HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080808Amendment to Application.pdfAug' 01 08 ,?1 :28p Robert Smith (208) 322-2944 p,3 ATLANTA POWER COMPANY INC. 1 i 140 CHICKEN DINER ROAD CALDWELL, IDAHO 83406 8: 34 Aug i, 2008 Ida Public Utiities Commssion P.O. Box 82720 Boise, Idao 83720-0074 ATL-E-08-02 ATTENTION COMMSSION SECRETARY AND HEAD LEGAL SECRETARY Enclosed is an origina and seen (7) copies of an amendment to the Company's application in th cae updating the Company's revenue reuirent and substituting a revised proosal for the Company's taff rates S~i Isral Ray President AU,g U1 08 01 :28p Robert Smith (208) 322-2944 pA Israel Ray Atlanta Power Company, Inc. 11140 Chicken Dinner Rd. Caldwell, 1083406 TeL. (208) 459-7007 Fax (208) 459-7014 Representative for Atlanta Power Company, Inc. 34 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF )ATLANTA POWER COMPANY ) FOR AN ORDER AUTHORIING INCREASES IN) THE COMPANY'S RATES AND CHARGES FOR) WATER SERVICE IN THE STATE OF IDAHO ) CASE NO. ATL-E-o-2 AMENDMENT TO APPLICATION COMES NOW Atlanta Powr Company Inc., ("Atlanta Power', "Applicant" or JJCompanyj and hereby amends its application to the Idaho Public Utilties Commision (Commission) in this case. Applicant is revising its propose rae schedules in response to comments customers of the Company have expressed both verbally and in writing to the Company and to th Idaho Public Utilties Commission. Applicant is arso revfsing its revenue requirement reuest to recognize estimated additonal cost the Company will realize to complete the processing of this case. Attached to this amendment is a one page Exhibit No. 12 that presents the estimated additional rate case expenses the Company expects to realize together with the proposed changes to its ra schedules. Lines 1 through 8 of this exhibit show the increase in revenue requirement resuJtlng from updated estimates of the Company's rate case expenses. The original revenue requirement from Exhibit Number 4 is shown on fine 1 of this exhibit. line 2 show the current estimated rae case expenses the Company expects to incur to complete this case. Line 3 shows the Company's original rate case expense estimate that has already been exceed. Une 4 is th additional expense of $7,500.00 the Company expects to realize beore this case is completed. This $7,500.00 amortized over 3 years produces an annual cost of $2,500.00 as shown on line 5. Grossing up this annual cost for revenue sensitive expnses resufts in an additional revenue requirement of $3,196.24 as shown on line 7 and a total revenue requirement of $113,045.24 as shown on line B or a 55%.increase over current rates. Amenent to Application ATL-E-08-02 1 Au!! 01 08 01 :28p , . Robert Smith (208) 322-2944 p,5 Lines 9 through 17 compare the Company's current rates shown in Column (A) with an across the bord increase of 55% to all existing rates (Column B) and the Company's rates proposed in this amendment in Column (C). Applicant has used the same approach the Commission accepted in this case regarding the Commission approved surchrge. That approach accpted the Commission Staffs (Staff recmmendation to use average customer use in the year 2006 applied to the number of customers conneced to the electrc system in 2007. Lines 18 through 21 ofthis exhibit present the calculated revenue the Company would colfect under its current rae structure using the above mentione approach to the calculations. Unes 22 through 25 show the revenue that would be generated by the rates propose above on lines 9 through 17 in Column (C). As can be seen on line 25 Column (E), the proposed rates wUl produce the revenue requirement calculated on lines 1 through 8 of this exhibit. Respectfully submittd, I~~Presiden / Amendment to Application A TL-E-08-02 2 Au,g 01 08 01 :28p Robert Smith (208) 322-2944 p.6 ATLANTA POWER COMPANY AMMENDED REVENUE REQUIREMENT AND RATES Revenue Requirement 1 Ex #I 4 Rev Requirement $109,849.002Updatd Rate Case Expns Estimate $13,500.00 3 Ong Estmate 6,000.004Additial Exns $7,500,00 5 3 Yr Amortization 2,500.00 6 Gross-up faor 1.278496 7 Additonal Revenue Requirement 3,196.24 Increse8New Rev Requireent $113.04.24 55% Ra Deign (A)(8)(C)(0)Rates by Schule Acrss Board Compny Proposed Current Incase Propose Increse % 9 S1 Pennnent Res Base Rate 81.00 125.55 112.00 38%10 Permanen Res Kwh Chg 0.05 0,08 0.06 60%11 KwhAtlow 500 5001263 Seasonal Res Base Rate 35.00 54.25 45.00 29%13 Sesonal Res KWh Chg 0.21 0.33 0.50 138%14 KwhAlfow 0.00 0,0015S2 Perm Comm Sa Rate 144.00 223.20 200.00 39%16 Perm Comm Kwh Chg 0,18 0.28 0,32 78%17 KwhAllcw 500 500 REVENUE AT CURRENT RATES (A)(B)(C)(0)(E)Rate Customer Bills 2006 Exces Adjusted TotlSchedule2007Adjed KWh KWh Rev Ba Rate Adjusted Subj to KWh Adjused Revnue Revenue Charges18S1 Peranent Residential 250 9,750 $488 S 20,250 $20,7381982 Permanent Commercial 59 83,485 $15,027 $8,496 $23,52320S3 Seasonal Resdental 590 38.765 $8,141 $20,ESO $28,79121Totls899132,000 $23.655 $49,396 $73,051 REVNUE AT PROPOSED RATES CA)(B)(C)(D)(E)Rate Cust Bills 2006 Exces Adjusted TotalSctedule2007Adjusted KWh KWh Rev Bas Rate AdjustedSubj to KW Adjuste Revenue Revenue Charges2251 Pennanent Residential 250 9,750 $780 $28,000 $28,7802352 Pemianent Commercial 59 83,485 $2E.715 $11,800 $38,5152453 Sesoal Residential 590 38,765 $19,383 $26,550 $45,9332STotals899132,000 $46,678 $66,350 $113,228 Exhnbit No. 12 ATl-E-08-2 Aug 01 08 01 :29p. .Robert Smith (208) 322-2944 p.? , . CERTIFICATE OF SERVJCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THT I HAVE THIS 6 DAY OF AUGUST, 2008. SERVED THE FOREGOING AMENDMENT TO APPLICATION, IN CASE NO. ATL-E- 08-2, BY MAILING A COpy THEREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: scon WOODBURY IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720-0074 BOISE, IDAHO 83720 DEAN J. MILLER MCDEVITT & MILLER LLP PO BOX 2564 BOISE, IDAHO 83701