HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030709Comments.pdfIe !Lv ))p Art. -CJ5 - 6/ IJ /t nu:'?y ep-ev J eiJ LkJ "'meN 1lf~,l.) 61t1:J it AJ ()1A1 CiU Nt? J-9 ~ ~ 7 !JJ.,-H: /V'~ dr IAlII6Tn,,~AI tfr An..kJpr fJotJ~ ~ ;nI' ':I hi)) (Uu~~ _ c:: ......' "':'1 2 ~ -- - f=:t~ r-;-1, ."... (/'J' --I 0a - ::g u,;:' ef) .. r:JE;J .. ;J-NJ ftd,~ ~f-~I ~il4~ tvu ' w~ d?/;9n3 ak-- ~ ~ J:J:;- ~ ~ 6uc. 'l# 0~/UL b6 i4 ~~?f 'J1Af~tI -d-u ~M~ Art~ (j,nv~ ~1M" -dur~ , . ~~ ~+ A-hi/;~ . '. ~ CJrJt) MV -6t;~. /;If ~ ~~ t(;ti1Ct~ ' . --br1v .. t4J-ilt:. n, ItfWUJ i- d- . f4, f'r vtVf"" I"" - U t:E-1 wy 1Jt& UYf'- t? au -1J i.-~ f4MT Vtv ~fpu J/fJ-u Yrt: W ;$iA.L ~ , ~71 L~lJ7f ft &L d4-I ?tJa-l /IA-J --t:t.u tdifd: PI!'" ~~ /' ~~ ~~~ tfp4-Jl 'Ao. d5~~ ~;r ~~~J IDAHO PUBLIC UTILIT;I;E~SvEo COMMISSION !U:~D , 20il3 JUt - 7 PUBLIC WORKSHOP Gase No. ATL-03- June 28, 2003 Atlanta Id.Pi, 3: 45 , ,: , , t i;:'L! , W~Ait- cd ~mtJJI'THiN~~ If you cannot or do not want to testify in person at this hearing but want your opinion noted please use the space below to write your comments. Add extra sheets as needed. You may either hand this sheet to a commission staff member or mail it to: IPUG, PO Box 83720, Boise, 1083720-0074. You may also post comments on our WebSite. www.puc.state.id. click on "comments & questions. l-un/~ \00 ~7 fA "LJ Y I) ff) I F' j7t1A /10 .klin If - .P /)-? ;6 (7 CJ7np iIJ (i-zvL..! fJ. tY7n ' :?? U/n ~' i1a~) ~~(l ~!:~~:::? (2f i1-f '/J.id. ~cJ ~~ d t:t/-to 4LL 78; i( ILl) Q! 0~ /L~u~ t o i- /0 ~ !JJ.d i .1//h1. e.) (J 1?777 /7'7~M cY:C4..l i Ii ;t ); /J Ak'/ /i" 'Jta led ~~L ~::;;::::::;:~~/:~~~ ~?Ceadc/:)(JZJ~ ~ " tUn If ~r4 2 ~uJ.vJ ;n /'UJ M1"1 Print Name "ri d cU G I Sign Nam.r k21 ~.) , 6;;-i Address0~ W. /7)l-tuA~Phone Number f?h 1- /3'1 y!lbn-ia) Lid $0'01 /' o-v-e- (!~~;z ~(,d t~ Otvmo (lLL()~ lJtbJV J t /\ ' 6-vcl!d 4-LCJu ~~u -to i aYJU -i~ II i h q. 1- Jf! at4V Lh7 c;/ ,ff/7 r:J (l un~~~a4 tf ;$7iLcU LkJd/UI/( ,Ae.- .,l2!& ~ - fLu rtJ~4L /J//t 6L, jtfl/0 ~t'tuJ/ ACCj/l'dU TIUV?7j/lcrUj(O~kU y- p ahe~1/? (2u oua &. . ~ "~ ( L?'" hA'..a ~~ -(. 0J/(y Vi.vu. Mh A--/ io-t. '1 ~ ~~(' (J~ ~ t()~:;U !J fi-Jc77 /i ~ ~LUt-- ~~ ic1JU-L/ p;:;l7 0 -I hu7L::f -iCJ aJ t2 1J.v fA. . W ~~ do-7;a/ 61 &CJ t-Lu Jfj&1~:V ~) &V i':od -( ~;: )Jh1~ /; aiU f2L/U2u7J (' jJ ILcJ LJ u~ tV t FA. )t cy \-j) ~~K4 Qf:n~ ;(/0 ;4+/- ~ -6,3-0 I I attended the meeting called the by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission staff at the Atlanta Elementary School on Saturday, June 28 2003. I have the following concerns: 1. The failure of Atlanta Power to file annual reports and maintain adequate financial records in defiance of the Commission Orders of 1993 and 1996. The staff attorney, indicated that Atlanta Power was given wiggle room" because it was a small business. On this point, State Senator, Fred Kennedy cautioned the staff attorney suggesting that the staff attorney did not have the right to make such a statement. I was under the impression, as was Senator, that the "law was the law' and that it applied to small as well as large power companies. Indeed, failure of the commission to enforce its own orders concerning the inadequate financial records of Atlanta Power comes close to dereliction of duty. 2. The customers of Atlanta Power pay the highest rates in the nation for what can at best be described as irregular service. According to the staff attorney, rates are based on financial record supplied by Atlanta Power. These financial records are inadequate at best and have been the subject of two previous orders from the commission. Why has the commission not enforced its own orders? How can you expect the people of Atlanta to have confidence in the rate structure when the commission itself admits that the financial records supplied by Atlanta Power are faulty. Certainly, the people of Idaho deserve better service, if not from Atlanta Power, then from the Idaho Public Utility Commission. 3. Many of the problems associated with the continuing power failure in Atlanta (e.g. two in fair weather in June, one of which lasted for two days) appear to be due to the failure 0 f Atlanta Power to perform preventive maintenance on the power plant. It is difficult to say with any certainty, because maintenance recOrds are not available. There is also no program for the maintenance of the infrastructure that supports the power delivery system. The power poles and lines are in obvious disrepair. The whole delivery system seems 'jury rigged' with any convenient tree serving as a power pole. A preventive maintenance program is part of the cost of doing business. Indeed, the frequent power failures may be an indication that-the whole syst~mis about to collapse due to lack of proper maintenance. Why is it that Atlanta Power does not follow even the most common business practices associated with running a power company? I do not need to remind the Commission that electric power is not a convenience but a matter of public health and safety. The fact that Atlanta is a rural community is not an excuse of poor maintenance and poor record keeping. The power plant and delivery system is here, all that the customers of Atlanta Power are asking is that the system be properly maintained and operated within established business practices. 4. There was a lengthy discussion of the time that it takes Atlanta Power to restore power after a power failure. Atlanta Power contends that a standard for restoring power after the system goes down is impossible because of the rural nature of Atlanta. However, the failure on the part of Atlanta Power to maintain an 'incident log' of actions taken to restore power after the system goes down makes it impossible to determine whether actions taken by Atlanta Power to restore power serve the public good or the economic interest and convenience of Atlanta Power. 5. Whether right or wrong, the citizens of Atlanta are left with the impression that the response of Atlanta Power to power failures is a matter of convenience to the company rather than a concern for the health and safety of its customers. --: /"0C'..:o Arnie Aastum 86 Pirie Stre~t, Atlanta, ill' 208864-2121' " 0 ' 7-c- "g).3 " ,~:::: , , 1 cj 1'. ; " " 'J. ,.- -.I ..,::::: rT1;, 6710 Randolph Drive ' Boise, IJj 208 375-4477 " , s:; ( (n";: (J, fT1 -if. \.D c: Senator Fred Kennedy