of the foregoing and as more particularly described above, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the proposed schedules of rates and charges for electric service and proposed permanent surcharge in Case No. ATL-08-02 should be and hereby are suspended from December 1 , 2008 until December 19, 2008, or until such earlier time as the Commission enters an Order accepting, rejecting or modifying the Application in this matter. DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise, Idaho this .2.~ +" day of November 2008. MACK A. REDFORD, P MARSHA H. SMITH, COMMISSIONER ATTEST: fM:C . ission Secretary bls/O:A TL-08-02 sw4 ORDER NO. 30689